Submission of Research Proposal For Financial Assistance To Pakistan Science Foundation

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Name & Address of the___________________________________________________ Inst t!t on" T t#e of Resear$h Pro%osa#"&&&&&&__________________________________________ Ma n F e#d of St!d'" Nat!re of Resear$h" ___________________________________________________ (a) Bas $ &&&&&&&&&&&&(*)A%%# ed&______________________

+ Pr n$ %a# In,est -ator"&___________________________________________________ (Atta$h B odata) ** Co.Pr n$ %a# In,est -ator" &__________________________________________________ (Atta$h B odata) Pro%osed D!rat on" ___________________________________________________ Tota# F!nds Re/!ested" ___________________________________________________ (Not more than 2.0 million) ENDORSEMENT"

Signature Official Stamp Date:

Pr n$ %a# In,est -ator

Inst t!t ona# Head+++

* He will be responsible for the implementation of the project and will participate in it. ** He will be pro ided onl! in projects in ol ing inter"disciplinar! research. ***He would commit the #nstitution to the conduct and management of the project.
$ddress: %a&istan Science 'oundation( )"*onstitution $ enue( +",-.( #slamabad( %.O. /o0 )).)( 1ele0 ,2343 %S'#D%5 'a0 6.3.274

). Pro0e$t T t#e" .. Pro0e$t A*stra$t (S!mmar')" 8. Pro0e$t Narrat ,e" i) ii) Significance of the proposed research dul! supported with re iew of literature and bibliograph! to indicate current trends in the proposed field of stud! $ brief account of wor& done in %a&istan-papers published thereof. and relationship of the proposed research to the socio"economic de elopment of the countr!. Specific Objecti es and e0pected results. Description of research methodolog!-techni9ues to be used including critical or difficult phases or factors and how these will be in estigated. :ear"wise plan of wor&. ;0pected benefits of the proposed stud!.

iii) i ) i ) ) 2. ,. 7. =. 4. 6.

Scientific personnel re9uired for the project. ;0isting institutional facilities. State if the scheme has been submitted to some other aid gi ing agenc! for financial support. #f so( with what results< %atentabilit! of the project results. ;nd user (s) of the project results in case of applied research project (attach letter (s) of intent from the end user (s). #ndicate( as per details gi en below( other research projects being conducted or pre iousl! guided b! the %rincipal and *o"%rincipal #n estigator( if an!. %roject 1itle Duration 1otal $mount Of +rant 'unding $genc!

Sr. >o ). .. 8. 2. ,.


Resear$h Pro%osa# B!d-et"

Est mated Cost of the Pro0e$t n R!%ees (Ta*#e.II to 2) :ear: ?ecurring (Salar!-honorarium and allowances) )st :ear: .nd :ear: 8rd :ear: 1otal: $udit 'ee .A of total cost: +rand 1otal >on"?ecurring (;9uipment and ?es. @aterials) 1otal

E3%end t!re on Sa#ar es and A##o4an$es %ost B Scale of %a! Honorar a "%rincipal #n estigator (C?s.,3(333-" per !ear) "*o"%rincipal #n estigator (C ?s. 83(333 pa! per !ear) (##) A##o4an$es" "%rofessional-1echnical %ersonnel "Other %ersonnel
i) ?esearch $ssociate (if an! C ?s. ).(333-" to )4(333-"
per month)

>o. of %osts

)st :ear

.nd :ear

8rd :ear


ii) 1!pe cum $ccountant (C ?s.).33-" per month) iii) 'ield $ssistant (if an! C ?s. .333-" per month)


Tra,e# 4 th n $o!ntr'" ('or projects in ol ing field wor& onl!)

1otal:" Note" *#f simple @.Sc-/.S-/.Sc (Hons)( ?s.).(333-" and if enrolled in @[email protected](Hons)-@.%hil and %hD( ?s.),(333-" and ?s.)4(333 respecti el! P#ease - ,e f!## 0!st f $at on for the staff as 4e## as for tra,e# 4 th n $o!ntr'1

E3%end t!re on E/! %ment & S!%%# es Sr. >o. ). .. 8. 51 61 71 91 :1 6. + + + + + #tem %ermanent ;9uipment *hemicals +lass"ware Stat oner' L terat!re Cont n-en$ es8 Posta-e et$1 Report writing/Publications Advertisement C arges Any other (provide details and justifications) 1otal: * Rates of these heads are fixed as per PSF Policy. 10,000/ 5,000/10,000/ 5,000/58;;;<. 10,000/ 5,000/10,000/ 10,000/ ---10,000/ 5,000/10,000/ 10,000/ ---30,000/ 15,000/ 30,000/ 25,000/ 58;;;<. )st :ear .nd :ear 8rd :ear 1otal

Re$e %ts8 f an' from other so!r$es for th s Pro%osa# :ear )st :ear: .nd :ear: 8rd :ear: 1otal: (a) So!r$es (b) (c)

L st of Permanent E/! %ment Re/! red for Pro%osed =or> Sr. >o. #tem: Duantit! $ppro0. *ost


Note" P#ease - ,e"

?!st f $at on for ea$h tem of %ermanent e/! %ment(s)1

) )

S%e$ f $at ons of e/! %ment1 E/! %ment $ost *e s!%%orted *' %roforma n,o $es from Pr n$ %a# S!%%# ers1

@UIDELINES FOR COMPLETION OF PROFORMA PSF.I Pro0e$t T t#e" 1he project title should be clearl! worded and be self"e0planator!. Pro0e$t A*stra$t" 1he summar! of the research proposal should include the need for proposed in estigations( objecti es to be achie ed( and its socio"economic or other benefits. Pro0e$t Narrat ,e". #t should be easil! understandable b! persons with scientific training who ma! not be specialists in the scientific field co ered b! the proposal. #t should deal with scientific problem to be in estigatedE re iew of rele ant literature with special reference to %a&istan to justif! the need for proposed researchE specific objecti es to be achie edE importance of proposed in estigations with particular reference to its lin&age with socio"economic de elopment of %a&istanE research methodolog! to be adoptedE duration and !ear"wise plan of wor& for the achie ement of the proposed objecti es. ($ detailed and well prepared plan of wor& would facilitate appraisal of the research proposal). S$ ent f $ Personne#". #n addition to the %rincipal #n estigator( who is a full time emplo!ee of grantee organiFation( a list of professional( technical and other personnel to be engaged in the project alongwith their 9ualifications( e0perience and duties should be gi en. 1he /iodata of %rincipal #n estigator and *o"#n estigator should be attached with the proposal to judge the competence of #n estigators to underta&e the proposed research. $ post of full time ?esearch $ssociate C either ?s.).(333-"( ?s.),(333-" or ?s.)4(333-" (fi0ed). per month is generall! pro ided in all %S' projects if the candidate is simple @.Sc-/.S-/.Sc (Hons)( or enrolled in @.S- @.Sc (Hons)- @.%hil and %hD respecti el! $ppointments of Gab. $ttendant->aib Duasid are not admissible. $n allowance of ?s.)(.33-" (fi0ed) per month is allowed for t!ping cum"accounts wor&. %art time 1echnician-Gab $ssistant-'ield $ssistant( where er needed( can be pro ided C ?s..(333-" p.m. (fi0ed). E3 st n- Inst t!t ona# Fa$ # t es" 1he %a&istan Science 'oundation assumes that institutions-organiFations( where proposed research project is to be carried out( has the basic laborator! and librar! facilities. Howe er( a list of general and specialiFed e9uipment related to the proposed research should be gi en. Stat!s of the %ro%osa#8 f s!*m tted to some other F!nd n- A-en$'" 1he in estigators often submit their proposals to more than one funding agenc!. #t is therefore appropriate to pro ide the information to a oid an! complications. Other Pro0e$ts *e n- $ond!$ted *' Pr n$ %a# and Co.Pr n$ %a# In,est -ators" Self e0planator!. Pro0e$t B!d-et" #t should be in the form of 1able"#"H( which ma! be filled up according to the instructions gi en as under: Honorar a and Sa#ar es" 1he %rincipal #n estigator and *o #n estigator( (if an!)( are entitled to ?s.,3(333-" and ?s.83(333-" per project !ear respecti el!.

$nnual salar! estimates for technical and other staff should be based on admissible rates. Salar! figures should be shown for onl! that period when an emplo!ee is actuall! e0pected to wor& on the project. Tra,e# 4 th n the $o!ntr'". 1ra el is admissible mainl! for projects in ol ing field wor&. #t should be described b! gi ing number of trips( purpose( dates and places to be isited. 1he %.O.G-1$ and D$ should be wor&ed out as per +o ernment ?ules. Permanent E/! %ment". 1he e9uipment costing a sum of ?s.)3(333-" or more for each items and e0pected ser ice life of one !ear or more( such as machiner!( instruments and apparatus should be listed in 1able"H. 1he need for each item of permanent e9uipment should be specified and its cost be supported with proforma in oice from the %rincipal Suppliers. 1he cost of 'i0ture-'itting and construction-contractual ser ices is not allowed. E3%enda*#e E/! %ment" ;0pendable items include consumable special materials- &its. etc. which are not co ered under chemical or glassware or e9uipment. Chem $a#s and @#ass4are: /udget allocation under these heads is made according to the nature of project. Stat oner'" $n amount of ?s.)3,000/- per year is pro ided for stationer! L terat!re" $n amount of ?s.5,000/- per annum is pro ided for the purchase of rele ant literature reprints. Cont n-en$ es8 Posta-e et$" An amount of Rs.10,000/- per year is pro ided for postage and unforeseen e0penses. Report writing/Publications! An amount of Rs. 5000/- per year is provided in 1st year 10,000 per year is provided in ! nd and "rd year of the project for the compilation of the reports of the project. Advertisement C arges! $n amount of ?s 2(333-" is pro ided in ) st !ear of project for the ad ertisement of the post of ?esearch $ssociate for the project. A!d t Fee" 1he 'oundation will pa! .A of the total e0penditure in each project as audit charges to the institution concerned who ma! pa! suitable remuneration to their auditors depending upon the olume of audit wor& in ol ed in each project. 1he audit charges C ?s..A is not to be paid to the auditors as a matter of routine. Note" #nformation re9uired under each head-item ma! be pro ided in detail. S&etch! proposals with missing information will not be processed.


>ames and addresses of three re iewerIs-referees ha ing sufficient research e0perience rele ant to the proposed stud! ma! be pro ided on a separate sheet of paper.

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