D Syllabus ITED103

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I. COURSE IDENTIFICATION Course Title DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Course Credit 3 Course Prerequisite ITEC303, ITEB113 Course Corequisite NONE Course Description This course emphasizeson on the de elopment o! the data"ase components o! modern in!ormation s#stem and on the mana$ement o! the data resources% Topics co ered are in the desi$n and anal#sis o! data"ase throu$h the use o! di!!erent data models& normalization theor#& data 'arehousin$ and data"ase administration usin$ O()C*E plat!orm% II. COURSE OBJECTIVES +eneral O",ecti e -pon the success!ul completion o! the course, the students 'ill ha e a comprehensi e understandin$ o! the !undamental concepts o! data"ase mana$ement includin$ data"ase desi$n and data"ase mana$ement implementation% .peci!ic O",ecti es )t the end o! the course, the students should "e a"le to/ 1% Descri"e the di!!erent data models and the se en phrases o! DD*C% 0% E1plain the di!!erent !eatures o! traditional !ile s#stems ersus data"ase approach 3% Create data models throu$h the use o! di!!erent notations 2% E1plain the ne' !eatures in contemporar# data"ase mana$ement 3% 4no' and use o! -5* !or Data 5odelin$ III. TEXTBOOK(S) AND REFERENCES Te1t"oo67s8 4roen6e, D% 700108% Data"ase Concepts 3th Edition%, Pearson Pu"lishin$ (e!erences 9a"an Pascal, 7000:8 -nderstandin$ (elational Data"ases 'ith e1amples in .;*l, <ohn =ile# and .ons Inc% 5ar6 .peni6 and Orr#n .led$e% 700108 -nderstandin$ O()C*E, .am Pu"lishin$ Philip <% Pratt%7000:8 The Concepts o! Data"ase 5ana$ement% Bo#d and 9raser pu"lishin$ compan#


Object !e"

Act ! t e"#T$"%"#S% ll"#Focu"

&e$'( () Re"ou'ce"

V$lue Focu"

A""e""*e(t#E!$lu$t o(

2ee% . I. I(t'oduct o( to D$t$b$"e Co(ce3t"

)t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ Enumerate the 6e# components, t#pes, purposes and issues concernin$ the use o! DB5.%

2ee% 1 4 2ee% 0 II. Co(ce3tu$l D$t$b$"e Model

)t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ E1plain ho' to de elop an Entit#> (elationship Dia$ram -se di!!erent Data"ase 5odel and Notations Discuss the importance o! Enhanced>Entit# (elationship Dia$ram )t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ De!ine 'hat is *o$ical Data"ase 5odels .tate the use o! *o$ic Data"ase 5odels E1plore the relationship "et'eem *o$ical Data"ase 5odel and Conceptual Data"ase 5odel )t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ De!ine 'hat are Data"ase De elopment *i!e C#cle .tate the !unction o! each sta$es o! the Data"ase De elopment *i!e C#cle )t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ De!ine 'hat is (elational Data"ase .#stem Trans!orm a t#pical E( Dia$ram into a schema +uidelines in trans!ormin$ an E( dia$ram into a schema )t the end o! the period, the students should

2ee% 5 4 2ee% 6 III. &o) c$l D$t$b$"e Model

Discussion o! the s#lla"us, re ie' o! classroom rules and procedures% Discussion a"out the concepts o! data"ase mana$ement s#stems Discussion a"out the traditional !ile s#stem approach Discussion a"out Data"ase 5odels Entit#>(elationship Dia$rammin$ Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises Discussion on the pros and cons o! the di!!erent t#pes o! data"ase 5odels Discussion a"out *o$ical Data"ase 5odel Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises

.#lla"us (e!erence "oo6s Internet

Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence

(ecitation )ssi$nment .eat'or6%

(e!erence "oo6s Internet

Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence

(ecitation )ssi$nment E1ercises

(e!erence "oo6s Internet

Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence

(ecitation )ssi$nment .hort quiz

2ee% 7 IV. D$t$b$"e De!elo3*e(t & 8e C9cle Discussion a"out Data"ase De elopment *i!e C#cle Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises (e!erence "oo6s Internet Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence (ecitation )ssi$nment .hort quiz

2ee% : V. Rel$t o($l D$t$b$"e S9"te*

Discussion a"out relational Data"ase .#stems Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises

(e!erence "oo6s Internet

Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence

(ecitation )ssi$nment E1ercises

2ee% ; 4 2ee% <

Discussion a"out Normalization

(e!erence "oo6s



VI. No'*$l =$t o( >'oce""

"e a"le to/ Causes o! Data (edundanc# Di!!erentiate di!!erent Normal 9orms Discuss the procedures o! Per!ormin$ Normalization o! ta"les !rom 1N9 ? 3N9 )t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ Disco er ho' to mana$e and )dminister an O()C*E Data"ase .#stem Discuss the concepts o! Data"ase )dministration )t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ De!ine 'hat is .;* E1plore the O()C*E .;* en ironment )ppl# the use o! O()C*E .;* Command .ets )t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ De!ine 'hat are D5* Commands% De!ine the s#nta1 in per!ormin$ sin$le ta"le ;uer#in$% )ppl# the use o! O()C*E D5* sin$le ta"le quer# statements )t the end o! the period, the students should "e a"le to/ learn ho' to per!orm O()C*E .u"quer#in$ and multi>ta"le quer#

Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises


(esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence


2ee% ./ VII. D$t$b$"e Ad* ( "t'$t o(

Discussion a"out Data"ase )dministration Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises

(e!erence "oo6s Internet

Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence

(ecitation )ssi$nment E1ercises

2ee% .. VIII. St'uctu'e ?ue'9 &$()u$)e(S?&) @ D$t$ De8 ( t o( &$()u$)e Co**$(d"

Discussion a"out .;* Data De!inition *an$ua$e Command sets Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises

(e!erence "oo6s Internet

Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence

(ecitation )ssi$nment .eat'or6 E1ercises (ecitation )ssi$nment E1ercises .hort ;uiz

2ee% .1 IX. St ll o( St'uctu'e ?ue'9 &$()u$)e (S?&) @ D$t$ M$( 3ul$t o( &$()u$)e 2ee% .0 X. St ll o( St'uctu'e ?ue'9 &$()u$)e (S?&) @ Mult 3leAt$ble ?ue'9 $(d Sub?ue'9 2ee% .5 F ($l EB$* ($t o( 2ee% Prepared "#/ En$r% <ulius .% Cansino ITED103 Instructor

Discussion a"out .;* Data 5anipulation *an$ua$e Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises

(e!erence "oo6s Internet

Discussion a"out 5ultiple>ta"le ;uer# and .u"quer# Pro"lem>sol in$ e1ercises

(e!erence "oo6s Internet

Determination (esponsi"ilit# Cooperation .el!>Con!idence

(ecitation )ssi$nment E1ercises

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