Moorish Science Temple America
Moorish Science Temple America
Moorish Science Temple America
Religious Practices Religious Items Requirements for Membership Medical Prohibitions Dietary Standards Burial Rituals Sacred Writings Organizational Structure History Theology Allah and Islam Prophet Noble Drew Ali Holy Koran Moorish-American Prayer Divine Constitution and By-Laws RELIGIOUS PRACTICES Required Daily Observances. A good Moslem prays both day and night. All MoorishAmericans members of the Moorish Science Temple of America (MST of A) must keep their hearts and minds pure with love and their bodies clean with water. They are to treat men with friendship and have a great appreciation for womanhood. They must live a life of love, and live the teachings of Islam. Moorish-Americans do not eat pork or anything that will harm them. The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali did not drink or smoke and told the Moors to imitate him. Moors are not to use anything that would serve to shorten their life or destroy themselves. Required Weekly Observances. Moorish-Americans are required to attend congregational worship services on Friday, the Holy Day, and Sunday School classes on Sunday. Worship in congregation is very important for Moslems because the Prophet Mohammed said that it is 27 times more valuable to worship in congregation than to worship alone. Holy Day Service opens with the saying of the Moorish-American Prayer in unison by
the congregation, led by the Chairman of the Temple. After the prayer, the Chairman reads the Divine Laws from the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali by which all Moors are bound. The Chairman then reads from the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America to the audience. The Chairman calls speakers and officials to speak religious sermons to the audience; these speeches must conform to the Divine Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Speakers base their sermons on the teachings of the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America and those of Allahs Prophets. No speech is to be radical or inflammatory against anyone or any group. Speakers try to limit their speeches to 15 minutes. The Chairman calls on the speakers in order, so that the highest-ranking official speaks last. At the end of every meeting, a Warning from the Holy Prophet is read. The meeting closes with repeating the Moorish-American Prayer in unison. Sunday School opens in the same manner as a Holy Day Meeting, then the Chairman turns the class over to the Sunday School teacher. The class is taught from a booklet called the Questionnaire, and continues into the study of the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America. After the class, there is a reading of the Warning, and the audience is led in reciting the Moorish-American Prayer. Required Occasional Observances Moorish-American Tag Day, March 17. Anniversary of the Young People Moorish National League, First Saturday in December. Anniversary of the Sisters Auxiliary, Third Saturday in December. Required Holy Days The following holy days are days of work proscription. January 8, Prophet Noble Drew Alis Birthday. January 15, Moorish-American New Year. RELIGIOUS ITEMS Personal Religious Items
Fez (red color only). Holy Koran of the MST of A. Wallet-size picture of Noble Drew Ali. Circle Seven medallion and chain. Two small lapel pins.
Security note: Fezzes and lapel pins may be worn during services in the Chapel area only. Congregate Religious Items Holy Koran of the MST of A. Questionnaire. Humanity Book. Moorish Literature. Divine Constitution and By-Laws. Moorish-American Newspaper. A Moorish Flag and an American Flag, to be displayed at every Temple or Branch Temple meeting. A Charter or Warrant of Authority, to be issued to every Temple or Branch Temple, and displayed in the front of the meeting place before the audience. Branch Temple Information. Oral Statements of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Picture of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Picture of The Great Meeting Is On. Mufti Law Books. SEARCHES While Moorish Science Temple of America inmates place great value in their Holy Koran and other religious items, these can be handled by other people. Staff are expected to show the same respect for such items as for religious articles belonging to all traditions. Religious articles are not to be mishandled, thrown, placed on the floor, brought into the bathroom, or placed on the toilet or basin. REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP Requirements. Membership is free, not only in the U.S. but all over the world. Members must proclaim their Nationality and must proclaim and practice Love, Truth, Peace,
Freedom, and Justice, preserve the Holy and Divine laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America, and obey the laws of the government. Members must promptly attend meetings and become a part of all uplifting acts of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Security note: Nationality Cards are not authorized in Bureau institutions. Inmates may only have one ID card, their Commissary card. Total Membership. The Moorish Science Temple of Americas membership count is not known accurately, but there could be more than 1 million card-carrying members around the country. There are more than 260 Branch Temples. MEDICAL PROHIBITIONS Moorish-Americans are expected to submit to prescribed medical treatment by doctors, dentists, or other health specialists. DIETARY STANDARDS Moorish-Americans are prohibited from eating pork products. Their religious dietary needs can ordinarily be met through self-selection from the mainline, including the noflesh option. BURIAL RITUALS A funeral service is conducted just as a Holy Day Service. The ministers read from the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, generally Chapter 4, which deals with death and how Moors accept it. At the gravesite, the Holy Koran is read again and the Moorish-American prayer is recited. SACRED WRITINGS The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America. The Divine Constitution and By-Laws. The Great Meeting is On! Koran Questions for Moorish Americans (Questionnaire). ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Headquarters Location
Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. 6475 New Hampshire Avene, Suite 504D Hyattsville, MD 20783 (301) 270-1300 Fax: (301) 270-5777 Contact Office/Person. The Grand Governor of Institutional Branch Temples presides over Institution Branch Temples throughout the U.S. for the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. He/she instructs and administers the affairs of these temples. The Grand Governor has Administrative Assistants who work for him/her as representatives and teach in the various institutions. There are also Divine Ministers who are Grand Governors or Governors over Branch Temples and who work directly with the Grand Governor of Institutional Branch Temples. The current Grand Governor can be identified through the homepage of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. Institutional Acting Muftis. In a prison setting those who protect the property of the Branch Temples of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. are called Acting Mufti, unless designated otherwise by Brother R. Love El, Grand Sheik of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. The Acting Grand Sheik is in charge of the Branch Temple; Acting Muftis are selected by him. Regardless of rank, all Acting Muftis must carry out the instructions of the Acting Grand Sheik. When meetings are held, one Acting Mufti is seated on each side of the Chairman. Acting Muftis inside the meetings stand, face the east, and recite the Moorish Prayer after the Chairman. When meetings are held, no door should be locked unless designated by prison policy. Staff may enter for security purposes. Acting Muftis should have a meeting at least once per month where study is facilitated by an instructor or assistant. No radical or criminal issues can be taught. Neither Muftis nor any other member can hold court to resolve violations or issues. The Acting Grand Sheiks solutions should be the teachings of Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali. If no solution can be reached, a written request of intervention for a decision, along with a brief statement of the incident particulars, should be forwarded to Grand Governor Minister of Institutional Branches, 6495 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 130, Hyattsville, MD 20783. Copies should be included for the Grand Sheik of the Moorish Science
Temple of America, Inc. HISTORY The Moorish Science Temple of America was founded by Allahs last Prophet in these days, Prophet Noble Drew Ali, in Newark, New Jersey, in 1913. The Prophet taught the true and divine creed of Islam to his followers, and all who attended the meetings. In 1925, the Holy Prophet moved to Chicago, Illinois, and set up the headquarters of the Moorish Science Temple of America at the Supreme Grand Major Temple. He incorporated the Moorish Science Temple of America in Illinois in 1926. The Prophet sent missionaries throughout the U.S., where they established Temples in such cities as New York, Philadelphia, Newark, Charleston (WV), Milwaukee, Detroit, Lansing (MI), Baltimore, Flint (MI), and Mt. Clemens (MI). The Holy Prophet also established a Temple in Mexico City. Prophet Noble Drew Ali was the founder and head official of the MST of A from 1913 to 1929. In July 1929, the Prophet passed away due to illness. In the 1929 Annual Convention, Bro. C. Kirkman Bey was elected as head official with the title of Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator. He held this office from 1929 until 1959, when he passed away. Brother C. Kirkman Bey was a highly educated man who spoke many languages. He was interpreter for the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali when the Prophet attended the Pan-American Conference in Havana, Cuba, in 1928. At this conference, the Prophet represented Moorish-Americans. Brother C. Kirkman Bey held firmly to the teachings, divine principles, and practices of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Brother Kirkman Bey was educated in Egypt, India, and the United States. After the passing of Brother Kirkman Bey, Brother F. Nelson Bey was elected as Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator, and served until 1963. One of the most notable accomplishments of Brother F. Nelson Bey was that in 1941, as Grand Governor of the state of Virginia, he established a Moorish-American Colony in Prince George, Virginia, which still exists today. Brother J. Blakely Bey was elected as the next Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator, and served from 1963 until 1971. Brother J. Blakely Bey was an excellent teacher, who often taught the oral statements and prophecies of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. In 1971, Brother R. Love El was duly elected as Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator of the Moorish Science Temple of America. In 1974, the title of his office was changed to Grand Sheik of the Moorish Science Temple of America (Moderator). Allah is due the praise that the Moorish Science Temple of America has grown under the leadership of
Brother R. Love El to more than 260 Temples and Branch Temples around the country. THEOLOGY Allah and Islam. Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America believe in the Old Time Religion and Everlasting Gospel of Islam. They worship Allah the Great God of the Universe. As Moslems, the members of the Moorish Science Temple of America worship Allah only, and are firm that none is due worship, thanksgiving, adoration, and praise but Allah alone. Moorish-Americans (Moors) honor all true and divine Prophets of Allah: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, etc. Moors honor and strictly adhere to the true and divine creed of Islam brought by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the last Prophet in these days. Moorish-Americans believe in reincarnation, and thus honor Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, Noah and many Prophets of Allah as being the same person reincarnated. Prophet Noble Drew Ali. As Jesus was the pattern for men in his day and Mohammed for men in his day, Moorish-Americans are to pattern their lives after Prophet Noble Drew Ali. They are to live the divine Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught the Moors to learn to love instead of hate. Allah is Love, and men need to love to be in harmony with Allah. Holy Koran. As Moslems, the Moorish-Americans Holy Day is Friday, the Holy Day for Moslems all over the world. The holy book that Moorish-Americans study is the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, which is united with the Holy Koran of Mecca. Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America honor all of the sacred books that Allah sent to man though His Prophets. Moors are taught to honor man, because when they honor man, they honor Allah. Moorish-American Prayer. The Moorish-American prayer is as follows: Allah, the Father of the Universe, The Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, Allah is my Protector My Guide and my Salvation By Night and by Day. Thru His Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. Amen. Divine Constitution and By-Laws Act 1. The Grand Sheik and the chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of
America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of the Moorish Science Temple of America. The assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice and it is known before the members of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Act 2. All meetings are to be opened and closed promptly according to the circle seven and Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Friday is our Holy Day of rest, because on a Friday the first man was formed in flesh and on a Friday the first man departed out of flesh and ascended unto his father God Allah; for that cause Friday is the Holy day of all Moslems all over the world. Act 3. Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice must be proclaimed and practiced by all members of the Moorish Science Temple of America. No member is to put in danger or accuse falsely his brother or sister on any occasion at all that may harm his brother or sister, because Allah is Love. Act 4. All members must preserve these Holy and Divine laws, and all members must obey the laws of the government, because by being a Moorish American, you are a part and partial of the government, and must live the life accordingly. Act 5. This organization of the Moorish Science Temple of America is not to cause any confusion or to overthrow the laws and constitution of the said government but to obey hereby. Act 6. With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their divine creed that they may know that they are a part and a partial of this said government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People, or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery, but this is a new era of time now, and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth, this is the reason why Allah the great God of the universe ordained Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet to redeem his people from their sinful ways. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites who inhabited the North Western and South Western shores of Africa. Act 7. All members must promptly attend their meetings and become a part and a partial of all uplifting acts of the Moorish Science Temple of America.
Members must pay their dues and keep in line with all necessities of the Moorish Science Temple of America, then you are entitled to the name of Faithful. Husband, you must support your wife and children; wife, you must obey your husband and take care of your children and look after the duties of your household. Sons and daughters must obey fathers and mothers and be industrious and become a part of the uplifting of fallen humanity. All Moorish Americans must keep their hearts and minds pure with love, and their bodies clean with water. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, through the guidance of his Father God Allah.