Songs and Reading Fluency

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Using Songs to Strengthen Reading Fluency

Pooja Patel
Leslie E. Laud
An Article Published in
TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus
Volume 4, Issue 2, November 2007
Copyright 2007 by the author. This work is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attri-
bution License
Using Songs to Strengthen Reading Fluency
Pooja Patel
Leslie E. Laud
This study evaluated the use of songs with lyrics to increase the reading fluency rates of
three middle school students. In the first condition, students heard fluent reading mod-
eled, read regular passages repeatedly and then received feedback on accuracy, phrasing
and expression. After that, students received the same intervention, except that songs with
lyrics were used instead of regular passages for the repeated readings. CWPM (correct
words read per minute) gains showed rate increases following re-readings of each pas-
sage and set of lyrics; however, greater increases in CWPM were made following the
song lyrics passages suggesting that using song lyrics may be a superior way to
strengthen fluency. Overall transfer fluency rate gains, measured using new and unfamil-
iar passages, also showed rate increases, though these were less consistent.
fluency, repeated readings, lyrics, songs, oral reading, CWPM.
Patel, P. & Laud, L. E. (2007). Using songs to strengthen reading uency. TEACHING Excep-
tional Children Plus, 4(2) Article 4. Retrieved [date] from

Reading fluency has received a recent
resurgence of attention, as it is one of the de-
fining characteristics of good readers (Hud-
son, Lane & Pullen , 2005; Pikulski &; Ther-
rien, 2005). Not only do differences in flu-
ency help to distinguish good readers from
poor readers, but fluency is correlated to read-
ing comprehension (Carnine, Silbert,
Kameenui & Tarver, 2004; Fuchs, Fuchs &
Hosp, 2001; Kuhn, 2005; Pikulski & Chard,
2005; Pinnell, Pikulski, Wixson,
Campbell, Gough, & Beatty,
1995; Therrien, 2004). Whether
fluency results from, or contrib-
utes to, reading comprehension
may not yet have been deter-
mined; however it appears that
both foster each other (Stecker,
Roser, & Martinez, 1998). Given
this importance, fluency has be-
come an integral recommended
part of many reading programs (Kuhn &
Stahl, 2003; National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development, 2000; Na-
tional Reading Panel, 2000).
Reading fluency is defined as effi-
cient, effective decoding skills along with ac-
curate, rapid, expressive, prosodic oral read-
ing that allow students to comprehend texts
(Pikulski, 2006). However, since many poor
readers have difficulty with these components
of oral reading, their fluency suffers (NICHD,
2000; Therrien, 2004).
Research shows that repeated readings
of passages increase fluency, but that a pas-
sage should be repeatedly read for a maxi-
mum of three to four times as the gains made
following more than four repeated readings
cease to be significant (OShea, Sindelar &
OShea, 1985; Therrien, 2004). Kuhn and
Stahl (2003) also concluded that adult guided
approaches, particularly with corrective feed-
back, are superior to independent reading in
improving fluency. Finally, and central to this
study, they recommend moving beyond just
fostering automatic decoding to include
rhythm, expression, and prosody to help un-
glue students from print.
In another meta-analysis in which,
again practices such as repeated reading were
found effective, Therrien (2004) proposed
that students who read in this choppy, glued
to print way may be constrained by poor
prosody (Therrien, 2004). Given
the importance of prosody, and
the fact that this element is often
overlooked (Kuhn, 2005), we
searched for ways to develop
prosody that would be appealing
to our adolescent students. Sing-
ing, we hypothesized, would
enhance fluency as well as be
enjoyable for the students.
Several fluency re-
searchers have recommended using songs to
enhance fluency (Rasinski, 2006; Sample,
2005). Sample (2005) proposes that adoles-
cents are motivated by music and would en-
joy using class time to learn the words to
popular songs with high-frequency words and
patterns. Songs naturally lend themselves to
re-readings, a research-validated practice for
building fluency (Therrien, 2004). Douville
(2001) also argues that the rhythm and repeti-
tive characteristics of songs have the potential
to strengthen not only students' oral language
development and motivation but their reading
fluency skills. Yet we could not find any stud-
ies in which this had been investigated, or
even any research on using music to facilitate
fluency, and so we sought to explore this.
Furthermore, as a goal of any inter-
vention is that the gains transfer to other
situations, we also wanted to measure
whether gains made during the repetitive
readings of the songs would transfer to other

This study explores
whether using lyr-
ics from popular
songs would
enhance overall
texts. Though repeated readings do have the
potential to improve students overall fluency,
the gains may be moderate in transfer to other
texts (Therrien, 2004). Research has shown
that achieving the kind of large steady fluency
gains that might enable students to close the
gap with their regularly achieving peers may
not be easily achievable (Rashotte, MacPhee
& Torgesen, 2001; Torgesen, 2005).
In sum, this study explores whether
using lyrics from popular songs would en-
hance the overall Correct Words Per Minute
(CWPM) fluency rates of our students and if
the fluency gains would transfer to other pas-
sages. As fluency gains can be so
difficult to achieve (Torgessen,
2005), we also explored how
motivating singing might be for
our students. Since students
must practice fluency and re-
turns for their efforts may be
modest, we wanted to not only
find the most effective way to
build fluency but also to do so
in the most enjoyable way.
Our Students
Our students included one sixth
grader, Adam, and two seventh graders, Mari-
sol and Gretchen, all of whom attended re-
source room three times a week for 55 min-
utes for literacy support.
Gretchen was formally diagnosed as
having a language-based reading disability,
with a specific weakness in phonics. Her
word attack, spelling and fluency skills were
well below the typically developing range
when compared to national standards and
even lower when compared to her academic
peers. Since our school had an application
based entrance policy, the average student
surpassed national standards. Gretchens read-
ing tended to be slow and choppy with a large
number of hesitations and substitutions with
multi-syllabic words. When Gretchen would
get stuck on a word, she would begin to
mumble and hesitate using the sound mmm.
If she was not able to decode the word after a
few attempts, she would make up a word that
she thought would fit based on the first few
letters of the word. If the word had an irregu-
lar orthographic pattern, Gretchen would usu-
ally struggle with the word, unless she had
seen it several times before and was able to
read it automatically. Her weaknesses in de-
coding and word attack, made her reading
rate slow, and monotone, which lacked both
accurate phrasing and prosody.
Marisol showed classic signs of
a language-based reading dis-
ability such as transposing let-
ters when spelling, below aver-
age reading speed and word at-
tack skills, poor knowledge of
orthographic patterns when
reading and spelling, poor or-
ganization in writing and lack
of understanding the writing
process. Although, Marisols
word attack skills and reading speed was
higher than both Gretchen and Adam, her
scores were still lower than her academic
peers. Her reading speed, accuracy and atten-
tion to punctuation varied. At times, she
would appropriately pause at punctuation and
either automatically read a word or decode
multi-syllabic words efficiently. At other
times, she would rush through reading, with-
out paying attention to punctuation, accurate
reading or phrasing. From observations, Ma-
risol seemed to inaccurately define fluency as
fast reading, without attention to accurately
reading words, phrasing text to show compre-
hension and reading in a melodic manner.
Adam showed classic signs of a
language-based reading disability such as

We also wanted to
measure whether
gains made during
the repetitive read-
ings of the songs
would transfer to
other texts.
transposing letters when spelling, below aver-
age reading speed and word attack skills, poor
knowledge of orthographic patterns when
reading and spelling, poor organization in
writing and lack of understanding the writing
process. Since he was new to this country, we
were sensitive to cultural views of psycho-
educational evaluations, and refrained from
suggesting Adam to undergo a full battery
assessment at this time. Adam read in a slow
rate and a monotone tone, where he would not
pay attention to punctuation or phrasing; thus
defining his reading as wordby-word read-
ing. Since his word attack skills were weak,
he struggled with sounding out words that
were not automatic, so his reading sounded
choppy. Unlike Gretchen, he struggled with
both single and multi-syllabic
words, and would either substitute
or omit the word if he did not
know it automatically.
Beginning with Assessments:
Whenever we use a new
technique to use with our students,
our first step is always to design a
plan for monitoring its effective-
ness. This enables us to determine whether it
achieves our goals. In this case, we began by
administering a standardized measure of read-
ing fluency to our students, then also measur-
ing their initial CWPM rates before beginning
our fluency program.
Standardized Fluency Measures: Stu-
dents were formally assessed in fluency, be-
fore and after the repeated readings of regular
passages and after the repeated readings of
song lyrics with the Woodcock Johnson Read-
ing Fluency Subtests, Forms A and B.
CWPM Measures: The teacher docu-
mented students reading rate in seconds and
accuracy every day. This was done for both
every repeated reading passage in the first
phase and again for every repeated reading of
song lyrics in the lyrics condition. Each pas-
sage and set of song lyrics ranged from 160-
200 words.
During the repeated reading of pas-
sages only, the teacher calculated each stu-
dents CWPM by counting all words read cor-
rectly and dividing by time spent reading to
determine words read correctly per minute.
During the repeated reading of song
lyrics, all students individually charted (Ap-
pendix A) their reading rate and accuracy
every day. As the students engaged in daily
repeated reading, the teacher documented the
students errors and total time it took to com-
plete the passage. Upon completion
of reading, the teacher met with
each student individually to discuss
reading errors and amount of time
it took the student to read the pas-
sage in seconds. After the discus-
sion, the student used bar graphs to
chart out the number of errors and
time (in seconds) it took to com-
plete the reading of the passage.
Assessing Motivation: As a group, the
teacher and the students discussed their feel-
ings and perceptions about the intervention
after each phase. The teacher, informally,
asked, Do you like the fluency activity we
just did?, What did you like/dislike about
the fluency activity? The teacher also ob-
served the students behaviors in terms of:1)
spontaneous comments, 2)facial gestures, and
3) level of energy and excitement.

Prosody: The teacher informally ob-
served for prosody while each student indi-
vidually read aloud each passage or set of
song lyrics. During the repeated reading of

All students
charted their
reading rate
and accuracy
every day.
regular passages stage, the teacher listened to
make sure that each student was not reading
in a monotone, choppy or robotic method.
She also listened to make sure that the student
was not rushing to finish, failing to take into
account punctuation and natural pauses and
intonation in sentences. She would explicitly
and overtly model intonation, phrasing, rate
and tone any time that she was required to
reading during the stages of intervention and
would remind the students to emulate these. If
any of the students read in an overtly choppy
or monotone way and/or without any regard
to punctuation or phrasing of words, the
teacher would discuss this after they finished
reading the passage/song lyrics. She would
model their inappropriate reading and com-
pare it to a more appropriate model.
Fluency and Reading Strength-
ening Strategies Used in Both
The following basic
research-based principles rec-
ommended in Rasinski (2003)
informed the specific approach
we used to develop fluency:
1) Model. Teacher models fluent
reading to the student. Teacher
particularly makes phrasing and intonation of
text readily apparent so it can be mimicked
and applied.
2) Support or Assistance. Teacher or peers
give the student support on accurate reading
and feedback.
3) Extensive opportunity to practice. Students
have an opportunity to practice fluent reading
and fluency skills on a frequent basis.
These principles were used in both the
repeated readings of regular passages phase
and in the readings of song lyrics phase. Ad-
ditionally, while practicing fluency in both
phases, students also received daily structured
lessons in research-validated practices that
addressed decoding skills such as segmenting
words, pseudo and real word reading practice,
scooping or blending individual syllables, and
word sorts as described in Laud & Patel
(2007). This helped strengthen their decoding
accuracy as they read.
Stage 1: Repeated Reading of Regular Pas-
sages Stage:
During the first eight-week stage of
this intervention, students read passages each
from content area classes such as excerpts
from books they read in English class. Mari-
sol and Gretchen were learning about Arabian
tales in their English class, and reading the
book One Thousand and One Arabian Nights
by Geraldine McCaughrean while Adam was
learning about India and was
reading the book Homeless Bird
by Gloria Whelan. Therefore the
students read excerpts from their
book ranging in 160-200 words.
Each student repeatedly read a
total of four passages during this
stage. In One Thousand and One
Arabian Nights, students read an
excerpt from page 42 that begin
with, One morning and ended
on page 43 with, white hail..
Students followed the following con-
secutive steps during the repeated reading of
regular passage stage for each set of three
days used to repeatedly read each passage.
1. On the first day, students first heard
the passage modeled by the teacher,
with appropriate phrasing, expression,
rate and reading. After the modeling,
each student read the passage aloud,
individually. The teacher documented
errors in reading and the amount of
time it took each student to finish the
passage. Omissions, additions, substi-

The introduction
of songs and lyrics
during class
brought about a
certain element of
tutions and misread of words were
considered errors. Next, the teacher
showed each student individually his/
her errors and time. Therrien (2004),
in his meta- analysis of effective flu-
ency building practices recommended
using such a corrective feedback com-
ponent because students in studies us-
ing this made greater gains. By this,
the teacher gave immediate or delayed
corrective feedback as they read. Then
general feedback on speed, accuracy
and prosody were given after the stu-
dent completed the passage. The stu-
dents documented the errors and time
on a chart. Finally, each student cre-
ated a goal to reduce
his/her number of errors
and seconds to read the
passage for the next
consecutive repeated
2. On the second day,
each student read the passage aloud in
isolation for a second time, keeping
his/her goal in mind, without the
teacher model this time. After reading,
the teacher individually met with each
student to share errors and total read
time, and to create another goal for the
following day.
3. On the third day, each student read
the same passage aloud in isolation for
the final time, again keeping his/her
goal in mind. After the teacher shared
his/her error and total read time, each
student concluded if goal had been
Songs with Lyrics as Passages Stage:
During the next eight-week stage of
this intervention, students listened to songs
and repeatedly read the lyrics on consecutive
days. We searched for songs that did not have
long interludes, musical solos or inappropri-
ate lyrics or connotations. We also looked for
songs that had rich vocabulary, an appropriate
balance of chorus and other lyrical stanzas,
and songs that had a slow to medium rate
with clear phrasing and singing of lyrics so
that the words could be clearly understood.
The three songs chosen were: What Makes
You Different Makes You Beautiful by Back-
street Boys, Lemon Tree and Leaving on a Jet
Plane by Peter, Paul, and Mary. The students
read the each stanza and each chorus, as many
times as it repeated, during the repeated read-
ings. Full lyrics for each of the songs used
during this stage can be found on
St udent s fol l owed
these steps during the repeated
reading with lyrics as passages
1. On the first day, students lis-
tened to the song as they fol-
lowed along reading with the
lyrics. While listening to the song,
students had an opportunity to hear
appropriate phrasing and intonation
along with rate and accurate reading
of text. The teacher, then, orally read
the lyrics (as-is, without removing
any chorus) to the students, to ensure
that the students understood that they
would not be singing the lyrics but
rather reading what they heard as a
song using the tune and melody to
help phrase their reading to make
their repeated reading more prosodic.
Such adult modeling tended to in-
crease fluency effect sizes by more
than three times than when fluency
was modeled by peers (Therrien,
2004); thus making teacher modeling
an integral part of increasing fluency.

We looked for songs
that had rich
Table 1: CWPM Gains for Phase 1: Repeated Readings of Regular Passages
Marisol Gretchen Adam*
Passage 1a: 189 words 1b.:181 words
Read 1 133 109 63
Read 2 154 128 97
Read 3 174 133 114
Passage 2a: 187 words 2b:195 words
Read 1 130 74 75
Read 2 146 100 89
Read 3 177 141 158
Passage 3a:197 words 3b.:193 words
Read 1 133 99 65
Read 2 168 133 76
Read 3 183 150 114
Passage 4a: 196 words 4b: 185 words
Read 1 136 122 76
Read 2 189 149 105
Read 3 189 151 108
Note: There is a variance in word count in the passages that Adam read, since he was not in the same class as Mari-
sol and Gretchen.

2. Next, the students and teacher cho-
ral read the passage. Choral reading is
when the group both the person who
is guiding the fluency
and the others those
whose goal it is to in-
crease their fluen-
cyread the passage
together. Those whose
goal it is to increase the
fluency simultaneously
read the passage and are
able to use the one guiding the fluency
reading as a model as they read.
3. Once the modeling and guided
reading portion was completed,
each student read the lyrics in isola-
tion, as the teacher documented er-
rors and total read time in seconds.
Omissions, additions, substitutions
and misread of words were consid-
ered errors and were documented.
The teacher, then, showed each stu-
dent his/her errors and time, and
provided them an opportunity to
graph their individual data on a
chart. Corrective feedback was also
4. On the next two consecutive days
(day 2 and day 3 of this stage), stu-
dents first only listened to the song
as they followed along an individ-
ual copy of the lyrics. Next, they
choral read the lyrics while they
listened to the song. The students
were prepped not to sing with the
song, but rather read the song as
they listened to it. Then each stu-
dent individually read aloud the
song modeling appropriate phrasing
and intonation heard by listening to
the song. The teacher documented
errors and total read time in seconds
and conferred with each student
about his/her errors and time. Each
student used his/her information
and graphed it on their chart
5. On the fourth and final day of
repeated reading of one song,
the students individually read
the song lyrics in isolation. This
time, the students did not listen
to the song before reading. After,
the teacher documented errors
and total read time in seconds
and conferred with each student
about his/her errors and time. Each
student used his/her information
and graphed it on their chart.
Fluency Gains
Analysis of the gains following each
repeated reading trial show an increase of
CWPM following both interventions. The av-
erage gains during repeated readings of regu-
lar passages were 51.4 CWPM. In contrast,
the average gains for the repeated readings of
song lyrics were 83.2 CWPM. Overall, there
was a greater gain of 31.8 CWPM for the lyr-
ics phase.
According to Hasbruck and Tindal
(2006), average fluency rates for these ages
are 140 CWPM for sixth graders, with a range
of 82-195. For 7
grade, the average is 136
with a range of 88-192. Our sixth grader be-
gan at 63, which is far below the norm of 140.
Our seventh grade students began at 109 and
133, also both below the norm of 136. By the
time they read the final passages, the sixth
grader read at 94 and the seventh graders read
150 and 119. Two of the three students came
far closer to the mean, and one surpassed it.

Two of the three
students came far
closer to the mean,
and one surpassed
Table 2: CWPM Gains for Phase 2: Repeated Readings of Song Lyrics
Marisol Gretchen Adam
Song 1 (271 words)

Read 1 139 126 90

Read 2 231 190 145
Read 3 258 222 157

Read 4 313 241 186
Song 2 (223 words)
Read 1 150 155 105
Read 2 251 185 129
Read 3 275 221 164
Read 4 297 239 156
Song 3 (294 words)
Read 1 150 119 94
Read 2 219 173 113
Read 3 244 205 131
Read 4 267 207 142
Table 3: Gains in CWPM Between First Three Repeated Reading Trials.
Marisol Gretchen Adam Group Average Gains
Repeated Readings of Regular Passages Condition
Average Gains 46 47.3 61 51.4
Repeated Readings of Song Lyrics Condition
Average Gains 112.7 82.7 54.3 83.2

Figure 1:Individual CWPM Growth between each repeated reading trial of both stages
According to the fluency subtest of
the Woodcock Johnson, the overall scores
from the pretests conducted before both inter-
ventions to the post tests conducted after both
interventions show a final fluency rate in-
crease of an average 6 months. Specifically,
following the repeated readings of regular
passages, Gretchen and Marisols scores rose.
On the other hand, following repeated read-
ings of song lyrics, and using the post-tests
following the repeated readings of regular
passages as a pretest for the repeated readings
of lyrics phase, only Adams scores rose.
This study explored the effectiveness
of using songs and lyrics to increase both
measures of reading fluency that assess im-
mediate gains on the same passages read re-
peatedly and on transfer gains to new pas-
sages. Overall, the number of CWPM during
each repeated reading trial (non-transfer flu-
ency measures) increased following each of
the interventions for all three students. This
reaffirms the effectiveness of repeated read-
ings at increasing oral reading rates (Therrien,
According to the Woodcock-Johnson
fluency subtest that assessed transfer gains,
collectively, all three students showed an in-
crease in fluency rates from their initial pre-
test fluency scores following the final com-
prehensive post-test after both interventions
were conducted. These gains were less dra-
matic gains than those made by the CWPM
rate increases, and the repeated readings of
regular passages showed a slightly higher
However, perhaps the gains measured
by the Woodcock Johnson might have been
influenced by the order in which the interven-
tions were delivered. As greater gains are of-
ten made during the initial stages of an inter-
vention (Torgessen, 2005), it may well be par-
ticularly impressive that greater CWPM gains
were found during the second phase which
was reading song lyrics. Had we done the lyr-
ics intervention first, we suspect the Wood-
cock Johnson scores would have shown
greater gains for this phase and the CWPM
gains would have been yet even higher. Fur-

thermore, regarding the lower transfer gains,
we did not place much emphasis directly on
the kinds of strategies that would facilitate
transfer such as explaining the rationale to
students for why they are working on fluency,
helping them see how this will help them, de-
signing self-talk statements to cue them to use
it in other situations and helping them attrib-
ute other successes to their increased reading
fluency (Wong, 1994). We believe that if we
had, we would have seen even further trans-
fer. In either case, based on these results
teachers may be best advised to use both in-
terventions with song lyrics supplementing
repeated readings of regular passages, as us-
ing both resulted in noteworthy gains accord-
ing to both CWPM and transfer to new pas-
sages gains.
Table 4: Woodcock Johnson Fluency Subtest Scores
Adam Gretchen Marisol
Initial Pre-Test (Form A)
Raw Score 33 49 49

Age Equivalent 9-0 11-4 11-4

Grade Equivalent 3.6 6.0 6.0
Post-test Regular Passages (Form B)

Raw Score 30 55 58

Age Equivalent 8-8 12-8 13-4

Grade Equivalent 3.3 7.3 8
Post-test Song Lyrics (Form A)

Raw Score 36 50 56

Age Equivalent 9-3 11-7 12-11

Grade Equivalent 3.8 6.2 7.6
Regarding the gains that were shown
with the CWPM measures, the effects of the
repeated readings of the lyrics show larger
increases than those made in the repeated
readings of regular passages. The repetitive
nature of lyrics in songs may have contributed
to the students large jump in the CWPM
rates. Additionally, as the students listened to

the song daily, it may have prompted them to
pick up their rate and increase their accuracy
since they were hearing the words in a lyrical
matter. This may have helped them to group
words together in appropriate phrases, allow-
ing them to parse texts together and to look at
the words as units rather than individual
words. We suspect this engagement aided in
prosodic reading; although not formally as-
sessed, the teacher observed the students
phrasing, pausing and intonation changed in
similar ways as heard from the song. Also, the
lyrics were organized in stanza form, where
each line only had a few words on it, thus
looking similar to a poem. This form, may
have possibly tuned the students into parsing
the text more readily, since each line was al-
ready separated with a few words. In fact,
both Marisol and Adam commented that the
lyrics were organized like po-
ems; Marisol went on to further
suggest that they should be read
with more expression if similar
to a poem. If this is the case, the
lyric stage could have provided
a visual cue for parsing and may
have helped the students read
with greater prosody. A future
study is necessary to see if the
organization of the text did in fact play a role
in increasing CWPM rates and prosodic read-
ing. Additional research should also control
the format of both song lyrics and excerpts in
text, to allow for stronger conclusions about
the benefits of using song lyrics for fluency
Based on the informal observations
and discussions between teacher and student,
student motivation and interest in fluency ap-
peared to increase during the repeated read-
ings of song lyrics. The teacher observed that
during the song lyrics stage, the students
came into class asking when they would get
to complete the fluency portion of class,
whereas during the regular reading stage the
students made no anticipatory mention. Spe-
cific responses the questions that the teacher
asked after each stage, elicited more favorable
responses during the song lyric stage. During
the regular reading stage, all three students
seemed passive with their responses, and
seemed to think the fluency assignment was
just something they had to do in class, al-
though they enjoyed the goal-setting aspect.
During the song lyric stage, the students
commented that they liked listening to the
songs and thought the teacher was nice to let
them do something that they do outside of
school in school. Also, the students expressed
that listening to the songs kept the class inter-
esting, and kept them focused because after
they listened to the song they were not al-
lowed to sing the song but
rather read the song as they
heard it sung, which was not the
same task. The distinction the
students made seems to elude to
the fact that during the song
lyric stage, the students were
beginning to understand the
definition of fluency as not only
accurate reading with an appro-
priate rate but also an engagement in prosodic
reading with emphasis on expression, intona-
tion, parsing and tone.
This study further reaffirms the idea
of using songs to foster a higher level of en-
gagement and motivation for the reading task
(Douville & Wood, 2001). The introduction
of songs and lyrics during the class brought
about a certain element of excitement, as if
the students were allowed to do something
that they did at home or during their free
time. This increased interest helped to shape
their understanding of the true definition of
fluency and motivated them to reach their

All three students
showed an increase
in fluency rates
from their initial
pretest fluency
goals more readily. This may be one of the
most important parts of the study, as these
students can be challenging to motivate. If
transfer gains made by various fluency ap-
proaches are equally modest, then it makes
sense to use the route that is most enjoyable
and motivating which song lyrics seems to be.
Another motivating factor in this
study was that during the repeated readings of
song lyrics, students charted their progress
daily. A separate bar graph was used to indi-
cate errors in reading and seconds it took to
complete the reading. The daily charting
proved to be extremely motivational as stu-
dents visually saw their daily progress (Bear
& Boone, 1998; Therrien, 2004 & Rasinski,
2006). The combination of using songs and
lyrics as the reading material and the daily
charting to monitor success yielded positive
motivation and helped students persevere
with the task of increasing fluency despite the
challenges in doing so.
Future research could explore inte-
grating songs and lyrics into methods used a
recent model of fluency development that did
achieve significant gains, specifically Read
Naturally (Denton, Fletcher, Anthony, &
Francis, 2006). Furthermore, as the gains dur-
ing the CWPM were larger than during the
lyrics condition than during baseline, perhaps
a longer study using the lyrics method might
yield greater gains in transfer.
There are several limitations in this study.
First, since the study was done in the
teachers resource room class, she used a
convenience sample, which was quite small.
Future research should evaluate the effective-
ness of using song lyrics for fluency instruc-
tion with a more randomized sample that has
more subjects. Second, the readability levels
of the excerpts and song lyrics were not con-
trolled for in both stages. If the reading level
of one stage is easier, this factor could easily
inflate the CWPM for that repeated reading
cycle/stage. Third, the students read every
chorus during the song lyric stage. Songs by
nature, have a repetitive chorus after one or
two differing stanzas. Therefore, they may
have begun to memorize the chorus. If this
was the case, then CWPM scores may possi-
bly be inflated as well. One can argue, that
the students were repeatedly reading during
both stages; therefore, they could have easily
memorized any portion of either the ex-
cerpted text or song lyrics. Future research
should control for the number of times the
students repeatedly read the chorus in songs,
to see if there is an effect on CWPM.
We began this study questioning the
effectiveness of using song and lyrics as re-
peated readings to increase fluency and
whether this could be another viable method
for building oral reading fluency. Our results
show that according to CWPM gains and
transfer measures, the three students did in-
crease their fluency overall following both
interventions, thus encouraging the usage of
songs and lyrics as part of an overall program
for building fluency. In addition, the increase
in motivation when singing was remarkable
in that the three students seemed to enjoy the
task when songs were used, and to have a
larger appreciation for fluency, not only iso-
lated to accurate and fast reading, but for
prosody as well. Given the importance of ad-
dressing fluency, this technique seems to be
not only an effective way to address it but
also motivating which is critical when work-
ing with adolescents.
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About the Authors:
Pooja Patel is an English teacher and a learning specialist who is currently
working as a middle school English teacher at the United Nations Interna-
tional School in New York City.

Leslie Laud is an instructor at Bank Street College of Education and a learn-
ing specialist at the United Nations International School, both in New York
Appendix A: Individual Reading Rate and Accuracy Chart
34 176--180 Date 1
33 171--175 Date 2
32 166--170 Date 3
31 161--165 Date 4
30 156--160
29 151--155
28 146--150
27 141--145
26 136--140
25 131--135
24 126--130
23 121-125
22 116-120
21 111-115
20 106--110
19 101--105
18 96--100
17 91--95
16 86--90
15 81--85
14 76--80
13 71--75
12 66--70
11 61--65
10 56--60
9 51--55
8 46--50
7 41--45
6 36--40
5 31--35
4 26--30
3 21--25
2 11--20
1 6--10
0 0--5

Errors Time Read 1 Read 1 Read 2 Read 2 Read 3 Read 3 Read 4 Read 4


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