Standard 2

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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact Rationale/Reflection NAEYC Standard: 2

STANDARD 2. BUILDING FAMILY AND COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS Candidates prepared in ear ! "#i d#$$d de%ree pr$%ra&s 'nderstand t#at s'""ess(' ear ! "#i d#$$d ed'"ati$n depends 'p$n partners#ips )it# "#i dren*s (a&i ies and "$&&'nities. T#e! +n$) a,$'t- 'nderstand- and .a 'e t#e i&p$rtan"e and "$&p e/ "#ara"teristi"s $( "#i dren*s (a&i ies and "$&&'nities. T#e! 'se t#is 'nderstandin% t$ "reate respe"t(' - re"ipr$"a re ati$ns#ips t#at s'pp$rt and e&p$)er (a&i ies- and t$ in.$ .e a (a&i ies in t#eir "#i dren*s de.e $p&ent and earnin% 2"0 In.$ .in% (a&i ies and "$&&'nities in !$'n% "#i dren*s de.e $p&ent and earnin%

Brief Description of Evidence:

D'rin% t#e (a se&ester $( &! ECED212 "$'rse- I )as a, e t$ pr$.ide a"ti.ities ($r (a&i ies t$ d$ )it# t#eir "#i dren $.er t#e "$'rse $( a &$nt#. T#ese a"ti.ities a $) t#e& t$ spend ti&e t$%et#er ,$t# ind$$rs and $'t and pr$.ide t#eir "#i dren earnin% e/perien"es at t#e sa&e ti&e. T#ese t#in%s are d$ne in t#e e.enin%s $r $n )ee+end and a $t #a.e t$ d$ )it# t#in%s t#e! are a read! d$in% s'"# as eatin% dinner and t#e! in.$ .e t#in%s t#at parents d$ n$t #a.e t$ %$ $'t and ,'!.

Analysis of What !earned:

T#r$'%# "$&p eti$n $( t#is assi%n&ent I #a.e earned di((erent )a!s t$ in.$ .e (a&i ies and t#e "$&&'nit! in t#e de.e $p&ent and earnin% $( a !$'n% "#i d. I )as a, e t$ pr$.ide a"ti.ities ($r (a&i ies t$ d$ )it# t#eir "#i dren ,$t# at #$&e and in t#e "$&&'nit! t$ #e p t#e& earn and %r$). T#ese a"ti.ities are desi%ned t$ s#$) t#e parents t#at t#e! "an in.$ .e t#e&se .es in t#eir "#i d*s earnin% e/perien"es t#r$'%# t#in%s t#at t#e! d$ n$t #a.e t$ spend &$ne! $n- 3'st a itt e ti&e.

"o# $his Artifact De%onstrates %y Co%petence on the NAEYC Standard:

T#is pr$3e"t a $)ed &e t$ ($"'s $n )a!s t$ in.$ .e (a&i ies ,! 'sin% t$$ s at #$&e $r in t#e "$&&'nit! in t#eir "#i d*s de.e $p&ent and earnin%. S$&e a"ti.ities d$ n$t in.$ .e ta+in% e/tra ti&e t$ d$- t#e! a $) earnin% t$ #appen )#i e preparin% $r eatin% dinner and sti ($"'s $n t#eir "#i d*s earnin% )#i e spendin% ti&e )it# t#e&. Ta+in% a )a + in t#e "$&&'nit! t$ (ind .ari$'s &ateria s a s$ a $)s t#e (a&i ies t$ (a&i iari4e t#e&se .es )it# t#e "$&&'nit! and 'se it as a earnin% t$$ . I #a.e

e&p$)ered t#ese (a&i ies t$ ,e"$&e " $ser and in.$ .e t#e&se .es $'tside $( t#e #$&e- )#i e t#eir "#i d is earnin%.

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