Automatic Balancing of Two Wheelers

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- mukund7690@gma !"#$m - [email protected]

G. RAJESH MECH ABSTRACT In this paper we present a s ste! in whi"h the pers#n ri$in% a !#t#r" "&e nee$ n#t 'eep his (##t #n the %r#)n$ whi&e the *ehi"&e is at rest. +e ha*e $esi%ne$ a stan$ with a whee&s (i,e$ t# it. - the he&p #( +hee& Spee$ Sens#r we sense the spee$ #( the whee& whi"h he&ps in )s t# i$enti( whether the *ehi"&e is "#!in% t# rest #r a""e&eratin%. -ase$ #n the #)tp)t #( the sens#r, we &#wer #r retra"t the stan$. .his t pe #( sens#rs "an /e )se$ in a&& 'in$s #( tw# 0 whee&ers. Its insta&&ati#n is *er si!p&e. It is 1)st an a$$iti#na& (eat)re in a /i'e an$ $#es n#t "a)se an in"#n*enien"e t# the ri$er. .his (a"i&it is )se()& (#r pe#p&e wh# are sh#rt an$ want t# ri$e !#t#r/i'es #( %reater p#wer. INTRODUCTION Re"ent $e*e&#p!ents in a)t#!#/i&e in$)stries ha*e "&ear& sh#wn )s the )se #( sens#rs in *ehi"&es. Ea"h an$ e*er #perati#n in the *ehi"&e is n#w ta'en "are / e&e"tr#ni" "#!p#nents &i'e !i"r#pr#"ess#rs an$ sens#rs. Sens#rs n#w p&a a *er i!p#rtant r#&e in the pr#per ()n"ti#nin% #(

SRI SAI RAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI a&& *ehi"&es (r#! startin% t# sa(et "apa"it t#)%h. In !#$ern *ehi"&es s)"h as -a1a1 3)&sar, Apa"he, 4a!aha R15 et", the seat hei%ht is 2)ite !#re in #r$er t# "#!pensate (#r the s)spensi#n s ste!s. D)rin% s)"h ti!es it /e"#!es $i((i")&t (#r ri$ers t# 'eep their (##t $#wn $)rin% st#ps. M#re#*er $)e t# the in"reasin% tra((i" #n #)r r#a$s, it is $i((i")&t (#r a $ri*er t# 'eep /a&an"in% the *ehi"&e whi&e s&#win% $#wn. In #r$er t# a*#i$ s)"h )n"#!(#rta/&e sit)ati#ns, we "an )se #)r A)t#!ati" -a&an"in% #( the 6ehi"&e )sin% +hee& Spee$ Sens#r. .he "#!p#nents )se$ in #)r s ste! are7 +hee& Spee$ Sens#r Mi"r#"#ntr#&&er M#t#r -a&an"in% set8)p #( the $ri*er. I( a sh#rter pers#n has t# $ri*e a hi%h /i'e in whi"h the seat hei%ht is !#re than re%)&ar !#pe$s, it /e"#!es 2)ite

Wheel Speed Sensor

A whee& spee$ sens#r #r *ehi"&e spee$ sens#r 96SS: is a t pe #( ta"h#!eter. It is a sen$er $e*i"e )se$ (#r rea$in% the spee$ #( a *ehi"&e;s whee& r#tati#n. It )s)a&& "#nsists #( a t##the$ rin% an$ pi"')p.

(r#! 1 t# =>> p)&ses per re*#&)ti#n 6#&ta%e #)tp)t, ")rrent #)tp)t, si%na&s with a ? 6 i$&e *#&ta%e.

.here is n#w a new *ariant with a !a,i!i@e$ h steresis #( A B>C re&ati*e t# a si%na& peri#$. +hen insta&&e$ )n$er )n(a*#)ra/&e "#n$iti#ns an$ e,p#se$ t#

Magnetic sensor
.he prin"ip&e $#es )se$ n#t in s"annin% s"a&e e,hi/it these ears< e,perien"e a (err#!a%neti" !eas)rin% !a%neti"a&& $e(i"ien"ies. D)rin% !an

se*ere *i/rati#n this *ariant s)ppresses an e,trane#)s p)&ses whi&e the *ehi"&e is at a stan$sti&&. A&t#%ether, )p entire& inte%rat#rs. It is p#ssi/& t# s)pp& si%ni(i"ant& !#re s)/s ste!s with in$epen$ent, e&e"tri"a&& is#&ate$ #)tp)t si%na&s. An$ nat)ra&& insta&&ati#n "#!pati/&e p)&se %enerat#rs "an /e "#n(i%)re$ (#r a&& the )s)a& pre*i#)s& !ar'ete$ pr#$)"ts. .he !a%neti" !eas)rin% prin"ip&e an$ #pti!i@e$ /earin% te"hn#&#% in"reases the p)&se %enerat#rs< re&ia/i&it , n#t #n& in"reasin% !aintenan"e inter*a&s /)t a&s# si%ni(i"ant& re$)"in% !aintenan"e "#sts. these inn#*ati*e p)&se

#( )sin% !a%neti" en"#$ers there ha*e /een #""asi#ns when a sea& has (ai&e$ an$ a p)&se %enerat#r has /een (#)n$ t# /e "#!p&ete& "#*ere$ in a thi"' &a er #( /ra'e $)st an$ #ther $irt, /)t s)"h p)&se %enerat#rs sti&& ()n"ti#ne$ per(e"t& . Ma%neti" s"annin% s ste!s were pre*i#)s& si!p& t## e,pensi*e t# )se, /)t re"ent& a !)&ti"hanne& p)&se %enerat#r /e"a!e a*ai&a/&e that is n#t #n& ()n$a!enta&&

%enerat#rs #((er new (eat)res that a&s# #pen new p#ssi/i&ities (#r s ste!

s)peri#r t# pre*i#)s p)&se %enerat#rs in its r#/)stness an$ resistant t# $irt, /)t a&s# sets a new stan$ar$ (#r (&e,i/i&it . Here are a (ew #( its 'e (eat)res7

from one to eight channels up to three different pulse values per revolution from a single encoder

PIC16 !"" Controller

.he 3IC1DEF?? Mi"r#"#ntr#&&er in"&)$es F'/ #( interna& (&ash 3r#%ra! Me!#r , t#%ether with a &ar%e RAM area an$ an

interna& EE3ROM. An F8"hanne& 1>8/it AGD "#n*ert#r is a&s# in"&)$e$ within the !i"r#"#ntr#&&er, !a'in% it i$ea& (#r rea&8ti!e s ste!s an$ !#nit#rin% app&i"ati#ns. A&& p#rt "#nne"t#rs are /r#)%ht #)t t# stan$ar$ hea$ers (#r eas "#nne"t an$ $is"#nne"t. In8 Cir")it pr#%ra! $#wn&#a$ is a&s# pr#*i$e$, ena/&in% the /#ar$ t# /e easi& )p$ate$ with new "#$e an$ !#$i(ie$ as re2)ire$, with#)t the nee$ t# re!#*e the !i"r#"#ntr#&&er.

app&i"ati#ns an$ !)"h !#re. .his /#ar$ is

i$ea& as the /rains #( #)r r#/#t #r at the A&& the ne"essar 3r#%ra!!in% s)pp#rt "#!p#nents are (#r eas stat)s "enter #( #)r #)r h#!e8!#nit#rin% s ste!. /#ar$s an$ !#nit#rin% in"&)$e$, t#%ether with a 3#wer an$ LED in$i"ati#n. 3&)s a reset swit"h (#r pr#%ra! e,e")ti#n an$ a RS2H2 "#nne"ti#n (#r $ata trans(er t# an$ (r#! a stan$ar$ RS2H2 p#rt, a*ai&a/&e #n !#st "#!p)ters. .he new 3IC1DEF?? C#ntr#&&er is the i$ea& s#&)ti#n (#r )se as a stan$ar$ "#ntr#&&er in !an app&i"ati#ns. .he s!a&& "#!pa"t si@e "#!/ine$ with eas !a"hiner pr#%ra! )p$ates an$ !#$i(i"ati#ns !a'e it i$ea& (#r )se in an$ "#ntr#& s ste!s, s)"h as Sa*e ti!e an$ !#ne , / si!p& /)i&$in% an"i&&ar "ir")its ar#)n$ this ine,pensi*e an$ eas t# )se "#ntr#&&er.

I In"&)$es 3#wer()& Mi"r#"hip 3IC1DEF?? Mi"r#"#ntr#&&er with F'/ Interna& E&ash 3r#%ra! Me!#r IOperatin% Spee$ at 1>MH@ I Dire"t In8Cir")it 3r#%ra!!in% (#r Eas 3r#%ra! Up$ates I Up t# 2F IGO p#ints with eas t# "#nne"t stan$ar$ hea$ers I RS2H2 C#nne"ti#n with MAJ2H2 I Interna& EE3ROM I F Channe& 1>8/it AGD C#n*ert#r I One 1D8/it .i!er with .w# F8/it .i!ers I 3#wer an$ 3r#%ra!!in% LED

a&ar!s, "ar$ rea$ers, rea&8ti!e !#nit#rin%

I Reset -)tt#n I I$ea& as an Inter"han%ea/&e C#ntr#&&er (#r Rea&8.i!e S ste!s

pr#"ess is repeate$. Ea"h #( th#se s&i%ht r#tati#ns is "a&&e$ a Kstep,K with an inte%er n)!/er #( steps !a'in% a ()&& r#tati#n. In that wa , the !#t#r "an /e t)rne$ / a pre"ise an%&e.

Stepper Motor
Stepper !#t#rs #perate $i((erent& (r#! DC /r)sh !#t#rs, whi"h r#tate when *#&ta%e is app&ie$ t# their ter!ina&s. Stepper !#t#rs, #n the #ther han$, e((e"ti*e& ha*e !)&tip&e Kt##the$K e&e"tr#!a%nets arran%e$ ar#)n$ a "entra& %ear8shape$ pie"e #( ir#n. .he e&e"tr#!a%nets are ener%i@e$ / an e,terna& "#ntr#& "ir")it, s)"h as a !i"r#"#ntr#&&er. .# !a'e the !#t#r sha(t t)rn, (irst #ne e&e"tr#!a%net is %i*en p#wer, whi"h !a'es the %ear;s teeth !a%neti"a&& attra"te$ t# the e&e"tr#!a%net;s teeth.

6aria/&e Re&)"tan"e Stepper M#t#r 3er!anent Ma%net Stepper M#t#r

In this a)t#!ati" /a&an"er, we )ti&i@e *aria/&e re&)"tan"e #( stepper !#t#r t# +hen the %ear;s teeth are th)s a&i%ne$ t# the (irst e&e"tr#!a%net, the are s&i%ht& #((set (r#! the ne,t e&e"tr#!a%net. S#, when the ne,t e&e"tr#!a%net is t)rne$ #n an$ the (irst is t)rne$ #((, the %ear r#tates s&i%ht& t# a&i%n with the ne,t #ne, an$ (r#! there the #perate the stan$. In this, the r#t#r is !a$e #( s#(t stee& an$ is " &in$ri"a& with (#)r h#&es. +hen an #pp#site pair #( win$in%s has ")rrent swit"he$ t# the!, a !a%neti" (ie&$ is pr#$)"e$ with the &ines #( (#r"es whi"h pass

(r#! the stat#r p#&es thr#)%h the nearest set #( h#&es #n the r#t#r. .he r#t#r wi&& r#tate )nti& r#t#r an$ stat#r p#&es &ine )p. .his is ter!e$ as p#siti#n #( !ini!)! re&)"tan"e. .his (#r! #( stepper !#t#r %i*es step an%&es #( ?.5# an$ 15#.

th)s ai$in% the $ri*er t# /a&an"e the *ehi"&e. On the #ther han$, i( the *ehi"&e starts (r#! rest, (#r e*er '!ph in"rease in spee$, the stan$ retra"ts. .h)s / the ti!e the *ehi"&e attains 5 '!ph spee$, the stan$ w#)&$ ha*e "#!p&ete& retra"te$. .he !i"r#"#ntr#&&er is pr#%ra!!e$ in s)"h a wa that it r#tates the !#t#r in the (#rwar$ $ire"ti#n i( the *ehi"&e is s&#win% $#wn an$ in the #pp#site $ire"ti#n i( the *ehi"&e is pi"'in% )p spee$. Di%ita& $isp&a is a&s# atta"he$ s# that the $ri*er "an 'n#w the p#siti#n #( the /a&an"in% stan$ when he s&#ws $#wn #r pi"'s )p spee$.

Balancing set#p
A Stepper !#t#r is "#nne"te$ t# the !i"r#"#ntr#&&er. .he /a&an"in% set)p is "#nne"te$ t# the !#t#r. .he !i"r#"#ntr#&&er is pr#%ra!!e$ in s)"h a wa that as the spee$ #( the whee& re$)"es t# &ess than 5 '!phL it a"t)ates the !#t#r "#nne"te$ t# the /a&an"in% )nit. .he !#t#r &#wers the /a&an"in% )nit. .he spee$ #( the whee& is sent t# the !i"r#pr#"ess#r (r#! the spee$#!eter. .he /a&an"in% )nit "#nsists #( a "entra& stan$ with r#&&ers atta"he$ t# it at its /#tt#!. It is atta"he$ at the /ase #( the *ehi"&e. +hee&s are pr#*i$e$ at the en$ #( the stan$ in #r$er t# pr#*i$e s!##th /a&an"in%. I( the spee$ #( the *ehi"&e is 5 '!ph, it !eans either the *ehi"&e is pi"'in% )p spee$ #r is %#in% t# s&#w $#wn. .h)s it /e"#!es eas (#r )s t# a"t)ate the stan$. E#r e*er '!ph re$)"ti#n #( spee$ /e&#w 5 '!ph, the stan$ &#wers / a pr#p#rti#nate a!#)nt. the ti!e the *ehi"&e st#ps, the stan$ w#)&$ ha*e attaine$ the &#west p#ssi/&e p#siti#n,

Design o% the Balancing Stand

.he /a&an"in% stan$ is $esi%ne$ in s)"h a wa that that the $#n<t a((e"t the "#!(#rt #( the $ri*er. .he rep&a"e the si$e stan$ an$ !ain stan$ #( the /i'e. .he are $esi%ne$ t# s)"h an e,tent that the /a&an"e the entire wei%ht #( the /i'e in"&)$in% the $ri*er an$ the pi&&i#n ri$er. .he stresses a"tin% #n the stan$ are !ini!a& an$ sin"e the stan$ has r#&&er s)pp#rt at the /ase, it %i*es s!##th /a&an"in%. .he are pr#*i$e$ with a swit"h #(( s ste! wherein #) "an t)rn #(( this !e"hanis!. .he )se #( this t)rnin% #((G#n set)p is that in "ase the /i'e (a&&s $#wn, #) "an swit"h it #(( s# that &i(tin% the /i'e /a"' t# p#siti#n /e"#!es eas .

.h)s the pr#*isi#n #( s)"h a s ste! ena/&es

S#!e #( the i!p#rtant a$*anta%es #( #)r /a&an"in% stan$ are A*#i$s tensi#n t# the $ri*er Easi& !ane)*era/&e N# $an%er #( s'i$$in% .he is n# ne"essit (#r #ther stan$s &i'e the si$e stan$ an$ the !ain stan$ .he pr#*isi#n #( swit"hin% #nG#(( "ir")it he&ps in the e((i"ient !ana%e!ent #( the s ste!.

(ree an$ "#!(#rta/&e $ri*in% "#n$iti#ns. H#we*er s#!e !#re a$*an"es are !a$e in this $esi%n in #r$er t# re$)"e the "#st an$ a&s# t# !a'e it !#re (easi/&e. In this paper we ha*e 1)st trie$ t# share #)r *iews #n h#w an a)t#!ati" /a&an"in% stan$ "an /e #perate$.

www.wi'ipe$ia.#r% www.h#wst)((w#r's."#! www.()t)re!#t#r/i'ete"hni2)es."#!

'e$ actors o% the S$ste(

Sin"e we )se 3IC1DEF?? #ther sens#r !i"r#"#ntr#&&ers, an

/ase$ #perati#ns "an /e in"&)$e$ in ()t)re /e"a)se this !i"r#"#ntr#&&er has as !an as (i*e inp)t an$ #)tp)t p#rts. M#re#*er we are )sin% !a%neti" pi"' )p t pe #( whee& spee$ sens#r whi"h a$$s t# the a$*anta%e #( /est p#ssi/&e $isp&a . Sin"e the p#siti#n #( the retra"tin% stan$ is a&s# in$i"ate$ / a $isp&a , the $ri*er "an /e s)re #( what is happenin%.


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