Hazop Training Guide
Hazop Training Guide
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Training Guide: Hazard & Operability Analysis (HAZOP) Harm Physical injury or damage to the health of people or damage to property or the environment. Harm is the consequence of a hazard occurring and may take many forms: patient or user safety, employee safety, business risks, regulatory risks, environmental risks, etc. Combination of probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm. In a strict sense, risk is not always explicitly identified in HAZOP studies since the core methodology does not require identification (also referred to as rating) of the probability or severity of harm. However, risk assessment teams may choose to rate these factors in order to further quantify and prioritize risks if needed.
Risk -
1.2 Usage HAZOP is best suited for assessing hazards in facilities, equipment, and processes and is capable of assessing systems from multiple perspectives: Design o Assessing system design capability to meet user specifications and safety standards o Identifying weaknesses in systems Physical and operational environments o Assessing environment to ensure system is appropriately situated, supported, serviced, contained, etc. Operational and procedural controls o Assessing engineered controls (ex: automation), sequences of operations, procedural controls (ex: human interactions) etc. o Assessing different operational modes start-up, standby, normal operation, steady & unsteady states, normal shutdown, emergency shutdown, etc. Advantages
+ Helpful when confronting hazards that are difficult to quantify Hazards rooted in human performance and behaviors Hazards that are difficult to detect, analyze, isolate, count, predict, etc. Methodology doesnt force you to explicitly rate or measure deviation probability of occurrence, severity of impact, or ability to detect + Built-in brainstorming methodology + Systematic & comprehensive methodology + More simple and intuitive than other commonly used risk management tools -
No means to assess hazards involving interactions between different parts of a system or process No risk ranking or prioritization capability Teams may optionally build-in such capability as required No means to assess effectiveness of existing or proposed controls (safeguards) May need to interface HAZOP with other risk management tools (ex: HACCP) for this purpose
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HAZOP Methodology1
The HAZOP analysis process is executed in four phases as illustrated below:
Preparation Plan the study Collect data Agree style of recording Estimate the time Arrange a schedule
Documentation and follow-up Record the examination Sign off the documentation Produce the report of the
study Follow up that actions are implemented Re-study any parts of system if necessary Produce final output report
Examination Divide the system into parts Select a part and define design intent Identify deviation by using guide words on each
element Identify consequences and causes Identify whether a significant problem exists Identify protection, detection, and indicating mechanisms Identify possible remedial/mitigating measures (optional) Agree actions Repeat for each element and then each part
2.1 Definition Phase The Definition Phase typically begins with preliminary identification of risk assessment team members. HAZOP is intended to be a cross-functional team effort, and relies on specialists (SMEs) from various disciplines with appropriate skills and experience who display intuition and good judgment.1 SMEs should be carefully chosen to include those with a broad and current knowledge of system deviations. HAZOP should always be carried out in a climate of positive thinking and frank discussion.1 During the Definition Phase, the risk assessment team must identify the assessment scope carefully in order to focus effort. This includes defining study boundaries and key interfaces as well as key assumptions that the assessment will be performed under. 2.2 Preparation Phase The Preparation Phase typically includes the following activities: Identifying and locating supporting data and information
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Training Guide: Hazard & Operability Analysis (HAZOP) Identification of the audience and users of the study outputs Project management preparations (ex: scheduling meetings, transcribing proceedings, etc.) Consensus on template format for recording study outputs Consensus on HAZOP guide words to be used during the study HAZOP guide words are key supporting elements in the execution of a HAZOP analysis. According to IEC Standard 61882: The identification of deviations from the design intent is achieved by a questioning process using predetermined guide words. The role of the guide word is to stimulate imaginative thinking, to focus the study and elicit ideas and discussion. Risk assessment teams are responsible for identifying the guide words that will best suit the scope and problem statement for their analysis. Some common HAZOP guide words include:
No or not More Less As well as Part of Reverse (of intent) Other than Early Late Before After Others can be crafted as needed
Tip: The HAZOP guide word concept can be used to stimulate brainstorming of potential risks within other risk assessment tools as well
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Training Guide: Hazard & Operability Analysis (HAZOP) HAZOP guide words work by providing a systematic and consistent means of brainstorming potential deviations to operations. The following example shows how different HAZOP guide words might be used to brainstorm deviations around detergent control for a cleaning operation:
No or not - no detergent added More - too much detergent volume added (difficult to rinse) More supplied detergent solution concentration is too high Less - too little detergent volume added (soil isnt effectively removed) Less supplied detergent solution concentration is too low Part of - critical detergent component omitted (ex: surfactant) Reverse - detergent is contaminated with a harmful hazard Other than - wrong detergent used Early - detergent added too early (ex: if you need to pre-rinse bulk soil to drain before washing with detergent) Late - detergent added too late in the cleaning cycle
Once the HAZOP guide words are selected, the Examination Phase may begin. 2.3 Examination Phase The Examination Phase begins with identification of all elements (parts or steps) of the system or process to be examined. For example: Physical systems may be broken down into smaller parts as necessary Processes may be broken down into discrete steps or phases Similar parts or steps may be grouped together to facilitate assessment The HAZOP guide words are then applied to each of the elements. In this fashion a thorough search for deviations is carried out in a systematic manner. It must be noted that not all combinations of guide words and elements are expected to yield sensible or credible deviation possibilities. As a general rule, all reasonable use and misuse conditions which are expected by the user should be identified and subsequently challenged to determine if they are credible and whether they should be assessed any further. 1 There is no need to explicitly document the instances when combinations of elements and guide words do not yield any credible deviations.
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The following figure graphically illustrates the HAZOP Examination Phase process flow.1
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2.4 Documentation & Follow-up Phase The documentation of HAZOP analyses is often facilitated by utilizing a template recording form as detailed in IEC Standard 61882. Risk assessment teams may modify the template as necessary based on factors such as: Regulatory requirements Need for more explicit risk rating or prioritization (ex: rating deviation probabilities, severities, and/or detection) Company documentation policies Needs for traceability or audit readiness Other factors A typical HAZOP recording template is shown on the following page, including example entries that correspond to the cleaning process analysis example from section 2.2.
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Manufacturing Technology Committee Risk Management Working Group Risk Management Training Guides
Describe what the guide word pertains to (material, process step, etc.)
Examples from Cleaning Agent Deviations that were used to explain HAZOP Guide Words
1 No Cleaning Agent No detergent added during cleaning cycle Wrong detergent used Detergent supply reservoir empty Residues not effectively removed, leaving system in an unclean state Technicians check detergent reservoir before every cycle Assumes technicians can reliably estimate volume visually Engineer Consider alarm for low detergent reservoir level Ensure technician training addresses detergent selection Trainer
Other than
Cleaning Agent
Incorrect detergent may be ineffective at removing residues, leaving system in an unclean state
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Manufacturing Technology Committee Risk Management Working Group Risk Management Training Guides
Once the HAZOP analysis is complete, the study outputs and conclusions should be documented commensurate with the nature of risks assessed in the study and per individual company documentation policies. As part of closure for the HAZOP analysis, it should be verified that a process exists to ensure that assigned actions are closed in a satisfactory manner.
Risk Review
On a long-term basis, operational feedback should confirm that the assessment and control steps are adequately addressing the risk question. If this is not the case, it may be necessary to review all assumptions. Feedback should correspond to ensuring that assumptions made about the level of residual risks are still valid. Residual risks are risks that are expected to remain after risk control strategies have been exercised. It is also important to note that new risks may arise from risk control practices. Sometimes risks that were not originally identified or may have been filtered out during the initial risk assessment can become aggravating factors due to the implementation of risk control measures.
Risk Communication
HAZOP is a powerful communication tool. The output of the tool should always be presented at a level of detail appropriate for the various stakeholders. This is important not just for presenting results, but also for obtaining early buy-in on the approach. In cases where HAZOP is used as the basis for a GxP decision or some other regulated authorization, the approach should be documented in a Standard Operating Procedure. It may not be necessary to include detailed scoring steps or algorithms in the procedure, but they should be documented in a controlled report. Updates to the portfolio should also be controlled.
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