Report Card Coments Helpful Hints

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Teachers with Mentors

Report Card Comments (& helpful hints)

Helpful Hints for Parent-Teacher Conferences

sit next to the parents, not across from them start with a positive comment provide a suggestion for reinforcement or further work at home short, sweet and simple is the way to go (avoid educational jargon) LISTEN to the parents and their concerns end on time (commit to another conference or phone conference to avoid going over the allotted time)

Lonnies enthusiasm and interest are assets to our clas s. She tries very hard to do her best. Ruth is a happy student. Reading is an area of difficulty for her, but she puts forth much effort. Continual reinforcement at home is helpful to her. Ricardo has a mature attitude towards all aspects of school. He shows keen interest and participates well in all school experiences. He has a strong desire to succeed and works hard at it. Her pleasant personality and cooperative attitude are an asset to our class. Your help and encouragement at home keeps him motivated. Joe is a cooperative and capable student. He is achieving well in all areas. Mark is a strong student achieving in all areas. He is steadily improving and can be very proud of his work. Matt has very high standards. He is always precise and thorough, but with the additional good qualities of initiative and imagination. The help you give at home is very evident in his work at school. Kathy is a very capable student who grasps new ideas with ease. Heidi is a very enthusiastic student. Gets along well with the class Allison shows satisfactory progress in all her work. Karens report card shows her outstanding work and effort. She contributes a great deal to our class. Sues delightful personality is an asset to our class. She tries hard to do her best. Joe tries very hard in school. I appreciate the extra help and support he receives from home. Enthusiastic about work in general Performs well in everything he undertakes Doing strong work in all areas Has good organization of thoughts Makes friends quickly and is well-liked Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities Takes an active part in discussions Grasps new ideas readily Accepts responsibility well Shows pride in his work Attitude toward school is excellent Has a sense of humor Expresses himself well through art/with words Is hardworking Dean is an outstanding citizen in our classroom. He is well liked, cooperative and reliable. All in all he is a conscientious student.

Work Habits
Tom is capable of much better work. Grades are low because many assignments are missing or done carelessly. His effort this quarter has been sporadic. Barbara is much more capable than her work indicates. When she puts forth genuine effort, she does a great job. I hope that her attitude towards school will become more positive. Lengthy absences have affected Jims achievement level and subsequently, his grades. Shirley needs to work more carefully to avoid careless mistakes. Sheri is a careful, methodical worker a majority of the time. Liz has been conscientious about getting her work done and turned in on time. Steve is a very astute young man. He grasps ideas quickly and is a clever writer. He needs to take more time and care, however, in completing his assignments. Joe works well when he gets special attention and extra help. He is easily frustrated and often gives up quickly. She works slowly but persistently to finish assignments. Joe needs to be a little less social during class time, which will help him complete his assignments on time. Kellie has a strong desire to succeed and works hard. I would like to see her slow down and work a little more neatly. Inclined to hurry too much Must use time to an advantage Struggles to complete assignments in allotted time Potential is much greater than she is exhibiting Keith is an enjoyable student. Added effort and attention on his part could raise his writing and math grades and strengthen his other academic subjects. Needs to work to respect viewpoints of others Danny is a capable student, but he spends too much time day dreaming. He needs to become a more persistent worker. She has a slight tendency to hurry through her work. In these instances her papers are not as neat or carefully done as they could be. Sandra is an alert child. She is interested in everything around her. She needs to concentrate on her own assignments to become a more consistent and persistent worker. Ryan is progressing well in all areas. He could improve by slowing down and taking more care in his work. Marie is very conscientious about her work and often needs reassurance that what she is doing is acceptable. Must improve work habits if he is to gain the fundamentals th needed for 5 grade work Needs to develop a better sense of responsibility Has shown improvement in his academic work but more self-control would still be beneficial Rarely completes assignments on time Shows difficulty in distinguishing between imaginary and factual material (lies) Needs to develop a respectful attitude towards others (rude) Needs ample supervision in order to work well (lazy) Needs guidance in learning to express himself respectfully (insolent) Needs to develop quieter habits of communication (noisy) Shows lack of maturity in relationships with others (babyish) Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work Is doing work hastily rather than carefully Fails to finish independent assignments Lack of interest in work Not working to full capability Linda is doing well but is capable of doing better. When she uses her time a little more wisely, I am sure there will be a great improvement. With more attention to her work and less socializing with her neighbor, Angela will be able to improve her school work. Kim still allows her attention to wander when she should be concentrating on her work. Her difficulties in her relationships with classmates continue to affect her work habits. Samantha seems to have difficulty settling down to the school situation. She tends to be quite impatient and gets upset easily. However, with her enthusiasm and sincerity, Im sure she will develop greater stability. I appreciate the patience and support on your end.

Work Habits (cont)

Susies capability in academic areas is hampered by her consistent failure to do her assignments carefully and to the best of her ability. She must realize that being the first one finished is not as important as doing it correctly. Jane finds it difficult to pay good attention. She will make better use of her abilities when she can learn to listen when explanations are given. She needs to do less socializing and apply herself to her assignments. Jill has fine mental ability and does her work quickly and accurately. However, she needs to be more considerate of other people, including teachers. She has a tendency to want to manage other people too much. Emily still daydreams, and because her attention is elsewhere, she depends upon others to help her with what she should be doing. She needs to focus on the task at hand, taking responsibility for herself and not relying on others. Catherine is a cooperative and alert 1 grader who completes her work quickly, neatly and accurately. She needs to find desirable ways to occupy her extra time however. Walt takes a keen interest in all his work and has shown growth in all areas. He is a conscientious and dependable child.

Nick has been progressing nicely. His greatest problem has been his inability to listen attentively and keep his mind on what is happening. He is inclined to daydream, which makes it necessary for directions to be repeated. Alex does grade level work. He is capable of doing better if he would concentrate more on his studies. He tends to be too interested in what his neighbors are doing. Judy has learned to speak out loud only when it is her turn. She still tends to talk to her neighbors and is consequently inattentive. She needs to learn to concentrate on the right things at the right time. The reading of easy library books at home will help her achieve fluency in oral reading. Sharon works hard on her assignments and is anxious to please. She needs to be reminded frequently of our class rules because she tends to be talkative and bothers those around her. Linda has been doing good work generally, although she is not consistent. She is a happy person, but very talkative and restless in class. Her work would improve if she keeps her mind on the job at hand. Shell continue to need guidance along these lines. Joe is not working up to his capabilities. He can improve in all areas. His behavior hampers his learning.

Playground Behavior
Garys class work is frequently affected by difficulties that start on the playground. He must remember to play in his own area, and a little less roughly. Joseph is a serious student and does satisfactory work in rd 3 grade. It would help him to show more self-control while on the playground, keeping body parts to himself. Leslie has shown progress academically, but is still having difficulty conforming to school and room rules. Please continue to talk with her at home regarding these areas. Resorts to physical means of winning his point or attracting attention (too free with fists) Needs help in learning to adhere to rules and standards of fair play (cheats) Has qualities of leadership but needs help in learning to use them democratically (is a bully) Is aggressive on the playground Needs to improve in self-control so she will find greater social acceptance

Kathy is showing nice improvement in all her work. She is beginning to contribute to the discussions in class and is gaining self-confidence. Liz is inclined to be timid and shy. Practice in reading at home will give her more confidence. Debbie is overanxious and worries excessively about her work being perfect. She does well with a great deal of praise and attention. Jose needs more confidence in himself in order to put forth his best work. He is inclined to be dependent upon others for help or directions. Needs to take a more active part in class discussions Is easily discouraged Is timid about asking for help Doesnt volunteer often but is willing to take part in all class work when requested Responds best to praise

Poor Attendance and Tardiness

Frequent absences are reflected in the quality of Joes work. It is difficult to make an accurate evaluation of Kerrys grades at this point due to her frequent absences. Eds frequent tardiness disturbs his classmates as well as negatively affects his own work. Needs guidance in developing habits of punctuality and attendance.

Needs Extra Help

All the practice and encouragement she can get at home will help in her class endeavors. Appears to have difficulty with motor control and muscular coordination Accomplishes tasks when interest is frequently stimulated.

Average Child
Melissa has done a fine job continuing to make academic progress. She is having difficulty understanding division and would benefit from regular practice. Continued extra reading of library books and drills on number facts will be of benefit to John. Terry is a sweet girl who assumes responsibility well. Karen is showing good growth in the basic skills. She takes pride in doing her work neatly and correctly. With time spent daily on math facts, her speed will improve.

New Child
It is difficult to make an accurate evaluation of Terras work since she has not been with us too long. She is quickly becoming familiar with our school and classroom and seems to be making the adjustment well.

Showing Progress
Michael is really trying hard and has consequently shown good progress this quarter. All the extra reinforcement he receives is helpful and makes him feel more secure. Robin is using more self-control in the classroom and on the playground. Her work is improving, although she remains below grade level at the present. Daily practice with computing number facts would strengthen these skills. Bobs work is improving. He would benefit from dail y reading practice to strengthen his reading skills. Joey is a very conscientious student. He always tries to do well and his work is improving daily. Kim is progressing very well. She takes a great deal of interest in all her work. Work habits are improving Has been consistently progressing Seems eager to improve Volunteers often Needs to apply skills to all written work Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated. Bill is showing improvement with the extra help at school, but is still working below grade level. With more effort on his part, I feel his work would improve even more. Peter is a helpful member of our class. He is making steady progress academically. Although 1 grade is difficult for Marilyn, she is doing satisfactory work. The extra reinforcement provided at home is helpful. Is learning to be a better listener, which enables her to follow directions more promptly Is continuing to grow in independence Never reluctant about participating Is learning to share and listen Is becoming more dependable during work periods Is learning to occupy his time more wisely Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom Quality of work is improving Is maintaining grade-level achievements

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