Monthly Test No.3: Reported Speech

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Monthly Test No.

Reported Speech
I.Change these sentences into Reported Speech:
1. Nam said I am told to be at school before 7 oclock
2. Thu said All the students will hae a meetin! ne"t week
#. $hon! said %& 'arents are er& 'roud of m& !ood marks
(. The teacher said All the homework must be done carefull&
). *er father said to her +ou can !o to the moie with &our friend
,. *oa said I ma& isit m& 'arents in the summer
7. The teacher said -e can collect old books for the 'oor students

.. /he said /he doesnt bu& this book

0. The bo&s said -e hae to tr& our best to win the match

11. *er classmate said 2an is the most intelli!ent !irl in our class

11. The& told us 3ur friends will !et the award for their hi!hest scores

12. *e said I will !o to school b& bus tomorrow

1#. $hon! said I need to learn more ocabular&

1(. *is brother told him +ou can use m& com'uter toda&

1). %ai said I cannot !o to the moies with &ou4 Nam

II.Change these sentences into Reported Speech:

1. 5o &ou en6o& readin!7 $hon! asked $eter
2. 5oes she like s'orts7 *oa asked 2an
#. 5o &our sister and brother !o to the same school7 /he asked Nam
(. Are there some oran!es in the frid!e7 /he asked her mom
). -ill it rain tomorrow mornin!7 *e asked his friend
,. 5id &ou !o to *ue three &ears a!o7 Tam asked $eter
7. Are Tam and *oa late for class7 Tuan asked 2an

.. /he said to me 8an &ou s'eak 8hinese7

0. -ill she be here for fie da&s7 Tam asked Thu
11. -ere &ou readin! this book at . oclock last /unda&7 /he asked 9a
III. Change these sentences into Reported Speech:
1. -here does &our father work7 The teacher asked me
2. *ow man& 'eo'le are there in &our famil&7 /he asked 2an
#. Tams friend asked him *ow lon! will &ou sta& in :n!land7
(. Are there some oran!es in the frid!e7 /he asked her mom

). The teacher said to 2ien -hat;s &our hobb&7

,. *ow do &ou !o to the air'ort7 *is friend asked him
7. *ow much does this dress cost7 2an asked 2ien

.. 9a asked Tam *ow often do &ou wash &our clothes7

0. -hen will &our father leae <ietnam for the =/A7 $hon! asked Thu
11. *ow man& books do the students need7 The librarian asked m& teacher
IV. Change these sentences into Reported Speech:
1. /he said to him> ?ie me another !lass of wine.
2. /he said to me> 9rin! me a book.
#. %other said to him> 3'en the window 'lease@.
(. *e said to me> /hut the door after &ou.
). The ca'tain said to them> -ait here until I come back.
,. /he told her> Take it and come with me.
7. *e said to me> 5ont come back before one oclock.
.. %& mother told me> 5ont for!et to look at the door.
0. *e said to his brother> 5ont o'en the window4 o'en the door.
11. *e said to the !irl> 5ont sit on m& bed4 sit on this chair 'lease@.
V. Reported speech with to infinitive and gerund
1. ;+ou hae broken 2 of m& !lasses4 bo&4 said the old man. Aaccuse sb of stB
2. +es4 Ie broken 2 of them4 said the bo&. A admit stB
#. 8ertainl&. Ill take &ou to the Coo ne"t /unda& *e said Ainsist on stB
(. Ill water the flowers eer& mornin! if &ou like /he said Aoffer to <B
). No4 we wont !o with him ne"t Drida& the& said Arefuse to <B
,. ;+ou hae made the wall dirt&4 'u'ils said the teacher. Aaccuse sb of stB
7. No4 we didnt make noise last ni!ht said the children Aden& stB
.. -e will shut the door if &ou !o on !ettin! out said the 'arents to children Athreaten to <B
0. I am sorr&. Ie made the house untid& said the !irl. Aa'olo!ise to sb for stB
11. I will 'unish &ou if &ou dont 'a& attention to the lesson4 'u'ils said the teacher Athreaten to <B
11. -ould &ou like me to look after the house for &ou7 *e said Aoffer to <B
12. -ill &ou kee' Euite4 'lease7 she said Atell sb to <B
1#. -ill &ou kee' &our mouth shut7 *e said Aorder sb to <B
1(. /hall we meet outside the cinema after ei!ht he said Asu!!est stB
1). -ould &ou like me to re'air the car for &ou7 he said Aoffer to <B
1,. -ill &ou hae a drink7 he said Ainite sb to <B
17. +ou had better hurr& she said Aadise sb to <B
1.. $lease4 'lease let me come in he said Abe! sb to <B
10. ;5ont talk an&more. *e said Acommand sb to <B
21. ;Tr& a!ain4 all of &ou he said Aencoura!e sb to <B
21. 5ont swim so far *e said to me Awarn sb to <B
22. ;5o come and en6o& tea with m& famil& she said Ainite sb to <B
2#. -h& dont we come to isit our teacher toda&7 he said Asu!!est stB
2(. %& adise to &ou is to do mornin! e"ercises she said Aadise sb to <B
2). If I were &ou4 I would learn :n!lish she said to me Aadise sb to <B
VI. Choose the sentence A, B, C or D that best rewrite the root one:
1. Im in a bit of a hurr&4 but Ill rin! &ou tomorrow4 -illiam said
A. -illiam e"'lained that if he werent hurr&4 hed rin! me tomorrow.
9. -illiam told me that thou!h he was in a bit hurr&4 but he would rin! me the ne"t da&.
8. -illiam said he was a bit 'ressed for time4 but that he would brin! me the followin! da&
5. -illiam said he was a bit hurr&4 but hed rin! me the 'reious da&.
2. Fohnn& asked his father if he could continue with his stud& oerseas.
A. 5o &ou think I can continue with m& stud& oerseas. /aid Fohnn&
9. Is it 'ossible for me to stud& oerseas7 Fohnn& asked his father
8. ;8an I continue with m& stud& oerseas7 Fohnn& said to his father
5. -ill I continue to stud& oerseas7 Fohnn& said
#. *er friend will come to see her.
A. /he ho'ed her friend will come to see her 9. /he ho'ed her friend would come to see her
8. /he ho'ed her friend comes to see her. 5. /he ho'ed her friend came to see her.
(. 9u& some meat in the sho'4 said m& mother to me.
A. %& mother said to me to bu& some meat in the sho'
9. %& mother told to me to bu& some meat in the sho'
8. %& mother told me to bu& some meat in the sho'
5. %& mother said me to bu& some meat in the sho'
). The doctor said to $eter 5ont !o for a walk toda&
A. the doctor said $eter not to !o for a walk toda&
9. the doctor told $eter not !o for a walk toda&
8. the doctor said to $eter not to !o for a walk toda&
5. the doctor told $eter not to !o for a walk toda&
,. $lease dont mention it to an& bod&4 %ar& said to her friend
A. %ar& asked her friend not to mention it to an&bod&.
9. %ar& asked her friend not mention it to an&bod&.
8. %ar& asked her friend to not mention it to an&bod&.
5. %ar& asked her friend did not mention it to an&bod&.
7. Tom said> I hae alread& has breakfast4 so I am not hun!r&.
A. Tom said he had alread& had breakfast4 so he is not hun!r&.
9. Tom said he has alread& had breakfast4 so he is not hun!r&.
8. Tom said he has alread& had breakfast4 so he was not hun!r&.
5. Tom said he had alread& had breakfast4 so he was not hun!r&.
.. I said to Nick> -here are &ou !oin!7
A. I asked Nick where was he !oin!. 9. I asked Nick where he was !oin!.
A. I asked Nick where is he !oin!. 5. I asked Nick where he is !oin!.
0. *e said to them> -ho will &ou see before &ou leae here7
A. *e asked them who the& would see before the& left there.
9. *e asked them who would the& see before the& left there.
8. *e asked them who the& would see before &ou left there.
5. *e asked them who &ou would see before the& left there.
11. /he asked me> -h& didnt &ou come here &esterda&7
A. /he asked me wh& I hadnt !one there the da& before.
9. /he asked me wh& I didnt !o there the da& before.
8. /he asked me wh& didnt I !o there the da& before.
5. /he asked me wh& hadnt I !one there the da& before.
11. %other asked me> 5id &ou 'la& with &our friends &esterda&7
A. %other asked me if I had 'la&ed with m& friends the da& before.
9. %other asked me if I 'la&ed with m& friends the da& before.
8. %other asked me if I had 'la&ed with &our friends the da& before.
5. %other asked if &ou had 'la&ed with m& friends the da& before.
12. -ould &ou like to hae lunch with me on /unda&7 *e said to me.
A. *e inited me to hae lunch with him on /unda&.
9. *e offered me to hae lunch with him on /unda&.
8. *e su!!ested me to hae lunch with him on /unda&.
5. *e reminded me to hae lunch with him on /unda&.
1#. -ill &ou hel' me4 'lease7 /he said. I cant rich the to' shelf.
A. /he asked me hel' her as she couldnt reach the to' shelf.
9. /he asked me to hel' her as she cant reach the to' shelf.
8. /he asked me to hel' her as she couldnt reach the to' shelf.
5. /he warned me to hel' her as she couldnt reach the to' shelf.
1(. This is a horrible room. -h& dont &ou ask for somethin! better7 he said
A. *e said it was a horrible room and reminded me to ask for somethin! better.
9. *e said it was a horrible room and adised me to ask for somethin! better.
8. *e said it was a horrible room and warned me to ask for somethin! better.
5. *e said it was a horrible room and inited me to ask for somethin! better.
1). Gemember to switch off when &ou hae finished4 he said
A. *e reminded me to switch off when Id finished
9. *e offered me to switch off when Id finished
8. *e su!!ested me to switch off when Id finished
5. *e reminded me to switch off when I hae finished
1,. Answer this letter for me4 will &ou7 he said. And remember to kee' a co'&.
A. *e warned me to answer that letter and reminded me to kee' a co'&.
9. *e told me to answer that letter and su!!ested me to kee' a co'&.
8. *e told me to answer that letter and reminded me to kee' a co'&.
5. *e su!!ested answerin! that letter and reminded me to kee' a co'&.
17. -h& dont &ou !o b& train7 Its much less tirin! than driin!4 I said.
A. I adised him to !o b& train as it was much less tirin! than driin!.
9. I su!!ested him to !o b& train as it was much less tirin! than driin!.
8. I warned him to !o b& train as it was much less tirin! than driin!.
5. I adised him !oin! b& train as it was much less tirin! than driin!.
1.. -ill &ou be here tomorrow7 she asked H +es I answered
A. /he asked if I would be there the ne"t da& and I said that I would.
9. /he asked if I will be there the ne"t da& and I said that I will.
8. /he asked if &ou would be there the ne"t da& and I said that &ou would.
5. /he asked if I would be there the ne"t da& and I said that I will.
10. If I were &ou Id tr& to !et a room on the to' floor4 he said
A. *e adised me to tr& to !et a room on the to' floor.
9. *e adised me to tr& !ettin! a room on the to' floor.
8. *e offered me to tr& to !et a room on the to' floor.
5. *e su!!ested me to tr& to !et a room on the to' floor.
21. *ae &ou found the book7
A. /he asked me if I had found the book.
9. /he asked me if I found the book.
8. /he asked me whether I had found the book or not.
5. 9 and 8 are correct
21. Fack asked me IIIII.
A. where do &ou come from7 9. where I come from
8. where I came from 5. where did I come from7
22. /he asked me IIIII I liked 'o' music.
A. when 9. what 8. if 5. that
2#. The doctor IIII him to take more e"ercise.
A. told 9. tell 8. hae told 5. are tellin!
2(. I wanted to knowIIIII return home.
A. when would she 9. when will she 8. when she will 5. when she would
2). 8laire told me that her fatherIIII a race horse.
A. owns 9. owned 8. ownin! 5. A and 9
2,. -hat did that man sa& IIIIII7
A. at &ou 9. for &ou 8. to &ou 5. &ou
27. I ran! m& friend in Australia &esterda&4 and she said it IIIIIII rainin! there.
A. is 9. were 8. has been 5. was
2.. The builders hae IIIIII that eer&thin! will be read& on time.
A. 'romised 9. 'romise 8. 'romises 5. 'romisin!
20. The doctor IIIIIII him to take more e"ercise.
A. told 9. tell 8. hae told 5. are tellin!
#1. The last time I saw 2inda4 she looked er& rela"ed. /he e"'lained shed been on holida& the
IIIIII week.
A. a!o 9. followin! 8. ne"t 5. 'reious
#1. +esterda&4 2aura IIIIII him to 'ut some sheles u'.
A. asked 9. is askin! 8. ask 5. was asked
#2. Tom has IIIIII this stor& wasnt com'letel& true.
A. admittin! that 9. was admitted that 8. admitted that 5. admit that
##. -hen I ran! Tessa sometime last week4 she said she was bus& IIIIII that da&.
A. that 9. the 8. then 5. this
#(. I wonder IIIII the tickets are on sale &et.
A. what 9. when 8. where 5. whether
#). %athew IIIII :mma that her train was about to leae.
A. has reminded 9. has reminded that 8. reminded 5. reminded that
#,. *ello4 Fim. I didnt e"'ect to see &ou toda&. /o'hie said &ou IIIII ill.
A. are 9. were 8. was 5. should be
#7. Ann IIIIII and left.
A. said !oodb&e to me 9. sa&s !oodb&e to me 8. tell me !oodb&e 5. told me !oodb&e
#.. I told &ou IIIIII to switch off the com'uter4 didnt I7
A. dont 9. not 8. not to 5. to not
#0. 9ill was slow4 so I IIIIIIII hurr& u'.
A. tell him 9. told him for 8. told to 5. told him to
(1. /arah was driin! too fast4 so I IIIIII to slow down.
A. asked her 9. asked 8. ask 5. hae asked her
(1. /omeone IIIIII me theres been an accident on the motorwa&.
A. asked 9. said 8. s'oke 5. told
(2. /ue was er& 'essimistic about the situation. I adised her IIIII.
A. no worr& 9. not worr& 8. no to worr& 5. not to worr&
(#. I couldnt moe the 'iano alone4 so I asked TomIIIIIII.
A. !iin! a hand 9. !ae a hand 8. to !ie a hand 5. !ie a hand
((. Tom said that New +ork IIIIIII more liel& than 2ondon.
A. is 9. be 8. was 5. were
(). -hen he was at 3liers flat &esterda&4 %artin asked if he IIIIII use the 'hone.
A. can 9. could 8. ma& 5. must
(,. ?eor!e couldnt hel' me. *e IIIIII me to ask Jate.
A. tell 9. said 8. told 5. sa&
(7. Fud& IIIIII !oin! for a walk4 but no one else wanted to.
A. admitted 9. offered 8. 'romised 5. su!!ested
(.. I said that I had met her IIIIII .
A. &esterda& 9. the 'reious da& 8. the da& 5. the before da&.
(0. The man asked the bo&s IIIIII .
A. wh& did the& fi!ht 9. wh& the& were fi!htin!
8. wh& the& fi!ht 5. wh& were the& fi!htin!
)1. IIIIIIthe door4 he said.
A. 'lease o'en 9. o'en 'leased 8. 'lease to o'en 5. 'lease4 o'enin!
)1. I wanted to know IIIIII return home.
A. when would she 9. when will she 8. when she will 5. when she would
)2. The woman wonders IIIIIII doin! well at school.
A. whether her children are 9. if her children are
8. whether her children were 5. her children are if
)#. $eter said he was leain! for $aris IIIIII.
A. ne"t week 9. the week 'reious 8. followin! week 5. the followin! week
)(. I dont usuall& drink milk when IIIIII %rs. $ike said.
A. she was hun!r& 9. I was hun!r& 8. I am hun!r& 5. I will be
)). The& said that their house had been broken into IIIIII.
A. the two da&s before 9. two da&s a!o 8. two da&s before 5. since two da&s
),. /he adised me IIIIIII an a''le eer&da& to sta& health&.
A. eatin! 9. I should eat 8. to eat 5. 'lease4 eat
)7. Ill come with &ou as soon as IIIIIII she re'lied.
A. I was read& 9. I am read& 8. I read& read& 5. am I read&
).. IIIII toda& as it was &esterda&. /he remarked.
A. it wasnt so fo!!& 9. it isnt so fo!!&
8. it hadnt been so fo!!& 5. it isnt such fo!!&
)0. I wish IIIII eat e!etables4 he said.
A. m& children will 9. m& children would
8. whether m& children would 5. m& children must
,1. I IIIII late a!ain4 she 'romised.
A. I am not 9. I wont be 8. I wouldnt 5. I was not late
,1. *ow lon! IIIII here74 asked Fane.
A. &ou hae been 9. &ou had been 8. had &ou been 5. hae &ou been
,2. /he wanted to know IIIIII.
A. what was ha''enin! 9. was ha''enin!
8. it was ha''enin! 5. was ha''enin! what
,#. 5o &ou know IIIIII 7 asked the man.
A. where is the ticket office 9. where the ticket office is
8. the ticket office is 5. where was the ticket office
,(. The teacher asked %ar& IIIIII the 'reious match.
A. who wins 9. who is winnin! 8. who won 5. that won
,). %& father asked me IIIII of the film.
A. what do &ou think 9. what I think 8. what did &ou think 5. what I thou!ht
,,. The doctor IIII him to take more e"ercise.
A. told 9. tell 8. hae told 5. are tellin!
,7. I wanted to knowIIIII return home.
A. when would she 9. when will she 8. when she will 5. when she
,.. 8laire told me that her fatherIIII a race horse.

A. owns 9. owned 8. ownin! 5. A and 9

,0. -hat did that man sa& IIIIII7
A. at &ou 9. for &ou 8. to &ou 5. &ou
71. I ran! m& friend in Australia &esterda&4 and she said it IIIIIII rainin! there.
A. is 9. were 8. has been 5. was
71. The builders hae IIIIII that eer&thin! will be read& on time.
A. 'romised 9. 'romise 8. 'romises 5. 'romisin!
72. The doctor IIIIIII him to take more e"ercise.
A. told 9. tell 8. hae told 5. are tellin!
7#. The last time I saw 2inda4 she looked er& rela"ed. /he e"'lained shed been on holida& the
IIIIII week.
A. a!o 9. followin! 8. ne"t 5. 'reious
7(. +esterda&4 2aura IIIIII him to 'ut some sheles u'.
A. asked 9. is askin! 8. ask 5. was asked
7). Tom has IIIIII this stor& wasnt com'letel& true.
A. admittin! that 9. was admitted that 8. admitted that 5. admit that
7,. -hen I ran! Tessa some time last week4 she said she was bus& IIIIII da&.
A. that 9. the 8. then 5. this
77. I wonder IIIII the tickets are on sale &et.
A. what 9. when 8. where 5. whether
7.. %athew IIIII :mma that her train was about to leae.
A. has reminded 9. has reminded that 8. reminded 5. reminded
70. *ello4 Fim. I didnt e"'ect to see &ou toda&. /o'hie said &ou IIIII ill.
A. are 9. were 8. was 5. should be
.1. Ann IIIIII and left.
A. said !oodb&e to me 9. sa&s !oodb&e to me 8. tell me !oodb&e 5. told me
.1. I told &ou IIIIII to switch off the com'uter4 didnt I 7
A. dont 9. not 8. not to 5. to not
.2. 9ill was slow4 so I IIIIIIII hurr& u'.
A. tell him 9. told him for 8. told to 5. told him to
.#. /arah was driin! too fast4 so I IIIIII to slow down.
A. asked her 9. asked 8. ask 5. hae asked
.(. /omeone IIIIII me theres been an accident on the motorwa&.
A. asked 9. said 8. s'oke 5. told
.). /ue was er& 'essimistic about the situation. I adised her IIIII.
A. no worr& 9. not worr& 8. no to worr& 5. not to worr&
.,. I couldnt moe the 'iano alone4 so I asked TomIIIIIII.
A. !iin! a hand 9. !ae a hand 8. to !ie a hand 5. !ie a hand
.7. Tom said that New +ork IIIIIII more liel& than 2ondon.
A. is 9. be 8. was 5. were
... -hen he was at 3liers flat &esterda&4 %artin asked if he IIIIII use the 'hone.
A. can 9. could 8. ma& 5. must
.0. ?eor!e couldnt hel' me. *e IIIIII me to ask Jate.
A. tell 9. said 8. told 5. sa&
01. Fud& IIIIII !oin! for a walk4 but no one else wanted to.
A. admitted 9. offered 8. 'romised 5. su!!ested
01. I said that I had met her IIIIII .
A. &esterda& 9. the 'reious da& 8. the da& 5. the before
02. The man asked the bo&s IIIIII .
A. wh& did the& fi!ht 9. wh& the& were fi!htin!
8. wh& the& fi!ht 5. wh& were the& fi!htin!
0#. IIIIIIthe door4 he said.
A. 'lease o'en 9. o'en 'leased 8. 'lease to o'en 5. 'lease4
0(. I wanted to know IIIIII return home.
A. when would she 9. when will she 8. when she will 5. when she
0). The woman wonders IIIIIII doin! well at school.
A. whether her children are 9. if her children are
8. whether her children were 5. her children are if
0,. $eter said he was leain! for $aris IIIIII.
A. ne"t week 9. the week 'reious 8. followin! week 5. the followin!
07. I dont usuall& drink milk when IIIIII %rs. $ike said.
A. she was hun!r& 9. I was hun!r& 8. I am hun!r& 5. I will be
0.. The& said that their house had been broken into IIIIII.
A. the two da&s before 9. two da&s a!o 8. two da&s before 5. since two
00. /he adised me IIIIIII an a''le eer&da& to sta& health&.
A. eatin! 9. I should eat 8. to eat 5. 'lease4 eat
111. Ill come with &ou as soon as IIIIIII she re'lied.
A. I was read& 9. I am read& 8. I read& read& 5. am I read&

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