Liquid Nitrogen As A Non Polluting Fuel

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Submitted by
in partial fulfillment of the award of the degree
Bachelor of Technology



MAY 2014


1. INTRODUCTION.............1

2.2Cryogenic Engineering ........3
2.3 Various Cryogenic Fluid0s .....4

3.1 Properties of Liquid Nitrogen....5
3.2 Physical Properties.....5
3.3Production of Liquid Nitrogen....6
3.3.1 Stirling Process..6

4.1 Definition......8
4.2 Main Components of the Engine..8
4.3 LN2000 ....9
4.3.1 Working....9
4.4 How does the Nitrogen Powered car work? ..10

5.1 LN2000 Model and Specifications....11
5.2 Analysis of CooLN2 Car Performa........13

6.1 Nitrogen Economy.....14
6.2 Open Rankine Cycle Process......15
6.3 Closed Brayton Cycle Process.....................15

7. ADVANTAGES, DRAWBACKS...............17
7.1 Advantages.....17
7.2 Drawbacks......17
7.3 Probable solutions.......18
7.4 Efficiency........18

8.1 For Electric car...19
8.2 For Hydrogen car .......19

9. CONCLUSION .......20

This is to certify that the Technical Seminar report entitled LIQUID NITROGEN
RAGHUVANSHI, in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Discipline of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, has
been carried out under my supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in this
thesis has not been submitted, in part or in full, to any other university or institute
for the award of any degree, diploma or certificate.

Mr. Grandhi Suresh Kumar Prof. Naveen Kumar
(Project Supervisor) (Head of Department)
Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical
Sir Padampat Singhania University, Sir Padampat Singhania University,
Udaipur Udaipur

Dr. Achintya Choudhary
Dean, School of Engineering
Sir Padampat Singhania University,Udaipur


I, SHUBHAM RAGHUVANSHI, student of Bachelor of Technology
(Mechanical Engineering) hereby declare that the project titled LIQUID
NITROGEN AS A NON-POLLUTING FUEL which is submitted by me to
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Sir Padampat
Singhania University, Udaipur, in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award
of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, has not been
previously formed the basis for the award of my degree, diploma or other similar
title or recognition.

Enrollment Number: 10ME001118
Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech, 4
Sir Padampat Singhania University,


I, SHUBHAM RAGHUVANSHI would like to formally recognize the valued
contribution of my esteemed faculty and teachers, without whom this report would
not have reached its current state. In particular, this report would like to formally
acknowledge the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Sir Padampat
Singhania University, Udaipur, for its immense support that made this project

I would like to utilize this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mr. Naveen
Kumar (Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering); not only for his
expertise, but also for the genuine interest he has taken in our education and

I would also like to thank Mr. Grandhi Suresh Kumar (Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering) for his inspiring enthusiasm in this
seminar report and to help me undertake in this seminar project.

I am particularly indebted to my parents for inspiring and motivating me to
accomplish this seminar report of my Bachelor of Technology degree.

List of Figures
Page No.
Figure 1
Nitrogen cycle showing the production of liquid nitrogen...7
Figure 2
Liquid nitrogen energy conversion system.. 8
Figure 3
Setup position of various components of nitrogen powered car.10
Figure 4
Closed Brayton Cycle Heat engine........ 15

List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature

K Kelvin
C Celsius
F Fahrenheit
Atm Atmospheric pressure
T Temperature
P Pressure
Isobaric specific energy
MPA Mega Pascal
k Ratio of specific heat of nitrogen
Ratio of the working fluid mass flow rate
Ratio of specific heat capacities
L Latent heat of vaporization.


This report examines the capability of several energy conversion process to provide
sufficient energy in a world where the non-renewable resources are getting
depleted. Moreover pollution caused by them is increasing at a rapid rate. One
such efficient and non-polluting means of running the vehicles is the use of liquid
nitrogen. To use liquid nitrogen as a non-polluting fuel, a multiple reheat open
Rankine and a closed Brayton cycle are used.
These are concentrated to cryogenic heat engines. an automobile was
converted to run on liquid nitrogen, In 1997 as a proof of the principle of using
liquid nitrogen as a fuel. Earlier work has shown that the energy available by
operating various thermodynamic cycles between atmospheric temperature and
liquid nitrogen temperatures (77 K) can provide more energy per unit mass than is
available from current lead-acid batteries and some project and implimentationed
battery technologies.

In 1997, the University of North Texas (UNT) and University of Washington (UW)
independently developed liquid nitrogen powered vehicles in which the propulsion
systems in these vehicles are cryogenic heat engines in which a cryogenic
substance is used as a heat sink for heat engine. A Liquid Nitrogen Car
There are approximately 247 million vehicles in the U.S. today and
approximately 97% of those vehicles are gasoline or diesel powered The current
average fuel efficiency of automobiles in the U.S. is 20.2 miles per gallon nearly
50% lower than on road fuel economy in other industrialized nations .This presents
a twofold challenge . First, fossil fuel supplies are limited. Some estimates
indicate that the world could see a peak in its total oil production mandated by
resource availability and economic and political factors as soon as 2012.After such
a peak, fossil fuel production will decrease. Second, gasoline powered vehicles are
extremely dirty. Burning one gallon of gasoline emits 19.4 pounds of carbon
dioxide along with a host of other pollutants In response to this obvious need for
a shift away from fossil fuel powered vehicles, we propose to explore the use of
liquid nitrogen as a combustion-free clean alternative vehicle fuel. The use of
liquid nitrogen as such a fuel for automobiles has many possibly far-reaching
benefits. Several analysis have shown that the specific energy achievable with
cryogenic heat engines using liquid nitrogen as the working fluid are comparable to
current battery technologies. 1,2 Since the source of liquid nitrogen is air (78% of
air is nitrogen), liquid nitrogen is readily available at a low cost. In a liquid
nitrogen cryogenic heat engine, ambient heat from the atmosphere is used as a heat
source to cause liquid nitrogen to phase change from a liquid to a gas. Subsequent
heating of the gas by heat from the atmosphere provides rapid expansion to run an
expander. The exhaust gas, nitrogen gas, is released into the atmosphere. It should
be noted that air is composed of 78% nitrogen, and so the exhaust gas of a liquid
nitrogen engine is simply a component of air. A cryogenic heat engine running on
liquid nitrogen is an environmentally clean, combustion-free engine, which could
be used for zero emission vehicles

The branches of physics that deals with the study of very low temperatures, how to
produce them, and how materials behave at those temperatures.
2.2Cryogenic Engineering
It is mainly concerned with temperatures found in range of 150
C to absolute zero
Cryogenic temperatures are achieved either by the rapid evaporation of volatile
liquids or by the expansion of gases confined initially at pressures of 150 to 200
atmospheres. The expansion may be simple, that is, through a valve to a region of
lower pressure, or it may occur in the cylinder of a reciprocating engine, with the
gas driving the piston of the engine. The second method is more efficient but is
also more difficult to apply. Pioneering work in low-temperature physics by the
British chemists Sir Humphrey Davy and Michael Faraday, between 1823 and
1845, prepared the way for the development of cryogenics. Davy and Faraday
generated gases by heating an appropriate mixture at one end of a sealed tube
shaped like an inverted V. The other end was chilled in a salt-ice mixture.. The
combination of reduced temperature and increased pressure caused the evolved gas
to liquefy. When the tube was opened, the liquid evaporated rapidly and cooled to
its normal boiling point. By evaporating solid carbon dioxide mixed with other, at
low pressure, Faraday finally succeeded in reaching a temperature of about 163 K
(about -110C/-166F).If a gas initially at a moderate temperature is expanded
through a valve, its temperature increases. But if its initial temperature is below the
inversion temperature, the expansion will cause a temperature reduction as the
result of what is called the Joule-Thomson effect. The inversion temperatures of
hydrogen and helium, two primary cryogenic gases, are extremely low, and to
achieve a temperature reduction through expansion, these gases must first be pre-
cooled below their inversion temperatures.

2.3 Various Cryogenic Fluids
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid Helium


Liquid Nitrogen is the cheapest, widely produced and most common cryogenic
liquid. It is mass produced in air liquefaction plants. The liquefaction process is
very simple in it normal, atmospheric air is passed through a dust precipitator and
pre-cooled using conventional refrigeration techniques. It is then compressed inside
large turbo pumps to about 100 atmospheres. Once the air has reached 100
atmospheres and has been cooled to room temperature it is allowed to expand
rapidly through a nozzle into an insulted chamber. By running several cycles the
temperature of the chamber reaches low enough temperatures the air entering it
starts to liquefy. Liquid nitrogen is removed from the chamber by fractional
distillation and is stored inside well-insulated Dewar flask.
3.1 Properties of Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid nitrogen is inert, colorless, odorless, non-corrosive, nonflammable, and
extremely cold. Nitrogen makes up the major portion of the atmosphere (78.03%
by volume, 75.5% by weight). Nitrogen is inert and will not support combustion;
however, it is not life supporting. Nitrogen is inert except when heated to very
high temperatures where it combines with some of the more active metals, such as
lithium and magnesium, to form nitrides. It will also combine with oxygen to
form oxides of nitrogen and, when combined with hydrogen in the presence of
catalysts, will form ammonia.
3.2 Physical Properties
Molecular Weight: 28.01
Boiling Point @ 1 atm: -320.5F (-195.8C, 77
Freezing Point @ 1 atm: -346.0F (-210.0C, 63
Critical Temperature: -232.5F (-146.9C)
Critical Pressure: 492.3 psia (33.5 atm)
Density, Liquid @ BP, 1 atm: 50.45 lb/scf
Density, Gas @ 68F (20C), 1 atm: 0.0725 lb/scf
Specific Gravity, Gas (air=1) @ 68F (20C), 1 atm: 0.967
Specific Gravity, Liquid (water=1) @ 68F (20C), 1 atm: 0.808
Specific Volume @ 68F (20C), 1 atm: 13.80 scf/lb
Latent Heat of Vaporization: 2399 BTU/lb mole
Expansion Ratio, Liquid to Gas, BP to 68F (20C): 1 to 694
This is the most famous process by which liquid nitrogen was generated. Here air is
sucked in and compressed through compressor so that water is rejected out, and
then through pressure swing adsorption the excess amount of oxygen and its wastes
are removed and the remaining nitrogen is sent into cryogenerator and it is
compressed as liquid nitrogen and stored in tanks.
A practical Stirling liquid nitrogen compressor which compresses the nitrogen at
cryogenic temperature. The sketch and its specifications are given below
Storage of Nitrogen
The nitrogen is stored in Dewar flask which is a vacuum flask
Dewar flask
A glass vessel used for keeping liquids at temperatures differing from that of the
surrounding air. This is done by reducing to a minimum the transfer of heat
between the liquid and the air. A Dewar flask consists of a double-walled flask,
with the space between the two walls exhausted to a very high vacuum, to
minimize transfer of heat by convection and conduction. The inner surfaces of the
walls are silvered to reduce transfer of heat by radiation; areas of contact between
the two walls are kept at a minimum to keep down conduction of heat.

Nitrogen cycle showing the production of liquid nitrogen

Air passes

Inter cooler


Insulated chamber
Dewar flask
4.1 Definition
It is a engine which uses very cold substances to produce useful energy. A unique
feature of an cryogenic heat engine is that it operates in an environment at the peak
temperature of the power cycle, thus, there is always some heat input to the
working fluid during the expansion process.
4.2 Main Components of the Engine:

A pressurized tank to store liquid nitrogen
A pump that moves the liquid nitrogen to the economizer, Pressurant
bottles of N
gas substitute for a pump.
A primary heat exchanger that heats (using atmospheric heat) liquid nitrogen
to form nitrogen gas, then heats gas under pressure to near atmospheric
An Expander to provide work to the drive shaft of the vehicle
An economizer or a secondary heat exchanger, which preheats the liquid N

coming out from the pressurized tank taking heat from the exhaust.

Liquid nitrogen energy conversion system
4.3 LN2000
Another version of an air-powered car is being developed by researchers at the
University of Washington using the concept of a steam engine, except there is no
combustion. The Washington researchers use liquid nitrogen as the propellant for
their LN2000 prototype air car. The researchers decided to use nitrogen because of
its abundance in the atmosphere -- nitrogen makes up about 78 percent of the
Earth's atmosphere -- and the availability of liquid nitrogen.

4.3.1 Working
The liquid nitrogen, stored at -320 degrees Fahrenheit (-196 degrees Celsius), is
vaporized by the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is the heart of the LN2000's
cryogenic engine, which gets its name from the extremely cold temperature at
which the liquid nitrogen is stored. Air moving around the vehicle is used to heat
the liquid nitrogen to a boil. Once the liquid nitrogen boils, it turns to gas in the
same way that heated water forms steam in a steam engine
Nitrogen gas formed in the heat exchanger expands to about 700 times the volume
of its liquid form. This highly pressurized gas is then fed to the expander, where the
force of the nitrogen gas is converted into mechanical power by pushing on the
engine's pistons. The only exhaust is nitrogen, and since nitrogen is a major part of
the atmosphere, the car gives off little pollution. However, the cars may not reduce
pollution as much as you think. While no pollution exits the car, the pollution may
be shifted to another location. As with the evolution car, the LN2000 requires
electricity to compress the air. That use of electricity means there is some amount
of pollution produced somewhere
else. Some of the leftover heat in the engine's exhaust is cycled back through the
engine to the economizer, which preheats the nitrogen before it enters the heat
exchanger, increasing efficiency. Two fans at the rear of the vehicle draw in air
through the heat exchanger to enhance the transfer of heat to the liquid nitrogen.

Setup position of various components of nitrogen powered car

4.4 How does the Nitrogen Powered car work?
Heat from the atmosphere vaporizes liquid nitrogen under pressure and
produces compressed nitrogen gas. This compressed gas runs a pneumatic
(compressed gas drive) motor with nitrogen gas as the exhaust.

The University of Washington discovered a car that runs with liquid nitrogen as a
fuel. Researchers at the University of Washington are developing a new zero-
emission automobile propulsion concept that uses liquid nitrogen as the fuel. The
principle of operation is like that of a steam engine, except there is no combustion
involved. Instead, liquid nitrogen at 320 F (196 C) is pressurized and then
vaporized in a heat exchanger by the ambient temperature of the surrounding air.
This heat exchanger is like the radiator of a car but instead of using air to cool
water, it uses air to heat and boil liquid nitrogen. The resulting high-pressure
nitrogen gas is fed to an engine that operates like a reciprocating steam engine,
converting pressure to mechanical power. The only exhaust is nitrogen, which is
the major constituent of our atmosphere.

The LN2000 is an operating proof-of-concept test vehicle, a converted 1984
Grumman-Olson Kuban mail delivery van. The engine, a radial five-cylinder 15-hp
air motor, drives the front wheels through a five-speed manual Volkswagen
transmission. The liquid nitrogen is stored in a thermos-like stainless steel tank, or
Dewar, that holds 24 gallons and is so well insulated that the nitrogen will stay
liquid for weeks. At present the tank is pressurized with gaseous nitrogen to
develop system pressure but a cryogenic liquid pump will be used for this purpose
in the future. A preheated, called an economizer, uses leftover heat in the engine's
exhaust to preheat the liquid nitrogen before it enters the heat exchanger. Two fans
at the rear of the van draw air through the heat exchanger to enhance the transfer of
ambient heat to the liquid nitrogen. The design of this heat exchanger is such as to
prevent frost formation on its outer surfaces. As with all alternative energy storage
media, the energy density (W-hr/kg) of liquid nitrogen is relatively low when
compared to gasoline but better than that of readily available battery systems.
Studies indicate that liquid nitrogen automobiles will have significant performance
and environmental advantages over electric vehicles. A liquid nitrogen car with a
60-gallon tank will have a potential range of up to 200 miles, or more than twice
that of a typical electric car. Furthermore, a liquid nitrogen car will be much lighter
and refilling its tank will take only 10-15 minutes, rather than the several hours
required by most electric car concepts. Motorists will fuel up at filling stations very
similar to today's gasoline stations. When liquid nitrogen is manufactured in large
quantities, the operating cost per mile of a liquid nitrogen car will not only be less
than that of an electric car but will actually be competitive with that of a gasoline
car.The process to manufacture liquid nitrogen in large quantities can be
environmentally very friendly, even if fossil fuels are used to generate the electric
power required. The exhaust gases produced by burning fossil fuels in a power
plant contain not only carbon dioxide and gaseous pollutants, but also all the
nitrogen from the air used in the combustion. By feeding these exhaust gases to the
nitrogen liquefaction plant, the carbon dioxide and other undesirable products of
combustion can be condensed and separated in the process of chilling the nitrogen,
and thus no pollutants need be released to the atmosphere by the power plant. The
sequestered carbon dioxide and pollutants could be injected into depleted gas and
oil wells, deep mine shafts, deep ocean subduction zones, and other repositories
from which they will not diffuse back into the atmosphere, or they could be
chemically processed into useful or inert substances. Consequently, the
implementation of a large fleet of liquid nitrogen vehicles could have much greater
environmental benefits than just reducing urban air pollution as desired by current
zero-emission vehicle mandates.

5.2 Analysis of CooLN2 Car Performance:

A single-cylinder reciprocating expander that runs on compressed nitrogen gas
with the exhaust gas released into the atmosphere was considered. When
compressed gas flowed into the expanders cylinder, isobaric work was done on the
moving piston by the gas.
The net isobaric expansion work done during a single cycle is gauge pressure
of the gas multiplied by the volume of the gas that flows into the cylinder.
The isobaric specific energy is W
= (P
)V= P
is the difference in absolute pressure between inlet and exhaust gas.
If P
is atmospheric pressure, P
is the gauge pressure of compressed gas.
V is the volume occupied by the compressed gas per unit mass of gas.
P = P
/ P
is inlet to exhaust pressure ratio.
The isobaric specific energy is W
= RT
) /A.
Here T
refers to the temperature of the high pressure inlet gas.
The COOLN2 Car which a converted 1973 Volkswagen and runs on liquid
nitrogen is an illustrative to the use of isobaric expansion equation.

Nitrogen is more economic and in mass production for producing 1gallon of n2
(4litres) it costs Rs4/-. And moreover for electric vehicles 1000 pounds of lead are
used and it costs more than this . Currently, most road vehicles are powered
by internal combustion engines burning fossil fuel. If transportation is to be
sustainable over the long term, the fuel must be replaced by something else
produced by renewable energy. The replacement should not be thought of as an
energy source; it is a means of transferring and concentrating energy, a "currency"
Liquid nitrogen is generated by cryogenic or Stirling engine coolers that liquefy the
main component of air, nitrogen (N
). The cooler can be powered by renewable
generated electricity or through direct mechanical work from a hydro or wind
turbines. Liquid nitrogen is distributed and stored in insulated. The insulation
reduces heat flow into the stored nitrogen. Heat from the surrounding environment
boils the liquid. Reducing inflowing heat reduces the loss of liquid nitrogen in
storage. The requirements of storage prevent the use of pipelines as a means of
transport. Since long-distance pipelines would be costly due to the insulation
requirements, it would be costly to use distant energy sources for production of
liquid nitrogen. Petroleum reserves are typically a vast distance from consumption
but can be transferred at ambient temperatures. Liquid nitrogen consumption is in
essence production in reverse. The Stirling engine or cryogenic heat engine offers a
way to power vehicles and a means to generate electricity. Liquid nitrogen can also
serve as a direct coolant for refrigerators, electrical equipment and air
conditioning units. The consumption of liquid nitrogen is in effect boiling and
returning the nitrogen to the atmosphere.

6.2 Open Rankine Cycle Process:
The processes considered are the expansion of nitrogen gas at 300K and 3.3 MPA
to near atmospheric pressure. The first process considered is isothermal expansion
from 3.3 MPA to 120KPA and the work can be easily computed as
= rTln (P
r = 0.2968 (KJ/KgK) for nitrogen gas and T = 300K.
The result for Nitrogen is 291.59 KJ/Kg. Another limiting process is the
simple adiabatic expansion of the gas in which no heat is admitted during. the
expansion. The work is calculated as
= KrT [1-(P
/ P
Where T = 300K and k = 1.4, the ratio of specific heats for nitrogen.
The resulting Wadiabatic is 180KJ/Kg of Nitrogen exhausted at

6.3 Closed Brayton Cycle Processes:

Operation of liquid-nitrogen fueled, regenerative, closed Brayton cycle
cryogenic heat engine is illustrated. Considering adiabatic expander and
compressor, the specific energy provided by the system is given by
W = e
) (1)
= AL/Rt

-1)] (2) is the ratio of the working fluid

mass flow rate to the liquid nitrogen vaporization rate.
is the temperature of the heat single.
P is the ratio of the absolute pressures on the high and low pressure sides.
L = liquid nitrogens latent heat of vaporization.
R = 8314 J/mol-K universal gas constant
= 1-1 /r r = working fluids ratio of specific heat capacities at constant pressure
and constant volume.
The ideal specific energy provided by an adiabatic expander is
We =RT
)/[A.] .(3)
That = temperature of heat source
The ideal work done by an adiabatic compressor per unit mass of gas is
Wc = RT

-1)(A.) (4)
By combining equations we get
W = e
L [e
/ T
) - (1/e
)] ..(5)
The equation (5) considers the energy available from using liquid nitrogen as
a heat sink. The cold nitrogen gas that is produced by vaporizing liquid nitrogen
can be used a heat sink as well.


The energy density of liquid nitrogen is relatively low and better than readily
available battery systems.
They have significant performance and environmental advantages over
electric vehicles.
A liquid nitrogen car is much lighter and refilling its tank will only 10-15
The exhaust produced by the car is environmental friendly.

The N
passing through the tubes of the heat exchanger is so cold that the
moisture in the surrounding air would condense on the outside of the tubes,
obstructing the air flow.
Then there's the safety issue. Should a nitrogen car be kept in a poorly
ventilated space and, if the Nitrogen leaks off, it could prove fatal.
Turning N
gas into a liquid requires a lot of energy. So while cryogenic cars
have zero emissions, they rely on energy produced at emission generating
power plants.

7.3 Probable solutions:
A tube within a tube design.
passes back and forth inside a set of three nested tubes.
By the time it reaches the outermost tubes, the N
is warm enough that the
exterior wall of the tube remains above the freezing point of water.
Route the exhaust from the fossil fuel power plants through cryogenic plants,
so that the pollutants and the greenhouse gases could be condensed for later
7.4 Efficiency:
A liquid nitrogen car with a 60-gallon tank will have a potential range of up
to 200 miles, or more than twice that of a typical electric car

Why not commercialized?
Even though the technology is 10 to 12 years old, still it has not come to the
market for two reasons.
Safety issues have not been sorted out as yet.
Lack of funds for research.

The cost of production of 1 gallon of liquid nitrogen costs approx about Rs. 2/-
(4 cents) whereas an electric car requires 7 cents. Refilling of the tank requires
just 10-15 min, while an electric car requires an considerable amount.
Extremely non pollutant whereas, lead-acid batteries used in electric cars pose
threats in increasing metal pollution.
More over nitrogen is safer than hydrogen since this is less combustible than
hydrogen and the liquefaction process is simple rather than hydrogen. The
engine design is simple and the availability is more

SO due to the nitrogen abundance and its property of inertness and zero emissions
we would see the world filled with car that would be propelled by nitrogen
The scope of cryogenics has expanded widely from basic military and space
applications to various civil applications. Already Infrared sensors are being
increasingly used for fire detection alarm systems, energy conservation thermo
graphic analysis, astronomical observations, and medical thermo graphic analysis
for early Cancer detection.
The future developments are expected to lead towards disposable miniature 80 K
cryogenics. Ever since the introduction of cryogenic nitrogen, it has found
applicability in practically all fields because of its higher efficiency as compared to
cryogenics based on other refrigerating cycles Cryogenics offer immense scope for
the researchers and scientists for challenging ideas for new developments. Thus we
conclude that the cryogenic nitrogen are playing a very important role in the
researches and applications of its liquefaction, preservation and super cooling
processes In a real sense, the more such vehicles are used, the cleaner the air will
become if the liquefaction process is driven by non-polluting energy sources. In
addition to the environmental impact of these vehicles, refueling using current
technology can take only a few minutes, which is very similar to current gas
refueling times.


Reference to a Research Paper
[1] Research paper on Liquid Nitrogen as a Non-Polluting Vehicle Fuel by
Misty c. Plummer, Carlos A. Ordonez and Richard F. Reid, university of
North Texas.
[2] The University of Washingtons Liquid Nitrogen Propelled Automobile
[3] Knowlen, C., Hertzberg, A., Mattick, A.T., Automotive Propulsion
Using Liquid Nitrogen, AIAA 94-3349, 1994.

Reference to a web/URL
[4] Petroleum conservation research association
[5] Auto expo 2012
[6] cryogenics Encyclopedia Britannica].
[7] Thomas B.
North Liquid nitrogen propulsion systems for automotive applications.

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