What's "Hop-Pening" in Kindergarten: St. Joseph's School

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Learning Makes Me Hoppy

l St. Josephs Schoo

Week of January 16-20

Whats Hop-pening in Kindergarten

Snowpeople at School!
We made paper plate snowmen this week. We attached a bunny rabbit with a piece of yarn. These helped us to learn the poem A Chubby Little Snowman. We recited this poem all week and even read it during pocket chart center time. We also traced round objects to make a snowman on paper. We covered the outline with mini marshmallows. These were fun to make and smell great. We counted how many marshmallows we used. We also made glue snowmen...we were able to dump glue onto wax paper and add the details like buttons and pipe cleaner arms...these will be drying over the weekend! Messy and fun!! spelled a word and then read the word really really slowly. b...o..o...k..We identified nouns, adjectives from the story and wrote them on a snowman shaped graphic organizer.

We spent our math time counting and performing other assessment tasks for Mrs. K this week...report card time!

We worked on writing the lowercase letters w and y this week.

We spent our time reading the Bible stories that led up to our reading for Mass this Friday. We also went to the church each day to practice reading and speaking into the microphone. They did SO well!

Social Studies
We learned all about Martin Luther King on Monday. The day started off a little rough. I had hung signs up in the room. No Blue Eyes-Couldnt enter the regular door if you had blue eyes. No Brown Hair-Couldnt sit at the Lilypad if you had brown hair. No GirlsThe girls could not sit at the pond for our morning meeting. No BoysThe boys had to line up at the other door when we took our bathroom break. At first the kids laughed and enjoyed the silly rules. But when they had to sit on the floor instead of carpet, or walk down the long way to the other door, some started to get upset. We only kept these rules until our morning meeting started, but that was long enough. Then we discussed how we felt: sad, bad, mad, not fair. All these feeling were the perfect leadin to discussing a man who wanted everyone to be treated equally. We talked how similar being fair and nice was to following Gods Golden rule. We learned a fun song sung to the tune of BINGO to help reinforce why MLK is honored today. We listened to his I have a dream speech. While listening we painted and colored and pasted images of him. For Writers Workshop we wrote how we felt about him.


We are in need of a parent/family member to supervise the noon hour recess time from 1212:30 for the rest of the school year. You can bring your children from home if needed. Thanks!

We have counted 153 milk jugs! We need more!! Thank you!!

Sugar Cubes
Please send in a box of sugar cubes for your child to use for various activities this coming week. Please send them in on Monday. Thanks!

Career Day
Thanks to all who offered to speak for Career Day! We have a full day planned! Dont forget that your child can dress up like their career of choice!

100th Day of School!!

It is almost the 100th Day of School! We celebrate how we are 100 days smarter than We read the story titled Snowmen at Night. when we started! Barring any snow days, etc. We discussed plot this week, where and when the 100th day of school will be on February the story took place. We did a lot of word 7th! Each child will be asked to bring in a colpond word activities, our favorite was slow lections of 100 things...matchbox cars, barmotion. We stretched out each letter as we


Learning Makes Me Hoppy


pot.com http://k5sjbb.blogs
rettes, raisins, pennies, etc. This will be your February Family project, to find and count 100 items to bring in to school. The sky is the limit. I am also in need of some parents to help blow up 100 balloons and make 100 tiny pancakes. Let me know if you are interested and I will send home balloons for you! Please consider sending 2 PAIRS of extra socks and gloves/mittens, one for each recess, with your child. Place them in a labeled baggie.

Wish List/Things You Can Save

We do not need tp tubes or paper towel rolls! See the website for updated items!

January Family Project

Family Projects due this Wednesday! These Please keep these at home until the 25th...No place to store them!!!! We will be displaying them for open house!!

Mystery Readers
We have openings for February!!

Classroom Ambassadors
K5 is in need of parents that would like to be ambassadors for our room. You would hang out in the classroom and help greet, answer questions, share your St. Joes experience with anyone that might stop in. I will be there as well, but parents like to hear from other parents. In particular, I do need a parent/parents in my room from 10:30 to 11:30, while the teachers attend Mass. Please fill out attached sheet if interested in either! Thanks.

Next Weeks Theme Inuit (Eskimo) People Next Weeks Words: find, look, see, up

Important Dates
Monday, January 23:

Book Fair Library Visit (Books are not due!) Bring letter /d/ or /k/ food for Sound Muncher. Ceili is Student of the Week! Happy Chinese New Year! (Dragon)

Catholic Schools Week Mass

Please come and show your support for St. Joes on Sunday @10:30 mass. Dress Up with your St. Joes Spirit Wear Gear. Moms and Dads can wear their Spirit Wear too!

Tuesday, January 24: Angel Choir Practice @ lunch recess

Wednesday, January 25: Show & Tell **FAMILY PROJECT ** Report Cards Sent Home

Jump Rope for Heart

Dont forget...each K5 student is responsible for brining one package/box of 3 or 5 oz. paper cups by Tuesday, 1/31. Thanks.

Thursday, January 26: Friday, January 27:

Book Collection
We will be collecting those new and gently used books during Catholic Schools Week. There will be marked bins in the school for you to drop off starting 1/29!

Celebrate Sams 1/2 Birthday (7/28)!! $1 Dress UP Day Mrs. K-Mart

Sunday, January 29:

My general rule for boots is if you sent them to school with your child, your child will be asked to wear them at recess.

Catholic Schools Week Open House! 11:30-1:30

EXTRA Socks and Gloves

Questions or comments? Please email [email protected] or call 262-662-2737

Learning Makes Me Hoppy

l St. Josephs Schoo

Catholic Schools Week Open House

Please return by Tuesday, 1/24. Name__________________________________ I would like to be an ambassador from 10:3011:30. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ I would like to be an ambassador after 11:30. Please list time frame you are available: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ I will contact all interested parents by Wednesday, 1/25. Thanks in advance! Mrs. K

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