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Responsible division : Responsible unit : Document type : Confidentiality status :

LLE PPC/TDE1 Operating instruction -

Prepared: Titel : Dokument State :

2014-02-14, H. Eisbacher Nose suspended drive released

Checked : MITRAC DR 1800N
2014-02-21, B. Kamenicky, G. Harasleben
Approved : File name : Revision : Language : Pages :

2014-03-03, F. Güttler 3ejd000001-2755_operating_instruction.docx __ en 1/260 =

Template-Nr.: Saved Sequence index
PDM TeamCenter 2014-03-03 20:06 :

Operating instruction for MITRAC DR 1800N

Motor MJC 280-1 and Gearbox 1 QFT 4420

This document and its contents are the property of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. This document contains confidential proprietary information.
The reproduction, distribution, utilisation or communication of this document or any part thereof, without express authorisation is strictly prohibited.
Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages.

© 2014, Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Modification and use of this document contents shall be solely allowed by Bombardier Transportation or RDSO/ICF/IR/WR/CR, to the extent permitted in
accordance to the terms of contract no. MRVC/EL/EMU/Rolling stock/2008/CA/1
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These operating instructions will help familiarise you with the drive and use it to its full potential.

They contain important information that is designed to ensure the safe, proper and cost-effective
operation of the drive. Please read these instructions and follow them carefully, as this will help to:

• avoid hazards;
• reduce repair costs and downtime;
• increase the reliability and service life of the drive.
These operating instructions supplement existing health and safety guidelines relating to accident
prevention and protection of the environment. The instructions must be kept ready to hand at the
point of use at all times. Every person entrusted with work on the drive must have read and
understood these instructions. This applies in particular to:

• Commissioning
• Servicing
• Maintenance
• Inspection
• Repairs
• Transportation
In addition to the operating instructions and the mandatory health and safety regulations and laws
applicable in the country of use and at the point of use, the recognised technical rules and industry
standards must also be complied with.

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Table of contents

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................. 2

Table of contents................................................................................................................................. 3

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 About this user manual .......................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Which chapters do I need to read? ................................................................................. 7
1.2 Definition of terms.................................................................................................................. 8
1.2.1 Operating instructions ..................................................................................................... 8
1.2.2 Servicing ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.3 Commissioning ............................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Symbols and conventions used in this manual ...................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Information and symbols ................................................................................................. 9
1.3.2 About this manual ........................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Translations of this document (non-English versions) .......................................................... 10
1.5 Conformities ........................................................................................................................ 10

2 Safety ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Intended use........................................................................................................................ 11
2.2.1 Proper use .................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 User groups (user roles) ...................................................................................................... 12
2.3.1 Service personnel ......................................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Installation personnel .................................................................................................... 13
2.3.3 Logistics personnel ....................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Guarantee of availability ...................................................................................................... 14
2.4.1 Operating profile of the vehicle ..................................................................................... 14
2.4.2 Service life .................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Workplace requirements ...................................................................................................... 14
2.5.1 Safety and cleanliness .................................................................................................. 14
2.5.2 Fire extinguishers ......................................................................................................... 14
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2.6 Training ............................................................................................................................... 15

2.7 Environmental safety ........................................................................................................... 15
2.8 General safety regulations ................................................................................................... 15
2.9 Safe behaviour .................................................................................................................... 15

3 Product Description .................................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Drive .................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.1 Description.................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 Technical data .............................................................................................................. 18
3.2.3 Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 22
3.3 Traction motor ..................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.1 Description.................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.2 Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Gearbox .............................................................................................................................. 28
3.4.1 Description.................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 30

4 Transport and Storage ............................................................................................................... 32

4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 32
4.2 Transportation: .................................................................................................................... 32
4.2.1 Transportation of the drive: ........................................................................................... 33
4.2.2 Transportation of the traction motor without gearbox .................................................... 34
4.2.3 Transport of the gearbox without traction motor ............................................................ 34
4.2.4 Transport of the axle suspension tube without gearbox ................................................ 35
4.2.5 Transport of the axle suspension tube with mounted axle ............................................. 35
4.3 Storage:............................................................................................................................... 36
4.3.1 General information ...................................................................................................... 36
4.3.2 Measures taken for longer storage times ...................................................................... 37
4.3.3 Re-commissioning ........................................................................................................ 38

5 Commissioning ........................................................................................................................... 39
5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 39
5.2 First Installation ................................................................................................................... 39
5.3 Commissioning .................................................................................................................... 40
5.3.1 First Installation ............................................................................................................ 40
5.3.2 Re-Start ........................................................................................................................ 40

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5.3.3 Tests run ...................................................................................................................... 40

5.4 Acceptance.......................................................................................................................... 41
5.4.1 Acceptance after the first start-up ................................................................................. 41
5.4.2 Acceptance after re-start............................................................................................... 41
5.5 Shutdown ............................................................................................................................ 41
5.5.1 Shutdown prior to maintenance .................................................................................... 41
5.6 Uninstalling .......................................................................................................................... 41

6 Operation ................................................................................................................................... 42
6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 42
6.2 Utilization ............................................................................................................................. 42
6.3 Operating, Display and Monitoring elements: ...................................................................... 42
6.3.1 Operating elements ...................................................................................................... 42
6.3.2 Display elements .......................................................................................................... 42
6.3.3 Monitoring elements ..................................................................................................... 42
6.4 Operating Methods and States ............................................................................................ 43
6.5 Correcting Malfunctions: ...................................................................................................... 43

7 Maintenance............................................................................................................................... 44
7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 44
7.2 Safety .................................................................................................................................. 45
7.3 Maintenance work and intervals .......................................................................................... 46
7.4 Maintenance work on the installed drive .............................................................................. 47
7.4.1 Visual inspection ........................................................................................................... 47
7.4.2 Checking the oil level .................................................................................................... 48
7.4.3 Changing the oil............................................................................................................ 50
7.4.4 Re-greasing .................................................................................................................. 52
7.4.5 Change of sandwich spring unit .................................................................................... 55
7.5 Disassembly of drive ........................................................................................................... 59
7.5.1 Disassembly of gearbox from traction motor and axle suspension tube: ....................... 60
7.5.2 Disassembly of traction motor from axle suspension tube and Bogie: ........................... 63
7.5.3 Disassembly the Traction Motor.................................................................................... 66
7.5.4 Disassembly of axle suspension tube, wheel-set shaft and gearbox components ......... 76
7.6 Maintenance work on the disassembled drive ..................................................................... 80
7.6.1 Interior cleaning of the drive.......................................................................................... 80
7.6.2 Visual inspection ........................................................................................................... 81
7.6.3 Regreasing the bearings of the gear box ...................................................................... 82
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7.7 Assembling the drive ........................................................................................................... 83

7.7.1 Assembling the traction motor....................................................................................... 84
7.7.2 Assembling the gearbox ............................................................................................. 110
7.8 Checking and testing operations........................................................................................ 238
7.8.1 Running check ............................................................................................................ 238
7.8.2 Checking the axial run of main gear............................................................................ 238
7.8.3 Test run ...................................................................................................................... 239
7.8.4 Functional test of the stator winding ............................................................................ 239
7.8.5 Functional test of the measuring resistors................................................................... 239
7.8.6 Functional test of the speed sensor ............................................................................ 240
7.8.7 Special tests when using the drives for the first time ................................................... 241
7.9 Special repair work ............................................................................................................ 242
7.9.1 Exterior cleaning of the drive ...................................................................................... 242
7.10 Drawings ........................................................................................................................... 243

8 Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 246

8.1 Spare parts ........................................................................................................................ 246
8.1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................... 246
8.1.2 Procurement of spare parts ........................................................................................ 246
8.1.3 Traction motor ............................................................................................................ 246
8.1.4 Gear box..................................................................................................................... 249
8.1.5 Paints ......................................................................................................................... 255
8.1.6 Lubricants: .................................................................................................................. 256
8.2 Disposal ............................................................................................................................ 257
8.3 Lists ................................................................................................................................... 258
8.3.1 List of tables ............................................................................................................... 258
8.3.2 List of figures .............................................................................................................. 259
8.4 Revision History................................................................................................................. 260

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1 Introduction

1.1 About this user manual

As a manufacturer, Bombardier provides user documentation for the safe and proper use of its drives.

The intended readership includes:

• Repair and maintenance personnel

• Fitters and other specialist technicians from repair contractors
• Design engineers working on follow-up product level
• Installation personnel
• Operating personnel
• Logistics personnel

1.1.1 Which chapters do I need to read?

The table below details which parts of the operating instructions must be read by each group of

Table 1: Which chapters do I need to read?

User group Chapter

Repair and maintenance personnel All chapters

Assemblers and other specialist technicians

All chapters
from repair contractors
Design engineers working on follow-up
All chapters
product level
Installation personnel Chapters 0 to 2, 4 and 5

Logistics personnel Chapters 0 to 2 and 4

A list of the activities associated with each group of users and the corresponding levels of training
required can be found in the section entitled “User groups (user roles)” in chapter 2.3.

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1.2 Definition of terms

The following terms are explained to ensure that they are clearly defined:

1.2.1 Operating instructions

The operating instructions form the main part of the user documentation. They are used to instruct
the different users on the safe and effective use of the product.

The operating instructions form part of the product delivery. As such, they satisfy the legal obligation
of Bombardier to provide the customer with adequate product information.

1.2.2 Servicing
Servicing includes measures intended to maintain or restore the product to its intended status and to
determine and assess the actual status of a component. It is divided into:

• Maintenance
Maintenance includes measures to determine and assess the actual status and to maintain
the intended status of the technical components and equipment in a system. They differ,
among other things, according to the amount of work involved, infrastructure and personnel
• Repairs
Repairs are unplanned maintenance measures. Following a defect, the component or parts
thereof must be repaired or replaced. Good diagnostics should indicate the smallest
replaceable component as accurately as possible.

1.2.3 Commissioning
Measures required for professional and safe commissioning (for use) or re-commissioning after a
fault or defect at the operating location.

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1.3 Symbols and conventions used in this manual

1.3.1 Information and symbols
We differentiate between four different levels of danger. The table below provides an overview of the
symbols, hazard classes and signal words that are used for the different levels of danger and their
potential consequences.

Table 2: Notes and Icons

Symbol Hazard class Signal word Definition Consequences

Direct, imminent
A Danger Fatal or very serious injuries
Personal Potentially
Potentially fatal or very serious
B injury Warning dangerous
Less dangerous Potentially less serious or minor
C Caution
situation injuries

Potentially Potential damage to the product
D damage Attention
damaging situation or its surroundings

Usage hints and This is not a signal word that is

Note /
E other helpful used to warn of a dangerous or
information damaging situation

Dangers must be avoided through responsible and cautious behaviour and actions.
Always read and obey the warnings in this document.

These instructions will help you to identify hazards in good time and to conduct yourself in a safe

Direct instructions are shown in a numbered sequence, e.g.:

1. Clean and grease the seats

2. Heat the bearing cartridge to 115 °C
3. Install the...

1.3.2 About this manual

To make it easier to find the relevant information, this document is divided into 8 chapters. Please
refer to the “Table of contents” on page 3.

Item numbers listed in the text, e.g. P45, correspond to the item numbers in drawings, parts lists and
spare parts lists.

The following abbreviations are used in this document:

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardisation)

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EMC Electromagnetic compatibility

EN European Standard
IEC International Electro technical Commission
ISO International Standardisation Organisation
MSV Maschinen-Sicherheitsverordnung (Austrian law governing the safety of machines)
n/a not applicable
A Drive end
DE Drive end
nDE Non-drive end
B Non-drive end
ÖNORM Austrian standard
ÖVE Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik (Austrian Electrotechnical
VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (Association of German Electrical Engineers)

1.4 Translations of this document (non-English versions)

The original version of this document was written in English. Please contact the manufacturer for
versions in other languages.

1.5 Conformities
The drive complies with the relevant European directives and national and international standards.
The drive is subject to the following standards:
Provisions laid out in the current version of EMC Directive 89/366/EEC
EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery – electrical equipment of machines
IEC 60349-2:1993 Rotating electric machines for rail and road vehicles -
Part 2: Converter-fed alternating current motors
IEC 60077-1:1999-10 Railway applications - Electric equipment for rolling stock -
Part 1: General service conditions and general rules
EN 50125-1:1999-09 Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment -
Part 1: Equipment on railway vehicles
EN 50355:2003-09 Railway applications - Cables and wires for rail vehicles with improved
behaviour in a fire situation
DIN 6700-2:2001-05 Welding work on railway vehicles and railway vehicle components -
Part 2: Component classes, certification of welding companies,
conformity assessment

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2 Safety

2.1 Overview
This chapter informs everyone involved about the residual risks and hazards that will still be present
even when the product is used properly in accordance with its designated purpose. It also informs the
reader about possible measures that should be implemented in order to avoid such risks.

2.2 Intended use

2.2.1 Proper use
The drive is intended to be used solely as a drive in electric multiple units under the operating
conditions laid out in chapter 3. Any other use is deemed to be improper.

The towing of an electric multiple unit (EMU) over long distances at high speeds (>80 km/h)
represents an exceptional operating status and is not allowed to be part of daily planned operation. In
the event of a fault on the EMU or in the drive the day's service may still be completed, but the EMU
has then to be taken to a workshop. The speed of the EMU should not exceed 80 km/h while it is
being moved with unpowered drives to another location. At higher speeds, the negative effects of
roller sliding of the unloaded roller bearings may result in irreversible bearing damage.

The technical data for the drive have been specified taking into account the regulations and
standards agreed and specified in the order. The drive must only be operated within the limits of
these data.

Proper use also includes compliance with the operating instructions and the inspection and
maintenance conditions.

In the event of improper use or failure to comply with the operating instructions, all
claims against the manufacturer will be rendered null and void with immediate effect.

It is expressly prohibited to modify drive components in any form whatsoever in order to make them
suitable for alternative applications.

Drive components must only be used in accordance with the descriptions in these operating
instructions. All statements relating to safety, operation, maintenance and servicing must be obeyed.

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Any unauthorised structural changes or additions to drive components will render all
claims against the manufacturer null and void with immediate effect.

2.3 User groups (user roles)

The operator is responsible for training and instructing personnel according to the user roles.

The following individual user groups are defined:

• Operating personnel
• Service personnel (maintenance, troubleshooting, repairs)
• Installation personnel
• Logistics personnel

Only the users for whom this operating manual is intended are listed!

The tables below give a brief overview of the individual user groups:

2.3.1 Service personnel

Table 3: Service personnel

User group Activity Training, experience

Maintenance work according to the

Personnel for
maintenance schedule, troubleshooting Technical training, vehicle-specific
and fault rectification, simple errors with maintenance training
no measuring requirement

Troubleshooting with simple

Technical training, special vehicle-
measurement requirement, removal and
Workshop specific training, several years of
installation for maintenance purposes,
personnel experience of repair and/or service
re-commissioning according to
work on rail vehicles
See "Commissioning personnel" in
Maintenance See "Commissioning personnel" in
Table 4: Installation personnel
personnel Table 4: Installation personnel

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2.3.2 Installation personnel

Table 4: Installation personnel

User group Activity Training, experience

Commissioning of overhauled vehicles

Technical training, engineer or
Commissioning in accordance with commissioning
technician training, practical
personnel instructions: factory testing, test drives,
commissioning experience
drives under load

Technical training, engineer or

Challenging measurements,
Specialists, technician training, practical
troubleshooting with high measurement
technical team commissioning experience, knowledge
requirement, type tests for new vehicles
of measuring techniques

Engineering training, several years'

Acceptance of new vehicles and system
experience in the manufacturing and
Acceptance components according to functional
testing of railway vehicles, training by
officer specification and customer
the railway company, possibly train
service training

The following activities, responsibilities and skills are shared by all types of user:

• Responsibility for the activity described

• Logging of the tests and the work carried out
• Access to the documents, drawings, etc. required for the work.

2.3.3 Logistics personnel

Table 5: Logistics personnel

User group Activity Training, experience

Materials purchasing, warehouse
administrative Technical or commercial training,
planning and management, haulage of
logistics specialist railway logistics training

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2.4 Guarantee of availability

To protect the value of the investment, the following assumptions are made:

2.4.1 Operating profile of the vehicle

The drive is intended to be used solely as a drive in electric multiple units under the operating
conditions laid out in chapter 3.

2.4.2 Service life

The anticipated service life is 30 years.

2.5 Workplace requirements

2.5.1 Safety and cleanliness
• Always keep the workplace clean and tidy.
Packaging materials and waste should be removed immediately.
Keep the floor/ground free of oil and grease.
• Use personal safety equipment that will protect you against health risks and injuries.
Wear safety shoes with steel toe caps.
Keep undamaged, heat-proof gloves ready to hand.
• Before using, check lifting equipment and loading tackle for:
permissible load,
any damage.
• Only use materials and tools that are in perfect working order.
• Ensure that the following requirements are satisfied:
Stable mounting device at a convenient height
Suitable tools and measuring instruments
Sealing materials and lubricants
A list of the auxiliary equipment used can be found in chapter 8.1.

Total cleanliness is a prerequisite for proper operation of the drive (motor and
gearbox). Any contaminants must be removed immediately, as they could otherwise
cause damage to the roller bearings, toothing, etc.

The working area must be free of dust and draughts and must not be exposed to major temperature

Smoking and naked flames are prohibited. Solvents and lubricants are flammable.

2.5.2 Fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers for the appropriate fire class must be kept available in sufficient
quantities. The installation locations of the fire extinguishers must be known.
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2.6 Training

Only properly trained, expert personnel is permitted to perform maintenance on the
drives, to dismantle/assemble the drives or to carry out repairs on the drives

A list containing all the duly authorised persons should be maintained and kept up to date. This list
must be available in the workplace.

2.7 Environmental safety

As a company, Bombardier is committed to protecting the environment by complying with all
applicable environmental legislation and official regulations. In addition, we strive to use
environmentally-friendly materials and to share information about the materials we use.

All applicable legislation relating to protection of the environment and disposal of materials or
components must be complied with during operation, maintenance and repairs. Refer also to chapter
8.2: Disposal.

2.8 General safety regulations

In the general safety regulations, Bombardier has drawn up a set of principles that define how you
should behave as a user both in terms of safety and the environment. The legislation specific to your
country, local regulations and the health and safety in the workplace instructions issued by the
railway company shall apply.

2.9 Safe behaviour

Use of the drive (motor and gearbox)

• in technically perfect working order

• safely and with due awareness of hazards
• in accordance with the operating instructions
• for its intended purpose

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3 Product Description

3.1 Overview
This chapter contains all of the essential data for the drive. Each user should become familiar with
this chapter to be able to use the product as specified. At first the drive and its technical data is
described, then the traction motor und the gearbox.

3.2 Drive
3.2.1 Description
The drive is designed as a nose-suspended drive which consists of out of a traction motor and a
gearbox. The wheelset shaft is not part of the drive and is handled in the maintenance manual of the
bogie. An overview of the drive is shown in Figure 1.

• Drive: MITRAC DR 1800N

• Traction motor: MITRAC TM 1800S (MJC 280-1)
• Gearbox: MITRAC GB 1800S (1 QFT 4420)

Figure 1: Drive unit

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Motor and suspension tube form a stiff structure, the suspension tube is bolted at one end to the
gearbox housing and the connection to the stator casting is located along the whole length of the

The drive unit is supported on the wheel set shaft by two nose suspension bearings (axle hung) and
is suspended, at the traction motor end, by a spring unit on the bogie. The spring unit is directly
connected to the stator housing. The traction and braking forces are transmitted by the wheel set
bearings to the frame of the traction mechanism.

The gearbox is of the type single-reduction and is identical for all the motor bogies of the MRVC train.
Each motor bogie contains a motor-gearbox arrangement per wheel set.

The horizontally split gear housing is bolted to the A-side motor bearing shield and suspension tube.
It is assembled on the wheel set shaft. The traction motor is bolted to the nose suspension tube and
is supported in the bogie frame by a rubber sandwich unit. The gearbox transmits the power delivered
by the traction motor to the wheel set shaft in traction mode and from the wheel set shaft to the motor
in electric braking mode.

The main gear is shrink fitted on the cylindrical seat of the wheel set shaft and transmits the torque
provided by the gearbox to the wheel set shaft.

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3.2.2 Technical data Technical data drive

Table 6: Technical data drive

Vehicle data
Maximum service speed 110 km/h
Axle load 20,32 t
Gauge 1676 m
Wheel diameter (new / worn) 952 / 877 mm
Ambient temperatures 0 °C to +50 °C
Traction Drive MITRAC DR 1800N
Suspension Type Nose Suspended Drive
Total Drive Weight 1945 kg (±3%)
Ground Clearance 103,5mm at worn wheels (from TOR) Technical data traction motor

Table 7: Technical data traction motor

Traction Motor MITRAC TM 1800S

Type MJC 280-1
Design 3-Phase asynchronous motor, squirrel cage rotor.
Number of poles 4
DC link voltage 1650 V
Rated power at speed 247 kW / 1460 rpm
Rated current 177 A
Rated voltage 945 V
Rated Frequency 49,5 Hz
Maximum operational speed 2954 rpm
Cooling type self ventilated
Cooling air flow approx. 0,25 m /s
Motor insulation class 200
Standard IEC 60349-2
Weight 1340 kg (±3%) (traction motor with pinion) Technical data gearbox

Table 8: Technical data gearbox

Gearbox MITRAC GB 1800S

Type 1 QFT 4420
Reduction Single
Gear Ratio 4.44
Weight 585 kg (±3%)

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Figure 2: Traction characteristics

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Figure 3: Breaking characteristics

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Figure 4: Tractive/Breaking effort diagram

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3.2.3 Drawings
Figure 5: Drive complete

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Figure 6: Drive outline drawing

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3.3 Traction motor

3.3.1 Description
The traction motor is a 4-pole, 3-phase, squirrel-cage type, self ventilated, two bearings
asynchronous motor, specially designed for inverter supply and for reducing pulsating torque, losses
and noise level caused by the converter supply.

One of the main objectives of the design of the traction motor has been to minimize the number of
components, which for the end-user reduces time for maintenance and increases reliability. All main
components, rotor, end-shield and bearing arrangement, are equal and interchangeable between
motors. Stator


The stator housing is a cast structure that accomodates the laminated stator core. The lamination
stack is shrinked into the stator housing.

Lamination Stack

The lamination stack consists of insulated high permeability electric steel sheets and is clamped on
both sides by end plates.

Stator Winding

The stator winding insulation conforms to the EN 60349-2 standard Class 200. By using this
insulation process, the stator is vacuum impregnated (VPI process). The stator winding is made up of
form coils. The coils are wound from insulated rectangular profile copper wire with an additional MICA
tape based insulation. The coils are connected at the A-side of the stator. All connections are brazed. End shields

Both end-shields are cast structures, the shapes are designed to minimize the dimensions of the
motor and maximize stiffness. Electrical connection

The connection box of the motor is located on the upper side of the stator housing. The connection of
the motor cables to the stator winding is carried out via a terminal board. The connection box is also
provided with cable glands for the traction motor power cables.

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The rotor is a short circuit squirrel cage design. The lamination is held together by two press rings
and shrink fitted to the rotor shaft. The short circuit cage is designed as a brazed copper cage, which
is built by the rotor bars and two short circuit rings – both made of copper. The rotor bar itself is
especially designed to reduce the losses, vibrations and torque pulsation, due to the harmonics in the
current. A shrink ring relieves the cage from the centrifugal load.

This kind of rotor design is proven and has been used very successful in the past as it is specially
designed to withstand the most severe conditions in railway applications. The design is reliable and
offers good manufacturability at the same time. Bearings

The motor has two rolling bearings, one on each side and the locating bearing is positioned on the B-
side. The bearings are grease lubricated. Both end shields are provided with a lubricating nipple to
provide the subsequent re-greasing of the bearings. The sealing of the bearings from the inner side
of the motor and from the gear wheel guard is provided by contact free labyrinths. Monitoring

Speed monitoring

The speed sensor system is mounted on the B-side of the motor. The cable has a maximum length of
three meter; a contact plug will be provided.

Temperature monitoring

The Pt100 are mounted in the stator in order to measure continuously the stator temperature in
service. The cable has a maximum length of three meter; a contact plug will be provided. Cooling

The motor is open and self ventilated cooled by air from its own fan. The fan is mounted on the
traction motor shaft inside of the motor housing at the drive end. Therefore, the cooling is proportional
to the rotational speed.

The air inlet on the non-drive end of the motor is connected via a flexible bellow to the air inlet in the
passenger cabin. The fan sucks the cooling air through the motor. Inside the motor the cooling air is
directed close to the parts where the losses are generated e.g. stator coil overhang, stator lamination,
rotor lamination, rotor winding and bearings. Finally, the air is expelled at the drive-end of the motor.

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3.3.2 Drawings
Figure 7: Traction motor MRVC II – Sheet 1

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Figure 8: Traction motor MRVC II – Sheet 2

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3.4 Gearbox
3.4.1 Description
The gearbox is a single reduction spur gear, with main gear and pinion shaft (motor shaft). Gear wheels

Inside the gearbox, the power is transmitted from the motor shaft to the wheel set shaft by helical

The main gears and pinion shafts are made of high grade case hardened steel. Case hardening of
the gear wheels renders the mechanical strength properties necessary for the loading.

The gear wheel is connected to the wheel set shaft via a cylindrical shrink-fit, the mounting is done by
heating up the main gear and for dismounting the main gear is equipped with an oil injection hole for
connection of a hydraulic pump. Gearbox housing

The gearbox housing comprises two castings of grey cast iron, the horizontal split plane of the
housing goes through the wheel set shaft and the pinion shaft. The housing of the gearbox is
designed for high stiffness and low noise radiation.

The oil level in the spur gear can be checked through an oil sight glass, minimum and maximum
markings are incorporated in the housing. The sight glass is protected by a wall in the housing
casting around the glass.

The plug for complete draining is situated on the lowest point of the oil sump. The lower part of gear
case is equipped additional with a possibility of oil suction.

The oil filling hole is closed with a magnetic plug and provides protection against overfilling. Bearings

The gearbox is supported on the wheel set shaft by two tapered roller bearings. The bearings have
cages of pressed steel sheet. All bearings are mounted with the outer ring into the suspension tube,
with the inner ring on to the wheel set shaft.

The bearings will be exchanged during the main overhaul of the gearbox.

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The gearing is lubricated by the gear oil in the housing. The gearbox is designed for lubrication by
splashing: the main gear dips into the oil sump in the housing. Synthetic oil is suitable for the

The bearings are grease-lubricated. Cooling

The losses are conducted and dissipated by the walls of the gearbox. Sealing

To meet the requirements of water tightness of the drive being under water in the depot the sealing
elements of the wheel set shaft at the outside are realized by radial shaft seals. To prevent these
sealing elements from dirt and to grease the seals to increase lifetime an extra barrier grease
chamber is mounted, the volume of the barrier grease chamber is filled with barrier grease.

All other seals on the traction motor side and the wheel set side are contact-free of labyrinth type.
This sealing system is designed to minimize the loss of lubricant to the environment and to minimize
the pollution of the bearings and of the lubricant from the environment.

Liquid sealing substances (no silicon) are used for the static seals between the gear case parts and
covers, other parts are sealed by O-rings.

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3.4.2 Drawings
Figure 9: Gearbox assembled – Sheet 1

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Figure 10: Gearbox assembled – Sheet 2

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4 Transport and Storage

4.1 Overview
This chapter informs about the transport and storage of the drive such as necessary infrastructures
and devices or measures for longer storage times.

4.2 Transportation:
For transport during assembly and repair a suitable crane, preferably with precision controls, is
required in order to lift and move the drive. In addition, suitable devices which can support the
gearbox in a vertical and horizontal position are also required.

Tensioning ropes or chains used to secure the assembly in transit must not be
tensioned over the motor or gearbox.

To prevent damage, only soft ropes and tapes may be used. Do not put steel cables or
chains around the drive components or around the add-on parts.
Use a crane that corresponds to the weight of the complete unit.

The drives should be covered with a plastic foil or a canvas cover for transportation.

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4.2.1 Transportation of the drive:

The drive, specifically the traction motor, gearbox and the wheel-set, are only allowed to be attached
to the transport suspension points shown in Figure 11.

The following steps are necessary to lift the drive:

5. Attach standard lifting eyes on the motor housing.

6. Strap hoisting slings over the wheel-set axle and through the lifting eyes.

Make sure that no one is walking under a suspended load!
Serious injury or even death can result!

Figure 11: Suspending the drive with wheel-set

Do not use these lifting eyes as the sole means of lifting if the wheel-set is still

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4.2.2 Transportation of the traction motor without gearbox

Transportation of the motor without the assembled gearbox, e.g. during assembly and repair, attach
stanard lifting eyes on the housing. The rotor should be secured with the transportation lock

4.2.3 Transport of the gearbox without traction motor

Transportation of the gearbox without the traction motor, e.g. during assembly and repair, attach
device 3EJH901586 on the upper gearcase housing.

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4.2.4 Transport of the axle suspension tube without gearbox

Transportation of the axle suspension tube without the assembled gearbox, e.g. during assembly and
repair, use lifting device 3EJH901706 and transport using device 3EJH901672.

4.2.5 Transport of the axle suspension tube with mounted axle

Transportation of the axle suspension tube with the mounted axle, e.g. during assembly and repair,
use lifting device 3EJH901706 and transport using device 3EJH901672.

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4.3 Storage:
4.3.1 General information
If fully assembled drives are not taken into operation directly after assembly and depending on the
duration in storage special measures may be necessary for interim or final storage.

Blank surfaces should be treated with preserving agent Cortec VCI 369. We recommend separate
storage of individual parts which are well corrosion-protected (e.g. roller bearings in their original

Store the drive components in rooms under the following storage conditions:

Table 9: Storage conditions

Temperature range - 20 ... + 40 °C

Relative humidity dry

Storage room covered by a roof

Storage site protected against splash water

Underground vibration-free

Table 10 shows the mandatory storage devices.

Table 10: Storage devices

Storage in the transport frame intended for the drive or an equivalent

Non-installed drives
Storage in the transport frame intended for the drive or an equivalent
Wheelset with drive
Drive installed in the bogie No special storage device.

As a general rule, the air inlet and air outlet openings on the drives (gearbox housing and/or motor)
must be covered. The covers should be attached in such a way that air is allowed to circulate through
the drive. This is particularly important when covering with plastic foil or canvas covers.

Do not place any load on the drive!

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4.3.2 Measures taken for longer storage times

Table 11: Measures taken for longer storage times

Internal corrosion-proofing:
No special measures required, as the gear oil distributed during the test run offers
adequate protection against corrosion.
up to 6 weeks
External corrosion-proofing:
Coat blank surfaces with an anti-corrosion grease, e.g. Korrex grease MoS2 or
Cortex VCI-369.
Internal corrosion-proofing:
Perform a test run of the drive with gear oil Renolin MR40; afterwards leave the oil in
the gearbox.

External corrosion-proofing:
over 6 weeks
Blank surfaces should be coated with anti corrosion grease Cortec VCI 369. Repair
any flaws in the paint finish. Cover the drive with canvas cover or plastic foil. When
using sheeting, make sure that there is enough ventilation to prevent the formation of
condensation. The assembly must only be sealed in plastic foil, if suitable drying
agents are added which can bind any moisture.
Turn the drive 10 rotations by hand to distribute grease and anti-corrosion protection
every 6 months
oil and to move the bearings into a new position.
every 12 In addition apply anti-corrosion agent to all surfaces which are accessible from the
months outside and which have been corrosion-proofed.
Additionally re-lubricate all roller bearings which are lubricated with grease before
rotating the drive.
every 5 years
Correct type of grease: see chapter 8.1.6
Quantity of grease: approx. 5 times the quantity required in operation

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4.3.3 Re-commissioning Re-commissioning after between 6 weeks and 5 years

Drain the anti-corrosion oil prior to re-commissioning. The gearbox does not need to be completely
flushed. Small remaining quantities of Renolin MR40 are permissible.

Fill up with gear oil according to the maintenance instructions in chapter 7.4.2: Checking the oil level
and chapter 7.4.3: Changing the oil. Re-commissioning after more than 5 years

Follow the corresponding documentation for these operations:

1. Disassembly the drive (see chapter 7.5).

2. Check that the components are undamaged.
3. Check that the bearings are in perfect working order.
4. Wash out bearings filled with grease and fill with fresh grease (see chapter Fehler!
Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.).
5. Assembling the drive (see chapter 7.6.3).
6. Fill up with gear oil according to the maintenance instructions (see chapter 7.4.2 and
7. Perform a test run (see chapter 7.8.3).

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5 Commissioning

5.1 Overview
This chapter deals with all aspects of commissioning such as first installation or special tests.

5.2 First Installation

The first installation is done by the manufacturer of the bogies. See manufacturer’s instructions.

Prior to start-up:

8. Remove all covers.

9. Remove the preservation agent with solvent and soft cleaning rags.

• Do not touch, drink or inhale the vapours of aggressive cleaning agents or
• Use protective gloves, goggles and breathe filter!
• Adequately ventilate working areas.
• In case of contact with the skin, wash off immediately with plenty of water.
• If someone accidentally has drunk cleaning agent, immediately seek medical
• Observe accident prevention rules.
• Strictly comply with the rated values specified in the respective safety data
sheet of the appropriate cleaning agent or solvent and the ensuing
requirements. The safety data sheet must also be requested with respect to the


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5.3 Commissioning
The start-up is done by the manufacturer of the bogies. See manufacturer’s instructions.

5.3.1 First Installation

Before initial start-up, check the oil level and fill the gear with oil. For the procedure see chapter 7.4.2:
Checking the oil level and chapter 7.4.3: Changing the oil.

See to the following steps after assembly:

• The traction motor is supplied with sufficient cooling air.

• Electrical lines are correctly connected (the warping- connections U1-V1-W1 are labeled on
the traction motor – see Figure 16).
• All mounting bolts and connection elements as well as electrical connections are tightened
with the prescribed torque (see Figure 5, Figure 7 and Figure 9).
• The junction of all sensor cables (pulse generator, temperature gauge, etc.) as well as the
equipotential bonding connection is made according to specifications.
• The connection and sensor cables were not damaged during installation.
During the run-in phase, extreme loads due to high accelerations from a dead stop or high generator
brake decelerations are to be avoided.

5.3.2 Re-Start
For every re-start, a test of the drive is to be performed along with all work listed under chapter 5.3.1:
First Installation.

Furthermore, in the case of a past storage time of over 5 years, all work described under chapter Re-commissioning after more than 5 years is to be performed.

5.3.3 Tests run

If a drive had been dismantled a test run is to be performed after the assembly of the traction motor
and the gear.

Test run see chapter 7.8.2.

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5.4 Acceptance
5.4.1 Acceptance after the first start-up
This model and acceptance test is performed and protocol according to contractual agreements.

5.4.2 Acceptance after re-start

After each assembly, a test run of the drive is to be performed:

• after the first assembly

• after each (even partial) disassembly
• after each separation of motor and gear.
Test run see chapter 7.8.2.

5.5 Shutdown
5.5.1 Shutdown prior to maintenance

Danger of an electric shock when removing coverings! Before commencing work:
• Remove covers only to reach the parts that lie directly underneath them.
• Make sure that the traction motor has been shut off at all poles according to the
relevant safety regulations!

5.6 Uninstalling
See bogie manufacturer’s instructions.

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6 Operation

6.1 Overview
The purpose of this chapter is to instruct the user in the safe operation of the product in all operating
methods. The user will learn the possibilities for utilizing the product as well as the economical
operation of the product. Furthermore, the user is shown how to handle operating malfunctions.

6.2 Utilization
The drive is used exclusively as a drive unit in electrical multiple units.

Usage for any other purpose than the one given above is considered to be not in accordance with the
specifications and inappropriate.

6.3 Operating, Display and Monitoring elements:

6.3.1 Operating elements

The drive does not contain any operating elements.

6.3.2 Display elements

The drive does not contain any display elements.

6.3.3 Monitoring elements

To protect the stator winding from thermal overload and for control functions, the motor is equipped
with following sensors:

• Pt 100 sensor to detect the temperature of the stator.

• Speed sensor (specified by Converter).

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6.4 Operating Methods and States

Through a correspondingly designed control and speed sensor monitoring, it must be ensured that
the limit values specified in the technical data and on the rating plate are not exceeded.

Any malfunction or any change from normal operation must be investigated and corrected

In case of faults or unusual operating conditions that can involve an electrical or mechanical overload
of the traction motor, the corresponding maintenance work and tests must be called upon in order to
prevent subsequent damage.

This involves, for example, unusual changes of:

• temperature
• vibrations
• noise
• odors
• higher power consumption
• activation of the monitoring devices…

Immediately notify maintenance personnel.
Prevent accidents, personal injury and property damage through caution and timely

6.5 Correcting Malfunctions:

The drive does not contain any direct operating elements. Control is done by using the central control
electronics of the vehicle. As a result, direct influence and thus failure rectification is not possible.

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7 Maintenance

7.1 Overview
Careful and regular maintenance has the following objectives:

• The desired condition of the drive is ensured.

• The highest degree of availability is guaranteed.
• Potential failures are recognized early and can be rectified before they develop into
extensive damage.
• Service life is extended.
Machine parts may have to be dismantled and disassembled to do maintenance work, especially in
cases when the bearing has to be replaced.

Use only spare parts and devices authorized by the manufacturer.
Follow the prescribed maintenance intervals as well as repair and replacement

For damages that result because of replacement parts that are not approved, Bombardier assumes
no liability or warranty.

The guarantee or warranty claims is invalid if damages result due to improper start-up, maintenance
or assembly and disassembly.

All safety elements for screwed connections are to be replaced after single usage.
Verbus-Ripp screws can continue to be used in an unlimited manner in regard to their
safety effect, as long as the ribbing of the head flange is not damaged.
If defined torque is specified for bolts in the text of this instruction or in the drawings,
then a torque wrench is to be used. Do not use an impact driver (pneumatic

Please read the instructions for executing a concrete work step once through before commencing the
work in order to have an overview of the necessary steps.

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7.2 Safety
Before commencing work on the machine parts, make sure that you have read and completely
understood chapter 2: Safety starting from page 11.

Improper handling of the machine and devices as well as inadequate maintenance can
lead to death or serious bodily harm and/or significant property damage. For this
reason, follow all instructions specified in this chapter when performing work.
Only qualified personnel may perform the necessary work. This type of work involves:
• Assembly
• Disassembly
• Servicing
• Repair
Prior to commencing any type of work you must ensure that the traction vehicle or the
bogie is stationary or the machine parts are secure on their base plate.

Prior to opening live engine parts, make sure that the machine has been switched off
according to instructions. This is especially important when assembling or
disassembling parts into or out of the vehicle and after doing tests on the engine.
The safety steps are (e.g., according to DIN VDE 0105):
• switch off,
• secure against being switched on again,
• ensure no power is flowing,
• connect to earth and short out (when dealing with voltages
• exceeding 1000 V),
• Erect barriers around or cover adjacent live parts.

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7.3 Maintenance work and intervals

All stated data relate to normal operation with a minimum distance covered of 150,000 km/year.
Discrepancies may arise depending on the effective operating conditions. Please contact the
manufacturer if there is a severe discrepancy in operating conditions.

Table 12: Overview of maintenance work and maintenance intervals

Maintenance Interval Maintenance Work See Section
First oil change and oil analysis for a new
After 20,000 km gearbox after installation of new gear wheels Chapter 7.4.3
after dismantling and reassembling the drive
20,000 km or Maintenance work on the installed drive:
45 days1) plus during every visit to Visual inspection Chapter 7.4.1
the workshop Checking the oil level Chapter 7.4.2
37,500 km or Maintenance work on the installed drive:
3 months1) Re-greasing of barrier grease Chapter
Maintenance work on the installed drive:
150,000 km 2) or Regular oil change and oil analysis Chapter 7.4.3
1 year1) Re-greasing of the traction motor bearing Chapter
Re-greasing of the nose suspension bearing Chapter
750,000 km or Maintenance work on the installed drive:
5 years1) Change of sandwich spring unit Chapter 7.4.5
Maintenance work on the dismantled drive:
Interior cleaning Chapter 7.6.1
1,200,000 km or Visual inspection Chapter 7.6.2
8 years1) Check the operation of the Pt100 Chapter 7.8.5
Changing the grease Chapter 7.6.3
Replacement of the traction motor bearings 5) Chapter 7.7.1
Maintenance work on the dismantled drive:
2,400,000 km or
Replacement of the nose suspension bearings
16 years1) Chapter 7.7.2
(bearing change on wheel set shaft) 5) 6)
When replacing the wheel disk and
Exterior cleaning of the drive Chapter 7.9.1
as required
whatever comes first
To be included in the next scheduled electric multiple unit service.
It should be assumed that the maintenance work on the dismantled drive can be planned to coincide with replacing
the wheel disks. The wheel disks should be pressed off prior to disassembly of the drive, and after assembly of the drive
they should then be pressed back on again, with both processes carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied
by the wheel-set manufacturer.
Recommended bearing replacement interval based on the theoretical service life of the bearings. These values
may change if the actual loads and track quality vary. The work should be carried out at the same time as the
replacement of a wheel disk.
Determination of the remaining service life of the bearings with the aid of random sampling carried out by the
bearing manufacturer. If nothing unusual is noted then the bearings can continue to be used until the next wheel disk

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7.4 Maintenance work on the installed drive

7.4.1 Visual inspection Traction motor

A visual inspection of the traction motor should be performed as part of the vehicle inspection and
during servicing. Special attention should be paid to the following points:

• Traction motor suspension parts

• Cables/wires. Gear box

A visual inspection of the gearbox should be performed as part of the vehicle inspection and during
servicing. Special attention should be paid to the following points:

• Inspection of the gearbox housing, the oil pan and the suspension points of the gearbox for
external damage.
• Inspection of the gearbox housing, the oil pan and the seals for oil leakage.
• Inspection of the gearbox for loose of fastening elements (bolts and associated fastenings).
Use an appropriate torque wrench to tighten bolts. Follow the tightening torques specified
in the installation instructions or drawings.
• Inspect the cannon tube and the bearing head components for external damage.

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7.4.2 Checking the oil level Gearbox lubricant

The lubricant to be used for the gearbox is a gear oil (synthetic oil, polyalphaolefin) with EP additives
(high-pressure additives) with a viscosity of 150 mm²/s to 220 mm²/s at 40 °C and the API
classification GL 5.

On delivery, the gearbox is filled with Optigear RMO from Castrol. We recommend using again
Optigear RMO from Castrol when changing the oil.

The operation with Servosyngear 320 from Indian oil as an alternative can be agreed later after
finishing a one year evaluation period (at least 150.000 km in service) for two trains.

It is not allowed to use other qualities of gear oil or to mix lubricants from different manufacturers.

Before using lubricating oils from other manufacturers, we recommend that you contact the gearbox
manufacturer, Bombardier Transportation Austria / Engineering (fax: 0043 1/25110-493). (tel.: 0043
1/25110-0). Checking the oil level

The oil level should be checked at regular intervals of approx. 20,000 km, or at least after 45 days, at
all gearboxes. The oil level checks should be documented in a report showing the distance covered,
the oil level at inspection and the amount added.

An oil sight glass with protection guard is provided on the lower gearcase for checking the oil level
(Figure 9/P24). The minimum oil level is indicated by the lower mark in the middle of the protection
guard. The maximum quantity of oil has been added when the level reaches the upper mark of the
protection guard. The difference between min-marking and max-marking represents about 0,5 l oil.

about 0,5 l oil

Sufficient time is needed to allow as much oil as possible to flow back into the oil pan before checking
the oil level (at least 30 minutes). Oil has to be added, when the oil level is closer to the lower
marking in the oil sight glass than to the upper marking.

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1. Clean the area around the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/P31, quadrant H9).
2. Remove the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/P31, quadrant H9).
3. Fill up slowly with oil nearly up to the upper mark ("MAX" level) on the protection guard
(Figure 9/P24, quadrant J6).
4. Wait 5 minutes and check the oil level. If the oil level is lower than MAX-level add carefully
and slowly some more oil until the oil level reaches the MAX-level. For information about
the correct type of oil to use, please refer to chapter

Do not over-fill the gearbox (oil level higher than MAX-level), as otherwise the function
of the contactless labyrinth seals will be impaired.
The lower mark in the middle of the oil gauge indicates the minimum oil level. If the oil
level is below min level, the bearings and the gearing will be damaged.

5. Seal the gearbox with the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/P31) and a new sealing ring
(Figure 9/P32). Tightening torque MA = 130 Nm (see Table in Figure 9 “M5”).

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7.4.3 Changing the oil

The oil should be replaced with new gear oil for the first time after approx. 20,000 km:

• for a new gearbox

• after installation of a new gear wheel and/ or a new pinion
• after dismantling reassambilng the drive
Regular oil changes should be performed after about 150,000 km or at a maximum of 1 year,
whatever comes first.

It is recommended that the oil change is done not too long after the end of operation.
Then the oil is warm (less than operating temperature) and it runs easier out of the
gear box. The particles are mixed in the oil and will be flushed out better.

Do not start draining off the oil immediately after end of operation. The oil could be too
hot and can cause severe burns at the operating people!
It is recommended to wait some minutes. If the gear box can be simply touched with
unprotected hands the oil has the right temperature to be changed.


[B] P31



1. Clean the area around the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/P31) [A]
2. Open the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/P31) [A] along with the sealing ring (Figure 9/P32)
[A] and check the magnetic stick. Fine abrasion without solid particles is normal. If any
unusually large pieces are found then the gearbox will require further investigation.
3. Sufficient time is needed to allow as much oil as possible to drain off.
4. Clean the magnetic drain plug
5. Seal the drain bore with the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/ P31) [A] and a new sealing
ring (Figure 9 P32) [A]. MA = 130 Nm (tightening torque; see table in Figure 9 “M5”)

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6. Remove the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/P31) [B] and sealing ring (Figure 9/P32) [B]
before filling. Check the magnetic drain plug for particles on the magnetic stick. Clean the
magnetic drain plug.
7. Fill up slowly with oil nearly up to the upper mark ("MAX" level) on the oil sight glass
(Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. and Figure 9/P24).This should
require about 3.4 litres of oil. An exact amount of oil cannot be given; because of casting
tolerances each gearbox has different volumes.
8. Wait 5 minutes and check the oil level. If the oil level is lower than MAX-level add carefully
and slowly some more oil until the oil level reaches the MAX-level. For information about
the correct type of oil to use, please refer to chapter

Do not over-fill the gearbox (oil level higher than MAX-level), as otherwise the function
of the contactless labyrinth seals will be impaired.
The lower mark in the middle of the protection guard indicates the minimum oil level. If
the oil level is below min level, the bearings and the gearing will be damaged.

The thread hole for the magnetic drain plug at position [B] works as a overfill protection. If
there is too much oil inside the gear box, the excess amount of oil can leak through this

9. Seal the gearbox with the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/P31 and and a new
sealing ring (Figure 9/P32 and at position [B]. MA = 130 Nm (tightening torque;
see table in Figure 9“M5”)

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7.4.4 Re-greasing Re-greasing of barrier grease

The labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/P8) and th labyrinth ring (Figure 10/P15) and the is equipped
with a re-greasing system on the DE and nDE end respectively. A tapered lubricating nipple (Figure
10/P23) is provided for connecting a grease gun.

After approx. 37,500 km or after 3 months (whatever comes first) - this can coincide with the next
scheduled locomotive service – the barrier grease chambers has to be refilled.

The following type of grease has to be used for re-greasing: Klüberplex BEM 34-132 (from Klüber).


P10 P15 P9



1. Clean the cone lubricators (Figure 10/P23) and their surroundings from both labyrinth ring
LS-WS (Figure 10/P8) and labyrinth ring (Figure 10/P15) using thinner and clean cloth.
2. Insert the cleaned grease gun.
3. Apply approx. 35 ... 45 g per nipple. Press at slow speed; too much volume in a short time
may cause damages on the radial shaft sealing.
4. If there comes some grease out of the sealing gap, there would be enough grease in the
area of that grease nipple.

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The traction motor is equipped with a re-greasing system on the DE and nDE end. A tapered
lubricating nipple (Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden./P62) is provided for
connecting a grease gun. Re-grease after approx. 150,000 km.

The lubrication intervals can be defined with the aid of the results of a grease analysis performed on
a grease sample taken when the first re-greasing interval is reached. The vehicles should have
covered enough distance before doing this.

The following type of grease has to be used for re-greasing: Klüber Isoflex Topas L152. The
maximum service life of the grease is 8 years.


Never mix different types of grease - i.e. grease of different origin or different quality -
apart from the two types specified above.

The following procedure needs to be respected:

1. Clean the lubricating nipples and their surroundings.

2. Remove the protective cap.
3. Insert the cleaned grease gun.
4. Apply approx. 35 ... 45 g per nipple.
5. Close the lubricant hole with the protective cap.
The channel for old grease in the end plate at the non-drive end can take about ten times the re-
greasing quantity of 45 g of grease (max.). This means that, both from initial delivery until the first
time the drive is disassembled and for all subsequent intervals, the channel for the old grease has a
sufficiently large volume.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 54 / 260 Re-greasing of the nose suspension bearing (axle roller bearings)

The grease-lubricated Nose suspension bearings are equipped with re-greasing devices. There is
one lubricating nipple (Figure 10/P29) on the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/P1) for taper roller
bearing (Figure 10/P5) and one lubricating nipple (Figure 9/P29) on the thrust plate (Figure 10/P13)
for taper roller bearing (Figure 10/P6).

Re-grease after approx. 150,000 km or 1 Year (whatever comes first)- this should coincide with the
next scheduled locomotive service.

The lubrication intervals can be defined with the aid of the results of a grease analysis performed on
a grease sample taken when the first re-greasing interval is reached. The vehicles should have
covered enough distance before doing this.

The following type of grease has to be used for re-greasing: Klüber Isoflex Topas L152. The
maximum service life of the grease is 8 years.

Never mix different types of grease - i.e. grease of different origin or different quality -
apart from the two types specified above.

Following procedure needs to be followed:

1. Clean the lubricating nipples and their surroundings.

2. Insert the cleaned grease gun.
3. Apply approx. 120 g per nipple.

The channel for old grease in the lower part of the axle suspension tube at both DE and nDE can take
about ten times the re-greasing quantity of 45 g of grease (max.). This means that, both from initial
delivery until the first time the drive is disassembled and for all subsequent intervals, the channel for the
old grease has a sufficiently large volume.

Due to the length of the maintenance intervals, the chamber for old grease in the axle
suspension tube (Figure 10/P1) should be emptied no later than the fifth re-greasing.
To do this, take off the grease chamber cover (Figure 10/P19) and remove the old
grease from the chamber.

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7.4.5 Change of sandwich spring unit

These instructions describe the sequence of steps recommended by Bombardier on a Elastomers
(Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit) that is installed on the Drive and Bogie.

Replacement after approx. 750,000 km or 5 Year (whatever comes first)- this should coincide with the
next scheduled locomotive service.

The following type of Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit) has to be used for
replacement: sandwich spring unit, MRVC-II (3EJD000001-1660) (Make: GMT). The maximum
service life of the Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit) is 5 years.

1. Clean 4 screws (Figure 6/M24x90) and 2 screws (Figure 6/M24x170) used for mounting
Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit) to the Bogie.
2. Unscrew the screws (Figure 6/M24x90) and remove the screws (Figure 6/M24x170) from
the assembly.




3. Install the Chain on the traction motor using the Lifting Tool.

Traction motor


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4. Rotate the traction motor using Crane.

5. Install the Chain on the traction motor using the Lifting Tool on the other lifting holes.

6. Strap the Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit) with Steel Strips and
tighten them and remove the screws (Figure 6/M24x90).



Steel Strip

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7. Remove the Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit) and replace it with a
new set of Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit). Screw in 4 screw
(Figure 6/M24x90).


Do not remove the Steel Straps yet.

8. Rotate the traction motor by 45° slowly by use of Chain & Crane. Un-mount 2 Hooks and
again slowly rotate by 45°.

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9. After mounting the traction on the Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit).
Remove the Chain and Lifting Tool.

Traction motor


Wear safety helmets!

10. Install 2 screws (Figure 6/M24x170) to fix the traction motor with Elastomers (Hinged
Stanchion / sandwich spring unit).
Tighten the screws (Figure 6/M24x170) with a torque of 900 Nm.
Tighten the screws (Figure 6/M24x90) with a torque of 600 Nm.

Traction motor



11. Cut the Steel Straps from the Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit)

Wear safety helmets and goggles!

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7.5 Disassembly of drive

These sections describe the sequence of steps recommended by Bombardier on a drive that has
already been removed from the bogie. The process of removing the drive from the bogie should be
carried out in accordance with the instructions provided by the bogie manufacturer.

Prior to disassembly the drive should be cleaned of coarse dirt with a suitable detergent and drain all
the oil of the gear box.

Cover labyrinths and breather filter before cleaning. Do not use direct water jet on
labyrinth gaps.

It is prohibited to use impact drivers or heat components directly with a flame (e.g. with
a welding torch) during assembly or disassembly work.

Take care that your skin does not contact with the aggressive cleaning agents, do not
drink them or inhale their vapours!
Use protective gloves and safety glasses! In the event of skin contact, rinse
immediately with large quantities of water! If a cleaning agent has been drunk by
accident, get medical assistance immediately!
Observe all regulations for the prevention of accidents!
Ensure that the instructions and relevant occupational health and safety data sheets
(OHSD) or all such products are read and observed.

A suitable crane, preferably with precision controls, is needed to lift and move the drive and its

When working on heavy equipment, failure to comply with the safety regulations could
result in serious injury or even death.
• Use a suitable lifting device.
• Ensure assistance is available nearby.
• Make sure that no person is present under the drive during lifting.

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7.5.1 Disassembly of gearbox from traction motor and axle suspension tube:

It is prohibited to use impact drivers or heat components directly with a flame (e.g. with
a welding torch) during assembly or disassembly work.

1. Clean the area surrounding of the magnetic drain plugs (Figure 9/ P31, P32) [A] & [B].
Unscrew both magnetic drain plugs to drain out all the gear oil inside the gearbox.

[B] P31



2. Clean the area surrounding the locking screw (Figure 10/P42), locking screw (Figure
9/P43), locking screw (Figure 5/P4) and hex socket head cap screw (Figure 9/P500).

3. Remove the locking screw 6 nos. (Figure 9/P43), locking screw 6 nos. (Figure 10/P42),
locking screw 4 nos. (Figure 5/P4) and hex socket head cap screw 14 nos. (Figure
9/P500) to dismantle the upper gear case from traction motor (Figure 5/ P1), axle
suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) and labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8). The parallel pin
must be kept mounted in the lower gear case.

Figure 9/P43
Figure 9/P43

Figure 10/P42

Figure 5/P4
Figure 9/P43

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4. Support the upper gearcase with transverse (3EJH901586) by use of crane. Move the
upper gearcase upward slowly to avoid damages to main gear and pinion.

5. Disassemble the upper gearcase from the lower gearcase. Press off using two M12 puller
bolts. Keep turning step-by-step to ensure that it is pressed off evenly. The two parallel
pins must be kept mounted in the lower gearcase.

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6. Remove the locking screw 6 nos. (Figure 9/P43), locking screw 6 nos. (Figure 10/P42),
locking screw 4 nos. (Figure 5/P4) to dismantle the lower gearcase from traction motor
(Figure 5/ P1), axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) and labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/

Figure 9/P43

Figure 10/P42 Figure 5/P4

7. Disassemble the lower gearcase using lifting supports and crane. Move the lower
gearcase downwards slowly to avoid damages to main gear and pinion.

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7.5.2 Disassembly of traction motor from axle suspension tube and Bogie:
1. Clean 4 screws (Figure 6/M24x90) and 2 screws (Figure 6/M24x170) used for mounting
Elastomers (Hinged Stanchion / sandwich spring unit) to the Bogie.
2. Unscrew the screws (Figure 6/M24x90) and remove the screws (Figure 6/M24x170) from
the assembly.




3. Install the Chain on the traction motor using the Lifting Tool. Suspend the traction motor
according chapter 4.2.2

Traction motor


4. Rotate the traction motor by 45° using Crane.

5. Install the Chain on the traction motor using the Lifting Tool on the other two lifting holes.
And rotate further by 45°.
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Use safety helmet!

6. Clean the surroundings around hex head bolt (Figure 5/ P5)

7. Remove two hex head bolts (Figure 5/ P3) along with washers (Figure 5/ P5) from the
assembly and screw in Centring pins on the traction motor through the axle suspension

Figure 5/ P3, P5

Centring pin

Use safety helmet!

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8. After mounting the Centring pins, remove all the remaining hex head bolts (Figure 5/ P3)
from the assembly.

Figure 5/ P3, P5

9. Use crane to lift the traction motor upwards. Move slowly to avoid Damaged.

Move Slowly to avoid damages!

10. While lifting it away, roll the connecting cables up. Protect the contact faces of the
connector assemblies with a protective sleeve or similar.
11. Remove the Centring pins from the traction motor and place the traction motor on the

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7.5.3 Disassembly the Traction Motor

These instructions are written on the basis that the motor has been removed from the wheelset and
separated from the gearbox in accordance with chapter 7.5.2.

If disassembly work needs to be carried out e.g. as part of a troubleshooting exercise, then the steps
should only be carried out up to the point where the affected component is accessible. Removal of the pinion gear

1. Assemble the puller device to the DE end of the shaft.

2. Connect the hydraulic pressure device to the shaft and to the puller.
3. Pull out the pinion gear from the shaft. Disassembly of the Sensor Cables

1. Remove the hexagon head screws M6 (Figure 7/ P51) and washers (Figure 7/ P53) form
the clamps (Figure 7/ P48).
2. Open the fastening clamps (Figure 7/ P48) and take out the speed sensor cable.


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Refer to the documentation supplied by the manufacturer of the sensor.

1. Remove locking screws M8 (Figure 7/ P38).

2. Take off the speed sensor (Figure 7/ P100) from the cover (Figure 7/ P14).



100 Disassembly of Cover nDE

1. Remove locking screws M8 (Figure 7/ P35).

2. Remove plugs (Figure 7/ P41).
3. Press out the cover from the end shield (Figure 7/ P4) using two M8 bolts.


Carefully move away the cover, so that the seat of the cover is not damaged. Continue
turning the jack screws evenly opposite. Disassembly of Speed Sensor Disk

1. Remove locking screws M12 (Figure 7/ P55).

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2. Press off the speed sensor disk (Figure 7/ P12) from the shaft using M12 bolts.

12 55

Carefully move away the disk, so that the seat of the disk is not damaged. Continue
turning the jack screws evenly opposite.

Rotor and speed sensor disk are balanced together and must remain together. Disassembly of the bearing cover nDE

1. Remove locking screws M12 (Figure 7/ P56).

2. Press off the bearing cap nDE (Figure 7/ P6) using M12 bolts.

Carefully move away the cap, so that the seat of the cap is not damaged. Continue
turning the jack screws evenly opposite.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 69 / 260 Disassembly of the labyrinth DE outside

1. From the DE side of the rotor shaft pull off the labyrinth (Figure 7/ P11) from the shaft
using the puller device (Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.) which
use the 3xM8 holes on the labyrinth.


Carefully move away the labyrinth, so that the seat of the labyrinth is not damaged.
Continue turning the jack screws evenly opposite. Disassembly of the Rotor


There are different ways to disassemble the rotor. At this point we offer a description of
the method which is preferred at the manufacturing plant; this is the horizontal
disassembly method with the aid of a so-called C hook (see Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden.).

Using the C-hook the first time, it has to be ensured by setting the suspension of the C-
hook, that the rotor is lifted horizontally.

Alternatively, horizontal disassembly with the aid of shaft extensions is also possible.
Here, the end plate at the non drive end remains attached to the rotor assembly, and
the complete assembly is moved out of the stator in the direction of the non -drive end.

Vertical disassembly must only be performed by arrangement with the manufacturer.


1. Mount a C-hook onto the shaft DE side.

2. Remove the M16 (Figure 7/ P40) locking screws from end shield DE (Figure 7/ P40).
3. Connect the hydraulic pipe to the hole on the shaft nDE side.

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A crane is required in order to disassemble the rotor. The rotor weighs around 380 kg.
Due to the narrow clearances inside the motor and the necessity to feed out the rotor
from the bearing at the non-drive end, we strongly recommend the use of lifting
equipment with precision controls.

4. Assemble the puller device (3EJH901748) to the end shield nDE.

5. Apply pressure with the hydraulic device.
6. Press the rotor shaft out from the ball bearing with the puller device.
7. Move the rotor (Figure 7/ P2) out of the stator (Figure 7/ P1); in doing so, keep it straight
and its axes parallel.


Carefully align the rotor to prevent damages (roller bearings, stator winding, …). The
moment in which the inner ring of the roller bearing slides out from the outer ring of the
roller cage of the bearing is particularly critical. Carefully align the rotor with the guide
tube to prevent the core stack from making contact on its way out and the assembly
generally from skewing.

8. Lift out the rotor the last bit from the stator, set it down on the core stack and secure with
suitable wedges.


Never place any load on the short-circuit rings or cage bars when placing the unit

Protect the mounting face on the coupling flange against soiling and damage.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 71 / 260 Disassembly of the bearing cap DE outside and end shield DE from rotor

1. Remove the locking screws (Figure 7/ P57) and the plugs (Figure 7/ P43).
2. Press off the bearing cap (Figure 7/ P5) from the end shield DE (Figure 7/ P3) using the
3xM8 holes.


Carefully move away the cap, so that the seat of the cap is not damaged. Continue
turning the jack screws evenly opposite.

3. Pull off the end shield DE (Figure 7/ P3) from the shaft. Disassembly of the Roller Bearing Inner Ring


In the case of roller bearings which are to be disassembled but will subsequently be
reused, the individual parts of the bearing (rolling element, cage, bearing rings) will
also need to be reassembled together.

The instructions relating to assembly, cleaning and storage provided by the roller
bearing manufacturer as well as stated in DIN 43200 must be complied with. It is
prohibited to use impact drivers or heat components directly with a naked flame (e.g.
with a welding torch) during assembly or disassembly work.

Protect the bearing seats against damage.

1. Apply the hooks of a puller to the two grooves (Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht
gefunden werden.) of the nDE labyrinth ring

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Grooves for
hook puller

2. Pull off the roller bearing inner ring (Figure 7/ P5) from the shaft.


As an alternative you may also use pulling tools which enable temperature-controlled
heating of the inner rings.

No further disassembly of individual rotor components is planned for normal

maintenance work. Disassemble the fan and the support disk

1. Remove the M8 locking screws (Figure 7/ P57) from fan (Figure 7/ P19).


The fan and the Rotor are balanced together. By the reassembling have to take into
account, the parts (fan and rotor) only with the same part number can be coupled.

2. Pull off the fan from the support disk.

3. Pull off the support disk with a puller (3EJH901731) from the shaft.


Disassemble only if it damaged or necessary. Disassembly of the End Shield nDE

1. Remove the M16 (Figure 7/ P40) locking screws (Figure 7/ P40).

2. Insert two guiding pins into the screw holes.

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3. Remove the plugs (Figure 7/ P41) from the drive-out threads and press out the end shield
nDE (Figure 7/ P4) from the housing using the three M16 screws.
4. Assemble the lifting eye into the bottom drive-out thread (Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte
nicht gefunden werden.) and lift up the shield with a suitable crane.


The end shield should be supported with lifting equipment during disassembly. Soft,
lightweight belt webbing can be used for this purpose; to do this, loop it through the
webs of the upper air outlet openings.



Tighten bolts over cross during pressing off the end shield to prevent damages.


Carefully move the end plate away from the stator in order to prevent damage to the
stator winding.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 74 / 260 Disassembly of the deep groove ball bearing from the bearing shield nDE

1. Place the end shield nDE (Figure 7/ P4) to a suitable desk.

2. Press out the ball bearing (Figure 7/P8) with bearing disassembling tool (3EJH901745)
using the holes (Ø5,5 mm) on the end shield nDE.


Make this step in case of ball bearing change.

If the bearing disassembled not allowed to use again. Always have to build in a new
bearing. Disassembly of the Roller Bearing Outer Ring from end shield DE

3. In order to disassemble the roller bearing outer ring with roller cage, the end shield DE
should be placed on a suitable desk with the inner side facing upwards.
4. Press out the roller bearing with bearing disassembling tool (3EJH901745) using the holes
(Ø5,5 mm) on the end shield DE.


In the case of roller bearings which are to be disassembled but will subsequently be
reused, the individual parts of the bearing (rolling element, cage, bearing rings) will
also need to be reassembled together.

The instructions relating to assembly, cleaning and storage provided by the roller
bearing manufacturer as well as stated in DIN 43200 must be complied with. It is
prohibited to use impact drivers or heat components directly with a naked flame (e.g.
with a welding torch) during assembly or disassembly work.

Protect the bearing seats against damage. Disassembly of the Temperature Sensor


The Temperature Sensor should only be disassembled if it is faulty.

1. Remove the screws and washer of the cable clip (Figure 7/ P22).
2. Take off the cable clip upper and lower side.
3. Loosen the temperature sensor M25 (Figure 7/ P101).
4. Loosen the adapter ring (only if damaged).

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 75 / 260 Disassembly of the Connecting Cables


Disassembly of the connecting cables U, V and W should only be undertaken in the

event of a fault.

1. Remove the M8 locking screws from the cable holder (Figure 7/ P30).
2. Loosen the cable gland (Figure 7/ P26) and remove from the connection box if it
3. Take out the terminal box cover (Figure 7/ P15) after the M8 locking screws (Figure 7/
P38) removed.
4. Remove the cable locking screw nuts from terminal board.
5. Remove the cables. Treatment of disassembled parts

For longer storage periods all blank surfaces shall be coated with suitable corrosion protection and
conservation measures:

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7.5.4 Disassembly of axle suspension tube, wheel-set shaft and gearbox components Disassembly of labyrinth rings

The below procedure is valid after the wheels are removed from the wheel-set shaft.

6. Before disassembly place the drive on transport / assembly stand (3EJH901672) and
secure against slippage.

7. Clean the surroundings around the head socket head cap screw (Figure 10/P45) and
remove them to dismantle the sealing plate LS-WS (Figure 10/P9) and remove it from the
gear box.

8. Remove the barrier grease out of the barrier grease chamber inside the labyrinth ring
(Figure 10/P8).

9. Remove the locking screws (Figure 10/ P42) from the labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/
P8). Remove the labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8).

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10. Clean the surroundings around the head socket head cap screw (Figure 9/ P45) and
remove them to dismantle the sealing plate (Figure 10/ P10) and remove it from the
wheel-set shaft.

11. Remove the barrier grease out of the barrier grease chamber inside the labyrinth ring
(Figure 10/P15).
12. Clean the surroundings around hex socket head cap screw (Figure 9/ 48) and remove
them to dismantle labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) from the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13).

13. Clean the surroundings around locking screw (Figure 9/ 44) and remove them to dismantle
thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) from the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) and wheel-set
shaft. Also remove the spacer disk (Figure 10/ P12) from the surface of axle suspension

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 78 / 260 Disassembly of thrust rings:

A special device is needed to dismount the thrust rings from the wheel set shaft without damages.
We recommend that to contact the gearbox manufacturer, Bombardier Transportation Austria /
Engineering (fax: 0043 1/25110-493). (tel.: 0043 1/25110-0) for ordering that special device.
Another method to dismount the thrust ring is heating it. The procedure starts with hanging the wheel
set shaft vertically below a rotatable fixture (3EJH901763) with the part to be dismounted in the lower
position. Then the thrust ring has to be heated evenly over the circumference; only the thrust ring!
Turning the wheel set shaft in the fixture makes it easier to warm up the thrust ring more evenly.
When the thrust ring is warm enough it falls from the wheel set shaft to the ground. After this
treatment the trust ring must not be used anymore! Disassembly of slinger ring

The slinger ring must be heated to dismount it from the wheel set shaft. The procedure starts with
hanging the wheel set shaft vertically below a rotatable fixture (3EJH901763) with the part to be
dismounted in the lower position. Then the thrust ring has to be heated evenly over the
circumference; only the slinger ring! Turning the wheel set shaft in the fixture makes it easier to warm
up the slinger ring more evenly.
When the slinger ring is warm enough it falls from the wheel set shaft to the ground. After this
treatment the slinger ring must not be used anymore! Disassembly of suspension tube with the inner bearing ring nDE, slinger ring, and the
thrust ring nDE

After disassembly of the labyrinth rings it is possible to disassemble the suspension tube with the
inner bearing ring nDE, slinger ring, and the thrust ring nDE from the wheel set shaft at once
The process is as follows:
1. Put the complete wheel set shaft in the transport/assembly stand, 3EJH901672. The wheel
set shaft lies horizontally in the fixture.
2. Put the dismantling fixture, 3EJH901684, between main gear and the flange of the suspension
3. Support the suspension tube so it can not fall on the wheel set shaft.
4. Connect the hydraulic pressure unit of the dismantling fixture to the pump.
5. Put pressure to the hydraulic system at a maximum of 50 MPa.
6. Heating of both the slinger ring and the thrust ring at once.
7. When the slinger ring and the thrust ring get warm enough the complete group (suspension
tube, bearing inner ring, slinger ring, thrust ring) will be dismounted from the wheel set shaft.
8. Reduce completely the pressure of the hydraulic system.

9. Disconnecting the hydraulic system and removal of the dismantling fixture.

After this procedure the bearings, the slinger ring, and the thrust ring must not be used any more.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 79 / 260 Disassembly of the outer bearing rings

With a puller, 3EJH901683, the bearing outer ring will be dismounted.

1. On one side mount the three extraction hooks on the back side of the bearing outer ring.
2. Screw the central nut so that the support feet can press against the flange of the suspension
3. When screwing the nut further on, the bearing outer ring will be put out of the suspension

The same procedure is done for the other bearing outer ring on the other side of the suspension tube. Disassembly of the bearing inner ring DE side

The bearing inner ring must be removed by:

1. Destroying the cage (with its rollers)

2. Removing the cage from the bearing inner ring (and the rollers)
3. Heating of bearing inner ring
4. If the bearing inner ring is warm enough it can be pulled off the wheel set shaft Disassembly of the thrust ring DE side

The thrust ring can be removed as described in For this operation the wheel set shaft can
also remain in horizontal position in the transport/assembly stand, 3EJH901672.
In every case, the thrust ring must not be used any more. Disassembly of the main gear

A disassembly of the main gear from the wheel set shaft is not foreseen. If the main gear or the wheel
set shaft becomes unusable the main gear together with the wheel set shaft has to be replaced.

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7.6 Maintenance work on the disassembled drive

7.6.1 Interior cleaning of the drive
These assembly instructions apply to the disambling of the drive. The individual parts should be
cleaned. Smeary deposits should be removed with cleaning agents. To prevent damaging the
insulation, remove any accumulations of dust or water.

Dust can be blown out with compressed air at a maximum pressure of 5bar.
High-pressure steam cleaning systems (e.g. with equipment from Kärcher and suitable
cleaning agents) or ice cleaning systems can be used.

Parts must be dry before cleaning with volatile cleaning agents.

No alkaline substances may be used in any of the cleaning processes. Acidic cleaning
agents (pH value < 7) are permitted. When using any kind of chemical cleaning agent,
always read the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer and distributor and
follow any recommended safety or protection measures.
The manufacturer's instructions must be followed when cleaning roller bearings.
To prevent damage to the insulation, only high-pressure jet nozzles suitable for
delicate surfaces may be used in the vicinity of windings. Never use high-power jet
cleaners or spot jet cleaners.

Special attention should be paid to the following areas during cleaning:

• Winding parts
• Air ducts on the rear of the stator
• Air ducts in the rotor
After finishing cleaning, all main parts of the motor should be dried in an oven for 12 hours at 100°C.

An electrical test according to chapter 7.8.4 must be performed. If the voltage test is
failed or the measured insulation is below the required insulation resistance, the
insulation should be checked again for damage and bridging. If necessary, dry the
motor again. Please contact the manufacturer if it fails the electrical tests again.

After reassembling the motor, we recommend carrying out the tests described in chapter 5.3.3

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7.6.2 Visual inspection Traction motor

After dismantling the traction motor has to be visually checked for external damage due to
mechanical impacts:

Depending on the degree of pollution, the components must be cleaned in accordance with chapter

Checks on the Stator:

• Check the motor for external damages.

• Check of the stator winding including the connections to mechanical and electrical
• Check if the contact and seat surfaces of all parts are in good condition.
• Check the insulation resistance - see chapter 7.8.4.
Checks on the Rotor:

• Check of the shaft, seat surfaces, laminated core and the rotor cage to mechanical
• Inspection of brazed connections of the cage – pay special attention to discolorations
which indicates a traction motor thermal overload (short circuit). Gear box

A visual inspection of the gearbox should be performed as part of the vehicle inspection and during
servicing. Special attention should be paid to the following points:

• Visually inspect the components for damage and wear.

• Cleanliness of oil return channels - does the oil flow freely?
• Condition of the roller bearings Gear teeth

The gear teeth should be visually inspected every time a bearing is replaced. The following points
should be checked:

• Visual inspection for damage such as scoring, seizures, pitting on the tooth flanks
(assessment in accordance with DIN 3979).
• Severe wear
• If there are any signs of damage or unusually severe wear, then the gear wheels will need
to be investigated more closely in order to establish whether or not they are suitable for
continued use.

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7.6.3 Regreasing the bearings of the gear box

After 150.000km or after one year (whatever comes first) the bearings have to be regreased.

1. Clean the area surrounding the cover for grease chamber (Figure 10/ P19), locking screw
(Figure 10/ P47) and the lubricating nipples (Figure 9/ 29 & Figure 10/ 29).
2. Remove the locking screws and disassemble the cover for grease chamber along with the
sealing (Figure 10/ P19).
3. Remove the bearing grease from the grease chamber.
4. Put the grease gun on the lubricating nipple (Figure 10/ 29).
5. Press bearing grease through the lubricating nipple as long as fresh bearing grease gets into
the grease chamber.
6. Close the grease chamber with the cover (Figure 10/ P19) and a new sealing (Figure 10/
P36). Screw bolting screws at a tightening torque of MA = 35 Nm (see Table in Figure 9

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7.7 Assembling the drive

These instructions describe the sequence of steps recommended by Bombardier on a drive that has
already been removed from the bogie. The process of removing the drive from the bogie should be
carried out in accordance with the instructions provided by the bogie manufacturer.

The tightening torques for screws/bolts and tightening sequences are detailed in the table (Figure 7
and Figure 8); the threads should be greased with Cortec Grease (Table 14). All tightening to be
done with a torque wrench (no impact drivers).

It is prohibited to use impact drivers or heat components directly with a naked flame (e.g. with a
welding torch) during installation or assembly work.

A suitable crane, preferably with precision controls, is needed to lift and move the drive and its

Prior to assembly, carefully clean all fitting surfaces and bearing seat surfaces as well as
disassembled parts. Remove residues of surface sealing agents and Loctite bolt securing


• Do not touch, drink or inhale the vapors of aggressive cleaning agents or

• Use protective gloves, goggles and breath filter!
• Adequately ventilate working areas.
• In case of contact with the skin, wash off immediately with plenty of water.
• If someone accidentally has drunk cleaning agent, immediately seek medical
• Observe accident prevention rules.
• Strictly comply with the rated values specified in the respective safety data
sheet of the appropriate cleaning agent or solvent and the ensuing
requirements. The safety data sheet must also be requested with respect to the

Damages are expected especially in peripheral parts such as cables or corrosion protection through
the action of foreign bodies during operation.

For re-assembly, the specific tightening torques, the application of surface sealants, screw securing
using Loctite and other instructions in drawing 3EJD000001-0501 (Traction Motor ready for
installation) and part list 3EJD000001-0500 are to be observed.

All locking elements for screwed connections must be replaced after they have been used once. In
terms of their effectiveness for providing a secure connection, ribbed Socket head cap screws can be
reused without restriction provided the ribbing of the head contact face is not damaged.

If defined torque is specified for the bolts in the text of this instruction or in drawings, then a torque
wrench is to be used. Do not use an impact driver.

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The heating of thermoformed parts can be done either in an oven or with devices that operate
inductively. An inductive heating is recommended, since it ensures a uniform heating throughout and
prevents a too high amount of heating. Observe the safety instructions of the manufacturer regarding
handling of inductive heaters. The heated or cooled parts have to assemble within 20 sec.

During inductive heating, there is an increased danger of accidents! Since the
induction heating device generates a magnetic field, persons with heart pacemakers
should not work with this device or stay in the immediate vicinity. Also other sensitive
electronics, e.g. wrist watches, can be affected by this magnetic field. Observe the
safety instructions in the manufacturer’s manual.

Parts that must be heated or cooled for mounting or dismantling are only to be grasped
with heat-insulating gloves.

In the assembly instructions of this chapter, the use of assembly paste is required repeatedly. This
paste is to be used as follows:

• Treat joining parts with a thin layer of assembly paste

• then wipe away the paste with no-lint rag so that the paste only finely adheres into the
pores of the surface – the remaining layer is sufficient, excess quantities will impair the
geometry of the fit
• after assembly wipe away the excess paste from all gaps between bearings and covers
A suitable crane, preferably with fine control, is necessary to lift and move the machine parts.

7.7.1 Assembling the traction motor

For the purposes of the following description, it is assumed that the components which are to be
assembled have been cleaned and checked for damage, and that any necessary repairs have been
carried out so that the components are ready for installation.

If spare parts are required, then only use genuine parts in accordance with the motor manufacturer's
parts list.

The tightening torques for screws/bolts and tightening sequences are detailed in the
table in the drawing 3EJD000001-0501. All tightening to be done with a torque wrench
(no impact drivers).

The fitting surfaces and contact surfaces of the end plate and bearing covers are to be lightly coated
with Cortec prior to assembly unless other materials are specified in the text.

Due to the relative length of the maintenance intervals, we recommend replacing all O-
Rings during maintenance work as a matter of course.
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The following description provides a general overview of the assembly work.

The figure and item numbers in these documents refer to the enclosed drawings. General instructions

1. Prior to assembly, carefully clean all fitting surfaces and bearing seat surfaces as well as
disassembled parts. Remove residues of surface sealing agents and Loctite bolt securing
2. Damages are expected especially in peripheral parts such as cables or corrosion
protection through the action of foreign bodies during operation.
3. For re-assembly, the specific tightening torques, the application of surface sealants, screw
securing using Loctite and other instructions in drawings 3EJD000001-0501,
3EJD000001-0220 and 3EJD000001-0222 and part lists 3EJD000001-0500 and
3EJD000001-0221 are to be observed.

Use only calibrated torque wrench (± 6 % precision).

4. If defined torque is specified for the bolts in the text of this instruction or in drawings, then
a torque wrench has to be used. Do not use an impact driver.
5. After tightening always have to mark the screws with a suitable pen/marker.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 86 / 260 Preparation of the Rotor for assembly

1. Check that all fits are free of damage.

2. Assemble the fan (Figure 7/ P19) if it was removed
• Clean and polish bearing surfaces on the support ring
• Put two guiding pins into the screw holes
• Heat up the fan to 50°C
• Push the fan onto the support ring on the rotor shaft
• Position the holes of the fan to the holes of the support ring and press it until a tight
seat has formed.
• Apply Loctite 243 on the locking screws, insert and tighten with:
Ma = 21 Nm.
• Mark the tightened screws
3. Check the balance of the rotor.

2 19

Speed sensor disk and rotor are balanced together, parts must remain together.
Balancing Quality G1 according DIN 1940 Assembly of the Roller Bearing Inner Ring to the rotor shaft DE side

The roller bearing inner ring and outer ring must stay together. The instructions for
assembly, cleaning and storage provided by the roller bearing manufacturer as well as
stated in DIN 43200 must be complied with. It is prohibited to use impact drivers or
heat components directly with a naked flame (e.g. with a welding torch) during
assembly work.

1. Clean and polish the bearing surface.

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2. Grease labyrinth lightly with bearing grease.

Bearing Grease

3. Coat the shaft seat with a very thin coating of assembly paste.
4. Heat up the inner ring of the cylinder roller bearing (Figure 7/ P7) to a maximum of 120 °C.

5. Slide bearing ring as far as it will go onto the rotor shaft and prevent it from moving axially
until a tight seat has formed.

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Assembly paste Marking


For heating purposes temperature-controlled re-circulating ovens, oil bath heating
systems or inductive heating devices, which are recommended by the roller bearing
industry, can be used.

Parts that must be heated or cooled for mounting or dismantling are only to be grasped
with heat-insulating gloves!

Assemble bearing ring in correct position – marking facing on outer side Assembly of the Roller Bearing Outer Ring into the end shield DE

The roller bearing inner ring and outer ring must stay together. The instructions relating
to assembly, cleaning and storage provided by the roller bearing manufacturer as well
as stated in DIN 43200 must be complied with. It is prohibited to use impact drivers or
heat components directly with a naked flame (e.g. with a welding torch) during
assembly work. The bearing is electrically insulated at the outer ring. The insulation
comprises a very hard ceramic layer which is sensitive to impact. This must be taken
into account during transport, storage and assembly.

1. Place the end shield DE (Figure 7/ P3) with the outer facing upwards on the workbench.
2. Clean the machined surfaces of the bearing shield DE with a suitable cleaning agent.
3. Remove the lubricating nipple (Figure 8/ P36) and clean the re-greasing duct in the end
shield accurately.
4. Re-assemble the lubricating nipple and the sealing ring (Figure 8/ P62) and tighten with:
Ma = 17 Nm.
5. Completely fill the re-greasing channel and the half-round grease channel above the
labyrinth ring with grease – up to the height of the bearing seat.
6. Thinly coat bearing seat with assembly paste.
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7. Cool down the roller bearing outer ring (Figure 7/ P7) to -20°C.
8. Insert the bearing to the end shield axially until a tight seat has formed.

Insert bearing ring in correct position – marking on outer side Assembly of the Bearing Cap DE

1. Clean the surfaces of the cap.

2. Mount the bearing cap DE (Figure 7/ P5) with M8 locking screws (Figure 7/ P57)(with
Loctite 243) on the end shield DE (Figure 7/ P3), tighten with Ma = 42 Nm and mark the

If the end shield is not installed directly after the bearing is assembled in, then the
bearing should be carefully protected against contamination and damage. Assemble the end shield DE to the rotor

1. Fill 100% the bearing with specified grease, 50% the lubricating chamber.

2. Grease labyrinths lightly with lubricating grease.

The use of greases of other quality as specified, as well as mixing of greases of
different manufacturers is not permitted.

4. Assemble a lifting-eye in one drive-out thread

5. Lift up the mounted end shield DE using a crane and lifting eye.

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6. Carefully press the shield DE onto the rotor. Pre-assembly of the end shield nDE

1. Prior to assembly check that the parts are free of damages and in generally perfect
2. Thoroughly clean the seat and contact surfaces by means of a suitable cleaning agent.

Take care that your skin does not contact with the aggressive cleaning agents, do not
drink them or inhale their vapours!
Use protective gloves and safety glasses! In the event of skin contact, rinse
immediately with large quantities of water! If a cleaning agent has been drunk by
accident, get medical assistance immediately!
Observe all regulations for the prevention of accidents!
Ensure that the instructions and relevant occupational health and safety data sheets
(OHSD) or all such products are read and observed.

3. Remove the lubricating nipple (Figure 8/ P36) of the re-greasing duct on the end shield
nDE (Figure 7/ P4), clean out all old grease and any foreign matter from the lubricating
duct with compressed air.
4. Re-assemble the lubricating nipple (Figure 8/ P36) and a new sealing ring (Figure 7/ P62)
and tighten with:
Ma = 17 Nm.

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5. Press in grease of specified quality via the re-lubricating nipple and fill the duct until
grease leaks from the bore hole on the bearing seat of the end shield nDE.
6. Fill the deep groove ball bearing (Figure 7/ P8) with the specified quality of grease until it
is 100% full by using a tool.

The use of greases of other quality as specified, as well as mixing of greases of
different manufacturers is not permitted.

8. Cool down the bearing to -20°C.

9. Prior to assembly of the bearing thinly coat bearing seat with assembly paste.
10. Insert the greased deep groove ball bearing (Figure 7/ P8) into the end shield nDE (Figure
7/ P4).

Parts that must be heated or cooled for mounting or dismantling are only to be grasped
with heat-insulating gloves!

Assemble bearing ring in correct position – marking facing on outer side

11. Fill the grease chamber between ball bearing and bearing end shield with specified quality
of bearing grease up to 50%.

Grease Chamber


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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 92 / 260 Assembly of the end shield nDE onto the stator

1. Polish and clean the fitting surface of the housing and make a visible check.

2. Apply a thin layer of Loctite 510 onto the contact surface of the stator housing.

3. Apply Cortec on cylindrical fit surface with brush.

4. Screw in two M16 guiding pins into the stator housing.

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5. Lift the pre-assembled end shield with the aid of a lifting tool and move it up to the stator

Soft, lightweight belt webbing can be used to tie it down; to do this, loop it through the
webs of the upper air outlet openings.
When working on heavy equipment, failure to comply with the safety regulations could
result in serious injury or even death.
Ensure assistance is available nearby.
Make sure that no person is present under the rotor during lifting.
End shield mass approx. 50 kg.

7. Position the end shield (Figure 7/ P4) to the stator using two guiding pins.

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Guide the end shield carefully in order to avoid damaging the stator winding.

8. Apply Loctite 243 on the M16 screws (Figure 7/ P40).

9. Mount the locking screws M16 (Figure 7/ P40) and fasten the end shield DE with the
screws crosswise onto the stator with Ma = 330Nm.

10. Mark the fastened screws. Installation of the Rotor into Stator

In these assembly instructions we offer a description of the method which is preferred
at the manufacturing plant; this is the horizontal assembly method with the aid of a
so-called C hook. Alternatively, a horizontal assembly method with the aid of shaft
extensions is also possible. Here, the end plate at the non drive end remains attached
to the rotor assembly, and the complete assembly is pushed into the stator towards
the drive end. Vertical assembly methods must only be performed by arrangement
with the manufacturer.

1. After cleaning and visual check, apply Loctite 510 on fitting surfaces of the stator housing.
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2. Apply Cortec on the cylindrical fitting surface.

3. Mount the C-hook (3EJH901635) to the rotor DE side.


Using the C-hook the first time, it has to be ensured by setting the suspension of the C-
hook, that the rotor is lifted horizontally.

5. Assemble the guiding tool (3EJH901637-1000.02-04) to the nDE side.

6. Screw in two M16 guiding pins into the stator housing.

7. Suspend rotor with the mounted lifting equipment and guide into the stator.

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Guding pin


Make sure that the end shield DE is in correct assembly position.


Carefully align the rotor to prevent damages (roller bearings, stator winding, …). The
moment in which the nDE shaft end slides into the inner ring of the ball bearing is
particularly critical. Carefully align the rotor with the guide tube to prevent the core
stack from making contact on its way in.

Mass of rotor plus DE end shield approx. 450 kg.

8. Attach the insertion device (3EJH901637) at the nDE end of the rotor shaft.
9. Pull the rotor shaft into the ball bearing using the insertion device.

Carefully align the rotor to prevent damages (roller bearing, stator winding).

10. Apply Loctite 243 on the M16 screws (Figure 7/ P40) of the end shield nDE, insert and
then tighten with:
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11. Position the DE end shield (Figure 7/ P3) on the centring diameter of the stator. Insert 3
locking screws M16 (Figure 7/ P40) and draw the end shield with the screws into the

Carefully draw in the end shield to prevent damages.
Tighten the screws over cross.

12. Apply Loctite 243 on the M16 screws (Figure 7/ P40) of the end shield nDE, insert and
then tighten with:
13. Mark the fastened screws.
14. Remove the mounting devices (C-hook, insertion device).

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 98 / 260 Checking of the bearing clearance

1. Check the axial bearing clearance

• Mount a lifting device onto the nDE rotor shaft.
• Install a measuring gauge (according fig.) and perform the measurement – permissible
axial play: 0,043 – 0,260 mm.
• Result has to be recorded.

2. Check the radial bearing clearance

• Mount a lifting device onto the nDE and DE side of the rotor shaft.
• Install a measuring gauge (according fig.) and perform the measurement.
• Permissible radial play:
• nDE Ball bearing: 0,075 - 0,120 mm
• DE Roller bearing: 0,145 - 0,165 mm
• Reslut has to be recorded

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 99 / 260 Assembly of the bearing cap nDE

1. Polish and clean the fitting surface of the bearing cap nDE (Figure 7/ P6).
2. Apply a thin layer of Cortec on the centring diameter of the end shield.

3. Fill the grease chamber on the cap approx. 50% grease of specified quality.

The use of greases of other quality as specified, as well as mixing of greases of
different manufacturers is not permitted.

5. Place the bearing cap (Figure 7/ P6) onto the nDE end shield.
6. Apply Loctite 243 on the M12 (Figure 7/ P56) locking screws.
7. Insert the locking screws M12 (Figure 7/P56) and fasten the bearing cap nDE with the
screws crosswise onto the end shield with:
Ma = 130Nm.

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8. Mark the fastened screws. Assembly of the Speed Sensor Disk

1. Polish and clean the fitting surface of the sensor disk (Figure 7/ P12).
2. Heat up the sensor disk to max. 120°C.
3. Place the speed sensor disk onto the nDE end of the rotor shaft – prevent the sensor disk
from moving axially until a tight seat has formed.

Parts that must be heated or cooled for mounting or dismantling are only to be grasped
with heat-insulating gloves!

Speed sensor disk and rotor are balanced together – parts must remain together

4. Lock the rotor against rotation by mounting a device on the DE side of the rotor shaft.

5. Apply Loctite 243 to threads of the screws.

6. Mount the locking screws M12 (Figure 7/ P55) and fasten the speed sensor disk with the
locking screws crosswise onto the rotor shaft nDE with:
Ma = 115Nm.

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7. Mark the fastened screws. Assembly of the Cover nDE outside (sensor cover)

1. Clean the fitting surface of the cover nDE outside (Figure 7/ P14) and apply Loctite 510 on
the contact surface.

2. Place the cover nDE outside (Figure 7/ P14) to the centring diameter of the end shield
3. Apply Loctite 243 on the M8 (Figure 7/ P35) locking screws.
4. Mount the locking screws M8 (Figure 7/ P35) and fasten the cover nDE outside with the
locking screws crosswise on the end shield nDE with Ma = 42Nm.

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5. Apply Cortec to the drive-out thread and insert the protective plugs (Figure 7/ P45).
6. Mark the fastened screws. Installation of the Speed Sensor

7. Insert the speed sensor (Figure 7/ P100) into the bore of the cover nDE outside (Figure 7/
8. Apply Loctite 243 on the locking screws M8 (Figure 7/ P38), insert and tighten with 42 Nm.
9. Mount the locking screws M8 (Figure 7/ P38) and fasten the speed sensor with the locking
screws on the cover nDE outside with Ma = 42Nm.

10. Position the fastening clamps (Figure 7/ P48) on the sensor cable.
11. Apply Loctite 243 on the hexagonal head screws M6 (Figure 7/ P53).
12. Mount the fastening clamps with hexagonal head screws and SK-washers (Figure 7/ P51
and P53) on the end shield nDE.
Ma = 10Nm Assemble the labyrinth DE

13. Clean and polish the seat surfaces.

14. Treat slightly the labyrinth of the bearing cap DE (Figure 7/ P5) with specified bearing

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15. Heat up the labyrinth ring DE (Figure 7/ P11) to 150 °C.

For heating purpose temperature-controlled re-circulating ovens, oil bath heating
systems or inductive heating devices, which are recommended by roller bearing
industry, can be used.

16. Place the labyrinth ring DE onto the shaft and push the labyrinth ring hard against the
bearing shoulder, rotate the labyrinth ring slowly and press it against the bearing shoulder
until the labyrinth ring is securely fixed to the shaft.

Parts that must be heated or cooled for mounting or dismantling are only to be grasped
with heat-insulating gloves! Assembly of the Ventilation Grid

1. Apply Loctite 243 on the locking screws M8 (Figure 7/ P50).

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2. Attach the ventilation grid (Figure 7/ P31) to the end shield DE, insert the locking screws
M8 and tighten with:
Ma = 42Nm. Installation of the Resistance Thermometer

1. Clean the mounting hole for the resistance thermometer.

2. Insert the lower part of the resistance thermometer cable gland (Figure 7/ P101) into the
housing and tighten with 12 Nm

3. Cream the sensor cable in the area of the cable gland with lubricant (rubber compatible).
4. Treat the tip of the sensor with thermal paste (Figure 7/ P300)

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5. Insert the resistance thermometer (Figure 7/ P101) into the housing and screw the bottom
part of the cable gland up to the end of the thread and tighten with 12 Nm

After installation perform an electrical test of the resistance thermometer. Fixation of the Sensor Cables

1. Position the cable clamp lower half (Figure 7/ P22) under the sensor cable.

2. Apply Loctite 243 on the M8 screws of the upper half of the cable clamp.

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3. Attach the upper part of the cable clamp (Figure 7/ P22) and fasten cable clamp with

4. Mark the fastened screws.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 107 / 260 Assemble the pinion machined onto the shaft

1. Remove the shaft end disk (Figure 7/ P17).

2. Clean the motor shaft cone and the bore hole of the pinion:
The cone surfaces must be free of grease and dry. Polish the motor shaft in the area of
the oil grooves using polishing cloths.
3. Record number of pinion and motor
4. Slip on the (cold) pinion onto the motor shaft and press on manually.

5. Check the press-on distance by using a micrometer depth gauge:

measure the separation distance between the face of the motor shaft and the face of the
Offset should be in range of: 63 to 65 mm (first assembly)
45 to 56 mm (re-assembly - in this case the correct
press on distance is ensured).
Measured value has to be recorded in assembly protocol

6. Check the contact ratio of the cone – ratio must be at least 70 %.

7. Attach the hydraulic mounting fixture (drawing 3EJH901570 - contains the positions with
numbers +’MF’ for this instruction) onto the DE side of the rotor shaft:
Fix the adapter (P1 – MF) with bolt, washer and nut (P3, P4, P5 - MF) after adjusting the
adapter holes with the G 1/8” thread holes of the motor shaft [distance ring P2 - MF) must
be slid on the adapter (P1 - MF) before!]

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8. Connect the hydraulic pipe (SKF 227965 on drawing 3EJH901570) into the end of motor
shaft using thread G 1/8”
9. Connect the pressure pipes

10. Increase joint pressure within 5 minutes constantly and slowly up to 2000 bar until
glycerine emerges between pinion and shaft (using G 1/4” connection of hydraulic pipe)

Use glycerine a pressure medium for pressing on the pinion.
To avoid machining marks on the structural parts, the pinion must always be immersed
in a glycerine film

11. Press the gear with hydraulic pressure to the shaft and keep the pressure approx. 1 hour
with min. 20 MPa.

Build up of pressure too fast and with too high pressure may cause permanent
deformation (bulging) of the pinion bore.

12. Initiate axial force by hydraulic pump on metric thread hydraulic nut (SKF HMV24E/ST16
on drawing 3EJH901570)
13. Press on pinion with constant pressure onto rotor shaft until stop on item labyrinth ring DE
outside (Figure 7/ P11).
14. Reduce joint pressure to “Zero”, but at the same time hold pressure at the pump for at
least 20 minutes and reduce afterwards to “zero” slowly.

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The fit may not be loaded for at least 24 hours after it is pressed on

15. Remove the pressure pipes

16. Remove the hydraulic pipe and the pressure device and let drain off glycerine out of the
motor shaft.
17. Attach the shaft end disk (Figure 7/ P17).to the rotor shaft.
18. Apply Loctite 243 on the M10 (Figure 7/ P54) locking screws.
19. Mount the locking screws M10 (Figure 7/ P54) and fasten the shaft end disk with the
locking screws crosswise on the rotor shaft with:
Ma = 45Nm. Finishing steps

1. Renew (touch up) the coating if necessary.

2. Apply anti-corrosion agent to all mounting surfaces, if traction motor will be not used
3. Perform checks and functional tests (refer to the maintenance instructions) according to
the reason for which the disassembly and assembly work was performed and check the
bearing clearance and the radial run out tolerance of the speed sensor disk.

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7.7.2 Assembling the gearbox

The following work must only be carried out by qualified specialists who have received training on
working on the drive. Whenever carrying out any work on the drive, make sure that all safety devices
are used and that all necessary precautions are taken in accordance with the current and applicable
safety regulations and directives as well as the state of the art.

For the purposes of the following description, it is assumed that the components which are to be
assembled have been cleaned and checked for damage, and that any necessary repairs have been
carried out so that the components are ready for installation.

The tightening torques for screws/bolts and tightening sequences are detailed in the
table in. The threads are greased with or. All tightening to be done with a torque
wrench (no impact drivers).

Bearing covers, bearing rings, splash collars, labyrinth seal rings and oil-collecting rings should be
generally tightened in an alternating, opposing sequence.

Unless specified otherwise in the text, locating and contact surfaces of bearing covers, bushes and
rings should be thinly coated with assembly paste, ALTEMP Q NB50 (Table 15) from Klüber or Cortec
VCI-369 (Table 15). This does not apply to fit surfaces of bearing outer rings and inner rings, nor to
bearing rings which are either heated up or cooled down.

After the paste has been applied, the fit surfaces onto which the bearing rings are shrunk or into
which the bearing rings are pressed should be wiped clean using a clean non fuzzing cloth so that
only a very thin coating of the paste adheres to the pores of the fit surfaces.

No assembly paste must be used during assembly of the Taper Roller Bearing (Figure
10/ P5 & P6) the Labyrinthring LS-MS (Figure 10/ P7) and the Labyrinthring LS-WS
(Figure 10/ 8) on the Main Gear Hub (Figure 10/ P4).

After assembly, wipe away any excessive paste from all gaps between bearings and covers.

All bearing surfaces, roller cages and teeth must be lubricated (either with a brush or using a spray
bottle) before the relevant components are assembled/installed (do this afterwards if the components
are to be heated up or cooled down); refer to chapter in the maintenance instructions for the
correct type of oil to use.

If spare parts are required, then only use genuine parts in accordance with the drive manufacturer's
parts list.

All locking elements for screwed connections must be replaced after they have been used once. In
terms of their effectiveness for providing a secure connection, ribbed Socket head cap screws can be
reused without restriction provided the ribbing of the head contact face is not damaged.

If any bearings are to be reused, make sure that individual bearing parts which belong together are
assembled together again. It is not permissible to replace or mix up individual bearing components.

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Bearing parts must not be heated above 125 °C or cooled to below -25°C. When heating
components, only use temperature-controlled equipment, preferably inductive heating equipment.

Follow the bearing manufacturer's instructions when pressing parts on or off cold.

It is prohibited to use impact drivers or heat components directly with a flame (e.g. with
a welding torch) during assembly or disassembly work.

Due to the relative long maintenance intervals, Bombardier recommends replacing all O-rings during
maintenance work as a matter of course.

Before inserting O-rings in the grooves or placing them on the corresponding shoulders of the bushes
and bearing rings, they should be thinly coated with assembly paste - use ALTEMP Q NB50 (Table 15)
from Klüber.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 112 / 260 Assembly of the main gear

1. Take the adapter 3EJH901682. Clean the stop surface of the adapter. Clean also the
upper contact surface for the main gear (Figure 10/ P4). Check the fixture for damages.

2. Unpack, clean and degrease the main gear. Use compressed air for cleaning of the lateral
gear hub.

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3. Clean the central bore with a clean cloth and thinner.

The bore must be absolutely free from grease!

4. Mount two lifting bolts to the main gear (Figure 10/ P4).

Wear safety helmet!

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5. Lift the main gear by using chain and crane.

Wear safety helmet!

6. Put the main gear on the induction heater. Remove the lifting bolts.

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7. Lower the induction element in the hub of the main gear (Figure 10/ P4). Centre the main
gear to align the induction element.

8. Place the axle shaft on the fixture 3EJH901763.

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9. Rework the threaded holes on both sides.

10. Clean the holes on both sides with compressed air.

Wear safety goggles!

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11. Check all threaded holes (on both sides) with a magnet for cleanliness.

12. Clean the whole axle shaft with a clean cloth.

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13. Check all fitting surfaces for damages and rework if necessary with a fine file and
sandpaper. In case of massive damages, please inform QC/ICF and reject the axle shaft.

14. Check and record the fitting diameter for the main gear.
Diameter: from 195.275mm to 195,312mm. In case of deviations, please inform QC/ICF
and reject the axle shaft.

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15. Mount lifting fixture 3EJH901579 to the axle shaft.

Place axle shaft onto rubber surface to avoid damage.

16. Programming on the machine: Parameter: 50% power for 85 minutes. Start the induction
heating process!

No fans to blow air in the direction of main gear during induction heating process.

Employees with heart pace makers not allowed near the workplace of this machine.

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17. Check the temperature of the main gear in intervals of 20 minutes (after 20, 40, 60, 80

The temperature must not exceed 230 °C in the hub of the main gear!

18. 15 minutes before end of the heating process pre-centre the wheel set shaft to the
adapter. Then lift up the wheel set shaft 2m laterally above the adapter and let the shaft
remain in that position.

Wear safety helmet!

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19. Check again the wheel set shaft and degrease the fitting surface with a clean cloth and

The fitting surface must be absolutely free from grease!

Wear safety helmet!

20. Check temperature at gear hub during the whole cycle. After 80-85 minutes the
temperature should be minimum 210°C.

Stop heating when 230 °C is reached in the hub!

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21. Place the heated main gear (Figure 10/ P4) on adapter 3EJH901682 by crane. Use lifting
bolts. Work quickly.

Wear safety helmet and heat protection gloves!

22. Move down the wheel set shaft quickly to the hub of the main gear until end stop. Time
slot maximum 2 minutes until end of heating.

Mark with sign: “HOT SURFACE”. Cool down the wheel set shaft for 60 minutes.

Wear safety helmet and heat protection gloves!

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23. Coat the wheel set shaft and the main gear with Cortec.

24. Take out the wheel set shaft with the main gear from the adapter by using the crane.

Wear safety helmet!

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25. Lay down the wheel set shaft with the main gear.

Use rubber pads to avoid damages on the wheel set shaft and the main gear.

26. Clean the shaft end with cloth.

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27. Mount measuring device 3EJH901580 and tighten it with 3 screws.

Check for the right contact.

28. Measure with a calliper and record the result in document DR-TIR-G-33.01.4.

Dimension: 359 (+0,5).

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29. Label the shaft: "Free for assembling" (green).

If there are non-conformity label: "Blocked" (red), please inform QC/ICF.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 127 / 260 Assembly of the axle suspension tube with axle shaft and roller bearings

1. Take tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P5) out of the packing.
Put the outer bearing ring into the freezer and cool it down to -25°C.

Write down the serial number of the bearing to the bearing ring remaining in the
packing, to ensure the assignment of the parts.

2. Take the taper roller bearing.

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3. Position the wheel set shaft with main gear by positioning into the assembly device

4. Clean the main gear labyrinth ring with thinner spray and a lint-free cloth.

5. Clean the wheel set shaft with thinner spray and a lint-free cloth.

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6. Spray the labyrinth of the main gear with Cortec VCI 369. Degrease the bearing seat on
axle shaft with thinner.

7. Degrease the inner ring of the tapered roller bearing, (Figure 10/ P5) with a lint-free cloth.

8. Fill the chamber of the main gear at about 75% volume with bearing grease, Isoflex Topas

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9. Heat the inner ring of the tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P5), inductively, up to 140°C.

Employees with heart pace makers are not allowed to be near the workplace of this

10. Move the tapered roller bearing (inner ring with cage) around the wheel set shaft.

Wear heat protection gloves!

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11. The tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P5) is positioned properly on the shoulder of the
main gear.

12. Fill the tapered roller bearing completely (100%) with bearing grease, Isoflex Topas -152.

13. Smear the bearing grease, Isoflex Topas -152 outside on the tapered roller bearings
(Figure 10/ P5).

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14. Mount two lifting fixtures 3EJH901706 at the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1).

15. Lift axle suspension tube onto the fixture 3EJH901672 by crane.

Wear safety helmet!

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16. Clean the axle suspension tube with thinner and a cloth. Use compressed air for cleaning
the holes.

Wear safety goggles!

17. Coat the mounting surface of the grease chamber with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

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18. Coat the inner side of the grease chamber cover (Figure 10/ P19), with mounting paste
Grease the sealing (Figure 10/ P36), with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.
Place the sealing on the inner side of the grease chamber cover.

Properly match the holes of sealing with the holes of grease chamber cover.

19. Cover 1/3 threads of the locking screw (Figure 10/ P47), with Korrex-grease.

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20. Mount the grease chamber cover (Figure 10/ P19) with the sealing (Figure 10/ P36) on the
grease chamber opening and tighten locking screws (Figure 10/ P47) with tightening
torque of MA = 35 Nm (see Table in Figure 9 “M8”).

21. Repeat steps ’18, 19 & 20’ also for the second grease chamber cover (Figure 10/ P19).
Both covers mounted on the axle suspension tube.

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22. Coat the earthing brush opening with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

23. Coat the inner transportation cover 3EJH901740 with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

24. Mount the transportation cover of the earthing brush opening and hand tight the screws

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25. Take the lubricating nipple (Figure 10/ P29). Re-Tapping the M10x1 thread on the axle
suspension tube, if needed.

26. Coat the hole with Loctite 243 (Figure 10/ P65). Mount the lubricating nipple (Figure 10/

27. Tighten the lubricating nipple (Figure 10/ P29) with a torque of MA = 12 Nm (see Table in
Figure 9 “M9”).

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28. Mount a lubricating grease plate (Figure 10/ P26) with grooved pins (Figure 10/ P35) on
the axle suspension tube.

29. Mount barrier grease plate (Figure 10/ P33) with grooved pins (Figure 10/ P35) on the axle
suspension tube.

30. Lubricating grease plate (Figure 10/ P26) and barrier grease plate (Figure 10/ P35)
mounted on axle suspension tube.

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31. Take the outer ring of tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P5).
Cool down the outer ring in a freezer to a temperature of -20 °C.
After the outer ring reaches -20 °C, mount the bearing ring in the axle suspension tube.
Turn and press until the bearing ring expands and fits inside the axle suspension tube.

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32. Clean the labyrinth ring LS-MS (Figure 10/ P7), with thinner and a lint-free cloth.

33. Coat the labyrinth ring LS-MS with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

34. Coat axle suspension tube on LS-MS side with ALTEMP QNB50.
Use Loctite 243 (Figure 10/ P65) for the threads.

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35. Mount labyrinth ring LS-MS on the LS-MS side of axle suspension tube.

36. Tighten the locking screws with a torque of 35 Nm (see Table in Figure 9 “M1”).

Mark the screws after tightening.

37. Spray the labyrinths of labyrinth ring LS-MS with Cortec VCI 369.

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38. Degrease the bearing ring (Figure 10/ P5) with thinner spray.

39. Coat the O-ring slot of the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with mounting paste
ALTEMP QNB-50 and other outside surface with Cortec VCI 369.

40. Put on the O-ring (Figure 10/ P27) in the slot and paint with mounting paste ALTEMP

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41. Fill the grease chamber of axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) on LS-MS side to 70%
with bearing grease, Isoflex Topas L152.

42. Turn the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) by 90° using 2 cranes.
Use protection fixture 3EJH901780.

Wear safety helmet!

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43. Place axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) floor.

44. Paint the mounting surface of axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with mounting paste

45. Lay down the Dummy spacer disk, 3EJH901686. Check for right position of the ring. It is
important for the Axial bearing clearance. Columns of the Dummy spacer disk are in-line
with the lubricating nipple during installation.

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46. Tighten the Dummy spacer disk to the axle suspension tube.
Take the bearing ring of tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P6).
Cool down the bearing ring in freezer to a temperature of -20 °C.
After the bearing ring reaches -20 °C, push the bearing ring in the axle suspension tube
(Figure 10/ P1) until its rests complete on the Dummy spacer disk. Punch with plastic
mallet if needed.

Check for Correct position.

47. After reaching ambient temperature, clean the inner bearing ring (Figure 10/ P6) with
thinner spray.

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48. Fill grease chamber of axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with grease up to 75%.

49. Put the lifting fixture onto the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) and tighten it with bolts.
Lift the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) and remove the protection fixture

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50. Position the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) right over the axle shaft by using fixture
and crane.

Wear safety helmet!

51. Let down the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) carefully to the axle shaft.

Ensure axle suspension tube doe not collide with the axle shaft.

Wear safety helmet!

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52. Remove the lifting fixture.

53. Turn the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) several times for right bearing mount.

54. Clean bearing seat and axle shaft with thinner spray.

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55. Mount the fixture plate 3EJH901741 to the shaft.

56. Lock the sleeve of the fixture over the shaft by use of crane.

Wear safety helmet!

57. Degrease the tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P6) with a lint-free cloth.

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58. Heat the tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P6), inductively, up to 140°C.

Employees with heart pace makers not allowed near the workplace of this machine.

59. Mount the warm tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P6) over the axle shaft and into the
bearing ring installed in the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1).

Wear heat protection gloves!

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60. Put on the sleeve by crane.

Wear safety helmet!

61. Tighten the screw nut with a torque of 200 Nm to push down the bearing.
Turn the suspension tube and tighten the nut again.
Allow the tapered roller bearing (Figure 10/ P6) to cool down for about 20 minutes.

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62. Measurement of the axial bearing clearance. Lift the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1)
with rods on two sides. The bearing clearance has to be 0.

Place a piece of wood on the main gear under each rod to avoid damages.

63. If the value is more than 0, push on top of the sleeve with a plastic mallet until the bearing
clearance is 0. Dismount the Sleeve after that.

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64. Clean the slinger ring (Figure 10/ P14) with thinner and a cloth,

65. Warm the slinger ring (Figure 10/ P14) inductively, up to 270°C.

Employees with heart pace makers not allowed near the workplace of this machine.

66. Bring up the warm slinger ring (Figure 10/ P14) and mount on the tapered roller bearing
(Figure 10/ P6) on axle shaft.
Turn and press the ring by hand until it shrinks and fits on to the axle shaft.
Allow the slinger ring (Figure 10/ P14) to cool down for about 20 minutes.

Wear heat protection gloves!

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67. Dismount the set of Dummy spacer disk, 3EJH901585 from the axle suspension tube
(Figure 10/ P1).

68. Measure the thickness of the spacer disks (Figure 10/ P12). Important for axial bearing
clearance. Dimension: 5 (0,05) mm.
Clean the spacer disks (Figure 10/ P12) with thinner spray and lint-free cloth.
Paint both sides with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

69. Position the spacer disk (Figure 10/ P12) between bearing ring (Figure 10/ P6) and axle
suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1).

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70. Fill chamber under the slinger ring (Figure 10/ P14) to 75% with bearing grease, Isoflex
Topas -152.

71. Fill the maze of the slinger ring (Figure 10/ P14) with bearing grease, Isoflex Topas -152.

72. Clean the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) with thinner and lint-free cloth.

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73. Apply Loctite 243 (Figure 10/ P65) to the hole for the cone lubricator (Figure 10/ P23). Re-
tapping of M8x1 thread, if needed.

74. Mount the cone lubricator (Figure 10/ P23).

75. Tighten the cone lubricator (Figure 10/ P23) with a torque of 10 Nm.

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76. Paint the groove and the mounting surface of the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) with
mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

77. Insert the O-ring (Figure 10/ P28).

78. Paint the O-ring (Figure 10/ P8) with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

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79. Paint the contact with bearing grease, Isoflex Topas -152.

80. Paint threads of the locking screws (Figure 10/ P44) to 1/3 with Korrex grease.

81. Turn in two grub screws for better handling the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13).

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82. Mount the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) on to the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) and
dismount the grub screws.
Note the angular position for the cone lubricators (Figure 10/ P23)

83. Screw together the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) and the spacer disks (Figure 10/ P12)
with locking screw (Figure 10/ P44).
Screw crosswise, start with 20Nm, then use 40Nm and then 80Nm.
Work equally!

84. Tighten the locking screw (Figure 10/ P44) with a final torque of 115 Nm.

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85. Raise the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with the lever irons.
Read the axial clearance. Bearing clearance has to be: 0,15-0,26 mm.
If the clearance is too small please install a spacer disk (Figure 10/ P12) with smaller

Place a piece of wood on the main gear under each rod to avoid damages.

86. Mark the locking screws (Figure 10/ P44) after tightening.

87. Clean the gap between spacer disks (Figure 10/ P12).

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88. Seal the gap between the spacer disk (Figure 10/ P12) with Silicone Elastosil N199 /
Loctite 595 (Figure 10/ P25). Remove surplus silicone / Loctite.

89. Clean the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) with thinner spray and a cloth.

90. Mount 4 cone lubricators (Figure 10/ P23) to the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15).
Paint the thread of the cone lubricator (Figure 10/ P23) with Loctite 243 (Figure 10/ P65).
Re-tapping of M8x1 thread, if needed.

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91. Mount the cone lubricators (Figure 10/ P23) on labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15).

92. Tighten the cone lubricators (Figure 10/ P23) with a torque of 10 Nm.

93. Paint the inner side of the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) with barrier grease, Klüberplex
BEM 34-132.

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94. Paint the Simmerring (Figure 10/ P22) with barrier grease Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

95. Take the fixture 3EJH901674 for press in the Simmerring (Figure 10/ P22).

96. Paint the rim of the fixture with barrier grease, Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

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97. Take Simmerring (Figure 10/ P22). Place the Simmerring on to the fixture.

98. Turn the fixture. Put on the fixture to the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P8), 3EJD000001-0830
& labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15).

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99. Tighten the socket screws.

100. Press fixture with knurled screws evenly, crosswise.

101. Spray the inner side of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with Cortec VCI 369. Clean
contact surface with thinner.

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102. Provide the contact surface of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with Adhesive, Curil

103. Heat the thrust ring (Figure 10/ P17) inductively, up to 140 °C.

Employees with heart pace makers not allowed near the workplace of this machine.

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104. Mount the warm thrust ring (Figure 10/ P17) above the slinger ring on to the axle shaft
(Figure 10/ P1). Allow the thrust ring (Figure 10/ P17) to cool down for about 10 minutes.
After cooling down, paint the thrust ring (Figure 10/ P17) with barrier grease, Klüberplex
BEM 34-132.

Wear heat protection gloves!

105. Clean the contact surface of the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) with thinner spray.

106. Cover contact surface of the thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) with Adhesive, Curil T.
Wet the hole with Loctite 243 (Figure 10/ P65).

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107. For better handling, insert two grub screws into the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15).

108. Holding the grub screws install the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) on the axle shaft until it
is seated properly.

109. Tighten the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) with hex socket head cap screw (Figure 9/

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110. Tighten the hex socket head cap screw (Figure 9/ P48) with a torque of 24 Nm.

111. Marking of all screwed connections for which a tightening torque is required. The
marking to be made with a water-resistant marker on the head of the screw or nut in cross

112. Paint the assembly contact surface of labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) with mounting
paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

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113. Fill the chamber of the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) to 100% with barrier grease,
Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

114. Paint the sealing plate (Figure 10/ P10) with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50 at the
assembly contact surface.
Fill the sealing plate to 100% with barrier grease, Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

115. Paint the chamber of the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15) with barrier grease, Klüberplex
BEM 34-132.
Wet the thread holes with Loctite 243.

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116. Take the sealing plate (Figure 10/ P10) using 2 grub screws.

117. Mount the sealing plate (Figure 10/ P10) on to the shaft. Lay down the sealing plate
(Figure 10/ P10) on the labyrinth ring (Figure 10/ P15).

118. Tighten the sealing plate (Figure 10/ P10) with hex socket head cap screw (Figure 9/

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119. Tighten the hex socket head cap screw (Figure 9/ P45) with a torque of 24 Nm.

120. Spray the 2 lifting holes on thrust plate (Figure 10/ P13) for the screw caps with Cortec
VCI 369.

121. Screw in the yellow Plug (Figure 9/ P56).

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122. Spray the 2 lifting holes on sealing plate (Figure 10/ P10) for the screw caps with Cortec
VCI 369.

123. Insert the Plugs (Figure 9/ P57) into the holes.

Remove the excess barrier grease, Klüberplex BEM 34-132 from the axel shaft.

124. Place two dial gauges to measure the Axial bearing Clearance.

Place a piece of wood on the main gear under each rod to avoid damages.

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125. Raise the axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with the lever rods. Read the axial
clearance. Bearing Clearance to be between: 0,15 – 0,26 mm. Log the measurement
result in the test report.

Place a piece of wood on the main gear under each rod to avoid damages.

126. Place the axle shaft assembly using a crane and the lifting device 3EJH901579 on to the
transportation fixture 3EJH901672.

Wear safety helmet!

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127. Paint the Teeth of the main gear (Figure 10/ P4) with Cortec VCI 369.

128. Spray the surface of the main gear (Figure 10/ P4) with Cortec VCI 369.

129. Spray labyrinth of the main gear (Figure 10/ P4) with Cortec VCI 369.

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130. Degrease the axle shaft surface with thinner.

131. Heat the thrust ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P16) inductively, up to 140 °C.

Employees with heart pace makers not allowed near the workplace of this machine.

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132. Install the warm thrust ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P16) on to the axle shaft. Turn and press
the thrust ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P16) by hand until it shrinks and fits on to the axle shaft.
Allow the thrust ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P1) to cool down for about 20 minutes.

Wear heat protection gloves!

133. Clean the labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with thinner spray and a cloth.

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134. Take 2 set screws (Figure 10/ P50) and wet the holes of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure
10/ P8) with Loctite 270.

135. Flush install the set screw (Figure 10/ P50) in the threaded holes on labyrinth ring LS-
WS (Figure 10/ P8).

136. Take 4 cone lubricators (Figure 10/ P23). Paint 1/3 of their thread with Loctite 243
(Figure 10/ P65). Re-taping of threaded holes M8x1, if needed.

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137. Mount the cone lubricators (Figure 10/ P23) and tighten them with a torque of 10 Nm.

138. Paint the inner contact surface with barrier grease. Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

139. Press the Simmerring (Figure 10/ P22) using fixture 3EJH901674,

Refer and repeat procedure from step 94 to step 100 for Installation of Simmerring.

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140. Paint labyrinth of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with Cortec VCI 369.

141. Paint the outer ring of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with Cortec VCI 369.

142. Also paint the assembly contact surface of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with
Cortec VCI 369.

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143. Paint the Simmerring (Figure 10/ P22) with barrier grease. Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

144. Paint the thrust ring (Figure 10/ P16) with barrier grease. Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

145. Mount the labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) on the axle shaft.

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146. Paint the assembly contact surface of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with
mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

147. Clean the sealing plate LS-WS (Figure 10/ P9) with thinner and paint the assembly
contact surface with mounting paste ALTEMP Q-NB-50.

148. Fill the inner sealing plate LS-WS (Figure 10/ P9) to 100% with barrier grease.
Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

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149. Fill the chamber of the labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) to 100% with barrier grease.
Klüberplex BEM 34-132.

150. Wet the holes of the labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with Loctite 243.

151. Mount the sealing plate LS-WS (Figure 10/ P9) to the axle shaft.

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152. Mount the sealing ring against the labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8).

153. Install the hex socket head cap screw (Figure 10/ P45) on the sealing plate LS-WS
(Figure 10/ P9).

154. Tighten the hex socket head cap screw (Figure 10/ P45) with a torque of 24 Nm.

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155. Spray the lifting holes on sealing plate LS-WS (Figure 10/ P9) for Plug (Figure 10/ P56)
with Cortec VCI 369.

156. Install the 2 Plugs (Figure 10/ P56) on the sealing plate LS-WS (Figure 10/ P9).

157. Clean the excess barrier grease with a cloth.

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158. Marking of all screwed connections for which a tightening torque is required. The
marking to be made with a water-resistant marker on the head of the screw or nut in cross

159. Degrease the axle shaft with thinner and a cloth.

160. Paint the axle shaft and the main gear (Figure 10/ P4) with Cortec VCI 369.

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161. Mount the clamping fixture. Note: maximum width of 40mm.

Maximum width of clamp 40mm.

162. Mount 2 Cable ties to fix the O-ring (Figure 10/ P27).

163. Apply on both sides clean strips of clothes to cover the labyrinth area. Fasten with knot.

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164. Fix rubber mat with 6 cable ties.

165. Cover with plastic. wheel set area free from plastic.

166. End check according: "Test Specification Pre-assembling".

Label the gear: "Free for wheel set pressing" (green).

If there are non-conformity label: "Blocked" (red), please inform QC/ICF.

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Figure 12: Gearcase Complete Machined – Sheet 1

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Figure 13: Gearcase Complete Machined – Sheet 2

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Figure 14: Gearcase Complete Machined – Sheet 3

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 192 / 260 Preparing gearcase complete for assembly:

1. Take gearcase complete (Figure 9/ P2) from the box, using transverse fixture
3EJH901586 and crane.

Wear safety helmet!

2. Place the gearcase (Figure 9/ P2) to the workplace.

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3. Remove the parallel pins (Figure 13/ P3) and unscrew the hex socket head cap screw
(Figure 13/ P4) from the gearcase.

4. Mount the transverse fixture 3EJH901586 on the upper gearcase (Figure 12/ P1) and lift
up using crane.

Wear safety helmet!

5. Remove excess paint from the assembly contact surface of both upper and lower
gearcase (Figure 12/ P1,P2). Clean using a smooth file or sandpaper and thinner, if

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6. Clean all the Threaded holes and machined surfaces with thinner and clean cloth.

7. Blow the threaded holes with compressed air.

Wear safety goggles!

8. Arrange all the components required for mounting beside the lower gearcase (Figure 12/

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9. Moisten the thread of the oil Gauge (Figure 9/ P30), 106321103 with Loctite 243.

10. Screw in the oil Gauge in the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2).

11. Tighten the oil Gauge (Figure 9/ P30) with a torque of 45 Nm.

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12. Paint the magnetic drain plug (Figure 9/ P31) with little amount of Korrex grease.

13. Mount the magnetic drain plugs (Figure 9/ P31) with the sealing rings (Figure 13/ P32) on
to the 3 positions on lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2).

14. Tighten the magnetic drain plugs (Figure 9/ P30) with a torque of 130 Nm and mark on the
screw heads.

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15. Mount the protection guard (Figure 13/ P24) using locking screws (Figure 13/ P38).
Tighten to a torque of 20 Nm and mark on the screw heads.

16. Rivet the Type plate (Figure 13/ P21) using grooved pins (Figure 13/ P35) on to the
gearcase lower (Figure 12/ P2)

17. Wet the threaded holes on the Inspection opening with Loctite 243.
Clean the assembly contact surface to remove excess Loctite with thinner and clean cloth.

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18. Take Inspection cover Figure 9/ P20) and clean with thinner and clean cloth.
Apply adhesive, Curil T and spread evenly along the surface.

19. Apply adhesive, Curil T on the assembly contact surface and spread evenly.

20. Mount the Inspection cover (Figure 9/ P20) on to the lower gearcase (Figure 9/ P2) using
hex socket head cap screw (Figure 9/ P46). Tighten them with a torque of 24 Nm and
mark on the screw heads.

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21. Remove access Adhesive, Curil T from the assembly with a suitable tool.

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1. Clean the assembly contact surface of axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with thinner
and clean cloth.

2. Clean the assembly contact surface of labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with thinner
and clean cloth.

3. Paint the assembly contact surface with mounting paste, ALTEMP QNB50.

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4. Paint the assembly contact surface of axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) and labyrinth
ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8) with Adhesive, Curil T and spread evenly on the surface.

5. Paint the Flange assembly contact surface of axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with
mounting paste, ALTEMP QNB50.

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6. Unpack the traction motor (Figure 5/ P1).

7. Place the traction motor (Figure 5/ P1) down to a workplace by crane.

Turn the traction motor in such a way that the assembly contact surface for the axle
suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) is downwards to the workplace.

Wear safety helmet!

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8. Clean traction motor (Figure 5/ P1) with compressed pressure.

Wear safety goggles!

9. Uninstall the safety mount for pinion.

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10. Clean the pinion with thinner and check for damages.

11. Degrease the assembly contact surface for gearcase with thinner.

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12. Paint the assembly contact surface with mounting paste, ALTEMP QNB50.

13. Paint the assembly contact surface for gearcase (Figure 9/ P2) with Adhesive, Curil T.

14. Lift the traction motor (Figure 5/ P1) with 4 chains using the crane.

Wear safety helmet!

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15. Clean the assembly contact surface for axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1) with thinner
and a cloth.

Wear safety helmet!

16. Paint the assembly contact surface with mounting paste, ALTEMP QNB50.

Wear safety helmet!

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17. Screw in two Centring pins, 3EJH901687 into the flange surface.

Wear safety helmet!

18. Take the sandwich spring unit (Figure 6), 3EJD000001-1660 and position it on the Nose
Bracket of the Bogie.

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19. Install the sandwich spring unit in strapped condition in the Nose Bracket of the Bogie.

20. Mount 4 nos. of screw, M24x90. To fix the sandwich spring unit to the Nose Bracket.

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21. Measure the Axial runout of main gear (Figure 10/ P4).
Axial runout = 0,1.
Log the measurement result in the test report.

22. Flange-mount the traction motor to the axle suspension tube (Figure 10) assembly.

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23. Fit the Centring pins into the holes.

The speed of lowering the traction motor to be very slow.
Observe the pinion. Mounting to be smooth.
The pinion should not collide with the main gear while lowering.

24. Install the 8 nos. of Washer (Figure 5/ P5) along with 8 nos. of hexagon head bolt (Figure
5/ P3) through the axle suspension tube and screw in the traction motor housing.

Wear safety helmet!

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25. Tighten the 8 nos. hexagon head bolt (Figure 5/ P3) with a torque of 300 Nm.

Wear safety helmet!

26. Further tighten the 4 nos. of hexagon head bolt (Figure 5/ P3) with a torque of 960 Nm.

Wear safety helmet!

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27. Un-screw the Centring pins from the traction motor (Figure 5/ P1).

Wear safety helmet!

28. Slowly turn traction motor (Figure 5/ P1) around by 45° using crane.

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29. Further turn traction motor (Figure 5/ P3) around by 45° and position it on the sandwich
spring unit (Figure 6).

Wear safety helmet!

30. Screw the screws, M24x170 to fix the traction motor with the sandwich spring unit.

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31. Tighten the remaining 4 nos. of hexagon head bolt (Figure 5/ P3) with a torque of 960 Nm.

32. Measure the Theoretical Flank Clearance (Backlash).

Theoretical Flank Clearance = 0,30 – 0,60 mm.
Log the measurement result in the test report.

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 215 / 260 Assembly of gearcase with traction motor and axle suspension tube

1. Remove excess paint from the assembly contact surface of lower gearcase (Figure 12/
P2). Clean using a smooth file or sandpaper and thinner, if required.

2. Blow the threaded holes with compressed air.

Wear safety goggles!

3. Clean all the Threaded holes and assembly contact surfaces with thinner and clean cloth.

4. Paint the mounting surfaces (inner curves) with mounting paste, ALTEMP QNB50.
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5. Paint the outer assembly contact surfaces of the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) with
Adhesive, Curil T.

6. Spread Adhesive, Curil T evenly on the assembly contact surface.

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7. Paint the outer assembly contact surfaces of the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) with
Adhesive, Curil T.

8. Spread Adhesive, Curil T evenly on the assembly contact surface for both sides.

9. The assembly contact surfaces on traction motor (Figure 5/ P1) for gearcase (Figure 9/
P2) to be painted with Adhesive, Curil T.

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10. Spread Adhesive, Curil T evenly on the assembly contact surface.

11. Clean the pinion and assembly contact surface with WD-40 and clean cloth.

Check for damages on pinion Teeth.

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12. Paint the assembly contact with mounting paste, ALTEMP QNB50.

13. Clean the main gear (Figure 10/ P4) with WD-40 and clean cloth.

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14. Insert the space ring, 3EJH901707 on to the axle beside the sealing plate LS-WS.

15. Tighten the space ring on the axle using screws.

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16. Fasten two lifting supports to the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) for the crane.

Attention: the surface under the lifting support is Curil T free!

17. Lift the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) with fixture 3EJH901742 using the crane.

Wear safety helmet!

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18. Position the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) under the main gear (Figure 10/ P4).

19. Remount the fixture 3EJH901742 to the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2).

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20. Lift the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) over the main gear (Figure 10/ P4) and the pinion
by crane.

Wear safety helmet!

21. Hand tight 12 nos. of locking screw (Figure 9/ P43) to install the lower gearcase on the
axle suspension tube.

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22. Hand tight 6 nos. of locking screw (Figure 10/ P42) to install the lower gearcase on the
labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8).

23. Remove the Lifting Support.

24. Clean and degrease the surface where the lifting supports have been mounted, with
thinner and a clean cloth.

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25. The entire assembly contact surfaces on traction motor (Figure 5/ P1) for gearcase (Figure
9/ P2) to be painted with Adhesive, Curil T. Spread evenly along the assembly contact

26. Mount the transverse fixture 3EJH901586 on to the upper gearcase (Figure 12/ P1).

27. Wet the threads of G1/2” hole located on the upper side of upper gearcase (Figure 12/ P1)
and moisten the threads on hexagon socket screw plug (Figure 10/ P34) with Loctite 270.

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28. Mount the hexagon socket screw plug (Figure 10/ P34) on the upper gearcase (Figure 12/

29. Remove excess paint from the assembly contact surface of upper gearcase (Figure 12/
P1). Clean using a smooth file or sandpaper and thinner, if required.

Wear safety goggles and helmet!

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30. Clean the upper gearcase (Figure 12/ P1) and the holes with compressed air.

Wear safety goggles and helmet!

31. Clean all the Threaded holes and assembly contact surfaces with thinner and clean cloth.

Wear safety goggles and helmet!

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32. Paint the mounting surfaces (inner curves) with mounting paste, ALTEMP QNB50.

Wear safety helmet!

33. Paint the outer assembly contact surfaces of the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) with
Adhesive, Curil T.

Wear safety helmet!

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34. Spread Adhesive, Curil T evenly on the assembly contact surface.

Wear safety helmet!

35. Move the upper gearcase (Figure 12/ P1) of wheel protection box and the traverse
3EJH901586 at the crane to the bogie.

Wear safety helmet!

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36. Place down the upper gearcase (Figure 12/ P1) over the main gear (Figure 8/ P4) and on
the lower gearcase(Figure 12/ P2).

37. Clean the hex socket head cap screw (Figure 13/ P4) with thinner, cloth and compressed
air. Moisten the hex socket head cap screw with Loctite 243.

Wear safety goggles!

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38. Connect both, upper gearcase (Figure 12/ P1) and lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) using
the hex socket head cap screw (Figure 13/ P4) provided along with gearcase complete
(Figure 12)

Wear safety helmet!

39. Tighten the screws hand tight.

Wear safety helmet!

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40. Hammer in the parallel pins (Figure 13/ P3) to connect both sides of the gearcase with an
auxiliary tool. Flush it to the gearcase surface.

41. Tighten the hex socket head cap screw (Figure 13/ P4) with a Torque of 85Nm and mark.

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42. Install remaining 6 nos. of locking screw (Figure 10/ P43) to mount the upper gearcase
(Figure 12/ P1) with axle suspension tube (Figure 10/ P1).

43. Tighten the locking screws (Figure 10/ P43) with a Torque of 300 Nm.

44. Mark the locking screws (Figure 10/ P43) after tightening.

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45. Install remaining 6 nos. of locking screw (Figure 10/ P42) to mount the upper gearcase
(Figure 10/ P1) with labyrinth ring LS-WS (Figure 10/ P8).

46. Tighten the locking screws (Figure 10/ P43) with a Torque of 115 Nm.

47. Mark the locking screws (Figure 10/ P43) after tightening.

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48. Spray Cortec VCI 369 into the 2 nos. Dismantling hole of the lower gearcase (Figure 12/

49. Screw in 2 nos. Plug (Figure 10/ P54).

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50. Remove the magnetic drain plug (Figure 10/ P31) along with sealing ring (Figure 10/ P32)
from the lower gearcase.

51. Place the funnel with extension pipe in the hole.

52. Fill gearcase with 3,5L of gear oil, AC401800P0019.

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53. Mount the magnetic drain plug (Figure 10/ P31) along with sealing ring (Figure 10/ P32),
again on the lower gearcase (Figure 12/ P2) and tighten with a torque of 130 Nm.

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7.8 Checking and testing operations

The following checking and testing operations must be performed. The exact timing of the tests is
variable to some extent and can be adapted to the work processes involved in assembly of the

7.8.1 Running check

After any major assembly step, rotate the drive by hand to check that it runs freely:

• after installation of the cannon box

• after attaching the traction motor to the gearbox
• after pressing on the wheel discs
• after installation of the wheelset bearings

7.8.2 Checking the axial run of main gear

The axial run out of the main gear should be checked after the wheel-set shaft has been pressed in
and as soon as the wheel-set shaft can be rotated. The check of the axial run out should be
performed still within wheel-set press with the aid of its mounting tips. The following work should be
carried out on the drive:

1. Remove the Gearbox (Figure 9/ P2). Refer 7.5.1

Cleanliness must be ensured in the working area. All possible measures must be
seized to avoid dirt or contamination entering into the gearbox.

2. Install the measuring equipment and perform the measurement.

Permissible axial run out: 0.5 mm

3. Re-assemble the Gearbox (Figure 9/ P2) with Traction Motor and Axle Suspension Tube,

The O-Ring (Figure 10/ P27) must not slip out of the groove or be clamped /

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7.8.3 Test run

A test run should be performed after disassembling and reassembling the motor and gearbox. This
test serves primarily to assess the behaviour of the roller bearings and should be carried out with the
drive installed.

If a new, conformity-tested traction motor has been attached to the flange of a gearbox which has not
been disassembled, then the idling test on a test bench can be omitted.

On the nose suspended drive this can only be done with the wheel-set shaft installed.
Suitable testing equipment is required for the test run of the drive. This equipment
must be capable of safely supporting the drive at its mounting points.

Table 13: Performance of the test run

Motor speed from 0 Hz to approx. 50 Hz or 1500 rpm
Warm up for approx. 10 minutes
Duration for each direction of rotation
Approx. 20 minutes at a constant 50 Hz
Load None

During the test run the bearings should be monitored by listening to them, performing vibration
measurements and observing the temperature development.

The measuring points and the limits are described in test specification 3EJD000001-1692.

Temperature checks can be performed with standard commercially available
temperature measuring equipment with a magnetic fixture. The vibration values can be
measured with commercially available measuring equipment.

The test run has been successfully completed if the temperatures approach a permissible limit
(steady-state condition), the noise generated during operation resembles a uniform hum and the
defined vibration limits are not exceeded. If the temperature curve has no obvious maximum, the
permissible vibration values are clearly exceeded or there is noticeable noise from the bearings then
the affected bearing should be removed and inspected.

7.8.4 Functional test of the stator winding

1. Measure the winding resistance between the phases. The resistance values should be the
2. Measure the insulation resistance: RIso,1000V ≥ 40 MΩ
3. Perform a high-voltage test with 6900 V, 50 Hz, 60 s

7.8.5 Functional test of the measuring resistors

The resistance thermometers for monitoring the stator temperature contain Pt100 measuring
elements according to DIN IEC 60751 Class B. In accordance with this standard, the resistance

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values or, in the case of a device which displays directly in °C, the displayed temperature values
should be checked.

The plugs of the measuring resistors are accessible at the adapter connector.

The following checks should be performed:

1. Resistance values: according to DIN/IEC 60751

2. Insulation resistance: RIso,1000V ≥ 100 MΩ
3. High-voltage test: UTest = 1000 V, 50 Hz, 10 s

For the insulation resistance measurement and the high-voltage test, the connecting
cables of the measuring resistors should be short-circuited to each other. The high-
voltage test should be carried out between the short-circuited connecting pins of the
plug connector and the motor or drive housing ground.

7.8.6 Functional test of the speed sensor

We recommend performing a functional test of the speed sensor during the test run.

The connection is made at the connector assembly.

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7.8.7 Special tests when using the drives for the first time
When the drives are used for the first time in a vehicle, a certain number of drives should be
monitored particularly closely - this should be arranged with the drive manufacturer. We recommend
the following tests:

• Analysis of the oil after covering a distance of 100,000, 200,000km and 300,000 km.
• Inspection of the teeth flanks at the first or second oil change, looking at the following in
1. Tooth wear
2. Visual inspection for damage such as scoring, seizures, pitting on the tooth
flanks (assessment in accordance with DIN 3979)
• Early dismantling of the drive (after around 1,000,000 km, corresponding to the first
installation of new wheel discs) for the purpose of:
1. Assessing the condition of the roller bearings
2. Taking grease samples and analysing the lubricating capability
These special measures will enable the maintenance intervals to be closely matched to the actual
operating conditions.

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7.9 Special repair work

7.9.1 Exterior cleaning of the drive
During maintenance work in which the drive is freely accessible, e.g. installation of new wheel discs,
exterior cleaning of the drive can be performed if required. This should only be done if the drive is
very heavily contaminated.

High-pressure steam cleaning systems (e.g. with equipment from Kärcher and suitable
cleaning agents) or ice cleaning systems can be used. Cover the air inlet and outlet
openings and the Labyrinth Sealing’s.

No alkaline substances may be used in any of the cleaning processes. Acidic cleaning
agents (pH value < 7) are permitted. When using any kind of chemical cleaning agent,
always read the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer and distributor and
follow any recommended safety or protection measures. Always check that the
cleaning agents are compatible with the paintwork.

Cover the air inlet and outlet openings.

Localised exterior cleaning should be performed before changing the oil and performing the oil
analysis, as well as before re-lubricating the bearings.

Never allow water and/or cleaning agents to penetrate into the sealing gaps of the labyrinth seals.
This is particularly important when using high-pressure steam washers. Cover the gaps if necessary.

Check the drive for loose fastening elements (e.g. screws/bolts). Use an appropriate torque wrench to
tighten bolts. Follow the tightening torques specified in the installation instructions or drawings.

To check the degree of insulation, we recommend measuring the insulation resistance of the stator
winding. The minimum value of the insulation resistance for a motor with a contaminated but dry
surface at 20 °C:

Riso,1000 V ≥ 2,2 MΩ

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7.10 Drawings
Figure 15: Rotor assembled

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Figure 16: Stator assembled

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Figure 17: Stator wound

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8 Appendix

8.1 Spare parts

8.1.1 Overview
The spare parts list below represents a recommended list of all the parts which should be kept in
stock for maintenance and repair purposes. If the customer has access to the complete set of
drawings then any replacement parts should always be procured on the basis of these documents, as
they are regularly maintained.

8.1.2 Procurement of spare parts

When ordering spare parts, please quote not only the customer documentation and/or part number
but also the manufacturer's reference number. This will make it easier to accurately identify the spare
parts and will accelerate the speed at which orders can be processed.

8.1.3 Traction motor Wearing parts and spare parts

The table below contains a recommended list of parts which should be kept in stock by the operator
for servicing of the traction motors. The list should be adapted by the operator to suit their particular
operational conditions.

Table 14: Wearing parts and spare parts for the motor

Name Pcs./per motor ID no. Notes

Motor assembled 1 3EJD000001-0550

Stator assembled 1 3EJD000001-0219

Rotor assembled 1 3EJD000001-0221

Cylindrical roller bearing 1 3EJD000001-0306 Insulated

Deep groove ball bearing 1 3EJD000001-0308 Insulated

Speed sensor including cable and

1 3EGM042500P3760
connector-male part
Temperature sensor including
1 3EJD000001-1413
Cable and connector-male part
End shield DE 1 3EJD000001-0276

End shield nDE 1 3EJD000001-0292

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Name Pcs./per motor ID no. Notes

Bearing cap DE 1 3EJD000001-0299

Bearing cap nDE 1 3EJD000001-1257

Labyrinth DE 1 3EJD000001-0323

Fan 1 3EJD000001-1252

Terminal box cover 1 3EJD000001-0333

Cover nDE 1 3EJD000001-0330

Speed Sensor disk 1 3EJD000001-1124

Cable clip 1 3EJD000000-9683

Cable clip 1 3EJD000001-1506

Cable clip 1 3EJD000001-1224

Cortec grease - 3EGH000035-0107

ALTEMP QNB 50 - 106202706 Klüber

Sealing compound - AC401727P0510 Loctite 510

Heat conductive paste - 106202859

Klüber Isoflex Topas
Roller bearing grease - 3EJM210001P0001
L 152 Assembly aids for the traction motor

We recommend that the following tools and equipment are kept ready for assembly and disassembly

For assembly and disassembly of the rotor:

• C-hook: 3EJH901635
• Insertation device rotor: 3EJH901637
For disassembly labyrinth ring:

• Disassembly device: 3EJH901731

For disassembly bearings:

• Extractor device: 109525

For rotor balancing:

• Balancing rig for mounting in a balancing machine

For the transportation and storage of motors:

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• Transport shims for the rotor

• A supply of suitable torque wrenches should be kept at the ready in accordance with
the information in the assembly drawings.
The equipment and tools can be procured from the motor manufacturer if required.

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8.1.4 Gear box Wearing parts and spare parts

Table 15: Wear parts and consumables for the gearbox

Pcs /
Sr. Description ID Nummer Notes
1 Taper Roller Bearing 3EJD000001-0827 1 F-573592.TR1-J20AA-M15D
2 Taper Roller Bearing 3EJD000001-0828 1 F-809055.TR1-J20AA-M15D
3 Paste 106202706 - ALTEMP Q NB50
4 Cover for grease chamber 3EJD000001-1396 2 -
5 Inspection cover 3EJD000000-8179 1 -
6 Simmerring 3EJD000001-2913 2 75 FKM 585, 230X260X15
7 O-Ring 3EJD000001-1167 1 385 x 6.99
8 O-Ring 3EJD000001-1168 1 375 x 5.33
9 Protection guard 3EJD000001-1518 1 -
10 Type plate 3EJD000001-0837 1 Date and Serial numbers to be blank.

11 Grease plate 3EJD000001-2315 1 -

12 Barrier grease plate 3EJD000001-2319 1 -
13 Grooved pin 3EGH000001-8010 12 -
14 Magnetic drain Plug ACZN400004P0002 3 DIN 1651, G 3/4", (SP6026.16/0962 212)
15 Sealing ring GMN448857P0545 3 DIN 7603, A 27 x 32 x 2 (Cu)
16 Oil gauge 106321103 1 Ganter, BNR.GN 743-24-G1-A
17 Cone lubricator 106008703 8 DIN 71412, AM 8X1
18 Lubricating nipple AC400553P0006 2 DIN 3404, A M10X1
19 Sealing 3EJD000001-2777 2 C4400-Klinger-Sil
Synthetic Oil
20 Gear oil AC401800P0019 -
Optigear RMO / Servosyngear 320
21 Klüberplex, BEM 34-132 3EJD000001-1476 - Sealing Grease, Klüber Lubrication
Bearing grease, Isoflex
22 3EJM210001P0001 - Klüber Lubrication
Topas L152
23 Silicone Elastosil N199 3EJD000001-2236 - Alternate: Loctite 959
24 Adhesive AC500158P0001 - Curil T, green
25 Corrosion Protection 3EGH000035-0107 - Cortec VCI-369
26 Korrex-grease 3EJH200003P0001 - -
27 Screw locking AC401748P0270 - Loctite 270

28 Screw locking AC401747P0243 - Loctite 243

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We recommend that the following tools and equipment are kept ready for assembly and disassembly
work: Assembly of the main gear

ID Number Description Reference

3EJH901682 Adapter

3EJH901580 Gauging Tool

3EJH901579 Lifting Tool

3EJH901577 Mounting Fixture

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b 3EJD000001-2755 released en 251 / 260 Assembly and disassembly of the axle suspension tube

ID Number Description Reference

3EJH901577 Mounting Fixture

3EJH901579 Lifting Tool

3EJH901584 Lifting Beam

Transport /
Assembly Stand
3EJH901673 Transport device

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ID Number Description Reference

Mounting fixture for

sealing ring

3EJH901585 Lifting Flange

3EJH901586 Lifting tool

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ID Number Description Reference

3EJH901675 Dummy gearbox

3EJH901686 Dummy spacer

3EJH901687 Centre pin

3EJH901707 Distance ring

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ID Number Description Reference

3EJH901586 Lifting tool

3EJH901675 Dummy gearbox

3EJH901687 Centre pin

3EJH901707 Distance ring

A supply of suitable torque wrenches should be kept at the ready in accordance with the information
in the assembly drawings.

The equipment and tools can be procured from the gearbox manufacturer if required.

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8.1.5 Paints Traction motor und Gearbox – External

For new paint finishes, paint repairs or repainting:

Table 16: External paints

Dry Coat
Sr. Part Regulation Paint Type Color
1 Traction Motor 2K - EP - Base coat RAL 3012, Beige Red 60 µm
2K - EP - thick layer coating,
2 Traction Motor RAL 9005, Jet Black 40 µm
3 Gearbox FV26.2192 2K - EP - Base coat RAL 3012, Beige Red 60 µm
2K - EP - thick layer coating,
4 Gearbox FV26.2192 RAL 9005, Jet Black 100 µm
Elasticised, Top Coat Traction motor und Gearbox – Internal

For new paint finishes, paint repairs or repainting:

Table 17: Internal paints

Dry Coat
Sr. Part Regulation Paint Type Color
1 Traction Motor 2K - EP - Base coat RAL 3012, Beige Red 60 µm
2K - EP - thick layer coating,
2 Traction Motor RAL 9005, Jet Black 40 µm
Elasticised. Top Coat
3 FV26.2192 2K - EP - Base coat RAL 3012, Beige Red 60 µm

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8.1.6 Lubricants:
Details of the lubricants which are to be used can be found in the maintenance sections of this

Table 18: Lubricants

Sr. Type Description ID Nummer Supplier

1 Preserving agent Cortec VCI-369 3EGH000035-0107 Cortex

2 Anti-corrosion protection Cortec VCI-369 3EGH000035-0107 Cortex

3 Roller Bearing grease Klüber Isoflex Topas L152 3EJH300026P0001 Klüber

4 Barrier Grease Klüber BEM 34-132 3EJD000001-1476 Klüber

5 Assembly paste ALTEMP Q NB50 106202706 Klüber

6 Assembly paste Curil T, green AC500158P0001 Elring

7 Screw Locking Loctite 270 AC401748P0270 Loctite

8 Screw Locking Loctite 243 AC401747P0243 Loctite

9 Gear Oil Optigear RMO, Synthetic Oil AC401800P0019 Castrol

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8.2 Disposal
As a company, Bombardier is committed to being environmentally aware in all of its activities, and it
strives to improve protection for the environment beyond compliance with applicable environmental
legislation and official regulations.

The list of materials below with associated code numbers provides information about the legally
required disposal steps in Austria. The code numbers relate to Austrian standard ÖNORM S 2100
(waste catalogue).

Table 19: Waste code according to ÖNORM S 2100

Code number Waste material

35103 Iron and steel

35304 Aluminium

35310 Copper

35314 Cables

35315 NF scrap metal, loose NF metal objects

54202 Grease

571 Misc. plastics for cable insulation, windings, insulators, handles, insulating materials

54917 Solid sealing materials

57501 Rubber parts

31433 Glass and ceramics with product-specific additives or impurities

17213 Wood contaminated with chemicals

This list does not claim to be complete. The code numbers largely correspond to the ones used in the
German waste catalogue (LAGA catalogue), which facilitate international handling.

The corresponding information and instructions provided by the manufacturers of the equipment and
auxiliary materials must be complied with.

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8.3 Lists
8.3.1 List of tables
Table 1: Which chapters do I need to read? ........................................................................................ 7
Table 2: Notes and Icons .................................................................................................................... 9
Table 3: Service personnel................................................................................................................ 12
Table 4: Installation personnel........................................................................................................... 13
Table 5: Logistics personnel .............................................................................................................. 13
Table 6: Technical data drive ............................................................................................................ 18
Table 7: Technical data traction motor .............................................................................................. 18
Table 8: Technical data gearbox ....................................................................................................... 18
Table 9: Storage conditions............................................................................................................... 36
Table 10: Storage devices................................................................................................................. 36
Table 11: Measures taken for longer storage times ........................................................................... 37
Table 12: Overview of maintenance work and maintenance intervals................................................ 46
Table 13: Performance of the test run ............................................................................................. 239
Table 14: Wearing parts and spare parts for the motor.................................................................... 246
Table 15: Wear parts and consumables for the gearbox ................................................................. 249
Table 16: External paints................................................................................................................. 255
Table 17: Internal paints .................................................................................................................. 255
Table 18: Lubricants........................................................................................................................ 256
Table 19: Waste code according to ÖNORM S 2100 ...................................................................... 257

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8.3.2 List of figures

Figure 1: Drive unit ............................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 2: Traction characteristics ...................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3: Breaking characteristics ..................................................................................................... 20
Figure 4: Tractive/Breaking effort diagram......................................................................................... 21
Figure 5: Drive complete ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 6: Drive outline drawing .......................................................................................................... 23
Figure 7: Traction motor MRVC II – Sheet 1...................................................................................... 26
Figure 8: Traction motor MRVC II – Sheet 2...................................................................................... 27
Figure 9: Gearbox assembled – Sheet 1 ........................................................................................... 30
Figure 10: Gearbox assembled – Sheet 2 ......................................................................................... 31
Figure 11: Suspending the drive with wheel-set ................................................................................ 33
Figure 13: Gearcase Complete Machined – Sheet 1 ....................................................................... 189
Figure 14: Gearcase Complete Machined – Sheet 2 ....................................................................... 190
Figure 15: Gearcase Complete Machined – Sheet 3 ....................................................................... 191
Figure 16: Rotor assembled ............................................................................................................ 243
Figure 17: Stator assembled ........................................................................................................... 244
Figure 18: Stator wound .................................................................................................................. 245

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8.4 Revision History

Revision Approval Date Creator Motivation
__ 2014-03-03 H. Eisbacher Initial Setup

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