Minutes of Meeting - Jan 14th 2014

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Agenda Date: Tuesday, January 14 th 2014 (ina )hamra *DP $%%rdinat%r+ T%pic Time: 02.00 pm 02.45 pm Place: EN !"# " $%n&erence '%%m

DP J,-'NE. T,/0'D

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1.Updates on application for authorization 2. DP schedules & course offerings 3. DP resources 5 DP schedule, 6lan3 template 5 DP schedule 4ith c%urse %&&erin7s 5 DP schedules: 8 path4ays 5 tatus %& 2"D,$ as %& January 18 th 2014 (These documents are uploaded to the weebly under the meetings Steering Committee) section.



#eyad 0lhamdan *$%unsel%r, " + 'h%nda 1enders%n *$%unsel%r, ) + andy !%rris *(i6rarian, " 9 ) + 1ala 1assan *(i6rarian, " +


!%;a 0lhameli *(i6rarian, ) +

Minutes Topic: DP journe to!ards authorization: "ecap 1. UPDAT#$ %& APP'()AT(%& *%" AUT+%"(,AT(%& 0 discussi%n a6%ut the DP applicati%n &%r auth%ri;ati%n and re<uired d%cuments t%%3 place. Deadline &%r sendin7 the applicati%n: January 15th 2014. T%m%rr%4 . 0ll attendees are a4are %& the d%cuments. % &ar, the date %& the =eri&icati%n =isit is April 1-th & 1.th 2/10. 2. DP $)+#DU'#$ & )%U"$# %**#"(&1$ 0 discussi%n a6%ut DP schedules 9 c%urse %&&erin7s t%%3 place. DP schedule template 4as handed %ut. 0mendments in %rder t% meet the DP re<uirements in terms %& num6er %& h%urs &%r ( 9 1( 4ere e:plained *%ne additi%nal >0 minute 6l%c3 %n Tuesdays &%r 1( %pti%n?+. @inal DP schedule appr%=ed 6y EN !"# administrat%rs 9 EN mana7ement. @inal decisi%ns %n schedulin7 are in the hands %& the principals in c%lla6%rati%n 4ith the DP $%%rdinat%r. @inal DP schedules 4ill 6e 6ased %n studentsA c%urse selecti%n that 4ill ta3e place durin7 the sec%nd term %& this year. DP $%%rdinat%r and $%unsel%rs 4ill 6e 4%r3in7 %n this 4ith the supp%rt %& !"# admin *principals 9 campus direct%r+. Each DP schedule su6mitted is a pr%p%sal.. 0ll su6Bects 4ill 6e %&&ered at ( 9 1( *e:cludin7 E 9 (an7ua7e a6 initi% that e:ist at ( %nly+ e:cept lan7ua7es: 0ra6ic 0 C ( 9 En7lish " 1( s% &ar. @uture adBustments mi7ht ta3e place acc%rdin7 t% the students demands. 3. DP "#$%U")#$ *%" T+# '(2"A"3 ,ur li6rarians ha=e placed a ne4 %rder &urther t% the 6ud7et pr%=ided 6y '%y. (ina has placed t4% DP %rders: $-P 9 ,-P. DP 6%%3s *4 samples C 2 &%r each %& the 2 li6raries+ are %n their 4ay. (ists %& DP 6%%3s are upl%aded t% the 4ee6ly in the li6rary secti%n.

Discussi%ns 9 07reements

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