Industrial Training Report Guideline

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Industrial Training (InTra) Guidelines



Introduction This chapter will explain the guidelines in writing and formatting an Industrial

Training Report. This report is part of the assessment requirement and the following guidelines are set out to ensure the format and final form of the report will meet minimum requirements in order to complete the Industrial Training. Students !UST "#ll#$ t%ese guidelines $%en &re&aring t%e re&#rt'


Purpose All details stated in this document are intended to guide students in preparing a

high-qualit official report of their Industrial Training in a s stematic wa .


Industrial Training Report

6.!.1 "eneral "uidelines a# Report should $e t pe-written on a white paper and placed in proper order. $# Paper used must $e of A% si&e '21( x 2)*mm#+ and the minimum weight of the paper is ,( grams. c# -apital letters must $e used at the start of sentence and noun. d# After comas and full stops+ /01 $lan2 space must $e pro.ided prior to the next word.

Industrial Training (InTra) Guidelines

6.!.2 3inding The final report must $e sta&led()ind with $lac2 tape at the side and plastic co.ers. 6.!.! Page As per mentioned earlier in the face$oo2 intrapp2se The and $ac2 pages for each school is as follow4 Programme 5chool of 6echatronic 1ngineering 5chool of 6anufacturing 1ngineering 5chool of 6aterial 1ngineering 5chool of 6icroelectronic 1ngineering 5chool of -omputer and -ommunication 1ngineering 5chool of 1lectrical 5 stem 1ngineering 5chool of 3ioprocess 1ngineering 5chool of 3usiness Inno.ation and Technopreneurship 5chool of 1n.ironmental 1ngineering Refer to A&&endi* E (i) for page text format. 6.!.% 9anguage Reports must $e full written in 1nglish. 6.!.: 5u$missions 5tudents are also required to su$mit ONE hardcop of stapled $ound report and T O softcopies in -;s+ to their respecti.e 5chools of 1ngineering pages colour Red 3lue -ream /range 7ellow "reen Pin2 8iolet Peach

6.!.6 9ength of the report The final report should not exceed 6( pages 'excluding appendices#.

Industrial Training (InTra) Guidelines

6.!.* T ping <ormat and 5pacing Report should $e t ped+ one and half-spaced+ on one side of the paper using =ordprocessed. The accepta$le font and font si&e format are Times 0ew Roman and font si&e 12+ >ustified. 5ingle spacing is used for Ta$le+ <igure+ notes+ footnotes and references. 6.!., 6argin Top 1dge 3ottom 1dge Right 5ide 9eft 5ide 4 2.: cm or 1 inch 4 2.: cm or 1 inch 4 2.: cm or 1 inch 4 !.: cm or 1.!: inch

Refer to A&&endi* E (ii) for margin of report format. 6.!.) Pagination All the pages are num$ered consecuti.el at the centre $ottom of each page. The Preliminaries are num$ered in consecuti.e lower case Roman numerals 'i+ ii+ iii+ etc#. The title page at the front of the report is considered to $e page i+ $ut the num$er is not t ped. Roman numeral ii+ appears on the next page after the title page. The text and all References and Appendices pages are num$ered consecuti.el in Ara$ic numerals '1+ 2+ !+ %+ etc# $eginning with 1 on the first page of the text. 6.!.1( 5u$di.ision The internal organi&ation of the text should $e used consistentl throughout the report. It is recommended that the text should $e di.ided into chapters. Text in each chapter should $e organi&ed $ased on chapter num$ers and content num$ers in sequence. <or example? -hapter 1+ -hapter 2+ -hapter !+ -hapter %. 5u$-di.isions are also permitted. -ontent of each chapter ma $e di.ided under headings and su$-headings such as 1.1+ 1.2+ 1.!+ and so on.

Industrial Training (InTra) Guidelines

6.!.11 Ta$les and <igure Ta$les must $e properl centered on the page within the prescri$ed margin. 1ach ta$le must $ear a reference num$er 'in Ara$ic numeral# and a caption. The num$er must correspond to a similar num$er in the text. It ma $e useful to place ta$les in each chapter .er close after to the discussion related to the ta$le and num$er them in sequence+ i.e? ta$le found in -hapter ! should $e num$ered Ta$le !.1+ Ta$le !.2+ and so on. The word @Ta$leA+ its num$er and its caption appear a$o.e the ta$le 'font 12+ single-spaced#. If an ta$le continued onto the following or su$sequent pages+ the top line of the pages reads4 Ta$le 1.2 continued. The caption is not repeated. If the ta$le is reproduced+ the reference must $e cited. The word @<igureA or @<ig.A is num$ered in Ara$ic numeral+ and its caption is placed $elow the figure 'font 12+ single-spaced#.


9a out of -ontents <inal Report Pro>ect is composed of four parts+ which are explained $elow4 .

6.%.1 Preliminaries The Preliminaries are made up of a num$er of sections such as title page+ ac2nowledgement+ -ompan 8erification 5tatement+ ta$le of contents and a$stract. . 6.%.1.1 Title Page Important information to $e included at the front page B Cni.ersit + su$>ect name and code+ name of the student+ 6atric no+ Programme+ Academic 7ear of su$mission+ Dost -ompan As name and address. Reports must $e entitled EIndustrial Training ReportF. Refer to A&&endi* E (iii) for title page format.

Industrial Training (InTra) Guidelines

6.%.1.2 Ac2nowledgement of -ompletion of Industrial Training The Ac2nowledgement form from the log$oo2 should $e either scan or photocop and included in the report.

6.%.1.! Ac2nowledgement Ac2nowledge an help ou recei.ed throughout our pro>ect. These include helps from staff personnel as well as the facilit pro.ided for the pro>ect.

6.%.1.% A$stract A$stract is short+ information pac2ed summar of the acti.ities throughout the trainingGpro>ect. In one or two paragraphs+ students should state the purpose of the pro>ect+ the essentials of the pro>ect or the outcomes of the pro>ect in $rief. A$stract should $e informati.e+ as it should ser.e as a su$stitute for the whole report. A$stract must +#n+retel, su--ari.e and shall $e written in one page. Refer to A&&endi* E (/) for a$stract format.

6.%.1.: Ta$le of -ontents The titles of parts+ sections or chapters and their principal su$di.isions should $e listed in the Ta$le of -ontents and must $e worded exactl as the appear in the $od of the report. Refer to A&&endi* E (/i) for ta$le of contents format.

Industrial Training (InTra) Guidelines

6.%.2 6ain $od 'Text# 6.%.2.1 Introduction In introduction+ students are to highlight the host compan As $ac2ground. This includes its organi&ational structure+ top management team+ corporate profile and etc. It is also .er desira$le to include an organi&ational chart of the managementGdepartmental hierarch . The scope of wor2 of the department where the student is attached+ tas2s+ pro>ects and main acti.ities should also $e included into this section. (Students are advised to discuss with their Host Companys

management/supervisors before writing and reporting on confidential matters so that it may not go against the policy of the organization)

6.%.2.2 Industrial Training Pro>ect and 6ain Acti.ities A detailed description of the methodolog and materials used 'inclusi.e design and testing phases#. 5tudents are also to include an interesting and important steps ta2en in sol.ingGtrou$leshooting pro$lems encountered during the course of the training. Then+ the explanation of o$tained results from dail Gperiodic dut and tas2s must $e presenta$le in the report. 5tudents must gi.e specific explanation a$out the topics+ and $e creati.e in presenting their results. detail of duties and tas2 must $e supported $ ta$ulated data+ graphs+ diagrams+ charts or pictures and so on. These contents must also $e factual and accurate+ $ased on references from maga&ines+ $oo2s+ >ournals+ manuals+ wor2 instructions etc. 5tudents are also required to relate their practical experience to their theoretical 2nowledge learnt in the course of their stud .

Industrial Training (InTra) Guidelines

6.%.2.! ;iscussion and Recommendation 5tudents should emphasi&e e.aluation on the su$>ectGmaterialGprocessGpro$lem faced. ;iscuss the significance of the challenges and limitations of our findingsGsolutions. ;iscussions must emphasi&e on the outcome of the research in relation to the results o$tained from the pro>ect wor2 and theories reported.

6.%.2.% -onclusion This is usuall treated as the last ma>or di.ision of the text. 5tudents are to conclude their wor2 and findings in this section. <urther impro.ements or suggestions for future wor2 should also $e mentioned. The text should not $e more than one page.

6.%.! References References must $e presented according to the num$er s stem. Refer to A&&endi* E (/ii) for references format.

6.%.% Appendices 1ach part has se.eral sections which ma $e arranged in a numerical sequence of chapters.

APPENDI0 E (i) 1 Page <ormat

Uni/ersiti !ala,sia Perlis

S+%##l #" Ele+tri+al S,ste- Engineering EIT 233 Industrial Training Re&#rt
Na-e #" t%e student !atri+ nu-)er Pr#gra--e Na-e #" t%e +#-&an,

A+ade-i+ Sessi#n 435564354

APPENDI0 E (ii) 1 Text Report <ormat

2.5 cm or 1 inch

TWO (2) spaces from the top

Capital letters, bold, centered TWO (2) spaces below CHAPTER


FOUR (4) spaces below chapter title


3ac2ground Distor

ONE (1) space below sub-heading

Textetxtextetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxetxtetxtetxtetxtetx tetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtextetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtet xtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxt textetxtextetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxt etxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtextetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtet.

ONE (1) space below (for another paragraph) 2.5 cm or 1 inch

3.5 cm or 1.35 inch


Tetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxt textetxtextetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxtetxt

Equatio n Edito r

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Equatio n (ali n ri ht)

TWO (2) spaces below te t



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ONE (1) space below sub-heading

2.5 cm or 1 inch

APPENDI0 E (iii) 1 Title Page <ormat




1 1 1 1


APPENDI0 E (/) 1 A$stract <ormat

FOUR (4) spaces from the top Centered, capital letter, bold, single-spacing

FOUR (4) spaces from A!"TRACT

S%#rt intr#du+ti#n t# t%e &r#=e+t t%at ,#u %a/e d#ne OIt is normall co.ered in 2 to ! sentences. It is not to introduce what will $e done+ what has not $een done and the o$> of the pro>ectP. This is followed $ a )rie" and +#n+ise des+ri&ti#n #" t%e industrial training a+ti/ities and &r#=e+t i-&le-entati#n OIt is a summar from chapters @Industrial Training Pr#=e+t and !ain A+ti/ities or @!et%#d#l#g,. It can include the operation of our pro>ect in $rief. 6odel num$ers of specific or rare items 'hardware or
#ne and half spacing, font $% Times &ew Roman (not more than %'' words)

software# can $e mentioned. T%is &art is li-ited t# 533 $#rdsP. 0ext+ is su--ar, #" i-&#rtant #r signi"i+ant results and dis+ussi#n OIt comes from @;iscussions and RecommendationsA chapter. T%e e/aluati#n results9 +%allenges and li-itati#ns #" t%e +urrent s#luti#n6situati#n +an )e +#-)ined9 dis+ussed and &resented in t%is &art. 5ignificant data from @conclusionA chapter is gi.en here.

Notes: !ou may write your abstract only in ONE (1) paragraph" #t is important to note that abstract is written in a case by case basis" However$ a typical format can be useful as a guide or reference for you to write your pro%ect report abstract" Abstract CANNOT be included with the items below& '" #ssues related to personal feeling$ e"g" learned a lot of things from this pro%ect (" )irst and second person pronouns (#$ we$ you$ me$ my$ etc") *" +utline of chapters in your pro%ect report ," -ny issues that are not produced from your pro%ect or assigned tas.s (e cept comparison cases with another persons wor.) /" )igure/0ables" 1" 2athematical formulae"

APPENDI0 E (/i) 1 Ta$les of -ontents <ormat

Capital letters, bold, centered

TWO (2) spaces from the top

FOUR (4) spaces below the table of contents

TWO (2) spaces

'Roman numerals 'i+ ii+ iii+ etc## align to right



Distorical 3ac2ground 1.2.1



TWO (2) spaces


TWO (2) spaces

TWO (2) spaces


TWO (2) spaces


TWO (2) spaces

TWO (2) spaces

'Ara$ic 0umerals '1+ 2+ !+ etc##

APPENDI0 E (/i) 1 Ta$les of -ontents <ormat Page APPENDICES A&&endi* A A&&endi* A(i) A&&endi* A(ii) A&&endi* 8 A&&endi* C A&&endi* C(i) 'Ara$ic 0umerals '1+ 2+ !+ etc## B align to right

Not! ) *or a computer programming pro+ect, students are encouraged to put all non- significant language programme-code in the "##EN$%&E', ("&(NOW)E$*E+ENT - )%'T OF F%*URE', All &,"#TER, REFEREN&E', and "##EN$%&E' - Times &ew Roman, font $%, capital letter, bold) ("ub-heading, sub-sub-heading - Times &ew Roman, font $%, small letter) (.ist of APPE&/0CE") "--!ndi. ", "--!ndi. /, "--!ndi. "(i), etc - Times &ew Roman, font $%, small letter, bold),

APPENDI0 E (/ii) 1 Reference 5 stem B 0um$er 5 stem Re"eren+es S,ste- (Nu-)er S,ste-) Cnder the Nu-)er S,ste-+ the references are listed in the order that the ha.e $een cited. =ith this s stem+ a reference to pu$lished wor2 is .ia the use of num$ers+ e.g. EThere are man undergraduate texts on Process -ontrol K1-%M. The most popular seems to $e the $oo2 $ Qhang K2M. the onl one to deal with process design and process control in an integrated manner is that $ 6cAndrew K%M.F =hen there are -#re t%an t$# aut%#rs+ e.g Rapoor et" al K2M. There are a num$er of t pes of pu$lications+ and the can $e $roadl classified as follows4

=#urnals arti+les +#n"eren+e &r#+eedings )##?s dissertati#ns@ t%eses and resear+% re&#rts +#-&an, re&#rts and -anuals in"#r-ati#n "r#- t%e $#rld($ide($e) ($$$) &ers#nal +#--uni+ati#ns

1ach categor requires a different presentation. (i) A#urnal Arti+les These are the most common sources of cited material+ and include specialist technical >ournals as well as trade >ournals. Cse the following format to present articles from technical >ournals4 Author's#+ ' ear#. Article title+ 0ame of >ournal+ 8olume 0um$er+ page range. <or example4 1. 9iu+ T.+ ; R.=.+ Dughes+ 9.-.+ Rasmussen+ 6.D.+ 3hat+ R.+ Qah+ -.1.+ and 5tradling+ U. '2((6#. A stud on the relia$ilit of indium solder die $onding of high power semiconductor lasers+ U. Appl. Ph s.+ 1((+ pp. (1!1(%-(1!11:. <in2elstein 6. '2((6#. 6icrofluids4 -li2s and -hips+ 0ature+ %%2+ pp. 2:%-2:6.


(ii) C#n"eren+e Pr#+eedings Papers presented at conferences are also common sources of research information. Cse the format $elow when listing them4 Author's#+ ' ear#. Article title+ 0ame of conference+ 9ocation of conference+ page range.

APPENDI0 E (/ii) 1 Reference 5 stem B 0um$er 5 stem <or example4 1. ;ore 5.;.+ Per2ins+ U.;. and Rershen$aum+ 9.5. '1))%#. Application of geometric nonlinear control in the process industries - a case stud + Proc. I<A- 5 mposium+ A;-D16 V)%+ R oto+ Uapan+ pp :(1-:(6.

(iii) 8##?s To list $oo2s+ use the following format4 Author's#+ ' ear#. 0itle of boo. in italics. 1dition num$er+ 0ame of pu$lisher+ place of pu$lication. <or example4 1. 2. 5&e+ 5.6. '2((2#. Semiconductor 3evices& 4hysics and 0echnology. 2 Uohn =ile W 5ons+ Inc. C5A.


3orn+ 6.+ and =olf+ 1. '2((!#. 4rinciples of +ptics& Electromagnetic theory of th propagation$ interference and diffraction of light. * 1dition+ -am$ridge Cni.ersit Press+ CR.

The format for author's# is identical to the a$o.e+ $ut the first letters of 2e words in the main title are in capitals+ and the title is in italics. There is not need to indicate the edition of the $oo2 if it is the first edition. 5ome $oo2s are compilations of articles from different authors. <or such cases+ the format used is a cross $etween that for >ournal articles and $oo2s+ Author's#+ ' ear#. Title of article in $oo2+ In4 0ame of $oo2+ 1dition num$er+ -hapter num$er+ 0ame's# of editors+ 0ame of pu$lisher+ place of pu$lication. <or example4 K1M Rumelhart ;.1.+ Dinton ".1. and =illiams+ R.U. '1),*#. 9earning internal representations $ error propagation+ In4 4arallel 3istributed 4rocessing& 5ol" '+ -h. ,+ ;.1. Rumelhart and U.9. 6c-lelland KeditorsM+ 6IT Press+ -am$ridge 6A. 0ote the use of the word XIn4X and the difference in which the names of the authors and the names of the editors are presented4 editorsV names are listed with their initials first. when the $oo2 listed without reference to authors of particular chapters+ editors are considered the authors+ in which case the item will $e listed as4

APPENDI0 E (/ii) 1 Reference 5 stem B 0um$er 5 stem K2M Rumelhart+ ;.1. and 6c-lelland+ U.9. KeditorsM+ '1),*#. 4arallel 3istributed 4rocessing& 5ol" '+ 6IT Press+ -am$ridge 6A. (i/) Dissertati#ns@ T%eses and Resear+% Re&#rts ;issertations+ theses and academic research reports are listed using the format $elow4 Author's#+ ' ear#. 0itle in italics. T pe of pu$lication+ Research "roup+ 0ame of institution+ -ountr . <or example4 K1M Peel+ -. '1)):#. -spects of 6eural 6etwor.s for 2odelling and Control. Ph; Thesis+ Cni.ersit of 0ewcastle-Cpon-T ne+ CR. K2M 3loggs+ U. and /ther+ A.0. '1)),#. 0he Effects of 5odbull on Class -ttendance" Research Report 0o. 12!+ 5ocial Impact Research "roup+ 5mirnoff Institute of Technolog + 8ladistoc2+ Russia. (/) C#-&an, Re&#rts and !anuals 5ometimes+ students ma need to cite material contained in pu$lications $ companies and from manuals. In such cases there are no named indi.iduals for authors. Cse the format $elow4 0ame of compan or organisation+ ' ear#. 0itle in italics. Place of pu$lication. <or example4 K1M 6athsoft Inc.+ '1)))#. 2athcad (777 8eference 2anual. -am$ridge+ 6A.

(/i) In"#r-ati#n "r#- t%e $$$ (internet) 0owada s+ much information can $e o$tained from the internet+ t picall we$sites $ut sources include newsgroups and on-line forums. The format to use for such pu$lications is4 0ame of Author's# or compan or organisation+ ' ear#+ Title of article+ CR9+ date found. The CR9 'Cniform Resource 9ocator# is the full internet address of the article. ;ue to the transient nature of on-line information+ it is important to include the date when the information is retrie.ed. <or example4 K1M Tham+ 6.T.+ '1))*#. ;istillation4 an introduction+ !( 6a 2((1.

APPENDI0 E (/ii) 1 Reference 5 stem B 0um$er 5 stem KPlease minimi&e the references from internet in <7P reportM. (/ii) C#--uni+ati#ns Pers#nal

5ometimes+ students ma ha.e used information passed on $ a colleague or another person+ .ia a phone con.ersation? letter? email or other forms of communication. 5tudents ma + and should+ include these in the reference list. The format to use is4 0ame+ ' ear#. 4ersonal communication+ Affiliation of named person. <or example4 K1M 3logg+ U. '1))6#. 4ersonal communication+ Cni.ersit -ollege 9ondon+ CR.

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