Resume 11-07-13
Resume 11-07-13
Resume 11-07-13
+/#0- 1emporary
109 lox 1roL Way nW (703)-309-1493 1437 L uevon Lane
Leesburg, vA 20176 whlLeh[n[dukes.[ Parrlsonburg, vA 22801
Iames Mad|son Un|vers|ty (Parrlsonburg, vA) AugusL 2011- May 2014
8achelor of Sclence ln PosplLallLy ManagemenL
Ceneral 8uslness and Puman 8esource uevelopmenL Mlnor
LxpecLed CraduaLlon- May of 2014
CumulaLlve CA 3.38
Northern V|rg|n|a Commun|ty Co||ege (SLerllng, vA) AugusL 2008- uecember 2010
AssoclaLe of Sclence (A.S.)
CumulaLlve CA 3.61 !"#$" &'( )"'*+
Gr|||ed Cheese Man|a (Parrlsonburg, vA) CcLober 2012-resenL
AsslsLanL Chef
ually food preparaLlon whlle pracLlclng proper cleanlng, cooklng, and servlng procedures
uLlllzed knowledge and ServSafe CerLlflcaLlon Lo keep food safe for servlce
ConsLrucLed dally employee handbook along slde owners and parLners of company
Manhattan |zza Company (Leesburg, vA) March 2003-AugusL 2013
&,(('$-./ 0+1".-,$2 "$* 3"1+2 4$.+5$6 37-8. 3'9+5:-2,5
Managed a sLaff of abouL 7-13 people
Cpened and closed reglsLers on a dally basls wlLh a cash balance of $400
lormed relaLlonshlp and generaLed sales wlLh local schools and fundralsers
CreaLed organlzaLlonal handbook for dally procedures
romoLed from bus boy
ServSafe CerLlfled 2012-2013
1.l..S. CerLlfled 2012-2013
Iames Mad|son Un|vers|ty
Member of LLa Slgma uelLa Ponor SocleLy
uean's LlsL Sprlng 2012- lall 2013
I.I.k.S.1 Lego League 2012-resenL
1ransporLaLlon and LoglsLlcs 1eam Leader and MenLor
- Lead and unlfled Leam of flve ln loglsLlcal and food and beverage operaLlons
- lormed relaLlonshlps wlLh locally owned buslnesses Lo generaLe sponsorshlp for Lhe evenL
- CreaLed, Lallored, and coordlnaLed LransporLaLlon rouLes for clLy busses and evenL goers
- CreaLed and scheduled food plck up and dellvery Llmes for volunLeers and [udges
Mad|pa|ooza Cutdoor Student Iest|va| 2012-resenL
Sub-CommlLLee Member
- Worked wlLh oLher members of Sub-CommlLLee Lo plan large scale acLlvlLles
- 8eporLed all recommendaLlons and acLlvlLles Lo Lhe Maln CommlLLee
- arLnered wlLh unlverslLy rogram 8oard Lo plan muslcal acLs and enLerLalnmenL
----- keferences Ava||ab|e Upon kequest