Superintendent Eval Goals 14-15 Final

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Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

Superintendents Evaluation 2014-15

Robert A. Dutch
Upper Cape Cod Regional School District

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

Presented to the Upper Cape Cod Regional School Committee
October 9, 2014

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

The new Educator Evaluation Model System from DESE is organized around a five-step cycle
with the rationale of having all educators play a more active, engaged role in their professional
growth and development.

Under the regulations, evaluation is an annual process beginning with self-assessment and
concluding with summative evaluation and rating of the educator's impact on student learning.
It also is a continuous improvement process in which evidence from the summative evaluation
and rating of impact on learning become important sources of information for the
Superintendents self-assessment and the district's subsequent goal setting. This process is
consistent for all educators: superintendents, principals, and teachers.
This document represents the second step of this process for me, the proposed Annual plan of the
Superintendent. This plan contains SMART goals of the following types:
Student learning goals
Professional practice goals
District improvement goals
These goals were drafted based upon self-evaluation using the Superintendent's Evaluation
Rubric, consultation with the Leadership Team and the Superintendents Evaluation
Subcommittee of the Regional School Committee. Each detailed goal also includes key
strategies, benchmarks of progress, and a timeline for each action. Where no timeline is
identified it is assumed to be the end of the evaluation cycle. Together, these elements make up
the Superintendent's Annual Plan that serves as the basis for my performance. Also included in
this plan is a delineation of artifacts that may be used as additional evidence of proficiency in the
four performance standards of Instructional Leadership, Management and Operations, Family
and Community Engagement, and School Culture.

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

Professional Practice Goal
Goal 1: To personally observe every classroom teacher in the district, attend a minimum of 20
athletic, performance and cultural events, and attend at least one PTO (Parent Teacher
Organization) and School Council meeting, by May of 2015.

Key Actions/Timeline
1. By October 15, 2014, schedule a minimum of two school walkthroughs per week (one
hour total each) for the sole purpose of classroom observations and add to shared
2. Commence the observations by October 15, 2014.
3. By October 15, 2014develop a schedule/calendar identifying school events and
organization meetings to be attended.
4. By June 2015 the Superintendent will obtain doctoral degree.

1. Production of a log that demonstrates walkthroughs and observations of daily operations,
instruction, and activities.
2. Provide examples of feedback of observations.
3. Provide narrative of observational viewpoints regularly.

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

Student Learning Goal
Goal 2:

The Superintendent will encourage and support educators in creating appropriate

assessments that value and support all students and provide educators with information to
be reflective practitioners striving toward continuous improvement.
The Superintendent will oversee and encourage use of growth data among professional
staff with regard to making curricular, staffing, and strategic planning decisions.

Key Actions/Timeline
1. Increase successful completion rate of industry certification exams.
2. Implementation of the use of District Determined Measures by teachers for the
purpose of reflection on pedagogy related to outcomes.
3. Implementation of student feedback in the process of reflection.
1. A school-wide protocol for data/accountability interpretation that incorporates guided
questions tailored to monitor student achievement.

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

District Improvement Goal
Goal 3: Support, augment and create exceptional systems of professional development and
collaborative teamwork at Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School.
Key Actions/Timeline
1. Enhance existing professional development days by infusing guest speakers, teacher-led
workshops, face-to-face and on-line learning platforms, hosting DESE workshops and
empowering Upper Cape Tech teachers to drive workshop design, instruction and
2. Supporting, restructuring and enhancing the Upper Cape Tech professional development
experience by empowering teacher leaders to share experiences, materials and best
practices with other teachers.
3. Research, budget and design ongoing professional development courses such as The
Skillful Teacher, The Flipped Classroom, UbD and Universal Design classes for
teachers to choose from.
4. Develop and implement a New Committee Member Orientation Program as well as
provide on-going opportunities for Committee Member professional development.
1. Professional Development course outlines, agendas, enrollments/ sign-in and feedback
2. Course agendas, enrollments and PDPs awarded by courses.
3. Provide orientation on the following:
a. Policy manual
b. Roles and responsibilities of school staff as well as school committee members
and ensure questions are answered and clarification is provided as needed.

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

District Improvement Goal
Goal 4: Revenue Development - Develop non-tax related revenue for the purpose of funding the
UCT 501c3.
Key Actions/Timeline
1. Establish the Upper Cape Tech Tomorrow Fund.
2. Develop plan to publicize Upper Cape Tech Tomorrow Fund.
3. Review, revise and develop policies regarding donations such as criteria for recognition.
1. Promotional brochures.
2. Policy documents.
3. Fund raising activities such as Hall of Fame establishment and dinner.

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015

District Improvement Goal
Goal 5 - Communication and Culture
Throughout the school year the Superintendent will provide leadership for the District to enhance
communication with the general public and internal community members to increase awareness,
understanding, and trust about positive activities, programs, accomplishments, initiatives,
finances and district improvements.
Key Actions/Timeline

1. Work with Police, Fire, Recreation, DPW, Public Health and community coalitions to
revise school safety, emergency and wellness planning.
2. Actively participate in a variety of community leadership initiatives in member towns
(Town Meetings, Rotary, BFDC, Canal Region Chamber, Old Colony Superintendents
Roundtables, Cape Cod Collaborative, community fundraisers)
3. Continuation of regularly held staff input opportunities in the form of departmental as
well as individual meetings with the Superintendent.
4. Increase communication (both digital and traditional) to ensure that the community is
more familiar with the goals, challenges and opportunities within UCT.
5. Provide transparent and regular opportunities for two-way communications between town
administrators and finance committees and presentations which allow for appropriate
6. Develop and implement an Employee Recognition Program.
1. Meeting agendas.
2. Sample of presentations.
3. Website, promotional brochures.

Superintendent Goals 2014- 2015


2014-2015 Evaluation Cycle

Step I: Self-Assessment

September 2013

Step II: Goal and Plan Approval

October 2014 School Comm.


Step III: Implementation of the Plan

October 2014 May 2015

Step IV: Mid Cycle Review

Progress Report to
Committee December 2014
Review and feedback by
School Comm. In Jan. 2015

Step V: Summative Evaluation

Portfolio of Evidence
complete by April 2015
Summative Evaluation
completed at May School
Comm. Meeting

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