Objective:: Dphilpott@auto - Edu
Objective:: Dphilpott@auto - Edu
edu Objective: To secure a position as an acoustics researcher with the Structural Acoustics Branch at NASA. Qualifications: 20+ years sound design and engineering for stage and studio recording. 20+ years design, troubleshooting, and repair of electronic and electric control circuits. 20+ years mechanical equipment installation and repair. 20+ years project management and leadership. 9+ years Master Tradesman 7+ years data analysis and statistical report generation. Relevant Skills: Experience with sound properties, including analysis of acoustical properties. Ability to use diagnostic equipment to troubleshoot and repair equipment. Ability to organize efficient, comprehensive project reports. Ability to train / instruct. Proficient in time management. Proficient in organization. Experience with public speaking and presentation. Experience with various computer operating systems and software. Experience in program design. Experience with media production, including video editing and music recording. Education: Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology ECPI University (April 2014) Electronics Program Center for Science and Technology Chesapeake, VA (June 1989) Employment History: Instructor and Media Productions Advanced Technology Institute Installation / Service Wayne Ables Heating and AC
Virginia Beach, VA
8/2006 to present
Chesapeake, VA
9/1998 to 8/2006
5/1993 to 9/1998