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A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying" "!ecause "'m a
#oman," she told him$"" don't understand," he said$ %is Mom &ust hugged him
and said,"And you ne'er #ill$" (ater the little boy asked his )ather, "Why does
mother seem to cry )or no reason" "All #omen cry )or no reason," #as all his
dad could say$ The little boy gre# u* and became a man, still #ondering #hy
#omen cry$ +inally he *ut in a call to ,od$ When ,od got on the *hone, he
asked, ",od, #hy do #omen cry so easily" ,od said- "When " made the #oman
she had to be s*ecial$ " made her shoulders strong enough to carry the #eight o)
the #orld,yet gentle enough to gi'e com)ort$ " ga'e her an inner strength to
endure child birth and the re&ection that many times comes )rom her children$ "
ga'e her a hardness that allo#s her to kee* going #hen e'eryone else gi'es u*,
and take care o) her )amily through sickness and )atigue #ithout com*laining$ "
ga'e her the sensiti'ity to lo'e her children under any and all circumstances,
e'en #hen her child has hurt her 'ery badly$ " ga'e her strength to carry her
husband through his )aults and )ashioned her )rom his rib to *rotect his heart$ "
ga'e her #isdom to kno# that a good husband ne'er hurts his #i)e, but
sometimes tests her strengths and her resol'e to stand beside him un)alteringly$
And )inally, " ga'e her a tear to shed$ This is hers e.clusi'ely to use #hene'er it
is needed$" "/ou see my son," said ,od, "the beauty o) a #oman is not in the
clothes she #ears, the )igure that she carries, or the #ay she combs her hair$
The beauty o) a #oman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the door#ay
to her heart 0 the *lace #here lo'e resides$" 1lease send this to all beauti)ul
#omen and all understanding men you kno# today$ ") you do, something good
#ill ha**en2 /ou #ill boost another #oman's sel)0esteem2 /ou can also send this
to men #ho #ould really like to kno# the 'alue o) a #oman and #hy she is ,od's
gi)t to them$

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