Teleconferencing Programme - Dec. 7 To18, 2009

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The Principal,

DAV Public Schools,

Subject: Teleconferencing Sessions on CCE from Monday

December 7, 2009.

Dear Sir/Madam,

It’s our pleasure to inform you that DPPI is organizing subject-wise

Teleconferencing sessions for secondary teachers on the newly
implemented Examination Reforms and Continuous &
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).

The sessions shall focus on clarifying the doubts and ambiguities of

secondary level teachers pertaining to the newly introduced
system of school-based assessment with special focus on
“Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE): Designing
Formative Assessment Tasks.” Faculty from apex educational
institutions such as NCERT, CBSE, CIE and Colleges of Education
has been consulted in designing these programmes.

Schedule of Teleconferencing Sessions

Beginning on Monday December 7, 2009 subject-wise

teleconferencing sessions will be conducted for a period of six days
as per the schedule given below.

S.N Date Subject Time

1 Monday Dec, 7, English 10.30am-4.30
2009 pm
2 Tuesday Dec 8, Sanskrit 10.30am-4.30
2009 pm
3 Wednesday Dec 9, Hindi 10.30am-4.30
2009 pm
4 Monday Dec 14, Science 10.30am-4.30
2009 pm
5 Tuesday Dec 15, Maths 10.30am-4.30
2009 pm
6 Friday Dec 18, Social 10.30am-4.30
2009 Science pm
Note: In the Sanskrit session in addition to Formative
Assessment, queries of the teachers pertaining to 2010 CBSE
Class-X Board examination will also be taken up.


As the CCE is to be implemented at secondary level immediately

and subsequently at middle level too, it is advisable that all
teachers taking these classes may attend these sessions. It is
recommended that Principals and Supervisory Heads may also
attend these sessions as they have to supervise and ensure

The date-wise schedule of sessions is given above. You are

requested to ensure not only attendance of your teachers
for these programmes but also recording of the sessions so
that CD’s could be provided to teachers for ready

We look forward to receiving any queries and doubts that you have
pertaining to CBSE’s new system of assessment, which we shall
definitely address through the teleconferencing sessions. For any
queries you may contact the Subject Coordinators Mrs.
Indermani Jain - E.O.- (cell no. 9873121119) All Languages and
Social Science and Mrs. Rajni Bala - A.E.O. (cell no. 9312906200) –
Maths and Science.

With warm regards,

(Rashmi S. Chari)
Asst. Director- Education

Encl: Working Paper

Continuous & Comprehensive
Evaluation (CCE):
Designing Formative Assessment
Teleconferencing Sessions from December 7-18,
Telecast on IGNOU’s Gyan Darshan 2 channel

Working Paper
In October 2009, the CBSE formally launched its Examination
Reforms by replacing the Class X board examination with a
School–based system of Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation

Assessment of student learning through board examinations at

secondary level was marked with rote–memorization, urgency and
anxiety for the students. The newly introduced Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) as designed by CBSE has
divided evaluation till secondary level into ‘Formative
Assessment’ and ‘Summative Assessment’. Formative
Assessment being the continuous assessment of learner’s progress
through out the instructional process and summative assessment
being the conventional end of the term exam taken twice a year.

The CBSE Teacher’s Manual gives guidelines for organizing

formative assessment in the school for all subjects being offered
at secondary level. According to it the new component ‘Formative
Assessment’ is aimed at regular improvement of the learner’s
knowledge and skills. For this the teachers will monitor the learner
performance on a day-to-day basis with the objective to identify
the learning gaps (diagnosis) and offer customized remedial inputs
to the learners.

Since CCE has been implemented in all the CBSE affiliated schools
from October 2009 onwards, there is a felt and expressed need for
teacher training in the area of Formative Assessment. DPPI is
organizing a teleconferencing workshop on ‘Continuous &
Comprehensive Assessment: Designing Formative
Assessment Tasks’ for teachers of secondary level.

The scope of the Examination Reforms by CBSE covers the entire
gamut of teaching-learning practices as evaluation (or assessment)
of student learning is envisaged as an integral aspect of day-to-day
teaching learning process. In order to successfully implement these
reforms in DAV Schools DPPI is organizing teleconferencing
sessions through IGNOU’s Gyan Darshan 2 Channel from
December 7-18, 2009 for all subjects to be taught at secondary
level. It is envisaged that by attending these interactive sessions
the teachers will -
• Be oriented in its basic philosophy of Continuous &
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
• Understand the concept of Formative Assessment of
student learning.
• Design Lesson- Plans in order to create learning conditions
that are conducive to stress-free assessment of student
• Learn Skills to develop tools and techniques of Formative
Assessment which are different from the usual pen and paper

Resource Persons & Experts

Faculty from apex educational institutions such as NCERT, CBSE,
CIE and other Colleges of Education has been consulted in
designing these programmes. Subject-wise teams of bright and
creative teachers from prominent DAV Public Schools of Delhi have
been identified to work under the guidance of eminent resource-
persons and subject-experts to design exemplars of instructional
and assessment materials. DPPI faculty is coordinating the entire
The subject-wise exemplars of instructional and assessment
materials produced by DPPI will be printed and circulated to all the
DAV Schools subsequently. The materials will also be uploaded at
the DAV Progressive Teachers Network, a social network site for
DAV teachers initiated by DPPI.

(Rashmi S Chari)
Asst. Director- Education

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