11th House of Income

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By Nitin Datta
Eleventh & Second House of The Horoscope
Income and saving are the two most important factors determining the financial prosperity and perhaps the overall stability i n an
individuals life. Blessed are those people who gain uninterrupted flow of income in their lives and spend well under their
The tenth house of the horoscope explains the source of livelihood for a person. Likewise, the eleventh house explains the
income generated out of that source of livelihood. The level of income, flow of income and possibility of multiple sources of
income etc. are analyzed from the eleventh house.
The eleventh house has been defined as an Upchaya house of the horoscope. The word Upchaya means growth. No wonder that
the eleventh house is known as the house of expansion and growth. It is one of the most auspicious houses in the horoscope.
When an individual gains working age then his tenth and eleventh house get activated simultaneously (Work & Income).
Remember that under normal circumstances it is the income that defines the expenditure and savings for an individual.
The aspects of different planets on the eleventh house & owner of eleventh house along with overall state of the owner of the
eleventh house govern the financial prospects of an individual.
The following combinations deliver financial stability in relation to eleventh house (finance):
1. Jupiter aspecting eleventh house in the birth horoscope.
2. Venus aspecting eleventh house from fifth house.
3. The owner of eleventh house aspecting its own house.
4. The owner of eleventh house receiving favorable aspects from Jupiter, Moon, Venus or Mercury.
5. Inherently strong Jupiter and Venus in the horoscope.
6. Eleventh house in Shubh Kartari Yoga (benefic planets on either house to eleventh house).
7. The owner of eleventh house strongly placed in the Navamsa chart (D9).
8. Eleventh house strong by way of Bindus in Ashtakvarga.
The more combinations are present in your horoscope, the brighter are the chances for enhanced financial prosperity.
In the next part of the article, we will discuss how income and savings are linked by way of houses in Astrology.
You may also like to read:
1. Astrological study of wealth house
2. Know your income & wealth luck
3. Astrological Yogas for wealth
4. Check Dhan Yoga in your Birth Chart


Study of
Wealth &
Dhan Sthan

Last Updated: 9/20/2011 12:09:58 PM

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By Suchitra Das
Second House of our natal horoscope assumes an important place for indicating wealth besides other important significations.
This house is the barometer to ascertain the level of accumulation of wealth by a nativity in his life time in the form of Savings
Deposit, Fixed Deposit, Recurring Deposit as well as holding of wealth in the form of shares, debentures, bond, mutual fund and
through investment in other financial instruments. Second house is the most important Artha Trikone (Wealth Trine) in Hindu
Placement or strong aspect of any money giving planets like friendly Jupiter, waxing Moon, Venus and Mercury in descending
order of importance are considered to be most favourable for accumulation of wealth by a nativity through fair means. The
placement of malefics like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn in the 2nd house without their participating in auspicious yoga is viewed
adverse towards accumulation of wealth.
The second house of accumulation of wealth should be studied along with Hora Charts (D-2 chart) and the disposition of Indu
Lagna in a natal horoscope. Second house should also be fortified with required number of Sarvashtaka Bindus (SAV) and in no
case should be less than SAV Bindus in 12th house. Similarly, 2nd lord should also be strong and well pl aced in 11th or 7th or
10th or 9th or 5th house for better financial prosperity. The exchange of houses or mutual aspects between the 2nd lord and 9th
or 5th lord is a great Dhan Yoga. 2nd lord in no case be associated with 12th lord or 12th lord should not be in a position to
overpower the 2nd lord. 2nd house and its lord should be free from the ominous shadow of 12th house/lord for a native to earn
huge wealth in his country of birth. One just cannot dream of becoming wealthy, if his natal horoscope is devoid of any strong
Dhan Yoga.
I have, in time to time, in this portal elaborately discussed about various Dhan Yogas through my articles basing on well
researched and proven astrological dictum, which does not require any further elaboration here.
Hora Chart is the most important divisional chart to measure the level of wealth. Here, Rashi of 30 degree span is divided into
two parts of 15 degree each. Hora Chart can be constructed through different methods and result delineated accordingly. Name
of some of the hora charts are as under:
Parashari Hora Chart
The astrologers following Parashari Pratha most commonly use this D-Chart. Here all the planets find places in sign Cancer
(Chandra Hora) and in sign Leo (Surya Hora).
Labh Mandook Hora Chart
It is unlike Parashari Hora Chart where all the 9 planets are accommodated in two Rashis. The planets including Ascendant in
the Natal Horoscope having 0 to 15 degree retain the same signs as in the Natal Horoscope in the Hora Chart also. Planets
including Lagna within 15 to 30 degree are moved to 11th signs from their natal position and placed in the Labh Mandook Hora
chart accordingly. Now, your Labh Mandook Hora Chart is ready for measuring the level of wealth according to the planetary
position, their lordships, aspects etc. by only an expert astrologer having deep knowledge of various Hora Charts.
Poorva Parashari Hora Chart
In this Hora Chart, planets in the first hora (0 to 15 degree) in the Natal Chart retained the same signs in the Hora Chart, while
the planets above 15 degree go to the next signs from their respective natal position. In this Hora Chart, when the natural
malefics Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the first hora immensely help in the accumulation of wealth especially, during their
period and sub period while natural benefics moving to the second hora, which include money givers Jupiter and waxing Moon,
showers wealth to a person.
Venktesha Hora
Planets between 0 & 15 degrees remain in the same sign whereas planets from 15 to 30 degrees go to the 7th sign from them.
Planets occupying the airy and fiery signs in this Hora Chart indicate necessary courage imbibed in a nativity to reach to hi s goal.
Planets in watery and earthy signs give practical and cool orientation of mind to take forward his project.
Vikram Mandook Hora
This hora chart is prepared by arranging planets in the first hora remaining in the same signs and planets in the second hora
going to 3rd house from their position in the Natal Horoscope. Natural malefics in the odd signs in this hora chart provide
courage towards attainment of goal. The natural benefics in the even signs are considered good.
Cyclical Hora
A Hora is a one-half of a sign from 0 to 15 degree (first hora) and 15 to 30 degree (second hora). In this arrangement, a
repetition of cyclic order is followed. For example, first hora of Aries remain in Aries, the first hora of Taurus goes to Gemini, the
first hora of Gemini goes to Leo and so on. Notice the difference, the first hora of the first sign of the zodiac i.e. Aries falls in
Aries, the first hora of Taurus goes to second sign from it, the first hora of Gemini goes third sign from it etc. through a cyclic
rotational process. This Hora Chart is assessed for material wealth.


Yogas for

Last Updated: 2/13/2011 6:03:09 PM

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By Suchitra Das
Financial opulence and richness are the most essential requirements in the life of an individual. Only a financially inadequate
person can understand the suffering and the real pain of poverty, as all his dreams in life remain unfulfilled only for the single
reason of paucity of money even if he is otherwise possessing a number of well-defined virtues and qualities of becoming a Good
Person in him. It makes his life wretched even if he is possessing a good health.
The finances and wealth are generated through ones profession, which includes business and service, as well as through
inheritance. That is the reason; I attach so much of astrological importance in the areas of education and profession. One cannot
get the chance of proper education in his childhood if his Sun and ninth house representing father is badly placed, weak and
afflicted. I would discuss about this through a separate article. A strong Sun is the essential prerequisite to have proper
education and rise in life through unconditional support from father. There are a number of yogas (planetary combinations) for
wealth called as Dhan Yogas and are found prominently in the horoscopes of wealthy businessmen (Mr. K.K. Birla),
industrialists (Mr. Mukesh Ambani) and capitalists (Category-A), highly elevated professionals (Category-B) as well as in high
officials (Category-C).
To name a few important Dhan Yogas are Lakshmi Yoga, Gauri Yoga, Vasumati Yoga, rarely found Pushkala Yoga, Bheri Yoga,
Chandra-Mangal Yoga, Maha Yogas, Mudrika Yoga and most commonly found Gajkesari Yoga and so on. I have mentioned only
a few common Dhan Yogas; there are several more such planetary combinations for wealth, found in our priceless ancient texts.
But I want to sound a line in caution in order to avoid misname for the Divine Science of Astrology. Now a day, lot many,
astrological software are freely available in the Internet, which come as freeware and chances are that these software may even
show such hugely strong Dhan Yogas in the horoscope of a financially mediocre person at a time when he may be even passing
through financial trauma. What could be more than the laughing stock like this and a matter of distress!
I have come across much such software, which can better be described as astrological malware, and in a case, one such
software showed Vasumati Yoga in respect of a person merely on the basis of Jupiters placement in the 6th house while the
other important criterion to give rise to Vasumati Yoga remained unfulfilled in that case. Even best paid astrol ogical software
commits numerous mistakes in properly delineating yogas in a horoscope.
The definition of Vasumati Yoga is, I quote When the benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and unafflicted Mercury are occupying
Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th) either from Lagna or Moon, this highly strong Dhan Yoga is formed. If Upachaya
happens to be exaltation places, yoga becomes extremely powerful, while the reverse holds good if Upachaya happens to be
debilitation places. Even after fulfilling all the terms and condition of a Wealth Yoga, still there are chances of variations in the
benefic results in individual to individual case basis.
Only placement of Jupiter in 6th house can how become Vasumati Yoga! At the same time benefic Venus and unafflicted
Mercury should also be in the Upachaya houses. There are also chances that these auspicious yogas may not work at all due to
several astrological reasons like the running of adverse Dasha period; weakness of Ascendant, Moon Lagna, Indu Lagna or Sun
Lagna; unfavourable yogas are at the upper hands than the Dhan Yoga; combustion of Jupiter, Mercury or Venus or their evil
lordships; combustion or debilitation of 11th lord, 2nd lord, 5th lord, 9th lord or 10th lord; natural inimical relationship amongst
the constituent planets forming Dhan Yogas (how you can expect a Dhan Yoga with the involvement of Mars and Saturn who are
sworn enemies of each other); weakness of Nakshtra lords or weakness of the sign dispositors of the constituent planets;
involvement of Trika Lords or nodes with the constituent planets, adverse placement of planets in Hora chart or Navamsa chart
or Dasamasa charts and so on.
Only an expert astrologer having a long drawn knowledge and wisdom coupled with finest interpretive and analytical ability can
only make out proper meaning of these yogas in a balancing manner, when there would be least chances of the failure of
predictions, while contrary would be the expected features when going to wrong hands, which normally people goes for their
easy availability and snapshot predictions (mostly wrong predictions).
But, what they get, rather then wasting their own hard earned money and ultimately, turning themselves into a disbeliever of
the Divine Science of Astrology, while the proven fact is not so. I attribute it to ones own misfortune for cheating others in their
past lives. The dormant Dhan Yogas can even be revamped or made functional to a large extent through proper astral remedies
or propitiation and that, too, only under an expert astrologer and not by a mediocre. Here is a birth chart in respect of a highly
successful businessman who has several Dhan
The native has the following unblemished Dhan
Yogas in his birth chart.
1. Ruchika Yoga The Ascendant Lord Mars in
the Ascendant, which is a Kendra and his own
2. Pravaat Yoga The Ascendant Lord Mars
and the 12th Lord Venus are in mutual Kendras.
3. Bheri Yoga Lagnesh, Venus and Jupiter are
in mutual Kendras with strong 9th lord Full Moon
in 10th house in a friendly cusp.
4. Mudrika Yoga Moon, Venus and Jupiter in
mutual Kendra.
5. Gajkesari Yoga Jupiter and Moon are in the
mutual Kendras (quadrants).
6. Parijata Yoga The dispositor of Ascendant Lord is Mars himself who is in Lagna, which is a Kendra and his own sign,
7. Lakshmi Yoga Ninth Lord Moon is in friendly 10th house, which is a Kendra.
8. Chatusagara Yoga - All the Kendras from Lagna as well as Moon Rasi are occupied by benefics.

Keeping all those vast Yogas in mind along with umpteen number of astrological nitty-gritty is not a matter of joke. It is, indeed,
a very difficult task for an astrologer to keep all those vast things in memory in terms of their factual definitions and put them
into use while delineating a birth chart along with the Divisional Charts and Asthakavarga Table for pinpointed accurate
predictions is a real time challenge. As such, my strong view is that Astrology is not the subject matter for a person having
average mental ability. To become a successful astrologer, one should be exceptionally brilliant with high level of knowledge &
wisdom, intelligence and analytical ability having Divine Grace.

To consult astrologer Suchitra Das, please click here - Horoscope Reading by Suchitra Das


Want wealth ? C


Last Updated: 3/20/2010 1:39:34 PM

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Wealth is very important for everyone these days practically people follow different ways to become rich but one can be rich as it
is written in its destiny an astrologer can easily judge that how much one can get by judging his/her horoscope. as in horoscope
there are 12 houses out of which 2nd house governs or tells about ones wealth and 11th house which is house of income and
earnings in a horoscope so basic principle which states wealth in ones life is combination between these 2 houses combination
can be of different types

(1) conjunction between lord of 11th and 2nd house.
(2) aspect between lord of 11th and 2nd house
(3) mutual exchange between lord of 2nd and 11th house.

Wealth can be assumed by the strength of these two planets.

Well this is basic principle rest in horoscope trine houses 1, 5, 9 are known as lakshmi sthan means house of wealth and
prosperity 1st house is weak trine 5th house is stronger trine than 1st and 9th house is strongest out of the three. 9th house is
also known as bhagya sthan. Relationship between these 3 houses also donate wealth. so in horoscope 5 houses are concerned
with wealth in ones life different types of combination can arise between these 5 houses to indicate wealth.

All possible combination between these houses which generate wealth are as follows:

(1) Lagna lord i.e. lord of 1st house in 2nd house nd 2nd lord in 1st house.
(2) Combination of lord of 1st and 2nd house in any trine or kendra.or mutual aspect between them
(3) Lord of 1st house in 5th house and 5th lord in 1st house. And lagna lord in 5th and 5th lord in 2nd in turn 2nd lord in 9th or
11th this is a dhana yoga of outstanding wealth.
(4) Lord of 2nd house in 9th and 9th lord in 11th and 11th lord in turn in lagna combination giving rise to multi millionaire.
(5) 5th lord in 5th with lord of 2nd 9th and 11th even one born in normal family can generate wealth equal to a king.
(6) 9th lord in 9th with lord of lagna 2nd and 5th combination of immense wealth.
(7) 11th lord in lagna lagna lord in 2nd and 2nd lord in 5th or 9th equally important dhan yoga
Inspite of this jupiter planet is indicator of wealth and venus planet denotes luxury so combination of these 2 planets in
trine(1,5,9) houses or dhan sthan give inherited wealth.

Even though 6th, 8th and 12th houses are known as trik or dusthana but some exceptions are there

(1) Being aries lagna and jupiter in 8th house makes one wealthy one get wealth from inheritance.
(2) Venus feels delighted when placed in 12th house it denotes wealth and luxuries this will be many folds when venus is in
12th from allthe three lagnas i.e. lagna, Chandra lagna and surya lagna
e.g. is the case with dhiru bhai ambani s chart even born in a low class family he built his own empire(reliance group)
this placement of venus gives wealth like a kuber
it has also been seen that venus being in its mooltrikona i.e. libra in 5th house also gives lot of wealth if this venus conj oined
with rahu it makes chances of striking lottery or wealth from share market.

As 2nd house is house of wealth so trine houses from 2nd i.e. 6th and 10th house becomes aarth trikona(dhan kon) so
exchange between lord of these houses also gives wealth.

Like jupiter in 2nd house as it will aspect 6th and 10th house also gives wealth
Jupiter in 6th also aspects 6th and 10th house

And in 10th it also gives lot of wealth as it also makes amla yoga.

These are the combinations for wealth in ones horoscope but how much wealth one can get in its life it depends on the strength
of the planets concerned.

To consult astrologer Ankush Khungar, please click here.



28 March 2011, 8:07 PM
This article is in 2 Parts. This is the first part.

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw
at him or her. David Brinkley

We live in the world of success worshippers. In Kalyuga the predominant tendency of all ambitious
people is to succeed and succeed ONLY. The end is important for them, whatever may be the means
adopted to achieve success. The importance of 11th House cannot be over emphasised in Kalyug
where the only barometer of success is money!11th House is the house of gains, of recognition
and awards.

As per Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, an auspicious 11th house makes a person happy at all times.
11th house indicates the fructification of efforts of a person. A person is doomed to a lifetime of
struggle and very limited gains if the 11th house does not show promise. The pivot around which
success revolves in a horoscope is 11th lord and the 11th house. When we assess the horoscope of
successful people, we find that all of them have a strong 11th House and 9th house (11th from 11th

Assessment of Success in a Horoscope
After assessing the strength of Lagna, promise of other bhavas in the horoscope and
various yogas present in the horoscope, we assess the potential to succeed by the following:

1. See the placement of 11th Lord.
-- 11th lord in Kendra or Trikona is good
-- 11th lord in own house is good
-- Exalted 11th lord is excellent
--11th lord in 6th house or 8th house is not good

2. Number of planets connected to the 11th house
Do not fail to notice a concentration of planets in the 11th house or associated with the 11th lord. The
more the number of planets connected to the 11th house/lord, the more is the possibility of material
success of that person.

How do we count the number of planets connected to the
11th house/lord? Lets do it in the horoscope of famous
American builder Kirk Kerkorian. The 11th house has sign
Gemini. See the planets placed in the 11th house. Venus
and Ketu are placed there. Now see the planets aspecting
the 11th house. In this horoscope, Moon and Rahu are
aspecting the 11 house. Now see the number of planets
connected to the lord of the 11th House
Mercury (Conjunction, aspect, exchange). In this
horoscope, Mercury is placed in the 10th house and is
conjunct with Sun, Jupiter, and Mars. So we find that 8 planets are connected to the 11th house and
11th lord. This clearly foretells great success for the person as most dashas of his life will have a
connection with 11th house. However, such a person can be very greedy and may devote all his
energies in accumulating material things, money, and wealth.

3. Confirmation from Navamsha (D-9) Confirm the position of the 11th house and the 11th lord
from Navamsha (D-9). As you can see from the table below, the promise of D1 is confirmed in D9 for
successful people.

4. Number of Ashtakvarga points between 10th house and
11th house
The Ashtakvarga points of 10th and 11th houses from Lagna,
Moon and Sun indicate how much a person will be rewarded for
his efforts. If the points of 11th house are more than the 10th
house the person will be suitably rewarded for his efforts.

5. Connection between the 11th lord and the 2nd lord The
connection between 11th house (earning) and the 2
(wealth) shows the capacity to retain the money earned. See if
the 2nd and 11th lords are connected, in kendras from each
other or in exchange.

6. Raj Yogas and Dhan Yogas Make full analysis of Raj Yogas
and Dhan Yogas present in
the horoscope.

7. Dasha Sequence The dasha sequence at the right time in life
is the key to achieving success and acclaim.

Warning Our Guru, Shri K.N. Rao always emphasizes that in the
changing times, what is given in the astrological classics even if
not interpolated have to be interpreted liberally and not

Some other interesting points about the 11th house/lord-
Relation between Lagna and 11th house
The 11th Lord is neutral or enemy of the Lagna lord for each sign.

Exaltation and Debilitation For each Lagna, the house where 11th lord exalts and debilitates
indicates the inclinations of that lagna. For Gemini and Pisces Lagna, 11th Lord exalts in the 8th house.
(examples are Einstein and Morarji Desai). For Aquarius Lagna, the 11th Lord exalts in the 6th house
indicating success after struggle (example is Amitabh Bachchan). For Aries and Libra Lagna it exalts in
the 7th house of spouse and partnership. For Cancer and Virgo Lagna it exalts in the 9th house of
father and luck. In case of Leo and Aquarius Lagna, 2nd and 11th lords are the same.

--It is a trishadhaya house with 3rd house and 6th house. It is
the strongest among the trik houses.
--It is a part of Kaam Trikona with 3rd house and 7th house. The
strongest of Kaam trikona also.

There is a saying - Control your desires or they will control
you. The 11th house is the house of your desires and without
controlling the 11th house significations; one cannot begin on the
spiritual path. Hence the 11th house is the biggest stumbling
block to salvation. The last barrier! For those leading a spiritual
life the 11th house, being the strongest of the Kaam trikona is
bondage and bad for salvation.
Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, 11th house, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Vedic
Astrology, Success and 11th house, Monica D Saxena, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Horoscopes


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