Debate, Essays, Speech, Discussiion Topics

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Approved Regents' Test Essay Topics

Copyright, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, 30334, 1 rights reserved! 0! All

"is#$ss the infl$en#e that advertising %f yo$ &ere as'ed to ma'e a fair eval$ation of has had on yo$r life or the lives of yo$r yo$r tea#hers, &hat #riteria or standards &o$ld friends! yo$ $se for the eval$ation( "is#$ss! )hat infl$en#e sho$ld st$dents have in ,as #ollege made yo$ less s$re a-o$t &hat is the determination of #ollege poli#ies( right and &hat is &rong( "is#$ss! *+plain! ,o& has yo$r attit$de to&ard yo$r home .either to&n or family/ #hanged -et&een the time yo$ entered #ollege and no&( "is#$ss! 0ame someone yo$ #onsider to -e a modern hero or heroine and e+plain &hy yo$ so #lassify the person! %s too m$#h emphasis pla#ed on grades in o$r ed$#ational system( *+plain! *+plain &hy yo$ &o$ld or &o$ld not &ant to live in a large #ity! %f yo$r do#tor told yo$ that yo$ had only a fe& months to live, ho& &o$ld yo$ alter yo$r &ay of life( "is#$ss! "o #ollege st$dents -enefit from parti#ipation in e+tra#$rri#$lar a#tivities( *+plain! *a#h year, many teen1agers r$n a&ay from home! )hat do yo$ thin' are the #hief #a$ses( Sho$ld every a-le1-odied #iti2en -e re3$ired to serve for a #ertain period of time in some -ran#h of the military servi#e( )hy or &hy not(

)hat do yo$ -elieve are the #hief ,o& does yo$r p$-li# image differ from yo$r reasons for st$dents4 a#ademi# fail$re in private self( #ollege( *+plain! ,o& has the a$tomo-ile -een harmf$l to o$r so#iety( *+plain! %f yo$ &ere an employer, $nder &hat #ir#$mstan#es &o$ld yo$ fire an employee( *+plain! 0ame t&o or three #hara#teristi#s &hi#h yo$ feel a person m$st possess to -e #onsidered 5ed$#ated,5 and e+plain &hy yo$ #onsider these traits essential! Sho$ld se+ ed$#ation -e ta$ght in p$-li# s#hools( )hy or &hy not(

56elevision has made Ameri#a a nation )hat are the essential #hara#teristi#s of an of &at#hers, not doers!5 Agree or effe#tive leader( "is#$ss! disagree! "o yo$ thin' that sports help develop 56reat people as if they &ere &hat they o$ght to

good #hara#ter( "is#$ss! *+plain the #hief reasons &hy st$dents drop o$t of high s#hool! Sho$ld the 77 mph speed limit -e retained( *+plain! Sho$ld Georgia4s sales ta+ -e removed from gro#eries and other ne#essities( "is#$ss! Sho$ld #hildren -e dis#iplined -y physi#al p$nishment( "is#$ss!

-e and yo$ help them to -e#ome &hat they are #apa-le of -eing!5 "o yo$ thin' that this is an effe#tive pra#ti#e( "is#$ss! Sho$ld the United States pass g$n #ontrol la&s( "is#$ss! Sho$ld Georgia legali2e gam-ling to raise more reven$e( "is#$ss! %s romanti# love a good -asis for marriage( "is#$ss! "o yo$ thin' that yo$ re#eive yo$r money4s &orth for yo$r st$dent a#tivity fees( )hy or &hy not(

"is#$ss one #a$se for &hi#h yo$ &o$ld Are spe#tator sports overemphasi2ed in this -e &illing to ris' yo$r life! #o$ntry today( "is#$ss! %s #ollege a good pla#e to find o$t &ho yo$ really are( "is#$ss! "is#$ss the most important #hara#teristi#s an ele#ted offi#ial sho$ld have!

)hi#h of the #ollege #o$rses that yo$ have had "o yo$ long for the past or loo' eagerly do yo$ #onsider to -e the most -enefi#ial( to&ard the f$t$re( *+plain! )hy( ,as #redit -$ying affe#ted yo$r &ay of life( *+plain! )hat #hanges &o$ld o##$r in yo$r &ay of life if yo$ &ere for#ed to live in a #ash e#onomy(

%f, in yo$r 8$dgment, the leaders of this #o$ntry )as giving eighteen1year1olds the right are #learly &rong in adopting a parti#$lar to vote a mista'e( "is#$ss! poli#y, &hat sho$ld yo$ do( *+plain! %f yo$ #o$ld have a #onversation &ith a "is#$ss some pra#ti#al &ays in &hi#h ea#h of famo$s person .living or dead/, &hom $s #an help to #onserve nat$ral reso$r#es! &o$ld yo$ #hoose and &hy( )hat steps need to -e ta'en in order to red$#e #rime( *+plain! *+plain yo$r reasons for admiring a parti#$lar high s#hool or #ollege tea#her! "o yo$ -elieve that violen#e in television programs leads to violen#e in o$r so#iety( *+plain! ,o& has the &omen4s li-eration movement affe#ted relationships -et&een men and &omen( "is#$ss!

)hi#h do yo$ thin' has a greater effe#t on a person 11 heredity or environment( *+plain &hy yo$ do or do not vote! *+plain! "is#$ss &hat #o$ld -e done to in#rease %n yo$r opinion, &hat invention or dis#overy

the p$-li#4s respe#t for poli#e offi#ers! Sho$ld government1o&ned &ilderness areas -e preserved( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! %s it -enefi#ial for a high s#hool grad$ate to &or' f$ll1time for a year -efore entering #ollege( )hy or &hy not(

has -ro$ght a-o$t the most far1rea#hing and lasting #hanges in o$r #ivili2ation( *+plain! Sho$ld every #ollege st$dent -e re3$ired to st$dy history( *+plain &hy or &hy not! Sho$ld the government s$-sidi2e o$r 9lympi# teams( )hy or &hy not(

%f yo$ had the po&er to #hange any event in history .o$t#ome of an )hat #hara#teristi#s do yo$ regard as important ele#tion, &ho &on a &ar, et#!/, &hi#h in a person yo$ &o$ld #hoose as a friend( &o$ld yo$ #hoose to #hange, and &hy( Sho$ld -oth parents ass$me e3$al responsi-ility in #hild rearing( *+plain &hy or &hy not! ,o& great a role do yo$ thin' 5'no&ing the right people5 plays in getting ahead in s#hool or in &or'( *+plain! Sho$ld #o$rt pro#eedings -e televised( *+plain &hy or &hy not( St$dents at p$-li# #olleges #$rrently pay, thro$gh t$ition and fees, a-o$t one1fo$rth of the #ost of their ed$#ation: ho&ever, some people say st$dents sho$ld pay a greater share of the #ost! Arg$e for or against this proposal! )hat vi#e or &ea'ness do yo$ find most offensive( *+plain! )hat are the essential #hara#teristi#s of a good parent( "is#$ss! 5Ameri#an family life &o$ld -e more sta-le if parents, not #o$ples involved, arranged marriages!5 Agree or disagree!

%s there any 8o- that yo$ &o$ld a-sol$tely ref$se to ta'e( *+plain!

Sho$ld government employees s$#h as )hat advi#e &o$ld yo$ give to an entering poli#e offi#ers and fire fighters have the freshman( "is#$ss! right to stri'e( "is#$ss! Sho$ld prostit$tion -e legali2ed( "is#$ss! )hi#h #o$rses that yo$ did not ta'e in high s#hool do yo$ no& &ish yo$ had ta'en( )hy(

Resear#h indi#ates that yo$ and yo$r friends are li'ely to have fe&er #hildren )hat ma'es one #ollege #o$rse more en8oya-le than yo$r parents and grandparents! than another( *+plain! )hat do yo$ thin' are reasons for this( *+plain!

Sho$ld smo'ing in p$-li# pla#es -e illegal( *+plain &hy or &hy not! )hat are the #hara#teristi#s of a good #ollege st$dent( *+plain! %f yo$ &ere to -e deprived of one of yo$r five senses .sight, to$#h, smell, taste, and hearing/ &hi#h one &o$ld yo$ most hate to give $p( *+plain! %n general, do movies and<or television provide a realisti# pi#t$re of life in Ameri1 #a( *+plain! Sho$ld the military draft -e reinstated( "is#$ss! Sho$ld #ollege st$dents -e re3$ired to attend #lasses( "is#$ss! Re#ent ele#tions have -een #hara#teri2ed -y small t$rno$ts of eligi-le voters! Some demo#ra#ies 11 A$stralia, for e+ample 11 re3$ire their #iti2ens to vote! *+plain &hy s$#h a poli#y sho$ld or sho$ld not -e adopted in the United States! >ario$s #ommentators have s$ggested that no person sho$ld serve more than t&elve years in either the U!S! Senate or the U!S! ,o$se of Representatives! "is#$ss! )hy do yo$ -elieve radio has #ontin$ed to -e pop$lar in the age of television( "is#$ss! %s there too m$#h government reg$lation in o$r lives( *+plain!

5;rofessional athletes and entertainers are among the highest paid people in this #o$ntry 11 and 8$stifia-ly so!5 Agree or disagree! Sho$ld #ollege st$dents have #omplete freedom to #hoose their o&n #o$rses( "is#$ss! )o$ld yo$ prefer to rear a family in the #ity or the #o$ntry( *+plain &hy! ,o& sho$ld p$-li# high s#hools deal &ith st$dents #onsidered to -e #onstant tro$-lema'ers( "is#$ss! Some states no& permit single men and &omen to adopt #hildren! "o yo$ favor s$#h a poli#y( *+plain &hy or &hy not! =or &hat 3$alities or a#hievements &o$ld yo$ feel 8$stified in #alling an individ$al s$##essf$l( *+plain!

"is#$ss some of the stat$s sym-ols of today4s so#iety!

Sho$ld people on &elfare -e for#ed to &or'( *+plain &hy or &hy not! Sho$ld all #ollege #o$rses -e spe#ifi#ally related to one4s f$t$re o##$pation( *+plain &hy or &hy not! ?any families today are gro&ing home vegeta-le gardens! "is#$ss some reasons for this!

,o& #an a #o$rse in government, 6o &hat do yo$ attri-$te the re#ent de#line in politi#al s#ien#e, or #ivi#s help st$dents litera#y( "is#$ss! to -e#ome -etter #iti2ens( *+plain! )hat do yo$ thin' are the ma8or #a$ses Choose a profession &hose mem-ers ma'e a

of divor#e( *+plain! "is#$ss &ays to in#rease the p$-li#4s respe#t for ele#ted offi#ials!

&orth&hile #ontri-$tion to so#iety and dis#$ss the -enefits that so#iety re#eives from mem-ers of this profession! )hat, in yo$r opinion, are some of the reasons so many people have pets( "is#$ss!

Apart from #hronologi#al age, &hat are "o yo$ prefer shopping at a large shop1 ping some ma8or differen#es -et&een an #enter or at do&nto&n stores( "is#$ss! adoles#ent and an ad$lt( *+plain! Sho$ld &omen in the military servi#es -e assigned #om-at d$ties( "is#$ss! 56he #$rrent generation is la2y and la#'s dis#ipline!5 "efend or atta#' this state1 ment! %t is only re#ently that do#tors and la&yers have -eg$n to advertise! Atta#' or defend this pra#ti#e! "is#$ss &hat yo$ li'e or do not li'e a-o$t the So$th!

"oes o$r so#iety allo& &omen to ass$me )hat do yo$ thin' &o$ld -e the #onse1 mas#$line roles more readily than it allo&s 3$en#es of the legali2ation of males to ass$me roles traditionally #alled mari8$ana( *+plain! feminine( "is#$ss! %f yo$ &ere made the programming dire#1 tor of a ma8or television net&or', %f yo$ #o$ld live in some other histori#al period, &hat #hanges in the programming &hi#h &o$ld yo$ #hoose, and &hy( &o$ld yo$ ma'e( *+plain! Sho$ld fathers -e given the same #han#e as mothers to gain #$stody of their minor #hildren( "is#$ss! Sho$ld vi#tims of #rime -e #ompensated( *+plain! )e no& have more people over @7 than at any other time! )hat are the ma8or effe#ts of this in#reased proportion of older people( "is#$ss! "o yo$ f$n#tion -est in the morning, afternoon, or evening( *+plain!

%t has -een proposed that Ameri#an presidents )hat do yo$ thin' are the ma8or effe#ts -e ele#ted for one si+1year term and not -e of divor#e $pon #hildren( "is#$ss! eligi-le for reele#tion! "o yo$ agree &ith this proposal( "is#$ss! )hy did yo$ #hoose the #areer for &hi#h yo$ are preparing( Sho$ld the United States severely restri#t the import of foreign #ars for sale in the United States( "is#$ss! Sho$ld #heating -e gro$nds for dismissal from #ollege( "is#$ss! "o yo$ favor in#reased spending for national defense( )hy or &hy not( 5%n spite of advan#es in s#ientifi# 'no&l1 edge, people are still s$perstitio$s!5 Agree or disagree! )at#hing the 5soaps5 has -e#ome an Ameri#an pastime! )hy are these tele1 vision sho&s so pop$lar(

)hi#h is most $sef$l to a #ollege st$dent 11 a pi#'1$p tr$#', a #ar, or a -i#y#le( *+plain! )hy do some #o$ples #hoose to live together &itho$t getting married( *+plain! "o #ollege st$dents -enefit from having to earn at least part of their t$ition( "is#$ss! Are Ameri#ans too dependent on the a$tomo-ile( "is#$ss! )hy are so many people over the age of t&enty1one enrolling in #ollege( "is#$ss!v "o Ameri#ans seem $na-le to rela+ in their leis$re time( "is#$ss! Sho$ld Ameri#an st$dents -e re3$ired to learn a se#ond lang$age( )hy or &hy not( Are elementary and high s#hools ade3$ately meeting the needs of their st$dents( "is#$ss!

%n the United States, as a r$le, are the p$nishments imposed appropriate to the #rimes #ommitted( *+plain! )o$ld yo$ li'e to -e a #andidate for p$-li# offi#e( )hy or &hy not( %f m$si# refle#ts the mood of an age, &hat does #$rrent m$si# say a-o$t Ameri#a( *+plain! )hat are the #hara#teristi#s of an effe#tive television ne&s#aster( *+plain! "is#$ss #hanges &hi#h &o$ld ma'e the p$-li# less hesitant to report #rime! 5,$man rights5 is a term fre3$ently $sed -$t seldom defined! )hat rights sho$ld -elong to every h$man -eing( "is#$ss! "o yo$ or yo$r family s$pport p$-li# television .the ed$#ational #hannels/ either as vie&ers or #ontri-$tors( )hy or &hy not( ,o& do yo$ a##o$nt for the pop$larity of horror films( "is#$ss!

%n &hat &ays has the availa-ility of fast Ro-ert =rost said, 5)e #ome to #ollege to get food resta$rants affe#ted yo$r eating over o$r littlemindedness!5 "is#$ss in relation ha-its( to yo$r o&n e+perien#es! Be#a$se of the high #ost of gasoline, many people are $sing transportation other than the a$tomo-ile! %n yo$r opinion, &hat other types of transportation are most feasi-le( Sho$ld #ollege st$dents -e re3$ired to ta'e physi#al ed$#ation #o$rses( )hy or &hy not( %f yo$ #o$ld -an anything in the &orld, &hat &o$ld it -e and &hy( "o yo$ thin' that yo$ have the 3$alifi#a1 tions of a good parent( "is#$ss! )hat do yo$ hope to a##omplish &ithin the ne+t ten years( *+plain! %t has -een said that 5*vil, li'e good, has its o&n heroes!5 0ame some #hara#ters that yo$ #onsider to -e 5evil heroes!5 *+plain! Sho$ld prison inmates -e allo&ed to ta'e #ollege #o$rses( *+plain &hy or &hy not! %f yo$ &ere a&arded an e+pense paid trip to any one pla#e in the &orld, &here &o$ld yo$ go( )hy(

)hat do yo$ #onsider the most important event of the past de#ade( )hy( Aogging has -e#ome e+tremely pop$lar in the last fe& years! *+plain &hy yo$ 8og or &hy yo$ don4t! ,o& #an the individ$al #iti2en red$#e the pro-a-ility of his or her home4s -eing -$rglari2ed( *+plain! %s it -etter for a politi#al leader to -e feared instead of loved( )hy or &hy not( )hat spe#ifi# sa#rifi#e or sa#rifi#es &o$ld yo$ end$re as a partial sol$tion to o$r #o$ntry4s e#onomi# pro-lem( "is#$ss! Sho$ld a grad$ating #ollege senior -e re3$ired to pass a #omprehensive e+amination in his or her ma8or -efore re#eiving a degree( )hy or &hy not( Sho$ld the government do more to dis#o$rage #igarette smo'ing( )hy or &hy not(

%f yo$ &ere g$aranteed a steadily improving standard of living .in terms of -$ying po&er, free time, 3$ality of goods and servi#es, et#!/, &o$ld yo$ -e &illing to give $p yo$r right to vote( *+plain! %s it possi-le for anger ever to -e -ene1 fi#ial( *+plain! )hat are the most important s'ills and<or val$es that #hildren learn from their parents( *+plain! )e often hear ed$#ation atta#'ed or defended on the -asis of its $tility! "efine and e+plain &hat yo$ mean -y 5$sef$l5 or 5$seless5 &hen yo$ apply those terms to a#ademi# &or'! ?ost people #onsider themselves part of a parti#$lar generation! "is#$ss &hat yo$ #onsider the most important val$es of yo$r generation! %s an a#ademi#ally #ompetitive atmosphere helpf$l or harmf$l to yo$ as a st$dent( "is#$ss! 5?anners -elong to a -ygone age: they are no longer relevant!5 Atta#', defend, or modify!

At a s#ientifi# #onferen#e, R$ssia4s #hief spa#e s#ientist, Beonid %! Sedov, ta$nted a U!S! %n yo$r vie&, &hat &o$ld most impress #olleag$eC 5Do$ Ameri#ans have a -etter .favora-ly or $nfavora-ly/ a foreign standard of living than &e have! B$t the st$dent spending his or her first Ameri#an loves his #ar, his refrigerator, his &ee'end in an Ameri#an home( ho$se! ,e does not, as &e R$ssians do, love his "is#$ss! #o$ntry!5 %f yo$ had to ans&er ?r! Sedov, &hat &o$ld -e yo$r reply( "o #ompetitions li'e the ?iss Ameri#a "is#$ss the advantages and<or dis1 advantages ;ageant e+ploit &omen( "is#$ss! of n$#lear po&er as a so$r#e of energy! %n &hat areas sho$ld all #ollege grad$ates -e re3$ired to have some #ompeten#e( )hy( %s athleti# #ompetition good for %s marriage an o$tmoded instit$tion in the United States( *+plain &hy or &hy not! ?any Ameri#an homes and offi#es have

#hildren $nder t&elve years old( *+plain &hy or &hy not! %f yo$ #o$ld ma'e one s#ientifi# dis#overy in yo$r lifetime, &hat &o$ld it -e( )hy( %f the average life span &ere in#reased to 170 years, &hat ma8or #hanges in so#iety &o$ld yo$ e+pe#t( "is#$ss! )hen &e ret$rn to pla#es &e 'ne& as #hildren, &e are often s$rprised at ho& different these pla#es seem! Compare and<or #ontrast yo$r impression of some pla#e yo$ 'ne& as a #hild &ith yo$r #$rrent impression of the same pla#e! Can yo$ tell something a-o$t a person from the &ay she or he dresses( *+plain! )hat &o$ld yo$ pla#e in a time1 #aps$le to allo& people opening the #aps$le 1,000 years from no& to $nderstand life in the 1 E04s( *+plain! "es#ri-e a model physi#al fitness plan! %s it harmf$l for #hildren to -e in day1 #are #enters all day( *+plain &hy or &hy not! 5%n the United States, &e &aste a great nat$ral reso$r#eC the elderly!5 Agree or disagree! %s &ar sometimes 8$stifia-le( *+plain! Sho$ld the death penalty -e a-olished( "is#$ss! )hat #an -e done to prevent violen#e and #rime in p$-li# s#hools( "is#$ss! Sho$ld p$-li# agen#ies -e re3$ired to

-e#ome a 8$ngle of ho$seplants! )hy do yo$ thin' that so many people s$rro$nd themselves &ith gro&ing things( Given all the eviden#e that #igarette smo'ing is harmf$l, &hy do people #on1 tin$e to smo'e #igarettes( "is#$ss! )hat &o$ld #a$se yo$ to end a friendship( *+plain!

"o yo$ -elieve that -anning #ertain -oo's from p$-li# and s#hool li-raries is 8$stified( "is#$ss!

"o high s#hools p$t too m$#h emphasis on athleti#s( "is#$ss! 5Self1dis#ipline is the most important ingredient for s$##ess!5 Atta#' or defend! "oes o$r p$-li# ed$#ational system promote medio#rity( "is#$ss! Sho$ld the #$stom of tipping -e a-olished( *+plain &hy or &hy not! Bea$ty #ontests, despite some #riti#ism, are still very pop$lar! %n yo$r opinion, &hat are the #hief reasons for their pop$larity( *+plain! )hat are the #hief #a$ses of shoplifting( "is#$ss! 9ver#ro&ded prisons are one of the ma8or pro-lems fa#ing Georgia! )hat might -e done to ease this pro-lem( Sho$ld la& enfor#ement agen#ies -e permitted to tap telephone lines( *+plain! %f yo$ #o$ld pass one la&, &hat &o$ld it -e(

inform parents if their minor #hildren .those $nder 1F/ see' -irth #ontrol( "is#$ss!


)hat do yo$ #onsider to -e yo$r d$ties Sho$ld national and state governments set aside as an Ameri#an #iti2en( "is#$ss! land for par's( "is#$ss! "o yo$ -elieve that it is the responsi-ility of the yo$ng to provide finan#ial se#$rity for the aged( )hy or &hy not( )hat #an parents do to prepare their #hildren for s#hool( "is#$ss! A##ording to st$dies, the average Ameri#an &at#hes television as m$#h as si+ ho$rs a day! )hy do Ameri#ans &at#h so m$#h television( "is#$ss! Ameri#a has many regional foods! )hat &o$ld yo$ re#ommend to a traveller &ho &anted to e+perien#e So$thern food( *+plain! %f yo$ #o$ld #hange one thing a-o$t yo$r #hildhood, &hat &o$ld it -e( "is#$ss! %s it -etter to have -rothers and sisters than to -e an only #hild( *+plain! %t has -een said that #omp$ters are ta'ing over o$r lives! "o yo$ agree or disagree( *+plain! "oes a person4s name affe#t his or her personality( "is#$ss! ,o& does a person ma'e a good first impression in an intervie&( "is#$ss! )hat is yo$r definition of a gentleman or a lady( *+plain! Sho$ld teenaged #hildren of divor#ed parents have the right to de#ide &hi#h )hy are many people afraid of gro&ing old( "is#$ss! 6he #hanges -ro$ght on -y the &omen4s li-eration movement are typi#ally seen as -enefitting &omen! "o men also -enefit from &omen4s li-eration( "is#$ss! "o yo$ have a positive or a negative vie& of la&yers( *+plain!

%f yo$ #o$ld hold any 8o- for one year, &hat &o$ld yo$ #hoose( )hy( ,o& #an parents promote good reading ha-its in their #hildren( "is#$ss! %s the traditional role of fathers #hanging( "is#$ss! %s the person &itho$t 'no&ledge of #om1 p$ters in the 1 E04s handi#apped( "is#$ss! Sho$ld adoption re#ords -e open to the people dire#tly involved .the person adopted, the -iologi#al parents and<or the adoptive parents/( *+plain &hy or &hy not! )hat is yo$r most pri2ed possession( )hy( )hat is the val$e of re#reation( *+plain! ?any Ameri#an #omm$nities have only one ne&spaper! )hat negative effe#ts #o$ld this

parent to live &ith( "is#$ss!

a-sen#e of #ompetition have( *+plain!

;!6! Barn$m said that 5a s$#'er is -orn )hy are there more female than male p$-li# every min$te!5 *+plain ho& this idea s#hool tea#hers( *+plain! relates to Ameri#an advertising! Sho$ld #ollege physi#al ed$#ation grades -e in#l$ded in the grade point average( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! Gno&ledge #an -e gained from -oo's and s#ientifi# o-servation! )hat are some other important so$r#es of 'no&ledge, and &hy are they val$a-le( "o yo$ favor or oppose a r$le that &o$ld prohi-it professional teams from re#r$iting #ollege st$dent athletes $ntil their #ollege sports eligi-ility is over( )hy or &hy not( )hether &e &ant them or not, many of $s get tagged &ith one or more ni#'names d$ring o$r lives! "is#$ss the positive and<or negative aspe#ts of the pra#ti#e of ni#'naming! Ar#haeologists have learned m$#h a-o$t the lives of first1#ent$ry Romans from the e+#avations of ho$ses -$ried -y lava at ;ompeii! S$ppose that yo$r home &ere preserved 8$st as it is no&! )hat #on1 #l$sions a-o$t life in the 1 E04s might this eviden#e lead f$t$re ar#haeologists to dra&(

)hom &o$ld yo$ identify as a tr$ly &ise person( )hat ma'es him or her seem &ise to yo$(

)hat steps sho$ld -e ta'en to improve the "is#$ss &hat people reveal a-o$t them1 3$ality of ed$#ation in o$r p$-li# s#hools( selves -y the &ay they drive! "is#$ss! "is#$ss the follo&ing statementC 5As &e get older, o$r toys #ost more!5 0ame yo$r favorite game or sport and e+plain &hy yo$ find it en8oya-le!

)hat sho$ld a #ollege athlete #onsider Athleti# programs at some #olleges are -ig in de#iding &hether to t$rn professional -$siness! "is#$ss the advantages and<or or to remain in #ollege( disadvantages of this sit$ation! ;artners in marriage often &rite their o&n detailed marriage #ontra#ts, #overing s$#h "is#$ss ho& st$dent eval$ations of matters as the n$m-er of #hildren they &ish to fa#$lty #o$ld -e $sed -y administrators, have and the management of mon1 ey! )o$ld fa#$lty, and<or st$dents! yo$ &rite s$#h a #ontra#t( *+plain &hy or &hy not! Sho$ld finan#ial aid -e denied to those %n the development of a national -$dget, &hi#h st$dents &ho have not registered for the sho$ld -e more important 11 fighting poverty at draft( *+plain! home or arming to fight an aggressor( *+plain! Sho$ld all st$dents -e re3$ired to ta'e a )hi#h of the fo$r seasons of the year appeals to #o$rse in #omp$ter s#ien#e some time yo$ the most( )hy( d$ring their ed$#ation( *+plain &hy or

&hy not! S$i#ide among high s#hool and #ollege st$dents is on the rise in this #o$ntry! "is#$ss possi-le reasons &hy yo$ng people ta'e their o&n lives! )hat is the -est advi#e yo$ ever got( *+plain!

"is#$ss &hy people are fas#inated -y am$sement par's s$#h as "isney )orld *+plain &hy yo$ do or do not h$nt! and Si+ =lags! 56he love of money is the root of all evil!5 Agree or disagree! ,o& effe#tive is television in disseminating ne&s( *+plain! %s it -etter to 'no& a little a-o$t many s$-1 8e#ts than to 'no& a lot a-o$t one s$-8e#t( "is#$ss! "is#$ss some of the roles a #ollege st$dent plays! )hat steps &o$ld yo$ re#ommend -e ta'en to ma'e health #are in Ameri#a more availa-le to everyone( *+plain! Sho$ld an introd$#tion to art, m$si#, and drama -e a part of every #ollege st$dent4s ed$#ation( *+plain &hy or &hy not!

"o yo$ -elieve yo$ng #ollege st$dents sho$ld postpone marrying $ntil they grad$ate( )hy or &hy not(

Sho$ld #ardiop$lmonary res$s#itation .C;R/<first aid #o$rses -e a re3$ired part of the #ollege4s #$rri#$l$m( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not!

,o& do yo$ e+pe#t yo$r #ollege ed$#ation to #hange the rest of yo$r life( "is#$ss!

Sho$ld every #ollege st$dent ta'e a #o$rse in p$-li# spea'ing( "is#$ss!

)hat are some possi-le reasons for the re#ent de#line in the reading s'ills of high s#hool st$dents( "is#$ss!

)hat #o$ld -e done to ma'e st$dents more interested in learning a-o$t s#ien#e( "is#$ss!

Sho$ld the la& re3$ire a$tomo-ile drivers and passengers to $se safety -elts( "is#$ss!

"is#$ss some of the appeals $sed in a$tomo-ile advertisements!

)hat steps sho$ld -e ta'en to red$#e the n$m-er of dr$n' drivers( "is#$ss!

%s in#reased life e+pe#tan#y a -lessing or a #$rse( "is#$ss!

*very appli#ant for a Georgia driver4s Sho$ld the United States offer foreign aid only li#ense m$st #hoose &hether to -e an to those nations &hi#h s$pport o$r poli#ies( organ donor! )o$ld yo$ #hoose to -e a "is#$ss! donor( *+plain &hy or &hy not! "o yo$ s$pport the n$#lear free2e move1 ment that has re#ently gained )hat is yo$r favorite pie#e of f$rnit$re( moment$m in -oth *$rope and the *+plain! United States( *+plain &hy or &hy not!

6ho$gh a favorite sport of many, -o+ing is a dangero$s sport that leaves many -o+ers s$ffering from eye and -rain damage! Sho$ld it -e o$tla&ed( )hy do people still go to movie theaters despite the availa-ility of television movies and video #assettes( "is#$ss! ,o& have yo$r eating ha-its #hanged sin#e yo$4ve -een in #ollege( "is#$ss! "oes a person have to -e &ealthy and po&erf$l in order to -e #onsidered s$##essf$l( "is#$ss! Sho$ld #iti2ens -e permitted to defend themselves and their property thro$gh

Are large sto#'piles of sophisti#ated military &eapons ne#essary to deter foreign aggression( "is#$ss!

%f yo$ &ere for#ed to live &itho$t television, ho& &o$ld yo$ spend the time yo$ normally spend &at#hing 6>( "is#$ss! "o yo$ thin' of yo$rself as a 5goal1 oriented5 person( *+plain! %f yo$ had the po&er to do one thing to improve the &orld, &hat &o$ld yo$ do( "is#$ss! )hat do yo$ thin' are the -est methods of dis#iplining #hildren( *+plain!

means of deadly for#e( "is#$ss! %f yo$ #o$ld have a ho$sehold ro-ot, for &hat 8o-s &o$ld yo$ &ant it programmed( "is#$ss! %s it the responsi-ility of the United States to share its food s$pplies &ith the h$ngry people of the &orld( *+plain! 5A person may -e fairly 8$dged -y &hat he finds am$sing!5 "is#$ss!

)hat is the val$e of foreign travel( "is#$ss!

A-o$t a de#ade ago Alvin 6offler, a$thor of =$t$re Sho#' and 6he 6hird 6he United States has never had a female )ave, referred to #ontemporary so#iety president! 6o &hat do yo$ attri-$te this( as the 5thro& a&ay5 generation! %s that "is#$ss! term des#riptive of yo$r generation( *+plain! )hat is the differen#e -et&een 5good5 and 5-ad5 stress( *+plain! )hy have the S$n-elt states -een gaining pop$lation in the last t&o de#ades( "is#$ss! )hy do people play pra#ti#al 8o'es( *+plain! %f yo$ &ere alone for a &ee', &hat -oo's .or re#ords/ &o$ld yo$ sele#t to read .or listen to/( "is#$ss! )hat type of m$si# do yo$ prefer( )hy( )hi#h of yo$r talents do yo$ val$e most( )hy( Sho$ld the s#hool year -e e+tended to in#l$de longer ho$rs and more days re3$ired to o-tain a high s#hool diploma( "is#$ss! "is#$ss some of the differen#es yo$ have noti#ed -et&een &ritten and spo'en lang$age! %f yo$ #o$ld #hoose any #$lt$re or so#iety, &hi#h one &o$ld yo$ #hoose to live in( "is#$ss! "is#$ss some of the advantages and<or disadvantages of having t&o or three generations of a family living together $nder the same roof! )hat does it mean to -e f$lly alive( *+plain! Sho$ld tea#hers -e re3$ired to pass #ompeten#y tests( "is#$ss!

)hy is #ollege foot-all so pop$lar( "is#$ss! "o yo$ feel that #ollege professors sho& favoritism among st$dents( "is#$ss! %f yo$ &ere among the first #oloni2ers of a ne& planet in the t&enty1first #ent$ry, &hat &o$ld yo$ not &ant yo$r fello& #olonists to transport from the planet *arth( *+plain! Ameri#ans generally #ondemn day1 dreaming as a &aste of time! "o yo$ agree &ith this vie&, or do yo$ see some -enefits of daydreaming( "is#$ss!

)hen yo$ are approa#hed for a #harita-le #ontri-$tion, do yo$ generally #ontri-$te( )hy or &hy not( 6he eviden#e sho&s that for many reasons the family1o&ned and family1 r$n small farm is a vanishing Ameri#an insti1 t$tion! Sho$ld this sit$ation #a$se #on1 #ern in Ameri#an so#iety( )hy or &hy not(

;$-lishers report that astrology #ol$mns are among the most &idely read feat$res in ne&spapers! "o yo$ #he#' yo$r astrologi#al fore#ast from time to time( )hy or &hy not( "o yo$ s$ppose yo$ &o$ld -e happier if yo$ lived more simply, eliminating the effort it ta'es to a#3$ire an a-$ndan#e of l$+$ries( )hy or &hy not( 6he 5Biving )ill5 dire#ts a person4s family and physi#ians not to 'eep that person alive -y artifi#ial means if that person &ere to s$ffer a totally in#apa#itating disease or illness! )o$ld yo$ #onsider signing s$#h a do#$ment and giving it to yo$r o&n family( )hy or &hy not( 5>ery fe& of $s really 'no& ho& to listen!5 "is#$ss &hy yo$ agree or disagree &ith this statement! 5Any tea#her &ho #an -e repla#ed -y a ma#hine, sho$ld -e!5 "is#$ss &hy yo$ agree or disagree &ith this statement! 6he S$preme Co$rt has re#ently r$led that p$-li# s#hools have the right to #ond$#t sear#hes of st$dents4 persons and property &hen there is reasona-le #a$se to s$spe#t the presen#e of &eapons or dr$gs! "o yo$ s$pport or oppose s$#h sear#hes( *+plain! %t is said that the United States has the highest #rime rate of any #o$ntry that 'eeps a##$rate re#ords! )hat, in yo$r opinion, are some of the reasons for the $n$s$ally high rate of #rime in the U!S!( "is#$ss!

"o yo$ read the ne&spaper every day( )hy or &hy not(

%s noise poll$tion -e#oming a serio$s threat to the &elfare of Ameri#ans( "is#$ss! %s it -etter to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all( "is#$ss! "o yo$ favor or oppose the $se of animal organs .s$#h as hearts or 'idneys/ as transplants in h$mans &hen h$man organs are not availa-le( *+plain!

)o$ld yo$ -e -etter off if yo$ didn4t o&n a television( "is#$ss!

%f yo$ #o$ld parti#ipate in only one e+tra1 #$rri#$lar a#tivity, &hi#h &o$ld yo$ #hoose( )hy(

)hat meas$res might -e effe#tive in red$#ing dr$g traffi# in Georgia( "is#$ss!

Sho$ld the government allo& $nlimited Sho$ld the government #$t f$nds from n$m-ers of ref$gees from politi#al ed$#ational, #$lt$ral, and &elfare pro1 grams to oppression to enter the U!S!( "is#$ss! s$pport a strong defense -$dget( "is#$ss! Sho$ld the advertisement of al#oholi# Sho$ld ta+ dollars -e $sed to s$-sidi2e p$-li#

-everages -e -anned from television( "is#$ss! %f yo$ &ere pla#ed in a position to red$#e the national de-t, &hat area &o$ld yo$ #$t( )hy(

television and radio -road#asts( "is#$ss! ?any states have ena#ted la&s -anning all non1 ret$rna-le drin' #ontainers! Sho$ld Georgia pass s$#h a la&( )hy or &hy not(

Some thin' that divor#es are too easy to )hat steps #an -e ta'en to red$#e the amo$nt of o-tain today! "o yo$ agree or disagree( litter fo$nd along high&ays and in the *+plain! #o$ntryside( "is#$ss! ;residential greatness is often de-ated -y Sho$ld stri#ter la&s -e ena#ted -anning professional historians! )hi#h U!S! president -ill-oards along o$r ma8or high&ays( &o$ld yo$ identify as the greatest( A$stify yo$r )hy or &hy not( sele#tion! Several #omm$nities have re#ently passed la&s ma'ing it illegal for -ars to promote the #ons$mption of al#ohol )ho is the person in p$-li# life .govern1 ment, thro$gh sales spe#ials s$#h as happy entertainment, sports, et#!/ &hom yo$ admire ho$rs, t&o1for1one ho$rs, and ladies4 the least( *+plain! night! "o yo$ agree or disagree that these la&s are needed( "is#$ss! )hat is yo$r favorite so$r#e of entertain1 ment( *+plain &hy! )o$ld yo$ &ant to s$rvive a n$#lear &ar( "is#$ss!

%s it -etter to have lived in one pla#e all one4s life than to have moved aro$nd( )hat is yo$r favorite holiday( )hy( "is#$ss! "o Ameri#ans pla#e too m$#h emphasis on physi#al appearan#e( "is#$ss! Sho$ld the media sho& more respe#t for #ele-rities4 desire for priva#y( "is#$ss! 0early all st$dents have had #lassmates &ho they &ished &ere any&here else -$t in that parti#$lar #lass! )hat 'inds of st$dents do yo$ find most annoying( "is#$ss! 56he -est things in life are free!5 "is#$ss &hy yo$ agree or disagree &ith this statement!

%f yo$ had to #hoose -et&een a 8o- that yo$ %s there anything that tea#hers #an learn loved that paid H17,000 a year and a 8o- that from st$dents( "is#$ss! yo$ hated that paid HI7,000 a year, &hi#h 8o&o$ld yo$ ta'e( *+plain &hy! )hy do so many people li'e to have #olle#tions of something .anti3$es, #oins, stamps, dolls/( "is#$ss! A##ording to >in#e Bom-ardi, 5)inning is not the most important thing: it4s the only thing!5 *+plain &hy yo$ agree or disagree &ith this vie&!

)ith the &idespread availa-ility of Sho$ld st$dent eval$ations of fa#$lty mem-ers #al#$1 lators, is it ne#essary for st$dents -e made availa-le to st$dents( "is#$ss &hy or to learn arithmeti#( "is#$ss! &hy not! 6here is a shortage of mathemati#s tea#hers in the se#ondary s#hools! )hat ,as the spa#e program -enefited the average spe#ifi# a#tions sho$ld -e ta'en to Ameri#an( "is#$ss! lessen this shortage( "is#$ss! )ith ne&s readily availa-le from the ele#troni# media, &hy are ne&spapers still pop$lar( "is#$ss! )hat are the advantages and<or dis1 advantages of -eing single( "is#$ss!

Sho$ld parents en#o$rage their teenage #hildren to &or' even if the family does )ho is a se+ sym-ol today( *+plain! not need the money( )hi#h advertisements do yo$ find most )hat do yo$ do to #ope &ith stress( appealing or offensive( )hy( "o yo$ thin' that the average person &o$ld rather #onform .-e li'e everyone )hat pro-lem in this #ontemporary &orld do else in his gro$p/ than stand o$t as an yo$ find most dist$r-ing( *+plain! individ$al( "is#$ss! ,as television -ro$ght mem-ers of the family together( "is#$ss! Are ro-ots a -lessing or a #$rse to the la-or for#e( "is#$ss!

%f yo$ &anted to -e one of the first )hat animal do yo$ li'e .or disli'e/ the most( #ivilians to fly in spa#e, ho& &o$ld yo$ )hy( sell yo$rself to 0ASA( Sho$ld polygraph tests -e $sed as a #ondition of employment( "is#$ss! )hat single e+perien#e do yo$ -elieve every h$man -eing sho$ld have, one &itho$t &hi#h h$man life, in yo$r opinion, &o$ld not -e #omplete( *+plain! )hat is the greatest -argain yo$ have ever got( *+plain! "is#$ss some of the press$res on #ollege st$dents! "is#$ss the advantages and<or disadvantages of -eing a #omm$ting st$dent! %f yo$ #o$ld live in any #ity in the &orld, &hi#h &o$ld yo$ #hoose and &hy( Sho$ld #hildren diagnosed as having A%"S -e permitted to attend p$-li# s#hools( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! Sho$ld #ollege st$dents -e tested for A%"S( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! Sho$ld final e+aminations in #ollege #o$rses -e #omprehensive( "is#$ss! %f yo$ &ere a fashion designer for #ollege st$dents on a -$dget, &hat &ardro-e &o$ld yo$ s$ggest that &o$ld -e reason1 a-ly pri#ed and adapta-le to vario$s o##asions(

*+plain &hat motivates yo$ to strive for good grades in #ollege! %s it an advantage or a disadvantage to have a 8o- &hile attending #ollege( "is#$ss! )hat types of st$dents do yo$ li'e to have in yo$r #lasses( "is#$ss! Sho$ld the government in#rease ta+es to help improve the standard of living of poor people( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! %n order to prote#t Ameri#an ind$stry, sho$ld the U!S! government impose heavy tariffs on foreign goods #oming into this #o$ntry( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! )hat advi#e &o$ld yo$ give to a st$dent 8$st -eginning high s#hool( *+plain! "o Ameri#an st$dents 'no& far too little a-o$t their R$ssian #o$nterparts( "is#$ss! )hat #an p$-li# s#hools do to lo&er the n$m-er of high s#hool dropo$ts( *+plain! %s the preservation of all spe#ies of plant and animal life #r$#ial to the #ontin$ed e+isten#e of man'ind( "is#$ss! 9ne s$ggested partial sol$tion to the dr$g pro-lem is to f$rnish dr$gs to #ertified addi#ts, th$s removing the profit for dr$g dealers! )hat do yo$ thin' of this idea(

?any #ollege freshmen #omplain that they have never learned ho& to st$dy! )hat pointers #o$ld yo$ give to help people &ith poor st$dy ha-its( *+plain! Sho$ld #olleges ma'e it optional for st$dents to pay a#tivities fees( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! Sho$ld #omp$ter litera#y -e re3$ired of all #ollege st$dents( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! ,o& do yo$ thin' o$r f$t$re &ill -e infl$en#ed -y the great infl$+ of foreign prod$#ts into the United States( *+plain! ,ave yo$ o-served any signifi#ant dif1 feren#es -et&een high s#hool and #ollege tea#hers( *+plain! ,o& #an &e red$#e the pro-lem of illitera#y in o$r nation( *+plain! Sho$ld high s#hool st$dents -e re3$ired to &ear $niforms( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! Sho$ld s#hools esta-lish dress #odes( "is#$ss!

%s #on#ern for a #lean environment a dead iss$e today( "is#$ss!

Sho$ld employers have the right to re3$ire their employees to ta'e dr$g tests( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not!

Sho$ld a person tell his or her spo$se )hat #an -e done to help prevent a marriage a-o$t past love affairs( "is#$ss &hy or from ending in divor#e( *+plain! &hy not! )o$ld yo$ rather spend a &ee'end 9f the so$r#es of entertainment &hi#h are

&ith yo$r friends or yo$r family( *+plain! )hat &as the most important event of yo$r life( "is#$ss &hy this event &as so important! )hi#h do yo$ -elieve has -een most infl$ential in yo$r life 11 good l$#' .#han#e/ or good de#isions( *+plain! )hat impa#t has attending #ollege had on yo$r relationships &ith others( *+plain! %f yo$ #o$ld -$y one very e+pensive thing, &hat &o$ld it -e( *+plain! )hat 'ind of resear#h &o$ld yo$ s$ggest doing -efore ma'ing a ma8or p$r#hase s$#h as a #ar or stereo( 0ame a person, pla#e, or thing that is #$rrently very pop$lar -$t that, in yo$r opinion, is overrated! *+plain &hy it does not deserve its pop$larity! )hat sit$ations are most stressf$l for yo$( "is#$ss!

pop$lar today, &hi#h do yo$ find least appealing( "is#$ss! )hat types of movies do yo$ prefer( *+plain! ,ave re#ent reports on airline #rashes and near #ollisions #hanged yo$r attit$de to&ard air travel( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! )hat types of reading materials do yo$ prefer( "is#$ss! ,o& do yo$ a##o$nt for the pop$larity of yo$r favorite entertainer( ,o& &o$ld yo$r life #hange if yo$ inherited a million dollars( )hat #areer, other than the one for &hi#h yo$ are preparing, do yo$ find most appealing( *+plain! "is#$ss the importan#e that a relative .other than a parent/ has had in yo$r life!

Given the #hoi#e, &o$ld yo$ rather live %f yo$ &ere to set $p a personal m$se$m of the in the mo$ntains or near the -ea#h( most signifi#ant o-8e#ts yo$ o&n, &hat &o$ld "is#$ss! yo$ in#l$de and &hy( "o yo$ li'e s$rprises( *+plain &hy or &hy not! "is#$ss a 0e& Dear4s resol$tion that yo$ a#t$ally 'ept .or &ish yo$ had/! %f for some reason yo$ &ere prevented from attending #ollege, &hat #areer &o$ld yo$ p$rs$e( )hy( %s there one pla#e on earth that means more to yo$ than all others( )hy( *+plain &hy yo$ do or do not smo'e! )hat region of the United States do yo$ li'e the most( )hy( *+plain &hy yo$ do or do not li'e having pi#ni#s! ;eople dress to pro8e#t an image or to follo& trends or to -e #omforta-le! "is#$ss &hy yo$ dress the &ay yo$ do!

)hat have yo$ -een promising to %f yo$ #o$ld relive one day in yo$r life, &hi#h thro& o$t for years that yo$ 8$st #annot day &o$ld it -e( *+plain! seem to part &ith( "is#$ss!

)hat is yo$r idea of a perfe#t va#ation( )hat are some #hara#teristi#s of people yo$ try *+plain! to avoid &hen sele#ting friends( *+plain! )hat &o$ld -e the ideal n$m-er of #hil1 dren for yo$ to have in a family( "is#$ss! ,o& are yo$ different from yo$r parents .or other ad$lts signifi#ant in yo$r $p1 -ringing/( *+plain! )hat advi#e &o$ld yo$ give to a person a-o$t the pro#ess of ending a meaningf$l relationship( %f private o&nership of a$tomo-iles &ere impossi-le, ho& &o$ld yo$r life #hange( 0ame some of yo$r family4s traditions .perhaps #on#erning holidays, -irthdays, va#ations, or other a#tivities/ and dis#$ss &hy they are important to yo$! *+plain &hy yo$ &o$ld or &o$ld not re#ommend a movie yo$ sa& re#ently! )hat infl$en#es from the past have helped shape the person yo$ are today( "is#$ss! %f yo$ #o$ld have free, $nlimited servi#e for five years from an e+tremely good #oo', #ha$ffe$r, ho$se'eeper, masse$se, or personal se#retary, &hi#h one, if any, &o$ld yo$ #hoose( )hy(

)hat foreign #o$ntry &o$ld yo$ li'e to )hat #an -e done to en#o$rage more and -etter visit, and &hy &o$ld yo$ li'e to go #andidates to see' p$-li# offi#e( *+plain! there( ,as media s#r$tiny of p$-li# offi#ials4 private lives -e#ome e+#essive( "is#$ss! Sho$ld lo#al governments pass a la& restri#ting the o&nership of dangero$s pets s$#h as pit -$lldogs( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not!

?ore and more people are see'ing plasti# )hat advi#e &o$ld yo$ give to a yo$ng s$rgery for p$rely #osmeti# reasons! )hy are so person 8$st -eginning to date( many people &illing to a##ept the #osts and ris's of this 'ind of s$rgery( *+plain &hy yo$ thin' so many people get the post1Christmas -l$es! Ameri#ans are fast -e#oming the most over&eight people in the &orld! 6o &hat do yo$ attri-$te this trend( *+plain! )hat #an -e done to ma'e the treatment of the elderly more h$mane( )hat has -een the most $seless invention of the t&entieth #ent$ry( *+plain! Are people in the U!S! overly #on#erned a-o$t -eing thin( "is#$ss! Sho$ld animals -e $sed in medi#al resear#h( "is#$ss! )hat #an -e done to ma'e the p$-li# more a&are of the dangers of drin'ing and driving( "o yo$ thin' a person4s loo's affe#t his or her s$##ess in the 8o- mar'et( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not!

)hat sho$ld -e done to red$#e the pro-lem of homelessness in the U!S!(

,o& #an ,allo&een -e made safer for yo$ng people(

Some television series .s$#h as ?!A!S!,! and Beave %t 6o Beaver/ have )hat are the #hief reasons for o$r yo$th4s en8oyed a long life -oth in prod$#tion interest in m$si# videos( *+plain! and in rer$ns! *+plain &hy! A##ording to some o-servers, Ameri#ans are &at#hing less net&or' television! )hat do yo$ thin' are the reasons for the de#line in interest( )hy are television game sho&s so pop$lar( "is#$ss! Choose a #hara#ter in a re#ent movie or television sho& &hom yo$ find espe#ially appealing or $nappealing! *+plain yo$r #hoi#e! )hy do many people prefer &at#hing television ne&s sho&s over reading ne&spapers( "is#$ss!

"o yo$ li'e -eing in the presen#e of small #hildren( "is#$ss &hy or &hy )omen today are &aiting $ntil they are older to not! Sho$ld people a##ept it as their marry for the first time! )hy( d$ty to ta'e #are of their aging parents( "is#$ss! %f yo$ #o$ld ta'e -a#' any deed yo$ have done and do it differently, &hat &o$ld it -e( )hy( =ill in the -lan' in the follo&ing statement and dis#$ssC 56hey don4t ma'e JJJJJJJJ li'e they $sed to!5

)hat #ommonly held ideas a-o$t the )hat is the d$m-est thing yo$ ever did( So$th seem to yo$ most tr$e or $ntr$e( *+plain &hy yo$ did it! *+plain! )hat 'ind of in8$sti#e ma'es yo$ 5fighting mad5( *+plain! ,o& is the threat of A%"S #hanging dating ha-its( *+plain!

)hi#h 3$alities or #hara#teristi#s of )hat #an -e done to red$#e the high rate of #hild1 hood sho$ld &e strive to preserve teenage pregnan#y in the United States( thro$gho$t o$r lives( "is#$ss! *+plain! ,o& sho$ld st$dents &ho t$rn in someone else4s &or' as their o&n -e p$nished( "is#$ss! 0ame the &orst movie or television pro1 gram yo$ have ever seen, and e+plain &hy yo$ disli'e it! 0ame yo$r favorite pastime and e+plain &hy yo$ en8oy it! ;ropose a model se+ ed$#ation program! Sho$ld high1s#hool st$dents go steady( "is#$ss &hy or &hy not! %s there ever a sit$ation in &hi#h a person sho$ld hide his or her tr$e feelings( *+plain! 0ame some pla#e yo$ &o$ld not li'e to go on a date and e+plain &hy yo$ &o$ld #hoose not to go there!

Take A Side - 25 Debate Topics

God can prevent evil, but doesn't. Ex's should remain friends. Space exploration should be an international priority. Restrict free speech. Culture places too great an emphasis on athletic success. Let the orld police itself. !he pen is mightier than the s ord. "ultiple births of more than three children. #ndividual doesn't matter. !est nuclear eapons. Legali$e all drugs. English as the orld language. %egotiate ith terrorists. !he media are corrupt. &ublic shame is an appropriate means of punishing criminals. Right to die is a personal choice and not the courts. Schools should not prepare students for or'. Roc' the boat. !he ne s should be interesting rather than important. Shop at home (from your computer). *un is more important than or'. !he +S should be less involved in orld affairs. ,e shouldn't fix it if it ain't bro'e. &eace is undesirable. -rea'ing the la .

Topics for Debate

,ere are I0 topi#s to dis#$ss &ith a friend or gro$p! ;ra#tise agreeing and disagreeing even if yo$ have to arg$e against something yo$ a#t$ally -elieve in! 9ne &ay to have f$n &ith this is to ma'e $p a -$n#h of #ards that say agree or disagree! *a#h person has to pi#' $p a #ard and then the topi# is read o$t! %t is more f$n to have a de-ate this &ay -e#a$se yo$ don4t have to play yo$r tr$e self! 6ry to #ontin$e ea#h dis#$ssion for at least five min$tes! Use the e+pressions that yo$ learned, in#l$ding agreeing, disagreeing, as'ing for opinions, interr$pting, et#!

Brea'fast is the most important meal of the day! S&imming in the o#ean is -etter than s&imming in a p$-li# pool! Al#ohol sho$ld -e illegal! Children sho$ld provide room and -oard for their aging parts! St$dying grammar is more important than pra#ti#ing #onversation s'ills! 6elevision is the leading #a$se of violen#e in today4s so#iety! "ogs ma'e -etter #ompanions than #ats! Smo'ing sho$ld -e permitted in p$-li# pla#es!

=emales are -etter st$dents than males! A parent sho$ldn4t pier#e a -a-y4s ears! )omen sho$ld -e allo&ed to go topless in p$-li#! Ba&yers sho$ld ma'e a higher salary than n$rses! *veryone sho$ld plan their o&n f$neral! Reading *nglish is more diffi#$lt than &riting *nglish! S$mmer is the -est season of the year! Children $nder 13 sho$ld not -e allo&ed to -a-ysit! ,igh s#hool st$dents sho$ld &ear $niforms! I1 sho$ld -e the legal driving age aro$nd the &orld! Ro#' and Roll is the -est 'ind of m$si#! 6he government sho$ld pay for post se#ondary ed$#ation!

Debatepedia's top debate articles

Capital Punishment 1 %s the death penalty ever 8$stified( Abortion 1 Sho$ld a-ortions of any 'ind -e permitted( Same sex marriage 1 %s same se+ marriage &rong and sho$ld it -e illegal( Withdrawing rom !ra" 1 Sho$ld the US Government immediately &ithdra& troops from %ra3( #cCain vs$ %bama 1 )ho is the -etter #andidate for president of the United States, Aohn ?#Cain or Bara#' 9-ama( Tibet independence 1 Sho$ld 6i-et see' and gain independen#e( Animal testing 1 %s it morally a##epta-le to e+periment on animals for h$man p$rposes( &uantanamo 'ay 1 %s G$antanamo Bay4s e+isten#e 8$stified, or sho$ld it -e #losed( Prostitution 1 Sho$ld prostit$tion -e legali2ed( (uclear energy 1 %s n$#lear energy &orth e+ploiting( Euthanasia 1 Sho$ld e$thanasia or assisted s$i#ide -e legali2ed( #ari)uana* +egali,ation o 1 Sho$ld mari8$ana -e legali2ed( Polygamy 1 Sho$ld polygamo$s marriages .to more than one person/ -e legal( Tur-ey* E. membership 1 Sho$ld 6$r'ey -e given mem-ership in the *U( /egetarianism 1 Sho$ld h$mans stop eating animals and -e#ome vegetarians( 'anning 0uman Reproductive Cloning 1 Sho$ld h$man reprod$#tive #loning -e -anned and p$nishments p$t in pla#e against it( 'anning #uslim head scarves 1 Sho$ld the &earing of ?$slim head s#arves -e -anned in s#hools, p$-li# -$ildings or so#iety in general(


NOTE: These topics are copyrighted by Dr. Loretta Kasper Permission to use these topics must be obtained IN WRITIN !rom Dr. Kasper emai": "#asper$ 'usiness Essay Topic1 2iscuss the psychological actors involved in advertising$ 0ow do advertisers use the basic determinants o consumer behavior33needs* motives* perceptions* and attitudes33in designing product advertisements4 What types o ads are most li-ely to appeal to or change our needs* motives* perceptions* and attitudes4 Essay Topic1 2e ine the our mar-eting utilities and explain their role in business$ Computer Science Essay Topic1 Trace the developments in the history o the computer Essay Topic1 2iscuss how computer has changed education$ 0ow speci ically is5can technology be used in classroom to improve learning and instruction4 Environmental Science Essay Topic1 !magine that it is the year 6787$ Although governments and their citi,ens were warned about the dangers o the greenhouse e ect as early as the 9:;7's* they did not ta-e the necessary steps to prevent it rom worsening$ As a result* global warming and o,one depletion continued unchec-ed$ !n a well3 organi,ed essay* describe what li e would be li-e in 6787 under these conditions$ What would be the state o the climate4 What would the nations o the world looli-e4 What would be the day3to3day living conditions o the people o the world4

Essay Topic1 2escribe one o the ollowing earth"ua-es1 The San <rancisco Earth"ua-e o 9:7= The (orthridge Earth"ua-e o 9::> The 0aicheng Earth"ua-e o 9:;8 The Prince William Sound Earth"ua-e o 9:=> The San <rancisco Earth"ua-e o 9:?: 'e sure to include all important in ormation* such as the date o the earth"ua-e* the magnitude o the earth"ua-e* any precursors to the earth"ua-e* the ma)or e ects o the earth"ua-e$ Please include a bibliography containing at least two sources in addition to your textboo- reading$ These sources may be print or electronic$ Psychology Essay Topic1 2iscuss the various components o human memory$ What is the di erence between Short3term memory and +ong3term memory4 0ow are memories stored in the brain4 What can we do to help improve our memory4 Essay Topic1 2o you thin- that the amilies o schi,ophrenics should be responsible or the decision to commit the schi,ophrenic* or do you believe that a person* even i diagnosed as schi,ophrenic* should have some say in the decision to commit4 !n your answer be sure to use concrete examples rom the readings and other materials used or the lesson$ Provide both psychological and physiological support or your opinion$

Persuasive Speech Topics

!he case for organ donation !he need for recycling ,hy the death penalty should be abolished !he need for gun control !he dangers of ta'ing illegal steroids .o to pay off your credit card

/voiding drin'ing or drun' driving ,hy e should abolish school uniform e can do about it

Global ,arming 0 ,hat ,hy e should

ear seat belts in cars

,hy you should become a blood donor !he dangers of gambling Gay marriage Euthanasia /voiding student debt /voiding 1un' food

?ore topi#s
Animal rights 6en things yo$ #an do for a "ollar< *$ro< ;o$nd )hat yo$ sho$ld &ear for yo$r ne+t date< 8o- intervie&

% #an ma'e yo$ thin ;ay off yo$r st$dent loan in three easy steps >ol$nteering 1 )hat #an yo$ do a-o$t it( Golf 1 the -est ho--y in the &orld or a #omplete &aste of time( 6en good tips for legal ta+ avoidan#e 6hree easy &ays to improve yo$r time management Can dr$gs reverse the ageing pro#ess( %f yo$ -elieve 1 they p$t a man on the moon ;rin#ess "iana 1 a #over $p( %nternet 1 the death of the ne&spaper( Can &e eradi#ate A%"S in Afri#a( %s Broad-and e#onomi# in r$ral areas( )hat good is 'eep fit( Se+, dr$gs and ro#' and roll 1 good f$n or a ma8or health ha2ard( Getting to the top of the &aiting list Road #ongestion #harging 1 the &ay of the f$t$re( "ogs 1 &olves in the living room or man4s -est friend( F easy &ays to simplify yo$r life( 6he five day deto+ 6he Bo#h 0ess monster really does e+ist Creative thin'ing ,as the "a>in#i #ode 8$st -een made $p( ,alf man 1 half ro-ot! Sho$ld &e -e s#ared(

Creative thin'ing >ote for me )hy there sho$ld -e a United States of *$rope An easy &ay to give $p smo'ing )hy prostit$tion sho$ld -e legali2ed ,o& &e #an get more people to vote( )hy the death penalty sho$ld -e a-olished in the United States )hy &e sho$ld not #ons$me geneti#ally modified #rops( Sho$ld religio$s #lothes -e -anned in s#hools( 6he &ar in %ra3 1 &as it 8$stified

Ladies and gentlemen, today # am here to share organ donation, in the hope that you life. Ladies and gentlemen, at this moment in the +S there are 23,444 +.S patients on the transplant aiting list. !hree thousand a month are hen the population is close add t enty to thirty family and added to this total. %ot a lot you may say to three hundred million, but no ith you my vie s on

ill ta'e them on board and give

someone the ultimate gift after you have left this earth 0 the gift of

friends to each patient, and the number increases vastly. Every day bet een 56 and 52 people die hilst aiting for a

transplant. /gain you may say not a lot 0 but in the average mans7 lifetime the death toll is 5,384,564 0 almost t o million people. Ladies and gentlemen you can help. -y donating your vital organs after you have passed a ay you can save lives.

*or the more sentimental of you, of the 23,444 patients age. So, ho can you help9 /ll you have to do is get in touch

aiting for a

transplant, over 54 per cent of these are children under 58 years of

ith your

local doctor and he

ill tell you all you need to 'no . :ou fill out one ill be removed and

form, and receive a card; it really is that easy. !hen, once you have passed a ay in many years to come, your organs ill give somebody else the chance of life.

/fter a transplant of a vital organ, the average survival rate is over 84<. / massive increase from the =4< that surgery. Some people orry. ,ill they be left open after the surgery as they ill they still be able to have an open cas'et ill be treated ith the are already dead, or ould live ithout the

funeral9 !he ans ers to these are simple. :ou body as a living body. /nd yes, you cas'et funeral if you ish to.

up most respect in the surgery and the same procedures apply to the ill be able to have an open

Ladies and gentlemen 0 the gift of life is the most ama$ing gift anybody can give. .o # see things, and hat made me become a donor, is that after # am gone # ill have no use for my organs. So

hy should # deprive someone else from using them. &lease consider hat # have said today. !han' you.

:ou can freely use this speech for your o n purposes, but you cannot publish it or display it on a &resentation .elper. eb site ithout the prior permission of

List Of 2

! "o#troversia$ Speech Topics

Scan the list of controversial speech ideas belo and select a fe topics you li'e. *ocus on specific controversies ithin an issue. Every controversial or convince speech topic has its o n sub0 topics ith different contentious speech issues, >uestions and topics for speech class. Consider this 1ust as a start.
/??#C!#@% /%? ?R+GS 0 /lcohol /buse, Children of /lcoholics, ?rugs and Sports, "edical "ari1uana. -+S#%ESS, *#%/%CE /%? EC@%@"#CS 0 -ribery, -udget ?eficits, Credit Card *raud, #ncome !ax, "alpractice #nsurance, Aun' -onds, Leadership, ?irect "ar'eting, "inimum ,age, ,age &rice &olicy. C@"&+!#%G, #%!ER%E! /%? "E?#/ 0 Chatrooms #nternet, Computer Biruses, Spam, Cybercrime and &rivacy, .armful "edia, #nternet .ate Speech, #nternet &ornography, "edia Biolence, !elevision /nd Children, Biolent Computer Games. E?+C/!#@% /%? SC#E%CE S&EEC. !@&#CS 0 Education Reform, -ilingual Education, Ethics #n Life Sciences, Creationism versus Evolutionsm, ?ating, Campus #ssues, .ome Schooling, #nformation Science, #ntelligence Levels, #ntercultural Education, School &rayer, School Choice, School +niforms, School Biolence, Condoms #n Schools, Space Exploration. E%B#R@%"E%!/L, %/!+RE /%? /%#"/L 0 /cid Rain, /ir &ollution, /nimal Cloning, /nimal Experimentation, /nimal Rights, /ntarctica Research, -iodiversity, Changing ,eather &atterns, Ecology, Endangered @ceans, Endangered Species, Energy Conservation, Global Resources, Global ,arming, @il Spills, Littering, "arine &ollution, %oise &ollution, &esticides, Rain *orests, Recycling, Bivisection, ,ater &ollution, ,ater Resources. E!.#C/L /%? "@R/L C@%!R@BERS#/L S&EEC. !@&#CS 0 /bortion, /ssisted Suicide, -eginning @f Life #ssues, -irth Control, Euthanasia, Gender #dentity, Genetic Engineering, .uman Cloning, #mplanted G&S, &hysician /ssisted Suicide, &ro Choice "ovement, &ro Life "ovement, Reproductive !echnologies, Separation of Church and State, Stem Cell Research. */"#L:, "/RR#/GE /%? ?#B@RCE 0 -igamy, *amily Biolence, Gay "arriage, Gay &arents, &olygamy, Single &arent *amilies, Surrogate "others, !eenage *athers, !eenage "others. *REE?@" /%? C#B#L R#G.!S 0 Censorship, Contraception, *ree &ress, &rivacy.

L/, /%? @R?ER C@%!R@BERS#/L S&EEC. !@&#CS 0 /irline Safety Rules, /lternative #mprisonment, /mnesty, Capital &unishment, Chain Gangs, Constitutional #ssues, Corporal &unishment, Crimes ,ithout Bictims, Criminal Austice System, ?run' ?riving, Gangs, Gun Control, .ate Crime, .omeland Security, #ntellectual &roperty and &iracy, Legal System, &eer &ressure, Speed Limits, +rban !errorism, ,elfare *raud, ,iretapping, :outh Biolence, Cero !olerance. "E?#C/L, .E/L!. /%? %+!R#!#@% 0 /ids !esting, /lternative "edicine, /norexia !reathment, /rtificial #nsemination, /?.?, -ulimia, -urn @ut, ?epression, ?ieting, *ood Labeling, *ood &rices, .ealth Care System, #nfectious ?iseases, "edical Ethics, "edicine /buse, &assive Smo'ing, &lastic Surgery, !obacco #ndustry. "#SCELLE%E@+S C@%!R@BERS#/L S&EEC. !@&#CS 0 /liens and +*@'s, -ermuda !riangle. &@L#!#CS /%? GL@-/L &@L#C: 0 /fghanistan, /rmed Conflicts, /rms Control, /sylum &olicy, -allot #nitiatives, -iological /nd Chemical ,eapons, -oycotts, Campaign *unding, Child Labor, Cold ,ar &olitics, #mmigration La s, *arm Susidies, #ra>, #slamic *undamentalism, "ilitias, %uclear !echnology, %uclear ,eapons, &eace "ovements, &olitical Correctness, &rivati$ation @f Social Security, Slavery, !errorism, +nited %ations, Boting -ehavior, ,ar Crime !rials, ,ar on ?rugs. S@C#E!: 0 /ffirmative /ction, /ging &opulation, Celibacy, City Curfe s, ?emographics, ?ropouts, .omeless &ersons, *lexible .ours @f Labor, #nner City &overty, #ntegration, "oral "a1ority, %onsmo'ing /reas. ,@"E% #SS+ES 0 -reast *eeding in &ublic, -reast #mplants, *eminism, ,omen in the "ilitary, ,omen's Rights, ,or'ing "others.

The Speech Assi%#&e#t

?etermine the details and re>uirements of your controversial speech assignment. /s' yourself these important >uestionsD ,hen, here, ho long do # have to spea'9 ?o you have to argue ith the audience or other spea'ers after ards9 ,ho are your listeners9 ,hat are their social, cultural and educational bac'grounds9 .o many9 ,hat is there attitude to ards your point of vie 9 &ositive9 !hey are not sure hat to thin'9 %egative9 ,hich of the selected controversial speech topics are appropriate for the occassion9 ,hich ones interest me and could be of interest for my listeners9

'o( To Research Speech Topics

*ind all possible sides, statements and ans ers of the selected controversial speech topics. Research and discoverD -ac'ground information, ne aspects or ne >uestions. ?isagreeing opinions, beliefs, arguments, values and policies. of

!o tic'le your mind >uic'lyD chec' out possible sub0topics or special angles of vie the list above.

"hoose A Side

-y no , pic' out one controversial speech topic and ta'e a stand. :our choice has to deal ith the assigment rules, the occassion, your personal interests and the reaction of your listeners. /s' yourselfD ,hat is my opinion, concern, belief about this controversy9 /nd hy do # thin' li'e this9

Deve$op Supporti#% Ar%u&e#ts

Research supporting arguments for your speech topics. ?ocument your findings. Euote them correctly in the citation format your instructor has re>uired. Loo' for evidence 0 facts, examples, statistics and figures. +se 0 hen appropriate 0 visual aids to illustrate and prove your central message. /lso search for valuable >uotations, definitions, and comparisons.

Stud) The Opposi#% Ar%u&e#ts

!he next step is loo'ing for arguments that disagree ith the conclusions of your controversial speech topics. Study them carefully, summari$e them. +nderstatement is the best ay to reply or attac' the opposition.

*rite a Speech Topic State&e#t

*ormulate one single phrase 0 that's to say a contentious speech idea 0 in hich you state the message of your controversial speech topic very clearly. Feep it simple and attractive. /rouse them ith a po erful public spea'ing statementG Examples of controversial speech topics statements areD Global ,arming #sn't / !hreat College /uthorities Should -an .ate Speech Cameras #n CourtroomsD :esG @r opposite sides of course if you li'eG -y no and develop controversial speech topics. you have learned ho to create, rite

Ge#era$ "heck$ists +or Good Speech Topics

*irst ans er these >uestions. !hin' about sub1ects, events, people, places, problems, causes and effects, and values in your community, school, college, university, city, state, country or region.

G@@? S&EEC. !@&#CS /-@+! :@+R #%!ERES!S

,hat ,hat ,hat ,hat ,hat ,hat

are your values in life and career9 are your hobbies9 special or unusual experiences have you had9 beliefs or strong opinions do you hold9 are your pet peeves9 ould you li'e to 'no more about9

!.E %EE?S /%? #%!ERES!S @* :@+R /+?#E%CE

,ho are your listeners9 ,hat are their needs9 ,hat is their socioeconomic status9 /re they representing an organi$ation9 ,hich one9 ,hat do they ant to learn9 ,hy do they ant to listen to you9 ,hat is popular9 ,hat do they thin' is a good topic for a speech9 ,hat >uestions ould they have9 ,hat special or unusual experiences did they have9 ,hat beliefs or strong opinions do they hold9 ,hat values do they stand for9

!.E @CC/S#@%

,hy are you invited as public spea'er9 /re there speech assignment rules9 ?o you have to present good extemporaneous speech topics in a minimum of preparation time9 ,here9 ,hen9

Narro(i#% Good Speech Topics

%o narro your ideas into the best angles of approach for good speech topics. #f you don't li'e the outcome, try other ideas. @nly ans er >uestions that are appropriate to your ideas and select the main points for a text to speech. #f you are in a hurry, try my >uic' speech topic steps. G@@? S&EEC. !@&#CS /-@+! @-AEC!S

,hat is it9 !he definition9 @ther names9 ,hat are the main features and functions9 ,hat does it do9 .o does it or'9 Color9 Shape9 Si$e9 Can it operate stand alone9 ?ifferent types9 Can it be divided into parts9 .o 9 /re there accessoires9 .o is it produced9 ,hat can you do ith it9 .o can it be used9 #n hat steps9 .o 9 ,hy9 ,hen9 ,here9 !hat se>uence al ays or' for creating good speech topics. ,hat does it mean for youHus9 ,hat did it mean in the past9 ,hat is it similar to9 ,hat are the differences in comparison ith other 'inds9 #s it better or not9 ,hy9 ,hat do you li'e about it9 ?isli'e9 ,hat do other people say about your good speech topic9

G@@? S&EEC. !@&#CS /-@+! EBE%!S

,hat is going to happenHhappened9 ,hen9 .o 9 ,here9 ,hat isH as it about9 #s it historical9 #s it current9 #s it in the future9 ,hat isH as the value or impact9 ,hy9 ,hat are the ma1or partsHstepsHfacts9 ,hy isH as it important9 ,hat isH as the goal of the event9 #sH as there a mission statement9 #n hat isH as the event different to other years9 ,hat are the comparisonsHdifferences ith other events9 ,hat do you li'e about the event9 ?on't li'e9 ,hat do other people say about the event9

,ho are invited9 ,ho isHare the spea'erHspea'ers9 /re there special circumstances9

G@@? S&EEC. !@&#CS /-@+! &E@&LE

,hat is a good description of herI9 ,hat is her character9 ,hat areH ere her goals9 ,hat does her biography rite about her9 ?oesHdid she belong to a movement or group9 ,hat are the differences ith other people that doHdidHaim the same9 ,hat are the main achievements in her life9 Examples9 ,hat are the most important facts of her life9 ,hat are or ere her values or motivational goals9 .o doesHdid she do itHinventedHpublishHact on it9 ,hat do you thin' of her9 ,hy9 ,hat do other people thin' of her9 ,hy9 Can you cite her9

I) @f course SheHher can also be read as .eHhim G@@? S&EEC. !@&#CS /-@+! &L/CES

,here9 ,hat is it called9 ,hat does it loo' li'e9 ,hat is a good description9 Si$e9 /rchitecture9 &eople9 ,hat are very special facts9 .istorical value9 ,hy do you li'e the place9 ,hat do other people thin' of the place9 ,hy9 ,hy is it important to youHus9 ,hy is it useful9 .o can it benefit your audience9 Can you compare it to other places9 ,hat are the differences9 -eterH orse9

Stories, poems to honor the place9

G@@? S&EEC. !@&#CS /-@+! B/L+ES

,hat values do you hold9 ,hy do you stand for it9 .o do you practice your value(s)9 ,hy should e thin', feel or do the same9 #s there a legal component9 ,hich one9 Can you give examples9 #s there any opposition against your value9 ,hy9 .o 9 ,hat are the pros and cons9 Can it causes changes9

G@@? S&EEC. !@&#CS /-@+! &R@-LE"S, C/+SES /%? E**EC!S

Can you characteri$e it9 ?o other people consider it also as a problem9 ,hy or hy not9 .ard facts and figures9 /re there legal grounds or ob1ections9 Circumstances9 Can you solve the problem9 .o , hat are your solutions9 Can you put it in a particular context9 #s there any similarity to other problems9 ,hat are the causes9 ,hat are the effects or conse>uences9

+i#a$ Tips +or Good Speech Topics

BottomlineC Al&ays #hoose a topi# yo$4re interested in, 'no& a lot a-o$t or yo$ #an easily resear#h! Bearn to find for e+ample good persuasion topi#s every&here yo$ go! Geep o$r eyes and ears open, li'e my friend Aonathan has done! ,e has listed good spee#h topi#s sources! 6hey are very helpf$l in #om-ination &ith the #he#'lists a-ove! 6hey help yo$ at $ne+pe#ted o##asions &hen yo$ 3$i#'ly have to #ome $p &ith good spee#h topi#s for an impromptu! And -y no&, after trying my #he#'lists, are yo$ still as'ing yo$rselfC )hat are good spee#h topi#s( 2iscussion <orums or ES+ +earning

;eter Connell peter KatL asahi'a&a1n#t!a#!8p Asahi'a&a 0ational College of 6e#hnology, Aapan 6he follo&ing report o$tlines a 101&ee' dis#$ssion for$m, held d$ring the s$mmer of 1 F, in &hi#h mem-ers of the p$-li# &ere invited to Asahi'a&a 0ational College of 6e#hnology to pra#ti#e their *nglish s'ills in a dis#$ssion format! 6he program &as designed to provide a means for st$dents to -rea' a&ay from the $s$al tea#her1#entered, te+t-oo'1dominated environment reminis#ent of many *SB #lassrooms .in#l$ding my o&n/ and move into one &here-y the tea#her ta'es on the role of a moderator &ho g$ides the initiatives ta'en -y the st$dents, from here on 'no&n as 4parti#ipants4! Altho$gh the event didn4t pro#eed &itho$t pro-lems, it f$lfilled the goal of motivating parti#ipants to ta'e on more responsi-ility for a#3$iring information -y themselves and sharing it &ith others!


6he idea of my #ollege holding a series of dis#$ssions in *nglish &hi#h are open to the p$-li# and sponsored -y the Aapanese ?inistry of *d$#ation &as 3$ite appealing to me! %4ve al&ays -elieved that $niversities and #olleges, at least in Aapan, tend to la#' s$ffi#ient #onne#tion to the #iti2ens &ho finan#ially s$pport them! )ith the en#o$ragement of a Aapanese #olleag$e, % presented a plan to the ?inistry of *d$#ation to #ond$#t a dis#$ssion for$m in &hi#h lo#al people #o$ld parti#ipate in *nglish in dis#$ssions on a variety of topi#s! 6he overall p$rpose of the pro8e#t &as to provide an opport$nity for Aapanese people to $se their *nglish s'ills in a more nat$ral &ay than they might get in an *SB #lassroom! 6hro$gh this e+perien#e, it &as hoped that the parti#ipants #o$ld f$rther their #omm$ni#ative #ompeten#e in *nglish in preparation for the times &hen they dis#$ss similar topi#s &ith native1*nglish spea'ers in the f$t$re! 9ne had to al&ays 'eep in mind, ho&ever, the main ris' in this approa#h 1 namely, the prospe#t of the parti#ipant4s per#eption of his<her fail$re to #omm$ni#ate and therefore a desire to drop o$t of the program as a res$lt$

The plan we had drawn up was approved and limited to 20 hours of lesson time. We proceeded to choose 10 topics to be discussed for 2 hours each week. My Japanese

#olleag$e and % &anted topi#s &hi#h &ere #losely asso#iated to international themes, partly d$e to o$r personal interests and partly to 8$stify a dis#$ssion in *nglish! After all, if the iss$e is so lo#ali2ed, &hat4s the point of dis#$ssing it in *nglish( )e set o$t to advertise for appro+imately I0 parti#ipants, fo#$sing on those &ho had the #onfiden#e to e+press their opinions and feelings in *nglish, and in p$-li#! Relevant

arti#les &ere ta'en from *nglish1lang$age ne&spapers in Aapan as &ell as those from a-road to provide some -a#'gro$nd information to help parti#ipants to prepare for ea#h meeting! ;arti#ipants &ere not re3$ired to read them or $se them d$ring the for$m as they #o$ld have an o-str$#tive infl$en#e on the dis#$ssion! )e &ere delighted to see the program overs$-s#ri-ed .II people finally sele#ted/ in spite of the nominal fee re3$ired, altho$gh &e anti#ipated pro-lems that &o$ld li'ely arise &ith s$#h a large gro$p! )o$ldn4t the atmosphere -e inhi-iting( )o$ldn4t parti#ipants feel $na-le to say all the things they &ant to say( 9n the other hand, s$#h for$ms are rarely held in this part of Aapan and one #o$ld imagine a large gro$p is needed in order to simply have eno$gh people &ho are &illing to spea' spontaneo$sly! %ndeed, helping parti#ipants to adapt to o$r format &as no easy tas'!

%n the first meeting, o$r roles .mine as disting$ished from the parti#ipants4/ &ere orally #larified! ?y role &as not that of a tea#her, -$t some&hat of a moderator &ho #oordinates dis#$ssion -y #alling on people to spea', #larifying #omments at my dis#retion and inter#epting o##asionally &ith 3$estions as if 4thro&ing logs on the fire4! 6he role so$nds pretty heavy1handed -$t along &ith some #orny 8o'es, % tried to en#o$rage attendees to imagine themselves not as passive st$dents -$t a#tive parti#ipants &ho have at least as m$#h 'no&ledge of the topi#s as the moderator, if not more! 6hey &o$ld have to -e #ons#io$s of the desires of others to spea' 11 and at the same time -e spontaneo$s in the initiation of 3$estions or #omments on the points -eing raised!

,ere is a list of the &ee'ly topi#sC 1! "oes the presen#e of in#reasing n$m-ers of foreign residents have an overall positive or negative impa#t on Aapanese so#iety( I! ,as Aapan done eno$gh to ma'e $p for its &ar1time deeds( 3! "oes the ed$#ational system ade3$ately en#o$rage Aapanese yo$ng people to ta'e an interest in international affairs( 4! %s Aapan a 4$ni3$e4 so#iety in relation to other #o$ntries( 7! "oes Aapan do eno$gh to help less fort$nate #o$ntries( @! Can Aapan maintain its e#onomi# #ompetitiveness( F! "o Aapanese people have eno$gh interest in environmental iss$es at home or a-road( E! "oes the Aapanese Constit$tion arti#le M help or hinder Aapan4s relationship &ith other #o$ntries(
Arti#le M of the Aapanese Constit$tion states that the Aapanese people reno$n#e 5the threat or $se of for#e as a means of settling international disp$tes!5 6o a#hieve this goal, 5land, sea and air for#es, as &ell as other &ar potential &ill never -e maintained!5

! ,o& is to$rism -enefi#ial for Aapanese &ho &ant to a#3$ire international $nderstanding( 10! "oes the tea#hing of *nglish in elementary s#hool f$rther #hildren4s internationali2ation(

As the moderator, % introd$#ed the topi# in the -eginning of the dis#$ssions! 9ften % &o$ld rephrase the 3$estion or ma'e some #larifi#ation &ith #on#rete e+amples of &hat aspe#ts &o$ld -e to$#hed on as the meeting pro#eeded in order to prevent mis$nderstandings from early on! *a#h parti#ipant &as allo&ed appro+imately a min$te to s$mmarise his<her vie&s, often -ased on personal e+perien#es! 6o many, this approa#h might appear to foster a series of mini1spee#hes and not dis#$ssion! 6his is tr$e! ,o&ever, it &as deemed ne#essary in order to help some of the rel$#tant spea'ers to 4-rea' the i#e4 and -e#ome a##$stomed to p$-li# spea'ing! %t &as pres$med that the more often they did this s$##essf$lly, the more #onfident they4d -e#ome at ma'ing #omments more spontaneo$sly d$ring the meeting! 6his proved to -e tr$e a##ording to the parti#ipant feed-a#'! At the end .a-o$t I0 min$tes later/, anyone &as free to ma'e #omments on &hat &as previo$sly said!

)hen the #omments started to dry $p, % introd$#ed a series of s$-13$estions! =or e+ample, in the first topi# on the list, % as'ed parti#ipants if they #o$ld #omment on any positive or negative personal e+perien#es &ith foreigners they had en#o$ntered! 6hose &ith something to say either to ans&er my 3$estion or respond to the #omments of others, &o$ld raise their hands! % &o$ld then #all on them to spea' $ntil % tho$ght it &as a good idea to offer another 3$estion relating to the topi#! 6his, of #o$rse, &o$ld -e $nne#essary if the parti#ipants &o$ld initiate their o&n s$-1topi#s and, in a sense, ta'e #ontrol of the meeting! As for the raising of hands, it &as regarded as appropriate -y the moderator -e#a$se it allo&ed lang$age learners &ho are still not totally #onfident in their oral *nglish to organise their tho$ghts &itho$t the press$re of -eing premat$rely interr$pted! S$-se3$ently, domination of the event -y more #onfident spea'ers &as prevented! %n the last I0 min$tes, everyone &as given a #han#e to ma'e a -rief final #omment! 6hro$gho$t the meeting, one &as #ons#io$s of the fa#t that some people spea' o$t more than others! 6his may appear $nfair to an o-server, -$t for E0 min$tes opport$nities to spea' anytime &ere en#o$raged! =orty min$tes &ere allo#ated to g$arantee everyone the #han#e to ma'e at least t&o -rief #omments d$ring the meeting! 9ther&ise, it &as feared that many parti#ipants &o$ld resort to only a listening role!

Success or Failure?
As everyone has their o&n standards as to &hat #onstit$tes a vi-rant dis#$ssion, % de#ided to distri-$te a 3$estionnaire at the end of the series of meetings to help me determine the s$##esses and fail$res of the pro8e#t .see appendi+ for a sample in -oth *nglish and Aapanese/! 6he 3$estions and a general s$mmary of responses are as follo&sC "id yo$ en8oy the dis#$ssion for$m( ;lease state &hy or &hy not( 6he over&helming ma8ority of the 1E parti#ipants &ho stayed $ntil the end of the program .4 had dropped o$t previo$sly/ stated that they en8oyed it very m$#h! ,ere are some reasons givenC

4)e had plenty of opport$nity to e+press o$r opinions!4 )e 4#o$ld gain 'no&ledge from listening to others!4 )e 4#o$ld spea' freely &itho$t &orrying a-o$t grammati#al errors!4 )e 4#o$ld ta'e part in a meaningf$l dis#$ssion &hi#h is so rare!4

6here &ere several pro-lems raised -y some mem-ers, most of &hi#h % had already dis#overed after #ond$#ting the first fe& meetings! 9ne parti#ipant, &ho stated that he didn4t en8oy the for$m so m$#h, felt that the s$-1topi#s .4logs on a fire4/ introd$#ed -y the moderator #hanged too 3$i#'ly &hi#h e+a#er-ated his diffi#$lty in #on#entrating! % s$spe#t that some others had the same feeling and, as the moderator, % no& realise that % sho$ld have rela+ed and allo&ed the dis#$ssion to -e #arried o$t at a slo&er pa#e! )hi#h topi#s did yo$ en8oy the most( ;lease state reasons for yo$r #hoi#e.s/!

6he most pop$lar topi# &as M a-o$t to$rism! Several parti#ipants indi#ated that their personal e+perien#es as to$rists overseas as &ell as the la#' of serio$sness in the dis#$ssion made it parti#$larly en8oya-le and easy to relate to! 6he se#ond most pop$lar &as M4 a-o$t Aapan4s $ni3$eness! 9ne mem-er #ame to the #on#l$sion that 4Aapan is strange4 &hile another appre#iated learning a-o$t the foreign per#eption of Aapan4s $ni3$eness! )ere there any topi#s that &ere not interesting( ?ost responses &ere either 4nothing4 or not provided! 6he most $npop$lar topi#s &ere MI and M@! As for MI, one mem-er #laimed to have no 'no&ledge of it &hile another stated his -elief that 4&ar deeds of other #o$ntries m$st -e dis#$ssed!4 As for M@, t&o mem-ers said that they had no interest in the topi#!

)hat other topi#s of international #on#ern &o$ld yo$ have -een interested in dis#$ssing(

6hose &ho responded to this 3$estion provided the follo&ing ideas in no parti#$lar orderC

s#ientifi# iss$es .e+amples not provided/ ra#ial dis#rimination religion and the national #hara#ter aid for 0orth Gorea #omparing Aapanese lifestyle &ith those of other #o$ntries Spratly %slands &hale1#at#hing foods Aapanese m$ltinational #orporations Asian iss$es .espe#ially China/

"id yo$ li'e the meeting format .str$#t$re/( )hat did yo$ li'e or disli'e a-o$t it( 6he responses &ere mostly positive, and mainly #ited the appropriateness of having everyone ma'ing opening and #losing #omments! 6his allo&ed everyone to have a #han#e to spea', al-eit not &itho$t some #oer#ion!

%ndivid$al #riti#isms<s$ggestions &ere varied in#l$ding the ones -elo&C

4=e&er parti#ipants &o$ld have -een desira-le!4 46he meeting sho$ld have -een 0 min$tes!4 4%t sho$ld have -een a little more rela+ing!4 4?ore detailed arti#les &hi#h mat#hed the moderator4s 3$estions sho$ld have -een provided!4 4Altho$gh it &as good to allo& people to ma'e #omments in the -eginning and end, it also #o$ld have -een done in the middle!4

;lease #omment on the moderator! "id he do a good 8o-( ,o& #o$ld he have done -etter(

Generally, the moderator &as praised for doing a good 8o- in dire#ting the dis#$ssion! %n parti#$lar, he &as #omplimented -y some as -eing &ell1prepared, fair1minded and h$moro$s! S$ggestions that &ere proposed #entered on the idea that he sho$ld have made more effort to get parti#ipants to dis#$ss topi#s &ith ea#h other more often instead of only responding to his 3$estions! 9ne s$ggestion &as that it &as not al&ays ne#essary to raise hands to spea' and that s$#h a pro#ed$re &as rather detrimental to a more rela+ed, free1 flo&ing dis#$ssion! ?y goal as a moderator &as to en#o$rage as many as possi-le to a#tively parti#ipate! 6here &as no re#ord 'ept as to &ho &as spea'ing and ho& often altho$gh s$#h information #o$ld -e o-tained from an analysis of the for$m4s trans#ripts! %n order to avoid overly interfering &ith the dis#$ssion as &ell as satisfy my personal #$riosity of seeing ho& &illing parti#ipants &ill offer opinions in p$-li#, no one &as dire#tly #alled $pon to spea' aside from designated periods in the -eginning and the end of the meeting! Generally spea'ing, some parti#ipants &ere more o$tgoing than others -$t all of them too' the opport$nity to a#tively parti#ipate at their o&n pa#e! As for the s$ggestion that the moderator sho$ld have en#o$raged parti#ipants to dis#$ss topi#s &ith ea#h other, no spe#ifi# idea &as offered as to ho& this desira-le o$t#ome #o$ld -e developed! As the moderator, % -elieved that it &o$ld -e too am-itio$s for parti#ipants &ho aren4t $se to spea'ing *nglish p$-li#ly to a large gro$p to handle the added press$re of a formal de-ate! Clearly, a minority did have the &illingness to raise o-8e#tions to others4 opinions .and they often did/, -$t as most did not have this #onfiden#e, it &as vie&ed as $nrealisti# for s$#h a #ondition to -e imposed! )ere the arti#les $sef$l( )hy or &hy not(

6he ne&s arti#les &ere &ell1re#eived as they provided the follo&ingC

a good #han#e to read *nglish a good so$r#e of relevant information $sef$l te#hni#al terms related to the topi#s vario$s vie&points information &hi#h is diffi#$lt to find

Altho$gh many parti#ipants appre#iated re#eiving the materials, they fo$nd them diffi#$lt to read d$e to la#' of time or ins$ffi#ient 'no&ledge of *nglish! As mentioned earlier, one respondent &anted more spe#ifi# or detailed information! )o$ld yo$ li'e to ta'e part in another for$m( )hy or &hy not(

All the respondents ans&ered in favor of 8oining another for$m! ,ere are some reasonsC

4% &ill -e a-le to e+press my opinion -etter ne+t time!4 4)e Aapanese sho$ld dis#$ss serio$s topi#s!4 4Aapanese people need training to dis#$ss!4 4% #an hear vario$s opinions!4 4%t en#o$rages me to st$dy *nglish!4 4Aapanese people have little opport$nity to do this 'ind of thing!4

;lease ma'e any other re#ommendations or #omments!

Several mem-ers e+pressed the desire to 'eep a for$m of this nat$re on1going .-eyond the 10 meetings allo#ated/! Some of them re#ommended getting more native1spea'ers of *nglish involved and o-serving an e+ample of a 4model dis#$ssion4 in order to learn a-o$t the role of dis#$ssion in &estern so#iety!

Summary of the forum's attributes for ESL learners

A##ording to the 3$estionnaire4s findings, the for$m &as a s$##essf$l program! ;arti#ipants indi#ated that their lang$age a-ility improved in the follo&ing &aysC 6hey pra#ti#ed ma'ing realisti# #onversations as opposed to those &hi#h are #ontrived thro$gh e+#essive instr$#tional .i!e! tea#her and te+t/ g$idan#e!

6hey #o$ld spea' relatively freely &itho$t &orrying too m$#h a-o$t minor grammar errors! %n the f$t$re, they #o$ld initiate #onversations &itho$t -eing dire#tly #alled $pon! 6hey #o$ld learn $sef$l te#hni#al terms related to the topi#s thro$gh listening to other mem-ers4 opinions and reading the ne&s arti#les! 6hey felt that dis#$ssion for$ms &ere espe#ially $sef$l for Aapanese &ho rarely engage in s$#h a#tivities! 6hey felt en#o$raged to esta-lish ne& goals for their *nglish st$dy! *ven if #omm$ni#ation $nder press$ri2ed #ir#$mstan#es &as diffi#$lt, it &as regarded as $sef$l training in the p$rs$it of *nglish lang$age fl$en#y! 6hey appeared to loo' for&ard to f$t$re *nglish1spea'ing events in order to have the opport$nity to improve on their performan#e!

Areas for Improvement

%n spite of the dis#$ssion for$m4s s$##ess, f$t$re planners for a similar program may -e advised to pay heed to parti#ipant #riti#isms and s$ggestions! A s$mmary of these points is, at times, riddled &ith #ontradi#tions! Some people -elieved the for$m had lots of variety &hile others &anted more! Some fo$nd the ne&s arti#les to -e diffi#$lt &hile others &anted them to -e more detailed! Some people li'ed the stri#tly organi2ed str$#t$re in &hi#h all parti#ipants are #alled $pon to spea' &hile others &anted a more free1&heeling de-ate &itho$t e+#essive moderator interferen#e! 6here &as #ommon feed-a#', ho&ever, that #an help organi2ers of f$t$re for$ms! %n general, the e+er#ise of dis#$ssion in *nglish on a #omprehensive topi# is diffi#$lt, even for advan#ed spea'ers of *nglish! "$e to the pop$larity of the event, more #aref$l initial s#reening of parti#ipants #o$ld have helped #olle#t a more #ohesive gro$p of #onfident *nglish spea'ers! 6his &as not done as it &as feared that the program &o$ld -e $nders$-s#ri-ed! ,en#e, there &as a si2a-le gap -et&een parti#ipants4 #onfiden#e in p$-li# spea'ing as &ell as lang$age levels &ith none falling -elo& &hat may -e regarded as an intermediate level! As the press$re &as high, espe#ially for parti#ipants la#'ing in #onfiden#e, it4s important for organi2ers to 'eep the atmosphere light and rela+ing, even &hen a 4heavy4 topi# .e!g! MI/ is introd$#ed! As the for$m progressed, mem-ers grad$ally -egan to rela+ and #o$ld #ontri-$te more effe#tively as a res$lt! %f more relatively light topi#s .e!g! M / &ere introd$#ed in the first fe& for$ms, it might have helped to prevent some parti#ipants from dropping o$t of the program in the early stages! Another &ay to lo&er the press$re &o$ld -e to initially separate the parti#ipants into small gro$ps to dis#$ss the topi#s as one #an e+perien#e in ed$#ational &or'shops! A #hosen leader #o$ld present the vie&s of his<her gro$p! An over dependen#y on this format, ho&ever, may have the detrimental effe#t of allo&ing parti#ipants to #as$ally slip into their native tong$e and not provide them &ith s$ffi#ient opport$nities to e+press their opinions dire#tly to a &ider gro$p! 9rgani2ers #an de#ide for themselves ho& m$#h press$re is -enefi#ial for lang$age learners a##ording to their spe#ifi# #ir#$mstan#es!

=inally, &ith in#reasing n$m-ers of advan#ed spea'ers of *nglish in Aapan, even fla&ed dis#$ssion for$ms li'e the one o$tlined may -e $sef$l in motivating st$dents to #ontin$e to st$dy *nglish! %n addition, the transition of the role of tea#her to moderator or organi2er #an help introd$#e greater fle+i-ility in the management of lang$age learning environments!

iographical information
Peter Connell has -een tea#hing *nglish #onversation #lasses in Aapan for E years and #$rrently tea#hes in Asahi'a&a, ,o''aido!

1! Alternative Beliefs 3! 6he Arts 7! C$lt$ral "ifferen#es F! *d$#ation ! =ashion 11! ,ealth 13! Bang$age Bearning 17! ?arriage 1F! ;oliti#al Systems 1 ! Ri#h and ;oor )orld I1! So#iety I3! 6raditions I7! 6ravel IF! )or'

I! Animal )elfare 4! Crime N ;$nishment @! *#onomi#s E! *nvironment 10! =ood 1I! ,olidays 14! ?ale N =emale Roles 1@! 6he ?edia 1E! Religion I0! S#ien#e N 6e#hnology II! Sport I4! 6ransport I@! >iolen#e IE! Do$th N 9ld Age

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