Postop Drug2

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Name of Drug Senokot Forte

DRUG SUMMARY Date Ordered Classification Dose Mechanism Frequency of Action Route 1/15/14 Stimulant 374 mg 1 tab Senokot is a laxative @ HS stimulant laxative. It works by irritating bowel tissues resulting in bowel movements.

S ecific !ndication !reats "onsti#ation

Side "ffects ab$ominal $is"om%ort $iarr&ea nausea

Nursing !m lications 'e%ore( ) *ssess #attern o% bowel movement ) *ssess %or signs o% "onsti#atio ns +bloo$) streake$ stools $i%%i"ulting $e%e"ating &ar$ stools, -uring( ) !ake senokot by mout& wit& or wit&out %oo$ ) !ake senokot wit& a %ull

glass o% water an$ $rink extra %lui$s unless "ontrain$i" ate$ It is best to take Senokot at be$time !ell #atient t&at senokot may $is"olor t&e urine #ink to re$ or yellow to brown

*%ter( ) *ssess %or bowel movement in .)1/ &ours ) -o not use

%or longer t&an 1 week wit&out "&e"king wit& $o"tor as t&is "an result to loss o% normal bowel %un"tion

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