Sample Report Card Comments

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Sample Report Card Comments - Mathematics, Term One

The following are sample report card comments for Mathematics produced by Program Services
(Mathematics portfolio) to assist teachers in reporting on student achievement using the Revised
Ministry Curriculum Document for Mathematics, Grades 1-8, effective Sept. 2005.

The following sample comments include:

• achievement chart qualifiers and descriptors (page 22 of the revised curriculum document)
Ministry qualifiers (limited, some, considerable, thorough/high degree of) should be used to
designate the corresponding level of achievement at least once in the body of the report;
• process expectations (found at the beginning of each grade level);
• overall expectations (based upon the strands recommended for Term 1 in the TVDSB
document “The Organizational Frameworks”);
• specific expectations to support the achievement of the overall expectations.

The Revised Math Curriculum document states: “ All curriculum expectations must be
accounted for in instruction, but evaluation focuses on students’ achievement of the overall
expectations. A student’s achievement of the overall expectations is evaluated on the basis of
his or her achievement of related specific expectations (including process expectations).” “
Teachers will use their professional judgement to determine which specific expectations
should be used to evaluate achievement of the overall expectations, and which ones will be
covered in instruction and assessment (e.g., through direct observation) but not necessarily
evaluated.” (Pg. 19)

Sample Process Comments:

_______ demonstrates (limited, some, considerable, thorough) understanding of concepts and skills
taught this term. (uses descriptors and qualifiers from Achievement Chart)

_______ conducts investigations and applies problem solving strategies with (limited, some,
considerable, a high degree of) effectiveness. (one Process expectation with qualifiers)

_______ selects and uses a variety of tools with (limited, some, considerable, thorough) understanding
and applies problem solving strategies with (limited, some, considerable, a high degree of)
effectiveness. (combining two Process expectations)

_______ communicates (his, her) thinking orally using some appropriate mathematical vocabulary but
is not yet able to communicate effectively in written form.(one Process expectation - part of
expectation is a strength, part is a weakness)

Sample Number Sense and Numeration Comments:

_______ reads, represents, compares, and orders numbers to ______ and money amounts to ____ with
(limited, some, considerable, thorough) understanding. (Overall expectation for Quantity
Relationships with “fractions” portion removed to be evaluated in Term 2)

_______ demonstrates (limited, some, considerable, thorough) understanding of magnitude by

counting forward and backwards by various numbers but needs additional practice starting from
various points. (Overall expectation for Counting, with a next step included)
_______ solves problems involving the addition and subtraction of one- and two-digit whole numbers
with (limited, some, considerable, a high degree of) accuracy. (Overall expectation for Operational
Sense, and Achievement Chart category of Knowledge and Understanding)

Sample Patterning and Algebra Comments:

_______ identifies, describes, extends and creates repeating patterns, growing patterns and shrinking
patterns with (limited, some, considerable, thorough) understanding. (Overall expectation for P&A
and qualifier)

_______ demonstrates (limited, some, considerable, thorough) understanding of equality using

concrete materials and a balance model (e.g., 7 cubes equals 3 cubes plus 4 cubes). (Overall
expectation with a Specific expectation to clarify the meaning)

Sample Data Management and Probability Comment:

_______ collects and organizes data and displays the data using graphic organizers with (limited,
some, considerable, a high degree of ) effectiveness and reads and describes the data with (limited,
some, considerable, thorough) understanding. (Combining two Overall expectations with
qualifiers/descriptors from the achievement chart)

Sample Strengths/Weaknesses/Next Steps Comments:

__________ completes classroom work in Mathematics (with 1:1 support, assistance). Continued use
of concrete materials, number lines and ten frames will help ____ to develop number concepts and to
work with greater independence.

__________completes classroom work in Mathematics both independently and accurately. _____ is

now encouraged to use greater detail when communicating strategies and solutions in problem solving

_________ completes classroom work in Mathematics independently but needs to improve efficiency
and accuracy. ________ is encouraged to use estimation strategies to check the reasonableness of (his,
her) answers.

Note: The above comments are meant to serve as examples only. Each
of the above comments could be easily adapted to Primary, Junior or
Intermediate grades. Teachers should be familiar with all Ministry
expectations as well as the expectations of their school administration
when preparing report card comments.

See the attached list for suggested report card comments for each grade level.

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