Implementation of Talent Managenent

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Ritika Agarwal
Swetha G.k.
Ankit Sahney
Jaydeep Ghosh
Rakesh Patawari
Siddharth Kumar

• Talent management implies recognising a

person's inherent skills, traits, personality and
offering him a matching job. Every person has a
unique talent that suits a particular job profile and
any other position will cause discomfort.
• The Organisation benefits from: Increased
productivity and capability; a better linkage
between individuals' efforts and business goals;
commitment of valued employees; reduced
turnover; increased bench strength and a better fit
between people's jobs and skills.

• Employees benefit from: Higher motivation and

commitment; career development; increased
knowledge about and contribution to company
goals; sustained motivation and job satisfaction.

• Traditional method of talent management is

usually understood to mean systematic efforts
to recruit, develop and retain highly productive
and promotable people.
• But the needs of business really go beyond
that. There is a need to think beyond traditional
talent management to Next Generation Talent
Management (NGTM).
The NGTM…….
• The NGTM goes beyond considering identifying
,developing and retaining productive and
promotable people.
• It includes…..
• Considering how the work is performed (which will
change performance and promotability
• Inventorying in-house experts(known as high
• Considering ethics and values as well as
performance, preparing for the transfer of
specialized knowledge, and preparing for the
transfer of social networks.
• The NGTM is often integrated with career planning
A Model of the Next Generation
Talent Management
Step2: clarify What
Step 1 : Get Work People Do ,
Step 10 : Commitment. What People
Evaluate Clarify Roles Successfully Do the
Results and Build Work and Who
Accountabiliti Possess special
Step 9: es Knowledge and
Systematicall Special Social
y Retain Relationships
People and Step 3:
Transfer Evaluate
Knowledge Present
and Social Performance
Relationships Step 4 :Recruit
and Select
Step 8: Plan People from
for individual Inside and
Development Outside the
Step 6:
Assess Organization
Step 5 :Formulate
Step 7: Individual Future Talent
Inventory Potential for Requirements and
Existing Promotions align with
Talent and Individual Strategic
Values and Objectives
• Step 1: Get commitment, clarify Roles and
Goals and Build Accountabilities.
• Have full commitment of top ,middle ,and low
level managers.
• Roles of each and every manager , groups of
stakeholders, has a role to play which has to
be clarified and communicated .
• TM efforts may , of course have many goals .
These must be clarified and prioritized.
Managers must agree on them so that the TM
does not try to be all things to all people.
TM Goals are …….
• Preparing sufficiently well qualified
replacements before key leaders retire.
• Preparing sufficient numbers of well
qualified people to support business
• Recruiting high potentials from outside
the organization.
• Developing high potentials inside the
• Role- modeling TM efforts by
developing self and others.
• Talent Management can be
evaluated by metrics established
from the initial goals identified for
the program.
• It can evaluate by using a Rating
Chart as a instrument to check how
well an organization perform.
Rating Your Organization
• There are 3 basic ways to start a
Talent Management Program:-

1)Focus On Replacement
Planning. 2)Focus On Top-Down
Talent Management. 3)Focus On a
Trouble Spot in Organization.
• Organizational leaders should specify the
talent that is required for the organization.
• Organization should provide an environment
of creativity and innovation.
• Never attempt to force creativity.
• Involve the citizens of an organization in
solutions to problem.
• Potential solutions may come if dealt in a
creative manner.
• HRM REVIEW (The Icfai University

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