Macro Plan - Formative Assessment in Mathematics
Macro Plan - Formative Assessment in Mathematics
Macro Plan - Formative Assessment in Mathematics
In Mathematics students
All these kinds of problems are to be resolved at the right time for improving
further learning. Based on the feedback of learning of students via various tools,
problems of students are diagnosed .Continuing further, remedies are designed.
Assignments are to be given in each chapter. It may include all types of questions
according to the design of question paper (Multiple choice questions, Short
answer type and long answer type).
Please Note:
Observe at least 4-5 class work / home work records in each Formative
assessment duration
If a child is unable to complete the work due to some reason, then give
him/her time for the same.
1. While teaching teacher may ask questions to students Roll No. wise and
keep the record in the diary. The whole task can be distributed in the
duration in which the unit is taught.
2. One day may be assigned for taking oral test. Students need to be
informed before the test.
3. Oral test may be taken in the Math lab period also.
Please Note:
Although it is quite a good tool for assessment, but at the same time it is
to be kept in mind that it creates maximum anxiety in students.
When oral assessment process is on, a teacher needs to show a high
degree of patience.
Total marks allotted for pen and paper test in each Formative assessment
duration is 15 marks.
It may include classroom worksheets and class tests taken during teaching
learning in each formative assessment duration. The number of classroom
worksheets/class tests may vary according to the need of the chapter.
Class Worksheet Type 1 Total No. of questions 10 Note: Design MCQ’s for
4 MCQ’s testing understanding of
4 Fill in the blanks concept taught, Fill in the
2 True/False blanks for testing
arithmetical skills and
true/false questions type
for testing analytical and
logical reasoning.
Class Worksheet Type 3 Match the following
Class Worksheet Type 4 Formulae testing
Duration of each test would be 30 min to 40 min. Short answer type and long
answer type questions may be asked.
Please Note:
At least one class test should be taken during one Formative assessment
If a good number of students do not perform well in a class test, then following
remedies are suggested to
Give some support material in the form of list of basic formulae and
concepts, practice worksheets, practice tests etc.
If some selected students do not perform well, then they can be suggested to
prepare well for the next test.
Math activity /Math projects:
Please note:
2. Survey in Statistics
Note: In FA3 duration, the marks of Math activities are to be recorded out of 10.
Math project is to be assessed during FA4 out of 10.