@?%"#%&! ')&!?)=/'B Ceorgla SouLhern unlverslLy, SLaLesboro, CA <32.47 +73-.7C B1,",C =5D23E-;-.0 F765>8G +2:H23 I7.573G JKLM N $5332.8 8esearched and developed a syllabus for a docLoral level course on CloballzaLlon ln Plgher LducaLlon CreaLed and deslgned a owerolnL presenLaLlon LhaL wlll be presenLed aL menLorlng conference Lhls sprlng WroLe a granL LhaL ls pendlng submlsslon for a self-creaLed menLorlng based program 8esearchlng and updaLlng lnformaLlon for a proposed book chapLer reparlng Lo wrlLe an arLlcle abouL menLorlng and hlgher educaLlon for posslble publlcaLlon ln a [ournal
!"#$%&'() !AB!?'!)$! CharloLLe Mecklenburg Schools, CharloLLe, nC =5H;8-8582 &276123 (689H23 JKLL N $5332.8 lmplemenLs lesson plans, whlle ensurlng Lhe lnLegrlLy of academlc Llme. CreaLes a learnlng envlronmenL ln whlch all sLudenLs are acLlvely engaged and conLrlbuLlng members keeps approprlaLe records lncludlng aLLendance records and Lhe necessary clerlcal work requlred LsLabllshes norms of class behavlor and malnLalns conLrol and dlsclpllne aL all Llmes
"#$%&% #' ()&*$+ ,%-* . Cpen uoors Academy, Cleveland, CP +2.893-.0 $9761 =2D82:H23 JKKO N I5>G JKLL Served as menLor and role-model Lo mlddle school sLudenLs 8ullL supporLlve and carlng relaLlonshlps wlLh youLh and Lhelr famllles Pelped sLudenLs develop Lools Lo be more successful ln Lhe classroom Culded sLudenLs Lhrough currlculum deslgned Lo lncrease MaLh and Lngllsh skllls 1racked 10-13 youLh LhroughouL Lhe year
Cleveland Munlclpal School ulsLrlcL, Cleveland, CP =5H;8-8582 &276123 I7.573G JKLK N I5.2 JKLL lollowed lesson plans lefL by Lhe permanenL Leacher MalnLalned class conLrol so LhaL learnlng can Lake place CommunlcaLed and addressed Lhe dlfferenL learnlng sLyles of sLudenLs kepL accuraLe aLLendance records for each class perlod
?ouLh CpporLunlLles unllmlLed, Cleveland, CP =5::23 P9581 $9934-.7893 +7G JKKO N =2D82:H23 JKKO Served a caseload of 100-130 youLh, provldlng screenlng, coachlng and workslLe monlLorlng ConducLed workplace check, collecL LlmesheeLs, dellver checks, and keep accuraLe records AdmlnlsLered, enrolled, and monlLored youLh from schools LhroughouL Cuyahoga CounLy CommunlcaLed wlLh a varleLy of people lncludlng youLh, parenLs, buslness conLacLs and sLaff $(++#)'&P =!?Q'$! Mayfleld Memorlal 8apLlsL Church =6199> =5DD>G "3-E2 $9934-.7893 I5>G JKLL N $5332.8 - Crganlzes yearlong plannlng Llmellne for school supply drlve - CommunlcaLes wlLh schools and alumnl assoclaLlons for supporL - Llalson beLween school supply drlve commlLLee and board of dlrecLors - Works wlLh Lhe ?oung AdulL MlnlsLry Lo plan donaLlon collecLlon daLes - Corresponds wlLh local medla for promoLlon and adverLlslng - SLrlves Lo reach famllles wlLhln Lhe surroundlng communlLy of Lhe church - CollecLs and dlsLrlbuLes school supplles Lo ald over 230 sLudenLs each year
Classroom CenLral %4:-.-;8378-E2 =5DD938 =87RR %D3-> JKLS N $5332.8 - Works wlLh 1eacher CoordlnaLor Lo ensure accuraLe lnpuL of daLa - updaLes Leacher shopplng accounLs as requesLed - rovldes lnformaLlon abouL Lhe program and servlces offered - Lnsures paperwork ls compleLed ln a Llmely and effecLlve manner
Pands on CharloLLe Q9>5.8223 ?2D32;2.878-E2 %505;8 JKLL N $5332.8 Worked wlLh nurslng homes Lo help conducL 8lngo game nlghLs for resldenLs arLlclpaLed ln Lhe 8lC ro[ecL wlLh Lhe CharloLLe communlLy Pelped Lo landscape grounds aL WesL CharloLLe Plgh School
Susan C. komen ?762 7.4 Q9>5.8223 ?2D32;2.878-E2 I7.573G JKKT N "262:H23 JKLJ AsslsLed wlLh reglsLraLlon for Lhe 8ace for Lhe Cure ALLended varlous falrs and provlded lnformaLlon abouL breasL cancer awareness Lo parLlclpanLs rovlded encouragemenL on race day Lo runners by acLlng as a Cure-Leader laclllLaLed lnk Sunday aL nearby churches ln Lhe communlLy "#$%&% #' ()&*$+ ,%-* / %U%?"= %)" %$/'!Q!+!)&= Who's Who Among Amerlcan College SLudenLs naLlonal uean's LlsL ueparLmenLal Ponors arLnered wlLh Parpo lllms and Allled AdverLlslng for a movle nlghL feaLurlng !"# %&#'( )#*'(#&+ +!+<!?=/'B= l Lambda 1heLa naLlonal Ponor SocleLy of LducaLors Amerlcan College ersonnel AssoclaLlon norLh Carollna College ersonnel AssoclaLlon Ceorgla AssoclaLlon of LducaLors