Newsletter 18 12 13

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different areas and as t!is year- ne.t year families will be invited into t!e ,res$!

ool to learn abo#t w!at we do and !ow. +omm#ni$ation and wor"in to et!er: 0iona !as led a +omm#ni$ation initiative t!is year- sorted t!e res#lts and wor"ed wit! ot!er %taff to b#ild and to p#t in pla$e better $omm#ni$ation pro$esses between %taff and families. 8arli %$ott and Ant!ea ,ayne !ave set t!e s$ene for %#stainability ,lannin and a$tion ne.t year. T!ere is interest and e.$itement aro#nd t!is. ,arents 91:; !ave for ed ,oli$y over a n#mber of wee"s. T!is !as been a ma7or pro7e$t and 5 t!an"yo# all for yo#r inp#t and interest. (ebsite 1 remember to #se o#r informative website to "eep #p to dateto find important lin"s and for s#pport:
tamwort!montessori.nsw.ed#.a# have a mentally healthy holiday season t!e $#rrent Newsletter from !ttp:<<www."idsmatter.ed#.a#< 2oodfor"ids< oodforlife +#rrent %#rveys 1 s$reen viewin and end of year feed=ba$"

Update: End of Term 1 2013 Newsletter 18.12.13 Hello everyone: A bi t!an"yo# for !elpin and s#pportin yo#r $!ildren t!is year in partners!ip wit! %taff and o#r &ana in 'oard. (e !ave a$!ieved and $on)#ered* 'e ass#red t!at in wor"in to et!er we maintain o#r +omm#nity ,res$!ool to t!e best standard we $an- all t!e w!ile rowin $omm#nity- !elpin o#r families to dis$over #ntapped s"ills and to tea$! ea$! ot!er wit!in o#r e.pertise. N/0: As yo# "now we !ave been b#sy t!is year wit! a review pro$ess 1 o#r t#rn to be assessed a ainst t!e National /#ality %tandards. 2overnment is meas#rin o#t$omes and $an only do t!is a ainst eviden$e so a lot of e.tra do$#mentation !as "ept #s b#sy. (e !ave yet to !ear t!e final 3eport. 4#r +!ildren: 5mportantly o#r $!ildren !ave mat#red in terms of resilien$e- awareness of ea$! ot!er6s needs- so$ial s"ills- emotional intelli en$e- appropriate assertionlearnin to distin #is! appropriate be!avio#r in different $onte.tsdis$overin 7oy in learnin and in ea$! ot!er6s friends!ip- learnin to tr#st- in $#lt#ral awareness and m#$! more. %taff $aref#lly observe and fa$ilitate ea$! $!ild6s learnin and rowt! a$ross

Healt!y 0ood ,ra$ti$es: +on rat#lations to o#r parents for t!e best pra$ti$e $!ildren6s l#n$!es yo# pa$". 3esear$! points t!at w!at we eat impa$ts o#r $apa$ity to learn. A report t!is wee" indi$ates >0? of A#stralians are now overwei !t. @o# are preparin yo#r $!ild for life in !elpin #s train t!e $!ildren in "nowled e and s"ills for !ealt!y food. Also t!is wee" t!ere is a reported $onne$tion between !i ! s# ar and fat inta"e- and impairment of s!ort term memory. T!is report will lead to

tar eted resear$! in t!is area. N#trition !as been a fo$#s of a parent &eetin t!is year and %taff will !appily tal" to yo# abo#t t!is at any time. %on7a !as "indly pointed me to a te.t w!i$! we will b#y for o#r parents and w!i$! indi$ates t!e A0 of >00 Additives #sed in A#stralian foods- t!at we "now $an lead to !ealt! iss#es e $an$er. 0eed=ba$" from +!ristmas +elebrations: t!an"yo# parents and families for yo#r val#able feed=ba$" in relation to t!e +!ristmas +elebrations two wee"s a o. T!ey are desi ned aro#nd t!e $!ildren6s needs: it is not overw!elmin B it is not abo#t Cfl#ff and overload6 in t!e words of one parents. 5t is abo#t !ow we respe$t o#r $!ildren. T!is point !as been a !ot topi$ of dis$#ssion in mainstream early$!ild!ood re$ently and +entres !ave been $!allen ed to t!in" abo#t w!o t!ey are tryin to please in settin #p an end of year +elebration. (e appre$iate (endy6s meti$#lo#s or anisation of t!e +elebrations and Ni$!olas for !elpin !er to prepare t!e +!#r$!. 2oodbye to families w!o are leavin t!e ,res$!ool: +oates- 0itDpatri$"&$(illiam- &it$!ell- &orrison- %ta!n'#tler- 'ri s- Eason- 0in#$ane+ooper- %in - %#n - and %$anlon families. T!an"yo# for enero#s !elp and for !elpin to ma"e a wonderf#l e.perien$e for o#r $!ildren and we wis! yo# all t!e best. 'est wis!es to all t!e $!ildren oin to s$!ool and remember to visit and let #s "now !ow yo# are ettin on in t!e ne.t part of yo#r 7o#rney. 5 want to a$"nowled e o#r 'oard of &ana ement and t!an" t!em for t!eir important wor" 1 t!e roadmap for 201> is already laid o#t*

T!an"yo# to a !ard=wor"in and #p= s"illed %taff team in 0iona- &el- +!ris(endy- Eeeann- 4riane- Fa$"ie- and %andra. (e say ood=by and t!an"yo# to Fa$"ie and we wel$ome ba$" Fo H#t$!ison- now as 4ffi$e Administrator. Fo !as made a start and will be onboard d#rin t!e !olidays so we are ready for t!e year. %taff too will ret#rn early to prepare t!e Eearnin Environment and for a ,rofessional Gevelopment Gay on t!e day before t!e $!ildren ret#rn. 3et#rn Gates: +#rrently enrolled +!ildren ret#rn on (ednesday 2Ht! Fan#ary and T!#rsday 30t! Fan#ary respe$tively. 0amilies wit! $!ildren enrollin - $ommen$e ,res$!ool on a date spe$ifi$ to t!em and are advised of t!is separately. Have a very Happy +!ristmas every one* 0rom 3os and all t!e %taff. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

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