Is 516 1959 PDF
Is 516 1959 PDF
Is 516 1959 PDF
Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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IS 516 (1959): Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete
[CED 2: Cement and Concrete]
Gr 6
IS : 516 - 1959
( Reaffirmed 2004 )
Indian Standard
Eighteenth Reprint JlJNE 2006
( Incorporating Amendment No 1 and Including Amendment No 2)
UDC 666.97 . 620 17
J Copyright 197
8 U REA U 0 FIN I) I A N S l' AN]) I) S
MANAK 0111\ VAN () n" II 1\DII R \ HAII L AI \ R R(J
NI" 1>11 III 110002
December 1959
IS: 51&- 1959
Indian Standard
The Concrete Association of India, Bombay. and
the Institunon of Engmeer I India ). Calcutta
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, BDC 2
SHill P. DAS
SHill S. R. }IXHKA
Central Hoard ot Irrigation et Power (!lfimstry 01
Irrigation &: Power)
Engineer-in-Chief's Branch, Army Headquarters
Bombay State Roarl Transport Corporation. Bombay
Directorate (;encral oj Supplies &: Disposals
(Ministry of Works, Hou-ang &: Supply)
Central Building R.. Institute (CSIR).
SHIIJ C. H. AJt.o\DILKA& (Alt"nale)
SHkl C: L. HANDA Directorate 01 Bhakra Dam. Xew Delhi
SHill P. S. BHATI'AGAII (Altenulte)
O. R. R. HATTIf\:\GADI The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombax
SMIII V. N. PAl (:t(i,"mll/!)
SHill P. C. HAU0\
OM R. C. Hoox
881U S. N.
Geological Survev of Indsa, Calcutta
Central Wattr 8; Pow..r Commission I !lfinistrv "I
Irrigatron & Power )
f Alltmate)
S. B. Joshi "" Co, Bombay
Central Road Research Institute I CSTfl). Ne\\
Government HOllM" Cakutta
( Alternat )
Gammon India Ltd, Bombav, and Inman
Conzress, New D..lhi
!tBPRIl>t.1f CAY1VE Martm Hum Ltd, Calcutta
5Hal J. M. }{IJHWAl>l Central Public: Work., Department
SHill M. S. BHATIA (Altfrl/fJle)
SHMI Nm,\R (HANDRA (tOY Dalrma Cement ( Bharat ) Ltd, CllcutL.1
SHill A. K. CHAKRA\'o\Rll I Alttmaf,' )
S1l1l1 SAllUI' SINGlI National Buildings Organivatrou of
Housing' & SUT'pl) \
DBPUTY 1)11t1tC'COM ( \ (AU"nale)
(Conlltliled Oft patti 2 )
NEW DELHI 110002
IS : 516 - 1959
( Continued from page 1 )
SHRJ II P. Roads Wing. Munstrv of Transport Commumca-
SHIH .J. TREllAN (AltrrnatC')
SHIH J{. C. SUOll Research, Design & Standardization Organtaation
( Ministry of Railways i
SHIH S. S. \'ARMA t Attrrnate v
Dr< LAI r. (I::r-olfinn) J>Uf"ctOT, Indian Standards Institution
SHkj t . S. ell Deputy Director ( Bldg), Indian Standards Instt-
Concrete Subcommittee, 2: 2
S. H Joshi & Co, Bombav
SURI I,. C. Soon
Xl rui! J '
SJ1R1 I J. BII \ ( \ v \ x \ ,
SIlIH T S \' ... IJA,(.H<J
T>I( H. C. Boo!'
The ASSOciated Cement Companies Ltd., Bombay
Enzineer-in-Chief's Branch, Army Headquarters
Central Public Works Department
( Alternate )
Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
(;eological Survey of India, Calcutta
Central Water & Power Commission (Ministry of
Irrrgation & Power )
(. L. ;\. The Concrete Association of India, Bombav
SHRf S. V. }: ATt" Public Works Department, Bombay .
SURl C C. P.\TF.L ( Alternate )
E. P. Gammon India Ltd., Bombay
DR J< J... RAO Central Water & Power Commission (Ministry of
Irrtgation & Power)
National Buildings Organisation (Ministry of
Works. Housing & Supply)
SURI K. V \NM" (Alternatt)
:::-HRJ If. P. Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport &: Communica-
Research, Design & Standardisation Organization
of Railways )
( Page 6, clause 1.9.1) - Substitute the following for the existing
'2.9.1 Cube Moulds - The mould shall be of 150 mm size conforming
to IS J0086 : 1982*.'
( Page 6 ) - Insert the following foot-note at the bottom:
'.Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete.'
(Page 7, clause 2.9.2) - Except the last sentence, substitute the
following for the existing matter:
'The cylindrical moulds shall be of 150 rom diameter and 300 mm height
conforming to IS 10086 : 1982*.'
( Page " clause 2.9.3) - Substitute the following for the existing
'2.9.3 Tamping Bar - The tamping bar shall conform to 6.I(a) of
IS 10086 : 1982.'
( Page 7 ) - Insert the following foot-note at the bottom:
'*Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete:
(Pages 15 anti 16, clause 7.4.1 ) - Substitute the following for the
existing clause:
'7.4.1 Beam Moulds -- The beam moulds shall conform to IS 10086 :
In assembling the mould for usc, the joints between the sections of the
mould shall be thinly coated with mould oil and a similar coating of
mould oil shall be applied between the contact surfaces of the bottom of
the mould and the base plate in order to ensure that no water escapes
during the filling. The interior faces of the assembled mould shall be
thinly coated with mould oil to prevent adhesion of the concrete.'
( Page 15 ) - Insert the following foot-note at the bottom:
-'Specification for moulds for use In t c t ~ of cement .rnd concrete:
( Page 16, clause 7.4.Z ) - Substitute the following for the existing
'7.4.1 Tamping !JaT - The tamping bar shall conform to 6.1(b) of
IS 10086 : 1982.'
(CEO 2)
IS: 516 -1959
Indian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 10 November 1959, after the draft finalized by the Cement and
Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Building Division
0.2 Testing plays an important role in controlling the quality of cement
concrete work. Systematic testing of the raw materials, the fresh con-
crete and the hardened concrete is an inseparable part of any quality
control programme for concrete which helps to achieve higher efficiency
of the materials used and greater assurance of the performance of the
concrete in regard to both strength and durability. The test methods
used should be simple, direct and convenient to apply. This standard
has been prepared with this object in view and provides a guide to the
determination of compressive strength, flexural strength and modulus of
elasticity of concrete. Sampling and analysis of concrete have been covered
separately in IS: 1199-1959 Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete.
0.3 The Sectional Committee responsible for the preparation of this stan-
dard has taken into consideration the views of concrete specialists, testing
authorities, consum&s and technologists and has related the standard to
the practices followed in the country in this field. The need for inter-
national co-ordination between standards prevailing in different countries
of the world has also been recognized. These considerations led the Sec-
tional Committee to derive assistance from the published standards and
publications of the following organizations:
0.4 The Indian Standard Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete
( IS: 1199-1959) is a necessary adjunct to this standard. Besides, this
standard requires reference to the following Indian Standards:
Since reviled.
IS: 516 -1959
-IS = 460-1953 FOR TEST SIEVES
0.4.1 Wherever a reference to any standard mentioned in 0.4, except
IS: 460-1953. appears in this standard, it shall be taken as a reference to
the latest version of the standard.
0.5 In pursuance of the decision of the Government of India to introduce
a uniform system of weights and measures throughout the country based
on the metric system. in this standard, ali dimensions and values have
been given in metric units only. It is hoped that this step will facilitate
the change-over to the metric system by the industry more expeditiously.
0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value observed or calculated. expres-
sing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
wlthIS: 2-1949 Rules for Rounding Oft Numerical Values, The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same
as that of the specified value in this standard.
0.7 This standard is intended chiefly to cover the technical provisions
relating to the testing of concrete, and it does not include all the necessary
provisions of a contract.
1.1 This standard covers teste; for the determination of compressive
strength, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity of cement concrete.
2.1 This clause specifies the procedure for making and curing compression
test specimens of concrete in the laboratory where accurate control of the
quant rties of matt.. rials and test conditions are possible and where the
maxnnum nominal size of does not exceed 38 mm. The method
IS specially applicable to the making of preliminary compression tests
to ascertain the- suitability of the avaiiable materials or to determine
suitable nux proportions.
2.l Samllllnit of Material. - Representative samples of the materials
of concrete for use in the part icular concrete construction work shall be
i Second issued .D 1967. 4
, \elond revision In J9M.
IS: 516 - 19SfJ
obtained by careful sampling. Test samples of cement shall be made up
of a small portion taken from each of a number of bag-, on the -ite.
samples of aggregate shall be taken from larger lot- by quartering.
1.3 Preparation of Materials - All materials shall be brought to room
temperature, preferably 27 ' 3 before L(J.HnlL'IlClng the
The cement samples, on arrival at the laboratory, <hall be tholoughly
mixed dry either hy hand or in a suitable mixer ill such a manner as to
ensure the greatest possible blending and uniforrnitv in tllt\ material. can-
being taken to avoid the intrusion of foreign matter. The cement <hall
then be stored in a dry place, preferably in air-tight metal containers.
Samples of aggregates for each batch of concrete shall be of The
grading and shall be in an ail -dried condition. I n general. the
shall be separated into tint- and coarse fractions and recombined for eac h
concrete batch in such a manner as to produce dr-sired grading.
Sieve 480 shall be normally used for separating tht> fine and coarse frac-
tions, but where special gradings are being investigated, Loth fine an-I
coarse fractions shall b further separated into different sizes,
2.4 Proportioning - The proportions of the materials, including \\ a{pr,
in concrete mixes used for determining the suitabilitv of the materials
available, shall be similar in all respects to those to be enlployed 111
A'ork. the proportions of the ingredients of the concrete used
'In the site are to be specified by volume, they shall be calculated trurn
the proportion-, by weight used 111 the test cubes and the unit \\t'iphts of
the Inaterials.
1.5 WeiQhlna -. The quantities of cement, each <izc of aggregatt", and
water for each batch shall b determined by to an accuracy of
01 percent of the total weight of the balch.
2.6 Mixing Concrete - The concrete shall be mixed by hand, or pre-
ferably, in a laboratory batch mixer, in such a manner as to avoid loss of
water or othr-r materials, Each batch of concrete .... hall bf' of such c1 SJ7e
as to leave about 10 percent excess after moulding the desired IH1Jll0c.r of
test specimens,
2.6.1 "'achine 1\'1IX'''g-- When the rnixmg drum 1:;-. ch.u gcd hy a pow(')
loader, all the mixing water shall be introduced into tht' dr nm hpfol the
solid materials: the skip shall be loaded with about one-halt ot t 11, coarse
aggregate, then with the fine aggregate, then with the cement and
with the remaining coarse aggregate on top. (If all used,
the skip shall be loaded first with about one-half of the then
with the cement and finally with the remaining on top.)
"'here the mixing drum is hand-loaded it shall he charged with tht' dry
materials in a similar manner, and the water shall be added immediately
before the .rotation of the drum is started. The period of mixing shall
IS: 516 -1959
be not less than 2 minutes after all the materials are in the drum, and shall
continue till the resulting concrete is uniform in appearance. When using
pan mixers, the concrete shall be heaped together before sampling.
2.6.2 Hand Mixing -- The concrete batch shall be mixed on a water-
tight, non-absorbent platform with a shovel, trowel or similar suitable
implement, using the following procedure:
a) The cement and fine aggregate shall be mixed dry until the mixture
is thoroughly blended and is uniform in colour,
b) The coarse dggregate shall then be added and mixed with the
cement and fine aggregate until the coarse aggregate is uniformly
distributed throughout the batch, and
c) The water shall then be added and the entire batch mixed until
the concrete appears to be homogeneous and has the desired con-
sistency. If repeated mixing is necessary, because of the addition
of water in increments while adjusting the consistency, the batch
shall be discarded and a fresh batch made without interrupting
the mixing to make trial consistency tests.
2.7 Workability -- Each batch of concrete shall be tested for consistency
immediately after mixing, by one of the methods described in IS:
1199-1959. Provided that care is taken to ensure that no water or other
material is lost, the concrete used for the consistency tests may be re-
mixed with the remainder of batch before making the test specimens.
The period of re-mixing shall be as short as possible yet sufficient to produce
a homogeneous mass.
2.8 Size of Test Specimens -. Test specimens cubical in shape shall be
15 X 15 X 15 em. If the largest nominal size of the aggregate does not
exceed 2 ern, 10 em cubes may be used as an alternative. Cylindrical test
specimens shall have a length equal to twice the diameter. They shall
be 15 em in diameter and 30 em long. Smaller test specimens shall have
a ratio of diameter of specimen to maximum size of aggregate of not less
than 3 to 1, except that the diameter of the specimen shall be not less
than 75 em for mixtures containing ~ ~ g r g t ~ more than 5 percent of
which is retained on IS Sieve 480.
2.9 Moulds
2 9.1 Cube Moulds - 'The mould shall be ot metal, preferably steel or
cast iron, and stout enough to prevent distortion. It shall be constructed
in such a manner as to facilitate the removal of the moulded specimen
without damage, and shall be so .nachined that, when it is assembled ready
for use, the dirnensions and internal faces shall be accurate within the
foJlowing limits:
'The height of the mould and the distance between opposite faces
shall be the specified size + 02 mrn. The angle between adjacent
IS: 516 - 1959
internal faces and between internal faces and top and bottom planes
of the mould shall be 90 +0-5. The interior faces of the mould
shall be plane surfaces with a permissible variation of 003 mm.
Each mould shall he provided with a metal base plate having a plane
surface. The base plate shall be of such dimensions as to support
the mould during the filling without leakage and it shall be preferably
attached to the mould by springs or screws, The parts of the mould
when assembled shall be positively and rigidly held together. and
suitable methods of ensuring this, both during the filling and on
subsequent handling of the filled mould, shall be provided. In assembling the mould for use, the joints between the
sections of mould shall be thinly coated with mould oil and a similar
coating of mould oil shall be applied between the contact surfaces of the
bottom of the mould and the base plate in order to ensure that no water
escapes during the filling. The interior surfaces of the assembled mould
shall be thinly coated with mould oil to prevent adhesion of the concrete
2.9.2 Cylinders -- The cylindrical mould shall be of metal which shall
be not less than 3 mm thick. Each mould shall be capable of being opened
longitudinally to facilitate removal of the specimen and shall bt: provided
with a means of keeping it closed "..hile in use. The ends shall not depai t
from a plane surface, perpendicular to the axis of the mould, by more than
005 rnm. \Vhen assembled ready for use, the mean internal diameter ~
the mould shall be 150 em 02 mm and in no direction shall the internal
diameter be less than 1495 em or more than 1505 em. The height shall
be 30-0 em 0-1 em, Each rnould shall be provided with a metal base
plate, and with a capping plate of glass or other suitable material. The
base plate and the capping plate shall be at least 6S mm thick. and such
that they do not depart from a plant' surface by more than 002 mm,
The base plate shall support the mould during filling without leakage and
"hall be rigidly a ttached to the mould. The mould and base plate shall
be coated with a thin 611n of mould oil before lise. in order to prevent
adhesion of the concrete.
1.9.3 Tembiug Bar - The tamping bar shall be a steel bar 16 RIm in
diameter, 06 m long and bullet pointed at the lower end.
].10 Compactina ~ The test specimens shall be made as soon as prac-
ticable after mixing, and in such a way as to produce full compaction ot
the concrete with neither segregation nor excessive laitance. The con-
crete sliall be filled into the mould in layers approximately 5 'CDl deep,
In placing each scoopful of concrete, the scoop shall he moved around the
top edge ot the mould as the concrete slides from it, ttl order to ensure ft
symmetrical distribution of the concrete within the mould. Each layer
shall be compacted either by hand or by vibration as described below
(see 2.10.1 a"tl 2.10.2). After the top layer bas been compacted. the
IS: 516 - 1959
surface of the concrete shall be finished level with the top of the mould,
using a trowel, and covered with a glass or metal plate to prevent
2.10.1 Compacting by Hand - When compacting by hand, the stan-
dard tamping bar shall be used and the strokes of the bar shall he distri-
buted in a uniform manner over the cross-section of the mould. The
number of strokes per layer required to produce specified, conditions will
vary according to the type of concrete. For cubical specimens, in no
case shall the concrete be subjected to less than 35 strokes per layer for
15 em cubes or 25 strokes per layer for 10 cnl cubes. For cylindrical speci-
mens, the number of strokes shall not be less than thirty pt'r layer. The
strokes shall penetrate into the underlying layer and the bottom layer
shall be rodded throughout its depth. Where voids arc left by the tamp-
ing bar, the sides of the mould shall be tapped to close the voids.
2.10.2 C'ompacting by Vibration - When compacting by vibration, each
layer shall be vibrated by means of an electric or pneumatic hammer or
vibrator or by means of a suitable vibrating table until the specified con-
dition is attained.
SOTE --- The mode and quantum of vibration of the laboratory specimen shall
he as nearly the sarn (15 those adopted in actual conereting operatrons.
1.11 Capping Specimens - The ends of all cylindrical test specimens
that are not plane within 005 mm shall be capped. Capped surfaces
shall not depart from a plane by more than 005 rom and shall be approxi-
mately at right angles to the axis of the specimens. The planeness of the
cap shall be checked by means of a straight edge and feeler gauge, making
a minimum of three measurements on different diameters, Caps shall be
made as thin as practicable and shall not flowor fracture when the specimen
is tested. Capping shall be carried out according to one of the following
:J.11.1 Nea' Cement - Test cylinders may be capped with a thin layer
of stiff, neat Portland cement paste' after the concrete has ceased settling
in the moulds, generally for two to four hours or more after moulding.
The cap shall be formed by means of glass plate not less than '65 mm in
thickness or a machined metal plate not less than 13 mm in thickness and
having a minimum surface dimension at least 25 mm larger than the dia-
meter of the mould. I t shall he worked on the cement paste until its
lower surface rests on the top of the mould, The cement for capping shall
be mixed to a stiff paste for about two to four hours before it is to be
used in order to avoid the tendency of the cap to shrink. Adhesion of
paste to the capping plate may be avoided by coating the plate with a
thin coat of oil or grease.
2.11.1 .,\,,1/>'11', -- Just prior to testing, the cylindrical specimens may be
capped with a sulphur mixture consisting of 2 or 3 parts sulphur to ] part
of inert filler, such as fire-clay. . The specimens shall be securely held 10 a
IS: S16 - 1959
special jig so that the caps formed have true plane surfaces. Care shall be
taken to ensure that the sulphur compound is not over-heated as it will
not then develop the required compressive strength. Sulphur caps shall be
allowed to harden for at least 2 hours before applying the load.
].11.3 Hartl Plaster -. Just prior to testing, specimens may be capped
with hard plaster having a compressive strength of at least 420 em
in one hour. Such plasters are generally available as proprietory material.
The cap shall be formed by means of a glass plate not less than 13 mm in
thickness, having a minimum surface.' dimension at least 25 mm larger than
the diameter of the mould. The glass plate shall be lightly coated with
oil to avoid sticking.
NOTE Ordinary plaster or paris wall not serve t he- purpose of the capping
materlal due to at. low vc
].11.4 As soon as possible after the concrete is mixed, a mortar shall
be gauged using a cement similar to that used in the concrete and sand
which passes IS Sieve 30 but is retained on IS Sieve The mortar shall
have a watcrjeement ratio not higher than that of the concrete of which
the specimen is made. and shall be of a stiff consistence. If an excessively
wet mix of concrete iCE being tested, any free water which has collected
on the surface of the specimen shall be removed with a sponge, blotting
paper or other suitable absorbent material before the cap is formed. The
mortar shall then be applied firmly and compacted "pith a trowel to a
slightly convex surface above the edges of the mould, after which the
capping plate shall be pressed down on the cap with a rotary motion uatil
it makes complete contact with the rim of the mould. The plate shall
be left in position until the specimen is removed from the mould.
1.12 Curlna - The test specimen- shall be stored in a place, free from
vibration, in moist air of at least 90 percent relative humidity and at a
temperature of 27 2e for 24 hours l hour from the time of addition
of water to the dry ingredients, After this period, the specimens shall be
marked and removed from the moulds and, unless required for test within
24 hours, immediately submerged in clean, fresh water or saturated lime
solution and kept there until taken out just prior to test. The water or
solution in which the specimens are submerged shall be renewed every
seven days and shall be maintained at a temperature of 27 2C. The
specimens shall not be alk.weo to become dry at any time until they have
been tested.
3.1 This clause deals with the procedure for making and curing compres..
sion test specimens of concrete sampled during the progress of construction
where the nominal maximum size of the aggregate does not exceed 38 mm.
IS: 516 - 1959
~ Size of test specimen, apparatus to be used and procedure to prepare
specimens shall be the same as specified in 2.
3.3 Curine - The test specimens shall be stored on the site at a place
free from vibration, under damp matting, sacks or other similar material
for 24 hours i hour from the time of adding the water to the other
ingredients. The temperature of the place of storage shall be within the
range of 22
to 32C. After the period of 24 hours. they shall be marked
for later identification, removed from the moulds and. unless required for
testing within 24 hours, stored in clean water at a temperature of 24 to
30C until they are transported to the testing laboratory. They shall be
sent to the testing laboratory well packed in damp sand, damp sacks, or
other suitable material so as to arrive there in a damp condition not less
than 24 hours before the time of test. On arrival at the testing laboratory,
the specimens shall be stored in water at a temperature of 27 2C until
the time of test. Records of the daily maximum and minimum tempe-
rature shall be kept both during the period of the specimens remain on
the site and in the laboratory.
4.1 This clause deals with the procedure for securing and preparing eem-
pression test specimens obtained from hardened concrete after the COD-
crete has been laid in position.
4.2 The test specimens shail be procured from hardened concrete according
to the method described in 4 of I ~ 1199-1959:
4.3 Cores to be tested for compression strength shall have ends that are
reasonably even, perpendicular to the axis and of the same diameter as
the body of the specimen. A core which, before capping, has a maximum
height of less than 95 percent of the diameter. or after capping. a height
less than its diameter shall not be used.
4.4 Cappln& - The ends of the specimen shall be capped before testing.
The material used for the capping shall be such that its compressive
strength IS greater than that of the concrete in the core. Caps shall be
made as thin as practicable and shall not flow or fracture before the con-
crete fails when the specimen is tested. The capped surfaces shall be at
right angles to the axis of the specimen and shall not depart from a plane
by more than 005 rnm. The capping of specimens shall be carried out
as described in 2.11.
4.5 After checking for irregularities) the core shall be placed in water at a
temperature of 24 to JOC for 48 hours before testing. The overall height
of the specimens, with capping shall be measured to the nearest millimetre.
S.n\:c revised.
IS: 516 - 195.
5.1 This clause deals with the procedure for determining the compressive
strength of concrete specimens.
5.l Apparatu.
5.].1 Testiflg Machine - The testing machine may be of any reliable
type, of sufficient capacity for the tests and capable of applying the load
at the rate specified in 5.5. The permissible error shall be not greater
than 2 percent of the maximum load. The testing machine shall be
equipped with two steel bearing platens with hardened faces. One of the
platens (preferably the one that normally will bear on the upper surface
of the specimen) shaD be fitted with a ball seating in the form of a portion
of a sphere, the centre of which coincides with the central point of the
face of the platen. The other compression platen shall be plain rigid
bearing block. The bearing faces of both platens shall be at least as large
as, and preferably larger than the nominal size of the specimen to which
the load is applied. The bearing surface of the platens. when new, shal!
Dot depart from a plane by more than 001 rom at any point, and they
&ban be maintained with a permissible variation limit of 002 mm. The
movable portion of the spherically seated compression platen shall be held
OD the spherical seat, but the design shall be such that the bearing face
CUI be rotated freely and tilted through small angles in any direction.
5.3 Ate at Teat - Tests shall be made at recognized ages of the test
specimens, the most usual being 7 and 28 days. Ages of 13 weeks and one
year are recornmended if tests at greater ages are required. Where it may
be necessary to obtain the early strengths. tests may be made at the ages
of 24 hours i hour and 72 hours 2 hours. The ages shall be cal-
culated from the time of the addition of water to the dry ingredients.
5.4 Number of Speelmena - At least three specimens, preferably from
different batches, shall be made for testing at each selected age.
NOT& - When a full in vestigation is being carried out. It 15 advisable for three
leparate batches to be made for each given variable. An equal number of speci-
mens for each variable should he made.
5.5 Procedure - Specimens stored in water shall be tested immediately
on removal from the water and while they are still in the wet condition.
Surface water and grit shall be wiped off the specimens and any projecting
fins removed. Specimens when received dry shall be kept in water for
24 hours before they are taken for testing. The dimensions of the speci-
mens to the nearest 0-2 mm and their weight shall be noted before testing.
5.5.1 Placing tileSpiflltft itt the Testiflg Machiftt _ .. The bearing surfaces
of the testing machine shall be wiped clean and any loose sand or t ~ r
material removed from the surfaces of the specimen which are to be In
IS: 516 - 1959
contact with the compression platens. In the case of cubes, the specimen
shall be placed In the machine In such a manner that the load shall be ap-
plied to opposite sides of the cubes as cast, that IS. not to the top and
bottom I he aXIS of the specimen shall be carefully ahgned with the
centre of thrust of the spherically seated platen No packing shall be
used between the faces of the test specimen and the steel platen of the
testing machine As the sphencally seated block is brought to bear on
the specimen. the movable portion shall be rotated gently by hand so
that uniform seating may be obtained. The load shall be applied without
shock and Increased continuously at a rate of approximately 140 kg/sq
em/min until the resistance of the specimen to the Increasing load breaks
down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied
to the specimen shall then be recorded and the appearance of the concrete
and any unusual features In the type of {allure shall be noted.
5.6 Calculation - The measured compressive strength of the specimen
shall be calculated by dividing the maxunum load appbed to the specimen
dunng the test by the cross-sectional area. calculated fro'll the mean di-
mensions of the section (see also 4.5.1 of IS 1199-1959) and shall be
expressed to the nearest kg per sq em, Average of three values shall be
taken as the representative of the batch provided the Individual variation
is not more than 1S percent of the average. Otherwise repeat tests
shall be made.
5.6.1 A correction factor according to the beightjdiameter ratio of
specimen after capping shall be obtained from the curve shown 10 Fig. 1.
The product of this correction factor and the measured comprcssrve
strength shall be known as the corrected compressive strength, this bemg
the equivalent strength of a cyhnder having a height/diameter ratio of two.
The equivalent cube strength of the concrete shall be determined by
mulnplymg the corrected cyhnder strength by 5/4
5.6.] Report - The Iollowmg mformanon shall be Included In the report
on each test specimen:
a) iden nfication mark.
b) date of test,
c) age of specimen,
d) cunng condrnons, mcludmg date of manufacture of specimen in
the field,
e) weight ot specimen,
f) dimensions of specimen,
g) cross..sectional area,
h) maximum load,
J) compressive strength, and
k) arpearance of fractured face!s of concrete dud type of fracture,
1 these are UDIIIUal.
-- -Since rC\'lscd
IS: Sib .959
"0 1'6
6.1 This clause specifies tilt' procedure for determining the compressive
strength of concrete using portions of beams broken in flexure as the test
specimens. The results obtained from this test are approximately equal to,
and on the average may be up to 5 percent greater than those obtained
by the test specified in S.
NOT& ... For method of makillJ; and It'lotlnR ".'''Uft' test Spl om.'nll, see 7,
6.1 Apparatue
6.2.1 C"".pressiotl Testitlg MlUlti1Je - The tesnng machine shall comply
in all respects with the requirements of 5.1.1.
6.2.1 Buuitlg Pl4Us - Two metal bearing plates not less than 6S mm
or more than 19 mm thick shall be provided. The plates shall be 10 an
square for the beams 10 em in depth and IS em square for the beams IS an
in depth with the surfaces machined to a permissible variation not
exceeding 002 mm. The distance between the opposite edges shan be
the specified size 002 mm and the angle between the edges shaU be
90 0'5.
IS: 5161959
6.3 Test Specimens - The length of the broken portions of the beams
selected for the compression test shall be at least S ern greater than the
depth of the beam and the broken portions shall be free from cracks,
chipped surfaces or other obvious defects within the length to be tested.
6.4 Procedure - During the interval between testing the specimens as
beams and testing the broken portions as cubes, the specimens shall be
stored in water at a temperature of 24 to 30C and shall be tested im-
mediately on removal from the water and while still in the wet condition.
6.4.1 Placing the Specimen in the Testing Machine - The bearing sur-
faces of the testing machine and the bearing plates shall be wiped clean
and any loose sand or other material shall be removed from the surfaces
of the specimen which are to be in contact with the bearing plates. The
specimen shall be placed between the bearing plates in such a manner
that the upper bearing plate is directly over the lower plate and the bear-
ing plates extend at least 2S mm from each end of the specimen. A device
which ensures the proper location of the upper plate with reference to the
lower plate is shown in Fig. 2. No packing shall be used between the
faces of the specimen and the bearing plates. The <pecirncns shall be
tested with the moulded sides in contact with the plates The load shall
IS : 516 ItI'
be applied without shock and increased continuously at a rate of aPJllOXi-
14n kg/sq em/min until the resistance of the specimen to the in-
creasing load breaks down and no greater load can be sutuned. The
maximum load applied to the specimen shall then be recorded and the
appearance of the concrete and any unusual features in the type of failure
shall be noted.
6.5 Calculation - The equivalent cube strength of the specimen shall
be calculated by dividing the maximum load by tile area of contact of
the bearing plates and shall be expressed to the nearest kg/sq em.
6.6 Report - The following information shall be included in the report
on each specimen:
a) identification mark.
h) date of test,
e) age of specimen,
d) curing conditions,
e) nominal size of specimen.
f) maximum load,
equivalent cube strength, and
h) appearance of the concrete and type of fracture, if these are unusual.
7.1 This clause specifies the procedure for making and curing flexure test
specimens of concrete in the laboratory where accurate control of the
quantities of materials and test conditions is possible. provided the maxi-
mum nominal size of the aggregate does not exceed 38 mm. The method
is specially applicable to the making of preliminary flexure tests to ascertain
the suitability of the available material or to determine suitable mix
1.1 Samplln8 of Material - Preparation of materials. proportions,
weighing, mixing of concrete shall be done in the same \vay as in the cue
of making compression test specimens in the laboratory (5" 1).
7.3 Size of Specimen. - The standard size shall be 15 x IS x 70 em.
Alternatively, if the largest nominal of the aggregate docs not exceed
19 mm, specimens 10 x 10 .x SO em may be used.
7.4 Apparatue
7.4.1 The mould shall be of metal, preferably steel or cast iron and the
metal shall be of sufficient thickness to prevent spreading or ,,arpin,.
The mould shall be constructed with the longer dimension horil0ntal and
in such a manner as to facilitate the removal of the moulded specimens
18: 516 -1959
without damage, The mould shall be co machined that when assembled
ready fOr use the dimensions shall be accurate within the following limits:
a) The height of the mould shall be either 15-0 0-005 em or
10-0 0-005 em, and the corresponding internal width of the
mould shall be IS-0 002 em or 10-0 0-02 cm respectively.
The angle between the interior faces and the top and bottom
planes of the mould shall be 90 0-5. The internal surfaces of
the mould shall. be plane surfaces with a permissible variation of
002 nun in IS-0 em and 01 mm overall.
b) Each mould shall be provided with a metal base plate and two
loose top plates of 4-0X 0-6 em cross-section and SaO em longer than
the width of the mould. The base plate and top plate shall have
plane surfaces with a permissible variation of 005 mm. The base
plate shall support the mould without leakage during the filling,
and shall be rigidly attached to the mould.
c) The parts of the mould when assembled shall be positively and
rigidly held together, and suitable methods of ensuring this, both
during the filling and on subsequent handling of the filled mould,
shall be provided.
d) In assembling the mould for use, the joints between the sections
of the mould shall be thinly coated with mould oil and a similar
coating of mould oil shall be applied between the contact surfaces
of the bottom of the mould and the base plate in order to ensure
that no water escapes during the filling. The interior faces of the
assembled mould shall be thinly coated with mould oil to prevent
adhesion of the concrete.
7.4.2 Tamping Bar - The tamping bar shall be a steel bar weighing
2 kg, 40 em long, and shall have a ramming face 25 nun square.
7.5 Procedure, curing, age at test, number of specimens shall be the same
as in 2 and 5.
8.1 This clause deals with the procedure for determining the flexural
strength of moulded concrete flexure test specimens.
8.2 Apparatul
8.2.1 The testing machine may be of any reliable type of sufficient
capacity for the tests and capable of applying the load at the rate specified
in 8.3. The permissible errors shall be not greater than 05 percent
of the applied load where a high degree of accuracy is required and not
greater than 15 percent of the applied load for commercial type of use.
The bed of the testing machine shall be provided with two steel rollers,
IS: 516 -
38 mm in diameter, on which the specimen is to be supported, and these
rollers shall be so mounted that the distance from centre to centre is 60 em
for 150 em specimens or 40 em for 100 em specimens, Th- load shall be
applied through two similar roller", mounted at the third points of the
supporting span, that is, spaced at 20 or 133 ern ce-nt re to centre. The load
shall be divided equally between the two loading Toller", and all rollers
shall be mounted in such a manner that the load applied axially and
without subjecting the specimen to any torsional resses or restraints.
One suitable arrangement which complies with these requirements is
indicated in Fig. 3.
8.3 Procedure - Test specimens stored in water at a temperature of
to JOC for 48 hours before testing, shall he immedrately on
removal from the water whilst they an: still In a wet conditron. The di-
mensions of each specimen shall be" noted before test mg No preparation
of the surfaces is required.
8.3.1 Plac1'Kg the Specimen in Testmg J\lacltine --- The bearing sur..
faces of the supporting and loading rollers -hall be wiped cit an, and any
loose sand or other material removed from the surfaces of the specimen
where they are to make contact witt. the rollers. The specimen shall then
be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load ,hC\11 be applied to
the uppermost surface as cast in the mould, a}clng two luu spaced 200 or
133 ern apart. The axis of the specimen shall be carefullv aligned with
the axis of the loading device. No packing shall be used between the
bearing surfaces of the specimen and the rollers, The load shall be applied
without shock and increasing continuously at a rate such that the extreme
fibre stress increases at approximately 7 kg/sq cn.rmm. that is, at a
rate of loading of 400 kg/min for the 150 em specimen- and at a rate of
180 for the 100 em specimens, The load shall be increased until
the specimen fails, and the maximum load applied to the -perrrnen during
the test shall be recorded. The appearance of the fractured faces of con-
crete and any unusual features in the type of failure shall be noted.
8.4 Calculation - The flexural strength of the specimen shall be ex-
pressed as the modulus of rupture lb. which, if a equals the distance
between the line ot fracture and the nearer support. measured on the
centre line of the tensile side of the specimen. in em, shall be calculated
to the nearest 0-5 kgjsq em as follows:
p '( I
1,,- b .
when ' is greater than 20-0 erll for 150 em specimen, or greater than
13-3 em for a 100 cm specimen, or
3p A a
t, -=- b / d'l
when 'II' is than 200 em hut greater than 170 em for 150 em speci-
men, or less than 133 em but greater than 110 cm for a 100 em specimen
IS : 516 1959
b = measured width In em of the specimen,
d = measured depth in em \If the specimen at the point of
l = length in em of the span on which the specimen was sup-
ported, and
p = maximum load In kg applied to the specimen
If ' a I IS less than 170 em for a 150 em specimen, or less than t 10 em
for a 100 em specimen, the results of the test shall be discarded
8.5 Report - The following information shall b ~ Included In the report
on each specimen:
a) identification mark,
b) date of test,
c) age of specimen,
d) curing conditions,
e) size of specimen,
f) span length,
g) maximum load,
h) position of fracture ( value a ' ),
J) modulus of rupture ( kg per sq em) I and
k) appearance of concrete and type of fracture If these are unusual
9.1 This clause specifies the procedure for making and curing test speer-
mens, determining the modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression
by means of an extensometer where the maximum nominal l ~ of aggre-
gate does not exceed 38 mm,
9.2 Size of Specimens - The test specimens shall consist of concrete
cylinders 150 cm In diameter and 300 em long. Alternately, other sizes
of cylinders or square prisms may be used provided that the height/dia-
meter or height/width ratio is at least 2
9.3 Sampling, apparatus and procedure shall be as descnbed 10 2.
9.4 Preparation of Test Specimens - The test specimens shall be pre-
pared in accordance with 2 and shall be stored in water at a temperature of
24 to JOC for at least 48 hours before testing At least three specimens
shall be made and tested.
9.5 Age at Test - Normally test shall be made when the specimens
reach the age of 28 days
<OCA'__..._0 ";0lIl ---,
LOli'O"G tI COlll....cCO I
.-t_-----10 oe 40 coo -------1
IS: 516 -
9.6 In order to determine the compressive strength of the concrete. three
test specimens for compressive strength shall be made together with each
set of cylinders or prisms in accordance with 9.2. The test specimens for
compressive strength shall be made from the same sample of concrete as
the cylinders or prisms and shaU he cured and stored under identical
condi tions.
9.7 Apparatus
9.7.1 Testing - The testing machine shall comply in all
respects with the requirements of 5.1.1 and in addition shall he capable
of maintaining the load at any desired value,
9.7.2 Extensometers - Two extensorneters are required each having a
gauge length of not less than 102 em and not more than half the length
of the specimen. They shall be capable of measuring strains to an accu-
racy of 2 X 10-'. Mirror extensometers of the roller or rocker type are
suitable. ..
9.8 Procedure - The three test specimens for compressive strength shall
first be tested in accordance with 5 and the average compressive strength
shall be recorded. Immediately on removing the cylinder or prism
from the water and while it is still in a wet condition, the exte-
nsornetcrs shall be attached at the ends. or on opposite sidv ot
the specimen and parallel to its axis, in such a way that the point.",
are symmetrical about the centre of the specimen and in '10 case art' nearer
to either end of the specimen than a distance equal to half the diameter
or half the width of the specimen. The extcnsometr-rs "hall be fixed with
the recording points at the same end. The specimen shall he immediately
placed in the testing machine and accurately centred. The load shall be
applied continuously and without shock at a rate uf 140 kgjsq cmjmin
until average stress of (C-t-5) kg sq can reached, whet e C is one-
third of the average compressive strength of the cubes calculated to the
nearest 5 kg/sq ern. The load shall he maintained at this stres for at
least one minute and shall then be reduced gradually to an average stress
of 15 kgjsq em when cxtensonu-ter reading-, shall h( taken. The load
snail be applied a second time at tilt' sanu- rat e until an average stress of
(C-+-15) kgfsq em is reached. The load -h.dl be maintained at this figure
while extcnsometcr readings are take-n. "rile load shall again be reduced
gradually and readings again taken at J5 em, The load shall then
be applied a third time and extcnsometvr readings taken at ten approxi-
mately equal increments of stress up to an average stress of (C'+- 15) kgl
sq em. Readings shall be taken at each of loading with a, lit tit,
delay as possible, If the overall strain- observed on the second and third
readings differ by more than S perce-nt, t he shall be repe.rtvd
until the difference in strain between consecutive reading- at +-15) kg!
sq em does not exceed 5 percent.
IS: 516 -1959
9.9 Calculation - The strains at the various loads in the last two cycles
shall be calculated separately for each extensorneter and the results shall
be plotted graphically against the stress. Straight lines shall be drawn
through the points for each extensometer; the slopes of these two lines
shall be determined and from them the average value shall be found. If
the difference between the individual values is less than 15 percent of the
average value. this average value, expressed in kg/sq cm to the nearest
1 000 kg/sq em shall be recorded as the modulus of elasticity of the con-
crete. If the difference is greater than 15 percent, the specimen shall be
re-centred in the testing machine and the test repeated. If the difference
after re-centring and testing is still greater than 1S percent of the average
value, the results of the test shall be discarded.
9.10 Report - The following information shall be included in the report:
a) identification mark:
b) date of test;
c) age of specimen;
d) shape and nominal dimensions of specimen;
e) modulus of elasticity; and
f) remarks. such as number of loading cycles.
10.1 This clause specifies the procedure for determining the modulus of
elasticity of concrete by an electrodynamic method. namely by measuring
the natural frequency of the fundamental mode of longitudinal vibration
of concrete prisms. This is a non-destructive test and therefore the same
specimens may subsequently be used for the flexural strength test specified
in 8.
10.2 Specimens -- The specimens shall in all respects comply with the
requirements of 9.2.
10.3 Apparatus -- The apparatus shall consist of the tollowing.
10.3.1 A variable frequency oscillator with a working range up to
10000 cycles per second, reading to an accuracy of OS percent. A means
of varying the output po\ver shall be incorporated, and the output power
shall be not less than 2 watts.
10.3.2 An electro-magnetic exciter unit of the moving-eoil or variable
air-gap type. If the moving-coil type is used, the former and coil should
have as Iowan inertia as possible, the mass being not more than 02 percent
of the mass of the specimen ( the former should be of light card or paper).
A suitable type of instrument is shown in Fig. 4. If a variable air-gap
exciter unit is used. this shall he of a similar type to the pick-up unit.
OF SPlC.... IN
~ .,slaelive or other method "I .ntaebment :>oould prdcralJly aUow paper 9lander to lie detached alter
test lor furtber 8M.
IS: 516 1959
10.3.3 An electro-magnetic pick-up unit ol the ordinary telephone type,
AIt ematively, a piezo...electric gauge may be used, provided that Its mass
not more than 02 percent of the mass of the specimen.
10.3.4 An audio-Irequency amplifier.
10.3.5 An amplitude indicator consisting of a voltmeter, milliammeter
or cathode-ray oscilloscope.
10.3.6 A fixed clamp or support with a maximum width of ,1,\ th of the
length of the specimen. If a variable air-gap exciter unit jc; used in con-
lunctio:l with a variable air-gap pick-up, the support shall be metallic
arid earthed.
1'.4 Procedure - Immediately on removal from water, except when
the specimen is less than 2+ hours.old. and while still in a wet condition,
the specimen shall be clamped or balanced at Its centre on the fixed sup-
port. Where a moving-coil type of exciter unit ic; used. the moving-coli por-
tion shall be fixed to the middle of one end face of the specimen as mdicated
in Fig. 4. It may be fixed to the specimen by means of resin or other
suitable adhesive. The resin can conveniently be applied with an electric
soldering iron. A disk of tinfoil, of S em diameter, shall be lightly greased
to ensure adhesion and placed on the centre of the other end of the speci-
men, and the pick-up unit shall be placed with the diaphragm as close
possible to the foil but the pick..up unit shall not be allowed to touch
the tinfoil or the specimen. If a variable air-gap exciter used, thrs shall
bfa mounted in a, similar manner to the pick-up, a disk of tinfoil.
The exciter unit shalt be driven by the variable frequency oscillator. and
the oscillations received by the pick-up unit shall be amplified bv the
audio-frequency amplifier and applied to the indicator in such a manner
as to show the amplitude of the oscillations received. The frequency of
shall be varu.. ad until resonance IS obtained in the fundamental
mode of longitudInal vibration. The frequency shall be recorded as the
nat oral frequency of the fundamental mode of longitudinal vibration.
NOTE - . Resonilu, <.f ., Indu..ated by a maximum deflection of the IndIcator. but
maxima m.. v I ... e"htiluned, and experrence II necessery to know which iI the
InaJumum required r:rrcluC'lIol$ Within 10 percent of the expected Yalue.
which nlay be c.tlctllatrd from the 'urmul.l given In 1'.6 should be InVt'lU"
V.Iurs of the modulus uf cla,hclt\' {rum 1 .. x 10' Jc.c/.q em 'or low-
\ concretes ...rl) df(t.-S to 5 x 10' em for hl.h-quahty cant-retl.'S at
GIt'Atf-r ala Ttul r,prnftnth a Irequcnc \ f4'nge (')1115000/' cvcles per If'Lund te.
22500011 cycles per whC'ft
' . " the: ' ength of the In em It u".ftlly
J'f"'ble to obtain allo at the of thr first harnlOlue _Iu(;h
IS t the Irequ..ney and these two cundltlons arc nOrlnllly the
m04lt ",.11 defined
10.5 Mear.meal. - The fullowing measurements shall be made on
the speclmeo:
a) Well'" - The wet lpKimen shall be weighed to an accuracy 01
025 percent.
IS: II' - 1959
b) L."II - The length of the specimen shaD be determined to an
acc\lracyof I mm, the average being taken of at least four sym-
metrically placed measurements.
c) Dep'lJ II,", B,etul'. - The average depth and breadth of the speci-
melt shall be determined to an accuracy of 02 mm, the aVt:race
being taken in each case of at least six measurements S'pac d
equally along the length of the specimen.
10.6 CalculatloD -- The density of the wet concrete shall be calculated
from the formula: .
111 = --
10.6.1 The dynamic modulus of elasticity shall then be calculated to
the nearest I 000 kg/sq em from the formula:
E - 41)83 x 10- .11'",
E = dynamic modulus of elasticity in kg per sq em,
fI = natural frequency of the fundamental mode of loaPtaciinal
vibration of the specimen, in cycles per second,
fI1 = density in q per cu m,
W = weight in kg of the specimen,
l = length in em of the specimen,
b = breadth in em of the specimen, and
tl = depth in em of the specimen.
10.7 Number of Speclmea8 - At least three specimens 9hall be tested
for each age of test.
10.8 Report - The following information shall be included in the report
on each specimen:
a) identification mark,
b) date of test,
c) age of specimen,
d) curing conditions,
e) average dimensions of specimen.
f) weight of wet specimen.
g) natural frequency of the fundamental mode of longitudinal vibration
of specimen, and
h) dynamic modulus of elasticity.
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Tphon: 23230131, 23233375. 23239402 Fax: 91+011 23239399,23239382
E Me" : website : http./Iwww.blsarg.1n
Centr.1 Labor.tory:
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Reg/ona' Otflc.:
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-Eastern: 1/14CIT SchemeVII M, V.I.R Road, Kankurgachi, KOLKATA 700054
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Southern: C.LT. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113
Western: Manakalay., E9, MIDC, BehindMarol Telephone Exchange,
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Sranch Officea:
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53/5 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, ApurbaSinha Path,
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LUCKNOW 226001
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RAJKOT 360002
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Sales Office IS at 5 Chownnghee Approach, RO. Pnncep Street, KOlKATA 700072
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232376 17
260 3843
560 1348
240 31 3Q
221 01 41
229 2175
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22 1451
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23221 04
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22 12 6215
230965 28
Printed at Simco Pnntlng Press, Deihl