Agricultural Drawing and The Design of Farm Structures
Agricultural Drawing and The Design of Farm Structures
Agricultural Drawing and The Design of Farm Structures
$C 27 123
McGraw-Hill BookCorttpairy^
First Edition
draftsmen, butis regarded as an important subject for increasing the efficiency of the farm
owner or manager, by giving him what is in reality a new language in which to express and
record his ideas.
Aside from mechanics and builders, there is no class to whom the value of technical draw-
ing should appeal with as much force as to the progressive farmer. His literature is full of
illustrations and technical sketches, which to be read intelligently require a knowledge of
technical drawing. Government bulletins, State bulletins, agricultural periodicals and
books, even trade and machinery catalogues, cannot be fully understood without this knowl-
edge. In order to build properly, or to pass upon a set of plans, he should be able to read
architectural drawings. The man with the ability to draw "to scale" can plan his buildings,
"take off" his bill of materials, estimate the costs, and mentally see the finished structure
before it is built. He can make sketches of broken parts of machinery, or of special pieces
which he wishes to have made, he can- make a layout of his buildings or a plat of his farm.
In short, he has an asset of distinct advantage and value.
This book is a text book* rather than a "course in drawing." The principles and proc-
esses involved are described and illustrated, and a variety of problems of various kinds and
of progressive difficulty have been arranged, with outlines for a considerable number of
additional ones, not only giving suggestions to the farm owner, but also supplying class
material, which may thus be varied from year to year. Drawing courses vary in length,
and the instructor may make his choice from these numerous problems to cover the different
divisions of the subject matter included in the text.
These problems have been selected for their practical value, and all are dependable in
design. Many are from work designed and built by the authors.
The freehand method of introducing projection drawing has been used with marked
success in agricultural classes.
A number of formulas, tables, etc., have been grouped in one chapter, to give in con-
venient form information necessary in designing some structures; and other items of mis-
cellaneous information useful in drawing and designing have also been included. In the
last chapter is given a list of books and bulletins on allied subjects.
The assistance of Mr. C. L. Svensen and Mr. W. D. Turnbull is gratefully acknowledged.
The authors will be glad to cooperate with teachers using the book as a text book, and
to suggest or furnish supplementary problems.
*Some of the material in it has been condensed from the larger text book "A Manual of Engineer-
ing Drawing."
August 10, 1915.
T. E. F.
F. W. I.
Preface v
Introductory 1
Importance of drawing Different kinds of drawing
— Pictorial drawings—Working drawings
— —
Topographical drawing Examples.
Working Drawings 26
Classes of working drawings —Sectional views—Turned sections—Auxiliary views—Use of
scale — Dimensioning, Rules for dimensioning — Title — of material — Checking — Conven-
tional symbols — Fastenings — Bolts and screws — Pipe — Developed surfaces — Method of
working—Sketching from the object — Problems.
Farm Structures 47
— Symbols — Plans — Elevations —
Sections — —
Dimensions Wood construction —
Framing, the timber frame, the plank frame, joints and details of construction, roofs, fire stop-
— —
ping and rat proofing Concrete, composition, reinforcing, forms, a concrete water tank Brick,
kinds, symbols, bonds
— — — —
Stone Stucco Hollow tile Roofing materials, shingles, slate, tile,
— —
composition roofing, galvanized roofing Method of preparing plans The dairy barn, require-
ments, lighting, ventilation, space required, storage Complete plans and specifications of a
— — —
dairy barn, bill of material, estimate The horse barn The general purpose barn The swine
— — — — —
house Dipping vat The sheep barn The poultry house Implement sheds Corn cribs —
Granaries — Ice houses — Garages — Smoke houses —The dairy house —The —The manure
—The septic tank— Fences, paddocks, hurdles, pens and gates—The farm house and its
Maps and Topographical Drawing 90
—Plats —A farm survey—Farm
Instruments office map —Topographical drawing—Contours—
Quadrangle sheets—^Landscape maps — Profiles —Problems.
Pictorial Drawing •
. . . 100
Index 125
There are two general methods of describ- picture from his own imagination; and the
ing things, one by using words, spoken or stronger his visualizing power the fuller and
written, the other by drawing pictures. more interesting picture does he have. But
The first is ordinary language, the second probably no two persons reading the same
method is often called the universal graphical story ever see exactly the same picture. In
language. factsome very able people are almost lacking
< '<''
words, that when describing some scene or reading a story do not construct any imagi-
event their writing is called a word-picture, native picture at all.
and the interested reader feels in
imagination It would evidently be almost impossible to
that he can see it vividly before him.
all describe the appearance and construction of
But he has simply taken the author's sug- a proposed new machine or building so that
gestions and has filled in the details of the it could be built, by using words alone.
Thus in technical description, where nothing able to think in space, and an increasing
can be to the imagination, the second
left power to represent and explain what he has
method, drawing, becomes by far the more in his mind.
important. The shape of even the simplest
Different Kinds of Drawing
object can be explained much more accu-
rately and quickly by a drawing than by There are several different kinds of draw-
verbal description.
ing used in technical work. They may be
But this descriptive drawing may not be divided broadly into pictorial drawings and
simply like an artist's picture, because the
working drawings.
artist's method of drawing is again only
suggestive, and while it shows what the Pictorial Drawings.
object looks like, it leaves much to be sup- Drawing an object as it actually appears
plied by the observer's imagination. Tech- to the eye is called perspective drawing.
nical drawing must describe accurately every This is used by architects in showing the
N.4°-0 £. 2149.18
A simpler way of making pictorial draw- which are explained in the next chapter.
ings suitable for some purposes is by iso- This is the basis of all industrial drawing,
metric or oblique drawing. These systems mechanical and architectural, and may be
are very useful in showing details of con- called the grammar of this graphical language.
struction, and are also used very commonly Architectural drawings are working draw-
for illustrations in bulletins and books. ings, as they are used to build from. The
They are not difficult to make, and the architect makes perspective drawings, pre-
method is fully explained in Chapter VI. viously referred to, principally to show his
Fig. 2 is a typical isometric illustration from clients, who are unable to read the working
a Government bulletin, and Fig. 3 a more drawings, what the building is going to look
complicated example as used in an imple- like. Fig. 4 illustrates a pictorial drawing
ment catalogue, and which shows the con- and a working drawing of a simple object.
struction more clearly than any other kind
of drawing would do. Topographic Drawing.
Still another kind of drawing, with the
drawing and a working drawing is that the connection with surveying. Its particular
pictorial drawing shows the object as it value and interest to the farmer is explained
appears, while the working drawing must in Chapter V.
show it as it
actually giving the exact
is, Fig. 5 is a topographic drawing of a farm
shape and dimensions of every part. This and farmstead, and shows not only the
is done by making different "views" of the location of the various features, as buildings,
object, in a system known technically as fields, ditches, etc., but also the contour, or
"orthographic projection," the principles of as it is sometimes called, the lay of the land.
Of the several kinds of drawing just re- The following is a list of instruments and
ferred to, each has a particular use. For materials needed:
constructive drawings, that is for drawings 1 . A set of drawing instruments, con-
of things which are to be made, the system taining a 6 inch compass with pen,
known as orthographic projection is used pencil and lengthening bar, a pair of
almost exclusively, as being the method best dividers, a ruling pen and a bow pen.
adapted for showing an object exactly as it A bow pencil and bow spacer are de-
is to be. As it does not show the object as sirablebut not necessary additions.
it will appear to the eye, one must be trained 2. A drawing board of soft pine, cleated
in reading it, and in exercising the visualiz- to prevent warping (or a drawing
ing power of the imagination to see the table with pine top).
object from its projections. 3. A T-square. These come in various
our purpose in this chapter to study
It is lengths and grades. For the work
the principles of this system and the tech- outlined in this book a 30" blade is
nique of its execution. long enough.
Constructive drawing is sometimes done 4. A 45° triangle and a 30°-60° triangle.
freehand, when it is called "technical sketch- Transparent amber is the best.
ing," but for designing structures and making 5. An architect's scale, either one tri-
accurate working drawings it is necessary to angular shape or two flat ones. (An
use instruments and work to dimensions. engineer's scale of decimal parts is
Preliminary studies and schemes for new needed in map work, and a protractor
structures or machines are usually sketched should also be at hand.)
first freehand, and often the final working 6. Thumb tacks.
drawing of a simple object wanted is made 7. Drawing pencils.
without instruments. Our first work in 8. Waterproof drawing ink.
studying the principles will be done as free- 9. Eraser.
hand sketching, after which the technique 10. Sandpaper pad for sharpening pencils,
of instrumental or mechanical drawing will 11. Drawing paper. Most working draw-
be taken up. ings are made on buff or cream-
colored "detail paper" which is sold
by the yard, in rolls, and are after-
For instrumental drawing an outfit of wards traced on tracing cloth or
sides of the glass box were hinged, and 1. A surface parallel to a plane of pro-
is shown in its true size; as
opened out). Thus the flat view of these jection
opened planes would be like Fig. 12, and, B on the front view of Fig. 7.
leaving off the outlines of the edges, and the 2. A surface perpendicular to a plane of
lines of the hinges, the three views would projection is projected as a line; as
appear as in Fig. 13.
o o
Fig. 10.
This shows the reason for the rule already- Fig. 12. —The box opened.
given, that the top view is directly above the
front view, and the side view directly across faces A, C and E on the same view
from the front view. Notice particularly (Fig. 76).
that on the side view the front of the object 3. A surface inclined to a plane of pro-
o o
6. An inclined line will have a projection clipped on a board, are all the materials
shorter than its true length. needed. Sometimes coordinate paper, ruled
As a general rule to be followed, the view in faint lines, is used.
showing the characteristic contour or shape The pencil should be held with freedom,
of a piece should be drawn first; thus in not close to the point, vertical lines drawn
Figs. 6 and 8 the front view would be the downward. Fig. 14, and horizontal lines from
to right. Fig. 15.
Fig. 1G.
-- -f
Fig. 20. —Problems for working sketches.
while drawings of machine parts are usually Use of T Square and Triangles,
outlined with a much wider line. The T square is for drawing parallel hori-
Center lines, dimension lines and cross zontal lines, and is always used with its head
ibn //ha
hatching lines should be clean fine against the lejt edge of the drawing board,
uniform lines. Fig. 23 shows these and The triangles are used against the square T
the various other lines as used on a for drawing vertical lines and lines at 30,
With the two triangles together, lines at edge (the paper should preferably be a little
15 degrees and 75 degrees may be drawn. larger than the finished drawing is to be).
Fig. 24 illustrates these combinations. Lay the scale down on the paper close to the
use a short dash, not a dot, in laying off a adjusting the pencil point to the mark,
dimension. At the left edge mark 12" and using one hand only in opening and closing
y^" border line points. Through these four the compasses. The needle point may be
points on the left edge, draw horizontal lines guided to the center with the little finger of
with the T square, and through the points the left hand, Fig. 26. When the lead is
right, and vertical lines upward. by twirling the handle with the thumb and
forefinger, keeping the compasses inclined
Use of Dividers.
— Correct and incorrect tangents. The dividers are used for transferring
Fig. 32.
measurements from one part of the drawing
with the bow-pen. In changing the set- to another, for stepping off distances, and for
ting, to avoid wear and final stripping dividing lines by trial. They are handled
of the thread, the pressure of the spring in the same way as the compasses. Fig. 33
illustrates the method of bisecting a line by between front and side views, and
these 15" from the length of the
trial, first opening the dividers at a guess to sheet, 17", we find
that the left edge of the front view should be started
one-half the length of the line and stepping
an inch from the left border.
the distance off. If the division be short,
Now with the scale measure along the base line
the leg should be thrown out to one-half the the horizontal dimensions for the front view,
remainder, estimated by the eye, without marking points for the thickness of the
end boards.
removing the other leg from its position on At the same time measure on the base line the width
of the side view, leaving an inch between views.
the paper, and the line spaced again with the
Through the first point on the front view draw a long
new setting.
perpendicular, measure on this the height of the front
Avoid pricking unsightly holes in the view and the thickness of the bottom board. On
The the same line mark the width of the
paper. position of a small prick point top view,
be preserved if necessary by drawing a leaving about 1>^" between views. Through these
points draw horizontal and vertical lines, thus
little ring around it with the pencil.
blocking out the three views. Next draw on the side
PROBLEM 1. view, the slant line of the end boards and a dotted
The first sheet is to be three views of the feeding
line showing the block behind. This block will
stick 1 for birds shown in Fig. 34.
show as a full line on the top view. On the front
view draw the center line A-B for the holes, and on
Lay off a 12" X 18" sheet with K" border as
this measure the distances for the centers, and at one
described on page 15.
The of the centers mark the radius (%") of the circle.
requirement of a good drawing, after
At this stage the drawing will appear something like
deciding on the requisite views, is to have the views
well spaced on the sheet. A quick preliminary Fig. 35.
freehand sketch will aid in this study. In adding When the circles are drawn and the short line
the width of the top view, 4", and the height of the formed by the chamfer of the end boards is pro-
front view, 2^^", and leaving say l}^i" between jected across from the side view, the front view is
of penciling.
11 11 11
Finished drawings are either inked on the dried and clogged extreme point of the
in the
paper or traced on tracing cloth, or some- pen. This clot or obstruction may be re-
times on tracing paper. Straight Unes are moved by touching the pen on the finger or
inked with the ruHng pen, which is filled by by pinching the blades slightly. If it still
refuses to start it should be wiped out and
fresh ink added. The pen should always be
wiped clean after using.
Faulty Lines.
If inked lines appear imperfect in any
f/of er?oug/h mk fo f/h'/sh //'ne center C 1^^" and draw the upper horizontal line.
Next draw vertical lines through A and B. With
Fig. 38.— Faulty lines. the radii indicated draw the circle arcs with A, B
and C as centers. The construction for the arcs
will drop out in a blot. After adjusting the from the centers F and G is suggested on the figure.
nibs with the screw to give the correct thick- Complete the measurements for the front view,
then draw top and side views, measuring the widths
ness of line, the pen is held as illustrated in
and projecting the other dimensions from the front
Fig. 37. Keep it in a plane perpendicular
view. Fig. 40 illustrates a partially completed
to the paper and draw the lines with T stage of the drawing, and 41 the finished
square and triangle. drawing. Remember as a fundamental rule that
circles and circle arcs are always inked before the only by continued and careful practice.
straight lines are inked.
Working drawings are lettered in a rapid
single-stroke style, either vertical or inclined,
and usually all capitals. The term "single-
A working drawing requires the addition stroke" or "one stroke" does not mean that
of dimensions, notes on material and finish, the entire letter is made without lifting the
1234567890^ Fig. 42. —Upright single-stroke capitals.
and a title, all of which must be lettered free- pen, but that the width of the stroke of the
hand in a style that is perfectly legible, pen is the width of the stem of the letter.
uniform and capable of rapid execution. So For large sizes in this style,, a comparatively
far as its appearance is concerned, there is no coarse pen such as Hunt's No. 512 or
part of a drawing so important as the letter- Leonard's ball point No. 516 F is used.
I'll II EEE////\\\\O0
|i iH' L 'F C T N" N' ¥% 'Mf W' A V
'R0SSB' 3. Z 0'€9 6 7 & Fig. 44. —Order and direction of strokes.
carefully. Letters should then be combined in the same way as explained for vertical
into words, remembering three general rules: letters, but with the addition of slant
1. Keep the letters close together, direction lines drawn lightly in pencil with a
2. Have
the areas of the white spaces triangle either at 60 degrees or at a slant of
between letters approximately equal (thus 2 to 5, in order to keep the slant uniform,
two would be spaced much
o's closer together. Fig. 45 shows the alphabet with the order
than two n's). and direction of strokes indicated.
as the Reinhardt letter,is much used. This standardized in form, and examples are
isa very simple, legible and effective style shown in connection with the drawings in
which can be made very rapidly after Chapters IV and V.
its swing has been mastered. The body
letters are made two-thirds the height of Single-stroke Roman.
the capitals. It is shown in analyzed form Fig. 47 shows a single stroke letter based
in Fig. 46. on the Roman, which is appropriate for
12345678901 Fig. 47. —Single-stroke Old Roman.
As soon as the letter forms have been architectural drawings. The addition of
mastered, all the practice should be in com- the terminal cross strokes, called serifs,
Never do any lettering without having a Gothic letters, and it will be noted that the
guide line for both tops and bottoms of the shapes vary somewhat from the Gothic.
letters. When well executed, this letter adds much
Donot combine vertical letters and in- to the beauty of an architectural drawing
clined letters on the same drawing. and should be used for such work in prefer-
Titles and bills of material are somewhat ence to the other styles given.
Never use the scale as a ruler.
Never draw with the lower edge of the T-square.
Never cut paper with a knife and the edge of the T-square as a guide.
Never use the T-square as a hammer.
Never put either end of a pencil in the mouth.
Never jab the dividers into the drawing board.
Never oil the joints of compasses.
The working drawing has
definition of a drawing is, as its name implies, a drawing of
already been stated as being ''a drawing a structure or machine showing the relative
which gives all the information necessary positions of the different parts.
for the complete construction of the object A detail drawing is a drawing of a separate
represented." It is a technical description piece or group of pieces, giving the complete
of a structure or machine which has been description for the making of each piece.
designed for a certain purpose and place, and In a very simple case the assembly drawing
should convey all the facts regarding it so may be made to serve also as the detail
clearly and explicitly that no further in- drawing, by dimensioning it fully.
struction to the builder would be required. Fig. 114 on page 60 illustrates an assem-
The drawing will thus include, (1) the full bly drawing, and Fig. 115, page 61 a detail
graphic representation of the shape of every drawing.
part of the object, (2) figured dimensions of
all the parts, (3) explanatory notes giving
Working drawings are divided into two "section," and the surfaces of the materials
general classes, assembly drawings and detail thus cut are indicated by "section lining" or
drawings. An assembly drawing or general "cross-hatching" with diagonal lines. Two
adjoining surfaces are sectioned in different Section lines are spaced by eye, and on a
directions. finished drawing are generally put in directly
A line is drawn (line 8 in the alphabet of in ink without penciling.
lines) on the adjacent view to show where the "Turned sections" or revolved sections
section is assumed to be cut, and short are little sectional views drawn on some part
arrows indicate the direction in which the of a figure as if they had been cut and re-
view is taken. This line is lettered on each volved in place. They show the shape of
end and the section is named to correspond, the cross-section of the object at that place,
as Section A B ". (See Fig. 54.) Some- and are often used to good advantage. Ex-
times several sections through different amples are shown in Figs. 49 and 50.
places are required to explain the construc-
tion fully. H/fh
A common practice, which saves space and 'W—mii
labor, is to show one-half a view in section and H <?-/<? »-j
the other half in as in Fig. 116, page 62.
full, Fig. 50. — Revolved sections.
In a sectional view it is not necessary to
cut through everything in the plane of the Auxiliary Views.
section. For example, bolts, nuts, shafts, Sometimes when it is necessary to show
etc., show to better advantage if left in full. some feature on an inclined face of an object,
Fig. 49 illustrates the method of showing a it can be done to better advantage by making
section containing shafts, bearings and bolts, what is known as an auxiliary view, which
all of which are drawn in full. may be thought of as simply a projection
looking straight against the incHned surface, sixteenths, which is used both for full size,
as illustrated in Fig. 50. Evidently the and also for half size (scale of 6 inches = 1
width of this auxiliary view would be the foot), by considering the divisions on the
true width of the object, as indicated by W" scale to have double values.
on the and its length is
figure, of course If the object is too large to be dsawn half
shown in edge on the front view. Thus to size, the drawing is made to the scale of 3
draw an auxiliary view we would firstdraw inches to the foot, often called quarter size,
a center line for it, parallel to the inclined that is, a length of 3 inches on the drawing
is equal to one foot on the object. On this
scale the distance of 3 inches is divided into
twelve equal parts and each of these sub-
divided into eighths. This distance should
be thought of not as 3 inches but as a foot,
divided into inches and eighths of inches.
Notice that the divided foot has the zero
on the inside, with the inches running from
itone way, and the feet numbered tKe other
way, so that dimensions given in feet and
inches may be measured directly, as illus-
trated in Fig. 52. On the other end of the
Fig. 51. —An auxiliary view. 3 inch scale will be found the scale of 13^
inches = 1 foot. Other scales used are 1
face, then project the lengths across perpen- inch = 1 foot, %, inch = 1 foot, % inch
dicular to this center line from the inclined = 1 foot, 3^^ inch = 1 foot, ^g inch = 1',
face, and would measure the width each and }/^ inch = 1 foot. The scale of }/i inch
way from the center Thus the width
line. = 1 foot is the usual one for ordinary
of the auxiliary view would be the same as house plans. For very large buildings the
the width of the top view of the object, scale of 3^^ inch = 1 foot is used. Fig. 53
although in many cases, as in the example illustrates the scale in position for measuring
given, a top view is not needed, and therefore the length 7 feet 5 inches.
not drawn. The scale and its divisions should be
1" 1
After the correct representation of the between which the distance is measured are
object by its projections, the entire value of indicated by arrow heads on the ends of the
the drawing as a working drawing lies in the line, short extension lines being drawn from
dimensioiiing. This placing of the figured the object if the dimension line is on the
dimensions must be done with careful outside.
thought of the purpose of the drawing, All the and dimension lines
should be drawn before any figures are
Dimensions always indicate the finished
size of the piece.
Dimensions should read from the bottom
and right side of the sheet, no matter what
part of the sheet they are on.
Feet and inches are indicated thus 5'-6".
Where there are no inches it should be
Fig. 53. — Measuring with scale (7 ft. 5 in.) written 5'-0", 5'-0>^".
Fractions should be made with a hori-
getting the figures necessaryand most con-
zontal line as 2|".
venient for the workman who is to work
The diameter of a circle should be given,
from it. To make the best drawing the
not the radius.
draftsman should be familiar with the various
Dimensions should generally be placed
processes of construction and shop methods
between views.
which enter into the building of the object
In general do not repeat dimensions on
adjacent views.
General Rules for Dimensioning. Always give an over-all dimension. Never
Dimension figures are placed in a space require the workman to add or subtract
left in the dimension line, as shown in the figures.
Never use any center line as a dimension Several examples are shown in Chapter IV.
line. For a large structure, as a barn for example,
Never put a dimension on a line of the the bill of material is too extensive to be put
drawing. on the drawings, so is written separately.
A dimension not agreeing with the scaled
distance, should be heavily underscored as Checking.
in Fig. 54. Before being sent out for use, a working
Fig. 54 should be observed carefully, drawing should be checked for errors and
noting the shape of the arrow heads, and the omissions, if possible by some one other than
method of showing dimensions in special the man who made it. In doing this the
cases. The figure also illustrates the use of system below should be followed, taking the
the symbol "f" to indicate that a metal divisions through one at a time.
( C/f055 SECTION]
surface is to be "finished" or machined, and First, put yourself in the place of the one
the placing of the check mark. who is towork from the drawing, and see if
Do not he afraid to put notes on drawings. it iseasy to read.
Supplement the graphic language by the Second, see that each piece is correctly
English language whenever added infor- illustrated.
mation can be conveyed, but be careful to Third, check all dimensions by scaling,
word it so clearly that the meaning cannot and also by calculation where necessary.
possibly be misunderstood. As each dimension is verified, put a check
The title to a working drawing is usually mark (y/) in pencil above it.
boxed in the lower right hand corner, and Fourth, see that all specifications for
its contents will vary according to the kind of material are correctly given.
drawing. In general it should contain the Fifth, see that stock sizes of materials
name of the structure, name of manufacturer have been used as far as possible.
or owner, date, scale, and drafting record Sixth, add any explanatory notes that will
including number, initials or name of drafts- vncrease the efficiency of the drawing.
man, tracer, checker, etc. Various titles are
wanted, size and material of each piece. ventions" which are adopted and recognized
as standing for materials or commonly used than to depend on a symbol. The drawing
constructions. Screw threads and gear is easier to read however if
generally recog-
wheels for example are not drawn in their nized sections are used for the commoner
actual outline but are shown conventionally. materials. Fig. 55 shows some of the con-
Other conventions are used for electrical ventional section lining symbols, and Fig.
56 a number of conventional breaks and
other symbols. Symbols used in building
construction are shown in Fig. 96, page 48.
A long object of uniform section may be
shown to larger scale and thus to better ad-
vantage by drawing it as if a piece were
SQUARE SECTION broken out of the middle and the ends
pushed up together, indicating the break by
the symbols of Fig. 56 or by the "limiting
break line" (line 10 of the alphabet of lines),
ROUND SECTION and giving the over-all dimension. Fig. 126,
page 74, an example of this principle
] J
Bolts and screws are used for fastening
parts together, for adjusting, and for trans-
mitting power or motion. There are many
^-^ CHAIN different forms of bolts, and several different
kinds of threads, for these different purposes.
ROPE OR CABLE In drawing, we should know the conven-
Fig. 56. -Conventional breaks and symbols. tional method of representing the ordinary
types used.
wiring and apparatus, for sections of con- The usual form of screw thread is the U. S.
crete, wood, etc., and for topography. Such Standard, a V thread at 60 degrees, with the
of these as may be useful in agricultural tip flattened and the root filled in. Among
drawing have been given in various places in other forms are the sharp V, the square
this book. thread and the buttress thread. Fig. 57.
In specifying materials it is much safer When not otherwise specified, the U. S.
to add the name of the material as a note Standard is always understood as required.
In ordinary drawing, threads are not and the only dimensions required are the
drawn form but are indicated con-
in actual diameter, the length (under the head) and
ventionally. Fig. 58 shows several methods the amount of thread, Fig. 59. In drawing
used. That shown in A is the simplest and a hex. head three faces are shown, and in
best. It is not necessary to have the lines a square head, one face. Figs. 60 and 61 are
full size %" bolts, given to show the pro-
To Dtaw a Bolt.
There are adopted standards for standard
hexagonal and square head bolts and nuts,
hence in drawing, one view only is necessary,
3 = /i D ^s'
our limited space we can only suggest the To develop a Cylinder. Fig. 66.
fundamentals of this branch of working In rolling a cylinder out, the base will
drawings. develop into a straight line, called the
The pattern for a cylinder would evidently "stretchout line." Divide the base into a
be a rectangle, whose width would be the number of equalparts. Project these points
length of the cylinder and whose length as elements on the front view. Draw the
would be equal to the circumference, Fig. 64, stretchout line and step off the divisions of
Straight «aO!XV^_=iI
riot Round
EYE BOLT Fillister
Bent ^«««-'=^)
^^ W^® ^^'^
^,^ (D
© Button Head Pan "Head
El ^^^>
Headlesa Safety
5« ^T*
Fig. 63. —Pipe fittings, as drawn in small scale and large scale.
slant height of the completed cone, O'A'. on EA. Complete the pyramid, finding the
Step off the divisions of the base on the apex O.Since the edge EA is not shown in
stretchout line as shown and connect the its true length on the front view, it must be
two end points with the center 0' Then . revolved about the axis of the pyramid until
draw the arc for the small end with the radius it is parallel to the vertical plane, by swing-
O'B'. ing the top view of the line from OA to OA"
Fig. 65.
Fig. 64.
and projecting the point A" down to A^
develop a Prism.
68 illustrates the of the Project E
across to the line O'A', then E'A.'
Fig. development
will be true length of the edge EA. (The
surface of a square prism with a sloping top,
pyramid may be imagined to be slipped in-
with the seam at the corner EA. The con-
side of a cone having the same slant as the
struction is evident from the figure.
edges of the pyramid, and O'A' will be the
To develop a Pyramid. true length of an element of this cone.)
Fig. 69 shows the method of developing With O'A' as a radius, draw an arc as in the
a truncated square pyramid with the seam development of the cone and on this step off
£>C A3 A 3 C
Fig. 68. — Development of a prism.
the four edges of the base of the pyramid ting any figures in; fifth, measure the object
ABCD. Connect the points ABCDA with and put the dimensions on the sketch; sixth,
O giving the folding edges. Find the devel- check for errors and omissions; seventh, date
opment of the upper end by drawing an arc and sign the sketch.
with the radius 0'£". Sometimes it requires considerable ingenu-
ity to get accurate measurements. A two
Method of Working foot rule and calipers would be required for
In making a working drawing, after the castings and small objects, and a steel tape
scheming and inventing has been done in for larger structures. A
plumb line is often
freehand sketches, the order of procedure of service, and other devices will suggest
in penciling should be about as follows: themselves as the occasion demands.
first, lay off the sheet with border line, and The commonest fault in sketching is the
block out space for the title; second, plan overlooking of some important dimension
the sheet, deciding upon the number and ar- whose omission is discovered as soon as the
rangement of views, always selecting as large working drawing to scale is started.
a scale as possible; third, draw center lines
for each view and lay off the principal dimen-
sions; fourth, complete the projections; fifth, In application of the principles of this
draw the dimension lines, and put in the chapter, selections from the following prob-
dimensions; sixth, lay out the title; seventh, lems are to be made, and the complete
check the drawing carefully. working drawings with all necessary dimen-
sions, notes, and title are to be drawn.
Order of Inking. Use a standard sized sheet (either 12" X
First, ink all circles, then circle arcs; sec- 18" or 18" X 24"), and follow the method
ond, ink the straight lines in the order
— of working as outlined on the previous
horizontal, vertical, inclined; third, ink cen- page, selecting suitable scale, deciding upon
ter lines, extension and dimension lines; the views necessary, and making prelimin-
fourth, ink the dimensions; fifth, section line ary sketch plan for the sheet. The draw-
cut surfaces sixth, ink notes, title and border
; ings may be inked, or preferably traced on
line; seventh, check the tracing. tracing cloth for blue printing. Some of
the problems have complete data and di-
Sketching from the Object. mensions given, others are intended to be
In our previous consideration of freehand designed by the student.
sketching from pictorial views (page 9), Be particularly careful to follow the
we were concerned with the projections only. rules for dimensioning.
In connection with working drawings, it is
often necessary to make a dimensioned Problems
1. Make the working drawing of a box for fence
sketch from the object itself, as for example,
in the case of a broken piece of machinery. repair kit, from the sketch, Fig. 70. (Of course the
words "hammer," etc., will not appear on the
The procedure would be somewhat in the
order indicated. First, study the object and Working drawing of germinating or corn testing
determine the necessary views; second, box, from the sketch, Fig. 71. The bottom is
sketch center observe the proportions rabbeted so as to be water tight, and the saw cuts
are to hold cords for
making divisions.
and block in principal parts of the outline;
Working drawing of heavy clevis, Fig.
3. 72.
third, finish the projections; fourth, draw all Specify wrought iron or mild steel.
dimension lines and arrow-heads, before put- 4. Working drawing of sheep feeding rack, Fig.
5<7»v Cuf3 I
'Osep / MATER tAL
finishing nails.
gang mold for test pieces,
Fig, 71. — Corn tester.
Fig. 77.
Working drawing
ttiold is for making standard IJ^" X
IJ^" X 6" test specimens used in the rough determi-
15. Working drawing of fly wheel, Fig. 83 (front 19. Working drawing of ice box. Fig. 87. This
view and section). design is called the Rochester cold box, and is
easily built and very efficient.
20. Working drawing of farm gate, Fig. 88.
Length may be varied if desired.
21. Working drawing of farm gate of your own
design. Suggestions of different forms may be
had from Fig. 133, page 81.
22. Working drawing of grindstone and frame,
Fig. 89, making assembly and detail drawings.
23. Working drawing of sheave, Fig. 90. Show
right half of side view in section.
24. Working drawing of cattle breeding crate.
Fig. 80.—Silo rack.
Fig. 91, including bill of material.
16. Working drawing of flanged roller, Fig. 84 25. Working drawing of fly trap, Fig. 92. The
(front view and section). bait holders d are can lids.
17. Working drawing of home made muffler for 26. Develop patterns for three piece elbow, Fig. 93.
N) page 12. The bed pieces should be placed so as forty-two inches long at each end of every cross-
to overhang the front bolster eighteen inches, and piece, securing them with bolts or irons. To these
should be twenty-four inches apart in front to allow fasten three fence boards lengthwise and spaced
a wide turning radius for the front wheels, and evenly up and down. On the end standards nail
flare back to full width, forty-two inches, at the similar boards and secure the corners with large
rear bolster. The front should be provided with a hasps and staples.
Fig. 83.— Flywheel. 33. Make a working drawing of a gate post mold
for 12" X 12" X 8'-0" concrete post. The post
false bolster to prevent shifting from side to side. to be reinforced by four %" rods wired at each foot
A standard, made of 2" X 4" pieces six feet long of length.
willbe required. 34. Working drawing of gang mold for fence
32. Design a basket rack. A simple basket rack posts seven feet long with 4X4
top and 4X6
may be made as follows. On the hay rack described bottom, posts to be reinforced with four }^" rods.
in Prob. 31, erect 2" X 4" pieces thirty-eight to Rods not to be closer than 1" to outside.
/d f/pe ^
36. Design a work bench 34" high, using the farm where the water is piped from a well to a
following material
— sink in the kitchen; from the well to a tank in the
barn yard, and off this line three outlets, one to
Top 2 pes. 1 X 14 X 8'- 0"
horse stable, one to hog house and one to dairy
Aprons 2 pes. 1 X 12 X 8'- 0"
house. The house supply pipe is 1", that to tank
Cross Boards. . 4 pes. 1 X 12 X 2'- 2"
4 X 4X2'- 9" 2"; all others J^" pipe. Note on drawing and
Legs pes. 2
make of all necessary fittings.
Cross Ties 2 pes. IX 4X2'- 2" list
/<<? tVHITC
fittings: cross, tee, 90° ell, flange. Box to be of neat design to match woodwork in
37. Design a layout of the water piping for a kitchen. A sloping, hinged lid should be provided.
MoAe / ffigh/-
" /. Leff
L^ A^ .^ SHAFT. 3T£:£:l
40. Design and draw a trap nest. The Connect!- chest. The two till chest shown in Fig. 180, page
cut trap nest is illustrated in Fig. 2, page 2. Nest 110, may
serve for suggestion.
should be at least 12" square in the clear. Additional working drawing problems may be
Fig. 92. —Homemade fly trap. Fig. 95. —Funnel and hopper.
41. Design a wash bench 16" high, 3 ft. long, made from Figs. 160 to 181 in Chapter VI, and may
with wringer board in the middle. be suggested by other illustrations throughout the
42. Design and make working drawing of a tool book.
Under the head of farm structures would drawings is comparatively simple, as they
properly be included any structural work are made up principally of straight lines.
built for confining, enclosing or covering After one is familiar with the instruments
animals, machinery, or materials, and of and the theory of working drawings, all
course including dwellings. Thus fences, that is needed in making drawings of struc-
paddocks, pens, gates, etc., would be called tures is a facility in the use of the scale
confining structures, while enclosing and and a knowledge of the conventional symbols
^^^^ I
—n—V n—^ II V r
'yv. ^
^ =?
-/y II
Y \T^ 11 —
VW -/yv—
: '••; ; ••; :: : •/. •:'.• : :••:•:.•: : '.•:.'f
^^Y« " = '"1^1111//// v^^^^
W ~'%
assumed to vary in height at different points ''wall section" should always first be laid
show the parts of the plan to the
in order to off at one side, in order to determine the
best advantage- This is illustrated in Fig. heights of windows from the floor, heights
97 where it passes through the fireplace, and these points
of floors, cornice lines, etc.,
then through a high window. projected across to the elevation. This
Plans of houses and larger buildings are wall section is often left on the finished
In planning a new building the thinking stairways, trusses and other details. Nu-
and scheming should be done with the aid merous examples of vertical sections are
of rough freehand sketches, using single given in this chapter. The terms "longi-
lines for the walls, before a scale drawing tudinal section" and "transverse" or "cross
is started. Cross section paper is often used section" are sometimes used to indicate
in sketching, to aid in getting correct pro- that the section is taken lengthwise or
portions. No drawing should be finished crosswise.
in ink until all the sheets are complete in
pencil, as often a change on one view will Dimensions.
necessitate changing several others. As in other working drawings, dimensions
and notes are most important. The rules
Elevations. for dimensioning given on page 29 should
An elevation is a front or side view of a be applied, and the needs of the builder
building, showing the exterior appearance, always kept in mind. Thus dimensions
and is of use in indicating the location of should always be given to and from acces-
windows and doors, glass sizes, heights of sible points so that they may be laid off
Dimensions for building work should the available wood best suited to the par-
be given in even feet and inches, avoiding ticular purpose. If used for carrying load
fractions of inches as far as possible, except or stress, the sizes needed in the wood
as they may be necessary in details. selected must be figured for safe load. The
Commercial and stock sizes should be used table of comparative strength of timbers
as far as possible on account of economy. and the loads they will carry given on page
For example, a piece of glass 1" X 10" 114, will be of use in these computations.
costs more than one 8" X 10" because A list of the kinds of wood used for differ-
the latter is a stock size while the former ent purposes, somewhat in the order of
has to be cut to order. Some tables of their desirability and availability, is given
commercial sizes for reference will be on page 113.
found on page 112. In making a drawing for a framed struc-
tureit is necessary to show clearly the method
Many variations of the problems as stated, the "plank truss" or the "balloon frame."
will suggest themselves to the student, and In the structures which follow, these
it ishoped that the varied selection of ex- different methods of framing are illustrated.
amples and the description of requirements The braced frame isshown in the horse
and present practice will enable him to adapt barn, Fig. 116, the plank truss in Fig. 114,
the principles and make dependable working and the "balloon frame" in Figs. 117 and
drawings of any ordinary structure needed. 127.
The timber frame is the older type and is
signer will select, and specify on the drawing, stances of collapse are numerous, due to
faulty workmanship and lack of information the time saved in cutting out and erection.
regarding plank frame requirements. Also fewer men are required for raising.
The advantages of the plank frame are While it is comparatively simple to obtain
that it is constructed at some saving in mow space partially free from timbers in
timber (perhaps 10% of complete cost of pin-joint construction, it is possible to get
barn). A greater advantage in cost is in a mow practically free from obstruction with
the plank frame, or the self-supporting roof of the rise to the span,thus when the height
of the balloon frame. of the ridge one-half the span the slope,
In deciding upon the kind of framing to evidently 45°, is called "one-half pitch."
be used these advantages and disadvantages
must be weighed and local conditions taken
into account.
^'>Horizon^d Bridge
ticularly so in granaries and residences. good design and careful supervision makes a
If not already familiar with them, the most desirable and easily erected structure.
student should learn the builder's names of Concrete is made by mixing cement, sand,
the various pieces used in building, as joists. and gravel or crushed stone in proportions
to suit various classes of work. It is put in
studs, sills, girders, ribbons, plates and injure the best of cements. It is thus well
rafters. These names are given on Figs. to examine it to be sure that no lumps are
102 and 115 and are used throughout the present. If lumpy cement must be used, throw
chapter. ,
out all lumps, not easily crushed with the
The frame of a wooden structure is en- fingers.
closed by covering it in various ways, by Sand should be free from vegetable and
i ffoM/hd Reinforcement -
^^rv-'!.;-.'.;?;iv^.'J:«^>-y,^:A/ : a;
2' Coupling ;•
When concrete is used in beams, tall posts, work has gone entirely out of vogue, being
unsupported floor slabs, or walls sustaining replaced by rougher texture face bricks of a
pressures, it has to be reinforced with steel or
iron rods, wires or wire netting. The advice
of a competent engineer should be sought
for such structures. Concrete is an ex-
cellent material when properly used, but
the large number of failures recorded shows
that one can not be too careful in mixing and
applying it.
1 5^^»SaT?«5
table given on page 115 will serve as
a guide as to the proportions to be used in
^^m ^^^M '^^Mm- ^^^^m
*S&>v3^i^*55KSI' •4'J«<'i?Vij^^'-'5cSv(nfi<&4Sfi^^^^ &'ft^S^SS§^^
the various forms of construction, and also Fig. 105. —American bond.
the amounts of cement, sand and stone in
each cubic yard. great variety of surfaces and colors, giving
Two distinct things must be considered much more artistic and beautiful effects.
are shown in Fig. 96. The sizes of brick English cross bond, Fig. 108. These form
vary considerably in different locaUties and pleasing variations from the American bond
for different kinds, an average size is 2K but cost a little more for laying. Where
X 4 X 8. For careful designing he should resistanceto heat is necessary, fire brick
should be used.
Stone is not so generally common as a wall
building material, except com-
in certain
paratively small sections where local stone
is plentiful, and even for foundations it is
Fig, 109. — Random and coursed rubble. Fig. 1 10. —Stucco on hollow tile.
Roofing Materials.
Wood more commonly used Dairy Barn
shingles are
than any other roof covering. They are With the sale ofmilk regulated by health
made of cypress, redwood and cedar, and authorities, and the successful attempt to
various color effects may be obtained by the stop filth at the source, the present-day dairy
use of shingle stains. barn has come to be a clean, well lighted
Slate makes a desirable roofing material. and well ventilated structure.
Various colors and grades are on the The location must be well drained, or so
market. It is heavier than shingles, hence situated as to make good drainage possible.
the roof must be framed to carry it. The The barn should be faced possible so that
cost is somewhat greater than for shingle the yard is at the south or east. Ample
roof. storage for feed should be provided, and
Roofing tile is used principally for large bedding must not be overlooked. Provi-
buildings. It is heavier per square than sion must be made for the removal of manure
slate, costs more, and requires sheathing at least once daily, to a pit required to be
and paper under it. at least 50 feet from the barn, but better
Composition roofing of various kinds and if placed 100 feet away. The floors should
trade names is very common. It is easily be of Some water tight, non-absorbent
applied and the better grades are very material. Concrete fills this requirement,
durable. but is objected to by some persons. The,
Galvanized roofing, made of galvanized objections may be overcome by making
iron or steel is coming into general use. the floors with sand or float finish, and by
It comes in lengths 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet, flooring the stalls with cork brick or creosoted
and the framing should be built to suit. wood blocks, or by using a plank overlay
It has the advantage of being cheap and in them over the concrete.
easily put on, but would not be used on The lighting should be well distributed,
residences on account of its appearance and at least 4 feet of glass provided for
and its heat absorption. each animal. There should be at least 500
cubic feet of space allowed for each animal to prevent dust, dirt and seed from sifting
and in addition flue ventilation should be through. Hog houses or chicken houses
installed of such capacity that each animal must not be located within 100 feet of the
will have 25 square inches of flue area. barn.
5 t
-J to tU CN
— <n
:z <<1U
O w
Mangers may be from 2'-6" to 3'-0" wide. and manger construction, window detail
Feeding alleys should not be less than 3 and framing joints. This sheet, incidentally,
feet wide. Litter alleys should have a illustrates the advantageous use of pictorial
minimum width of 4 feet, and this increased drawing for details of construction.
to 8 feet if to be driven through.
a spreader is
gutter from 3^^" to 3^^" per foot. A slope of construction required. In a very simple
1" in 10 feet will be sufficient for the flow of structure it is possible to include all of this
the gutter. information as notes on the drawing, but
In figuring storage space, calculate on the in such a structure as a barn or residence,
average basis that each animal will require they should be typewritten, under a separate
the following amounts per feeding season: cover and the different items grouped under
4 tons of ensilage, 2 tons of hay, 1000 lbs. appropriate headings.
of grain or other concentrates, and 2 tons of After the introductory head, specifications
straw bedding. Data regarding the space always contain first, what is known as the
occupied by various materials is given in general condition clause, covering all the
Chapter VII. work and forming part of the contract.
A careful study of the dairy score card This clause should therefore be worded
given on page 116 is advised. This may carefully so that in case of dispute, its mean-
be used in checking up a set of plans, or ing can not be questioned.
in scoring an existing barn to see if it con- The general condition clause is followed by
forms to the requirements. Different states specific clauses for the different classes of
have similar score cards, which may be ob- work and material, usually about in the
tained from the State Dairy and Food order of their occurrence in the progress
Commissioner. of construction.
The following specifications for the dairy
Plans for a Dairy Bam. barn illustrated may serve as an example of
Beginning with Fig. Ill illustrating the the general form used for such structures.
preliminary freehand sketch, a complete These are short and concise, but sufficient
set of drawings for a dairy barn of modern for full explanation of the requirements.
design to accommodate 24 Holstein cows Architects' forms for residences and public
and providing for bull, calves, and hospital buildings are much longer, particularly in
cases, is shown. Silos and hay capacity the general condition clause.
have been estimated for a year's feed.
Specifications for Dairy Barn.
Fig. 112 is the plan of this barn, Fig. 113 Specifications of materials and workmanship
the side elevation, and Fig. 114 the end required for the erection and completion of a frame
elevation and sections, showing that the dairy barn for Mr. George W. Jones, Jefferson
construction is the plank truss type. The County, Ohio. Thos. P. Smith, .
plank truss frame is usually called the General.
"Shawver barn," as it was first developed All materials shall be of best grade and no sub-
by Mr. John L. Shawver. stitutions shall be allowed in place of material here-
Fig. 115 is a sheet of details showing floor inafter specified, except on written order of the
stated, must at the discretion of the architect, be Gutters, spouting and flashing shall be No. 24
taken out and properly constructed, all expense gauge galvanized iron, painted with two coats red
attached for such work and materials to be borne lead and linseed oil paint. All exterior wood work
by the contractor. shall be primed with pure boiled linseed oil and best
All rejected material must be removed from the quality white lead. Two additional coats of pure
premises within 24 hours after notification. linseed oiland pure white lead paint shall be applied
Any changes from the drawings or specifications, as soon as consistent with good results.
or any extras, are to be agreed upon in writing All hardware and stable fittings to be furnished
before being made. by the owner, and set in place by the contractor.
Size No. Length Ft. B.M. ^^?^ Data used as a basis in determining the
Intermediate estimate will be found under "estimating,"
Posts 2X6 18 18'-0" 324 y.p. on page 119.
Inter. Posts
(above end The Horse Barn
plate) 2X6 8 14'-0" 112 y.p.
The essentials for a good horse barn are,
Inter. Braces. . 2X6 28 14'-0" 392 y.p.
convenience of location, good drainage in
all directions, convenient interior arrange-
Girts (Nail) ..2X6 68 12'-0" 816 y.p
2X6 4 14'-0" 56 y.p ment, plenty of light, and ample storage
2X8 6 12'-0" 96 y.p for hay and grain.
Ribbon 2X6 10 12'-0" 120 y.p The walls be of a single thickness of
Joists 2 X 10 118 12'-0" 2360 y.p barn boards, they are tight and draft
Joists at truss .2X8 18 12'-0" 288 y.p
The floor may be of plank, tamped
Bridging 1X3 432' lin- 108 y.p
eal clay, concrete or cork brick. Clay is some-
Rafters (short) 2X6 62 12'-0" 744 y.p times considered as the best floor, but con-
(long) 2X8 62 16'-0" 1224 y.p crete has proven to be satisfactory and sani-
Lookouts &
tary; usually however, a removable plank
filler 2X4 166'-0" 112 y.p
lineal overlay is used in stalls in connection with
Hay Pole 4X6 1 16'-0" 32 y.p
the concrete floor. Brick with plank overlay
Plate 2X8 20 12'-0" 320 y.p isalso used sometimes. Cork brick makes
2 X 10 20 12'-0" 400 y.p an ideal floor, being water proof and resiHent,
2X4 10 12'-0" 80 y.p but the initial cost is high (about $55.00
Studs (short at
lower floor)... 2 X 6 42 12'-0" 504 y.p. per thousand). It should be laid on con-
X 12 X 18'-0" 3800 ft. B.M. crete foundation.
^ . f 1
| j >< 12 X 16'-0" 800 ft. B.M. "yP^^^^ The ceiling should be at least eight feet
Battens. ..1X3 3896 lin- 975 ft. B.M. cypress high in the clear, and nine feet would be a
eal ft.
better height. Seven hundred to one thou-
Roof Sheathing—3840 ft. B.M. 1" X 10" random
sand cubic feet of space should be allowed for
Slate— 16" X 10" 39 squares. each animal.
Windows — Single stalls are made from four feet to
14frames complete for 10" X 12". 8 Light six feet in width. Five feet is comfortable
check rail windows, 4 double as per details on for a heavy horse. Double stalls are
Sheet 4, 6 single windows. 56 sash wts. C.I. eight feet wide. The length of stalls is nine
14 check rail windows 8 Lt. 10" X 12".
feet, six inches including mangers. Box stalls
4-4 Lt. barn sash 10" X 12" for gable.
10-6 Lt. barn sash 10 X 12 complete with frames range in size from 8 X 10 to 10 X 12 feet.
24 lineal ft. track and hangers for gable doors. An average manger is two feet wide and
400 lineal feet 1X6
white pine trim. three feet six inches high. The side toward
2 -cupolas to be built at mill. the animal should slope inward from four
Floor 2400 sq. ft. superficial area, l}4" X 6"
inches to six inches, to prevent injury to
the knees.
Ceiling 2400 sq. ft. 1 X 4 T. and G.
Feed alleys, if used, should be at least three
Estimate. feet wide. The litter alley should be at least
The estimated cost of this barn, without four feet wide, to allow a medium horse to
and feed room, is $4200. One thousand
silos back from the stall comfortably. If a
dollars,as an average estimate, may be manure spreader is to be driven through,
added for these items. eight feet will be necessary.
Windows with sash tilting inward at the The General Purpose Barn
top, make a good means of ventilation. On farms where the separate highly
When ventilating flues aroused, thirty square specialized dairy or horse barns are not
inches should be provided for each horse. required, a combination general purpose
Stall partitions should be very sohdly barn for cattle, horses, and possibly other
constructed for at least five feet in height. farm animals, as well as for the storage of
Some prefer to build them six feet. A five feed, etc., is used. When this barn contains
foot solid partition surmounted by steel a dairy stable it is necessary to observe the
bars or heavy wire mesh has the advantage laws in force for dairy barns, with the addi-
that it allows the horses to see each other tion that there must be provided either a
and does not shut the light from interior tight partition between horse and cow
stalls. stables, or a clear space of twelve feet be-
The horse barn shown in Fig. 116 may be tween the cowp and the horses.
studied as an example of the application of A common form of general purpose barn
the features mentioned in a compact and now in use has attached to it a large storage
practical design. The plan is a familiar shed for straw, the first story of which is
one in that the horses are fed from the main used as a covered and sheltered barn yard.
drive-way. Solid drop swing doors are This barn yard should be paved with con-
provided on the manger fronts so that in crete or brick. It is estimated that the
cold weather the stable maybe closed tightly. paving of such a yard will pay for itself
The size and spacing of the windows is within two years in the value of the manure
designed for ample light and ventilation. saved.
A concrete floor extends throughout the An example of another form of general
length of the barn. In the stable proper purpose barn is shown in Figs. 117 and 118,
the stall floors and alley slope toward a which give the plan, elevation and section
shallow gutter at the rear of the stall. of an L shaped barn of the balloon framed
The stalls are floored with plank over the and self-supporting roof type of construc-
concrete. tion. This barn is designed to face with the
The stall partitions are of concrete rein- internal angle of the L to the south, so as
forced with round rods extending above
%" to secure a maximum of sunlight throughout
the partition and forming a grating up to the day. Both the rolling doors and the
the ceiling. The stalls are of different widths open run between the horse stable and the
to accommodate horses of varying sizes.
milking stalls comply with the law in effec-
Three box are provided.
stalls tually separating the two stables.
A detail of a horse stall is shown in Fig. The cow stalls are designed to be used for
118. the feeding of concentrates, and for milk-
The frame the pin joint timber frame
ing only. Roughage is to be fed in the open
type and is constructed so that the mow run, where the cows are confined except
space is free from cross beams, thus allowing during milking time.
the use of the newer type of hay slings. Ample storage space has been provided
The space above the drive-way in the lean-to for hay, straw, grain and silage.
may be used to advantage for the storage The Swinb House
of hay or This barn would be built
by raising the two longitudinal bents first, There are two types of swine
this construction permitting a more econom- houses in general use, the individual cot
ical arrangement of floor joists. and the colony house.
The individual house is used where one and labor in feeding and at the same time
sow and her htter are to be kept apart from practically divide the herd, which might be
other swine. It is usually built upon skids desirable in time of epidemic.
so that it may be moved from time to time Sunshine tables are published in Farmer's
for sanitary reasons or to change the run. Bulletin No. 438 U. S. Department of
A common and inexpensive cot is shown in Agriculture, enabling one to build the house
so as to take advantage of the sun in his
locality during the months from January to
June inclusive. An abbreviation of this
table will be found on page 117, Chapter
Window in rear Fig. 122shows two other types of house. A,
/Z's</uare with a monitor roof, which is best when
Fig. 121 shows a unit plan and sectional Wisconsin Type M'fh Shacfe
Reinforcemenf ,
perpendicular end is used for throwing the provided for dividing the space into tem-
animals into the dip. porary pens.
Feed storage should be provided for as
follows :
should be so built as to permit closing in Comfort may be called the key word in
case of driving storms from the south. poultry house construction. Fresh air is
In designing, twelve square feet of floor demanded, hence the ventilation is an im-
space should be allowed for each breeding portant consideration. Care in both drain-
ewe, and six square feet for each fatting age and ventilation will give the dryness
lamb. required. Sunlight must be admitted, thus
A sufficient number of hurdles should be the house should face south or southeast.
a minimum, but other openings for ventila- wise farmer who houses his implements and
tion should be provided. These openings tools when not in actual service in the field.
should be so placed as to allow circulation Experience has shown that taking into
without drafts. If covered with muslin account the amount and kind of machinery
frames, the cloth will allow good circulation now in use, a shed of eighteen to twenty-
without any draft, and will give sufficient four feet in width is the most economical
protection during the cold months. Too in construction. Twelve foot openings will
much glass radiates an excessive amount of take in the widest machine, and if made
heat, and sometimes causes condensation of twelve feet in height will accommodate
too much moisture. tractors, hay-loaders and other implements
Small houses with a capacity of from requiring head room.
seventy-five to three hundred birds are to The best way to plan a machine shed is
be preferred, and from two to five
square to make a list of the implements to be housed,
feet of floor space to each bird Should be including probable later additions. Measure
allowed. the overall dimensions, length and width, of
Floors may be of earth if well drained, each of these machines, lay off these dimen-
but the concrete floor has the advantage sions separately to scale and cut out paper
of being sanitary and rat and vermin rectangles representing different ma-
proof. chines, writing the name on each. By shift-
Roofs should be water-tight. They may ing and arranging these little dummies,
be of any type, as shed, half monitor or gable, bearing in mind the season and use of each
but the shed roof with slope to the north is implement, the approximate dimensions
cheap and satisfactory, if the span is not of the building necessary for them, with a
over fourteen feet wide. definite place for each implement may be
Roosts should be about ten inches above derived,and a plan drawn with the exact
the dropping boards, from twelve to four- knowledge of what it will hold.
teen inches apart, and eight to twelve inches Fig. 124 shows the working drawing of one
of space allowed for each fowl. The roost type of shed, together with a lumber bill
frame should be hinged to facilitate cleaning for it. The concrete floor is optional, but is
the dropping board. Nests must be con- desirable in that it raises the wheels of the
venient for the laying hens. One nest for machines above the surrounding grade and
three to five birds is a fair allowance. They thus prevents rust. It should be made to
should be twelve by twelve by sixteeen slope toward the front of the shed, dropping
inches and placed about twelve inches above one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch to a
the floor. Wire mesh bottoms will aid in foot.
cleaning. The top board of the nest box:" Doors may be added to prevent snow
should slope, to prevent roosting, unless or rain from being driven in on the ma-
the nests are placed under the dropping chinery.
board. A good trap nest is shown in Fig. 2, A repair room or tool house is sometimes
Chapter I. added.
Fig. 123 is a house designed for one hundred A list of the floor space required for some
birds, and will give suggestions as to pos- standard farm implements is given on page
sible arrangement and construction. 113.
3 \
\ li'3'Hart/wooa^V^
Slats spaced
;,j ^''^^^
W jj l
slats of wood floors, and between slats and ings the use of the "limiting break" line
studs on the walls, will effectually stop is illustrated.
>; way in along the drain and melt the ice.
M. Ml' M M Do not build this house in a sheltered place The sun and wind
dry ttie outer layer of sa/y dust. Dry sairdust is a ^aod non-con-
^•V^r" Alt sfudd/n^ Z'''<4' hem/ock. Corner pasts ^"'<4:
I' '^8' hemlock fence boards.
$idin^ l'':<6" or
Open\ Underneath
Foundation t-Pd-S Concrete.
but in any, case the weight of the maximum (3) Ventilation of space above ice.
grain contents should be figured and the The elaborate and expensive insulated
structure designed to suit. The numerous walla, with many thicknesses of different
recorded accidents from failure of elevated materials, are being replacedvby simpler con-'
bin floors serve as warnings. Concrete, struction, the limit of simplicity being
properly reinforced, is the ideal material reached in the Rochester ice house illustrated
for granaries. Concrete floors laid directly in Fig. 127, which is being built by many
on earth should be well underdrained ^nd farmers, and shows remarkable results in
lnsi<fe /nsie/e Inside
l/ibterproof Plaper.
of dairy products demands the use of ice of ice weighs about fifty-seven pounds, or
in summer. The average dairy requires a roughly one ton of ice will require forty
storage of from one-half to one and one-half cubic feet, including packing. Twelve inches
tons of ice per cow. should be allowed on top, bottom and sides
The requirements for ice house construc- for saw dust. Several approved types of
tion are simple but they must be carried out insulated walls are shown in Fig. 128.
very carefully.
There must be ample drainage, and Gabages
the drainage so arranged as to exclude air. A simple problem in building construction
(2) Careful insulation of walls. may be made in the design of a garage.
8', having a grate arranged for burning Much has been written in recent years on
cobs or chips, and with vents near the roof, the silo and its desirability, some has even
is a common type. A safeguard in the form been written against it, and the average
of an arch or sheet of metal above the fire farmer is well informed as to its advantages
to prevent loss of meat from blazing fat or and limitations. Regarding the silo from
unexpected flares, is desirable. A suspended the point of view of design and drawing it
iron rack on which the meat is laid is an seems unnecessary to include the details
improvement over the usual sticks and of construction, either of the forms for
strings. The alternative of sharp steel building concrete silos, or the method of
hooks for suspending the meat will eliminate construction of wooden ones, as in the
the unsightly holes usually made when former case forms may be secured from those
stringing hams. The moral effect of a good who make a specialty of building and rent-
strong lock should not be overlooked. ing them, much more cheaply than they can
be made for use on one job, and stave, tile, It is desirable that it be roofed, and if pos-
and galvanized iron silos are purchased sible screened against flies.
ready for erection. Fig. 132 shows a manure pit designed for
In connection with a barn problem our twenty head of stock. The small appended
interest is in the required capacity, and our table gives the size and capacity required for
drawing simply circles of the required di- herds of various sizes.
ameter on the plan, and the exterior outline
on the elevation. •
The Septic Tank
The introduction of water supply, and
CM 9'!.
Finish top h 3(//f laundry and bath conveniences in country
homes has made the provision for suitable
kJnd of s/Io.
and sanitary means for taking care of house
/:2:4 Concrefe wastes and sewage, a necessity. The open
cesspool at best a temporary affair, un-
deeply and be firmly anchored. All corners are common heights, and the sections may be
or ends must be thoroughly braced. The of any length convenient for handling.
average wire fence is 48" high with posts 16 Pens are used for smaller enclosures than
feet apart and in the ground from 18" paddocks, intended for a single animal or
to 3 feet, depending upon the nature of a few animals. The construction will vary
the soil. Corner and brace posts are set according to the animals to be confined.
4 feet deep. Gates, as a rule should be made stronger
Paddocks are designed for close confine- than the fence of which they form a movable
ment of animals, and are usually constructed section, as they receive harder service than
each case is designed to form a truss and made plans made with no reference as to
prevent deformation. where the house is to be placed or who is to
occupy it.
The Farm House Our discussion of the farm house is in-
In the design of the buildings previously tended to assist the prospective owner in
considered, the principles of planning and setting down his ideas, so as to present work-
construction involved were based on the able sketch plans to the architect, as a basis
consideration of the uses and functions of for the final plans and specifications.
each, and the securing of the maximum of Planning is simply a process of reasoning,
convenience, economy of space and labor, and the thought of the needs of the family,
and durability. In designing the farm resi- collectively and individually, gives the
dence there must be added to these the items reason for everything put in the plan; and
of beauty, and architectural correctness, success in it depends upon one's knowledge
with not only the general requirements of a of these needs and the ability to correlate
farm house considered, but also the in- and adapt them into a well-balanced design.
dividual requirements, wishes and taste of Where interests conflict, the advantages and
the particular family which is to occupy the disadvantages are weighed, and sometimes
one proposed. Thus this problem becomes a desired feature must be omitted, because
the most interesting as well as the most of inability to adapt it.
complicated of all the structures about the The first floor plan is the first to be made.
farm. A list of the rooms desired is written, and
The house must be planned to fit both the preliminary freehand sketches tried until
surroundings and the family. The "lay" an apparently satisfactory arrangement is
of the land, the direction to the road, the obtained. This is worked up in a 1/8"
views toward the house and from the house, scale drawing. These are usually made on
and the planting, all have a bearing on the tracing paper. Part or all of the following
shape and the architectural style to be de- rooms may be included in the first floor:
termined upon. The house must look as 1. Kitchen (and pantry).
if it belonged in its location, and should 2. Dining room.
express in its appearance the individuality 3. Living room.
of the owner. 4. Wash room.
To secure all this, the service of a compe- 5. Den, office or bed room.
tent architect should be engaged, who will 6. Stair hall.
be able to work up the owner's ideas into a 7. Screened work porch.
harmonious design, exterior and interior, 8. Living porch.
and whose knowledge and advice on the The kitchen is in many most
respects the
technical points of construction will protect important room in the house, and much
from mistakes. The architect is the owner's thought should be given to its arrangement.
representative in dealing with the contractor. The reasoning mentioned should be applied,
There is a temptation sometimes to accept in making a list of the stores and supplies
a contractor's offer to furnish plans free, and planning the most convenient place
but the fee of a good architect is more than for each, and in locating the table, range,
saved in his protection of the owner, to say cupboards, pantry, and sink, with thought
nothing of the satisfaction of having ja. of the purpose of each, mentally answering
Fig. 134. —First floor plan of farm house.
miles of useless steps because the men who way is made a feature of the house, and rear
planned their kitchens did not think! stairs are always provided as well. In small
The kitchen should have cross-ventilation, houses one stairway may serve all purposes.
be well lighted and sanitary, not too large, Stairs should never be less than 3 feet wide.
and should open to a rear porch. In planning the stairway the number of
The kitchen score card given on page 117 risers should be figured, and the rule may be
has been used in checking the desirable used that the sum of the rise and tread
points in existing kitchens, on a scale of 100. should be 173^^ inches. Thus if the rise is
In nearly all city and suburban houses, 73-^ inches the tread would be 10 inches, and
the kitchen is connected to the dining room on the plan the lines representing the risers
through a serving pantry, which provides would be drawn 10 inches apart. The
an air lock, keeping out odors and heat, entire run is never shown on one plan, but
but many in building farm houses prefer a is broken to show what is under.
exposure, be convenient of access, have quiet generally unused "parlor" has been omitted
continuous lines, and if possible a fire-place. from the list of first floor rooms.
The sentiment of the home centers about the The second floor should contain
fire-place. 1. Hall, on which all rooms should open.
The wash room an important considera-
is 2. Sleeping rooms, with ample closet
tion that should not be omitted. It should space in each.
open to the rear, and have ample lavatory 3. Bath.
sometimes for continuous use and sometimes In planning the second floor it is not nec-
for emergency use in case of illness. In essary that all walls run through from the
the latter case a room may be designed as first floor partitions. The outside walls,
an office or den, and used as an emergency stair well and chimneys are traced from the
bed room. It should be somewhat isolated first floor, and the space cut up to the
in location, and if planned for an office best advantage. No room should be made
should be easily accessible from the outside. to serve as a passageway to another room.
The amount of space given to stairs and Bed rooms should have at least two win-
stair hall depends upon the economy dows, with cross-ventilation if possible.The
necessary. In large houses the main stair- first consideration in a bed room is a well-
planned space for the bed, the second is If drawing the preliminary sketch
ample closet room. External angles should plans the estimate runs higher than the
be avoided, that is, closets should not break owner wishes to go, the process of "cutting"
into the rectangle of the room, nor should must be resorted to, by simplifying construc-
they be cut off across corners. tion,changing materials, cutting down sizes
The bath room should be located so as to of rooms, or omitting some. The mistake
make the plumbing simple and economical. should not be made of having many small
It need not be larger than 6' X 9'. All the rooms. It is better to have fewer and larger
fixtures should be drawn, to show their ones. Radical cutting may mean the entire
location. For a farm where much help is revision or discarding of the first plan.
employed it is very desirable to have more and 136 show the basement,
Figs. 134, 135
than one bath room. and second floor plans of a farm
first floor
large linen closet opening to the hall is house, embodying some desirable features.
very desirable. A
clothes chute to the These plans illustrate the use of the symbols
laundry may be provided. and the appearance of the usual set of plans.
Rooms forhelp are best arranged to be Problems.
reached from a rear stairway and isolated The following problems are to have com-
from the rest of the second floor.
plete working plans'drawn, with dimensions,
A small sewing room is a convenient addi- title and bills of material. The sizes of
buildings are not given, but are to be deter-
sleeping porch is becoming a popular mined from the requirements stated, figuring
addition to every house plan. It should be the space required for animals and storage
tightly screened, and canvas curtains pro- and planning its practical and economical
vided for inclement weather. These may be distribution. Some of the problems are
fastened with carriage buttons, or mounted
suggestive rather than definite, and the data
on rollers. The porch may open from the isto be assumed by the student, or assigned
upstairs hall, or a private sleeping porch by the instructor.
may open to a bed room or dressing room. Before starting a problem read the discus-
Attic stairs should always start from the sion carefully, look up other reference read-
hall, and not from any room. Generally and supplement the information found
on house plans the attic plan and roof plan from your own practical knowledge and
are combined in one figure.
The basement should extend under the
entire house, with concrete floor and drains.
1. Design and make working drawings for the
It should have an outside grade entrance as
forms of a concrete watering trough to hold ten
well as the inside cellar stairs. If a furnace barrels of water when filled within two inches of the
isused, the furnace and fuel room should be top. Provide concrete paving six feet wide on
three sides of the tank. Select suitable scale and
separate from the storage room.
follow directions for working given on page 38.
A basement laundry and drying room, with
2. Draw an "A" type of hog cot, with 6-0" X
water and flue connections should be ar-
8'-0" floor. Make end view first and project side
ranged. A clothes chute opening into the view from it. If necessary, use an auxiliary pro-
laundry is a convenience. jection.
Modern farm houses often have the lighting 3. Design a machine shed for the following imple-
ments: Two wagons, one grain binder, one corn
and water supply systems in the basement.
binder, one grain drill, one mower, one side delivery
The probable cost of a proposed house may
hay rake, one hay tedder, one common rake, one
be estimated roughly by cubing it, as ex- haj' loader, one disc harrow, two peg tooth harrows,
plained under "estimating" on page 118. one gang plow, one sulky plow, one ensilage cutter,
: 1 •
^3he(/\ KITCHEN
^ /3'-2"KtZ-0'
a OS.
B FOfecH
/o X Z&:
L. £.
-=1--L_r f^^ecH
two 2-row cultivators, one single row sulky culti- brick arch, to allow of covering with earth. The
vator, one walking plow, one small cultivator, one concrete arch should be at least 6" thick and strongly
2-row corn planter, one manure spreader, one spring Have the
reinforced, with a span of not over 8 feet.
wagon, and miscellaneous small tools. Add twelve entrance on south end.
feet for a tool repair room. 26. Design a storage barn for 75 tons of hay.
4. Design a machine shed for the implements in 26. Design a dairy house, made of concrete blocks
use on your farm. 8" X 8" X 16", figuring sizes and spacing of
5. Design a laying house for 50 hens. openings to fit these blocks. Provide a tank 18"
6. Design a poultry house for 200 birds. This deep and not less than 17" wide. Show piping for
may be divided into two compartments. continuous flow of water, (If tank and floor are
7. Design a sheep shed for 200 breeding ewes. elevated above grade it will save labor in handling
(There will be 50% more lambs than ewes in the cans.)
average flock.) 27. Design a water storage tank with a capacity
8. Design a colony type house for ten brood sows. of 50 barrels, having a base 6 feet square, or 6 feet
In the plan show runs and dipping vat. Provide in diameter, inside. The tank should have a floor
feed room, and bedding storage.
g. Design a colony type house for twenty brood
sows. Provide central storage and feed house.
10. Design a single corn crib, 500 bushels capacity.
11. Design a double corn crib, 1200 bushels
12. Design a dairy barn for 12 cows, making
provision for box stalls and calf pens. Feed room
to be separated from, but accessible to dairy stable.
13. Design a dairy barn for 30 cows. Compute
sizes and add silos, hay storage and grain bins. To
the barn attach a straw shed, the first floor of which
is a covered yard, the shed capacity to be two tons
necessary investment on the farm; but a few times when tenths of feet are needed
small farm level (prices of which range from they may be calculated from inches.
ten to forty dollars) will be of constant value A farm office should have on hand a
on every farm, for laying out drains, leveling protractor for laying off angles on the map,
building foundations, determining fall of and a 12 inch engineer's scale, divided into
streams for water power, and laying out 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 parts to the inch.
road and fence lines. If provided with a With it a map may be made to any desired
(2) Location of all drains and underground This map, with the fields numbered and
pipes. recorded in a farm book will be a valuable
(3) Division lines of all fields, fenced or aid in recording crop rotation, production,
unfenced. state of fertility, soil tests, dates of improve-
/.ore r/fACT/z &LOT'f- rfiAcre
LA/<£ CO.
/ Z?ere6y cer//fy /he o/?owe p/erZ /o be correct o.
scAie /'mzoo' uu/vss,/s/s
(5) All lanes and drives. farm labor, and planning work ahead, such
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as fence repairs, plowing, etc. Some use lines, the positions of natural land and water
such a map, mounted on soft pine, or cork features, and the "culture" (as topographers
board, by using pins 'with variously colored call the works of man), but also the relative
heads in locating and recording operations. elevations and depressions, or the slopes of
Sometimes the contour lines are drawn on the and valleys. The different kinds
the farm map to aid still further in its use, of plantingand vegetation are indicated by
particularly in planning drainage. symbols, and the relief is generally shown by
If the map is made on tracing cloth, blue contour lines.
prints or blue line prints may be made, and Fig. 142 is a page of standard symbols
the original tracing kept up to date in regard used in topographic drawing. They should
to permanent improvements, while the be made with a fine pen and not overworked.
82 50'
Fig. 143. — Contour map.
prints are used to work from, and filed from Contours.
year to year. In extensive operating a A contour is a line on the surface of the
print maybe given to each tenant. ground which at every point passes through
Fig. 141 shows a farm map for office use. the same elevation, that is, the same "level."
Thus the shore line of a body of still water
Topographical Drawing. represents a contour. If a portion of a farm
A topographic map is a more nearly com- should be flooded, the edge of the water
plete description than a land map, in that would be one possible contour. If the water
it gives not only the imaginary division went down one foot in depth, the new shore
line would form a new contour, with a con- features in inclined letters. For plats, the
tour interval of one foot. letters of Fig. 42 are well adapted.
143 illustrates a contour map, in
Fig. on contour and profile maps are generally
which the contour intervals are ten feet for made in Reinhardt letters; Fig. 46. On
the light lines and fifty feet for the heavier landscape maps the Roman of Fig. 47 may
lines. Contour lines are also shown in Fig. be used.
5, page 4.
Quadrangle Sheets. If a vertical section is taken along the line
The U. S. Government, in cooperation ABCD of Fig. 143 the view is termed a pro-
with the different states, and under the direc- file, as shown in Fig. 144. Here it is seen
tion of the Geological Survey, is mapping that the vertical distances are exaggerated,
each state, in sections called quadrangles, or plotted to a larger scale in order to show
on separate sheets of about 16" X
20", and the grades to better advantage. Profiles
mostly to the scale of approximately one are usually made on ruled profile paper,
inch to the mile. These maps show all that known as "Plate A" paper, with 4
roads, housesand other topography, together horizontal divisions and 20 vertical divi-
with the contours, and give the elevations sions to the inch, being generally used.
of all cross roads, in feet above mean sea They are of value in grading drains and
level. They are distributed at the nominal highways.
cost of ten cents each, and be found of
will The
gradient, or grade of a line is the per-
much value and interest to any land owner. centage of its vertical rise or fall, thus a
To find if a particular section has been com- road of 7 per cent, grade would rise seven
pleted, write to the Director, U. S. Geolog- feet in a distance of 100 feet, and a drain
ical Survey, Washington, D. C. with —0.5 per cent, grade would have a fall
Landscape Maps are used in the study of of 6 inches in 100 feet. Tile drains should
improvements for estates, country places, not have less than —0.1% grade. Open
parks and additions, and for showing the ditches vary from 2 to 8 feet fall per mile.
artistic effect to be gained in the arrangement
and planting. Some degree of embellish- Problems.
ment is permissible, and color is sometimes The following problems illustrate the type
used on them. Fig. 145 illustrates a land- that arise in connection with this
scape map of an addition. branch of drawing, and will serve as sugges-
The lettering done on maps should be tions for the student or farm owner; and will
simple and legible. Land features are give a familiarity with the symbols, and the
usually indicated in vertical letters and water method of using maps.
C^y^k^AMtf^ ^g{^//e<^>eg",>a-^^^
a^ t^jf^
4. From the contour map shown in Fig. 5, page showing all the items referred to under this head.
4, locate the best place for a drain
or drains. The western farm needs drainage.
half of this
Draw the map, locating each stretch, and indicate 8. On dam at an advantageous
Fig. 147 locate a
the grade of each. To obtain the grade, draw on position. Plot the impounding reservoir.
Plate A profile paper, a profile of the chosen location. 9. Enlarge a portion of Fig. 141, and make a
On profile show gradient and depth of ditch at each finished drawing, showing planting of different fields
stead, bearing in mind drainage, proximity to proposed planting, walks and drives.
In Chapter I a general division was made under side of an object the axes are reversed,
between pictorial drawings and working as at (B). The intersection of these three
drawings. Perspective drawing was defined, lines would be the front corner of a rectangu-
and reference was made to the simpler lar object. If the length, breadth and thick-
pictorial methods of isometric and oblique
drawing, which are designed to combine the
advantages of both orthographic and per-
spective. Although they have disadvan-
tages and limitations, familiarity with these
two methods is very desirable, as they are
often used both to illustrate some object
or detail more clearly and to make working
FiG. 148. —Isometric axes.
sketches and drawings. Working drawings,
as we have seen, are generally made in ortho-
graphic projection, but often a working
drawing of simple construction may be
drawn to better advantage in isometric or
Although theoretically these two systems
are somewhat different, the method of con-
struction isvery much the same for both.
In orthographic projection we had vir-
tually a separate view for each face of a
rectangular object. In these pictorial repre-
sentations the object is so placed that three
faces of it are visible on one view. To avoid
confusion each system will be explained
separately, and the student should be careful
not to confuse the two methods in the same
Isometric Drawing. Fig. 149.
Isometric drawing is based on a skeleton ness of the object be laid off on the three
of three lines at 120 degrees apart, called the axes, the figure may be completed by drawing
isometric axes. One is drawn
vertically, through these points, lines parallel to the
the others with the 30° triangle, as shown in axes. Fig. 149.
Fig. 148 (A). When it is desired to show the A line parallel to an isometric axis is
called an isometric line. A line which is object composed entirely of isometric lines,
not parallel to an isometric axis is called and illustrates the method of making meas-
a non-isometric line. The one important urements on the original isometric axes and
rule is measurements can be made only on on lines parallel to them.
isometric lines. Thus all the lines of an To draw an object which has non-isometric
object which has square corners can be lines in it, a skeleton of isometric construc-
made and transferred. Fig. 151 illustrates of any circle-arc the isometric square of its
this construction. diameter should be drawn in the plane of the
To draw intelligently in isometric it is face with as much of this construction as is
only necessary to remember the direction of necessary to find centers for the part of the
the three principal isometric planes, repre- circle needed. Fig. 153 illustrates this
sented by the three visible faces of a cube or construction on the isometric of a shelf,
which has been drawn with reversed axes to
show the under side.
projected as an ellipse, and the isometric Fig. 154. —An isometric section.
square circumscribing the circle must always
Isometric sections as illustrated in Fig.
154 may sometimes be used to good advan-
tage, the cut faces always being taken in
isometric planes.
Oblique Drawing.
Oblique drawing is similar to isometric in
having three axes representing three mutu-
ally perpendicular lines upon which meas-
urements can be made. It differs in that
two of the axes are always at right angles to
each other, while the third, or cross axis may
be at any angle. Fig. 155, though 30 degrees
Fig. 153.
is generally used. Thus, the face drawn on
be drawn first. The usual construction is to the plane of the two axes at right angles will
make a four centered circle-arc approxima- appear without distortion, a circle on it for
tion, finding the centers for the arcs by draw- example showing its true shape.
ing 60 degree lines from the corners A and B This oblique drawing a distinct
to the middle of the opposite sides, giving advantage over isometric for the represen-
centers A, B, C, and D
for the ellipse, as tation of objects with curved or irregular
shown in Fig. 152. Thus to get the isometric outlines, and the first rule would be, place
the object with the irregular outline or con- the apparent distortion, which is noticeable
tour on the front plane. Fig. 156. both in oblique and isometric drawings,
If there is no irregular outhne the second objects in oblique drawing always appearing
/ A
sketch by getting the axes too steep. noticed, just the reverse of what was done
Keep parallel lines parallel. in our preliminary study of working draw-
Always block in squares before sketching ings, when, in Figs. 19, 20 and 21 we made
circles. orthographic projections from the pictures.
In isometric drawing remember that a To the dimensions and scales given, a
on the top face will be an ellipse with
circle 12" X 18" sheet will contain any four of the
its axis horizontal. first sixteen problems, thus a sheet may be
// 4-
Fig. 167. —Section of barn door track. Fig. 170.—Bench.
t'"-1 M
made up of Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7, or an alternate pictorial problems such as 24 and 25, may be
of 2, 4, 6 and 8. Selections from problems made from the problems at the end of
— — .
Chapter III, selecting scale to fit the space
1. Isometric drawing of angle stop, Fig. 159.
Full size.
2. Isometric drawing of drawer, Fig. 160. Scale
IK" = 1'.
9. Oblique drawing of section of bird-proof track 13. Isometric drawing of horse, Fig. 171. Scale
for rolling door. Fig. 167. Full size. Have break 1" = 1'. Notice construction for non-isometric
line follow form of section. lines.
10. Oblique drawing of bolster stake iron, Fig. 14. Isometric drawing of horse, alternate form
6" = Boi =
168. Scale 1'.
9i- Scale
Fig. 171.
15. Oblique
16. Oblique
%" = 1'.
Scale 1" 1'.
drawing of sheep
(or isometric)
17. Oblique (or isometric) drawing of bird house.
-H— Fig. 174. Scale 6" 1'. =
18. Oblique (or isometric) drawing of book rack.
Fig. 175. Scale 6" = 1'.
19. Oblique (or cabinet) drawing of wheel, Fig.
176. Scale 3" = 1'.
/O A 20. Isometric (or oblique) drawing of angle brace,
g M/ir£f(IAL Full size.
Fig. 177.
Fig. 174. — Bird house. 21. Isometric (oblique or cabinet) drawing of
kitchen step ladder. Fig. 178. Scale 3" = 1'.
22. Isometric (or oblique) drawing of stone rake,
Fig. 179. Scale %"=!'•
23. Oblique (isometric or cabinet) drawing of
two-till tool chest, Fig. 180. Scale 3" = 1'. Draw
with lid open, or break out a section, in order to
show interior.
24. Isometric or oblique drawing of milking stool.
Fig. 75.
25. Isometric or oblique drawing of gang mold,,
Fig. 175. —Book rack. Fig. 77.
£Opfneyeiio/f-jforpt///. ,
S-gxySoJts irlfhivasherj
^-ff^S^So/fj with
^^vv^.^'s^<'v'^'^<>'^-<'^^ SX:
r^ ;i
r=!f 1/
,^! .s^jv /ri4c/<
1 _5 '
— 15
Fig. 180. —Tool chest.
!Sl^>&Wi'^ i;
In designing structures, and preparing
working drawings and specifications, the
designer needs certain information as
to materials and commercial practice. A
number of tables, and items of miscellaneous
information are assembled in this chapter,
for ready reference; and as suggestions in
their use a few problems are appended.
Stock and Commercial Sizes.
For economy, and avoidance of trouble
in procuring, stock sizes of materials should
be used as far as possible. As these com-
mercial sizes and standards vary somewhat
in different parts of the country, one should
be sure that grades and sizes of any mate-
rials specified are locally recognized, and
Lumber comes in standard lengths of
Strength of Timbers.
The following tables give the safe load in
pounds that can be carried by long leaf
yellow pine timbers, as figured from the
formulas indicated. To find the compara-
tive strength of other kinds of wood take
75% of the amount for white oak; 60%
for white pine and 55% for hemlock.
Table I
Table IV
Beam supported at both ends, with concentrated
load in the middle. Formula W ——
= BD^A
Cows Cows
Health Clean
Apparently in good health 1 (Free from visible dirt, 6.)
If tested with tuberculin within a year
and no tuberculosis is found, or if
tested within six months and all re- Cleanliness of stables
5 Floor 2
acting animals removed
Walls 1
(If tested within a year and react-
ing animals are found and Ceiling and ledges 1
(Placed over steam jet, or scalded
with boiling water, 2.)
Provision for fresh air, controllable
Protected from contamination 3
flue system 3
Cleanliness of milking
(Windows hinged at bottom, 1.5;
Clean, dry hands 3
sliding windows, 1 other open- ;
Udders washed and wiped 6
ings, 0.5.)
(Udders cleaned with moist cloth,
Cubic feet of space per cow 500 ft
4; cleaned with dry cloth or
(Less than 500 ft., 2; less than 400
brush at least 15 minutes before
ft., 1; less than 300 ft., 0.)
milking, 1.)
Provision for controlling tempera-
ture 1
Handling the Milk
Construction and condition of utensils. . . .
Cleanliness of attendants in milk room . . . .
Total 40 Total 60
sq. ft.
8 or 10)^ ten years ago would run 12 to 18}!f
Other approximate methods for pre- As a general guide to present prices, the
liminary estimates are square the foot following figures, from actual costs, were
method, based on the area in square feet used in the estimate of the dairy barn whose
covered by the plan, and the unit methods plans were given in Figs. 112 to 115. All
of cost per room, per animal to be housed, figures refer to work in place.
or per ton of material to be stored. Average
costs per unit are listed below. Excavation $0 30 per cu. yd.
Dwellings, per sq. ft $1.50 to $10.00 Concrete floor $0.11 per sq. ft.
Stables, complete, per sq. ft $2 50 to $ 3.25
Frame $35.40 per M
Dairy barns (large), per sq. ft $1.50 to $ 2.00 Floor $25.40 per M
Sheathing $30.54 per M
Residences, per room $400 00 . Windows, average $5 68 each
power for the entire farmstead should be the frame with inked side toward the glass
considered, particularly if water power is and place the unexposed paper on it with the
obtainable. sensitized surface against the tracing, Fig.
Theventilation of dairy and horse barns 182. Lock up in the frame, seeing that no
has already been referred to, and is a very corners are turned under, and expose to
important consideration in modern con- sunlight for from one-half to three minutes,
struction. King's "Ventilation" should be depending upon the speed of the paper.
procured and studied. Then take out exposed paper and put it in a
It is not usual in residence construction bath of water for about five minutes, and
to provide a ventilating system, except as hang up to dry.
fresh air is introduced through furnace reg- In almost any town one is able to have
isters. The open fireplace has a distinct blue prints made at comparatively slight
value as a ventilator, apart from its senti- cost.
mental value as the spot about which home
memories cluster. Problems.
Aventilating flue and hood is a desirable
The following problems are suggestive of
addition to the kitchen. a large number that can be made, using
In planning for plumbing, pipes should be the data given, either alone or in con-
on inside walls if possible, and should for nection with the illustrations or problems
economy be kept in vertical runs. Thus the in Chapters III and IV.
bath room is best located somewhere over
the kitchen. There are various state codes
to be observed regarding soil pipes, vents,
1. Hay is taken in at the end of a barn in loads
varying from 500 to 1200 pounds. The track is
In sewage disposal the advantage of the supported by a yellow pine timber projecting 6'-0"
septic tank has already been referred to. without support. What should its dimensions be?
The dangerous cesspool should be abandoned. 2. A grain bin with a capacity of 500 bushels of
wheat is 12'-0" X 8'-0". The joists are of white
A general estimate of $30.00 per person for
pine spaced 12" from center to center. How large
a family of ordinary size may be made in
must they be to support the load safely?
figuring the cost of an approved type. 3. How much cement, sand, and stone will be
be painted two coats. Allowing 1 gal. to 300 sq. ft. barn shown in Fig. 116. Use approximate methods
for priming coat and 1 500 sq. ft. for second to check your detailed estimate.
coat, how much will the paint cost at $2.00 per 11. What will be the dimensions of a storage barn
gallon? to hold 120 tons of hay? Make allowance for one-
9. Make a cubic estimate of the cost of the house half of space above plate.
shown in Fig. 134. 12. What is the weight of the wrought iron bolster
10. Make an estimate of the cost of the horse iron shown in Fig. 168?
A short list of books and pamphlets on "Farm buildings of practical, sanitary and ar-
a possible
allied subjects is here included, as
A book designed for large es-
tistic lines."
tates country places, rather than the
aid to those wishing to investigate further
average farm.
into some of the branches referred to in the —
Ekblaw, J. K. T, Farm Structures.
present work. 347 pp. ill. $1.75. MacMillan & Co.,
It is not to be regarded at all as a complete N. Y. 1914.
list, but simply as a representative selection A text book for Agricultural Engineering
of recent publications. courses, with a general discussion of materials,
On account of the rapid strides in scientific construction and engineering of farm struc-
and sanitary research, and the use of new
or improved building materials and methods
— —Farm Buildings.
Government and state bulletins are pub- out-buildings, and stock sheds."
lished with some frequency, and much .
— Poultry Houses and Fixtures.
information may be gained from them. A 95 pp. ill. $.50. Rehable Poultry Jour-
nal Pub. Co., Quincy, 111. 1913.
monthly list of the bulletins published by
the U. S. Department of Agriculture at A compilation of articles appearing in the
ReUable Poultry Journal. "Poultry house
Washington, D. C, may be had on apphca- suggestions for every breed, every climate,
tion to the Editor and Chief, Division of every fancy."
Publications. State bulletins may be se- Child, Georgie Boynton. The Efficient
cured by applying to the Agricultural Ex- Kitchen.
periment Station of the State. 242 pp. ill. $1.25. McBride Nast & Co.
Manufacturers are compiling valuable and 1914.
interesting data and information in their A discussion of the planning of the kitchen
from the standpoint of in operation.
catalogues of materials or appliances, and
while intended for advertising purposes,
— The Rochestereconomy
Ice House.
Ives, H. C.
— Surveying Manual. swine house.
—The Farm
Farmers' Bulletin No. 607.
296 pp. $2.25. Jno. Wiley & Sons, N. Y.
Kitchen as a Workshop.
20 pp. 6 figs.
A short treatise on surveying, especially de-
Of interest principally to farm women.
signed for a brief course, or for home study.
Elliott, C. G. Practical Farm Drainage. Farmers' Bulletin No. 475. Ice Houses. —
188 pp. $1 .50. Jno. Wiley & Sons, N. Y. 20 pp. 11 figs.
Bulletin No. 110. — Georgia Experiment The Modern Farmer. Lehigh Portland
Station, Experiment, Ga. Cement Co., Allentown, Pa.
26 pp. 9 figs. 64 pp. ill.
ing Co., Owatonna, Minn. The Concrete House and its Construc-
126 pp. 63 figs.
tion. American Association Portland Ce-
A standard work on stable ventilation,
ment Mfrs.
adapted by a manufacturer of stable venti-
lators. $1.00.
Breaks, conventional, 31
Breeding crate, 45
Adjustable spacing block, 106 Brick, 54
Agricultural college bulletins, 123 bonding, 54, 55
Alphabet of lines, 10, 24 cork, 64
Approximate estimates, 118 symbols, 48
Architect, service of, 82 weight of, 113
Architect's scale, 28 Bulletin board, 44
Architectural drawing, 5, 9
lettering, 24 c
symbols, 48
Artist, 3 Cabinet drawing, 104
Assembly drawing, 26 Cattle breeding crate, 45
Auxiliary views, 27 Cautions, 25
Axes, isometric, 100 Cement, 115
oblique, 103 Certification, of a survey, 91
Chain, Gunter's, 90
B Checking, 30
Circle, isometric, 102
Balloon frame, 50 to draw, 16
Barn-yard, covered, 68 Clevis, 39
Barns, cost of, 118, 119 Colony swine house, 70
dairy, 56 Commercial sizes, 50, 112
general purpose, 68 Compass, 6
horse, 64 lengthening bar, 17
Basement, 86 use of, 16
plan, 87 Concrete, 53
Bath-room, 86 cost of, 119
Beams, strength of, 114 fence post, 43
Bed rooms, 84 gate post, 43
Bench, 44, 106 hog trough, 41
Bill of material, 24, 30 proportions for, 115
for dairy barn, 63 specifications for, 63
for implement shed, 73 symbols, 48
Bird house, 108 watering trough, 53
Blue prints, 95 weight of, 113
printing, 120 Cone, to develop, 34
Bolster stake iron, 106 Connecticut trap nest, 2
Bolts, 31 Contour map, 4, 95, 98
in section, 27 profile from, 96
standard, 33 Contours, 95
to draw, 32 Conventional lines, 14
Book rack, 108 symbols, 30, 31, 94
Books, list of, 122 Corn crib, 74
Boot jack, 42 tester, 39
Bow pen, 17 Crosshatching, 26
Braced frame, 50 Cubic estimating, 118
Culture, 95
symbols, 94
Farm house, 82
Cylinder, to develop, 34
plans of, 83, 85, 87, 88
implements, space required, 113
level, 90
map, 90, 91
Dairy barn, cost 119
of, structures, 47
estimate for, 64
survey, 91
plans for, 58, 59, 60, 61
Fastenings, 31
requirements 56
for, Faulty lines, 20
specifications for, 62 Feeding stick, 18
house, 78 Feed alleys, 61, 62, 64
problem, 89 Fence posts, 12
score card, 116 concrete, 43
Detail drawings, 26 115
proportions for,
Detailed estimates, 119 wood for, 114
Developed surfaces, 32 Fences, 79
problems, 46 Field book, 97
Dimensioning, of bolt, 32 Finish mark, 30
rules for, 29
Fire-stopping, 52
structures, 49 Flooring, woods for, 114
Dining room, 84 Floors, concrete for, 115
Dipping vat, 69 Fly wheel, 43
Ditches, fall of, 96 trap, 46
Dividers, 6 Form, for concrete trough, 41
cautions, 25 Foundation, silo 79
use of, 17 concrete for, 115
Doors, 112 Framing, 50
symbols, 48 balloon frame, 66, 68
Drain, tile, 113 braced frame, 50, 64
Drains, grade of, 96 details, 51
Drawing, assembly, 26 pin joints, 50, 68
cabinet, 104 Freehand sketching, 9
detail, 26
isometric, 2, 5, 100 G
oblique, 5, 102
26 Galvanized iron, 56, 112
orthographic, 5, 6, 7,
roofing, weight of,113
perspective, 3
Drawing paper, 6 Gang mold, 40
DwelUngs, cost of, 118 Garage, 76, 77
Gates, 44, 81
General purpose barn, 68
plans for, 66, 67
Glass, 112
Elevations, 9, 49 Good form, 10
Engineer's scale, 90 Gradient, 96
Ensilage, 62, 78, 115 Grammar, 5
weight of, 120 Granaries, 75
Estimate, for dairy barn, 64, 119 Grindstone, 45
Estimating, 86, 118 Gunter's chain, 90
approximate, 118
cubic, 118
detailed, 119
Extension lines, 29 Half-section, 27
station bulletins, 123 Hall, stair, 84
Landscape maps, 96
Language, 1 Oblique drawing, 5, 102
Lengthening bar, 17 Office, 84
Lettering, 22 map, 91
on maps, 96 Order, of inking, 22, 38
Reinhardt, 23 of penciling, 38
Order of preparing plans, 56 Rochester ice house, 75, 76
Orthographic projection, 5, 6, 7, 26 Roman letters, 24
Rope, 113
Roofing, materials, 56
metal, 113
Paddocks, 81 ready, 113
Painting, 121 56
cost of, 119 weight of, 113
Patterns, 32 Roofs, forms of, 51
to make, 42 diagram, 52
Paving, concrete for, 115 Rules, for checking, 30
Pencil, 15 for dimensioning, 29
sketching with, 9 for oblique drawing, 103
Penciling, order of, 38 Ruling pen, 6
Pens, animal, 81 use of, 20
lettering, 22
ruling, 20 S
Perspective drawing, 3
Pictorial drawing, 3, 100 Sack-holder, 40
Pipe, 32, 112 Sash, 112
fittings, 35 Saw-horse, 107
Pit,manure, 79, 80 Scale, 6
Plank frame, 50 architect's, 28
Planning, 82 engineer's, 90
Plans, 9, 47 of a map, 91
Plats, 91 use of, 28
Plumbing, 120 Score card, dairy, 116
Porches, 84 kitchen, 117
sleeping, 86 Screened porch, 84
Portland cement, 53 Screws, 31, 34
Posts, wood for, 114 Sectional views, 26
Poultry houses, 71 Sections, 26, 49
Prism, to develop, 35 turned, 27
Problems, elementary, 18, 20 isometric, 102
isometric, 104 Septic tank, 79
map, 99 Sewage disposal, 79, 120
sketching, 11, 12, 13 Sheave, 45
structural, 86, 89 Sheep, bam, 71
working drawings, 38 hurdle, 107
Profiles, 96 rack, 39, 40
Protractor, 90 Sheet metal, 112
Pyramid, to develop, 35 Shingles, 56, 112
suitable woods for, 113
Q weight of, 113
Quadrangle sheet, 96 Siding, forms of, 53
selection of woods for, 113
R Silo, 78
cost of, 119
Rat-proofing, 52, 74, 76 foundations, 79
Ration for beef feeders, 113 proportions of concrete for, 115
Record, farm, 92 rack, 42
Reinhardt letters, 23 tables, 115
Rendering, 3 Single stroke, inclined letters, 23
Revolved sections, 27 roman letters, 24
Road drag, 41 vertical letters, 22
T-square, 6 Walks, concrete for, 115
use of, 14 Wash room, 84
Table, concrete proportions, 115 Water features, 94
pipe sizes, 32 storage tank, 89
selection of woods, 113 weight of, 113
silo, 115 Weight, roofing, 113
strength of timbers, 114, 115 Weights of materials, 113
sunshine, 115, 117 Wheelbarrow wheel, 108
Tangents, 17 Windmill brake shoe, 20
Tanks, proportions of concrete for, 115 Windows, 112
woods for, 114 detail of, 61
Threads, forms of, 32 symbols, 48