Test 5 Planet 9

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Jl. Seruni No. 11 Pare Kediri 64212
Program Planet English
Name :
Time : ! minutes
". #hoose the $orre$t ans%er&
1. ____________, he would have been able to pass the exam.
a. If she studied more. d. Had he studied more.
b. Studying more. e. Having he studied more.
c. If we were studying to greater degree.
. If you too! the clothes to the laundry now, they___________.
a. had washed. d. would wash.
b. has been washed. e. would be washed.
c. washed.
". She doesn#t win the contest because he didn#t prepare anything.
$e can say: .
a. If he had prepared everything, he would win the contest
b. If he had won the contest, he would have prepared everything
c. If he won the contest, he would prepare everything
d. If he had prepared everything, he would have prepared everything
%. &'id you buy the computer()
&*o, but I would have If my father___________.
a. had given me the money. d. gave me the money.
b. would give me the money. e. was giving me the money.
c. would have given the money.
+. &$hy did you leave the ,ob()
&I _____________ if the pay had been better.)
a. will stay d. would stay
b. have stayed e. would have stayed
c. may stay
-. &$ere the doctor here, he would immediately examine Seanu.) .his means:
a. Seanu cannot be examine because the doctor is not here.
b. .he doctor is not here and is examining Seanu.
c. /lthough the doctor is here, Seanu is not examined.
d. .he doctor is not here but Seanu has been examined.
e. .he doctor is not here but Seanu is examined.
0. Had I reali1ed that .im was a bad driver, I _________my car.
a. wouldn#t lend him. d. wouldn#t have lent him.
b. didn#t lend him. e. will not lend him.
c. hadn#t lent him.
2. .he man hit by my car yesterday would have died if the doctors hadn#t
immediately operated on him. 3rom the above sentence we may conclude that________.
a. the man will be immediately operated on. d. the man died after the operation.
b. the man is still alive. e. the doctors didn#t operate on him.
c. it#s too late to save the man.
14. 5any students 66to go on the trip should inform the office.
a. wanted d. wanting
b. want e. wants
c. to want
11. /lex : $hich girl are you tal!ing about(
Sheryl : .he one 6666. yesterday. She promised to continue the discussion tomorrow
a. having a nice tal! with us d. whom you helped
b. that she didn#t recogni1e us e. which you helped
c. who didn#t say hello to us
1. .he date .................. 7omulus founded 7ome is generally considered to be 0+" 8.9.
a. who c. where e. when
b. which d. on which
1". .he tourists .................. through the museum were impressed with the collection.
a. Showing
b. $hich the man shows
c. $hom the guide had shown
d. $ho shows
"". Error Anal'sis
1. 8efore he died, the old man who lives next door to the drug store used to feed the pigeons
/ 8 9
three times a day.
. 5rs. Swanson, a member of the social committee for the coming year, is the only woman
/ 8 9
which has a car.
". :n /ugust ", 101;, the ship, under the command of 7oger <ones, having reached
/ 8
Southampton with only eighteen men alive, finally completing its voyage.
9 '
%. / galaxy, where may include billions of stars, is held together by gravitational attraction.
/ 8 9 '
+. 7oc!s can be bro!en apart by water that seeps into a crac!s and free1e in low
Score Structure:
/ 8 9 '
-. /lexander =raham 8ell was once a teacher who run a school for the deaf in
/ 8 9 '
0. Should you need more money, I would be glad to lend you coma.
/ 8 9 '
2. >rivate radio stations in the ?nited States are supported by the money received from
/ 8
advertisers whose buy time to broadcast sales massages.
9 '
;. @egetable oil is an oil that come from seeds, flowers, or fruits.
/ 8 9 '
14. Aach lichen consists of an alga and a fungus that lives together in a !ind of plant
/ 8 9 '
11. He was standing Buietly when presently a young woman, who had been combing her hair
/ 8
watched him, approached and as!ed him for directions.
9 '
1. If 7udy would have studied =erman in college, he wouldn#t have found the scientific
/ 8 9
terminology so difficult to understand.
""". Translate "nto English
(A)"S #ANT"K "T*
=adis yang sedang mema!ai gaun biru itu terlihat canti! se!ali. 'ia sedang berdiri
disamping pot bunga yang dibeli oleh ibu!u " tahun yang lalu. 8anya! orang su!a
padanya itu. Seandainya sa,a dia melihat!u, a!u pasti sangat bahagia. Darena dia tida!
melihat!u, a!u tida! menyapanya. Demudian a!u mende!atinya dan bertanya, & Siapa
yang sedang anda cari() /!u mengira bahwa dia a!an menemui ibu!u. .etapi itu salah.
'ia hanya ingin memberi!u undangan yang sedang dibawanya. . 'ia adalah temannya
teman!u. .eman!u a!an meni!ah minggu depan. <i!a nanti dia ,uga datang, a!u a!an
senang se!ali.
=aun : =own ?ndangan : Invitation
5enyapa : =reet 5engira : =uess
5ende!at : /pproach Salah : $rong
Score .ranslate:

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