Macro Planning - Chemistry

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Macro Planning of

Formative Assessments In Science For Class IX: An Exemplar


For designing and developing tools for formative assessment in science, we may follow
the steps and mentioned below:

1. Content Analysis of the unit

Identify the concepts
 Symbols, formulae, rules and laws, calculations
 Diagrams
 Activities/experiments

2. Construction of Tools and Methods of Assessment

Formative assessment can be done using one or more of the following


i. Pen and paper test : this may be done by devising

 Multiple choice questions
 Very short answer questions
 Short answer questions

ii. Tasks based on activities / experiments

 Performing the activity

 Analyzing observation
 Drawing inference

Questions can be asked based on the activity / experiment performed by the child

iii. Tasks based on project work / survey :

 School / home based projects: e.g. make a list of substances around you and group
them into elements, compounds and mixture.
 Visit a nearby dairy and prepare a report about the process of separating cream
from milk
 Make a survey and write a report on the processes involved in getting the supply
of drinking water from water works to your home
 Projects related to social and environmental issues should be encouraged

iv. Activities and project work should be followed by a group


v. Group discussions can also be done on a particular topic / concept.

Which will assess the understanding of that concept by each

vi. Quiz and crossword puzzles may also be given.

vii. All the above mentioned tasks may be designed to test the
knowledge, understanding and application of the concepts taught
in the class.

viii. Methods used for assessing the performance of a child will depend
upon the nature of the task.

ix. The tasks designed for formative assessment for class IX, science
are developed for the following chapters

 Chapter 2:- Is Matter Around Us Pure

 Chapter 3:- Atoms and Molecules
 Chapter 4:- Structure of Atom

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