=$, 4$>,*$ 8%?$$@ &2" A$>><21-' )*$B@, 8%?$$@ &2" A$>><21-' )*$B@, C13?@13?-0 ! CPS ls seeklng a 10 reducuon from Lhe end of 2013 Lo 2014 of sLudenLs ln uer 2 and/or 3. ! CPS wlll work wlLh counselors and Lhe dlsLrlcL omce Lo nd a way Lo ldenufy uer 2 and 3 sLudenLs and provlde approprlaLe lnLervenuons. ! 1eachers wlll know who Lhelr uer 2/3 sLudenLs are ln Lhelr classes. We wlll ask (noL requlre) for Leachers and school personnel Lo adopL one uer 2/3 sLudenL and check ln wlLh hlm/her on a regular basls. ! 1eachers and school personnel wlll be glven a menu of ways Lo work wlLh Lhelr sLudenLs and Lhey wlll be asked Lo follow up wlLh Lhelr progress wlLh Lhe selecLed sLudenL. ! Lvery slx weeks, we wlll evaluaLe our progress wlLh our currenL llsL and we wlll look for poLenual sLudenLs aL-rlsk of falllng lnLo uer 2/3 D*&>,E$*;0 ! 6 !"# %!&'()*'& +) #*+&,-&*+.)*/ 01#2 %0)'.+.-& 1&34-.),45 #*+&,-&*+.)*' 6 27((),+'/
2+78&*+ 27((),+ 9,4:&;),<' .* 2=3))5 2+&( >? #8&*+.@=4+.)* )A ".&, B 4*8 C '+78&*+' Larned CredlLs CA Crades Auendance ulsclpllne
1|er 3 1-S 1ler 2 10-13 1ler 1 8emalnder of SLudenL 8ody 4,0F$20, -$ 62-,*#,2-1$2 G,' 62"1%&-$*0 51,* H 24 76 Spec|a| Lducanon 1|er 2 Speclal Lducauon 64 36 Gender 1|er 2 Males lemales 13 30 26 28 1 Grade Leve| 1|er 2 9Lh Crade 10Lh Crade 11Lh Crade 12Lh Crade 8eyond 69 4 3 16 0 8 kace 1|er 2 WhlLe 8lack/Afrlcan Amerlcan Aslan Plspanlc/Launo Amerlcan lndlan/Alaskan nauve CLher 39 61 Iree and keduced Lunch 1|er 2 lree and 8educed Lunch 51,* I 1S 8S Spec|a| Lducanon 1|er 3 Speclal Lducauon 70 6 0 13 1 10 kace 1|er 3 WhlLe 8lack/Afrlcan Amerlcan Aslan Plspanlc/Launo Amerlcan lndlan/Alaskan nauve CLher 34 66 Iree and keduced Lunch 1|er 3 lree and 8educed Lunch 17 28 34 17 4 Grade 1|er 3 9Lh Crade 10Lh Crade 11Lh Crade 12Lh Crade 8eyond 69 31 Gender 1|er 3 Males lemales 51,* H &2" I D,,",* 8%?$$@0 13 22 42 8 2 9 2 Ieeder Schoo|s 1|er 3 8MS WMS ouL of dlsLrlcL unknown CPS C8LA AvAn1l 36 34 23 1 1 3 2 Ieeder Schoo|s 1|er 2 8MS WMS ouL of dlsLrlcL unknown CPS C8LA Avanu 6 Wks 12 wks Sem. 1 6 wks. 12 wks. Sem. 2 13- Larned Cred|ts 9 Lh - 0 10 Lh - 0-3 11 Lh - 0-8 12 Lh - 0-13 13 Lh 0-13 no Change 9 Lh - 0-1.3 10 Lh - 0-7.49 11 Lh - 0-12.49 12 Lh - 0-17.49 13 Lh - 0-17 no Change no Change 9 Lh - 0-3 10 Lh - 0-8 11 Lh - 0-13 12 Lh - 0-17 13 Lh - 0-17 13- Cum. GA 0.0-1.0 0.0-1.0 0.0-1.0 0.0-1.0 0.0-1.0 0.0-1.0 13- Auendance 10 or more 13 or more 20 or more 23 or more 30 or more 33 or more
13- Current Grades 4-6 l's 4-6 l's 4-6 l's 4-6 l's 4-6 l's 4-6 l's 13- D|sc|p||ne 3 days suspended 10 days suspended 13 days suspended no Change no Change no Change
12- Larned Cred|ts 9 Lh - 0 10 Lh - 3.3-3 11 Lh - 8.3-11 12 Lh - 13.3-13 no Change 9Lh- 1.31-2.3 10 Lh - 7.3-8.99 11 Lh - 12.3-13.99 12 Lh - 17.3-18.99 no Change no Change 9 Lh - 3.3-3 10 Lh - 8.3-11 11 Lh - 13.3-13 12 Lh - 12- Cum. GA 1.1-1.9 1.1-1.9 1.1-1.9 1.1-1.9 1.1-1.9 1.1-1.9 12- Auendance 3-9 10-14 13-19 20-24 23-29 30-34 12- Current Grades 1-3 l's 1-3 l's 1-3 l's 1-3 l's 1-3 l's 1-3 l's 12- D|sc|p||ne 1-4 days Suspended 3-9 days Suspended 10-14 days Suspended no Change no Change no Change 62-,*#,2-1$20 J1%*$K J,0$K J&%*$ Mlcro needs assessmenL for lndlvldual referrals (Care 1eam) AdopL a SLudenL (MenLorshlp rogram) 1lme Lracker (MenLorshlp rogram) Meso llag 1lers 2 & 3 sLudenLs ln Skyward Macro Advocacy day CA1L commluee (Craduauon: A 1eam LorL) Meeung wlLh LeglslaLors 8;'E&*" 51,* H &2" I 62"1%&-$*0 8-,F H. !"$F- ! 8-<",2- )*$3*&> ! 1eachers were asked Lo adopL" sLudenLs from Lhe uer 2 and 3 llsLs. ! 1hey were asked Lo submlL a form every week Lo Lrack Lhe Lype of lnLervenuon Lhey used wlLh Lhe sLudenL. 1he goal was Lo lncrease menLorshlp. ! lnLervenuons covered 4 areas: ! Ceneral lnsLrucuon (one-on-one, parenL engagemenL) ! Modled lnsLrucuon (ace change, modellng) ! Modled LnvlronmenL (ume for physlcal movemenL) ! Modled LxpecLauons (more ume, LuLors) !"$F- & 0-<",2- !"$F- & 8-<",2- 8-*&-,31,0
0 10 20 30 40 30 60 70 1alk wlLh sLudenL 1alk wlLh parenLs 1alk wlLh currenL Leachers 1alk wlLh Counselor 1alk wlLh prevlous Leachers LsLabllsh Communlcauon 8evlew Cumulauve llle Seek Care 1eam CLher Genera| Instrucnona| Strateg|es !"$F- & 8-<",2- 8-*&-,31,0 0 3 10 13 20 23 30 33 40 Clve posluve, correcuve feedback Modellng/ uemonsLraung Culded pracuce vlsual, AudlLory, klnesLheuc sLraLegles ulerenuaLed lnsLrucuon lanned posluve relnforcemenL lncrease lnsLrucuon 1lme re-Leach Change pace Modellng/ uemonsLraung Mod|hed Instrucnon !"$F- & 8-<",2- 8-*&-,31,0 0 3 10 13 20 23 30 LsLabllsh classroom expecLauons ulscusslon Croup Change seaung arrangemenL LsLabllsh clear consequences lace/ume for physlcal movemenL CuleL space SLrucLured space Work breaks SLudy Pall Larger or smaller space CLher Mod|hed Lnv|ronment !"$F- & 8-<",2- 8-*&-,31,0 0 3 10 13 20 23 30 Croup pro[ecL 8elnforcemenL of LorL 1uLor/MenLor Clve more ume rovlde Cholces lndlvldual pro[ecL Lmphaslze quallLy Craphlc organlzer Make lL easler 8esponse card CLher Mod|hed Lxpectanons 4,0F$20,0 L' M,,; 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 1ota| kesponses by Week Ceneral lnsLrucuon LnvlornmenL LxpecLauons 8-,F I. N= !2&@'O, &2" 51>, 5*&%;,* 5,&%?,* 62-,*#,2-1$2 5*&%;,* 0 30 100 130 200 230 300 lS - ersonal/Soclal lS - Academlc 8S - ersonal/Soclal 8S - Crlsls Counsellng 8S - Academlc lorelgn Lxchange lS - Speclal Lducauon SCC - College Case Conference new MarkeL Craduauon Auu/AuPu Schedule Change/LnLry hyslcal PealLh 8unnlng SLarL AnxleLy lS - Career CredlL Check 8S - ConlcL 8esoluuon 8S - 8eferral 1ler 3 1ler 2 51,* H &2" I 4,9,**&@ 8<*#,' ! Caln daLa on Loplcs LhaL may hlnder a sLudenL's healLh and well-belng. ! ConnecL SLudenLs Lo approprlaLe servlces and lncrease referrals Lo dlsLrlcL provlders ! CommunlLy resources lnLervlewed: ! Soclal Servlces ! AlLernauve educauon ! Pomelessness ! hyslcal and menLal healLh ! urug and alcohol 51,* H &2" I 4,9,**&@ 8<*#,' ! ConslsLs of 30 quesuons. Lach were coded ln order Lo provlde approprlaLe referrals ! Soclal Servlces [SS] ! SafeLy, medlcal access and menLal healLh ! AlLernauve educauon [C] ! LnrollmenL and graduauon ! Pomelessness [P] ! Addresses Lhe broad denluon of homeless" ! hyslcal healLh and baslc needs [n] ! Access Lo personal hyglene, food and sleep ! urug and alcohol [uA] ! Concern for self, oLhers and asslsLance P,,"0 8<*#,' 4,0<@-0
! needs assessmenL was admlnlsLered Lo 86 CPS uer 2 and 3 sLudenLs. ! lnLervlew formaL ! uaLa was enLered lnLo Counsellng1echnology.neL survey Lool. ! 130 ags" were noLed and wlll be uploaded Lo care Leam documenL. ! Care Leam has more deLalled lnformauon on uer 2 and 3 sLudenLs Lhan before. 4,0<@-0 ! Counselor Check-ln ! 11 had noL meL wlLh counselor ! 14 had no posL hlgh school plans ! 19 dld noL have an adulL Lhey felL comforLable golng Lo wlLh lssues or concerns ! CravlLy ! 24 were lnLeresLed ln alLernauves Lo a hlgh school dlploma ! Soclal Servlces: ! 3 do noL have medlcal lnsurance ! 10 have felL depressed ln Lhe lasL year and are noL recelvlng ouLslde servlces ! 9 have had LhoughLs of sulclde ln Lhe pas year and are noL recelvlng ouLslde servlces ! 11 Pave had LhoughLs of hurung Lhemselves and are noL recelvlng ouLslde servlces ! urug and Alcohol Counselor ! 6 would llke Lo see Lhe SLudenL AsslsLance Counselor ! 2 were concerned abouL Lhelr drug/alcohol use ! 19 Were concerned abouL someone else's drug/alcohol use ! Pomeless Llalson (0) ! nurse (0)
! Pad Lo develop a conslsLenL way LhaL generaLed a referral from red ags" on assessmenL ! Some quesuons were more obvlous Lo ag Lhan oLhers: ! uo you wanL Lo see Lhe SLudenL AsslsLance Counselor? ! Are you lnLeresLed ln educauonal alLernauves Lo a PS dlploma? ! Access Lo baslc needs ! uepressed, LhoughLs of hurung self, sulclde ln lasL 12 monLhs ! versus ! uo you feel llke you are on Lrack Lo graduaLe? ! Pave you had any [uvenlle courL lssues? ! uo you Lake prescrlpuon medlcauon? ! Many ags" wlll be addressed by an lnlual meeung wlLh Lhe counselor. 1hls ls dlmculL so close Lo Lhe end of Lhe year. ! uaLa for all sLudenL achlevemenL cannoL be analyzed unul Lhe end of Lhe year.
D.'.)* E4+4 ear 1: an meLhod Lo Lrack soclal/emouonal and career and college readlness Lo furLher ldenufy needs of uer 2 and 3 sLudenLs. 8educe 1lers 2 & 3 by 10 lncorporaLed lnLo School lmprovemenL lan ear S: ln 3 years CPS wlll have a susLalnable daLa sLrucLure Lo ldenufy Lhe needs of aL-rlsk sLudenLs. Care Leam wlll funcuon based on aL-rlsk lndlcaLors raLher Lhan anecdoLal concerns. Q,&*@' 7,2%?>&*;0
Conunue Lo Lrack soclal/emouonal daLa ln order Lo obLaln Lrend daLa for each year. Conunued work Lo slmpllfy daLa reporLs uaLa mlnlng reporLs (CredlLs earned, CA, grade level) llex 8eporLs (auendance and grades) rocesslng LlsLs (Lo nd suspenslons from dlsclpllne reporL) 1ler 2 and 3 needs assessmenL Conunued ouLreach Lo Leachers for supporL and collaborauon
82&F0?$- RL,9$*, &2" &9-,*S ! 8eglnnlng snapshoL was lnaccuraLe. Counselors had Lo sLarL agaln due Lo Lechnlcal error ln reporL. ueLalls ln reporL were noL capLurlng lnLended ranges. ! lall semesLer: 229 ln boLh 2 and 3 (13 of LoLal sLudenL body) ! 134 sLudenLs were caLegorlzed as uer 2 (9 of LoLal sLudenL body) ! 73 sLudenLs were caLegorlzed as uer 3 (4 of LoLal sLudenL body) ! Sprlng SemesLer: daLa wlll be analyzed aL Lhe end of Lhe year. T,&*2123 -?*$<3? ,UF,*1,2%123 ! l learned abouL myself: ! llexlblllLy ! SysLems perspecuve ! LxclLed for fuLure ! l learned abouL belng an advocaLe ln schools: ! uaLa drlves declslons. ! Counselors are researchers ! Cemng lnvolved aL all levels ls helpful (school, communlLy, sLaLe). ! 8arrlers and rlsks experlenced as a resulL of my advocacy eorLs/posslble soluuons): ! 1rylng Lo check-ln wlLh aL-rlsk sLudenLs ls dlmculL due Lo auendance/academlc lssues ! aruclpaLed ln a framework lmplemenLauon-everyLhlng was new and change wlll be gradual ! 1lme ! WhaL mlghL you do dlerenLly based on whaL you learned: ! SLarL earller ! Change survey quesuons Lo make referral process easler ! More pauence 4,9,*,2%,0 Cello, M. 8. (2008). !"#$% '( )*%+ ,-+((. !/01203($4 51"$367*$% 80/.7 90/$*$% 5$1*-0'(/: '( ;/"<"$' =/(>(2':. 8enLon: norLhwesL ueclslon 8esources. Corcoran, M., Panleybrown, l., SLelnberg, A., & 1allanL, k. (2012). ?(.."-3<" 5@>0-' 6(/ A>>(/'2$*'7 B(2'+. Seaule: lSC. nelld, 8. C., & 8alfanz, 8. (2006). C$62.D.."1 ;/(@*:"4 E+" =*@"$:*($: 0$1 ?+0/0-'"/*:3-: (6 ;+*.01".>+*0F: =/(>(2' ?/*:*:G HIIIJHIIK. hlladelphla: CenLer for Soclal Crganlzauon of Schools, !ohn Popklns unlverslLy. rlncloua, u., & 8eyna, 8. (2009). L-+*"<*$% !/01203($ M(/ L..4 L !(<"/$(/F: !2*1" '( =/(>(2' ;/"<"$3($ 0$1 N"-(<"/7. WashlngLon uC: nauonal Covernors Assoclauon CenLer for 8esL racuces. Sud, u., C'nelll, k., & Colby, S. (2008). ;(/'.0$1 ;2O.*- ,-+((.:4 M/(@ =0'0 0$1 ="-*:*($: '( 5@>."@"$'03($ 0$1 N":2.': ($ =/(>(2' ;/"<"$3($. 8osLon: 1he 8rldgespan Croup.