Curriculum Vitae: Work Experience
Curriculum Vitae: Work Experience
Curriculum Vitae: Work Experience
Aheli Bhattacharya
56/2A Jubilee Park,Tollygunj,Kolkata-700033 Mob No !05"#"!65!, e$ail i%- &'ikib'atta&'arya(g$ail)&o$ To *ork in a %yna$i& organi+ation t'at ,ro-i%e. &ontinuou. &'allenge. an% e/&ellent gro*t' ,ro.,e&t. an% *'ere 0 &an al.o &ontribute .igni1i&antly 1or t'e organi+ation a. *ell a. $y.el1) KEY SKILLS
Good communication and interpersonal skills developed during interaction with different clients. Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel Planning and executing within tight schedules with an eye for details. Good supervisory and organisational skills, which developed while acting as an Event Organiser. ccuracy in recording, maintaining and updating data in the computer. !ystematic and organi"ed in filing documents. Analytical and research skills. With good leadership #ualities.
2ork 9/,erien&e
2orking a. a 1or 3in%u.t'an Ti$e. 4a$,u. a. a .tar re,orter an% a..t)ne*. &o-or%inator 5 joining %ate "2)0!)20"" 6 ,re.ent %ate7 ")4olle&tion o1 ne*. 1ro$ e%u&ational beat 2)4oor%ination bet*een e%itorial 'ou.e an% re,orting 'ou.e 3)Arrange$ent 8 9/e&ution o1 -ariou. .e$inar an% ,re.. e-ent.) 2orke% a. a 1ull ti$er at :4;:< an% Ar%$ore8 P= enter,ri.e a. a >u.ine.. ;e-elo,er)5 0?)0?)20"",re.ent %ate7 ")To $aintain Publi& =ealation o1 t'e &on&errn 2)Maintaning 4liental relation. 3)To bring in bu..ine.. 8 al.o to look a1ter t'e $arketing .e&tion) #)To &oor%inate 8 e/e&ute -ariou. kin%. o1 9-ent. an% &on1eren&e.) 3a-e *orke% 1or .e-eral e-ent. an% long ter$ ,roje&t. o1 0T4, @e-i., :ninor, <ony 9ri&.on, Airtel, 4arrier, et&)
3a-e *orke% a. a 1ree lan&er at ; 4ra1t 9-ent.) Trained by Rubicon Instititute for ITC Le!is Uninor "ro#ects etc$ To i$,ro-e inter ,er.onal .kill., tea$ .,irit an% inter tea$ &o$$uni&ation)
Training. Atten%e%
4o$,uter Kno*le%ge
"roficient in MS office %ord and E&cel 'uar( E&)ress$
ISC * Car+el Con!ent ,ur-a)ur ) B$A./ons0 Mass Co++unication 1 2ournalisi+, Sri Shi(shayatan . ,oin- -radution0
Per.onal ;etail.
A-e 1 ,3B Reli-ion Marital Status 4 4 4 2!/ 0?/"!!2 3in%u un$arrie%)
@anguage. 3obbie.
Ma(in- friends Readin- no!els Tryin- ne5 thin-s 6ettin- to (no5 different "eo)le