Policy and Procedure Manual Core

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Ms. Asaro & Mr.

Greens Policy and Procedure Manual

2014-2015 School Year
Core Math Classes
hat !ill you need to "rin#$
Math %older
&nterin# the Classroo'
(e#innin# 15-20 Minutes
)urin# the *esson+ ,e'ainin# -i'e
&.itin# the Classroo' at the &nd o/ the Period
ar'-01 -rac2in# Sheets
Class )o3o Points and A!ards
Gettin# out o/ your seat4*ea5in# the classroo'
Classroo' 6o"s
7o! !e treat each other
7o'e!or2 and -est ,e5ie!s
-ests and 8ui99es
What Will You Need To Bring?
%or Ms. Asaro & Mr. Greens Core Math class: you !ill )&%;<;-&*Y need
the /ollo!in# ite's !ith you EACH day+
Math %older ith Pa1er
Pencils !ith erasers
School Planner
7andheld Shar1ener
Positi5e Attitude
%or Ms. Asaro & Mr. Greens Core Math class: you !ill )&%;<;-&*Y need
the /ollo!in# ite's !ith you MOST days as a11lies+
7o'e!or2 on date it is due
ar'-01 -rac2in# Sheet until it is collected
hite"oard Mar2ers
%or Ms. Asaro & Mr. Greens Core Math class: you !ill <&=&, need the
/ollo!in# ite's in your "ac21ac2+
Math -e.t"oo2 >stays at ho'e?
Math or2"oo2 >stays in classroo'?
Math Folder
Your Math %older needs to ha5e 2 1oc2ets and cli1s in the 'iddle
section: to "e set u1 in the /ollo!in# !ay+
%ront Poc2et@
o Class!or2 handouts to "e 2e1t until collected
ar'-01 -rac2in# Sheet
A(A Pa#es
o -est ,e5ie!s
-est ,e5ie!s !ill "e collected on test day
Aee1 the' in your /older until then to hel1 you study /or
Middle Cli1s@
o *ar#e (lan2 Pa1er Su11ly >nothin# co'es out?
&ach 1a#e re1resents a lesson
%ront side is /or lesson notes
(ac2 side is /or lesson 7 assi#n'ent
Pa1er is to "e set u1 as /ollo!s+
or2 is nu'"ered and #oes in the 'ain s1ace
Ans!ers are nu'"ered and #o in the 'ar#in
(ac2 Poc2et@
o S'all (lan2 Pa1er Su11ly
hen a Buic2 1iece o/ 1a1er is needed >#enerally 3ust /or
o Graded Pa1ers
Go here 3ust /or the 1eriod and #et sho!n to your
1arents !hen you ta2e it out that ni#ht. )ont let #raded
1a1ers Cli5eD here
Entering the Classroom
hen you enter the classroo': heres !hat is e.1ected+
Allo! students /ro' 1re5ious class to e.it "e/ore tryin# to enter.
o ait in as 'uch o/ a line as 1ossi"le near the !all !hile others
e.it the roo' /ro' the 1eriod "e/ore you >not a rando' 'o"
o/ 1eo1le "loc2in# the hall!ay4door!ay ?
Greet your teachers 1olitely at the door as you enter
o Please do not as2 a"out !hat you 'issed /ro' an a"sence no!:
that is /or another ti'e.
o Please reali9e there are 'any students tryin# to enter and
e.it in E-4 'inutes: so ; really cant o//er hardly any one on
one ti'e at this 'o'ent-than2s /or understandin#
Fnce you are in the door: ta2e a seat and or#ani9e your 'aterials.
o Pencils & Shar1ener out >shar1en as needed?
o Math /older out >o1ened to last ni#hts 7?
o Planner out >"e#in !ritin# 7?
Beginning 15!" Minutes
Fnce the late "ell rin#s: all students are seated !ith 'aterials 1re1ared
and class !ill "e#in in the /ollo!in# !ays+
ar'-01 assi#n'ent !ill "e #i5en and the Acti5&.1ressionGs ti'er
!ill run /or 10 'inutes. )urin# that ti'eH
o Students
Ma2e sure toni#hts 7 is !ritten in 1lanner
Get as /ar as 1ossi"le on ar'-01
Attendance Mana#er does )o3o Attendance
Planner Mana#er !ill chec2 1eersG 1lanners /or !ritin#
do!n the ho'e!or2.
Su11ly Mana#er !ill chec2 1eers /or ha5in# the ri#ht
<ot ,, ti'e: class chan#e is a #reat ti'e /or this
o -eachers
Chec2in# each 1erson indi5idually /or ho'e!or2 credit
Please note: students: this is not the ti'e to e.1lain !hy
so'ethin# is not hereHeither its here or not here and
the 1oints !ill sho! accordin#ly
<e.t 5-10 Minutes
o Goin# o5er a rando' ar'-01 Ans!er and 7 Ans!ers. ;/
you ha5e Buestions a"out any o/ the 1ro"le's: 1lease as2 no!:
as the 7 assi#n'ents is a 2ey resource you ha5e !hen
studyin# /or tests.
#uring the $esson% &emaining Time
Fnce !e ha5e /inished the "e#innin# stu//: )o3o Points !ill "e
a!arded /ro' 'y earlier chec2-in 1oint. atch & &n3oy
A/ter )o3o Points are u1: the )o3o !ill stay acti5e /or any 1oints that
are earned on the s1ot durin# the lesson. -he /ollo!in# e.1lains ho!
thin#s !ill #o durin# the lesson itsel/+
Students are e.1ected to ha5e out the /ollo!in# 'aterials
o %older >usin# 1a1er in center cli1 /or notes?
o Pencil !ith handheld shar1ener to use as needed
Students are e.1ected to 1artici1ate in the /ollo!in# !ays
o Aee1 u1 !ith ar'-01 -rac2in# Sheet >e.1lained later?
o Aee1 u1 !ith Class <otes & try e5ery e.a'1le 1ro"le'
hat i/ youre stuc2 on a 1ro"le'$
o *oo2 "ac2 at the e.a'1le>s? you5e already !ritten
o -al2 !ith your seat "uddy a"out it
o *et a hel1er 2no! youre stuc2 i/ seated or 1ic2 a /riend to #o
to the "oard !ith you i/ youre called /or!ard
o As2 'e Buestions a/ter ;5e #one o5er it i/ still stuc2
7o! do you 'a2e it /un and interacti5e /or us to learn 'ath$
o So'eti'es students !or2 1ro"le's out on the "oard
o So'eti'es challen#es "eco'e Corner 8uestions
o So'eti'es students !al2 around and hel1 i/ chec2ed
o F/ten stand u1 !hen you /inish and !e co'1are ans!ers
o So'eti'es use Acti5&.1ression te.tin#45otin# de5ices
E'iting the Classroom at the End o( the )eriod
-he teacher dis'isses you: <F- the "ell.
o ;/ so'eone >student or teacher? is in the 'iddle o/ s1ea2in#
!hen the "ell rin#s: #i5e the' the courtesy to /inish s1ea2in#
o Fnce they /inish: and the teacher #i5es you 1er'ission: 1ac2
your 'aterials Buic2ly and head to your ne.t class.
o Youll 2no! it is o2ay to e.it once ; say youre dis'issed
Please 'a2e your e.it as Buic2 as 1ossi"le to #et to your ne.t
1eriod and to 'a2e !ay /or 'y ne.t class to enter.
S1ecial <ote /or Period I+ Please stac2 the chair on to1 o/ the des2
"e/ore e.itin# as you are 'y last class o/ the day
Warm*+ Tra,-ing Sheets
(e#innin# o/ 1eriod !ill "e ar'-01 usin# the Acti5e&.1ressions
o ar'-01 !ill consist o/ 12 Buestions
-here !ill "e 1 challen#e Buestion and so'eti'es a
/e! s2i1 Buestions
-he students !ill record on the ar'-01 -rac2in#
Sheet i/ they #ot the ans!er correct or incorrect
Correct Ans!ers !ill recei5e a s'iley /ace or
;n correct ans!er !ill recei5e an J
Class #o.o )oints and A/ards
-his is a 1ro#ra' that should "e e.citin# and /un /or all o/ us >you: 'e:
and your 1arents?
Students earn )o3o Points /or Positi5es: 1ossi"ly includin#+
o Correct Challen#e 8uestion: Goin# A"o5e and (eyond: &//ort
on 7: Great 3o" at "oard: 7 recorded in Planner: 7a5in# all
su11lies: and Positi5e Partici1ationH1lease note these can "e
u1dated at the teachers discretion "ut is a #reat startin#
Students lose )o3o Points /or areas <eedin# ;'1ro5e'ent+
o )isres1ect: Missin# 7 Assi#n'ent: Missin# (asic Su11lies:
Missin# Student Planner: F// -as2: and ,elocated to "ac2 o/
roo' >"eha5ior?H 1lease note that these also can "e u1dated
at the teachers discretion as needed
As students reach a 1redeter'ined le5el o/ )o3o Points: they !ill
"e a"le to recei5e the 1ri5ile#es+
o EE 1oints K 7o'e!or2 Pass
o LL 1oints K Co'/y Chair Pass
o MM Points K Co'1uter Pass durin# ar'-014(e#innin# -i'e
A/ter 100 1oints: the a!ard !ill "e #i5en at 1EE: 1LL:
1MM: 2EE: 2LL: 2MM...etc..
Students and Parents !ill #et )o3o Codes to lo# on /ro' ho'e.
Students can chan#e A5atars and chec2 1oints as o/ten as youd
li2e. Parents can chec2 1oints and 1ro#ress.
0etting Out o( Your Seat
Students !ith assi#ned 3o"s !ill 2no! !hen to do their tas2s and
can #et u1 to do their 3o" !ithout 'y 1er'ission.
<o student is to "e out o/ their seat !hile the teacher is s1ea2in#.
-hat student is 'issin# so'ethin# that is "ein# said and other
students !ill "e distracted "y 'o5e'ent.
hen the teacher is not s1ea2in#: students 'ay #et u1 i/ !e ha5e
#i5en the' 1er'ission. Pencil shar1enin# should not "e needed: as
you should ha5e your o!n shar1ener at your des2.
Good ne!sN -here !ill "e so'e chances to #et out o/ your seat
durin# the lesson >Corner Challen#es: Stand !ith your ans!er:
,ando'ly 1ic2ed to #o to the "oard: 7el1in#?
*ea5in# the Classroo'
Students can lea5e the classroo' !ith 1er'ission only.
o <o one !ill "e #i5en 1er'ission to lea5e !hile the teacher is
addressin# the class >#oin# o5er ans!ers: teachin# the
lesson: or any other si#ni/icant acti5ity? or durin# the /irst
15-20 'inute acti5ities4ans!ers
o Students !ill "e #i5en 1er'ission durin# 1artner ti'e or
"oard ti'e in the lesson once they ha5e co'1leted the
Buestion that others are !or2in# on.
;/ a student is called to the o//ice or is ill: e.ce1tions to the
a"o5e #uidelines !ill "e 'ade
Classroom 1o2s
)aily Class 6o"s
%or each cycle: each ro! !ill "e #i5en a daily class 3o". Students
in each ro! !ill "e assi#ned a nu'"er 1-L. &ach student !ill #et a
chance to co'1lete the assi#ned class 3o" durin# each cycle. -he
assi#ned nu'"er /or the day !ill a11ear on the 6o" all.
o Attendance Mana#er
-a2es attendance on )o3o "oard "y 1ressin# !ho is
6o" is done durin# ar'-01s e5ery day
o (oard Mana#er
rites na'es as called and erases the "oards !hen
1ro"le's are /inished
6o" is done !hene5er !e call students to the /ront
o Su11ly Mana#er
Chec2s to see i/ each student has the reBuired su11lies
>1encil: 1a1er: and 'ath /older? /or the class
6o" is done a/ter the student /inishes the ar'-01
o Planner Mana#er
Chec2s to see i/ each student has !ritten do!n the
ho'e!or2 /or the day
6o" is done a/ter the student /inishes the ar'-01
All Year Class 6o"s
o Policy Mana#ers
-hese students !ill ha5e to "e =&,Y /a'iliar !ith the
1olicies and co'/orta"le 1resentin# it to a ne!
student in the class
6o" is done !hene5er a ne! student co'es or i/ a
class'ate is con/used a"out so'ethin# throu#hout the
school year
Classroom 1o2s Continued
o Assi#n'ent *o# Mana#er >=ery or#ani9ed and detailed
-a2es e.tra handout>s? /or !hoe5er is a"sent and
!rites their na'e on it-1a1er #oes in desi#nated class
/older 1oc2et
*ists each day !hat assi#n'ents ; chec2ed: collected:
or 1assed out in the Assi#n'ent *o#
6o" is done anyti'e an assi#n'ent is 1assed out:
chec2ed: or collected. -he /older !ill stay at your
des2 /or the 1eriod and "e returned to 'e "e/ore you
Ho/ We Treat Ea,h Other
Aey !ord O1 is ,&SP&C-
o e "elie5e in sho!in# res1ect to our students and !ould
a11reciate it /ro' you in return
o ;/ a 1erson 'a2es a 'ista2e or as2s a Buestion: there is
a"solutely <F lau#hin# or na'e callin#.
You 'i#ht "e the ne.t 1erson to "e !ron# or as2 a
<o"ody li2es to "e 'ade /un o/
e are A** hu'an and !ill 'a2e 'ista2es
Yes: this includes the teacher too
Aey !ord O2 is ACC&P-A<C&
o &5ery"ody in this classroo' has so'ethin# to o//er and is
i'1ortant to our learnin#
o hen #rou1s41artners are assi#ned: there is no #runtin#:
rollin# eyes: or rude noises a"out !ho youre !or2in# !ith
o Girls: #uys are students li2e you so learn !ith the'
o Guys: #irls are students li2e you so learn !ith the'
o <o"ody has cooties i/ you sit "eside the'
Get to 2no! your 1artner>s?: you 'ay ha5e so'ethin# in
co''on !ith each other
-hey 'ay "eco'e one o/ your /riends
You !ill 1ro"a"ly "e a"le to sol5e so'e 'ath 1ro"le's
to#ether !hile you are 1artners
Aey ord OE is &<CF0,AG&M&<-
o hen so'eone does so'ethin# ri#ht: !e reco#ni9e the' /or a
3o" !ell done in a sincere !ayHnot silly a"out it
o ;/ so'eone is ha5in# a rou#h ti'e: dont e'"arrass the'
a"out the situation or as2 the' a "unch o/ Buestions. (e
there /or the' i/ they as2 /or your hel1: "ut #i5e the' their
"u""le !ithout irritatin# the' i/ they dont as2
Home/or- and Test &e3ie/s
7o'e!or2 is #enerally assi#ned e5ery ni#ht e.ce1t %ridays
o A'ount o/ -e.t"oo2 8uestions usually M-15 1ro"le's
-e.t"oo2 7 is due the ne.t ti'e that the class 'eets
o Points are #i5en "ased u1on ho! 'uch !or2 is sho!n
o Good !or2 s1ace /or all Buestions K Good 7 #rade
o &'1ty !or2 s1ace and 'issin# ans!ers K *o! #rade
o &ach -e.t"oo2 7 is !orth 4 #rade 1oints a 1iece
,e#ular credit >4? i/ co'1lete and on ti'e
Partial credit is #i5en /or 1artial e//ort >1-E?
(onus so'eti'es #i5en /or outstandin# e//ort >5?
;/ 7 is not !ith you on due date: recei5e a 0
*ate credit is 2 7 1ts or less another day
You ha5e to sho! 'e late 1a1er /or credit
*ate credit no )o3o 1oint: "ut hel1s #rade
&ntered into #rades as a co'"ined 7 #rade e5ery E-
5 7 assi#n'ents
o )o3o Points and -e.t"oo2 7o'e!or2 Grade Points
7 Co'1letion >E:4:5? 7 1ts. P1 )o3o 1oint
7 Co'1letion >0:1:2? 7 1ts. -1 )o3o 1oint
-est ,e5ie! 7 Assi#n'ent
o -est ,e5ie!s are !orth 10-15 1oints each
o More Buestions "ut #i5en 'ore ti'e to co'1lete
o )ue on the day o/ the test4Bui9 /or /ull credit
;nco'1lete4Missin# -1 )o3o Point
Co'1lete4Fn -i'e P1 )o3o Point
Tests and 4ui55es
-ests and 8ui99es are not 'eant to "e a sur1rise and !ill al!ays
"e announced ahead o/ ti'e
Grades di//er /or a -est and a 8ui9
o -ests-100 Points and a"out 25 8uestions
o 8ui99es-50 Points and a"out 15 8uestions
-ests and 8ui99es usually ha5e (onus 8uestions
o You ne5er lose 1oints i/ you 'iss (onuses
o Points are added to your #rade /or correct ans!ers on the
(onus 8uestionsHal!ays try to ans!er these
(e 1atient !ith 'e !hile Mr. Green and ; #rade your tests
o -here are se5eral o/ you and one o/ 'e
o Mr. Green and ; "elie5e in 1artial credit: so !e !ill loo2 closely
at your ans!ers4!or2 to consider ho! close you ans!er !as
hat i/ you dont /inish a test or you !ere a"sent$
o YF0 are res1onsi"le to co'e "ac2 to /inish the test
o You !ill <F- "e sent out o/ re#ular class to !or2 on it:
"ecause then you are 'issin# the current in/or'ation and
/all e5en /urther "ehind.
o A #ood ti'e to see 'e is in the 'ornin# !hen you arri5e to
school >M+05-M+25?
hat ha11ens i/ you dont co'e "ac2 to /inish$
o (lan2 ans!ers are 'ar2ed !ron# >lo! test #rade?
o You lose a )o3o Point /or not co'in# "ac2 to /inish
; 2no! this is hard to "elie5e: "ut >GASP? class still ha11ens e5en
i/ you 'iss a day !ith us.
hat ha11ens i/ you 'iss a day o/ class$
o You 'iss the instruction o/ a lesson and un/ortunately this
can not "e 'ade u1 i/ you 'iss it
You CA< loo2 at the e.a'1les in the te.t"oo2 or
"orro! a /riends notes to try and understand !hat
you 'issed
o You are res1onsi"le /or chec2in# in !ith Mr. Green or 'e in
the 'ornin# !hen you return >M+05-M+25? /or 'a2e-u1 !or2
that !as 1assed out: chec2ed: or collected
Please do <F- as2 'e in class a"out 'a2e-u1 !or2: as
there are 20P other students in class !ho &,& here
and shouldnt ha5e to !ait !hile ; #et you cau#ht u1
durin# class ti'e
Please do <F- rely on your (%%s to #et you
co'1letely cau#ht u1: as ; 'ay ha5e a 1a1er /or you in
the class /older or need to chec2 your 7. -hey can
"e hel1/ul in /illin# you in on so'e thin#s thou#h
*on# story short: 1lease co'e see 'e the ne.t
'ornin# !hen you 'iss 'y class to #et cau#ht u1
o You 'iss )o3o Points that are #i5en out that day: since you
cant #ain 1oints i/ you arent in class to earn the'
)istrict Policies are in 1lace /or school attendance too
Te,hnolog6 &esour,es
-eacher e"sites
o Your teachers each ha5e a !e"site !here you can see your
7: -ests: and other Assi#n'ents /or each class
o )istrict so/t!are 1ro#ra' !here you and your 1arents can
see your #rades in each class as the teacher enters it into
the electronic #rade"oo2
Classroo' -echnolo#y
o Pro'ethean (oard-;nteracti5e hite"oard that sho!s
thin#s 1ro3ected /ro' the co'1uter
o &*MF Pro3ector-Sho!s 1a1ers and other o"3ects that are
not on the co'1uter
o Micro1hone-Pro3ects the teachers 5oice so e5eryone can
hear at the sa'e 5olu'e in the roo'
o Acti5&.1ressions-A /e! sets throu#hout the school: used
/or 5otin#4te.tin# ans!ers
-e.t"oo2 is a5aila"le online >"i#ideas'ath.co'?
o See the "oo2 any!here there is ;nternet
o =ideo -utorials /or each te.t"oo2 lesson
C; *o5e -echnolo#yH&s1ecially hen ;t or2s D

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