Backyard Bugs Beacon: Ar Oi One, Two, Three

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Backyard Bugs Beacon 630-668-1385 x274 February 13, 2014

Bug of the Week

Bible Memory
I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. John 10:14

Next Week

Bible: We will talk about the parables of the lost sheep and lost coin. The emphasis will be on the importance of each child to Jesus and that He wants each of them to one day enter His kingdom. Math: We will continue learning about time and money. If you have time to sort coins and talk about them at home it would be great as it is hard for the children to tell the difference between the coins. Social Studies: We will discuss Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Presidents Day. We will also discuss citizenship. Reading: Our story is Bunny Day. As we read this story, we will focus on story ordering. Handwriting We will be reviewing how to write the slanted letters k, v, w, x, and z. We will continue to practice writing our last names. Please also be working on this at home with your child.

Upcoming Events
Feb. 17 Feb. 21 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 March 14 March 14 March 18 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 21 No School- Presidents Day School Spirit/Popcorn Day K/1 Music Concert @ 6:30 pm No School Build a Bear Field Trip Haydens Birthday Bear Delivery Field Trip Wesleys Birthday End of 3rd Quarter All School Missions Chapel @ 9:00 am Popcorn Day

Other Important Information

This weeks letters:

ar & oi
This weeks words:

one, two, & three

Thursday, February 27 will be our K-1 Music Program at 6:30 pm. You will need to drop your child off at our classroom (room 217) at 6:00 pm. Please remember to have your child dressed nicely (no jeans and wearing a green shirt). The room will not be open after the concert so they should leave their jackets and other things with you. Please pick your child up in our classroom after our portion of the concert. Thanks!

Happy Valentines Day!

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