50 AEDG-SMO FreeDownload 04282011
50 AEDG-SMO FreeDownload 04282011
50 AEDG-SMO FreeDownload 04282011
-labeledproducts) andthe
diversityandpatternof occupancyat thetimeof design.
Thesecondareaof designcontrol isthebuildingenvelope, whichinvolvestheselectionof
buildinginsulationandglazingtoreduceheat transfer throughsurfaces, therebyreducingcon-
duction and solar gains while enhancing daylighting opportunities. As noted in Figure 3-2,
decisionsaboutkeyelementsof thebuildingenvelopeareinterrelatedandheavilyinfluencethe
heatingandcoolingstrategies. It shouldbenotedthat whileinternal heat gainsareall additive
(i.e., causetheneedfor cooling), gainsrelatedtointeractionwiththeoutdoor climate, suchas
ventilationandbuildingenvelope, canbeeither heat gains or losses andarethereforeheavily
dependent onclimatezone.
Thethirdkeyareaisthat of reducingelectrical energyconsumptionassociatedwithlight-
Figure 3-1 Comparison of Baseline to Prescriptive 50% AEDG Solution
Showing Breakdown of Energy Savings Components
Data source: Thornton et al. 2010
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Chapter 3Integrated Design Strategies | 23
Therest of thischapter discusseseachof thekeyconceptsassociatedwithminimizingthe
contributionof theheat inputs/losses andthensummarizes thecoolingandheatingstrategies
most frequently appliedby climatetypeaslow-energy solutions. Guidanceisprovidedthat is
related to the multidisciplinary design considerations prevalent when mixing and matching
designdecisions to achievetheoptimal solutionto meet thesiteconstraints andarchitectural
Therearemanybuildingarchitectural designfeaturesthat impact theenergyperformance
of abuilding. Themajor featuresincludethebuildinglocation(climate), shape, size, number of
stories, andorientation. Eachof thesearepresentedindetail inthissection.
Climate Characterizations by Location
Thereareseveral major climatic variables that impact theenergy performanceof build-
ings, including temperature, wind, solar energy, and moisture. These variables continuously
changeandcanbecharacterizedbyannual or seasonal metrics.
An indicator of theintensity and length of theheating season is represented by heating
degree-days(HDDs), asshowninFigure3-3(DOI 1970).
An indicator of theintensity and length of thecooling season is represented by cooling
degree-days(CDDs), asshowninFigure3-4(DOI 1970).
An indicator of theconsistent intensity of thesuns energy is represented by theannual
solar radiation, asshowninFigure3-5(DOI 1970).
Figure 3-2 Heating and Cooling Influence
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24 | Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings
Figure 3-3 Heating Degree-Days
Source: NOAA (2005)
Figure 3-4 Cooling Degree-Days
Source: NOAA (2005)
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Chapter 3Integrated Design Strategies | 25
Anindicator of theworst casefor removal of airbornemoisture(i.e., dehumidification) is
representedbythedesigndew-point temperature, asshowninFigure3-6.
Anindicator of theabilityof theair toengageinevaporativecoolingisrepresentedbythe
designwet-bulbtemperature, asshowninFigure3-7.
Incombination, thesevariables showthat distinct patterns emergewithregardto climate
types, eachof whichhasparticular energyimpactsonbuildingdesignandoperation. TheU.S.
hasbeendividedintoeight primaryclimatezonesfor thespecificationof designcriteriainthe
major energy codes suchas International Energy ConservationCode(ICC 2009), ASHRAE/
IES Standard90.1, andASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard189.1(ASHRAE 2010, 2009a). Fig-
ure 3-8 shows these climate zones as compared to CDDs and HDDs (Briggs et al. 2002a,
2002b, 2002c).
Thecharacterizationof theseclimatezonesisbasedonseasonal performancemetrics, not
on thepeak or design values. Each climatezoneis clustered by HDD65 for theheating and
CDD50 for the cooling; these climate zones are further subdivided by moisture levels into
moistor humid(A), dry(B), andmarine(C) tocharacterizetheir seasonal values. Sixteencities
havebeenidentifiedas sufficient to represent all of theclimatezones, as showninTable3-1
(CFR 1992). Nosingledesignstrategyappliestoall of theseclimatecombinations. Eachset of
It isimportant for thedesignteamtodeterminetheparticular uniquecharacteristicsof the
climateclosest tothesite. Annual hourlyclimatedataisusuallyusedfor energymodelingand
is availablefromfederal government sources (EERE 2010). In addition to theacquisition of
local data, it is necessary to assess any local topography or adjacent properties that would
causereductioninaccesstosunlight andpassivesolar heating.
Figure 3-5 Annual Solar Radiation
Source: NREL (2005)
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26 | Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings
Figure 3-6 Design Dew-Point Temperatures
Data source: Colliver et al. 1997
Figure 3-7 Design Wet-Bulb Temperatures
Data source: Colliver et al. 1997
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Chapter 3Integrated Design Strategies | 27
Climate Influences
It is not reasonableto present every designstrategy for eachclimate, but therearesome
fundamental principles that apply. Thesensibleand latent loads dueto peopleareuniversal
acrossall climatezonessincetheoccupantdensitiesandhoursof occupationareassumedtobe
climate independent. Typically, the lighting power levels are the same but the energy use
changes with location dueto thedaylighting available. Selection of theHVAC systemis an
important decision primarily because each systemtype has inherent efficiencies. Chapter 4
Whiletherearebenefitstotheuseof renewableenergies(photovoltaics, solar, wind), these
technologiesarenot designstrategiesthat arerequiredtoachieve50%energysavings. Seethe
RenewableEnergy sectionintheAdditional BonusSavings sectionof Chapter 5for more
Table 3-1 Cities Characterized by Climate Combinations
Climate Hot Mild Cold Very Cold Extremely Cold
San Francisco - 3C
Seattle - 4C
Miami - 1A
Houston - 2A
Atlanta - 3A
Baltimore - 4A Chicago - 5A
Minneapolis - 6A
Phoenix - 2B
Los Angeles - 3B
Las Vegas - 3B
Albuquerque - 4B Denver - 5B
Helena - 6B
Duluth - 7 Fairbanks - 8
Figure 3-8 U.S. Climate Zone Map
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28 | Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings
Climate Dependence
Climate conditions are a major driving force, and there are multiple combinations that
influencetheenergyperformanceof abuilding. Comparisonsof theenergiesfor heating, cool-
ing, interior lights, exterior lights, plug loads, fans, pumps, and heat recovery in a medium
officewithradiant heatingandcoolingsystemsareshowninFigure3-9.
A reviewof Figure3-9showsthattherearedistincttrends. Inclimatesbelow3000HDD65,
thecoolingenergy isgreater thantheheatingenergy. Inclimatesabove5000HDD65, heating
energyusedominatesover coolingenergyuse. Inall climatestheenergyuseisessentiallycon-
stantfor plugloads, interior lights, exterior lights, HVACfans, pumps, andheatrecovery. These
relationshipsaresimilar for amediumofficewithavariable-air-volume(VAV) system; seeFig-
Theheat releasedby theinterior lights, plugloads, andfans addto thecoolingloadand
diminish theheating load, which highlights theimportancein addressing theseloads in con-
Fundamentally, what canbeseeninFigures3-9and3-10isasfollows:
Lighting, plug, andfanloads areconstant inputs andthereforearevery consistent inthe
EUI budget. Indeedtheonlyfluctuationmost likelyoccursfromfanenergyrespondingto
on/off controlsinresponsetoclimate.
HeatingEUI contributionincreaseswithHDDs, asexpected, but thescatter intheplot has
to do with passive heating arising fromsolar contributions depending on the sunniness
profileof theparticular city. Thisbecomesparticularly obviouswhenlookingat thepairs
of heatingandcoolingcontributionsfor agivenHDDvaluehighheatinggoeswithlow
cooling, whichmeansthat thereislimitedsolar freeheating. Similarly, highcoolinggoes
withlowheating, meaningthereisalot of solar heat tomanageandthedesignteamhasto
notewhether thesavingsinheatingsufficientlyoffset thepenaltiesincoolingenergy.
Figure 3-9 Medium Office with Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems
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Chapter 3Integrated Design Strategies | 29
Building Shape
The basic shape of the building has a fundamental impact on the daylighting potential,
energytransfer characteristics, andoverall energyusageof abuilding.
Building plans that are circular, square, or rectangular result in more compact building
forms. Thesebuildings tendto havedeepfloor plates that limit thepotential of sidelightinga
significantpercentageof occupiablespace. Buildingplansthatresemblelettersof thealphabet,
suchas H, L, andU, or that haveprotrudingsections andsurfaces at angles other thanninety
degreesrelativetoadjacent buildingsurfacestendtohaveshallowfloor plateswheresidelight-
ing strategies result in ahigher percentageof daylighted floor area. (Atriums and other core
lightingstrategiesmayalsobeintroducedintomorecompact buildingformstoachieveasimi-
lar effect.)
Lesscompactformsincreaseabuildingsdaylightingpotential, buttheyalsomaymagnify
theinfluenceof outdoor climatefluctuations. Greater surface-to-volumeratios increasecon-
ductiveandconvectiveheat transfer throughthebuildingenvelope. Therefore, it is critical to
assessthedaylightingcharacteristicsof thebuildingformincombinationwiththeheat transfer
characteristics of the building envelope in order to optimize overall building energy perfor-
mance. (SeeDL2inChapter 5.)
Theshapeof thebuildingalsodefinesthewindowareaandorientationsthat areavailable.
Windowsallowsolar gainstoenter thebuilding; thisisbeneficial duringtheheatingseasonbut
increasesthecoolingenergy. Thebuildingshapeneedstobedesignedsothat thesolar loading
isproperly managed. Thesolar management strategy changesby local climatecharacteristics,
assolar intensityandcloudinessdiffer. Additionally, theshapeof thebuildingdetermineshow
windimpingesontheoutdoor surfacestoassist natural ventilationor createsoutdoor microcli-
mates. Inaddition, attentionmust bepaidtotheeffect of windpassingthroughopeningsinthe
Figure 3-10 Medium Office with a VAV System
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30 | Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings
faade (e.g., windows, louvers, trickle vents, cracks), as this can drive unforeseen and/or
Building Size
Thesizeof thebuildingimpactstheenergy use. Analysisof a20,000ft
two-story office
building and a 53,600 ft
three-story office building clearly demonstrates the differences
(Thorntonet al. 2009, 2010). Figure3-11presents thebaselinesiteenergy useintensities for
these two buildings for compliance with ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 (ASHRAE
Thesizeof thebuildingalso impacts theECMs possible. For example, asmall, 5000ft
officebuildingcouldberesidential constructionwithwood-framedwalls andceilings as well
as residential HVAC equipment in which the minimumefficiencies are set by the National
ApplianceEnergy ConservationAct (CFR 1992). Inthesecases, therearelimitedoptions for
obtainingmoreenergy-efficient HVAC equipment.
Buildingsizeandespeciallydepthof floor platecanhavesignificant impactsonthefeasi-
bilityof daylightingandnatural ventilation.
Number of Stories
Typically, asthenumber of storiesof abuildingincreases, someaspectsof designbecome
morecomplicated. For instance, requirementsfor structural performanceanddurability/design
lifemayaffect choiceof envelopecomponents, theviabilityof exposedthermal mass, andthe
amount of areathat maybeusedfor fenestration. All of thesemayaffect energyperformance.
Taller buildingswill haveelevatorswithsignificant horsepower motorsbut intermittent
energy use. Buildings requiring frequent vertical trips should consider theuseof variable-
Figure 3-11 Site EUI for Office Buildings
Data source: Thornton et al. 2009, 2010
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Chapter 3Integrated Design Strategies | 31
frequencydrives(VFDs) onthemotorsandcontrolstostagethetravel of elevatorstoreduce
redundant tripsinresponsetoacall button.
Tall buildingsruntheriskof trappingalargeblockof spaceaspurelyinternal andwithout
connectiontotheoutdoors. If anincreasedamount of spacewithaccesstonatural daylight or
ventilationispreferred, thedesigner of taller buildingscanintroducetoplight usingskylights,
clerestories, monitors, sawtooths, and atriums (SeeDL21 to DL27 in theAdditional Bonus
Savings sectionof Chapter 5). Horizontal glazingcaptures high-anglesunandmay bediffi-
cult toshade. Exterior louvers, translucent glazing, vertical glazing, andother meansshouldbe
consideredtodistributetoplight evenlyintoaninterior space.
Building Orientation
Theorientationof theofficebuildinghas adirect impact ontheenergy performancepri-
marilyduetotheorientationof thefenestration. Theannual solar radiationimpingingonasur-
facevariesbytheorientationandlatitude, asshowninFigure3-12(MarionandWilcox2008).
Thenorthsolar flux(southsolar fluxfor thesouthernhemisphere) istheleastfor anyloca-
tion; however, northdaylightingis preferredduetonoglarecontrol requirements fromdirect
sunpenetration(reflections fromadjacent buildings may requireblinds onnorthwindows for
glarecontrol). Theeast andwest areessentiallythesame. Thewest exposureneedstobecriti-
cally evaluated sinceit contributes to thepeak or design cooling load. South-facing orienta-
tions in the northern hemisphere have the second largest solar intensity and the greatest
variationinsunangle. Great caremust beappliedwhendesigningexternal shadingfor thisori-
entation, asattentionmust bepaidtoheat gain, glare, andthepossibilityof passivesolar heat-
ingincoldclimates. Thehorizontal solar fluxisthelargestandiscritical if flatskylightsonthe
roof arebeingconsidered. Clerestoriesontheroof facingnorthwouldbeapreferredoption.
Figure 3-12 Annual Solar Radiation by Orientation
Data source: Marion and Wilcox 2008
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32 | Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings
Permanent projections can contributeto reducing thesolar gains. Solar heat gain coeffi-
cient (SHGC) multipliers for permanent projections arepresentedinFigure3-13. Thelargest
energyreductionsareonthesouth, east, andwest orientations.
Buildingorientationandtheplacement of fenestrationcanhaveasignificant effect onthe
ability of a design to provideuseful daylight to perimeter zones. Using caution when doing
simultaneous building configuration studies and internal space planning can maximize the
amount of normally occupied spacethat can usedaylighting for ambient light. For example,
placeall openofficespacesonthenorthandsouthsidesof thebuildingwheredaylight ismost
Building Occupancy Types
Buildingfunctionandoccupancy typearekey driversfor all internal heat loads. Theden-
sityof theoccupancyleadstoheatfrombodies, heatfromequipment/computers, andheatfrom
theelectriclightingthat runsinorder tomaketheenvironment habitable. Sometypical internal
heat loads for officebuildings areshowninTable3-2(seereferencestandards for areatypes
not shown).
Inadditiontointernal loads, other keyoccupancy-basedcriteriaincludetheprovisionof suf-
ficientventilationtoensureindoor air quality(IAQ) incompliancewithASHRAE Standard62.1
(ASHRAE 2010a). It isnever theintent toachieveenergyefficiencyat thecost of humanhealth.
Additionally, depending on the function of work in the space, there may be acoustic design
requirements similar to thosestated in ASHRAE HandbookHVAC Applications, Chapter 47,
Table 42, Design Guidelines for HVAC-Related Background Sound in Rooms (ASHRAE
2007b, Table42). Specific recommendations for lightinglevels andvisual contrast at andsur-
roundingtheworksurfacecanbefoundinChapter 4of thetentheditionof theIlluminatingEngi-
neeringSocietyof NorthAmerica(IES) publicationThe Lighting Handbook (IES2011).
Figure 3-13 SHGC Multipliers for Permanent Projections
Source: ASHRAE (2007), Table
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Chapter 3Integrated Design Strategies | 33
Building Orientation Considerations
Unshaded North Faade
Source: Arup
Armature for PV Panels
Source: Arup
Photographs of the California Department of Transportation building in Los Angeles show how the
faade designer can tune each orientation for maximumdaylight or solar protection. The north faade
is unshaded with floor-to-floor glass. The south faade has an armature that holds photovoltaic (PV)
panels at an angle to simultaneously shade the vision glass behind themand create electricity for the
building. The eastern faade includes perforated metal panels that provide some level of shading for
the glazed vision windows in the building envelope behind.
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34 | Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings
Themajor ECMsfocusontheenvelope, lighting, plugloads, HVAC systems, andservice
water heating(SWH). Thissectionof thischapter looksat eachof thesecomponentstounder-
standtherelativedesigninfluenceontotal EUI.
The place to start is understanding where the baseline and business-as-usual buildings
wouldstart intermsof energy savings. Anenergy model canreveal therelativeproportionof
energy savingscontributedby eachdesigncomponent. Ingeneral, most energy modelingpro-
grams output end-usedata(i.e., by thecomponent actually consumingtheelectricity or fuel)
insteadof linkingtherelativeinfluenceof designdecisionsdirectly totheoutput. Figure3-14
shows a classic output that has all envelope and building configuration design decisions
embedded in and diluted by total cooling, heating, interior lighting, exterior lighting, and
HVACsystemfancomponents. Figure3-13immediatelyidentifiesfor theteamtheenergysav-
ingsthat shouldbethefirst point of attack inlookingfor ECMs. Clearlytheheatingandcool-
ingenergy savingsvary significantly by location, soeachrequiresparticular attentionspecific
to theclimate. However, theenergy savings frominterior lighting, exterior lighting, interior
equipment, andfans eachcontributealmost equally to thetotal energy savings, whichmeans
that thesefour major componentsall havetobeaddressedineverylocation.
Thesecondkey steptoreducingenergy useistoapply aseriesof ECMs, asnotedinthis
Guide. Figure3-15showsanexampleof howonemightuseiterativeenergymodelinginasim-
Thethirdkeystepistoidentifypackagesof ECMsandunderstandtherelativeinfluenceof
key design decisions about those packages. Appendix D provides a method of using limited
energyanalysisinasmall perimeter zonetohelpdesignteamsunderstandtherelativeimpact of
their decisions on faade performance and building EUI. This appendix is provided so that
energymodelingbyextrapolatingtotal buildingenergyusefromknowingtheworst-casecondi-
tionsfor eachorientation. Designteamsexceedingthelimitsof theearlyphasemethodsbecause
of particularlycomplexgeometrieswill havetoperformfull-scalewhole-buildingenergymod-
Theenvelopeischaracterizedby theopaquecomponentsandfenestration. Improvements
shouldbeconsideredfor reducedthermal transmittance(i.e., U-factors), useof thermal mass,
andcontrol of solar heat gains.
Table 3-2 Typical Internal Heat Gains for Office Spaces
Room Type
People Sensible
Plug Load,
Office: light computer usage 200 1.22 3.75 (1.1) 1.7 (0.5)
Office: mediumcomputer usage 200 1.22 3.75 (1.1) 3.4 (1)
Office: heavy computer usage 200 1.22 3.75 (1.1) 6.8 (2)
Conference room 20 12.25 4.4 (1.3) 1.7 (0.5)
Lobby 100 2.45 4.4 (1.3) 0.8 (0.25)
Corridor 1.7 (0.5) 0.8 (0.25)
Kitchenette/break room 20 12.25 4.1 (1.2) 1.7 (0.5)
*ASHRAE 2010a, Table 6-1.
ASHRAE 2009b, Chapter 18, Table 1, applying Seated, very light work 245 Btu/h sensible.
**ASHRAE 2007a, Table 9.6.1.