Major Project Imp

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Jagannath International Management School

Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070

( !!iliate" to #uru #o$in" Singh In"ra%rastha &ni'ersit(,Delhi, N ) ccre"ite" an" IS* +001,00. /ualit( )erti!ie"0 RESEARCH PROJECT DETAILS FOR BBA-311 OF V SEMESTER Objective 1. Students of BBA Semester V are required to carry out a project as part of curriculum. During the semester the students are required to submit a written project report on the summer training they have done in a company. he objective of this !ircular is to standardise the format of submission of the project report and to lay guidelines to conduct the project. This !"ject #"!$ is the t!%i&i&' ("! % )*i&' the"!etic%) c"&ce ts+ t"")s , tech& t" % )ive sit.%ti"&/ !"b)e0 %&1 #!iti&' % Tech&ic%) Re "!t "& the t" ic i& #hich *". h%ve 1"&e *".! i&te!&shi 2 3&ive!sit* Sche0e ("! P!"ject ". As per the syllabi of BBA #$aper code BBA%&11'( students of Semester V are required to write a project report comprising of ) credits. he project report has two components( vi*. #a' #b' +,ternal 2nternal - P!"ject Viv% #./ 0ar1s'( where viva on written report would be underta1en by an e,ternal e,aminer. - C"&1.ct , S.b0issi"& P!"ject Re "!t #./ 0ar1s' 2t involves conduct of study 3 submission of report( presentations 3 viva at the 2nstitute. METHODOLO45 OF PROJECT 6OR7 he methodology for carrying out the project is given in the following paragraphs. +ach student is to compile his4her study in four chapters as detailed belowCh% te!-I8 I&t!"1.cti"& his chapter is to include general introduction of the topic. Ch% te!- II 8 Rese%!ch Meth"1")"'* Objectives "( St.1*- 2t should be pragmatic and consistent with the title of the study and achievable during the course of study within the prescribed schedule. Students are advised to develop the objectives in consultation with their respective guides. he objectives must start with action oriented verbs. A sample of objectives is given below as e,ample5#a' o study the growth of sales of 67 8ater $urifiers.


o compare the mar1et share of branded and local manufacturers of 67 8ater $urifier.9

Sc" e "( St.1*- he scope of study should clearly mention the activities that are actually performed in the study. 2t should include the period of study( the functional area #:6( ;inance and 0ar1eting' and volume of wor1 carried out in the study. 8ith reference to above objectives( the scope of study could be as follows #note this is suggestive and not e,haustive'5#a' o collect and analyse the sales data of 67 8ater $urifiers in Delhi region of last five years. ;or this purpose secondary data from the published sources and the dealers is collected. #b' o carry out mar1et survey of customer perception for the use of 67 8ater $urifier. ;or this purpose the geographical area selected is Dwar1a locality. Data is collected through a questionnaire that is attached as Appendi, A.9 Meth"1")"'*8 he methodology is to be e,plained in two parts vi*.( #a' Meth"1")"'* .se1 ("! D%t% C"))ecti"&8 2n case of primary data( students must have observed the wor1 of the supervisors during the internship and they have also as1ed questions from their supervisors in order to clarify their doubts. 2n case of sec"&1%!* 1%t%( it should be collected according to objectives and scope of the study. $roper references of sources of data must be compiled and mentioned against each data used in the study in the following manner #with reference to above e,ample'5#i' he sales data of ;orbes 3 <ent brands of 67 8ater $urifier is collected from their Annual ;inancial Statements for the period "//"%"//).9 #b' Meth"1")"'* .se1 ("! D%t% A&%)*sis8 2n this part the students should e,plain the concepts( tools and techniques used for data analysis. he rational and justification for using a particular tool and technique should be e,plained. ;or e,ample if a student uses Standard Deviation as a statistical tool( he should e,plain the concept of Standard Deviation and its relevance to the study along with its formula. 9:OT :ECESSAR5; Ch% te! III 8 C"0 %&* P!"(i)e P!"(i)e O!'%&is%ti"&/C"0 %&*- Briefly e,plain the nature of the organisation and its business. 2t should include type of industry 3 business in which the company is operating( its vision 3 mission( geographical 3 functional area of operation( si*e of organisation 3 its structure( turnover( mar1et share 3 position of the company in the industry( product range( present leadership( strengths 3 wea1nesses( if any.

Ch% te! IV8 St.1* "& the t" ic "( the i&te!&shi Suppose you have studied the :6 $olicies and $ractices of 2nfosys during your internship. hen e,plain recruitment( selection( training( and development and compensation procedure "

and programmes of 2nfosys in detail. Ch% te!-V8 S.00%!* , C"&c).si"&s his !hapter should comprise the following#a' Res.)ts "( the St.1*hese are to be presented and supported by facts 3 figures in narrative form and be culled out from the !hapter%2V. he sequence of the results must be consistent with the objectives of the study mentioned in !hapter%22. Also( mention the achievement of objectives or otherwise. #b' Li0it%ti"&s- he limitations could be mentioned in terms of data insufficiency( time 3 e,pertise constraints etc. #c' S.''esti"&s , Sc" e ("! (.!the! St.1*- Any scope for e,tension of the study to new geographical areas( segments( time with larger data( is to be mentioned under this heading. A e&1i<-C FORMAT OF THE PROJECT REPORT 1ormat
1. The final report should be written and compiled in the following the sequence:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (k) (l) (m) 2itle 3age

Title Page Certificate (s) Acknowledgements !ecuti"e #ummar$ Contents %od$ of the Pro&ect 'eport (As per Appendi! %) 'eferences(%ibliograph$ Appendices nne4ure-I.

). The format of the title page is attached as )erti!icate

*. The format of the certificate is attached as nne4ure-II. A certificate of the organisation where the student has conducted the pro&ect ma$ also be attached separatel$ after the +nstitute,s certificate. c5nowle"gements -. +n the .Acknowledgements/ page0 the writer recognises his indebtedness for guidance and assistance b$ the facult$ guide and an$ other member (s). 64ecuti'e Summar( 1. !ecuti"e #ummar$ is a brief or condensed summar$ of the pro&ect for higher2le"el management positions. +t should be about )2* pages in length. +t should comprise compan$ profile0 ob&ecti"es 3 scope of the pro&ect0 &

methodolog$ and tools used0 results0 limitations0 and directions for future de"elopment0 if an$. )ontents ). he format of Contents is attached as nne4ure-III.

7o"( o! the 3roject 8e%ort, #ui"elines !or 3roject 8e%ort 9riting 4. The guidelines for writing the Pro&ect 'eport (methodolog$) are detailed in %%en"i4-7. 5ollowing aspects must be adhere to: (a) 3age Si:e: 6ood qualit$ white A- si7e e!ecuti"e bond paper should be used for t$ping and duplication. (b) )ha%ter;3ara Num$ering: The chapters are to be numbered as Chapter210 Chapter2) etc. The heading(title of the chapter is to appear below the chapter number in uppercase. Paragraphs are to be numbered as 10)0* etc in e"er$ chapter separatel$. #ub2paras are to be numbered as 1.10 1.)0 1.*22220 ).10 ).)0 ).*22222etc. (c) 3age S%eci!ications, (i) 8eft 9argin : 1.)1 inch (ii) 'ight 9argin : 1 inch (iii) Top 9argin : 1 inch (i") %ottom 9argin : 1 inch

(d) 3age Num$ers, All te!t pages starting from %od$ of the Pro&ect 'eport should be numbered at the $ottom center of the pages. (e) Normal 7o"( 2e4t, (i) 1ont Si:e, 1)0 Times :ew 'oman0 ;ouble #pacing0 #ingle #ide <riting. (ii) 3aragra%hs <ea"ing 1ont Si:e, 1)0 Times :ew 'oman. (iii) 3age;2itle 1ont Si:e: 1-

#f' St!.ct.!e "( Fi&%) Re "!t- A project report should be covered between ./ to )/ typed pages in 1".b)e s %ce about 1/(/// words #e,cluding Appendices and Bibliography' on A= si*e paper with 1" font si*e. 1/ > variation is permissible. (g) T%b)e %&1 Fi'.!e :.0be!- able and figure numbers are to be written at the bottom of the table4 figure as given below#i' T%b)e :"-18 :.0be! "( E0 )"*ees i& O!'%&is%ti"& ABC #ii' Fi'.!e :"-18 S%)es Fi'.!es "( RO 6%te! P.!i(ie! =>>=-=>>? 7in"ing = )olor )o"e o! the 8e%ort, =


(i) (ii) (iii)

=ard %ound 'eport %ackground of the co"er page 2 Na'( 7lue 8etters in #il"er <hite

8e!erences;7i$liogra%h( >. !amples are gi"en below: 1. ;.8. Carne$0 ?.+. Cochran0 .The 1 ## #witching #$stem: Architectural @"er"iew0/ AT&T Technical Journal0 "ol. >?, no. >, ?ul$2August 1A>10 pp. 1**A21*1B. ). A. #te"ens0 C++ Database Development0 9+# Press0 :ew Cork0 1AA)0 p. *-. *.

%%en"ices ?. he appendices are to be attached at the end of the report and to be numbered as Appendi,%A( Appendi,%B etc. right justified at the top of the page. Below the word Appendi, write in parenthesis 56efer $ara @oAA9. he para number should be the number in the body of te,t where the reference of appendi, is given. An appendi, may have anne,ure #s'. he anne,ures( if any( are to be attached immediately after the said appendi,. he anne,ures are to be numbered as Anne,ure%2( Anne,ure%22 etc.


2itle o! 2he 3roject 8e%ort

(5ont si7e D 1>)

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

7achelor o! 7usiness To

"ministration (77 0

6uru 6obind #ingh +ndraprastha Eni"ersit$0 ;elhi

6uide: (6uide :ame) name)

#ubmitted b$: (#tudent 'oll :o.:

Institute@s Aogo

(Name o! the Institute0

7atch (-011--01?0


2nclude certificate that you get from the industry.

)erti!icate No Certified that the Pro&ect 6eport #BBA%&11' titled 5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA9

done by AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA( 6oll @o. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA( is completed under my guidance. #ignature of the 6uide ;ate: :ame of the 6uide: A&&e<.!e-III

S :" 1 " & = . ) B C ? T" ic Certificate (s) Acknowledgements !ecuti"e #ummar$ !hapter%1- 2ntroduction !hapter%"- 6esearch 0ethodology !hapter%&- !ompany $rofile Chapter2-: #ummar$ and Conclusions 'eferences(%ibliograph$ Appendices P%'e :" % % % % % % % % %

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