1-Feroz Shamsuddin Khan

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Feroz Shamsuddin Khan.

: Room no 12, Sirajuddin Chawl,Halav Pool, Pipe Line,Opp Dhobi Ghat,Kurla we t !umbai "###$#
Ph% &'1( '')$')2"*"+ ,mail% -ero./0han#'$212ahoo34om


PRO56L, Over !." #ears o$ ri%h and va&ua'&e e()erien%e in Re*ai&in+ Business Deve&o)men* , Sa&es - o)era*ions Se&$.mo*iva*ed )ro'&em so&ver /i*h )roven &eadershi) and %o&&a'ora*ive a'i&i*ies, en*husias*i% and a'&e *o a%hieve ra))or* /i*h )ros)e%*s easi&#. Su%%ess$u&&# in%reasin+ *he sa&es o$ *he s*ores and he&)in+ in +e**in+ ne/ 'usiness $or *he %om)an# 0and&in+ " E(e%u*ives and he&)in+ *hem *o a%hieve *heir *ar+e* in in%reasin+ *he sa&es o$ *he s*ores *hrou+h di$$eren* &o#a&*# )ro+rammes. . 1onsis*en*&# mee*in+ - e(%eedin+ %or)ora*e +oa&s o$ S*ores se*u). E()er*ise in a%2uirin+ Li%enses $or Smoo*h $un%*ionin+ o$ S*ores. E(%e)*iona& %o&&a'ora*ive s3i&&s /i*h )roven *ra%3 re%ord o$ 'ein+ e$$e%*ive a* ra&&#in+ or+aniza*iona& su))or*. PRO5,SS6O78L ,9P,R6,7C,

Diet For Health India.

Die* $or 0ea&*h India is a 4S Based 1om)an#,s En*i*# in Inda Providin+ Nu*ri*ion Servi%es. I* Provides Nu*ri*ion Servi%es *o various 1or)ora*e 0ouses, Re*ai& 1hain 5#ms, and Residen*ia& 1om)&e(es a%ross 6um'ai and Thane. Assistant Manager-Business Development. Currently working since Jan 2013

Su%%ess$u&&# and %onsis*en*&# de&iverin+ ou*s*andin+ )er$orman%e on *he $o&&o/in+ KRA7s:

Res)onsi'&e $or $indin+ Po*en*ia& &o%a*ions )ar*ners $or +enera*in+ 'usiness $or *he %om)an# a%ross 6um'ai . 6a3in+ Tie 4)s /i*h various Residen*ia& %om)&e(es and %o.ordina*in+ in si+nin+ %on*ra%*s 'e*/een %om)an# and Residen*ia& %om)&e(es. 6a3in+ Tie u)s /i*h various 5#ms 8%hains and inde)enden*9 a%ross 6um'ai 1o&d %a&&in+ and mee*in+ )o*en*ia& %&ien*s and +ivin+ *hem )resen*a*ion *o individua& %&ien*s and Residen*ia& 1o.o)era*ive So%ie*ies. 6a3in+ *ie u)s /i*h various %or)ora*e 0ouses and +ivin+ Presen*a*ions o$ our Pro+rammes. :or3in+ in 1o.ordina*ion /i*h Nu*ri*ionis*s and Kee)in+ *ra%3 o$ Dai&# sa&es o$ Nu*ri*ionis*s. 5enera*in+ da# *o da# %&ien* Lis*s and Pro+ress Re)or*s and $or/ardin+ *o *he senior 6ana+emen*. :or3in+ in %o.ordina*ion /i*h *he so$*/are deve&o)er and +ivin+ re2uired da*a as an /hen re2uired.

6# ;o' )ro$i&es is *o +enera*e 'usiness '# ma3in+ *ie u)s /i*h <arious Residen*ia& %om)&e(es , 5#ms and %or)ora*e houses a&& a%ross 6um'ai Thane..Su%%ess$u&&# *ies u) /i*h Kohinoor %i*# a* Kur&a, and 5#ms a* Andheri.

Sumesh Medicals Pvt.Ltd.

Sumesh Medicals Pvt Ltd is a growing Pharmacy chain, situated at Thane Having 11 Pharmacy Outlets in Thane ,Mumbai,Pune,and still growing. Assistant Manager Operations/Liasoning from Apr !"#! to $an !"#%.
Su%%ess$u&&# and %onsis*en*&# de&iverin+ ou*s*andin+ )er$orman%e on *he $o&&o/in+ KRA7s: Res)onsi'&e $or $indin+ Po*en*ia& &o%a*ions $or s*ores a%ross 6um'ai . 6a3in+ Surve#s o$ *he area se&e%*ed $or u)%omin+ S*ores Dea&in+ /i*h Sho) o/ners and ma3in+ L-L A+reemen*s /i*h sho) o/ners $or u)%omin+ S*ores. P&annin+ In*erior Se*u) o$ *he S*ores and a))oin*in+ vendors $or s*ores. 0and&in+ a&& *he &o+is*i%s re2uired $or *he $urni*ure, S*o%3s and Asse*s o$ *he S*ores. Res)onsi'&e $or a%2uirin+ &i%enses $rom FDA and B61 $or smoo*h O)era*ions o$ *he S*ores. Arran+in+ $or *he o)enin+ o$ *he S*ores and in$ormin+ a&& De)ar*men*s o$ *he same. :or3 in %o.ordina*ion /i*h a&& *he De)ar*men*s. 0and&in+ o)era*iona& and adminis*ra*ive *as3s *o ensure 'usiness e$$i%ien%#. Tra%3in+ DSR o$ = ou*&e*s a%ross Thane, 6um'ai, Pune,

8bha ,ner:23

8 newl2 -ormed 4ompan2 dealin: in ale o- olar produ4t , all a4ro !umbai, ;hane, and other part o- !ahara htra ba ed in Lower Parel !umbai3 6t obje4tive wa 4onvertin: the u a:e o- 4onventional ,le4tri4it2 to olar power3 <u ine Development Sr3 ,=e4utive >?an 2#12 to !ar4h 2#12@

Res)onsi'&e $or $indin+ Po*en*ia& 1us*omers *hrou+h in*erne* sear%h . 6a3in+ visi*s *o %&ien*s and %onvin%e *hem *o %onver* *heir e&e%*ri%i*# usa+e *o So&ar )o/er. A))roa%hin+ various housin+ so%ie*ies a%ross 6um'ai, and Thane and %onver*in+ *heir so%ie*ies &i+h*s *o so&ar )o/er usa+e. 6ee*in+ di$$eren* re*ai& ou*&e* o/ners and )romo*in+ *he so&ar )rodu%*s and he&)in+ in sa&es o$ so&ar )rodu%*s. A))roa%hin+ various En+ineerin+ %o&&e+es and re+u&ar %o&&e+es and %ondu%*in+ %am)s inorder *o )romo*e so&ar )rodu%*s. Kee)in+ *ra%3 o$ various )o*en*ia& %&ien*s and ma3in+ %o&d %a&&s $or *heir a))oin*men*s.

D < Realt2 Ltd3

D B Rea&*# L*d is one o$ India7s 'i++es* Rea& Es*a*e Deve&o)ers - 5rou) o$ 1om)anies 0avin+ 'i+ )ro>e%*s a&& a%ross 6um'ai and o*her %i*ies in India.

Do4umentation O--i4er

De4 2#1 # to De4 2#11

Su%%ess$u&&# and %onsis*en*&# de&iverin+ ou*s*andin+ )er$orman%e on *he $o&&o/in+ KRA7s: Res)onsi'&e $or arran+in+ a&& *he Fi&es o$ a&& De)ar*men*s &i3e A%%oun*s,Land, Le+a&, Laisonin+, Persona&, 0R, 1om)an# Se%re*ar# e*%. 0and&in+ a&& *he In/ardin+ and ou*/ardin+ o$ $i&es $rom De)ar*men*s *o De)ar*men* Kee)in+ Tra%3 o$ Do%umen*s and $i&in+ o$ Do%umen*s in res)e%*ive $i&es 0and&in+ a&& Do%umen*s o$ )ersona& $i&es o$ Em)&o#ees. :or3 in %o.ordina*ion /i*h 0R De)ar*men* and 6a3in+ re)or*s on em)&o#ees.

Gente4h Laboratorie Ltd>opti4al Di4i ion@

8 4ompan2 havin: retail opti4al outlet a4ro Sr3,=e4utive( Operation A Lo:i ti4 3 !umbai A Pune3 September 2##' to o4tober 2#1#

? Obtainin: variou li4en e -or mooth runnin: o- the operational a4tivitie in the tore 3

Maintaining records or the daily stoc!s &o'ordination (ith various distri)utors for ne( stoc*s+ )argain for right pricing. Loo*ing after da, to da, sales at shops. -nsuring smooth movement of all activities from the point of store selection to the
+rand o)enin+ o$ *he s*ore.

;H, !,D6C67, SHOPP,, !B!<86 The :or&d@s &ar+es* 1ommuni*# Pharma%# Fran%hise, 'ased in S* Louis 4SA *he %om)an# has 'een in *he )harma%# 'usiness sin%e AB . I* has CDDE ou*&e*s in D %oun*ries in%&udin+ Aus*ra&ia, 1anada, 1hina, India, Indonesia, ;a)an and Tai/an. The 6edi%ine Sho))eF in India is *he &ar+es* )harma%#/Fm%+ re*ai& %hain, /i*h CD )harma%# sho)s. Sr Executive (BD) Field Executive (BD) June 2006- Sep 2009 Aug 2005- Ma 2006

Su%%ess$u&&# and %onsis*en*&# de&iverin+ ou*s*andin+ )er$orman%e on *he $o&&o/in+ KRA7s: Res)onsi'&e $or $indin+ Po*en*ia& &o%a*ions $or s*ores a%ross 6um'ai . 6a3in+ Surve#s o$ *he area se&e%*ed $or u)%omin+ S*ores Dea&in+ /i*h Sho) o/ners and ma3in+ L-L A+reemen*s /i*h sho) o/ners $or u)%omin+ S*ores. P&annin+ In*erior Se*u) o$ *he S*ores and a))oin*in+ vendors $or s*ores. 0and&in+ a&& *he &o+is*i%s re2uired $or *he $urni*ure, S*o%3s and Asse*s o$ *he S*ores. Res)onsi'&e $or a%2uirin+ &i%enses $rom FDA and B61 $or smoo*h O)era*ions o$ *he S*ores. Arran+in+ $or *he o)enin+ o$ *he S*ores and in$ormin+ a&& De)ar*men*s o$ *he same. :or3 in %o.ordina*ion /i*h a&& *he De)ar*men*s. 0and&in+ o)era*iona& and adminis*ra*ive *as3s *o ensure 'usiness e$$i%ien%#. 0and&in+ Fran%hisee S*ores in*erior Se*u) a%ross India. 0e&)in+ Fran%hisees *o a%2uire &i%enses $rom FDA and 6un%i)a& 1or)ora*ion a%ross India.

8ntari0 ha Pharma4eauti4al ;rader Pvt Ltd An*ari3sha Pharma%eau*i%a& Traders Pv* L*d is a %hain o$ re*ai& Pharma%# %om)an# havin+ !D ou*&e*s a%ross India.I* dea&s main&# in re*ai& 6edi%ines. Sale ,=e4utive Sep 2### C ?ul2 2##D

? Loo3in+ a$*er sa&es and main*ainin+ re&a*ions /i*h *he %us*omers. ? 0and&in+ " E(e%u*ives and used *o hand&e sa&es - Servi%es 'e*/een *he em)&o#ees and *he %us*omers ? Basi% res)onsi'i&i*ies invo&ves mana+in+ re&a*ions /i*h *he e(is*in+ %us*omers and ma3in+ ne/ %us*omers and +e**in+ more orders $rom *hem. ? In%reased *he 'usiness )rodu%*ivi*# $rom m# %hanne l -rom 1DE to FDE G !a0in: dail2 ale report and endin: to the uperior G 84Huire new -ran4hi e -or the 4ompan2 and :ive new 4lient -or the 4ompan2

G Handlin: tie up with do4tor -or the 4ompan23 G implementin: di--erent lo2alt2 pro:ramme in order to in4rea e the ale o- the tore

Do hi !edi4al ,nterpri e , Ghat0opar>!umbai@

A Sma&& /ho&esa&e and Re*ai& 6edi%a& A+en%# su))&#in+ 6edi%ines *o re*ai& medi%a& s*ores a%ross 6um'ai.

Computer Operator

!ar4h 1''Dto 8pril 2###

0and&in+ Dai&# 'i&&in+ $or a&& *he orders o$ medi%ines *o re*ai& s*ores Kee)in+ *ra%3 o$ a&& *he Dai&# )a#men*s re%eived 1ash/1he2ues, and ou*s*andin+ )a#men*s o$ *he %us*omers. Kee)in+ *ra%3 o$ a&& *he inven*or# s*o%3s o$ medi%ines, In/ardin+ a&& *he s*o%3s re%eived. 6a3in+ DSR Re)or*s on da# *o da# 'asis. 0and&in+ a&& audi*s o$ s*o%3s on 2uar*er&# 'asis, and ma3in+ 2uar*er&# Re)or*s and annua& re)or*s o$ s*o%3s. :or3 in %o ordina*ion /i*h sa&esmen *o main*ain ou*s*andin+ )a#men*s o$ %us*omers. 6a3in+ mon*h&# Sa&es re)or* and S*o%3 Re)or*s, % 8dmini tration,Lo:i ti4 3Li4en in:,Store Setup,Surve2 , Do4umentation, Retail <D+ Operation

Ke2 S0ill

,DBC8;6O78L ,9P,R6,7C,
<8CH,LOR O5 8R;S
6um'ai 4niversi*# 8 AA!9 in E%onomi%s and 1ommer%e

1om)u*er S3i&&s
1om)u*er $undamen*a&s and o$$i%e au*oma*ion O)era*in+ S#s*em :indo/s A=, /indo/s GP, 6S O$$i%e :ord !DDC,!DDB,E(%e& !DDC,!DDB P,RSO78L D,;86LS Date o- <irth % A*h Au+us* AB! Lan:ua:e Known % En+&ish, 0indi, 6ara*hi and 5u>ara*i !aritial Statu % 6arried. Hobbie % Lis*enin+ 6usi%,P&a#in+ 1ri%3e*,Foo*'a&&,Readin+ Boo3s,

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