World Economic Turndown and Challenges For China
World Economic Turndown and Challenges For China
Fu Jun
Peking University
• China in historical and comparative perspectives
• Growth and explain growth: three hypotheses
• China’s connection with the world: trade and finance
• Structural features of China’s economy:
• Comments on length of global slowdown and impact on China
• Comments on China’s stimulus package: state vs non-state sector
GDP per capita, China and W Europe, 400-1998
GDP per capita, China and UK, 1700-1998
12.45 10.32 6.7 10.53 7.06 1.78 3.51 6.59 9.72 9.68
China 10.01 15.12 2.06 5.27 0.29 6.57 9.03 10.68 12.41 15.15 8.25
India 7.25 7.35 7.84 4.8 6.51 6.06 4.37 5.79 3.53 8.98 5.68
12.46 11.59 7.37 5.65 8.6 7.52 7.31 5.83 9.12 13.13
Japan 12.04 8.92 8.47 11.67 5.82 10.64 11.08 12.88 12.48 10.71 9.66
7.71 5.24 3.88 1.99 5.05 3.03 8.81 8.63 6.02 12.04
S. Korea 7.27 12.76 15.16 8.59 9.76 7.31 16.92 8.7 6.64 11.76 8.36
8.27 8.47 5.3 7.04 8.61 9.38 5.38 7.21 8.49 13.86
Taiwan 12.74 6.88 10.08 11.27 8.44 9.04 12.57 13.98 15.66 10.74 9.67
6.63 17.48 15.71 8.57 14.47 1.72 1.7 3.33 11.29 9.18
Hong Kong 7.08 10.33 12.36 2.33 0.33 16.24 11.73 8.5 11.52 10.12 9.03
7.54 11.13 11.84 13.88 13.69 13.72 12.52 13.41 11.54 6.76
Singapore 3.97 7.14 7.76 8.62 9.25 9.7 9.58 6.85 8.18 8.34 9.77
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