Kamla Nehru Institute of Child Education: School Development and Implementation Plan Documentation

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Kamla Nehru Institute of Child Education

Karaundia,(Vivek Nagar) Sultanpur,Uttar Pradesh-228001

School Prospective Plans
1 Introduction

Our School development Plan is a working document aimed at improving and developing the school in a range of
areas. The plan sets objectives for improving teaching and learning and considers standards of achievement and pupil
well-being. The School Development Plan enables us to achieve our School Aims and Vision. The Principal and the
Senior Leadership Team regularly report progress of the plan to our Management Committee meetings held at
regular interval of time.

However, to provide a bit more assistance for schools to accompany the Toolkit, Knice,Karaundia has drawn
together examples of real School Development and Improvement Plans from an Infant and a secondary school,
representing opposite ends of the organisational spectrum. These represent good practice and are useful
examples for schools to consider. However, they could still be improved further.

2 School Development Plan

By comparison with the guidance in the Summary, the following points are noted:

 Development Plan – No reference to a specific plan for this area and coverage in the SDP is
light. However, in this case it could be a reflection of this being from a small school.
 Where are we now? – The follow up to the Ofsted report is a separate section at the back of
the plan rather than integrated with the individual targets within the rest of the curriculum
plans etc.
 Achievements - Not covered in as much detail as might be expected but the detail are
mentioned in the curriculum report.
 Reasons for change - Not that clear nor as specific as we would recommend at a secondary
school. It includes the aim "To improve individual pupils attainment and progress by
monitoring personal development", but says nothing more specific in terms of actual results.
 Future plans – Relatively simple, which might be appropriate for a small school, but would
need to be more detailed for a larger one.
1) A lot more to work on infrastructure, refurbishment of toilets for sanitization and health
purpose, Office Staionary, Staff room, Sports Room etc are proposed in future plans.
2) Qualified Personal Relation Officer to be appointed.
3) Audio Visual /Smart Boards are targeted for each class for a smooth Teaching and learning
 Financial implications –

3 School Improvement Plan

The school improvement plan is very clear and logical and compares well with the
guidance in the Summary except that there is no reference to the impact that the action
plans will have on the budget approved by the school Management.

4 Agreed School Priorities

4.1 (Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment process). For all teaching to be at least ‘Good’
with an increase in ‘Outstanding’ teaching throughout the year.

4.2 (Positive Outcomes for students at the school). To raise the proportion of children meeting and
exceeding age related expectations across the school through continuing to develop the role of
middle leaders in raising whole school standards.

4.3 (Quality of Leadership and Management).To enable children to feel safe to take risks and
challenge themselves in order to reach their true potential.

4.4 (Quality of Leadership and Management) To develop the school’s distinctive vision so that it can
be established and promoted by leadership at all levels to enable its students and adults to flourish.

5. The areas for school development have been selected for the following reasons:

5.1 A large number of observed lessons continue to be good with some outstanding features and
some outstanding lessons. This is clearly an improving picture. However, in line with
recommendations from Ofsted the school wants to continue to work towards a higher proportion of
outstanding lessons across the school ensuring that our pupils receive the best possible provision
and reach their potential. This target continues to be a focus for the school to ensure that an
increased amount of pupils exceed expected progress, more able pupils continue to be challenged
and disadvantaged children across the school make at least expected progress.

5.2 To maintain the continued rise in standards of writing through ensuring marking and feedback
impact positively on children’s progress

5.3 To further develop children’s learning attitudes through teaching children about Growth Mindset
so they feel safe to take risks and challenge themselves in order to reach their true potential and to
continue to embed the Positive Behaviour Policy.

5.4 To continue to develop the role of subject co-ordinators so staff members clearly understand their
roles and responsibilities as co-ordinators and can identify next steps when continuing to deliver the
new curriculum align to the new National Education Policy 2019.

5.5 The School has applied for its upgradation from secondary to senior secondary level. The school
will need to prepare for this Inspection which is anticipated will take place in future.

6. Key Focus

6.1 For all teaching to be at least ‘Good’ with an increase in outstanding teaching throughout the year.

6.2 To ensure marking and feedback impacts positively on children’s progress.

6.3 To develop children’s learning attitudes through teaching children about Growth Mindset and
continue to embed the Positive Behaviour Policy.

6.4 To develop the role of subject co-ordinators and middle leadership.

6.5 Ensure financial sustainability of school.

6.6 Improve safety of the building to ensure maximum safeguarding of pupils.

6.7 Refurbishment of junior toilets and ongoing work as referred to in future plans in starting.

6.8 Continue to increase the amount of outstanding learning opportunities via triangulated monitoring
of teaching quality, ensuring a higher proportion of pupils make expected or better progress.

6.9 Implementing, the recommendations from subject action plans.

6.10 Monitoring achievement and progress in the on going Years.

6.11 Review Sports’ provision.

7. Other areas we are addressing this year:

7.1 To continue to offer a broad and balanced curriculum, based on the school ethos of excellence
and enjoyment

7.2 Maximise and develop the use of ICT to enhance learning opportunities for all across the

7.3 Develop pupils’ ability to assess and manage risk appropriately and keep themselves safe – By
organizing fire safety drills in coordination with fire department.

7.4 Continue to identify and immediately tackle incidents of bullying and harassment- whole staff
training, continue to develop buddying system/ committee for Reception pupils, review language used
around behaviour, teaching appropriate play to targeted children.

7.5 Continue to embed send reforms – staff updation, Principal updation, Continous monitoring to be
focus on teacher accountability.

7.6 Maximise the use of all buildings & grounds to provide safe and exciting learning experiences-
continually review and improve the learning environment in line with available funds and agreed

7.7 Embed assessment criteria in all subjects – staff familiarised with criteria assessment, moderate
initial assessments in house, moderate across town and county.

7.8Continue to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities we offer pupils, staff training and
after-school clubs. To raise profile of PE in the school with children, staff and parents.

8. To continue the daily mile.

8.1 Raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils to enable them to fulfill their potential, Updation in
curriculum, continue to monitor closely the teaching process and its outcomes.

8.2 Maintain the improvements to the website and continue to promote the school to ensure all year
groups are full.

8.3 Further development and use of school library- No. of books, Periodicals, Dailies, magazines etc
to be increased and also looking forward for digitalization of the library in near future.

8.4 Sustain increased responsibilities for children through executive committee for school council and
house captains.

8.5 Review processes of transition for Year 6 to Secondary School

8.6 Ongoing training for all staff to maintain phonics screening result to at least 90%

8.7 Increase opportunities to enrich enjoyment of music through Choir ,dance Competitions and
further funding for weekly music lessons and performances of the students on stage.

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