Human Factors Essay
Human Factors Essay
Human Factors Essay
- the physical and mental human capabilities such as vision, hearing, information
processing, attention and perception, memory, judgement and decision making.
- human becomes fatigued, affected by cold, can break bones in work place accidents
- human can make errors, have limited perceptual powers, can exhibit poor
judgement due to lack of skills and knowledge
- human performance is also affected by social and emotional factors, therefore
failure by aircraft maintenance engineers can also affect the safety of aircraft
Physical problems
Health problems
- Long periods of night work can be bad to the health of shift workers.
Psychological problems
9.7 Communication
Discuss the recommended handover procedure at the end of the shift. Which procedure would you
use as priority and why ?
Shift handover
- between shift supervisors to ensure accurate, reliable information across the shift is handover
Walk throughs
- supervisors and certifying staff to meet and exchange detailed information related to individual
jobs and tasks.
- A more effective way to communicate this information is for the incoming shift and out going
personnel to go on the task issues while examining the actual job on the hangar floor or at the work
Task handover
- Handing over a task directly to another person.
- It is done face to face using verbal and written communication task card or non routine cards are
accurately completed
- Identifying at what stage in the task the job has reached
Any deviations from normal working procedures MUST be clearly highlighted.
It is CAA's requirement that any deviation is recorded by outgoing person and during verbal
communication and walk through the deviation as reinforced.
Handing over a task for somebody to complete at a later stage.
Total reliance has to be placed on written communication, a single medium, with no means to
question and test a trueunderstanding by the person who is expected to finish the job.
E.g. Schedule task and Unschedule task
Contact telephone no.