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Robert Green

Grade Level:
Title of
Amount of

Fall 2014 Internship

6th Grade
Dividing Fractions
3 45-Minute Periods
By the end of the course, students will be able to recall and explain
mathematics concepts using academic language.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to divide fractions, whole
numbers, and mixed numbers and put their answer in simplest form.


Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems
involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction
models and equations to represent the problem. For example, create a
story context for (2/3) (3/4) and use a visual fraction model to show the
quotient; use the relationship between multiplication and division to
explain that (2/3) (3/4) = 8/9 because 3/4 of 8/9 is 2/3. (In general, (a/b)
(c/d) = ad/bc.) How much chocolate will each person get if 3 people
share 1/2 lb of chocolate equally? How many 3/4-cup servings are in 2/3
of a cup of yogurt? How wide is a rectangular strip of land with length
3/4 mi and area 1/2 square mi?
Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments,
taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.


Given 15 problems on dividing mixed numbers, students will find the

quotient for 10 out of 15 problems correctly.
After completing the telephone activity on dividing mixed numbers from
word problems, students will orally describe how to solve a word
problem dealing with dividing mixed number with 85% accuracy.


Class Dojo, Promethean Board, Promethean Slate, ActivExpressions,

Dividing Mixed Numbers flipcharts (Day 1-3), Warm-Up flipchart, Big
Ideas textbook, Big Ideas workbook, Instruction Envelopes, math
folders, paper, pencil, individual whiteboards, dry erase markers, dry
erasers, socks


What are the steps you will need to use in order to divide a mixed
number by a fraction, a whole number, or another mixed number?
Why do we use the greatest common factor to simplify fractions?

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

What are some real-world applications for dividing mixed numbers?


Adding, subtracting, and multiplying factions

Dividing fractions by fractions
Dividing fractions by whole numbers
Finding the greatest common factor
Reducing a fraction
Reducing a fraction with the GCF

Quotient: The answer to a division problem.
Greatest Common Factor: The largest factor two or more number share.
Reading Word Problems
1. Read the word problem several times.
2. Highlight the important information.
3. Identify what you are to solve.
4. Identify what operation you will need to solve.
5. Check your answer.

Day #1 Warm-Up 1
Have the students come into the classroom. Ask them to write their
homework in their planner. Instruct the students to start the warm-up
after writing their homework down in the planner. While the students
begin the word prompt, have the managers go around the room to check
students in for their supplies and planners.
1. 30 + 16
2. 7 x 8
3. 30/6
4. What is the place value of 6 in the number 6,029
5. Write 0.31 as a fraction.
6. What number comes next in the sequence: 1,475, 1,575, 1675...
7. 59 +___= 66
8. ___- 14 = 36
9. What is the volume of the prism (picture in flipchart).
10. Name the shape that is located at (F, 4).
11. Skip
12. Skip
Ask the students to get out their supplies they need for class.
Day #2 Warm-Up 2
Have the students come into the classroom. Ask them to write their

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

homework in their planner. Instruct the students to start the warm-up
after writing their homework down in the planner. While the students
begin the word prompt, have the managers go around the room to check
students in for their supplies and planners.
1. 68 - 8 =
2. Multiply 6 and 4
3. 45/5
4. 8,000 + 500 + 40 + 9
5. How many tenths is in 3/10?
6. What is the next number in the sequence 448, 438, 428...
7. ___ + 36 = 125
8. 65 - ___ = 46
9. What time does the clock display? (See flipchart)
10. A triangle with three equal sides is called...
11. Skip
12. Skip
Ask the students to get out their homework and the supplies they need for
class. Go over the textbook homework.
Day #3 Do Now
Have the students come into the classroom. Ask them to write their
homework in their planner. Collect the workbook page that was assigned
for homework. Set the timer for 7 minutes. While the students begin the
word prompt, have the managers go around the room to check students in
for their supplies and planners.
Prompt: In five sentences, explain how you would divide a mixed
number by another mixed number. Please include an example to prove
your answer.
Collect the Do Now paper from the students. Put the Dojo points in for
the supplies and planners. Ask the students to get out their supplies they
need for class.

practice, and
activity) :

Day 1
1. Ask the students to open their math folders to the last section of notes.
Have the students write "Dividing Mixed Numbers" as the title for this
section of notes.
2. Start the lesson of with a challenge question of find the reciprocal
of . Have the students input their answer into the ActivExpression
device. Tell the students they will have one minute and thirty seconds to

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

submit their answer. Show the students the correct answer by displaying
the steps. Check to see what students submitted the correct answer and
reward them with a Dojo point.
3. Show the students how to find the reciprocal of
students to write the solution down in their notes.
4. Have the students help you find the reciprocal of
record the solution in their notes.

and tell the

. Remind them to

5. Ask the students if they understand how to find the reciprocal of a

mixed number using the self assessment scale. Tell the students who
understand how to find the reciprocal of a mixed number to go ahead and
try the next example. For those students who are confused or need help,
have them help you find the reciprocal of . After completing this
example, ask the students who did this example on their own if they
obtain the correct answer.
6. Have all the students find the reciprocal of
on their own. Tell the
students to stand up once they are finished. Once a majority of the class
is standing, collect the answers of the students standing. Show the
students the correct answer.
7. Model how to solve the problems
. Tell the students
to write the solution to each problem as you work each problem out.
8. Have the students help you solve the problems
. Tell
the students to the solution to the problem as you work through the
problem together.
9. Using Class Dojo to select four students to come to the board. The first
student would have to solve
. The second student solve
The third student would solve

. The fourth student would solve

. Tell the students going to the board to solve all four questions
first before putting their answer on the board. Tell the students who are
not going to the board to try all four problems. Once all four students
have written their answer on the board, review their work and have the
student correct their answer if they made a mistake. Make sure that all
the students have the correct solution written down in their notes.
10. Have the students back their things up and get ready to move on to
the next period.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

Day 2
1. Ask the students to open up their notes to where they left of yesterday.
Tell the students that today they will not divided mixed numbers by
mixed numbers.
2. Model how to solve the problems
. Tell the
students to write the solution to each problem as you work each problem
3. Have the students help you solve the problem
Tell the
students to the solution to the problem as you work through the problem
4. Have the students solve the problem
on their own. Tell the
students to stand up once they are finished. Once a majority of the class
is standing, collect the answers of the students standing. Show the
students the correct answer.
5. Tell the students that they will use the following values to solve the
algebra problems.


, and c =

6. Model how to solve the problems

. Tell the students to
write the solution to each problem as you work each problem out.
7. Have the students help you solve the problem
Tell the students
to the solution to the problem as you work through the problem together.
8. Have the students solve the problem
on their own. Tell the
students to stand up once they are finished. Once a majority of the class
is standing, collect the answers of the students standing. Show the
students the correct answer.
9. If time allows, have the students try to solve
. Have the
students input their answer into the ActivExpression device. Tell the
students they will have three minutes to submit their answer. Show the
students the correct answer by displaying the steps. Check to see what
students submitted the correct answer and reward them with a Dojo
10. Have the students back their things up and get ready to move on to

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

the next period.
Day 3
1. Have the students get out their math folders and open to where they
left off the previous day.
2. Orally go over the steps to solving a word problem.
1. Read the word problem several times.
2. Highlight the important information.
3. Identify what you are to solve.
4. Identify what operation you will need to solve.
5. Check your answer.
3. Model how to solve the first word problem.
Manny works as a truck driver for Wal-Mart. Yesterday, he drove 300
miles in 6 hours. How many miles per hour did Manny drive?
Tell the students to write the solution to each problem as you work each
problem out.
4. Have the students help you solve next word problem.
Marita has 2 gallons of orange juice concentrate. It takes gallon to
make a pitcher of orange juice. How many pitchers can she make?
Tell the students to the solution to the problem as you work through the
problem together.
5. Tell the student that they will be playing word problem telephone to
practice solving word problems dealing with dividing mixed numbers.
Go over the rules to the game.
Everyone- Read the problem and start solving the problem on a piece of
paper. When the whiteboard comes to you, please do your job...
Seat 1 = Write beginning Math Problem
Seat 2 = Rewrite problem with new symbol and reciprocal
Seat 3 = Simplify before you multiply
Seat 4 = Multiply across the tops and bottoms
Seat 5 = Make sure answer is in simplest form
Seat 6 = Circle and double check final answer

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

6. Tell student one to get out a whiteboard, a dry erase marker, and a
sock for the entire row. Meanwhile, pass out the envelops that contain
the directions to the game. Tell the students the information in the
envelope will help them solve the problem quickly.
7. Have the students solve the first word problem.
Danny needs to fix the plumbing in his kitchen. He bought a 16 -foot
pipe at Home Depot. How many whole -foot pipes can be cut from the
pipe he bought?
8. Once all the teams are done, check each rows work. Next display the
correct answer and the steps to solving the problem.
9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 if there is enough time.
A piece of wood is 9 feet long. How many 1 feet pieces can be cut
from the piece of wood?
Mrs. Poppy love dark chocolate. She went to Coco Paradise and bought a
6 -feet long bar of dark chocolate. If she wants to 27 pieces of
chocolate, how many feet will the length of each bar be?
10. Have the students put the whiteboards, markers, and sock away. Ask
a person and each row to return the envelop and its contents to you.
Finally, have the students back their things up and get ready to move on
to the next period.

for ELL

Level 3
During Lesson (Instruction):
- Allow student more time to respond to questions during direct
instruction and guided practice.
- Adjust rate of speech during instruction to enhance the students
comprehension of the lesson.
During Homework and/or Class work:
- Provide students with clear directions during the lesson. Simplify and
chunk the directions as needed.
- Model additional examples of word problems for the student.
During Assessment:
- Require the students to show their work after finding the quotient to the
first problem.
- Allow the student to work with a friend in the class.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

- Allow extra time on the quiz.

for ESE

During Lesson (Instruction):

- Orally check for understanding.
- Write key points on the board.
- Provide student with extra wait time.
- Cue student to get back on task.
During Homework and/or Class work:
- Using modeling techniques to explain to the student how to show their
work when answering word problems.
- Have the student use the think aloud strategy when answering a
- Use kinesthetic activities to allow the students to move around.
During Assessment:
- Ensure oral directions are understood.
- Allow students to work with a friend or a positive role model.
- Allow students to have extra time to complete quiz.


Formative Assessment
Formal: The teacher will grade the homework based on how many
questions the students solved correctly. Each question will be worth two
points and partial credit can be earned. The students will have the option
to go back and correct the problems they missed. Students can earn credit
up to 50% on the problems they missed. This 20 point assignment will
count towards their homework grade.
Informal: The teacher will monitor the result of the ActivExpressions
during the warm-up to ensure students answering the questions correctly.
The teacher will provide immediate feedback after each question. While
students work in groups to complete the word problem telephone
activity, the teacher will circulate the room to see if the students are
working together and if they are all on task.
Summative Assessment:
The students will take a fifteen-question quiz that covers how to divide
fractions. Students can earn partial credit if they show their work.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

Dividing Fractions Quiz Review

Directions: For problems 1-11, divide and write the answer in
simplest form. Show your work for full credit!


3) 4

4) 4

6) 1

7) 2

11) 7






12) 14

13) An average ant is inch long. A picnic blanket is 72 inches

long. How many ants long is the picnic blanket?

14) The long side of a field is

to paint a marker every
paint on the field?

mile. The field manager wants

of a mile. how many markers will he

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

15) An average ant is 1/4 inch long. An average aphid is 3/32

inch long. How many times longer is an average ant than an
average aphid?
16) A bag contains 22-1/2 cups of flour. A recipe for pancakes
uses 1-1/4 cups of flour. How many batches of pancakes can be
made with one bag of flour?

Evaluate the expression when w = 2 , x = , y = , and z = .

Show your work for full credit!





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