Forcible Entry

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The document appears to be a complaint filed in court by Paula H. Gomez against Rosemarie S. Mendoza for forcible entry onto a parcel of land owned by Gomez. Gomez is alleging that Mendoza unlawfully occupied the land and refuses to vacate despite demands.

The plaintiff, Paula H. Gomez, alleges that she owns a parcel of land that the defendant, Rosemarie S. Mendoza, has occupied through stealth and refuses to vacate despite demands from the plaintiff.

The plaintiff is seeking an order from the court for the defendant to permanently vacate the premises and give possession to the plaintiff. The plaintiff is also seeking payment of 30,000 PHP in attorney's fees and costs of the suit.

Republic of the Philippines Cagayan Valley Judicial Region Regional Trial Court Tuguegarao City Branch ____ Paula

H. Gome ! Plaintiff! -"ersusRosemarie .. /endo a! 0efendant. 1-----------------------1 COMPLAINT Plaintiff! through the undersigned counsel! and unto this Honorable Court most respectfully submits this Complaint for 'orcible )ntry and in support hereof ma2es the follo3ing assertions( 4. Plaintiff! Paula H. Gome ! is of legal! a 'ilipino! and residing may be ser"ed 3ith court orders and other processes9 6. 0efendant! Rosemarie .. /endo a! is of legal! : 'ilipino! and a resident of 5&;% Camia .t.! .an Gabriel Village! Tuguegarao City! Cagayan. <here she may be ser"ed 3ith summons and other court processes9 &. Plaintiff is the o3ner of a parcel of land identified as =ot #o. 64%8$! located in .an Gabriel Village! Tuguegarao City! co"ered and described in ta1 0eclaration #o. $%$%%$ issued by the City :ssessor>s ?ffice of Tuguegarao City! Cagayan9 7. Herein defendant! through stealth and strategy! occupied the parcel of land in @uestion and refuses to "acate the same despite repeated "erbal and 3ritten demands. +Copy of the 3ritten demand is hereto attached as :nne1 A:B,9 and C. The act of the 0efendant in unla3fully occupying the @uestioned parcel of land compelled the Plaintiff to incur damages consisting of attorney>s fees in the amount of THDRTE TH?F.:#0 P).?. +PhP&$!$$$.$$, and filing fee! cost of transportation and other miscellaneous accommodation of its la3yers at 56478

Ci"il case #o. $%&$ 'or( )*ectment +'orcible )ntry,

Bana3e .t.! .an Jose Village! 0i"ersion Road! Tuguegarao City! 3here she

and other personal e1penses to be incurred in attending the hearings of this case in the amount of THDRTE TH?F.:#0 P).?. +PhP&$!$$$.$$,. <H)R)'?R)! premises considered! it is respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that after the proceedings! *udgment be rendered in fa"or of the P=:D#TD'' and ordering the 0)')#0:#T and all persons claiming rights under him to( a. Permanently "acate the premises in contro"ersy and gi"e the immediate right of possession to the P=:D#TD''9 b. Pay P=:D#TD'' the amount of THDRTE TH?F.:#0 P).?. +PhP&$!$$$.$$, by 3ay of attorney>s fee9 c. Pay the cost of this suit. P=:D#TD'' prays for such other remedies and reliefs as may be deemed *ust and e@uitable under the premises.

Tuguegarao City! Cagayan

$; 'ebruary 6$47 :TTE. :PHR?0DT) )#RDGF)H Counsel for Plaintiff Roll #o. _______ DBP #o.___ PTR #o.____ /C=) Compliance


Republic of the Philippines , Pro"ince of Cagayan , City of Tuguegarao , s.s. D! Paula H. Gome ! of legal age! 'ilipino! and a resident of 56478 Bana3e .t.! .an Jose Village! 0i"ersion Road! Tuguegarao City! Cagayan! state under oath that( 4. D am the plaintiff in the abo"e-entitled case9 6. The facts stated in the abo"e complaint are true and correct to the best of my 2no3ledge and authentic records9

&. D ha"e not commenced any action or file any claim in"ol"ing the same issues in any court! tribunal! or @uasi-*udicial agency and to the best of my 2no3ledge! no such other action or claim is pending in them9 and 7. 7. Df D should learn that the same or similar action or claim has been filed or is pending after its filing! D shall report that fact 3ithin fi"e +C, days from notice to the court or 3here the complaint or initiatory pleading has been filed. Tuguegarao City! Cagayan $; 'ebruary 6$47

PAULA H. GOMEZ :ffiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me! this $;th day of 'ebruary 6$47! in the City of Tuguegarao! Pro"ince of Cagayan! by P:F=DT: H. G?/)H 3ith G.D. D0 #o. C/0-7&C%6 issued on June 46! 6$44 at G.D. Regional ?ffice #o. $6! Tuguegarao City! Cagayan.


0oc. #o. _9 Page #o. Boo2 #o. .eries of____

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