Architecture of North East India-Vernacular Typlogies

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Architecture of North East India: Vernacular Typologies

Nag Subhankar (B-Arch) Architect, Pune Gondane Amol (B-Arch, M.U.R.P) Urban Planner, Jaipur

Abstract: The North East India has always been a fascinating area for travelers and explorers. The rich heritage therein
is exemplified throughout from the ethnicity, tradition, livelihood, and also by the architectural typologies. Several distinct architectural features are seen in North East states, which differ by climate and deep rooted traditions. They evolved in course of time and were majorly built by the inhabitants themselves, without any formal training in construction. These houses, built with locally available materials, were sensitive to the existing environment and took into consideration the constraints imposed by the climate. This paper aims at the study of the natural design principles of these houses. Although technical capabilities and outlook towards the modern culture hinders the construction community in North East from following these principles but still if used in practice, they can enrich sustainability and upheld the tradition of North East.

Key words: Traditional Architecture, Typology, North East India Architecture.

'Paradise Unexplored', that is what the North East India named as. With a rich treasure of tradition, it is a delight for tourists and pride for the inhabitants. The North East India has its own vernacular architecture which has developed throughout the ages and has been an integral part of its cultural background. Built by the inhabitants themselves with locally available materials, the traditional buildings are time tested, sustainable and sensitive to the micro climatic conditions and natural calamities, including earthquakes which the North East region is prone to. Many theorists and distinguished architects like Hassan Fathy have promoted the underlying concepts on traditional architecture to form contemporary design (Steele, 1988). However, unlikely in the North East Indian states, the traditional buildings have been replaced by fast growing concrete jungles, which are not sustainable nor sensitive towards the natural calamities and microclimatic conditions. The Governments of these states need to be sensitive in drafting the local byelaws and planning guidelines which promote or allow incentives for usages of traditional architectural forms and concepts so that this problem can be tackled meticulously (GMDA, 2006). The first step towards this journey should be a study of the housing typologies of North East and the basic underlying design principles, so that they can be effectively translated into modern designs. The North East India comprises of seven sister states- Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura. Sikkim was integrated into North East in 2002, as the eighth sister state. The North East region lies between latitudes 21N to 30N and 8940' E to 9718'E longitudes (Wikipedia, 2013). Most of the Northeast states have a humid sub-tropical climate with hot, humid summers, severe monsoons and mild winters. The states of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim however have a montane climate with cold, snowy winters and mild summers.

Architectural typologies have developed in the North East as factors of tradition , climate and functionality. The materials used are locally available materials like bamboo, cane, cane leaves, mud, and lime. Of late, bricks. stone chips, rock slabs, surkhi etc. are also being used. Sloping roofs are a common architectural feature in all the architectural typologies because of high rainfall in the North East.According to the materials used and the type of construction, the traditional houses of North East India can be broadly classified as:

2.1 Kutchha Houses

These houses are essentially made from organic renewable resources such as bamboo, mud, grass, straw, cane leaves, cane etc. The plinth and the foundation consists of consolidated earth with timber or bamboo posts, the walls consist of bamboo mats, split bamboo framing, grass, earth, cane leaves etc., and the roof is thatched, made of wheat or maize straws, with split bamboo framing. The 'kutchha houses' have got different forms in North East due to micro climatic differences and cultural beliefs.

2.1.1 Bamboo and wooden kutchha house

This type of traditional kutchha houses are seen in the plains of nearly all states of north-east with very small changes as per local climates. Materials used are mostly: bamboo posts driven into grounds, bamboo trusses for sloped roofs, thatches for roof covering, and bamboo matting for flooring and walls. (Figure 1) Sometimes mud plaster is used over walls mixed with cow dung. In areas with cloudy and cold climates such as Arunachal pradesh, the walls are made of wood or stone masonry to retain inside heat.(Figure 2)

Figure 1: A typical bamboo house of Assam

Figure 2: A typical wooden house of Arunachal Pradesh These types of houses are mostly rectangular in shapes with mostly three or four rooms. The plans and sizes vary as per requirements with linear planning, rooms opening into one another. Typical layout of a house consists of Sora Ghar, Huwa Ghar and Randhani Ghar. The Sora Ghar or the drawing room is a public space for gathering, or meeting relatives or visitors. This room also houses the 'Dhenki' or the pounding machine. This room has a common central fireplace called 'Jui Hali', over which hanging platforms are kept for storing household items. The Huwa Ghar or the bedroom is a

partitioned space depending on the number of married sons and family members. The last room is the Randhoni Ghar or the kitchen space, which serves as the dining area for the family. (Figure 3)

Figure 3: Plan of a typical kutchha house of Assam (Source: Authors) Construction materials are bamboo posts and horizontal members, with wall infill of with bamboo splits of sizes between 15 to 40 mm, called as 'kami' in the local language. Mud plaster with a mixture of cow dung is generally applied over the walls. The plinth is generally made of rammed earth with mud plaster. (Figure 4, 5 and 6) However, frequent maintenance is required for mud plaster due to shrinkage and cracking in the summer and washes out in the rainy seasons. The wooden houses in Arunachal Pradesh require less maintenance in comparison.

Figure 4 and 5: Joinery details of bamboo (Figure 5: Bamboo tie with cane ropes, Fig 6: Dowel and Tenon joint in bamboo)

Figure 6: Typical wall with weaved bamboo infill and mud plaster over Figure7: Diagonal bracing in bamboo houses for stability

2.1.2 Stilted Kutccha houses

The stilted kutccha houses or 'chang' is a typology seen in areas of high precipitation and moisture content both in the air and the soil. Construction is done mostly with bamboo or wood and thatch for roofs. These types of houses are prominently seen in states of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. (Figure 8 and 9)

Figure 8: A typical stilted house of Assam

Figure 9: A typical stilted house of Arunachal Pradesh

The stilted houses are generally rectangular in shape and are similar to bamboo Kutchha houses with linear planning and rooms opening into each other. These houses are constructed over bamboo posts and bamboo diagonal bracings are tied to form the stilt areas. The structure above is formed by horizontal members tied across the bamboo posts with jute ropes and using dowel and tenon joints. The stilt height is typically 1.50 to 2.00 metres from the ground level. The space below the stilt is often used to store a canoe for emergency usage during floods .The stilted houses are typically designed to keep out the effects of heavy monsoon. The floor and walls inlays are mostly bamboo weaves, which allows the water of floods and heavy rains to pass rather than getting stored. The roofs of the houses are made by fixing bamboo trusses over the posts, over which local grass is laid. The roof height from weaved floor is approximately 3.50 metres. A bamboo loft is fixed below the roof inside for secure storage of goods in case of floods. Bamboo being a bad conductor of heat keeps the interiors cool and adequate ventilation through the permeable floors and wall keeps the moisture content inside the houses low. (Hemant Kaushik, 2009)

Figure 10 (left): Interior of a stilted house in Assam showing the permeable weaved floor Figure 11: A stilted house in Arunachal pradesh showing rain collection techniques

Figure 12(left): Interior of a stilted house in Assam showing a typical bamboo loft Figure 13: Elevation of a typical stilted house showing approximate heights

2.1.3 High pitched roof Kutccha houses

These types of houses are characterized with a double pitched roof with high fronts and low backs (Figure 14 and 15). Buildings of this typology are seen mostly in Nagaland. Some other states like Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, too have these types of houses with slight changes attributed to the individual tribal identities. Materials used for construction are mostly timber or bamboo for structural elements, weaved bamboo sheets for walling infill, and thatch for roofing. Figure 14: A typical Naga house showing double pitched roof Figure 15: A typical Naga house with a much high front roof apex Most of these houses bear a rectangular form, with lengths between 10 to 15 metres and widths between 5 to 6 metres with one or two entrances. To keep out the effects of cold and cloudy climates very less openings are left in the walls (about 2 to 5% of the wall surface) to heat inside the houses. The interiors of these houses have five spaces mostly.

(Figure 16 and 17) The Akishekhoh or front room is used to store the rice pounding tables, which also acts as a public space. The Abidelabo is a narrow room between the Akishekhoh and the Amiphokiboh (hearth room) where the unmarried girls of the household sleep, which is a semi-private space. The Akuzu-Abo is a private space where the head of the family (father) and his wife sleeps. The Azhi-Bo or the liquor room forms the last room where rice beer is stored in bamboo jugs. The kitchen, with a hearth, is in the middle of the master bed room of the house. Over the hearth, a bamboo/wooden platform is suspended for drying and storage of meat, vegetables, grains, fire wood, tools etc. The continuously lit hearth is a prominent feature of the living space/house as it provides necessary light and heat to the inhabitants. (Figure 18) These type of houses have bamboo posts inserted into the ground approximately upto 1 metres acting as compression members and are tied with horizontal bamboo or wooden girders with the help of cane or bamboo ropes to give framing action. The plinth is a raised earthen floor with mud plaster. Bamboo matting is used to cover the mud floors. Sometimes the plinth level is slightly raised to safeguard against flood. These houses do not have a built-in toilet or bathrooms. The roofs are double pitched with a high front of about 4.6 metres and low back about 3.6 metres. The front apex of the roof is mostly adorned with a horn, or a cross as per the tribal customs and social statuses of the inhabitants. (Khan, 2009)

Figure 16: A typical Naga house plan

Figure 17: A typical Naga house section (Section AA' in fig 16)

Figure 18: A typical Naga house interior showing hearth in the Master room 2.2 Semi Pucca Houses These houses are made with a mixture of organic and inorganic materials such as wood, bamboo, corrugated GI sheets etc. They have found place as an advancement of the traditional kutchha houses. According to materials used and architectural forms, the semi-pucca houses can be further classified as:

2.2.1 Modified kuccha houses:

These type of houses bear close resemblance with the traditional kuccha houses and are mostly being built in the rural areas these days . They are modified for usage of modern materials in construction. The traditional thatch roof is replaced by corrugated GI sheets thereby reducing the maintenance of the roof during rainy days. The construction technique is similar with bamboo posts, and bamboo weaved infill for walls. The mud plaster is stabilized with added cement that adds onto the durability of the plaster. (Figure 20)

Figure 19: A modified kuccha house in Assam

2.2.2 Assam type houses These types of houses came into existence in Assam and a few neighboring states during the British rule and were actually devised by the Britishers themselves. The performance of Assam type houses have been proven to be extremely good in several past earthquakes in the region, owing to the usage of light weight construction materials, flexible connections and good framing. However, due to untreated wood based materials, these houses are vulnerable to fire. Assam type houses are found in both rural and urban areas, and are used for both residential and commercial buildings. Mostly these houses are one storeyed with elevated plinths to keep off flood water and stray animals. (Figure 20) Two storeyed versions of these houses too are found in some areas. For residences, this type of houses have a rectangular plan form for single family units and typical 'L' or 'C' plan form for multi family units. A continuous verandah generally runs along the full length of the front facade. If constructed in hills, the verandah is placed to face the slope. The materials used for this type of construction are: Sal wood for posts, wooden trusses for sloped roof, and elevated floor. The walls are made of bamboo with infills of ikra, a weed, which grows in river plains and lakes, and is plastered over with a mixture of mud and cow dung. The wooden trusess are mounted with Ikra reeds or corrugated GI sheets to form the roof.

Figure 20: An Assam type school building

Figure 21: An Assam type office building

In a typical modern Assam type house construction, the timber posts either embedded or bolted into RCC base, and the house is framed with either timber or bamboo. The wall infill is Ikra shoots and a mixture of cow-dung and mud plaster over them. In some urban houses, brick walls are taken upto the sill level upto 600 mm from the plinth level and the upper portions are framed with wood with Ikra infill with mud plaster. Ikra is widely used as it is less susceptible to insect attacks as compared to bamboo due to presence of starch and cellulose. Moreover, it bonds very well with mud, cement or lime mortar. Ikra reeds are generally placed in vertical orientation between bamboo splits of 15 to 40mm width. (Figure 23) The mud plaster is then filled in within the gaps of the Ikra reeds and then an overall plaster is done. The connections between the wooden posts and intermediate wooden scants at floor, sill and lintel level is done by means of nuts and bolts or with coir ropes in some cases. The roof is pitched with a high gable, of about one third to one fifth of the roof span, in order to cater to heavy rainfall in Assam.. The roof consists of either thatch of Ikra or GI sheets fixed

over wooden purlins with nails or J-bolts. Wooden planks or Ikra reeds are kept over beams as a false ceiling to avoid the roof trusses and rafters from being seen from bottom (Figure 22). The attic thus formed is also used for storage. A typical small family unit house has a eaves height of 4 metres and a pitch of the sloped roof of about 2 metres. When thatch roofs are used, the roofs are kept steeper to prevent ingress of water. .The door and windows are panelled and glazed, made of locally available Sal wood. Flooring is generally mud plaster or wooden batten flooring in this type of houses. The mud plaster over the flooring and walls has to be repeated frequently because it cracks during summer and washes out during rainy season. A much modified Assam type house has thin concrete columns in place of timber posts and half brick thick walls in place of wall infills of Ikra and mud plaster, with roof trusses of wood and GI sheets over them.

Figure 22: View of Ikra reed false ceiling in an Assam type house

Figure 23: Detail of Ikra application in timber frame work for typical Assam type houses

The architecture of North East India relates to the socio-economic setup, the cultural identities and a good climatic responsiveness. A good number of climate responsive design features are revealed during the study of the housing forms including temperature control, enhancing natural ventilation, protection from natural calamities such as flood, earthquakes etc. However certain features that lack in the traditional housing are mostly: fire proneness and termite infestation due to usage of non-treated bamboo and wood; lack of damp proofing and use of non stabilized soil for construction too pose problems like dampness of walls and washouts during rainfall. Once the construction and design community of North East are aware of the pros and cons of the traditional typologies, the advanced construction techniques can be meticulously clubbed alongside to nullify the problems and enhance the advantages, a modern yet sustainable architecture for the North East region can be effectively created. Currently, the local byelaws of North- East states do not have special provisions for the traditional housing in the respective states, neither they have special byelaws for the hilly regions and the restrictions of construction therein (GMDA, 2006). In view of the varied advantages of the Traditional Housing in the various North Eastern states, the Governments need to frame local bye-laws that support the traditional houses of North East, and promote incentives to the inhabitants of these houses. The byelaws additionally need to incorporate the special treatments for locally available materials such as bamboo, timber etc. before usage in construction to make them effective for long run and also slate restrictions in built forms and typologies in the hilly terrain and flood prone areas.

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