Today's Tabbloid: More Stormbringer Awesomeness Reckless Adventure

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11 August 2009

Today’s Tabbloid
PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]


More Stormbringer Reckless Adventure

AUG 10, 2009 05:12P.M.
AUG 10, 2009 08:33P.M. My Stormbringer boxed set — yes, I’m going to be talking about it a lot
this week — included a Chaosium Games Summer 1982 catalog. Except
The literary genre of swords & sorcery fiction is a particularly for reminding me that, yes, even Chaosium used to publish wargames,
gory branch of heroic fantasy, and that is what this game it’s actually not all that interesting. There is, however, a mention of an
simulates. Inevitably, this means that some players are going RPG that never came to pass, with a supposed release date of Fall 1982.
to get into situations that they can’t get out of, and their Call Reckless Adventure, it’s described as “A role-playing game where
characters will have to die. It is important that they realize the players explore the pulp adventures of the 1930s. It will include a
this before the game ever starts, and that they know that you sourcebook for the era, referees handbook, and many scenarios.”
bear them no personal animosity. Then, when the character’s
number comes up, kill him without regret. As a GM it is poor If Call of Cthulhu hadn’t already been released by this point, I might
form to become so fond of some character that you let him suspect that this project was eventually folded into that game, whose
cheat death when his luck finally runs out. original boxed set did include a 1920s sourcebook. However, it was
scheduled to appear after CoC had already debuted, so I’m not quite sure
Generally speaking, a character’s death should always be what to make of it. Intriguingly, the perpetually-delayed Pulp Cthulhu is
traceable to some decision or action that he made. A subtitled “Reckless Adventures in the 1930s,” so who knows?
character who chooses to fight a bear and then gets killed by
that bear has no gripe coming. A character who refuses to
wear armor and then gets killed by an arrow when all his
armored companions are advancing safely deserves his fate.
A character who walks into a dragon’s den to avoid a certain
death outside it really can’t complain if the dragon eats him ROGUE FEED
Beggars Can’t Be Choosers
On the other hand, if the players comes up with a plausible AUG 10, 2009 04:47P.M.
way to survive a situation, and makes the required skill or
POW saving rolls, then you really should let him survive. I Stormbringer, at least in its first edition, which I’m now reading
once had a character who killed a monster — a giant voraciously, is a hard core old school game, in some ways more hard core
combination armadillo-wolf — and then burrowed into its than OD&D where you at least get to pick your race and/or class. In
innards and hid inside the dead monster for hours to avoid Stormbringer, both race (i.e. nationality) and class (i.e. profession) are
innumerable others that were wandering around. It worked, determined by random roll. One of the classes you might roll (4% chance
too, and that character survived that particular trap, only to on D100) is “beggar.” Aside from social penalties, beggars also suffer
die later when caught out in the open by an aerial attack. He from 1D6 afflictions, which can range from tooth decay/bad breath to
was happy to survive the first time, and I had no gripes when leprosy or hemophilia (again, determined randomly).
he died later because the GM was absolutely fair about it. If
he had been smart enough, he wouldn’t have been caught in The rulebook includes a section —, if you’re interested in its
the open. wargames-style organization — entitled “Difficulty of Being a Beggar.” It
reads in part:

Because of their handicaps and very low status in the Young

Kingdoms’ society, it is not recommended that beginning
players attempt to use Beggars for their adventurer
characters. If you have randomly determined that your
adventurer character is a Beggar, you may roll again on table

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 11 August 2009

[] Class Background if you wish. home for all information on our games. will be
kicked into gear. The Rogue Games site links these two sites together
However, those players who enjoy a challenge may get a to bring you the information you want. The site also will contain
special kick out of attempting to beat the system and win with information on a few other projects James and I have been planning for
a character who is blind, deaf, or partially crippled. Any two years. What project is this? Ask me at GenCon, or wait until next
triumphs won with such a character would be week.
correspondingly greater than those won by normal
characters. If you do choose to play a Beggar, you have my
condolences and best wishes.

Maybe it’s final, definitive proof that I’m as mentally deranged as some
have claimed, but I think that’s one of the more awesome bits of text I’ve ROGUE FEED
read in any gaming rulebook lately. Makes me want to run an all-beggar
mini-campaign set in Nadsokor. Repairing Game Books
AUG 10, 2009 11:34A.M.

As I mentioned, I recently acquired a very nice copy of the 1st edition

Stormbringer boxed set. I’d like to run a one-shot adventure with my
players at some point, but Dwimmermount is still going strong (we had
ROGUE FEED another session yesterday, although one that proved shorter than I’d
intended) and I don’t want to ruin the flow of that campaign. In addition,
Introducing the new site nice though the copy I received was, it has a flaw: some pages at the
AUG 10, 2009 02:02P.M. center of the rulebook are falling out. That was inevitable, given that it’s
28 years old and was not of the highest quality binding even when new.
As of today James and I have kicked off a new website. This site works in
partnership with the main Rogue Games site. The new site? I would like to repair the book in some way that prevents further
deterioration, since it’s the only copy we’d have at the table. In general, I take very good care of my games and rulebooks, but I still use them, so I
don’t care about some sort of museum-style “restoration” of the book. I
This new site is now the home for all information dealing with the games simply don’t want it to fall to pieces and I want to be able to hand it to
put out by Rogue Games. In addition, you will find the blog moved players who can use it while generating their characters.
over here as well.
Does anyone out there have any good suggestions?
Why the change?

Well, traffic on the Rogue Games website has gotten out of hand. This
is a good thing, but it has cost us due to the site going over the monthly
bandwidth the web host allows. This is a good thing, because it means
more and more gamers are finding our games, and enjoying what we are ROGUE FEED
Pulp Fantasy Library: Seven
This site, deals with all the games that we have put out, as well as plan to
put out. This site will grow as our games grow, and will work in Foot Prints to Satan
conjunction with the main Rogue Games site. All the content you are AUG 10, 2009 10:21A.M.
use to seeing is still here, just in new sections. We have a lot of things
planed, and this site will be the place to get all that information.

When we started Rogue Games back in 2007 we never expected to still

be here. In the two years we opened the doors we have grown from one
book, to now six. We never thought we would be working on a third
game. We never thought we would have a growing network of sites
devoted to the games we love to play and design.

Once GenCon is over next week, we will be moving into our third year of
doing what we love — designing games. will be your

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 11 August 2009

the early days. There’s thus a lot in its pages to inspire referees looking
for a slightly different approach to dungeon design than is common
nowadays. Seven Foot Prints to Satan was adapted into a film in 1929. I
have never seen it, but my understanding is that it’s a fairly loose
adaptation. Just goes to show that Hollywood has been doing what
Hollywood does for a lot longer than any of us have been alive to curse
them for it.


GenCon Plans
AUG 10, 2009 07:25A.M.

Rogue Games is once again attending GenCon. Here are a few things
you need to know.

Booth Number: 2038

New Products: Colonial Gothic Revised($24.99) andThousand

Suns: Foundation Transmissions($12.99).

Cool Things for GenCon Only: Colonial Gothic eBook CD ($2.50)

and 12 Degrees Dice Pack ($6.00).

Although Abraham Merritt’s 1928 novel (serialized the previous year in Other Products: The complete line for both games.
Argosy) is technically set in the “real world,” namely modern New York
City, much of its action takes place within the labyrinthine mansion of Demos: Colonial Gothic demos in the booth starting Friday. Why not
the crime lord known only as Satan, where the laws of reality seem, if not Thursday? Graeme Davis will not be in town early enough. Three cool
wholly in abeyance, at least more flexible than they are outside its walls. demos are planned, and if you want to play, stop by the booth.
Seven Foot Prints to Satan tells the story of James Kirkham, an explorer
who is kidnapped by thugs in the employ of the aforementioned crime There you go. Plan accordingly.
lord. Taken back to his lair — a D&D-style dungeon before the fact,
complete with death traps — Kirkham is forced to undergo a test at If you are not going to be at GenCon, have no fears. Like we did last
Satan’s hands, where he must walk upon seven glowing footprints. year, anything new being released at the show will be ready to buy and
Depending on which ones he walks upon, Kirkham will either be download from on Thursday. So if you
rewarded, executed, or bound to servitude to Satan for one year. want Thousand Suns: Foundation Transmissions before your
friends, you will be able to buy it and download it Thursday morning. In
Our hero avoids death but he does not escape servitude and so must addition, the PDF Guarantee is in effect forGenConas well. How? That
spend the next year engaged in a series of spectacular crimes at the is for me to know, and you to find out. Ok, that is not nice. Simply put,
behest of Satan, during which time he meets — and falls in love with — you buy any of the Rogue Games games at the show, after the show you
Eve, a young woman who shares his predicament. The crime lord is a will get the PDF.
disfigured man of astounding intellect and it’s initially not clear whether
his moniker is merely a nom de guerre or an indication of his true
identity. Regardless, he’s actually a fascinating character, in many ways
far more interesting than either Kirkham or Eve, both of whom possess
conventional pulp heroic personalities.

Gygax doesn’t list this book by name in Appendix N, perhaps

understandably since it’s set in the 20th century and doesn’t have any
overt supernaturalism to it. Still, Satan would make a fine villain in a
fantasy story and his mansion reminds me of the maze-like dungeons of

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 11 August 2009

ROGUE FEED Siebren Versteeg, Todd White, Sherry Wong, and Steve Zeiser. Also
contributing are the old school game illustrators Pixie Bledsaw and the
GenCon Plans renowned Erol Otus.
AUG 10, 2009 07:25A.M.
Concurrent with the exhibition at theIndianapolis Museum of
Rogue Games is once again attending GenCon. Here are a few things Contemporary Artwill be a related booth at GenCon, a yearly gaming
you need to know. convention hosted in Indianapolis. GenCon is the most important game
event in the world, attracting tens of thousands of visitors and acting as a
Booth Number: 2038 platform for major industry releases and premieres. This year, GenCon
runs August 13 – 16, more information on the convention is available
New Products: Colonial Gothic Revised($24.99) andThousand
Suns: Foundation Transmissions($12.99).
iMOCA is free to the public and open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Thursday
Cool Things for GenCon Only: Colonial Gothic eBook CD ($2.50) through Saturday and is located in the Emelie Building at340 North
and 12 Degrees Dice Pack ($6.00). Senate Avenue.

Other Products: The complete line for both games. Opening August 14
Demos: Colonial Gothic demos in the booth starting Friday. Why not
Thursday? Graeme Davis will not be in town early enough. Three cool Exhibit runs August 14 – September 26th
demos are planned, and if you want to play, stop by the booth.

There you go. Plan accordingly.

If you are not going to be at GenCon, have no fears. Like we did last
year, anything new being released at the show will be ready to buy and ROGUE FEED
download from on Thursday. So if you
want Thousand Suns: Foundation Transmissions before your Cursed Chateau Art Show
friends, you will be able to buy it and download it Thursday morning. In AUG 10, 2009 07:24A.M.
addition, the PDF Guarantee is in effect forGenConas well. How? That
is for me to know, and you to find out. Ok, that is not nice. Simply put, Artist/curator Timothy Hutchings has collected a disparate band of
you buy any of the Rogue Games games at the show, after the show you contemporary artmakers, including performance artists, digital artists,
will get the PDF. sculptors, painters, musicians and various in-betweens, all united by a
direct or indirect relationship to role playing games such as Dungeons
and Dragons. Hutchings has shoved these artists into the unaccustomed
role of illustrators for the role playing game adventure book “The Cursed
Chateau”, written by James Maliszewski.

ROGUE FEED The participating artists include Chris Bors, Olaf Breuning, Jeffrey
Brown, Kitty Clark, Alex DeMaria, Don Doe, Giovanni Fenech, Andrew
Cursed Chateau Art Show Guenther, Ketta Ioannidou, Josh Jordan, Matt Lock, Fiona Macneil,
AUG 10, 2009 07:24A.M. Chris Patch, Jason Phillips, Owen Rundquist, Rebecca Schiffman,
Siebren Versteeg, Todd White, Sherry Wong, and Steve Zeiser. Also
Artist/curator Timothy Hutchings has collected a disparate band of contributing are the old school game illustrators Pixie Bledsaw and the
contemporary artmakers, including performance artists, digital artists, renowned Erol Otus.
sculptors, painters, musicians and various in-betweens, all united by a
direct or indirect relationship to role playing games such as Dungeons Concurrent with the exhibition at theIndianapolis Museum of
and Dragons. Hutchings has shoved these artists into the unaccustomed Contemporary Artwill be a related booth at GenCon, a yearly gaming
role of illustrators for the role playing game adventure book “The Cursed convention hosted in Indianapolis. GenCon is the most important game
Chateau”, written by James Maliszewski. event in the world, attracting tens of thousands of visitors and acting as a
platform for major industry releases and premieres. This year, GenCon
The participating artists include Chris Bors, Olaf Breuning, Jeffrey runs August 13 – 16, more information on the convention is available
Brown, Kitty Clark, Alex DeMaria, Don Doe, Giovanni Fenech, Andrew
Guenther, Ketta Ioannidou, Josh Jordan, Matt Lock, Fiona Macneil,
Chris Patch, Jason Phillips, Owen Rundquist, Rebecca Schiffman, iMOCA is free to the public and open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Thursday

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 11 August 2009

through Saturday and is located in the Emelie Building at340 North ROGUE FEED
Senate Avenue.
Coming December 2009
Opening August 14 AUG 10, 2009 07:21A.M.

Exhibit runs August 14 – September 26th

Are you brave enough?

For decades, stories have circulated about the Cursed Chateau: the
debauched entertainments and depraved experiments that took place
within its walls while its master, Lord Jourdain, yet lived and the terrible
ROGUE FEED hauntings that followed in the wake of his mysterious death.

Coming December 2009 Now you find yourself trapped inside the Chateau, cut off from the sanity
AUG 10, 2009 07:21A.M. of the world outside. Only by braving its terrors can you hope to find the
key to your escape — if you survive.

The Cursed Chateauis a fantasy roleplaying adventure for 4-8

Are you brave enough? characters of levels 4-6 that includes referee information, maps,
exploration keys, and everything else needed to play.
For decades, stories have circulated about the Cursed Chateau: the
debauched entertainments and depraved experiments that took place ComingDecember 2009.
within its walls while its master, Lord Jourdain, yet lived and the terrible
hauntings that followed in the wake of his mysterious death. Details

Now you find yourself trapped inside the Chateau, cut off from the sanity The Cursed Chateau
of the world outside. Only by braving its terrors can you hope to find the RGG 6000
key to your escape — if you survive. 6×9 96 Pages BW Softcover

The Cursed Chateauis a fantasy roleplaying adventure for 4-8

characters of levels 4-6 that includes referee information, maps,
exploration keys, and everything else needed to play.

ComingDecember 2009.


The Cursed Chateau

RGG 6000
6×9 96 Pages BW Softcover

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