CBC Commercial Cooking NC IV

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East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig, Metro Manila

Page A._Course Design......................................................................................... !" #._Modules o$ %nstruction.........................................................................&! ___ '

#AS%C C(MPETE)C%ES......................................................................& o *tili+ing speciali+ed co,,unication s-ills..................... '! . o Developing tea,s and individual needs........................ /!0' o %denti$ying possi1le solution...........................................0 !0. o Reco,,ending and i,ple,enting solutions.................0/!0" o Collecting, analy+ing and organi+ing in$or,ation..........0&!22 o Planning and organi+ing wor-........................................2.!2" o Pro,oting environ,ental protection..............................2&!..

C(MM() C(MPETE)C%ES.............................................................../ o Conducting assess,ent.................................................3!/. o Managing wor-place diversity........................................//!/" o Managing $inances within a 1udget.............................../&!32 o Managing 4uality custo,er service...............................3.!3&

C(RE C(MPETE)C%ES....................................................................5' o Preparing $oods according to dietary and cultural needs. .5 ! 5. o Transporting and storing $ood in a sa$e and hygienic ,anner...........................................................................5/!5" o Applying catering control principles...............................5&!"0 o Developing ,enus $or special needs............................."2!"5 o Selecting catering syste,s............................................""!&' o Managing $acilities associated with co,,ercial catering contracts........................................................................& !&/ o Planning catering $or an event or $unction...................&3! '' o Designing ,enus to ,eet ,ar-et needs................... ' ! '/ o Developing a $ood sa$ety progra,............................. '3! '

C(*RSE T%T6E )(M%)A6 D*RAT%() 8*A6%9%CAT%() 7 7 7 ADVANCED COMMERCIAL COOKING II 260 hours Commerci ! Coo"i#$ NC IV

C(*RSE DESCR%PT%() 7 The course consists o$ co,petencies that a person ,ust achieve to plan, prepare, and present various hot and cold products and ,anage a tea, o$ coo-s $or guests in hotels, ,otels, restaurants, clu1s, canteens, resorts, lu:ury liners and cruise ships within the co,pany;s accepta1le standards. S<he is also a1le to i,ple,ent and<or e:ecute plans and ,onitor e:penses to generate the re4uired gross pro$it ,argins. E)TR= RE8*%REME)TS 7 Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the $ollowing re4uire,ents7 can co,,unicate 1oth orally and in written $or,> at least high school graduate physically and ,entally $it> with good ,oral character> can per$or, 1asic ,athe,atical co,putation> ,ust 1e co,petent in the entire Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%% 4uali$ication

This list does not include speci$ic institutional re4uire,ents such as educational attain,ent, appropriate wor- e:perience, and others that ,ay 1e re4uired o$ the trainees 1y the school or training center delivering the T?ET progra,.

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


'(6 hours)


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. *tili+e speciali+ed co,,unication s-ills

Co,,unication s-ills $or ,anagers

. .

. .0 . .2 . .. 0. . 0. .0 0. .2 0. .. 0. ./

0. Develop tea,s and individuals


Developing the tea,

2. Apply pro1le,! solving techni4ues in the wor-place


Solving 2. . pro1le,s in the 2. .0 wor-place 2. .2 2. .. 2. ./ 2. .3 .. . .. .0 .. .2 .. ..

.. Collect, analy+e .. and organi+e in$or,ation

Managing in$or,ation

/. Plan and organi+e wor-



/. . /. .0 /. .2 /. ..

Apply co,,unication strategies to ,eet speci$ic needs o$ internal and e:ternal client. Represent the organi+ation in internal and e:ternal $oru,s. 9acilitate group discussion. Conduct interview Deter,ine develop,ent needs. 9oster individual and organi+ation growth Monitor and evaluate wor-place learning Develop tea, co,,it,ent and cooperation 9acilitate acco,plish,ent o$ organi+ational goals Analy+e the pro1le, %denti$y $unda,ental cause o$ the pro1le, Deter,ine possi1le solution Prepare co,,unication or docu,entation report Present reco,,endation to appropriate personnel %,ple,ent solution Study in$or,ation re4uire,ents. Process data. Analy+e, interpret and organi+e in$or,ation gathered. Present $indings< reco,,endations Set wor- o1Aectives Plan and schedule woractivities %,ple,ent and ,onitor plans<activities Review and evaluate wor- plans and activities

' hours

' hours

' hours

' hours

' hours

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?






3. Pro,ote environ,ental protection


Pro,oting environ,ental protection

3. .

Study guidelines $or environ,ental concerns. 3. .0 %,ple,ent speci$ic environ,ental progra,s 3. .2 Monitor activities on environ,ental protection<progra,s

3 hours

'2+ hours)

. Conduct assess,ent

Conducting assess,ent

. . . .0 . .2 . .. . ./ . .3 . .5 . ."

0. Manage wor-place diversity


Managing diversity

0. . 0. .0 0. .2

2. Manage $inances within a 1udget


Managing $inances within a 1udget

2. . 2. .0 2. .2 2. ..

.. Manage 4uality custo,er service


Managing 4uality custo,er service

.. . .. .0 .. .2

%denti$y and e:plain the conte:t o$ assess,ent Plan evidence!gathering opportunities (rgani+e assess,ent Bather evidence Ma-e the assess,ent decision Record assess,ent results Provide $eed1ac- to persons 1eing assessed Report on the conduct o$ the assess,ent Encourage respect $or diversity in the wor-place *se diversity as an asset Deal with pro1le,s arising $ro, diversity issues Allocate 1udget resources Monitor $inancial activities against 1udget %denti$y and evaluate options $or i,proved 1udget per$or,ance Co,plete $inancial reports Develop approaches to enhance custo,er service 4uality Manage the delivery o$ 4uality service Monitor and adAust custo,er service

3 hours

3 hours

3 hours

3 hours


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',-0 hours)

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. Prepare $oods according to dietary and cultural needs

9ood preparation

. . . .0 . .2

0. Transport and store $ood in a sa$e and hygienic ,anner 2. Apply catering control principles


Proper transportation and storage o$ $ood Catering control principles Developing ,enus $or special needs

0. . 0. .0 0. .2


2. . 2. .0 2. .2 .. . .. .0 .. .2

.. Develop ,enus .. to ,eet special dietary and cultural needs

/. Select catering syste,s 3. Manage $acilities associated with co,,ercial catering contracts


Catering syste,s 9acilities ,anage,ent

/. . /. .0


3. . 3. .0 3. .2 3. ..

5. Plan the catering $or an event or $unction


Catering planning

5. . 5. .0 5. .2

Prepare and present $oods to ,eet 1asic nutritional needs Prepare and present $oods to ,eet special dietary re4uire,ents Prepare $oods to satis$y speci$ic cultural or religious needs %denti$y appropriate $ood transportation Transport $ood sa$ely and hygienically Store $ood sa$ely and hygienically %denti$y procedures to reduce wastage Carry out catering control procedures Mini,i+e waste %denti$y the dietary and cultural re4uire,ents o$ custo,ers Develop ,enus and ,eal plans to ,eet dietary and cultural re4uire,ents Evaluate ,eals and ,enus Review catering syste, re4uire,ents Evaluate and select the catering syste, (rgani+e ,aintenance o$ $acilities Manage catering stores and storage areas Maintain a $acilities assets register Manage client services associated with the $acility %denti$y overall event o1Aectives and scope Prepare the catering concept $or an event or $unction Prepare and i,ple,ent an operational plan $or the catering o$ an event or $unction

0' hours

0' hours

0' hours

0' hours

0' hours

0' hours

0' hours


C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?





". Design ,enus to ,eet ,ar-et needs


Designing ,enus

". . ". .0 ". .2

". .. &. Develop a $ood sa$ety progra, &. Developing a $ood sa$ety progra, &. . &. .0

&. .2 &. ..

%denti$y and evaluate target ,ar-ets $or the catering outlet Evaluate ,ar-et trends in $ood service Create ,enu 1ased on ,ar-et analysis and within 1udgetary constraints Monitor ,enu per$or,ance %denti$y needs $or the $ood sa$ety progra, Develop a $ood sa$ety progra, $or a speci$ic co,,ercial catering enterprise %,ple,ent the $ood sa$ety progra, Evaluate and revise the $ood sa$ety progra, as re4uired

0' hours

0' hours

RES(*RCES7 F ci!i.ies Reach!in $ree+er Reach!in re$rigerator / .!1urner gas range w< oven Stoc- pan 1urner Deep $at $ryer Cs,all<singleD Microwave oven Co,1ination o$ 1roiler and griddle ! s,all / E:haust hood Dish washing ,achine CoptionalD #lender ,achine Pressure coo-er Meat slicer ! s,all Meat grinder Meat chopper ,achine CoptionalD Sala,ander, griller / Preparation ta1le with sin- Cappro:. ./E : 0"ED #ain Marie ! ta1le @or-ing ta1le C$a1ricatedD / Condi,ent ca1inet @ashing sinSoa- sin*tility shelving / Stainless steel rac- C/ shelvesD Steel rac*tility cart

E/ui0me#. Training E4uip,ent unit (ver head proAector unit 9lip chart unit @hite 1oard Sa$ety E4uip,ent set 9irst Aid Fit pc. 9ire E:tinguisher

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


Su00!ies Training Materials ! 0/ pcs. Mar-er ! 0/ pcs. Pencil ! 0 r,s #ond paper Meat ! #ee$ ! Por! 6a,1 Poultry ! Chic-en ! Duc! Tur-ey ! Pigeon, etc. Sea$ood ! 9ish ! Shell$ish ! Crustacean Perisha1les ! ?egeta1le ! 9ruits ! Dairy products ! Processed $oods Dry Boods CBroceriesD ! Sauces ! Spices ! Seasoning ! Canned $ruits ! Canned vegeta1les ! )oodles ! Pasta ! Rice ! 9lour ! Sugar ! #eans

Accessories Cleaning Materials ! . pcs. 9loor ,ops ! pc. Mop S4uee+er ! . pcs. #roo, Cta,1oD ! pcs. Dust pan ! / pcs. Bar1age 1in C. gals.D ! 0 pcs. 6i4uid soap dispenser ! 0 pcs. Paper towel dispenser #asic cutting -nives ! / pcs. Paring -ni$e ! pcs. #read -ni$e ! / pcs. 9illeting -ni$e ! / pcs. Carving -ni$e ! 2 pcs. Che$;s -ni$e 3E ! 2 pcs.Che$;s -ni$e "E ! / pcs. #oning -ni$e ! 2 pcs. (ysters -ni$e ! 2 pcs. Cleaver ! / pcs. #utcher -ni$e Gand tools ! pc. Apple corer ! 2 pcs. @ire whis- ! s,all ! 2 pcs. @ire whis- ! ,ediu, ! 2 pcs. @ire whis- H heavy duty ! / pcs. Can opener ! 2 pcs. Fitchen scissors ! 2 pcs. Soup 6adle 2 o+. ! 2 pcs. Soup 6adle 3 o+. ! 2 pcs. Soup 6adle " o+. ! 2 pcs. Soup 6adle 0 o+. ! / pcs. Fitchen spoon ! / pcs. Fitchen spoon slotted ! 2 pcs. Fitchen $or! 2 pcs. Carving $or! 2 pcs. Poc-et<pin ther,o,eter ! / pcs. Peelers ! / pcs. Tenderi+er, ,ediu, ! / pcs. S-i,,er, $ine ! 2 pcs. @ire S-i,,er, s,all ! / pcs.S-i,,ers spider ! 2 pcs. Strainer, s,all, $ine ! 2 pcs. Siever ! 0 pcs. Strainer, ,ediu,, $ine Tongs ! / pcs. " inches ! 2 pcs. 0 inches


C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


/ pcs. Turner, 2E : 3E / pcs. Spatula / pcs. @ooden spoon / pcs. Parisienne spoon / pcs. Iester / pcs. Piping 1ag / setsPastry tu1es 2 pcs. Strainer Chinois ! s,all 2 pcs. Strainer Chinois ! ,ediu, 2 pcs. 9unnel ! s,all 0 pcs. 9unnel ! ,ediu, / sets Measuring spoon / sets Measuring cup / sets Measuring urn pc. %ce crea, scoop ' pcs. Cheese cloth 0 pcs. Serving spoon pc. 9ood ,ill 2 pcs.@eighing scale H / -gs. / pcs. @eighing scale H ''' gra,s / pcs. Sauce pan w< handle, 3 c,. dia,eter : " c,. height / pcs. Sauce pan w< handle, 0' c,. dia,eter : " c,. height / pcs. Sauteing pan ! s,all 2 pcs. Sauteing pan ! ,ediu, 2 pcs. Sauteing pan ! large

0 pcs. Sauteing pan ! heavy duty . pcs. #raising pan ! s,all 0 pcs. #raising pan ! ,ediu, 0 pcs. #raising pan ! large . pcs, Stoc- pots ! s,all 0 pcs. Stoc- pots ! ,ediu, pc. Stoc- pot ! large / pcs. 9rying pan ! s,all 0 pcs. 9rying pan ! ,ediu, pc. 9rying pan ! large pc. Colander ! s,all pc. Colander ! ,ediu, / pcs. Cutting 1oard pc. 9ish poacher! ,ediu, 0 pcs. Casserole ! s,all 0 pcs. Casserole ! ,ediu, 0 pcs. @o- ! s,all 0 pcs. @o- ! ,ediu, pc. Dou1le 1oiler ! ,ediu, . pcs. Paellara 0 pcs. Blass racpc. Soup cup rac0 pcs. Plate rac' pcs. #a-ing tray H s,all ' pcs. *tility tray H stainless 0 pcs. Roasting tray

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


RE9ERE)CES7 Manuals #oo-s CDs

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation in la1oratory (ral 4uestioning

C(*RSE DE6%?ER=7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

! '!

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

TRA%)ER;S 8*A6%9%CAT%()S 7 Must have co,pleted a Trainers Training Methodology Course CTM %?D or its e4uivalent Must have at least 2!/ years Ao1<industry e:perience Must 1e physically and ,entally $it Must 1e a holder o$ Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C level %? certi$icate Must 1e o$ good ,oral character @ith pleasing personality Must have attended relevant training and se,inars

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?



COMMUNICATIONS UTILI1E S&ECIALI1ED COMMUNICATION SKILLS UTILI1ING S&ECIALI1ED COMMUNICATION SKILLS This ,odule covers the -nowledge, s-ills and attitudes re4uired to use speciali+ed co,,unication s-ills to ,eet speci$ic needs o$ internal and e:ternal clients, conduct interviews, $acilitate group discussion, and contri1ute to the develop,ent o$ co,,unication strategies. ' hours )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Apply co,,unication strategies to ,eet speci$ic needs o$ internal and e:ternal client. 6(0. Represent the organi+ation in internal and e:ternal $oru,s. 6(2. 9acilitate group discussion. 6(.. Conduct interview.

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 2!

LO,2 A&&L* COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES TO MEET S&ECIFIC NEEDS OF INTERNAL AND E3TERNAL CLIENT ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Speci$ic needs o$ client and colleagues are identi$ied and ,et. 0. Di$$erent strategies are used to ,eet co,,unication needs o$ clients and colleagues. 2. Con$lict is addressed in a ti,ely way and in a ,anner which does not co,pro,ise the standing o$ the organi+ation. .. Strategies $or e:ternal and internal disse,ination o$ in$or,ation are developed, pro,oted, i,ple,ented and reviewed as re4uired. /. Channel o$ co,,unications are reviewed and esta1lished regularly. 3. Coaching in e$$ective co,,unication is provided. 5. @or- related networ- and relationship are ,aintained. ". )egotiation and con$lict resolution strategies are used. &. Co,,unication with clientJs colleagues is appropriate to individual needs and organi+ational o1Aectives. C()TE)TS7 Co,,unication process 9ull range o$ co,,unication Active listening 9eed1ac%nterpretation Role 1oundaries setting )egotiation Esta1lishing e,pathy

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - video tapes - 6CD proAector <(GP - Personal co,puters 6earning ,aterials - learning ele,ent - 1oo-s and ,anuals - transparencies - slides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Discussion Role playing (1servation

! .!

@ritten e:a,ination
C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

Direct o1servation

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! /!

LO22 RE&RESENT T4E ORGANI1ATION IN INTERNAL AND E3TERNAL FORUMS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Presentation is relevant, appropriately researched and presented in a ,anner that pro,otes the organi+ation. 0. Presentation is cleared and se4uentially delivered within a predeter,ined ti,e. 2. *tili+ed appropriate ,edia to enhance the presentation. .. @ritten co,,unication is consistent with organi+ational standards. /. Respect di$$erences in views and respond to in4uiries in a ,anner consistent with organi+ational standard. C()TE)TS7 Presentation techni4ues Developing a presentation Multi!,edia utili+ation in presentation

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - video tapes - 6CD proAector <(GP - Personal co,puters 6earning ,aterials - learning ele,ent - 1oo-s and ,anuals - transparencies - slides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Discussion Role playing (1servation

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination Direct o1servation

! 3!

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 FACILITATE GROU& DISCUSSION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Mechanis,s which enhance e$$ective group interaction is de$ined and i,ple,ented 0. Strategies which encourage all group ,e,1ers to participate are used routinely 2. (1Aectives and agenda $or ,eetings and discussions are routinely set and $ollowed .. Relevant in$or,ation is provided to group to $acilitate outco,es /. Evaluation o$ group co,,unication strategies is underta-en to pro,ote participation o$ all parties 3. Speci$ic co,,unication needs o$ individuals are identi$ied and addressed C()TE)TS7 #asic Co,,unication s-ills 9acilitation S-ills Broup 9acilitation

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - video tapes - 6CD proAector <(GP - Personal co,puters 6earning ,aterials - learning ele,ent - 1oo-s and ,anuals - transparencies - slides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Discussion Role playing (1servation

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination Direct o1servation

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 5!

LO+2 CONDUCT INTERVIE6 ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . A range o$ appropriate co,,unication strategies are e,ployed in interview situations 0. Records o$ interviews are ,ade and ,aintained in accordance with organi+ational procedures 2. E$$ective 4uestioning, listening and nonver1al co,,unication techni4ues are used to ensure that re4uired ,essage is co,,unicated C()TE)TS7 #asic Co,,unication s-ills 9acilitation S-ills %nterview S-ills

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - video tapes - 6CD proAector <(GP - Personal co,puters 6earning ,aterials - learning ele,ent - 1oo-s and ,anuals - transparencies - slides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Discussion Role playing (1servation

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination Direct o1servation

! "!

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


TEAM 6ORK DEVELO& TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL NEEDS DEVELO&ING TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL NEEDS This ,odule covers the -nowledge, s-ills and attitudes re4uired to deter,ine individual needs and develop tea, $or a wor- group. ' hours )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Deter,ine develop,ent needs 6(0. 9oster individual and organi+ational growth 6(2. Monitor and evaluate wor-place learning 6(.. Develop tea, co,,it,ent and cooperation 6(/. 9acilitate acco,plish,ent o$ organi+ational goals

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! &!

LO,2 DETERMINE DEVELO&MENT NEEDS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 6earning and develop,ent need are syste,atically identi$ied and i,ple,ented in line with organi+ational re4uire,ents. 0. 6earning plan to ,eet individual and group training and develop,ent needs is colla1oratively developed agreed to and i,ple,ented. 2. %ndividual are encouraged to sel$ evaluate per$or,ance and identi$y areas $or i,prove,ent. .. 9eed1ac- on per$or,ance o$ tea, ,e,1ers are collected $ro, relevant service and co,pared with esta1lished tea, learning process. C()TE)TS7 8uality assurance and<or procedures ,anuals Boals, o1Aectives ,plans, syste, and process 6egal and organi+ation policy<guidelines and re4uire,ents Sa$ety policies, procedures and progra,s Con$identiality and security re4uire,ents Ethical standards #usiness and per$or,ance plans 8uality and continues i,prove,ent processes and standards 9or,al<in$or,al per$or,ance appraisal (1taining $eed1ac- $ro, superior and colleagues Personal re$lective 1ehavior strategies Routine, organi+ation ,ethods $or ,onitoring service delivery

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - personal co,puters - si,ulated wor- area 6earning ,aterials - ,anuals $or organi+ational re4uire,ents - 4uality assurance and procedures - wor- ethics ,anual - personality develop,ent Supplies and ,aterials - ($$ice supplies, C pen, pencil, paper<1ond paperD

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Discussion Role playing (1servation

! 0' !

@ritten e:a,ination Direct o1servation

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

!0 !

LO22 FOSTER INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANI1ATIONAL GRO6T4 ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 6earning and develop,ent progra, goals and o1Aectives are identi$ied to ,atch speci$ic -nowledge and s-ills re4uire,ents o$ co,petency standards. 0. 6earning delivery ,ethods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning style o$ participants and availa1ility o$ e4uip,ent and resources. 2. @or-place learning opportunities and coaching and ,entoring assistance are provided to $acilitate individual and tea, achieve,ent o$ co,petencies. .. Resources and ti,elines re4uired $or learning activities are identi$ied and approved in accordance with organi+ational re4uire,ents. C()TE)TS7 Coaching and ,entoring principles Fnowledge o$ career paths and co,petency standards in the industry 6earning plans to ,atch s-ills needs %nvolve,ent in pro$essional networ-s 9or,al course participation @or- e:perience Con$erence and se,inar attendance Pro1le, solving Resources and ti,elines re4uired $or learning activities

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - Personal co,puters 6earning ,aterials - Coaching and ,entoring principles ,anual - 6earning and develop,ent progra, goals and o1Aectives - 6earning activity ,ethods Supplies and ,aterials - ($$ice supplies, C pen, pencil, paper<1ond paperD

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Pro1le, solving 9or,al course participation (n the Ao1 coaching<,entoring Presentation<de,onstration Con$erence and se,inar attendance

! 00 !

Direct o1servation Case studies Cde$enseD De,onstration

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 MONITOR AND EVALUATE 6ORK&LACE LEARNING ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9eed1ac- $ro, individuals or tea,s is used to identi$y and i,ple,ent i,prove,ents in $uture learning arrange,ents. 0. (utco,es and per$or,ance o$ individuals<tea,s are assessed and recorded to deter,ine the e$$ectiveness o$ developed progra,s and the e:tent o$ additional develop,ent support. 2. Modi$ications to learning plans are negotiated to i,prove the e$$iciency and e$$ectiveness o$ learning. .. Records and reports o$ co,petency are docu,ented and ,aintained within organi+ational re4uire,ents. C()TE)TS7 Coaching and ,entoring principles Methods and techni4ues $or eliciting and interpreting $eed1acMethods $or identi$ying and prioriti+ing personal develop,ent opportunities and options. Fnowledge o$ career paths and co,petency standards in industry

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - personal co,puters - si,ulated wor- area 6earning ,aterials - ,anuals $or organi+ational re4uire,ents - 4uality assurance and procedures - wor- ethics ,anual - personality develop,ent ,anual Supplies and ,aterials - ($$ice supplies, C pen, pencil, paper<1ond paperD

METG(D(6(B%ES7 (n!the!Ao1 coaching and ,entoring Pro1le, solving 9or,al course participation

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination Direct o1servation

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 02 !

LO+2 DEVELO& TEAM COMMITMENT AND COO&ERATION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . (pen co,,unication processes to o1tain and share in$or,ation is used 1y tea,. 0. Decisions are tea, ,ade in accordance with its agreed roles and responsi1ilities. 2. Mutual concern and ca,araderie is developed in the tea,. C()TE)TS7 Boals, o1Aectives, plans, procedures Coaching and ,entoring principles 9or,al <in$or,al learning progra,s -nowledge on how to develop tea, co,,it,ent and cooperation personal re$lective 1ehavior strategies *nderstanding how to wor- e$$ectively with tea, ,e,1ers o$ di$$erent wor- style, aspirations, culture and perspective.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - personal co,puters - si,ulated tea, 6earning ,aterials - ,anuals $or organi+ational re4uire,ents - 4uality assurance and procedures - wor- ethics ,anual - personality develop,ent Supplies and ,aterials - ($$ice supplies, C pen, pencil, paper<1ond paperD

METG(D(6(B%ES7 (n! the!Ao1 coaching Se,inar training Ctea, 1uildingD

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 Direct o1servation o$ wor- activities (1servation o$ role playing

! 0. !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO(2 FACILITATE ACCOM&LIS4MENT OF ORGANI1ATIONAL GOALS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Tea, ,e,1ers actively participated in tea, activities and co,,unication process. 0. %ndividual and tea,s developed individual and Aoint responsi1ility $or their actions. 2. Colla1orative e$$orts are sustained to o1tain organi+ational goals. C()TE)TS7 *nderstanding how to wor- e$$ectively with tea, ,e,1ers who are divers worstyles, aspirations, cultures and perspective *nderstanding how to $acilitate tea, develop,ent and i,prove,ent Co,,unication s-ills including receiving $eed1ac- and reporting, ,aintaining e$$ecting e$$ective relationship K con$lict ,anage,ent 8uality assurance and<or procedures

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - personal co,puters - si,ulated wor- area 6earning ,aterials - ,anuals $or organi+ational re4uire,ents - 4uality assurance and procedures - wor- ethics ,anual - personality develop,ent Supplies and ,aterials - ($$ice supplies, Cpen, pencil, paper<1ond paperD

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Discussion Role playing (n!the! Ao1 coaching Con$erence se,inars

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination Direct o1servation interview

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 0/ !


&ROBLEM SOLVING A&&L* &ROBLEM SOLVING TEC4NI7UES IN T4E 6ORK&LACE IDENTIF*ING &OSSIBLE SOLUTION This ,odule cover the -nowledge, s-ills and attitude re4uired to identi$y all possi1le options, $or to solve wor-place pro1le, through analysis. ' hours )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Analy+e the pro1le, 6(0. %denti$y $unda,ental cause o$ the pro1le, 6(2. Deter,ine possi1le solution

! 03 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 ANAL*1E T4E &ROBLEM ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Area o$ responsi1ility is deter,ined. 0. Possi1le causes o$ pro1le, are identi$ied 1ased on e:perience and uses o$ pro1le, solving tools<analytical techni4ues. 2. Possi1le cause state,ents are developed. C()TE)TS7 Pro1le, solving tools< analytical techni4ues Area o$ responsi1ility ! wor- responsi1ility ! pro1le, solution ! preventive ,aintenance and diagnostic policy ! rules and technical responsi1ility ! vendor and product service level support agree,ent

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - (GP - Co,puters %nstructional ,aterials - re$erence 1oo-s - sa,ple o$ process and other pro1le,s - 6earning Buides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Direct o1servation Si,ulation <role playing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten Practical<per$or,ance test Case studies Cde$enseD

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 05 !

LO22 IDENTIF* FUNDAMENTAL CAUSE OF T4E &ROBLEM ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Area o$ responsi1ility is reviewed. 0. 6istings o$ possi1le cause state,ents are analy+ed. 2. 9unda,ental cause state,ent is developed. C()TE)TS7 %denti$ication o$ $unda,ental cause o$ pro1le, Application o$ pro1le, solving tools < analytical techni4ues

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - (GP - Co,puters %nstructional ,aterials - re$erence 1oo-s - sa,ple o$ process and other pro1le,s - 6earning Buides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Direct o1servation Si,ulation <role playing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten Practical<per$or,ance test Case studies Cde$enseD

! 0" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 DETERMINE &OSSIBLE SOLUTION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Possi1le options $or the resolution o$ the pro1le, are listed 0. Possi1le options are analytical 1ased on strength and wea-nesses 2. Corrective action is identi$ied to re,ove the pro1le, and possi1le $uture causes. C()TE)TS7 6isting o$ the possi1le options $or the resolution o$ the pro1le, Deter,ining strength and wea-nesses o$ a pro1le, Deter,ining corrective action Application o$ pro1le, solving techni4ues

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - (GP - Co,puters %nstructional ,aterials - re$erence 1oo-s - sa,ple o$ process and other pro1le,s - 6earning Buides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Direct o1servation Si,ulation <role playing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten Case study Cde$enseD

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 0& !


&ROBLEM SOLVING A&&L* &ROBLEM SOLVING TEC4NI7UES IN T4E 6ORK&LACE RECOMMENDING AND IM&LEMENTING SOLUTIONS This ,odule cover the -nowledge, s-ills and attitudes re4uired to> reco,,end and i,ple,ent solutions to a pro1le, using structured process i,prove,ent which is typically per$or,ed 1y an e:perienced technician, tea, leader or supervisor. ' hours )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Prepare co,,unication or docu,entation report 6(0. Present reco,,endation to appropriate personnel 6(2. %,ple,ent solution

! 2' !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 &RE&ARE COMMUNICATION OR DOCUMENTATION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Dra$t Chand writtenD report $or corrective actions to the pro1le, is prepared 0. Dra$t Chand writtenD report and docu,ents are reviewed in accordance with standard $or,at. 2. Co,,unication<Docu,entation report is $inali+ed 1ased on standard $or,at K S(P;s C()TE)TS7 Preparation o$ co,,unication K docu,entation report Types o$ co,,unication ! Gand written ! Printed report ! %nternal ,e,os ! Electronic ,ail ! #rie$ing notes ! #ulletin 1oards Docu,entation ! Audit trails ! )a,ing standards ! ?ersion control

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - (GP - Co,puters %nstructional ,aterials - re$erence 1oo-s - corrective actions - state,ent <reports - 6earning Buides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Direct o1servation Si,ulation <role playing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination case study Cde$enseD

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

!2 !

LO22 &RESENT RECOMMENDATION TO A&&RO&RIATE &ERSONNEL ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Reco,,endations are presented to appropriate personnel 0. Changes, corrections, and $urther instructions are noted and $inali+ed 2. Reco,,endations are $ollowed!up. C()TE)TS7 (ral co,,unication Receiving and $inali+ation o$ instructions (rgani+ational protocol

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - (GP - Co,puters %nstructional ,aterials - re$erence 1oo-s - reco,,endation report - 6earning Buides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Direct o1servation Si,ulation <role playing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination case study Cde$enseD

! 20 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 IM&LEMENT SOLUTIONS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Measura1le o1Aectives are identi$ied 0. Resources needed are identi$ied 2. Ti,elines are identi$ied in accordance with sa$ety and operating procedures C()TE)TS7 Setting o$ o1Aectives Statutory and vendor re4uire,ents Ergono,ic K environ,ental $actors %denti$ication o$ ti,elines

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - (GP - Co,puters %nstructional ,aterials - re$erence 1oo-s - reco,,endation report - 6earning Buides

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Direct o1servation Si,ulation <role playing Distance education

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten e:a,ination Case study Cde$enseD

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 22 !

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

COLLECT8 ANAL*1E AND ORGANI1E INFORMATION COLLECTING8 ANAL*1ING AND ORGANI1ING INFORMATION This ,odule covers the outco,es re4uired to process, analy+e, interpret and organi+e wor-place in$or,ation and other relevant data. ' hours )C %?


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%() CERT%CATE 6E?E6

7 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Study in$or,ation re4uire,ents. 6(0. Process data 6(2. Analy+e, interpret and organi+e in$or,ation gathered. 6(.. Present $indings < reco,,endations.

! 2. !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 STUD* INFORMATION RE7UIREMENTS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . %denti$ied the needs using esta1lished research procedures. 0. *sed relevant $or,s and recording syste,. 2. Deter,ined in$or,ation re4uire,ents 1ased on organi+ational goals and o1Aectives. C()TE)TS7 Data processing, in$or,ation analysis and interpretation. Research Methods7 8ualitative, 8uantitative, Statistical E$$ective co,,unication Report writing

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 Re$erence #ooGandouts<Modules<Printed Materials 9or,s

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ectures Discussions De,onstrations

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten<oral e:a,ination E:ercises Case study Cde$enseD

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 2/ !

LO22 &ROCESS DATA ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Collected and collated data 1ased on the prescri1ed ,ethod. 0. *tili+ed relevant research ,ethods and processed data 1ased on the o1Aective o$ the progra,. 2. Co,piles in$or,ation according to the re4uired $or,. C()TE)TS7 Data processing Research Method Pro1le, Solving

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 PC Re$erence #ooGandouts<Modules<Printed Materials Data Processing So$tware CMS @(RD, ELCE6, etc.D

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ectures Discussions De,onstrations Reporting

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten<oral e:a,ination (1servation Practical de,onstration Case study Cde$enseD

! 23 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 ANAL*1E8 INTER&RET AND ORGANI1E INFORMATION GAT4ERED ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Analy+ed and organi+ed in$or,ation gathered. 0. *sed statistical analysis according to the o1Aectives o$ the progra,. 2. Prepared graphs and other visual presentation to $acilitate analysis interpretation o$ in$or,ation. C()TE)TS7 Research and analysis Read < %nterpret data and in$or,ation Pro1le, solving Presentation graphics

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 PC Re$erence #ooGandouts<Modules<Printed Materials Des-top Pu1lishing So$tware

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ectures Discussions De,onstrations

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten<oral e:a,ination (1servation Practical de,onstration Case study Cde$enseD

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 25 !

LO+2 &RESENT FINDINGS 9 RECOMMENDATIONS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 0. 2. .. Present $indings < reco,,endations su,,ari+ed in user H $riendly ,anner. Bathered relevant inputs to $inali+e reports. Prepared dra$t report 1ased on su,,ary $or,ats. Su1,itted < disse,inated technical reports to concerned o$$ices.

C()TE)TS7 Technical Report @riting

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 PC Re$erence #ooGandouts<Modules<Printed Materials

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ectures Discussions De,onstrations

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten<oral e:a,ination (1servation Practical de,onstration Case study Cde$enseD

! 2" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


&LANNING &LAN AND ORGANI1E 6ORK &LANNING AND ORGANI1ING 6ORK This ,odule covers -nowledge, s-ills and attitudes re4uired to plan and organi+e wor-. ' hours )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

M(D*6E DESCR%PT(R 7 )(M%)A6 D*RAT%() 7

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Set wor- o1Aectives. 6(0. Plan and schedule wor- activities. 6(2. %,ple,ent and ,onitor plans<activities. 6(.. Review and evaluate wor- plans and activities.

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 2& !

LO,2 SET 6ORK OB:ECTIVES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 0. 2. .. (1Aectives are relevant to wor- activities in accordance with organi+ational ai,s. (1Aectives are 1ased on accurate, relevant and correct in$or,ation. (1Aectives are stated as ,easura1le targets with clear ti,e $ra,es. (1Aectives are co,,unicated<disse,inated to tea, ,e,1ers.

C()TE)TS7 (rgani+ational policies K procedures Planning process Co,,unication process (rgani+ational ai,s Prioriti+ing and ,anaging wor-loads S@(T analysis

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 Training ,aterials ! (rgani+ational policies and procedures ! Re$erence ,aterials on organi+ational planning ! pen, paper Students proAect

METG(D(6(B%ES7 #rainstor,ing Discussion Case studies Role playing S,all group wor-

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten Direct o1servation %nterview

! .' !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 &LAN AND SC4EDULE 6ORK ACTIVITIES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Tas-<wor- activities are identi$ied and prioriti+ed in accordance with organi+ational ai,s. 0. Tas-<wor- activities are scheduled in accordance with organi+ational ai,s. 2. Resources $or each activity are identi$ied and allocated in accordance with organi+ational ai,s. .. Schedule o$ wor- activities are coordinated with relevant sta$$ in accordance with organi+ational ai,s. C()TE)TS7 BA)TT chart Consultation and negotiation with sta-eholders Prioriti+ing and ,anaging wor- loads

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - co,puters Training ,aterials ! BA)TT charts ! Re$erence ,aterials on organi+ational planning - pen, paper Students proAects

METG(D(6(B%ES7 #rainstor,ing Discussion Case studies Role playing S,all group wor-

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten Direct o1servation %nterview

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

!. !

LO52 IM&LEMENT AND MONITOR &LANS9ACTIVITIES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . @or- plans are i,ple,ented with set ti,e $ra,e, resources and re4uired standards o$ the organi+ation 0. @or- activities are ,onitored and reviewed against the set o1Aectives o$ the organi+ation. 2. Deviations $ro, wor- activities are reported and reco,,endations are o1tained < negotiated with appropriate personnel. .. Reporting re4uire,ents are co,plied with reco,,ended $or,at. /. 9iles record are esta1lished and ,aintained C()TE)TS7 Developing wor- plans %,ple,entation and ,onitoring Reporting Setting schedules Contingency approach C planningD Coordinating schedules Motivation and tea, 1uilding

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - co,puters Training ,aterials ! wor- plan schedules ! ,onitoring tools and ,aterials - pen, paper Plant<enterprises ! Students proAects

METG(D(6(B%ES7 #rainstor,ing Discussion Case studies Role playing S,all group wor-

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten Direct o1servation %nterview

! .0 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO+2 REVIE6 AND EVALUATE 6ORK &LANS AND ACTIVITIES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Review o$ wor- activities<outco,es is 1ased on accurate, relevant and current in$or,ation. 0. Review is 1ased on co,prehensive consultation with appropriate personnel using relia1le $eed1ac- tools. 2. Results o$ review are provided to appropriate personnel in reco,,ended $or,at. .. Per$or,ance appraisal report is conducted and reported in accordance with organi+ational re4uire,ents. /. 9eed1ac- ,echanis,s are $ollowed in accordance with organi+ational policies. C()TE)TS7 Report writing Collecting in$or,ation<data gathering 9eed1acPer$or,ance appraisal

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 E4uip,ent - co,puters Training ,aterials ! reporting $or,ats - per$or,ance appraisal $or,at - re$erence ,aterials on research techni4ues - pen, paper Plant<enterprises Csi,ulationD ! Students proAects

METG(D(6(B%ES7 #rainstor,ing Discussion Case studies Role playing S,all group wor-

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten Direct o1servation %nterview

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! .2 !

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

&ROMOTE ENVIRONMENTAL &ROTECTION &ROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL &ROTECTION This ,odule covers the -nowledge, s-ills and attitude re4uired in adhering to environ,ental protection principles, strategies and guidelines. 3 hours )C %?


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%() CERT%CATE 6E?E6

7 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Study Buidelines $or environ,ental concerns. 6(0. %,ple,ent speci$ic environ,ental progra,s. 6(2. Monitor activities on environ,ental protection < progra,s. 6(.. Monitor wor- activities 6(/. Review and evaluate wor- plans and activities

! .. !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 STUD* GUIDELINES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Environ,ental legislation < conventions and local ordinances are identi$ied according to the di$$erent environ,ental aspects < i,pact 0. %ndustrial standard < environ,ental practices according to the di$$erent environ,ental concerns are descri1ed. C()TE)TS7 Environ,ental issues and concerns. 9eatures o$ Environ,ental ,anage,ent strategy Sanitary Code Environ,ental Code o$ Practice %nternational Environ,ental Protocols CMontreal, FyotoD

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @or-place < assess,ent locations 6egislation, policies, procedures, protocols and local ordinances relating to environ,ental protection. Case studies < scenarios relating to environ,ental protection Csa,pleD

METG(D(6(B%ES7 Discussion ! de,onstration Research and reporting

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten < oral e:a,ination %nterview < third party report Port$olio

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! ./ !

LO22 IM&LEMENT S&ICIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL &ROGRAMS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Progra,s < activities are identi$ied according to organi+ations policies and guidelines. 0. %ndividual roles < responsi1ilities are deter,ined and per$or,ed 1ased on the activities identi$ied. 2. Pro1le,s < constraints encountered are resolved in accordance with organi+ations policies and guidelines. .. Sta-eholders are consulted 1ased on co,pany guidelines. C()TE)TS7 Co,,unity needs and e:pectations Environ,ent H 9riendly < environ,ental advocates / S o$ good house -eeping 2 R;s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @or-place < assess,ent location 6egislation, Policies, Procedures, Protocols and local ordinances relating to environ,ental protection. Case studies < scenarios relating to environ,ental protection Csa,pleD

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ectures Discussions De,onstrations Reporting Role playing

ASSESSME)T7 @ritten < oral e:a,ination (1servation Practical de,onstration

! .3 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 MONITOR ACTIVITIES ON ENVIRONMENTAL &ROTECTION 9 &ROGRAM ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Activities are periodically ,onitored and evaluated according to the o1Aectives o$ the environ,ental progra,. 0. 9eed1ac- $ro, sta-eholders are gathered and considered in proposing enhance,ent to the progra, 1ased on consultations. 2. Data gathered are analy+ed 1ased on evaluation re4uire,ents. .. Reco,,endations are su1,itted 1ased on the $indings. /. Manage,ent Support syste, are set < esta1lished to sustain and enhance the progra,. 3. Environ,ental incidents are ,onitored and reported to concerned < proper authorities. C()TE)TS7 Co,,unicating e$$ectively Per$or,ing research and analysis Reading < interpreting data and in$or,ation Pro1le, solving

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 Personal Co,puter Re$erence #oo-s Gandouts<Modules<Printed Materials Statistical Pac-age @or-place < Assess,ent location

METG(D(6(B%ES7 De,onstrations Reporting

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten < oral e:a,ination (1servation %nterview < third party reports

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! .5 !

LO+2 MONITOR 6ORK ACTIVITIES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . @or- activities and per$or,ance are ,onitored and co,pared with set o1Aectives. 0. Deviations $ro, wor- activities are reported and coordinated reco,,endations with appropriate personnel and in accordance with set standards 2. Co,plied with reporting re4uire,ents in accordance with reco,,ended $or,at. .. Report su1,itted 1ased on the ti,e $ra,e schedule. /. Esta1lished and ,aintained in accordance with standard operating procedures. C()TE)TS7 Technical Report @riting *se wor- plans and standards

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 Re$erence #ooGandouts<Modules<Printed Materials

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ectures Discussions De,onstrations

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten < oral e:a,ination (1servation Practical de,onstration Case study Cde$enseD

! ." !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO(2 REVIE6 AND EVALUATE 6ORK &LANS AND ACTIVITIES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Reviewed wor- plans, strategies and i,ple,entation 1ased on accurate, relevant and current in$or,ation 1ased on co,prehensive consultation and appropriate personnel on outco,es o$ wor- plans and relia1le $eed1ac0. Provided results o$ review to concerned parties and $or,ed as the 1asis $or adAust,ents < si,pli$ications to 1e ,ade to policies processes and activities. 2. Conducted per$or,ance appraisal in accordance with organi+ation rules and regulation. .. Prepared and docu,ented per$or,ance appraisal report regularly as per organi+ational re4uire,ent. /. Prepared and presented reco,,endations to appropriate personnel < authorities. 3. %,ple,ented $eed1ac- ,echanis, in line with organi+ation policies. C()TE)TS7 (rgani+ational Strategies and Planning (rgani+ational Rules and Regulations

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 Re$erence #oo- s Gandouts<Modules<Printed Materials

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ectures Discussions De,onstrations

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten < oral e:a,ination (1servation Practical de,onstration Case study Cde$enseD

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! .& !


*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

CONDUCT ASSESSMENT CONDUCTING ASSESSMENT This ,odule covers the -nowledge, s-ills, 1ehavior and ,otivations re4uired to conduct an assess,ent in accordance with an assess,ent procedure in a speci$ic conte:t. 3 hours )C %? Certi$ied in all Co,,on Co,petencies $or the Touris, %ndustry )C%%% level


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . %denti$y and e:plain the conte:t o$ assess,ent 6(0. Plan evidence!gathering opportunities 6(2. (rgani+e assess,ent 6(.. Bather evidence 6(/. Ma-e the assess,ent decision 6(3. Record assess,ent results 6(5. Provide $eed1ac- to persons 1eing assessed 6(". Report on the conduct o$ the assess,ent

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

!/ !

LO,2 IDENTIF* AND E3&LAIN T4E CONTE3T OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . The conte:t and purpose o$ assess,ent is discussed and con$ir,ed with the person<s 1eing assessed. 0. The relevant per$or,ance standards to 1e used in the assess,ent are clearly e:plained to the person 1eing assessed. 2. Assess,ent procedure is clari$ied and e:pectations o$ 1oth the assessor and candidate are agreed upon. .. Ethical responsi1ilities associated with the assess,ent are e:plained to the person<s 1eing assessed. /. )eeds o$ the person 1eing assessed are deter,ined to esta1lish any allowa1le adAust,ents in the assess,ent procedure. 3. %n$or,ation using language and interactive strategies and techni4ues are conveyed to co,,unicate e$$ectively with the person<s 1eing assessed. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 (1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

! /0 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 &LAN EVIDENCE;GAT4ERING O&&ORTUNITIES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A . (pportunities to gather evidence o$ co,petency, which occur as part o$ wor-place or training activities, are identi$ied. 0. The need to gather additional evidence which ,ay not occur as part o$ the wor-place or training activities is identi$ied. 2. Evidence!gathering activities are planned to provide su$$icient, relia1le, valid and $air evidence o$ co,petency in accordance with the assess,ent procedure. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools Evidence!gathering techni4ues Planning s-ills (ral and written co,,unication s-ills

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to prepare evidence plans

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 (1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! /2 !

LO52 ORGANI1E ASSESSMENT ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . The resources speci$ied in the assess,ent procedure are arranged and o1tained within a sa$e and accessi1le assess,ent environ,ent. 0. Appropriate personnel are in$or,ed o$ the assess,ent. 2. 6anguage, strategies and techni4ues are e,ployed to ensure that spo-en interactions and written docu,ents are understood 1y all persons 1eing assessed and 1y appropriate personnel. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools Planning s-ills (ral and written co,,unication s-ills

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures Access to person<s wishing to 1e assessed, relevant wor-place e4uip,ent, in$or,ation and appropriate personnel ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to de,onstrate how to organi+e an assess,ent activity

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 (1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

! /. !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO+2 GAT4ER EVIDENCE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . ?er1al and non!ver1al language are adAusted and strategies to pro,ote a supportive assess,ent environ,ent are e,ployed to gather evidence 0. The evidence speci$ied in the assess,ent procedure is gathered using the assess,ent ,ethods and tools. 2. Evidence is gathered in accordance with speci$ied allowa1le adAust,ents where applica1le. .. Evidence gathered is docu,ented in accordance with the assess,ent procedure. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools Planning s-ills (ral and written co,,unication s-ills Evidence!gathering techni4ues

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures Access to person<s wishing to 1e assessed, relevant wor-place e4uip,ent, in$or,ation and appropriate personnel ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to de,onstrate evidence! gathering techni4ues

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 (1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

! // !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO(2 MAKE T4E ASSESSMENT DECISION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Evidence is evaluated in ter,s o$7 ?alidity Authenticity Su$$iciency Currency Consistent achieve,ent o$ the speci$ied standard 0. Evidence is evaluated according to the di,ensions o$ co,petency7 Tas- s-ills Tas- ,anage,ent s-ills Contingency ,anage,ent s-ills Mo1<role environ,ent s-ill Trans$er and application o$ -nowledge and s-ills to new conte:ts 2. @hen in dou1t, guidance is sought $ro, a ,ore e:perienced assessor<s. .. The assess,ent decision is ,ade in accordance with the criteria speci$ied in the assess,ent procedure. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools Planning s-ills Decision!,a-ing s-ills (ral and written co,,unication s-ills C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures Access to person<s wishing to 1e assessed, relevant wor-place e4uip,ent, in$or,ation and appropriate personnel Sa,ples o$ evidence gathered METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion ASSESSME)T METG(DS7
! /3 ! C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

(1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! /5 !

LO62 RECORD ASSESSMENT RESULTS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . The assess,ent results are recorded accurately in accordance with the speci$ied record -eeping re4uire,ents. 0. Con$identiality o$ assess,ent outco,e is ,aintained and access to the assess,ent records is provided only to authori+ed personnel. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools Planning s-ills (ral and written co,,unication s-ills Docu,entation techni4ues

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures Access to person<s wishing to 1e assessed, relevant wor-place e4uip,ent, in$or,ation and appropriate personnel Sa,ple assess,ent records and reports

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 (1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

! /" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO<2 &ROVIDE FEEDBACK TO &ERSONS BEING ASSESSED ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Clear and constructive $eed1ac- in relation to per$or,ance o$ the person<s 1eing assessed is provided using language and strategies to suit the person<s including provision o$ guidance on $urther goals<training opportunities. 0. (pportunities $or overco,ing any gaps in co,petency are e:plored as revealed 1y the assess,ent with the person<s 1eing assessed. 2. The person<s 1eing assessed is advised o$ availa1le reassess,ent opportunities and<or appeal ,echanis,s are reviewed where the assess,ent decision is challenged. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools Appeal ,echanis,s (ral and written co,,unication s-ills )egotiation and con$lict resolution techni4ues

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures Access to person<s wishing to 1e assessed, relevant wor-place e4uip,ent, in$or,ation and appropriate personnel

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 (1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! /& !

LO-2 RE&ORT ON T4E CONDUCT OF T4E ASSESSMENT ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Positive and negative $eatures e:perienced in conducting the assess,ent are reported to those responsi1le $or the assess,ent procedure. 0. Any assess,ent decision disputed 1y the person<s 1eing assessed is recorded and reported pro,ptly to those responsi1le $or the assess,ent procedure. 2. Suggestions $or i,proving any aspect o$ assess,ent process are ,ade to appropriate personnel. C()TE)TS7 %ndustry or co,pany co,petency standards and assess,ent guidelines Relevant health, sa$ety and security regulations and procedures Policies and procedures o$ the wor-place and<or Ao1 role together with any related legislation or regulatory re4uire,ents Assess,ent principles Assess,ent ,ethods<tools Planning s-ills (ral and written co,,unication s-ills )egotiation and con$lict resolution techni4ues

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Co,petencies relevant to student;s area o$ e:pertise Access to relevant co,petencies, sources o$ in$or,ation on assess,ent ,ethods, assess,ent tools and assess,ent procedures Access to person<s wishing to 1e assessed, relevant wor-place e4uip,ent, in$or,ation and appropriate personnel

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Role!play Si,ulation Broup discussion

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 (1servation %nterviews<4uestioning

! 3' !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

MANAGE 6ORK&LACE DIVERSIT* MANAGING 6ORK&LACE DIVERSIT* This ,odule covers the -nowledge, s-ills, 1ehavior and ,otivations re4uired to provide leadership in a diverse wor-place where custo,ers and sta$$ are $ro, a wide range o$ 1ac-grounds. %t 1uilds on the unit N@or- in a socially diverse environ,ent,E and re$lects the i,portance o$ ,anaging diversity in the hospitality industry. 3 hours )C %? Certi$ied in all Co,,on Co,petencies $or the Touris, %ndustry )C%%% level


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Encourage respect $or diversity in the wor-place 6(0. *se diversity as an asset 6(2. Deal with pro1le,s arising $ro, diversity issues

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

!3 !

LO,2 ENCOURAGE RES&ECT FOR DIVERSIT* IN T4E 6ORK&LACE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . A role ,odel is provided $or others through individual 1ehavior that de,onstrates respect $or diversity. 0. @or- practices are developed and planning is underta-en in a ,anner which shows respect $or wor-place diversity. 2. Colleagues are assisted and coached in ways o$ accepting diversity in relation to 1oth colleagues and guests. C()TE)TS7 Speci$ic diversity issues which apply to the touris, industry #ene$its o$ productive diversity Cross!cultural co,,unication s-ills with speci$ic re$erence to the roles o$ leaders and ,anagers including cross!cultural co,,unication $or7 ! Con$lict resolution ! Pro1le,!solving ! )egotiation ! Motivation Develop,ent o$ policies, procedures and practices Planning s-ills

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to address typical diversity issues in the wor-place

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 %nterviews<4uestioning (1servation

! 30 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 USE DIVERSIT* AS AN ASSET ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . The s-ills o$ a diverse wor-$orce are recogni+ed and used to enhance co,pany per$or,ance. 0. The 1ene$its o$ productive diversity are pro,oted to colleagues. C()TE)TS7 Speci$ic diversity issues which apply to the touris, industry #ene$its o$ productive diversity Cross!cultural co,,unication s-ills with speci$ic re$erence to the roles o$ leaders and ,anagers including cross!cultural co,,unication $or7 ! Con$lict resolution ! Pro1le,!solving ! )egotiation ! Motivation Develop,ent o$ policies, procedures and practices

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to pro,ote the 1ene$its o$ diversity

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 %nterviews<4uestioning (1servation

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 32 !

LO52 DEAL 6IT4 &ROBLEMS ARISING FROM DIVERSIT* ISSUES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . @or-place pro1le,s that arise $ro, diversity issues are recogni+ed pro,ptly and action is ta-en to resolve the situation. 0. Training needs are identi$ied and appropriate action is ta-en. 2. Coaching and ,entoring are used to assist colleagues to success$ully wor- in a diverse environ,ent. C()TE)TS7 Speci$ic diversity issues which apply to the touris, industry #ene$its o$ productive diversity Cross!cultural co,,unication s-ills with speci$ic re$erence to the roles o$ leaders and ,anagers including cross!cultural co,,unication $or7 ! Con$lict resolution ! Pro1le,!solving ! )egotiation ! Motivation Develop,ent o$ policies, procedures and practices

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to solve pro1le,s arising $ro, diversity issues

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 %nterviews<4uestioning (1servation

! 3. !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

MANAGE FINANCES 6IT4IN A BUDGET MANAGING FINANCES 6IT4IN A BUDGET This ,odule covers the -nowledge, s-ills and attitudes re4uired to ta-e responsi1ility $or 1udget ,anage,ent where others ,ay have developed the 1udget. 3 hours )C %? Certi$ied in all Co,,on Co,petencies $or the Touris, %ndustry )C%%% level


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Allocate 1udget resources 6(0. Monitor $inancial activities against 1udget 6(2. %denti$y and evaluate options $or i,proved 1udget per$or,ance 6(.. Co,plete $inancial reports

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 3/ !

LO,2 ALLOCATE BUDGET RESOURCES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9unds are allocated according to agreed priorities. 0. Changes in inco,e and e:penditure priorities are discussed with appropriate colleagues prior to i,ple,entation. 2. All relevant personnel are consulted and in$or,ed in relation to resource decisions. .. Awareness o$ the i,portance o$ 1udget control is pro,oted. /. Detailed records o$ resource allocation are ,aintained in accordance with enterprise control syste,s. C()TE)TS7 #udget structure Co,pany and legal re4uire,ents in relation to dis1urse,ent o$ $unds and record!-eeping #udgeting ter,inology relevant to a speci$ic industry conte:t 9inancial reporting procedures and cycles relevant to the enterprise or industry sector Techni4ues related to ,a:i,i+ing 1udget per$or,ance relevant to the enterprise or industry sector

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to de,onstrate how to allocate 1udget resources *se o$ $igures and data that re$lect the $inancial operating conditions o$ industry

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 8uestioning (1servation

! 33 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 MONITOR FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES AGAINST BUDGET ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Actual inco,e and e:penditure are chec-ed against 1udgets accurately and at regular intervals. 0. 9inancial co,,it,ents are included in all docu,entation to ensure accurate ,onitoring. 2. Deviations are identi$ied and reported according to co,pany policy and signi$icance o$ deviation. .. Appropriate options $or ,ore e$$ective ,anage,ent o$ deviations are investigated. /. Appropriate colleagues are advised o$ 1udget status in relation to targets within agreed ti,e$ra,es. C()TE)TS7 #udget structure Co,pany and legal re4uire,ents in relation to dis1urse,ent o$ $unds and record! -eeping #udgeting ter,inology relevant to a speci$ic industry conte:t 9inancial reporting procedures and cycles relevant to the enterprise or industry sector Techni4ues related to ,a:i,i+ing 1udget per$or,ance relevant to the enterprise or industry sector

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to ,onitor $inancial activities against 1udget *se o$ $igures and data that re$lect the $inancial operating conditions o$ industry

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case Studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 8uestioning (1servation

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 35 !

LO52 IDENTIF* AND EVALUATE O&TIONS FOR IM&ROVED BUDGET &ERFORMANCE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . E:isting costs and resources are assessed and areas $or i,prove,ent are identi$ied. 0. Desired outco,es are discussed with relevant colleagues. 2. Appropriate research is conducted to investigate new approaches. .. #ene$its and disadvantages o$ new approaches are de$ined and clearly co,,unicated. /. %,pacts on custo,er service levels and colleagues are considered when developing new approaches. 3. Reco,,endations are presented clearly and logically to the appropriate person<depart,ent. C()TE)TS7 #udget structure Co,pany and legal re4uire,ents in relation to dis1urse,ent o$ $unds and record! -eeping #udgeting ter,inology relevant to a speci$ic industry conte:t 9inancial reporting procedures and cycles relevant to the enterprise or industry sector Techni4ues related to ,a:i,i+ing 1udget per$or,ance relevant to the enterprise or industry sector

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to identi$y and evaluate options $or i,proved 1udget per$or,ance *se o$ $igures and data that re$lect the $inancial operating conditions o$ industry

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 8uestioning (1servation

! 3" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO+2 COM&LETE FINANCIAL RE&ORTS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . All re4uired $inancial reports are co,pleted accurately and within designated ti,elines. 0. Clear and concise in$or,ation are produced to ena1le in$or,ed decision!,a-ing. 2. Reports are pro,ptly $orwarded to the appropriate person<depart,ent. C()TE)TS7 #udget structure Co,pany and legal re4uire,ents in relation to dis1urse,ent o$ $unds and record! -eeping #udgeting ter,inology relevant to a speci$ic industry conte:t 9inancial reporting procedures and cycles relevant to the enterprise or industry sector Techni4ues related to ,a:i,i+ing 1udget per$or,ance relevant to the enterprise or industry sector

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to co,plete $inancial reports *se o$ $igures and data that re$lect the $inancial operating conditions o$ industry

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 8uestioning (1servation

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 3& !

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

MANAGE 7UALIT* CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGING 7UALIT* CUSTOMER SERVICE This ,odule covers the -nowledge, s-ills and attitudes re4uired to ,anage custo,er service 4uality in the wor-place within a touris, or hospitality conte:t. %t $ocuses on the need to develop active approaches to service 4uality issues with so,e strategic $ocus. 3 hours )C %? Certi$ied in all Co,,on Co,petencies $or the Touris, %ndustry )C%%% level


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Develop approaches to enhance custo,er service 4uality 6(0. Manage the delivery o$ 4uality service 6(2. Monitor and adAust custo,er service

! 5' !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 DEVELO& A&&ROAC4ES TO EN4ANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE 7UALIT* ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . %n$or,ation on custo,er needs, e:pectations and satis$action levels is o1tained using 1oth in$or,al and $or,al research. 0. (pportunities are provided $or 1oth custo,ers and colleagues to provide $eed1ac- on products and services. 2. Changes in internal and e:ternal environ,ents are reviewed and $indings are integrated into planning $or 4uality service. .. (pportunities are provided $or colleagues to participate in the custo,er service planning process. /. Standards and plans are developed to address -ey 4uality service issues. C()TE)TS7 Roles and responsi1ilities o$ ,anage,ent in ensuring 4uality service within an enterprise The concept o$ total 4uality service and total 4uality ,anage,ent The role o$ continuous i,prove,ent and 1ench,ar-ing in 4uality assurance (verview o$ the range o$ ,ar-et research techni4ues used to gain in$or,ation on custo,er pre$erences 6egislation that i,pacts on custo,er service standards and delivery %ndustry sche,es that i,pact on custo,er service standards and delivery Ce.g. accreditation sche,es, codes o$ conductD Application o$ total 4uality service and total 4uality ,anage,ent in a touris, or hospitality conte:t Methods o$ i,ple,enting 4uality assurance in the wor-place including7 ! Esta1lishing standards ! Monitoring ! Sta$$ involve,ent and reward ! Evaluation Application o$ continuous i,prove,ent and<or 1ench,ar-ing in a touris, or hospitality conte:t

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to o1tain in$or,ation on custo,er needs through research ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to develop standards and plans to address -ey custo,er service issues %nvolve,ent o$ a tea, $or which the candidate is leader

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

!5 !

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case Studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 8uestioning (1servation

! 50 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 MANAGE T4E DELIVER* OF 7UALIT* SERVICE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Custo,er service standards and e:pectations are clearly co,,unicated to colleagues. 0. Access to in$or,ation on service standards and delivery is provided to colleagues. 2. Coaching is used to assist colleagues to deal with custo,er service issues and to ta-e responsi1ility $or service outco,es. .. Custo,er service in the wor-place is ,onitored to ensure standards are ,et in accordance with enterprise policies and procedures. C()TE)TS7 Roles and responsi1ilities o$ ,anage,ent in ensuring 4uality service within an enterprise The concept o$ total 4uality service and total 4uality ,anage,ent The role o$ continuous i,prove,ent and 1ench,ar-ing in 4uality assurance (verview o$ the range o$ ,ar-et research techni4ues used to gain in$or,ation on custo,er pre$erences 6egislation that i,pacts on custo,er service standards and delivery %ndustry sche,es that i,pact on custo,er service standards and delivery Ce.g. accreditation sche,es, codes o$ conductD Application o$ total 4uality service and total 4uality ,anage,ent in a touris, or hospitality conte:t Methods o$ i,ple,enting 4uality assurance in the wor-place including7 ! Esta1lishing standards ! Monitoring ! Sta$$ involve,ent and reward ! Evaluation Application o$ continuous i,prove,ent and<or 1ench,ar-ing in a touris, or hospitality conte:t

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to co,,unicate custo,er service standards to colleagues ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to de,onstrate coaching and ,onitoring in relation to custo,er service ,anage,ent %nvolve,ent o$ a tea, $or which the candidate is leader

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! 52 !

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 8uestioning (1servation

! 5. !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 MONITOR AND AD:UST CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9eed1ac- is sought $ro, custo,ers on an ongoing 1asis and this is used to i,prove per$or,ance where applica1le. 0. Custo,er service pro1le,s are identi$ied and adAust,ents to standards, syste,s and procedures are ,ade to ensure continued service 4uality. 2. )ew approaches are co,,unicated to all those involved in service delivery within appropriate ti,e$ra,es. C()TE)TS7 Roles and responsi1ilities o$ ,anage,ent in ensuring 4uality service within an enterprise The concept o$ total 4uality service and total 4uality ,anage,ent The role o$ continuous i,prove,ent and 1ench,ar-ing in 4uality assurance (verview o$ the range o$ ,ar-et research techni4ues used to gain in$or,ation on custo,er pre$erences 6egislation that i,pacts on custo,er service standards and delivery %ndustry sche,es that i,pact on custo,er service standards and delivery Ce.g. accreditation sche,es, codes o$ conductD Application o$ total 4uality service and total 4uality ,anage,ent in a touris, or hospitality conte:t Methods o$ i,ple,enting 4uality assurance in the wor-place including7 ! Esta1lishing standards ! Monitoring ! Sta$$ involve,ent and reward ! Evaluation Application o$ continuous i,prove,ent and<or 1ench,ar-ing in a touris, or hospitality conte:t

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to de,onstrate how to adAust standards, syste,s and procedures to ensure continued service 4uality %nvolve,ent o$ a tea, $or which the candidate is leader

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture Discussion Case studies Pro1le,!solving activities

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 8uestioning

! 5/ !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


! 53 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

&RE&ARE FOODS ACCORDING TO DIETAR* AND CULTURAL NEEDS &RE&ARING FOODS ACCORDING TO DIETAR* AND CULTURAL NEEDS This ,odule re$ers to the preparation and coo-ing o$ $oods to ,eet 1oth 1asic and speci$ic dietary and cultural needs. %t covers the a1ility to apply 1asic nutritional principles as well as deal with special dietary and cultural re4uire,ents nor,ally encountered in a variety o$ hospitality and catering esta1lish,ents. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Prepare and present $oods to ,eet 1asic nutritional needs 6(0. Prepare and present $oods to ,eet special dietary re4uire,ents 6(2. Prepare $oods to satis$y speci$ic cultural or religious needs

! 5" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 &RE&ARE AND &RESENT FOODS TO MEET BASIC NUTRITIONAL NEEDS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9oods are prepared to ,eet 1asic nutritional needs. 0. Appropriate ingredients are selected to ensure opti,u, 4uality o$ end products including7 2. Raw $oods .. Convenience $ood products /. Suita1le preparation and coo-ing techni4ues are e,ployed to retain opti,u, nutritional values. 3. A variety o$ nutritionally 1alanced $ood is presented in an appeti+ing and attractive ,anner. C()TE)TS7 #asic Principles and Practices o$ )utrition, including7 ! )utrients and their $ood sources ! %n$luences on $ood choice ! 9ood and 1everage selection in$luences ! 9ood la1eling and interpretation ! %denti$ication o$ $ood additives and preservatives ! Gealth i,plications o$ $ood choices Coo-ing Techni4ues The e$$ects o$ various coo-ing ,ethods and $ood storage on nutrients

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts 9ully!e4uipped operational co,,ercial -itchen Real ingredients 9ood ite,s

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! 5& !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO2. PREPARE AND PRESENT FOODS TO MEET SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Re4uire,ents $or special diets are identi$ied according to instruction $ro, relevant persons. 0. Essential ingredients are selected $or special dietary re4uire,ents. 2. 9ood te:ture is ,odi$ied appropriately to suit speci$ic re4uire,ents. .. 9ood is presented in an appeti+ing and attractive ,anner. C()TE)TS7 Co,,on dietary sensitivities including $ood allergies and intolerance, dia1etes and other ,edical conditions, the e:istence o$ drug!$ood interactions, and the health and legal conse4uences o$ $ailing to heed special re4uire,ents Di$$erent dietary and special re4uire,ents %ngredients suita1le $or ,eeting 1asic nutritional and special dietary needs Coo-ing Techni4ues Coo-ery techni4ues and recipe ,odi$ication to suit special dietary re4uire,ents The e$$ects o$ various coo-ing ,ethods and $ood storage on nutrients Presentation techni4ues $or $ood

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts 9ully!e4uipped operational co,,ercial -itchen Real ingredients 9ood ite,s

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<Discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! "' !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO3. PREPARE FOODS TO SATISFY SPECIFIC CULTURAL OR RELIGIOUS NEEDS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Re4uire,ents $or speci$ic cultural groups or special custo,er re4uests are identi$ied and ,et according to instructions $ro, relevant persons. 0. Appropriate e4uip,ent coo-ing techni4ues are e,ployed $or speci$ic diets. 2. 9ood is prepared and served ta-ing into account speci$ied or re4uested cultural and religious considerations. .. An ade4uate range o$ nutritionally 1alanced $ood is presented in an appeti+ing and attractive ,anner. C()TE)TS7 Di$$erent cultural or religious dietary re4uire,ents, including7 ! halal ! hara, ! -osher %ngredients suita1le $or ,eeting 1asic nutritional and special dietary needs Coo-ing techni4ues Coo-ery techni4ues and recipe ,odi$ication to suit special dietary re4uire,ents The e$$ects o$ various coo-ing ,ethods and $ood storage on nutrients Presentation techni4ues $or $ood Gealth and legal conse4uences o$ $ailing to heed special re4uire,ents

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts 9ully!e4uipped operational co,,ercial -itchen Real ingredients 9ood ite,s

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

!" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

TRANS&ORT AND STORE FOOD IN A SAFE AND 4*GIENIC MANNER TRANS&ORTING AND STORING FOOD SAFE AND 4*GIENIC MANNER This ,odule re$ers to the transportation o$ $ood $ro, a $ood preparation area to another location. %t also deals with holding or storage on its arrival. Transportation re$ers to the ,oving o$ $ood and $ood ite,s $ro, one location to another. 9or e:a,ple, transporting $ood $ro, a -itchen to a school or hospital or providing event catering. %t does not re$er to the transport o$ $ood $ro, the -itchen to the dining roo, or as part o$ roo, service. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . %denti$y appropriate $ood transportation 6(0. Transport $ood sa$ely and hygienically 6(2. Store $ood sa$ely and hygienically

! "0 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 IDENTIF* A&&RO&RIATE FOOD TRANS&ORTATION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%()7 . Suita1le $ood transportation vehicles are selected according to esta1lish,ent re4uire,ents. C()TE)T7 Advantages and disadvantages o$ di$$erent $or,s o$ transport $or particular $ood ite,s, 4uantities and circu,stances

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Buidelines on choosing the appropriate $ood transportation

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! "2 !

LO22 TRANS&ORT FOOD SAFEL* AND 4*GIENICALL* ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9ood is pac-aged, loaded and unloaded appropriately. 0. Gygienic wor- practices are e,ployed and occupational health and sa$ety regulations are o1served. 2. 9ood transportation records are ,aintained appropriately and accurately. C()TE)TS7 Characteristics o$ di$$erent $ood ite,s and conditions re4uired to ,aintain opti,u, $reshness, palata1ility and sa$ety The hygiene and (GKS re4uire,ents $or $ood storage and transport GACCP principles applied to catering Sa$e wor- practices particular to loading and unloading, li$ting and dealing with heated sur$aces

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts *se o$ real $ood ite,s to 1e transported Relevant transportation and storage e4uip,ent to ,ove $ood 1etween locations

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! ". !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 STORE FOOD SAFEL* AND 4*GIENICALL* ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9ood storage conditions are selected appropriately $or speci$ic $ood type including7 ! Dairy ! Meat and $ish ! 9ruit and vegeta1les ! Dried goods 0. Appropriate environ,ental conditions are ,aintained $or speci$ic $ood types to ensure $reshness, 4uality and appearance. 2. Appropriate storage and holding ,ethods are e,ployed to opti,i+e nutritional 4uality. .. Gygienic wor- practices are e,ployed and occupational health and sa$ety procedures and practices are o1served. /. Storage areas are -ept $ree $ro, conta,inants and pests. C()TE)TS7 Characteristics o$ di$$erent $ood ite,s and conditions re4uired to ,aintain opti,u, $reshness, palata1ility and sa$ety The hygiene and (GKS re4uire,ents $or $ood storage and transport GACCP principles applied to catering Sa$e storage principles and practices $or di$$erent $ood types, including storage options

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts *se o$ real $ood ite,s Relevant storage e4uip,ent

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! "/ !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

A&&L* CATERING CONTROL &RINCI&LES A&&L*ING CATERING CONTROL &RINCI&LES This ,odule covers the application o$ catering control principles to the ordering, receiving, storage and processing o$ $ood to ,ini,i+e wastage. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . %denti$y procedures to reduce wastage 6(0. Carry out catering control procedures 6(2. Mini,i+e waste

! "3 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 IDENTIF* &ROCEDURES TO REDUCE 6ASTAGE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Appropriate procedures $or reducing wastage during ordering, receiving, storage and processing o$ $ood are identi$ied. 0. Appropriate control ,easures are identi$ied to reduce loss. C()TE)TS7 6in-s 1etween hygiene and $ood sa$ety and waste ,ini,i+ation. Preparation and coo-ing procedures that assist in ,ini,i+ing waste. Stoc- control procedures that assist in ,ini,i+ing waste. Storage procedures that assist in ,ini,i+ing waste.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts *se o$ real ingredients 9ood ite,s 9ully!e4uipped co,,ercial -itchen Reusa1le products Recycla1le products

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! "5 !

LO22 CARR* OUT CATERING CONTROL &ROCEDURES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 0. 2. .. /. 3. Portion control is carried out e$$ectively. Cali1rated e4uip,ent are used correctly to ensure correct portion control. Recipes are accurately $ollowed to avoid wastage. Suita1le 4uantities o$ stoc- are ordered to avoid over or under ordering. Stoc- are rotated and docu,ented accurately. 9ood is stored correctly and securely to ,ini,i+e wastage and loss.

C()TE)TS7 Gow to i,ple,ent preparation and coo-ing procedures that assist in ,ini,i+ing waste. Gow to i,ple,ent stoc- control procedures that assist in ,ini,i+ing waste. Gow to i,ple,ent storage procedures that assist in ,ini,i+ing waste.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts *se o$ real ingredients 9ood ite,s 9ully!e4uipped co,,ercial -itchen 9ood storage supplies and e4uip,ent Sa,ple recipes

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! "" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 MINIMI1E 6ASTE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Re!usa1le products o$ $ood preparation and coo-ing are utili+ed e$$ectively. 0. Recycla1le products are utili+ed and disposed in an environ,entally appropriate way. 2. )on!recycla1le products are disposed o$ according to health and sa$ety re4uire,ents, relevant regulations and in an environ,entally appropriate way. C()TE)TS7 6in-s 1etween hygiene and $ood sa$ety and waste ,ini,i+ation. 2 R;s Gealth and sa$ety regulations on waste disposal

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts *se o$ real ingredients 9ood ite,s 9ully!e4uipped co,,ercial -itchen Reusa1le products Recycla1le products )on!recycla1le products

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! "& !

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

DEVELO& MENUS TO MEET S&ECIAL DIETAR* AND CULTURAL RE7UIREMENTS DEVELO&ING MENUS FOR S&ECIAL NEEDS This ,odule re$ers to the develop,ent o$ ,enus and ,eal plans, including ,eeting speci$ic dietary and cultural needs o$ di$$erent target ,ar-ets. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . %denti$y the dietary and cultural re4uire,ents $or custo,ers 6(0. Develop ,enus and ,eal plans to ,eet dietary and cultural re4uire,ents 6(2. Evaluate ,eals and ,enus

! &' !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 IDENTIF* T4E DIETAR* AND CULTURAL RE7UIREMENTS FOR CUSTOMERS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Dietary and cultural re4uire,ents o$ di$$erent target groups are identi$ied through consideration o$ all appropriate $actors. 0. Conte,porary dietary trends and regi,es are ta-en into consideration in assessing dietary re4uire,ents. 2. Dietitians, ,edical specialists, or other relevant personnel are liaised with in order to identi$y and con$ir, re4uire,ents. C()TE)TS7 #asic principles and practices o$ nutrition, including7 ! )utrients and their $ood sources ! %n$luences on $ood choice ! 9ood la1eling re4uire,ents and interpretation ! 9ood additives and preservatives ! Gealth i,plications o$ $ood choices. Dietary sensitivities including $ood allergies and intolerance, dia1etes and other ,edical conditions and the e:istence o$ drug!$ree interactions, and the health and legal conse4uences o$ $ailing to heed special re4uire,ents. Co,,odity -nowledge o$ ingredients suita1le $or ,eeting 1asic nutritional and special dietary needs.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

!& !

LO22 DEVELO& MENUS AND MEAL &LANS TO MEET DIETAR* AND CULTURAL RE7UIREMENTS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . A variety o$ suita1le $oods, ,eals and ,enus are selected $or speci$ic dietary re4uire,ents ta-ing account o$ Dietary Buidelines and ,enu planning principles. 0. Meal plans and ,enus that pro,ote good health and reduce the incidence o$ diet!related health pro1le,s are developed in consultation with relevant personnel, according to Ao1 role. 2. Cyclic ,enus are prepared when re4uired and they are 1alanced in ter,s o$ nutritional re4uire,ents and variety. .. 9ood preparation and coo-ing ,ethods are reco,,ended to ,a:i,i+e nutritional value o$ $ood. /. Appropriate co,1inations o$ $ood are identi$ied to ,eet ,acro and ,icro nutrient re4uire,ents. 3. Special needs are ta-en into consideration including te:ture, co,position and portion si+e. 5. Su$$icient choices o$ dishes are incorporated into the ,enus. ". Menus are costed to co,ply with costing constraints. &. Correct ter,inology is used in ,enus and ,eal plans. C()TE)TS7 Dietary Buidelines Menu Planning Menu Costing #asic principles and practices o$ nutrition, including7 ! )utrients and their $ood sources ! %n$luences on $ood choice ! 9ood la1eling re4uire,ents and interpretation ! 9ood additives and preservatives ! Gealth i,plications o$ $ood choices. Dietary sensitivities including $ood allergies and intolerance, dia1etes and other ,edical conditions and the e:istence o$ drug!$ree interactions, and the health and legal conse4uences o$ $ailing to heed special re4uire,ents. Co,,odity -nowledge o$ ingredients suita1le $or ,eeting 1asic nutritional and special dietary needs. The e$$ects o$ various coo-ing ,ethods and $ood storage on nutrients. Coo-ery techni4ues and recipe ,odi$ication to suit special dietary re4uire,ents.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that allow the student to develop ,enus to ,eet ,ultiple and di$$ering dietary and cultural needs

! &0 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! &2 !

LO52 EVALUATE MEALS AND MENUS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Meals and ,enus are evaluated using appropriate ,ethods to ensure custo,er satis$action 1ased on the enterprise;s ,enu standard. 0. Menus are adAusted as re4uired to ensure dietary needs and goals are ,et. C()TE)TS7 Meal Evaluation Menu Evaluation AdAusting Menus #asic principles and practices o$ nutrition, including7 ! )utrients and their $ood sources ! %n$luences on $ood choice ! 9ood la1eling re4uire,ents and interpretation ! 9ood additives and preservatives ! Gealth i,plications o$ $ood choices. Dietary sensitivities including $ood allergies and intolerance, dia1etes and other ,edical conditions and the e:istence o$ drug!$ree interactions, and the health and legal conse4uences o$ $ailing to heed special re4uire,ents. Co,,odity -nowledge o$ ingredients suita1le $or ,eeting 1asic nutritional and special dietary needs. The e$$ects o$ various coo-ing ,ethods and $ood storage on nutrients. Coo-ery techni4ues and recipe ,odi$ication to suit special dietary re4uire,ents.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Meals $or evaluation Menus $or evaluation

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

! &. !

@ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

SELECT CATERING S*STEMS SELECTING CATERING S*STEMS This ,odule deals with the evaluation and selection o$ catering syste,s, including coo- chill syste,s, to ,eet the $ood production needs o$ a catering enterprise. %t $ocuses on the planning and evaluation processes underta-en 1y supervisors and ,anagers prior to the purchase o$ a syste,. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . Review catering syste, re4uire,ents 6(0. Evaluate and select the catering syste,

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! &/ !

LO,2 REVIE6 CATERING S*STEM RE7UIREMENTS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Catering syste,s re4uire,ents are reviewed ta-ing into account all relevant $actors including7 ! Type o$ ,enu and nutritional re4uire,ents ! Production volu,e ! 6ocation o$ service points ! Golding re4uire,ents ! 9 K # cost control 0. Constraints are identi$ied including the availa1ility o$7 ! 9acilities and e4uip,ent ! (perational issues ! 9inancial resources ! Gu,an resources Ccurrent s-ills and training needsD C()TE)TS7 Catering )eeds Re4uire,ents, regulations and legislation that i,pact on di$$erent syste,s including occupational health and sa$ety, hygiene codes, GACCP and storage issues. 9 K # cost control. Principles and ,ethods o$ coo-ery, including preparation and coo-ery techni4ues $or all ,aAor $ood groups.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! &3 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 EVALUATE AND SELECT T4E CATERING S*STEM ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9ood production characteristics o$ syste,s are evaluated against identi$ied re4uire,ents. 0. Syste, processes and e4uip,ent is evaluated $or all stages o$ the $ood production process. 2. Sta$$ing re4uire,ent $or speci$ic syste,s is evaluated and ,atched with identi$ied re4uire,ents. .. %nstallation re4uire,ents $or the speci$ic syste,s and their operational i,pacts are evaluated. /. The production and organi+ational changes re4uired to introduce particular syste,s are ta-en into account. 3. Advantages and disadvantages o$ di$$erent syste,s are considered and selections are ,ade accordingly. C()TE)TS7 Types o$ catering syste,s and their operating $eatures including7 ! 9resh coo! Coo- chill H / day li$e ! Coo- chill H e:tended li$e ! Coo- $ree+e )utrition principles which relate to each syste,. Re4uire,ents, regulations and legislation that i,pact on di$$erent syste,s including occupational health and sa$ety, hygiene codes, GACCP and storage issues.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to select a catering syste, $or speci$ic wor-place situations and needs

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<Discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation

! &5 !

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(ral 4uestioning

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*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

MANAGE FACILITIES ASSOCIATED 6IT4 COMMERCIAL CATERING CONTRACTS MANAGING FACILITIES AS ASSOCIATED 6IT4 COMMERCIAL CATERING CONTRACTS This ,odule deals with the ,anage,ent o$ s,all!scale $acilities associated with co,,ercial catering contracts. %t re$lects a situation where a caterer ,ay hold a contract to operate a catering outlet within a venue owned 1y another organi+ation Ce.g. within a school or sporting clu1D. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . (rgani+e ,aintenance o$ $acilities 6(0. Manage catering stores and storage areas 6(2. Maintain a $acilities assets register 6(.. Manage client services associated with the $acility

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! && !

LO,2 ORGANI1E MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Scope o$ ,aintenance re4uire,ents is identi$ied in accordance with contract or scope o$ operations. 0. Responsi1ility $or speci$ic ,aintenance $unctions is allocated considering the advantages and disadvantages o$ in!house sta$$ and e:ternal contractors. 2. Regular ,aintenance o$ $acilities is organi+ed on ti,e to ,eet speci$ic re4uire,ents and to ,eet 1udgetary targets. C()TE)TS7 Maintenance )eeds Types o$ arrange,ents 1etween venues and catering contractors including scope o$ typical contracts and services. Analytical and planning s-ills $or evaluation o$ e:isting operations and planning o$ adAust,ents. C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts 9ully!e4uipped operational co,,ercial catering outlet. ProAect or wor- activities conducted over a period o$ ti,e to allow the student to de,onstrate how the ,aintenance o$ $acilities is organi+ed

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! '' !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 MANAGE CATERING STORES AND STORAGE AREAS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Stoc-s are purchased, received, stored and trans$erred according to contracted re4uire,ents and negotiated supplier agree,ents. 0. Storage, stoc- control and distri1ution syste,s are organi+ed $or the speci$ic $acility in accordance with contracted re4uire,ents, (GKS and health depart,ent regulations. 2. Accurate records and reports are ,aintained according to enterprise policy and procedures. C()TE)TS7 Stoc- control syste,s and procedures $ound in co,,ercial catering $acilities. Manage,ent o$ storage, stoc- control and distri1ution syste,s Record!-eeping C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts 9ully!e4uipped operational co,,ercial catering outlet. ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to de,onstrate how to ,anage catering stores and storage areas

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! ' !

LO52 MAINTAIN A FACILITIES ASSETS REGISTER ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . All assets are identi$ied and registered clearly. 0. Routine audits o$ assets are conducted. 2. Asset and inventory reports are issued according to enterprise practices. C()TE)TS7 Procedures $or developing and ,aintaining an assets register. Conducting Audits Analytical and planning s-ills $or evaluation o$ e:isting operations and planning o$ adAust,ents. 9inancial control processes in the conte:t o$ catering operations.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts 9ully!e4uipped operational co,,ercial catering outlet. ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to de,onstrate co,petence in ,aintaining a $acilities assets register

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

! '0 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO+2 MANAGE CLIENT SERVICES ASSOCIATED 6IT4 T4E FACILIT* ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Sta-eholders are liaised with to deter,ined general and speci$ic re4uire,ents $or client service. 0. E:isting client services across all areas o$ operation are ,onitored to identi$y areas $or i,prove,ent. 2. Te,porary or per,anent upgrades or ,odi$ications o$ e:isting services and $acilities are arranged as re4uired and in accordance with appropriate regulations. .. Additional hu,an, physical or $inancial resources are organi+ed in accordance with custo,er re4uire,ents. /. Provisions o$ new services or $acilities are arranged when re4uired. 3. #udgeting targets are ,aintained in the ,anage,ent o$ client services. 5. 9eed1ac- on catering service is reviewed and provision o$ client service is ,odi$ied accordingly. C()TE)TS7 Analytical and planning s-ills $or evaluation o$ e:isting operations and planning o$ adAust,ents. 9inancial control processes in the conte:t o$ catering operations.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts 9ully!e4uipped operational co,,ercial catering outlet. ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to de,onstrate co,petence in ,anaging client services

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! '2 !

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

&LAN T4E CATERING FOR AN EVENT OR FUNCTION &LANNING CATERING FOR AN EVENT OR FUNCTION This ,odule deals with the s-ills and -nowledge re4uired to plan the catering o$ an event or $unction. @hile catering is the ,aAor $ocus o$ this ,odule, it also re$ers to additional services which ,ay 1e o$$ered 1y a caterer such as those related to dOcor and the,e. Gowever, the ,odule does not cover the 1roader event ,anage,ent s-ills re4uired $or a ,aAor event. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . %denti$y overall event o1Aectives and scope 6(0. Prepare the catering concept $or an event or $unction 6(2. Prepare and i,ple,ent an operational plan $or the catering o$ an event or $unction

! '. !

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LO,2 IDENTIF* OVERALL EVENT OB:ECTIVES AND SCO&E ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Fey o1Aectives o$ the event are clari$ied and agreed upon in consultation with sta-eholder. 0. Fey in$or,ation is analy+ed and consulted with sta-eholders to deter,ined the 1road scope o$ the event including indicators $or7 ! Si+e and nu,1ers o$ guests<delegates ! 6ocation CsD ! Ti,e and duration ! #udget ! Dietary restrictions ! Buests pro$ile 2. 9actors which ,ay i,pact on the event catering are identi$ied and analy+ed. C()TE)TS7 Fnowledge o$ the di$$erent catering options and styles $or di$$erent types, di$$erent types o$ custo,er and varying nu,1ers. Space and e4uip,ent re4uire,ents $or di$$erent styles o$ catering and varying nu,1ers. Sta$$ing re4uire,ents $or particular types o$ catering. Fnowledge o$ typical $or,ats and running orders $or di$$erent styles o$ events. Fnowledge o$ what each depart,ent should do. Custo,er service. Fnowledge on wor-ing proposals, 4uotations and contracts. Fnowledge on the service wares to 1e used. (perational constraints $or catering within di$$erent styles o$ venue. (perational constraints $or catering in di$$erent cli,atic conditions. Principles and practices o$ $ood sa$ety $or preparation, storage and transport o$ $ood. C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Access to and interaction with event industry suppliers ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to identi$y overall event o1Aectives and scope METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation
C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %? ! '/ !

(ral 4uestioning

! '3 !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 &RE&ARE T4E CATERING CONCE&T FOR AN EVENT OR FUNCTION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . %deas to the overall event concept, the,e and $or,at are contri1uted according to scope o$ responsi1ility. 0. The -ey ele,ents $or catering are identi$ied and de$ined in consultation with sta-eholders to re$lect the o1Aectives and ,eet the needs o$ custo,ers. 2. Creative ele,ents are incorporated into catering concept and the,e. .. (perational practicality and cohesiveness o$ the catering concept, the,e and $or,at are veri$ied through consultation and analysis. C()TE)TS7 Fnowledge o$ the di$$erent catering options and styles $or di$$erent types, di$$erent types o$ custo,er and varying nu,1ers. Space and e4uip,ent re4uire,ents $or di$$erent styles o$ catering and varying nu,1ers. Sta$$ing re4uire,ents $or particular types o$ catering. Fnowledge o$ typical $or,ats and running orders $or di$$erent styles o$ events. Fnowledge o$ what each depart,ent should do. Custo,er service. Fnowledge on wor-ing proposals, 4uotations and contracts. Fnowledge on the servicewares to 1e used. (perational constraints $or catering within di$$erent styles o$ venue. (perational constraints $or catering in di$$erent cli,atic conditions. Principles and practices o$ $ood sa$ety $or preparation, storage and transport o$ $ood. C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Access to and interaction with event industry suppliers ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to prepare the catering concept $or an event or $unction METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! '5 !

LO52 &RE&ARE AND IM&LEMENT AN O&ERATIONAL &LAN FOR T4E CATERING OF AN EVENT OR FUNCTION ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . (perational plan $or the provision o$ catering and ancillary services is prepared identi$ying steps, activities and se4uence. 0. Appropriate ris- ,anage,ent is incorporated into the plan. 2. Details are reviewed, veri$ied and $inali+ed with the client. .. Accurate and co,plete in$or,ation on the catering concept and operational plans is provided to all relevant sta-eholders to ensure ti,ely and e$$ective planning and i,ple,entation. /. Approval $ro, relevant sta-eholders is o1tained prior to i,ple,entation. 3. #an4uet event order < contract are disse,inated to di$$erent depart,ents needing coordination. 5. The catering plan $or the event is i,ple,ented and ,onitored ,a-ing adAust,ents as re4uired. ". 9eed1ac- is o1tained a$ter the event and plans are reviewed to evaluate the degree to which it ,et o1Aectives and custo,er re4uire,ents. C()TE)TS7 Fnowledge o$ the di$$erent catering options and styles $or di$$erent types, di$$erent types o$ custo,er and varying nu,1ers. Space and e4uip,ent re4uire,ents $or di$$erent styles o$ catering and varying nu,1ers. Sta$$ing re4uire,ents $or particular types o$ catering. Fnowledge o$ typical $or,ats and running orders $or di$$erent styles o$ events. Fnowledge o$ what each depart,ent should do. Custo,er service. Fnowledge on wor-ing proposals, 4uotations and contracts. Fnowledge on the service wares to 1e used. (perational constraints $or catering within di$$erent styles o$ venue. (perational constraints $or catering in di$$erent cli,atic conditions. Principles and practices o$ $ood sa$ety $or preparation, storage and transport o$ $ood.

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Access to and interaction with event industry suppliers ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to prepare and i,ple,ent n operational plan $or a catering event or $unction

! '" !

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

! '& !

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

DESIGN MENUS TO MEET MARKET NEEDS DESIGNING MENUS TO MEET MARKET NEEDS This ,odule deals with the s-ills and -nowledge to use ,enu planning as a ,ar-eting and ,anage,ent tool. %t is an e:tension o$ s-ills identi$ied in the unit Plan and control ,enu!1ased catering. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . %denti$y and evaluate target ,ar-ets $or the catering outlet 6(0. Evaluate ,ar-et trends in $ood service 6(2. Create ,enu 1ased on ,ar-et analysis and within 1udgetary constraints 6(.. Monitor ,enu per$or,ance


C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO,2 IDENTIF* AND EVALUATE TARGET MARKETS FOR T4E CATERING OUTLET ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Target ,ar-ets $or the enterprise are identi$ied 1ased on past and current operations and per$or,ance. 0. Potential target ,ar-ets are identi$ied 1ased on review o$ the current ,ar-et place and the nature and style o$ the operation. 2. Pre$erence o$ -ey ,ar-ets are evaluated and ,atched with overall enterprise products and services. C()TE)TS7 Product -nowledge o$ co,,odities re4uired to ,eet ,enu needs o$ particular target groups, seasonal products. #asic ,ar-et research techni4ues in speci$ic relation to $ood service pre$erences and trends. Current $ood trends, typical cultural and ethnic dining in$luences. C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to identi$y and evaluate target ,ar-ets

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO22 EVALUATE MARKET TRENDS IN FOOD SERVICE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . %n$or,ation sources on ,ar-et trends in $ood service are identi$ied and accessed. 0. Mar-et trends are evaluated $or relevance to the enterprise current and potential ,ar-ets. C()TE)TS7 Product -nowledge o$ co,,odities re4uired to ,eet ,enu needs o$ particular target groups, seasonal products. #asic ,ar-et research techni4ues in speci$ic relation to $ood service pre$erences and trends. Current $ood trends, typical cultural and ethnic dining in$luences. C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Mar-et trend in$or,ation ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to evaluate ,ar-et trends

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning


C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO52 CREATE MENU BASED ON MARKET ANAL*SIS AND 6IT4IN BUDGETAR* CONSTRAINTS ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Relevant ,ar-et trends are incorporated into $ood service and ,enu planning. 0. Menus are developed ta-ing into account enterprise operational constraints or li,itations. 2. Menus are constructed to ,eet pro$ita1ility targets. .. Menus are developed ta-ing into account the dietary instructions o$ the ,ar-ets. C()TE)TS7 . Current $ood trends, typical cultural and ethnic dining in$luences. Principles o$ nutrition, ways o$ planning nutritionally!1alanced ,enus, the e$$ects o$ coo-ing on the nutritional value o$ $ood and the nutritional needs o$ target groups. Gistorical develop,ent o$ ,enus, ,odern trends in ,enus. Culinary ter,s used in relation to ,enus and $ood ite,s. Di$$erent types and styles o$ ,enus $or di$$erent type o$ $ood outlets. Menu ,erchandising Clay!out, paper, cala, har,onyD Menu listing Cdescriptive earlyD Costing and 1udgeting techni4ues $or ,enus. C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Current industry costing data ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to create ,enus 1ased on ,ar-et analysis and within speci$ied 1udgets

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


LO+2 MONITOR MENU &ERFORMANCE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Custo,er satis$action with ,enus is ,onitored 1ased on de,and patterns and in consultation with custo,ers and operational sta$$. 0. Menu ite,s are analy+ed in ter,s o$ sales and pro$it per$or,ance. 2. Menus are adAusted 1ased on $eed1ac- and pro$ita1ility. C()TE)TS7 . Evaluating custo,er satis$action Evaluating ,enus C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Sa,ple ,enus ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to ,onitor ,enu per$or,ance

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning


C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

*)%T (9 C(MPETE)C= 7 M(D*6E T%T6E 7

DEVELO& A FOOD SAFET* &ROGRAM DEVELO&ING A FOOD SAFET* &ROGRAM This ,odule re$ers to the develop,ent, i,ple,entation and evaluation o$ a $ood sa$ety progra, $or a hospitality or catering operation where $ood is stored, prepared and served. 0' hours )C %? Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C%%%


)(M%)A6 D*RAT%()

8*A6%9%CAT%() 6E?E6 7 PRERE8*%S%TE 7

S*MMAR= (9 6EAR)%)B (*TC(MES7 *pon co,pletion o$ this ,odule, the students<trainees ,ust 1e a1le to7 6( . %denti$y needs $or the $ood sa$ety progra, 6(0. Develop a $ood sa$ety progra, $or a speci$ic co,,ercial catering enterprise 6(2. %,ple,ent the $ood sa$ety progra, 6(.. Evaluate and revise the $ood sa$ety progra, as re4uired

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


LO,2 IDENTIF* NEEDS FOR T4E FOOD SAFET* &ROGRAM ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . Characteristics o$ the enterprise are evaluated, including7 ! Si+e and nature o$ organi+ation ! Nat ris-E client groups ! layout ! ,enu ! production e4uip,ent ! $acilities ! re!ther,ali+ation and service re4uire,ents 0. 9ood sa$ety ha+ards or any particular issues or ris- situations are identi$ied. 2. E:isting policies, procedures, practices and product speci$ications are evaluated and the need $or change or enhance,ent is assessed. C()TE)TS7 GACCP , in particular7 ! Critical Control Points ! 9ood sa$ety ha+ards ! Nat ris-E client groups ! S(Ps ! Contingency plans Analytical s-ills 9ood sa$ety tests C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts %nvolve,ent and interaction with a -itchen tea, ?isit to a co,pany with a $ood sa$ety progra, in place ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to identi$y needs and<or i,prove,ent areas o$ a $ood sa$ety progra,

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation

! 3! C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

(ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?


LO22 DEVELO& A FOOD SAFET* &ROGRAM FOR A S&ECIFIC COMMERCIAL CATERING ENTER&RISE ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9ood sa$ety progra, is designed to suit the characteristics and needs o$ the enterprise, in consultation with appropriate colleagues and sta-eholders. 0. 9ood production $low charts are developed. 2. Critical control points in the $ood production syste, are identi$ied. .. Methods o$ control $or critical points and ha+ards are esta1lished. /. Standard operational policies and procedures to support the $ood sa$ety progra,, including control procedures and corrective ,easures, are developed or ,odi$ied. 3. Product speci$ications are developed or ,odi$ied and recorded. 5. Product suppliers are identi$ied and 4uality assurance speci$ications are esta1lished. ". Co,pliance o$ the $ood sa$ety progra, with regulatory re4uire,ents and standards is ensured. &. Training needs are identi$ied and a training plan or progra, is developed 1ased on needs. '. Schedule $or regular review o$ the $ood sa$ety progra, is developed. C()TE)TS7 GACCP Principles and practices o$ hygiene 9ood sa$ety legislation 9ood production Designing training progra,s 8uality assurance 6ogical and ti,e e$$icient wor- $low C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts %nvolve,ent and interaction with a -itchen tea, ?isit to a product supplier esta1lish,ent where operations can 1e o1served and adherence to speci$ications can 1e deter,ined ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to develop a $ood sa$ety progra, METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation
! "! C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

(ral 4uestioning

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LO52 IM&LEMENT T4E FOOD SAFET* &ROGRAM ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . 9ood sa$ety progra,s, policies and procedures are co,,unicated to ,anage,ent and colleagues in the wor-place. 0. Co,pliance 1y all colleagues to policies and procedures is ensured. 2. Practical and user!$riendly recording syste, is esta1lished to docu,ent $ood sa$ety per$or,ance. .. Product speci$ications are co,,unicated to suppliers and e,ployees and co,pliance is chec-ed. /. Appropriate training and ,entoring related to the $ood sa$ety progra, is organi+ed. 3. %,ple,entation pro1le,s are pro,ptly identi$ied and corrective action is ta-en. C()TE)TS7 GACCP Recording syste,s 6ogical and ti,e e$$icient wor- $low Principles and practices o$ hygiene 9ood sa$ety legislation Training and ,entoring techni4ues Pro1le,!solving s-ills Co,,unication s-ills

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts %nvolve,ent and interaction with a -itchen tea, ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to i,ple,ent a $ood sa$ety progra,

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

! 0' !

@ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

LO+2 EVALUATE AND REVISE T4E FOOD SAFET* &ROGRAM AS RE7UIRED ASSESSME)T CR%TER%A7 . (peration and results o$ the $ood sa$ety progra, are ,onitored according to schedule and in consultation with colleagues and other sta-eholders. 0. (perational policies, procedures and records are reviewed and changes or additions re4uired are identi$ied. 2. Tests and<or ,easures to validate re4uired sa$ety standards are carried out. .. 9ood sa$ety progra, is revised to incorporate a,end,ents or additions. /. Records are -ept to trac- changes to the $ood sa$ety progra, and changes are incorporated into the production syste,. 3. Colleagues are in$or,ed o$ changes and o$ when they co,,ence. 5. )eed $or additional training 1ased on evaluation o$ the progra, is identi$ied. ". Display o$ appropriate signage and in$or,ation is ensured. C()TE)TS7 GACCP Monitoring techni4ues Review o$ policies, procedures and records Training )eeds Docu,entation Co,,unication S-ills

C()D%T%()S7 The students<trainees ,ust 1e provided with the $ollowing7 @riting ,aterials Re$erences Gandouts Sa,ple $ood sa$ety progra,<s %nvolve,ent and interaction with a -itchen tea, ProAect or wor- activities that will allow the student to evaluate a $ood sa$ety progra,

METG(D(6(B%ES7 6ecture<discussion De,onstration Gands!on ?ideo viewing

ASSESSME)T METG(DS7 @ritten test Practical test (1servation (ral 4uestioning

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C#C Co,,ercial Coo-ing )C %?

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