On Marital Happiness by DR R S L Srivastava

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The passage discusses the importance of considering physical fitness, mental qualities, heredity, sexual compatibility, social and economic status when matching horoscopes for arranged marriages in Hinduism. It also mentions the role of the planets and their positioning in determining compatibility and forecasting the relationship.

The passage states that the main factors considered when matching horoscopes for arranged marriages are physical fitness, mental qualities, heredity, sexual compatibility, social and economic status. The birth charts of the boy and girl would be examined by the family priest-astrologer to ensure good qualities in one chart complement the other chart.

The passage mentions that Rahu positioned in Aries or Scorpio ruled by Mars, or occupying the 7th, 8th or 12th house could lead to widowhood. It also states that widowhood may result if the ruler of the 7th house is in the 8th house and the lord of the 8th house is in the 7th house joined or aspected by malefic planets.

On Marital Happiness by Dr R S

L Srivastava

MARITAL alliance has the sanction of nature. The affection

between mother and son, brother and sister, husband and wife, is the
offshoot of nature's law. Any attempt to interfere with this law is
fraught with dangerous consequences for the human race. Imagine
what would happen to our world if mutual hatred developed on a mass
scale between men and women! This can happen in those human
societies which drift away from nature and live an artificial life.
Hinduism, as it has been practiced for thousands of years, is a way of
life that is closest to natural living. Consequently it has survived all the
onslaughts on it and fathered very many sects. It permits an individual
to live his life according to his own conviction and faith.
The prescription of age of marriage for the girl and the boy
calls for a deeper examination. It is claimed that the age of 18 years
for the girl and 21 years for the boy are prescribed on medical grounds.
Yet, in the climate of our country girls become capable of producing a
child at the age 14-15 years. Abhimanyu had sown the seed for the
birth of Parikshit even while he was under sixteen years in age. Thus,
there is nothing sacrosanct or scientific in prescribing the above ages
for marriage. A scientific approach to the solution of this problem
would be that both the boy and the girl should go in for medical check
up before entering into matrimonial alliance or, for that matter,
consummating their marriage.
In the past, tallying the birth charts of the boy and the girl
played a decisive role in fixing arranged marriages. This was done by
the family priest-astrologer whose opinion was final. Other
considerations were secondary. Physical fitness, mental qualities,
heredity, sexual compatibility, social and economic status were the
main factors kept in view. The charts were examined from the point of
view of longevity of the bride and the bride groom, their character,
progeny and financial prosperity. The guiding principle was to ensure
that good points indicated in one chart were not cancelled by the bad
ones in the other chart while the evil indications in one were reduced
by good factors in the other as far as possible. Elaborate rules
depending on various kutas were employed in matching the two
I would suggest that it is not enough to match kutas. the role of
the malefic Grahas viz. the Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu should be
carefully examined in the two charts. Below are given some adverse
Widowhood: Rahu posited in the sign of Aries or Scorpio ruled
by Mars or occupying the 7th, 8th or 12th house. In the bridegroom's
chart, if Rahu occupies the 7th house, the bride might suffer
continuous ill health. If the ruler of the 7th house is in the 8th house
and the lord of the latter is posited in the 7th house joined or aspected
by malefic Grahas, the bride would be widowed. The same would be
the result if lords of the 7th and 8th houses occupying the 6th or the
12th house with malefics. The bride might become widow in the 8th
year if the Moon is posited in the 6th or 8th house. When Mars is
posited in the 7th or the 8th house with malefics, widowhood is
indicated. Malefic Grahas in girl's chart posited in the 7th house are not
conducive for happy married life.
Poverty: The Sun and Mars posited in Cancer in the 7th house
indicate poverty. Similar result occurs when 12th lord is posited in the
ascendant and the ascendant lord is in the 12th house. Exchange of
the 11th and 12th lords is also not conducive for financial savings.
Children: The Sun posited in the 7th house in a fiery sign
makes the girl barren. She may be neglected by her husband. Jupiter or
Venus occupying the 8th house may cause miscarriages. If the
ascendant is Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius; the Moon is joined
by Venus and aspected by malefics, the woman is incapable of
conception. 5th house vitiated by three malefics by occupation or
aspect and devoid of Jupiter's influence makes both husband and wife
incapable of producing a child.

Adultery: When ascendant and the Moon are both in moveable signs,
strong malefics are posited in Kendra, not with benefics. Jupiter and
Venus occupy common signs and do not aspect malefics, the girl may
not be faithful to her husband. If both the ascendant and the Moon fall
in moveable signs and also the ascendant lord, chastity of the girl
becomes doubtful. Conjunction of Mars and Venus or their mutual
aspect raises doubts about the character of both the bride and the
bridegroom. If the ascendant in the girl's chart falls in Aries, Scorpio,
Capricorn or Aquarius with Venus or the Moon posited in the
ascendant, or Saturn occupies the 7th house, or Mars happens to be in
the 8th house, the chastity of the girl becomes doubtful. The Sun's
position in the 8th house in the girl's chart is also not desirable.

The marital alliance is not compatible if Kuja Dosha is present

in one chart and absent in the other unless it gets cancelled due to
other factors. Such an alliance brings unhappiness and separation.It
must be emphasized that the bad features described above get
eliminated under Jupiter's benign influences. For example, if 7th house
is occupied by Mars who is aspected by Jupiter, then the couple get
every happiness. In this yoga even the Kuja Dosha gets cancelled.
When the Moon joins Jupiter or Mercury, many Doshas get
eliminated. Therefore, in matching the two charts the role of benefic
planets must be kept in mind.
The role of Rahu is invariably dubious. Usually, he harms the
Karakatva of the house in which he is posited and yields results of the
Grahas whose Rasi he occupies. Still Rahu can give prosperity and
success during his period and sub-period when posited in the 4th, 5th,
7th and 10th house. In many charts, I have noticed Rahu causing
mental problems when posited in the ascendant; abortions or
unhappiness from some child when he is in the 5th house; late and
unhappy marriage when he is in the 7th house.
Thus, under the above description 10th house seems to be the
desirable place for Rahu's position. In the 11th house also he yields
favourable results, especially in the signs of Cancer, Gemini, Taurus
and Virgo. Rahu loses much of his evil effect when posited in the 12th
house from the Moon.
If the 7th and 8th houses, both from the ascendant and the
Moon are free from malefic influence, one could expect marital
happiness for the girl, provided the Kutas tally well. Otherwise suitable
remedial measures should be taken by propitiating the Grahas at the
time of marriage.

(Condensed from The Times of Astrology, January, 1990)

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