Age and Youth Vocabulary

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Age (noun) (being old)

the fact of being or getting older

Crabbed (adj.) (old-fashioned)

describes writing that is written too closely
together and therefore difficult to read;

Youth (noun) (period/state)

the period of your life when you are young,
or the state of being young

Pleasance (Archaic)

Pleasure or a source of pleasure

Care (noun)

the process of protecting someone or
something and providing what that person
or thing needs

Morn (literary/old English)

a morning

Weather (noun)

the conditions in the air above the earth
such as wind, rain, or temperature,
especially at a particular time over a
particular area

Brave (adj)

showing no fear of dangerous or difficult

Bare (adj.) (literary)

If a cupboard or room is bare, there is
nothing in it

Breath (noun)

the air that goes into and out of your lungs

Nimble (adj)

quick and exact either in movement or

Lame (adj)

not able to walk correctly because of
physical injury to or weakness in the legs or
feet; unable to walk

Bold (adj)

not shy, especially in a way that shows no
respect; noticeable, brave

Weak (adj)

not strong, or not strong enough to work,
last, succeed, persuade, or be effective

Wild (adj)

uncontrolled, violent, or extreme

Tame (adj)

not interesting or exciting

To adore (vb)

to love someone very much, especially in a
way that shows a lot of admiration or
respect, or to like something very much

Thee (pron.) (Archaic)

you; used when speaking to one person

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