Department of Labor: 20040422 Youthrules

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When And Where Is Your Teen Allowed To Work?

(NAPS)—Every year, millions

of teens work in part-time or sum-
mer jobs. Early work experiences
can be rewarding for young work-
ers, providing great opportunities
to learn important skills. How-
ever, the jobs that teens are hired
to do should not jeopardize their
health or well-being.
Under the leadership of Secre-
tary Elaine L. Chao, the U.S.
Department of Labor launched the
YouthRules! initiative. This initia-
tive promotes positive and safe
work experiences for young work-
ers by educating parents, teens,
employers, and educators about the
types of jobs teens can hold and the
number of hours they can work. YouthRules!—an initiative cre-
14- and 15-Year-Olds Can ated by the Department of
Work: Labor—is designed to promote
• Outside school hours
positive and safe work experi-
• After 7 a.m. and until 7 p.m.
(hours are extended to 9 p.m. ences for teens. Learn more at
June 1 through Labor Day) or call
• Up to 3 hours on a school day 1-866-4USWAGE.
• Up to 18 hours in a school meat packing or processing, using
week power-driven bakery machines or
• Up to 8 hours on a non- paper-product machines, roofing,
school day and excavation operations. Most
• Up to 40 hours in a non- driving is also prohibited.
school week • Once a youth reaches 18
Jobs Teens Can Perform years of age, he or she is no longer
• Teens 13 or younger can subject to the Federal youth
baby-sit, deliver newspapers, or employment laws.
work as an actor or performer. Different rules apply to youth
•14- and 15-year-olds may employed in agriculture. States
work in a variety of jobs including may also have different laws.
those located in offices, grocery For more information about this
stores, retail stores, restaurants, initiative, including what jobs
movie theaters, amusement are considered hazardous, visit
parks, baseball parks or gasoline or call the
service stations. However, they Department’s toll-free number at
are prohibited from working in 1-866-4USWAGE.
jobs declared hazardous by the Through the YouthRules! initia-
Secretary of Labor. tive, the U.S. Department of Labor
• 16- and 17-year-olds can work wants to ensure that all teens have
in any job that hasn’t been declared positive work experiences that help
hazardous. There are 17 hazardous prepare them for the demands of
jobs young workers under the age the workforce. After all, today’s
of 18 are prohibited from doing. youth will be the workforce of
Some of these jobs include mining, tomorrow.

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