DEBATING - First Speaker Guide: Affirmative/Negative

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Primary School Debating

Created by Aimee Tang 2009

DEBATING - First Speaker Guide Topic Position Team-line Affirmative/Negative

Greeting and Introduction Good ___________ chairperson, opposition and audience. The topic for today's debate is that We, the __________________ team, believe that this statement is true/false. State Topic and Define Key Words from t e Topic

If negative, choo e!

We a ree !ith the definition iven by the affirmative team.


We disa ree !ith the definition iven by the opposition "e#$lain %hy yo& di agree and $rovide the
definition that yo& thin' i better()

!ut"ine your team#s case$ a" #our points$ % !ill be spea&in about... b" 'econd spea&er's points$ (ur second spea&er !ill be tal&in about.... c" Third's spea&er's role$ (ur third spea&er !ill be summin up our team's case and refutin the ar uments put for!ard by the affirmative/ne ative team.

Primary School Debating

Created by Aimee Tang 2009

%e&utta" against t e speaker &efore you )(*+# if you are on the ne ative team"
Their fir t $oint "%hat did they ay*)!

The _____ spea&er of the affirmative team has tried to tell you...

+hy do yo& di agree %ith thi $oint*


+hy i thi arg&ment %rong*

This is !ron because...

Their econd $oint "%hat did they ay*)!

,e/she also tried to tell you...

+hy do yo& di agree %ith thi $oint*


+hy i thi arg&ment %rong*

This is !ron because....

Their third $oint "%hat did they ay*)!

,e/ he al o tried to tell yo&(((

+hy do yo& di agree %ith thi $oint*


+hy i thi arg&ment %rong*

Thi i al o %rong beca& e(((

Primary School Debating

Created by Aimee Tang 2009

'our First (oint

State yo&r arg&ment!

-y first point is...

+hat- yo&r re earch that &$$ort yo&r arg&ment*

.ive an e#am$le!

/#$lain yo&r arg&ment f&rther!

'our Second (oint

State yo&r arg&ment!

-y second point is...

+hat- yo&r re earch that &$$ort yo&r arg&ment*

.ive an e#am$le!

/#$lain yo&r arg&ment f&rther!

'our T ird (oint

State yo&r arg&ment!

-y third point is...

+hat- yo&r re earch that &$$ort yo&r arg&ment*

.ive an e#am$le!

/#$lain yo&r arg&ment f&rther!

)"osing statement .hairperson, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion...

Primary School Debating

Created by Aimee Tang 2009

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